-W anted, An Apprentice Watch Making and Repair ing Bu finds, Apply TO C. Campbell. No. 3, south Fourth street, two doors from Market-street. _ Se Pt- 3 Fine Liverpool Salt, To Be Sold From the Ship Thomas, The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap ply at said wharf, to . Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co. • Aug. 26. d. GUTHRIE's GEOGRAPHY Improved. THE subscription (or this work on the original ternrs, of twelve dollars and the binding, wijl be doled this day—and on M >nday the fublcription will open at four teen dollars, exclulive of the price of bind «S- The new maps added to this edition are twenty one ; a mom vhicft are those ot Nc«-H mipftiire, Mairichufetts, Coiinedti cur, Rfwde-Klandj Vermont, New York, Ne.v jei'feyj Pennlylvania, Delawaie, Ma ryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Caro lina, the Geneffee Government; South Ca rolina, and Georgia. Thel'e ma;ps have ne ver been given in any former system of Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone be Aiificient to entitle this work to a pre fer-,ice to any other edition of Guthrie. N B. The map of the United States, which is compiling by Mr. Sim'uel Lewis, from the refpeftive state maps, will be far more complete than any one yet publilhed, and be printed on two large sheets of paper, nearly the (ize of thslate Mr. Mur ray's map. May ji Scheme of a Lottery, To raifc 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, deduding 15 per Cent, from the Prizes—this Lottery confifls of 38,000 Tickets, in which there are H'539 Prizes and 2 3,461 Blanks, being about one and an half Blanks to a Prize. THE Directors of the Society forefUbiifh lng Ufcful Manufactures, having resolv ed to erect LOTTERIES for railing One Hundred Thousand Doi/i. a r s, agreeably to an Aft of the Legislature of the State of Ncw-Jerley, have appointed the following persons to superintend and direst the draw ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufua King, Herman Le Roy, James Witfori, Richard Harfifoh, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray> of the city of New-York Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'- Connel anJ Andrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How ell, Elq. Elias Boudinot, General Elias Day ton, Jam s Paiker, Jofin Bayard, Doctor Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua M. Wallace, Joseph Bioomfield, and'Elifha Boudinot, of New-Jersey, who offer the following Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge themfelvcs to the public, that they will take >rery alfurarice and precaution in their power to have the Monies paid by the Managers from time to time, as received, into the Banks Jt New-York and Philadelphia, to remain for the purpose of paying Prizts which (hall be immediately discharged by a check npon one of the Banks. S C H E M E: i 1 z 5 10 20 ICO 300 1000 2000 Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000 10,000 5,000 2,000 I,COQ 500 100 «© >5 it 10 3000 8100 1 4>539 Prizes. 462,000 23,461 Blanks. Firfl drawn number, 2,000 i.alldrawn number, 2,000 38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 The drawing will commence, under the infpe&ion of a Committee of the Superin tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Camming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har. <*enbcigj of New-Brunfwck, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have'given ample security for diTcharging the trufl reposed in them. In order to secure the pun&ual pay ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants of the Lottery have dire&ed that the Managers shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with fuur fofficient fecuritirs, to perform their iuftruftions, the fubllance of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers (hall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol. lars, he (hall immdiately place the fame in tine of the Banks of New-York or Philadel phia, to the cieditof the Governor of the Society, and such of the Superintendants as ljve in the city where (he monies are placed, to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn, forthepaymnt of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficicnt se curity for any Tickets they may trull, other wise to be refponnb-le for them* 111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid into the Bank, abfttafts of which (hall be sent, monthly, to the Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January t, 1794. On application to either of the above gen. tlemen, information will ,be given where tickets may be had. February 24. tu&ftf 'The Lottery published by the "Society for establishing ufeful manufac tures," will commence drawing the firft Tuesday in November next — Treasury Department, > Revenue Office, Aug.' 26, Notice is hereby given, that ~ '-v ri » r n PROPOSALS Will be received at. the Office of. the C»m miiiioncr of the Revenue until ihe expi ration of the ftrft day of October iuki, for 'he lupply of ail Rations, which may be required for rhe use ot the United States,from thefirftdayof January to the thirty-ftrlt day ot December 1795, including both days, it the places, arid within the diltri&s hereinaf ter mentioned, viz. iawtf 1. At any place or places between York' >nd Carlisle, in the State of Pennsylvania, and and at Pittsburgh, York, and Cartifle. 2. At any place or places from Pittsburgh •to the month of Big Beaver Creek, and at the mouth ot big Beaver Creek. 3. At any place or places from the said mouth to the upper falls of the said Big Beaver, and at the upper falls. 4. At any place or places from the said up per falls to Mahoning, and at Mahoning. 5. At any place or places from the said Mahoning, over to the Head Navigation of the river Cayahoga, aud at the said Head Navigation. 6. At any place or places from the said Head Navigation to the mouth of the said river Cayahoga, and at the said mouth. 7. At any place or places between the mouth of the Big Beaver Creek, to (he mouth of the river Mulkingum, and up the said river ;to the Tufcarowas, and at the Tufearowas, and thence over to the Cayahoga river, aud thence down the said river to its mouth. 8. At any place or places between the mouth of the river Mulkingum and the mouth of the Scioto river, aud at the mouth of the said rtvei Scioto. 9. At any place or places between the mouth ot Scioto river and the mouth of the Great Miami, at the mouth of the Great Mi ami, and from thence to the Rapids on the falls of the Ohioj and at the said rapids, 10. At any place or places between the mouth of the Great Miami, upon the said Miami, to and at Pique Town. 11. At any place or placesfiom Fort W4 u fky Lake. 17- At any plaeeor places from the said Sandufky Lake, to the mouth of the river Cayahoga. 18. At arty place or places from the mouth of the said river Cayahoga to Prefque Ifl c and at Prefque Isle. ' in' 9 ' or places from the Prefque Isle to the Itream running into Lake Erie from towards the Jadaghque Lake, & thence over to and at the said Jadaghque Lake, and thence down the Alleghany river to Fort franklin. 20. At any place or places from Prefque le to Le Boeuf, and At Le B«uf. si. At any place or places from Le Bcruf to Fort Franklin, and at Fort Franklin, and from thence to Pittsburgh. f 2 .t" A ' an ? pla " Or P lac "f'om the. rapids of the Ohio to the mouth of the Ouabache river, & from the mo ul h of the said Ouabache river to the mouth of the river Ohio. 23. At any Place or places on the East fide of the r.ver M.ffifippi, f rom the momh gf the Ohio river, to the mouth of the Illinois river. x 24. At any place or places from the mouth o, the said Ouabache river up to Fort Knox, and at Fort Knox. 10,000 10,000 10,000 2 5' At any place or places from Fort Knox np the fa.d.Ouabache to Ouittanon, and at Uuntanon. 10,000 I°,OOO 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 36,000 81,000 26. At any place or places from Ouittanon, up the said Ouabache to the head navigation l br f " n , ch 'hereof, called Little River, and at the said head navigation of Little River. 27- At anyplace or places from the said head navigaiion ot Little River over to the Miami Village. 28. At any place or places from the mouth ° tht river 1 eneffee to Occochappoor Bear Lreek, on the said river, including the fame. 29. At any place or places from ihe mouth ot the nvei Cumberland to Nashville, on the laid river, and at NaOiville. 30. And At any place or places within thirty miles of said Nashville to the South, ward, Wefhvard or Northward thereof. Should any rations be required at any pla. C k%° r wlth ' n other diftrifts, not fpecified in theie proposals, the price of the fame is to be hereafter agreed on between the United States and the contractor. The rations to be supplied «re to confid of tne following articles, vie. One pound of bread or flour, One pound of beef, or £ of a pound of poi k, One quart ot fait. } Two quarts of vinegar, ( Two pounds of soap, r P er 100 rations. One pound of candles, ) The rations are to be furnilhed in such quantities, as that there lhall at all times during the said term, be fufficient for the consumption of the troops at each of the said polls, for the term of at lead: three months in advance, in good and wholesome provisions, if the fame (hall be v reqnired. It is to be understood in each cafe, that all JolTes sustained by the depredations of the enemy, or by means of the troops of tile United States, (hall be paid for at the prices of the articles captured or destroyed, on the depositions of two or more persons of creditable characters, and the cert.ficate of a commilfioned officer, the cn cum (lances of the lols, and the amount of the articles for which compensation lhall be claimed. The contrast for the above Applies will be made either %r one year, or for two j^r rS r j as may a PP ear eligible. Persons disposed to contrast will therefore confine PHI. iADELPHIA i Frinteb ~ JOHN FENNO, No. „ 9> C ».„„ s,«„._p„ c , s „ D ' - , raics i)ix ,Doi,l.4Rs Per Annvm tioir of n to one-ye*r, mSy fotm their propogtions so as to admit aorelc&io* of tlw teriu'oi two years. The offers may comprise all the places which.have been fpecified, or a part of .them only. ft is also Deftred,, . that proposals may be offered for supplying at tlie two posts of Fort Washington and Pittsburgh all the rations neceflary for the main Army, its detachments and theGar rifons above mentioned during the said year 1795- The provisions &c. which will be received at Pittsburgh will be those which shall be necelTary for the troops at that place and at ihe posts north, north-weft and, in the vicinity, on the weft thereof. The provisions which will be received at Fort Walhington will be those which (hall be required for the remainder of the posts, for the principal detachments andior the main Array. The expense and trouble of fafe keeping unpacking and iffning the provisions 'deliverable under this second fotlh of the proportions, will be saved to the Conraftors. The exact proportion of the whole supplies, which will be .required at each of the two Posts of Fan Walhing ton and Pittsburgh will be deter mined at the time of executing the contract. Aug. a 1 Money to be Lent, On Mortgage of REAL ESTATES, Within the City and Liberties of PhiladeL phia. Apply to Nicholas Diehl, jurt. Attorney at Law. No. 19, Jouih Fourth Jlrect. Aug. 4 mw&ftf FOR SALE, the following Tra&s of. Land, ia Virginia. ONE tract in Frederick county, contain ing 8756 acres, being part of that whereon coi. Thomas Bryan Martin now relides, known by the name of Greenway court, a bout 12 miles from Winchelter and j from Newtown. For the convenience of pur chasers, it will be divided into parcels of various dimenfionsfiom 230 to 6jo acres, which may be viewed by application to col R. K. Meade, living near the premises— The greater part is very fertile and well timbered. Another tract in the fame county on Pafl'age creek, containing 230 acres, and adjoining Jacob Levingoods. Another tract in Hampfliire county,con taining by patent, 699 acres, called Slim Bottom, (ituate on both fides of the South Branch and within two miles of the mouth of it, and is supposed to have a good mill feat. Another tract in Hampshire county on New Creek and Kettle-Lick , containing JOi acres. Another tra£l in Prince William county, called Leefylvania, containing upwards of 2000 acres, lyingupon Potomack river, a b»ut 23 miles below Alexandria, and 28 below the City of Walhington, compre hending Freeltone Point, which appears to be a quarry of free-iione, covering about 50 acres and adjoins the river, where ves sels of 100 tons conveniently harbour. On another part of this trafl it isfuppofed there is aqnarry of slate, convenient to water carriage. Upwards of two thirds are in woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living on the premises, will Ifew.this tract. Another tract, in Fairfax county, called Springfield, containing 2040 1-2 acres, a bout 13 miles from Alexandria and iofr,om Walhington > abounds with fine springs and itteadow ground, and may be seen by apply, ing to Mr. John living on part of Another trafl: in Fairfax county, con taining 392 acres, 011 Turkey-cock Run, a bout 6 miles from Alexandria. Another tract in Fairfax county, contain ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wal ton's feat, about four miles from Alexan dria. i An<*her tract, in Fairfax county, con taining 513 acres, near Oecoquan, joining Mr. Edward Walhingion's. Another tract, in Fairfax county, con taining 80 acres or thereabout, within a mile of Pohick and within five miles of Mount lies level, and is well timbered. An undivided moiety in another tract, containing about 284 acres, in Fairfax county, about 5 miles from Washington, & 9 from Alexandria, where J. Robinson for merly lived. Another parcel of land, within a mile of Alexandria, containing about 24 acres, and to be fold in acre or half-acre lots. Also, sundry unimproved lots of variou sizes, in different parts of the town of Al exandria. fodefcribe the premises more particu larly is deemed unneceflary, as it is expec ted every person will examine and view whatever part he shall be inclined to buy. My only object being to raise a certain sum of money, by felling so many or fiich parts of the aforefaid tracts of land and lots as (hall be necellary for that purpose, one half of the purcliafe money mult be paid at the time of contrast, and the other within a year from the firft day of August next, and at the time of delivering pofleffion or exe cuting a legal conveyance The lands re maimng unfold, except the tract in Prince William, after raising a limited sum, will be divided into tenements, and leafed for a term of years. From the t2thday ofOc tobernext, till the ,jth of Decembr, I shall be in the city of Richmond, and afte. that time X shall remain at home, in Alex- at which places, or elsewhere, I shall be prepared to detail particulars, and to enter into contracts. Alexandria, July 28 CHARLES LEE. I Ang. 8 NOTICE. The Gazette of the United States is now published at No. 119 Chf.snut street —to which place th; OFFICE of the Editor is removed, and •where Printing Wsrk in general is performed. Just Landed, From on board the Jhip Wajhington, Capt. John Collins from Beurdeaux, A CARGO OF White Wines in Hlids. and Cases—For Sale by FRANCIS COPPINGER, No. 26, Spruce, near Kront Street. August 15, 1794. d, One hundred dollars WHEREAS there were deliveredinthe Month of O&ober last, from the Stores of the Subscribers, Two Chests Shd nine Half Chests of Bohea Tea, nlarted, numbered and weighing, :is under, to fume person or i erfons with pretended orders from Mr 'SAAC CLASON of this City, butwhich lie did not receive; whoever will give in formation so that adifcovery may be made, who got the said Tea, shall receive the above reward ; and it isrequefted that the Dealers in the Article will be careful in examining the Marks and Numbers of the Chests that have pafled through their hands since the period above-mentioned, and give thedefire4 information. tawtiO JJew-York, July 31ft, 1794. William and James Conjlable, Ship Washington. C. q. lb. Tare B (No. 327 3 a 16 60 C 4?3 3 J J4 64 W r 177 1312 39 B. 177 1 2 23 39 198 137 41 "3 I 3 iS" 37 S 227 13 7 40 i 287 139 ,8 301 I 315 40 379 1.3 r 8 41 I 404 1-3 14 39 J Aug. 6 One thouland Dollars-, REWARD. Some tew Counterfeit Post-Notes .of the Rank, of Maryland, having been ]arely disco vered in circulation, and on tracing the fame were found to come from the back parts of Virginia, where theyprobably firi\ issued ;to avoid imposition .it is though t necessary to give the following description of them, by which they may readily be dete&ed. They have the letter D, for their alphabeti cal mark, at the left hand fide of the Note. The paper on which tbey are printed is more foltand tender, the strokes of the letters, in the engraving are in general stronger, and have a darker appearance iban in the bills.' The signature William Patierfon, is badly done, the strokes of the letters, are ftiffand labored* and appear to be painted over with jhe pen, as well as the flotiri(hiMgof the name. The value is left blank in the engraving, to be filled up in writing, so the sum may be more or lets at pleasure. No true Post-Notes of the alphabetical mark, above deferibed, have been lately is sued, and very few are ihuv in circulation. The above reward of One Thousand dol lars will be paid to any peifon, or persons, who fnall discover, or to conviction, the leveral offenders, or any of them, of the following description, vi z . The person or persons, who engraved the late. 0 The printer, or printers of the said bills. Every prrfon who has aflcd as piincipalin any way in the counterfeiting and uttering he said bills. 6 WILLIAM PATTERSON. President. of the Bank ol Maiyland. B:n the mveftigation of the Trealury Accounts, refpefting fpeci«l In dents, without knowing the outstanding a mount thereof vn circulation Therefore, efolticd. That all holders of special In- n C j ? ed * a " a rf< s'" rF d, on or before the firft day ol November n xt, to deliver thc Tpecial Indents in their poffeflion to one or other of the Commissioners «f the Treasury, who are to give receipts for 1 he fame, and to report to the Commissioners on public ac counts, on or before the tenth rlay of Nov ember next, the amount bv them refpcSive y received, and also ,0 thc Legislature, ,t heir meeting , n November nex't. and that all special Indents not rendered into the Trealury as above, on or before the firft day are he!T "'J"' ftla " bf ' and the fame are heieby baried. hn public notice of '!»» rcfolu- W, eglVen 'he ftveral Ghetto in this a ' Vi" Cv ery three weeks, until,he firft " CXI - Ard ' hat Dele, fed Si J I C th< " Con « r <- fs °f the Uni o„ k' S fed,OC,nfc lhis "folu. "hi ' i»o„eor more papers ind ih C r r c 'Fhia a„d New-York, and th at pr flo . n wiu b( , n aHe c){ _ pences attending f L .ch publication. the Se'n'r lhe re f t,lu, '° 11 be sent to the Senate for their concurrence. By order of the House, JOHN SANFOR D DART, C.H.R. In the SENATE, Pr 1 J DECEMBER 21ft,1793. u VC f at Hotife do concur with «■ o u cos Rcpiefcntatlves in the forego •ngrefolutions. & T hl " ,b " "folutions'be sent to the House of Representatives. . by order of the Senate, tawiOw fwt N< In Barrels ; and CLARET Reward. Whole Chells Half Chests. FELIX WARLEY Clerk. FOR SALE, At the STORES »f Jefle & Robert Wain sdufhonl and''congo cbefts ' 9 ua fer of Li ">°" and Cadiz SALT Soft (helled ALMONDS i„ bales Velvet CORKS, iu do . Russia MATTS. June 9 j Choice St. Croix Sugar JUST IMPORTED, ' And fur Sale, By JAIVIES YARD. J^e°2 a 4r r ' tity 0f RUSSIA Ma »'- d* The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Biii, of the Bank of'the United States, and Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of America, several of which ha-ve appeared m circulation •within a few days pZfi. th .„ *re good general imitation Bills, but maybe diflmgui/hed by (he soU MARKS. Five Dollar Bills of tlx Bank of the United States. ALL that have appeared have the letter F. for their Alphabetical Mark. The Tex. ure of the Paper is thicker aod winter and it takes the ink more freely than the genuine paper. The O. in the word Company is fmalier than the M. and other letters of" that word so that a line extended from ibe top of ihe O, to toucb the top of the M. would extend confidsrably above the range of the whole word. 11l the word United the letters are nar« rower and closer together than th« reft o the bill. The i and/in the word promise are not parallel, the /inclining much more forward than the i. The engraving is badly executed, the strokes of all the Letters are stronger and the device in themargin particularly ismuch coarser and appears darker thani'n thevue btlls. Some at the counterfeits beardaie i* i ~ *9'~^", ere,s 'h® Bank was not in opera tion till December, ami no five do]ia; bills were iflued in jhat year. Twty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North ■America. . „. ALL that havrf'appeared hav« tile letter B. for their alphabetical rtarlc. dim They are printed on a paper nearly ficni lar to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar Notes above described; the engraving is better executed, and they approach nearer to the appearance of the genuine bills. J he fine ruled lines through the word Twenty »n the body of the bill, are in num ber thirteen in the genuine bills, and but twelve in the counterfeits. The word Company is much like the fame word in the Five Dollar Rilft as described above, the o being less than the m, and o thers following. There is no stroke to the / inthe word orth whereas in ihe genuine bills the stroke is well defined. , The letters ent in the word Twenty, to the left hand at the bottom, do nor come down to the line, but are so cut as to give an irregular appearance to the word, the Tw and goin£ below them. Ihe signature ], Nixon, has the appear ance of being written with lamb-black and oil, and differs from other inks nfed in printing th bills and the cashier's iigna- It is supposed these forgeries were commit ted in fomc of the Southern Stales, as all the counterfeits thai have appeared, have come from thence, and two persons have been ap prehended in Virginia,on suspicion of being the author of" them. The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL ARS will bepa'd to any Person or Pcrfom who ihali difcoier and prosecute to convic tion the (everal offenders of the following defrriptions or any of them, viz. The person or persons, who manufacture ed the paper on which the Bills are printed. The person or persons, who engraved the plates. The printer or printers, of the bills, kvcry person whohasa&ed as a principal «n any other way, in the counterfeiting and uttering the said hills. Philadelphia, March 28, 1794 Jlpril 22, 1794, Other counterfeit bills oftheßankofthe United States have ap peared in circulation. The denomination is of TWENTY I DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mailt is the letter B. Tliev may be diftingnifbed from the ge nuine by the following MARKS : Ibe paper of the counterfeits is of a more tender texture and glofley furface than the genuine, and there is no water mark in them. Die letter C. in the word Cafliier, in he true bills is strongly marked, whereas is the counterfeits, the whole letter is a fine hair stroke, evidently in an unfiniflied irate. The letter a in the word demand, is badly formed and the whole word iti done and there is no comma at riicend cl if, as there is in the genuine bills. The marginal device, is much darker in the falfe, than in the genuine bills o\t - i»g tothe Jhade ftrokes,being coarser, much nearer together, and confeqnepfJv innrh inpre numerous. This difference ft r ikes tic eye at fir ft view. The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, wil] be paid for apprehending, & prosecuting to convi&ion the feverai # above def'cribed Offenders in iefpeft to this, as to the Jaftdefcribed bills. THOMAS WILLING, Prcfidc. t of the Bank United Slates. JOHN NIXON, President of the Bank of North America. By order of the Committees of the Re(- pe&ive Boards.