D [No. 70 of Vol. Vl.] THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, Ani to he fold by the following: Bp ok feller • viz. John Ormrod, No. 4.1, Chefnut Greet, Tho»uas Dohfow, No. 41, south Second (tree-, j'>fe ph. Ci ukfliank, No. 87, jftreet, and Wm. A"ouu£, No. 52. lputh Se co d Discourse Delivered* July 17, 17914. 1 it- The African Church, Of theCiTX of Phijl a del ?ai a. On the otc»fion of opening the laid church and holding public wor&ip in it the fijft time, Bj Samuel Magata, D. D. Rector of St.Paul's. ])iviqe Service, "introduced With feleft Scripture pafiages,' ami a fpccial prayer, and then proceeding in its ul'ual offices, paving been pec formed By James Abcrcrombic, A. M. Second Aififtant Minister of Christ Church and Sr. Peters. - " Ethiopia, Jboll soon Jlretchout her hands unto God." Aug.t6 Lachawannock. A I»AR '.This Day from pn board the brig Ann and Mary, Capt. Carrie, from. Antigua, NINETY HOGSHEADS OF Prime Antigua Rum, ONE third of which is fourth proof, the other third, also a few hogsheads remain ing on hand of the Brig Sally's CARGO, Captain Weft from fame place, which has [been so much approved of for the liueuefs of its flavour. Jamaica Spirits, MOLASSFS, Genuine Madeira Wine, By the pipe, quarter calk or gallon. 4L so FRESH By the Norfolk,' Captain Arr, FOR SALE BY Levinus Clarkfon, -Aug. 27 LANDING From on board the Birmingham Packet, LocMyer, and the Henry and Charles, from Hamburgh, H E M P, Peterjburgb's firjl quality BAR IRON, Swedes, ajjorted TIN, in plates, do. do. GENEVA in hhds. BAGGING, German ajjorted GLASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Bottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Glafi, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, &c. &c. FOR SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 d From her Majier oh the zotb injl. A Bound Girl, -Named Susannah Bowman, about 17 years of age, 'stout made, black, hair, arid dark complexion. She has about ohe year to fervc Whoever takes her up and brings her home I to her Matter, in High street, (hall have one Dollar reward, but no charges. Tuesday, September 2, 1794- Amfterdam^ LANDING* 20 TIERCES RICE, No. si 6, south corner of Pine and Water Jlrects. WENT AWAY JOHN KNORR. AND City of" Waf^in^ton. SCHEME OF THE LOTTERY.; No. 11. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. 1 A magnificent ) 20,000 Dollars, and dwelling house, $ calh 30,000 ate i ditto 15,000 & cash 25,000 1 ditto 15,000 & cash 15.000 ,i ditto- Sc cash 10,000 i ditto 5,000 & cash 5,000 1 ditto 3,000 & cath 5,000 1 Cafli prize of 2 ditto 5,600 each, arc 10 ditto 1,000 20 ditto 500 Igo ditto 100 50 2 5 20 10 2qo clitto 400 ditto i,goo dirjo 25,000 ditto 16,739 Prizes 33,261 Blanks JO,OOO Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery will afford an elegaptjpeci men of the private buildings to in the City ot Washington—two beautiful dc figns are already fele &ed syr the entire fronts on two of the public Iqeures ; from these drawings, it is propoicd to crest two centre and tour corner building®, as soon as poOible alter 'his Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner dcfcribed in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett de*du6lion of five per cent, will be made to defray rhe neces sary expcnces G f priming, &c. and the sur plus will be made a part of the fund intended lor the National University, to be defied within the City of Washington. (}3 The drawing will commence as soon as the Tickets are fold, or at all events on Monday, the 30th of December next: The money prizes will be payable in thirty days after it is finiflied, and any prizes for which fortunate numbers not produced within twelve months after the drawing isclofed are to be confidcred as given towards the fund for the University, it being determined to fettle the whole business in a year from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds giveii as fecujity. The real securities given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Dire&ors of the Bank of Columbia, and arc valued at more than half the amount of the Lottery. The drawing will be under the management of 24 gentlemen approved by the commitlioners for the City of Wash ington, for the time being, and atting on oath. S, BLODGET. 1/Aji iv %* Tickets may be bad at the Bank o Columbia ; of Jams* Weft & Co. Baltimore of Gid eon Denifon, Savannah ; of Fetei Gilnian, Boston,; of John Hopkini, Rich mond : and <$f Richard Wells, Coopef'a fer- A n sr. go To be Sold, The House, Stables, '& Lot of Ground, In Second itreet, between Spruce and Union streets, in the occupation of his Britannic Majesty's Mirifter. ALSO The Adjoining Lot A 26 feet front, and 149 feet deep. For Dims of sale, apply to Wm. Cramond. Aug. 14 C. W. PEALE. EVER, solicitous to render his MUSEUM dill more and more an object of rational entertainment, and subservient to the in terests of ufeful fci?nce, has on the fu gef tion and with the advice of a number of his friends, provided a Book, which will be always open for the infpeftion of tbofe who visit bis Museum, in which book it is proposed to insert all fucb discoveries, in ventions, improvements, fcheme>, obser vations, experiments, proje&s, hints or queries relating to the arts or sciences, as any of his visitors, or Correfpon(lents,may from time to time communicate. Such as may chufe to conceal their names may either fend their communicatians ano nymous, or at their desire, C- W. Peale will insert their names, with the number or fignattrre of ther refpeftive communica tions in a orivate book which he fliill keep for that purpoife. The advantages of fucb a public register are obvious. Itwillrelcue from oblivion many ufeful hints, which might ntberwUe have died with their authors. It may fe_ cure to inventors their juftclaims, andpre vent others from taking the honor or profit of a discovery to which they are not en titled, and as the Museum is now visited byperfons from almost all parts of the world, fuce a.register, it isprcfumed, will soon contain and be the means of diflem'- nating a vail fund of ufeful knowledge, and promote that fpjrit of enquiry and inven tion, for which the people of the United States are already fojultly dMlinguiflietl. . Aug. 22 Just Arrived, Peter Bijght, 7'he Cargo of the Schooner John, Capt. Sui.lil'an from Jamaica; Consisting of 150,000 lbs. Coffee, in 80 Hogfhtads, 30 Barrels, 460 Bags. / Jtlfo Far Stile, PORT WINE, In Pipes, Hogsheads and quarter Caflcs, Madeira do. and a Cargo of 50,000 40,000 30,000 St. Übes SALT, 20,000 Just arrived about 6poo Barrels. Aug. z6, d, 10,000 10,000 10,000 j o,oc o Carriages for Hire. 10,000 j 0,000 10,000 GEORGE GREEN,, 10,000 10,000 In Pine street, No. 123, between Fourth and Fifth streets, 20,0f»0 " 150,000 * HAS FOR HIRE. BY the Day, the newest falhioned Car" riages, as Coaches, Coachees, Cha riots and Light Waggons, with two or four Horses, and careful steady drivers. The terms reasonable, and all favors grate fully acknowledged. 400,000 Augull 16, War Department, Information is hereby given to aU the military Invalids of the United that the sums to which they are en titled for their annual pension, which will become dtieon the fifth dey of September 1794, will be paid on the said day, b> the ommiffiiHiers of Loans within the States refpettively, under the usual regulations . Applications of Executors or Adrainlf trators muftbe accompanied with legal e vidences of their xefpe&ive and alio of the time of the decease of such in valids whose pensions they may claim. By command of the Piefifdent of the U* nited States, {{3" The Printers in the fevcral States are requested to publish the above in their newlpapeis or thelpace of two months , Aug. 6 dam JuJi Publifoed,, AND FOR SALE BY Jacob Johnlon & Co. No. 147, Market Jlreet, T H E American Revolution Wriet n in the style of ancient hiftory,in twp vols, price \of. The Italian Nun, translated from the French of J. J. Kouffcau, price 4/8. Moore's Journal in Fiance, in two vol. price \ 5f _ Fruit* of Solitude, in reflpftiont and niaxms, relating to the condufi of Human Lift, by William Pcnn, Price 4fe. Senecca's Morals, price yf6. Dodfley's Efops Fables, in German, with cuts, price 4ft}. eocUf Aug. 6 JUST PUBLISHED, Mathevo Careys Store, No. 118, Market street, Price half a dollar, embellifhcd with a w &stf ltriking likenefsof Mr. Margarot, The TRIAL O F Maurice Margarot, Before the High Court of Jtijl'tc'mry ai Edinburgh, on an indiclment for SEDITIOUS PRACTICES. " OF the many remaikable trials which the present extraordinary system of crimi nal jurisprudence in G. Britain and Ireland has brought before the public eye; this, certainly is mod entitled to universal pe ruqnence and firft rate abilities, a-, aftoniihed the court—and} ,ft r s>ngc to relate ! even I drew involuntary apptaufe frp'm the venal and timeserving creatair of r. «»r-rupt go vernment." August 14. fates, Fox Sals. Br d6teo3W Avgujl I, 1794. H. KNOX, Secretary at War. epdjjw And for sale at E R. [Whole No. 620.3 NO. 68. ' DifiriEl of Pennsylvania, TO WIT. BE it remembered that on the twenty third day of July in the nineteenth of 'he independence of the United States of America, JOiEl'H BOGGS, of the said diftrift hath dipofited i« this office, the ti te of a the right whereof he claims as author in the words following, to, wit. " The. Philadelphia DireElo-' ry, for the year 1795 —by Joseph Boggs." * In conformity to the aft of the Conjji ess of the United States intituled " An a£U'OT the encouragement of learning by the copies of maps charts and books to authors and proprietors of I'uch copiesdur'- ing the time? therein mentioned. Sam. Caldwell, Clerk oftDiltrift of Pcnnfylvania. J-ily 5P Jufl Received, By the {loop Endeavor, Jon.. Paine Master, from Bolton, New-England Rum, Id HI i. ci Sali \ y Nalbro y John Frazier, No. 81, Walnut street, fVho haw also on hand, and Jor sale, SHERRY WINE, In pipes and quarter calks, fit lor immediate use. St. Lucar Wine in pipes, and quarter calks. ROTA WINE in quaVtef cases PORT - Bolton BEEF, I Hylbn and SouchongffGSfe Spanish INDIGO. Ravens DUCK, TICKLKNBURIj, OZNABRIGS, DOWLAS, and 8 by lo Window Glass. Aug. J tuthSfl4w THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, /It the Stone House, No. 41, feuth St- cond Jlreet, T. LETTERS addiell'td to the Philofo. pliers and Politicians of France, on the fub_ jefi of Religion ; to which are prefixed ob lervations relating to the causes of the ge* neral prevalence of Infidelity, Bj JOSEPH PRIESTLEr, L. L. D. P. R. S. &c. Price one quarter of a Dollar. 11. TWO SERMONS, viz. t\ The prefentftate of Europe compared with ancient prophecies Preached.on the Faftday, in 1794; with a prefacc contain, ing the rrafons of the author for leaving England. 2. The use Of Cliriflianity, especially in difficult times ; being the Author's Fare well Difeourfe to his Congregations in Huckney; with Appendixes to the two Ser mons, Price one third of a dollar. 111. An APPEAL to the Serious & Can did ProfejTors of Chriftiinity, on the fol lowing fubjefts, vir. i. The use of reason in matters ot Reli- gion 2. The power of man to do tbe Will of God. ■ — g. Original Sin. 4. Election and Reprobation, 5. The Divinity ol Chi ift, and 6. Atonement by the Death of Chrili, by the fame author. To ivbich are added, A Cojicife History of the rife ®f those Dtiftrines, aid an account of the Trial of M'Elwall, for Heresy and Blas phemy, at Stafford Aflizes. Prici one eighth of a Dollar. The above three are re-puf)lifhed with the author's imprm ements and additions ; and a confiderablc part of his works, in an improved (late, will make their appear ance as soon as convenience will admit. July 38 eod^w Whereas an attach merit at the suit of the adminiftiators of ail and'fingular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of William Bur net deceased, at the time of his death hath been iffuedout of* the Inferiour Com* of common pleas, in anjJ soT the Middlesex, agaitift the Goods and Chatties, Land? and Tenements of Itrnius Martin* late of the county aforefaid, tetumable to the third Tuesday in Juiy la ft. JNOTICE is hereby given to the fa id I r emus Martin, that unless he appear and file special bail to the said a