Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 30, 1794, Image 4

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    Fine Liverpool Salt,
To Be Sold
From the Ship Thqmas,
The second wharf below Pine-Street, ap
ply at said whaif, to
Jehu Hollingfworth, & Co.
A "g- 1( >- «i
A FEW TONS ' r «
Chipped Logwood, $
Landing at Hamilton's wharf. Apply to tei
John Vaughan,
Inhogfh als andcafes of tint firft quality. tn
Aug. 7 d
Improved. p(
THE fubfeription lor this work on the M
Original term,, ot'twelre dollars aod the th
binding} will be cloljed this day—and on N
Monday the fubfeription will open at four
teen dollars, exclutive of the price of bind- "
ng. "
The neur maps added to this edition are
twenty one"; anions which are those of "J
New-Hamglhire, Connefti- °
cut, Rhide-liland, Vermont, New York, a °
New jerl'ey, Pejnurylvania, Ma
ryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Caro
lina, the Genelfcr Govrernraent, South Ca
roliiia, ;md Georgia. These maps o]
yer been given in any forniar system of
Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone
be fufHcient to entitle this work to a pre
fer-ilce to any other edition of Guthrie. q
N B- The map of the United States, a i
which is compiling by Mr. S imiifel Lewis, fa
from the relpeotive slate maps, will be far
more complete than any one yet publiihcd, rr
and be printed on two large fheet> ot ft
paper, nearly the lizc ol the late Mr. Mur
ray's map. ■'
May 31 t(
-1 n
Scheme of a Lottery, c
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 f<
Dollars, dedua'tng 15 per Cent, from °
the Prizes—this Lottery conjijls of
38,000 Tickets, in -which there are si
14,539 P r ' aes a "d 23,461 Blanks, a
being about one and an half Blanks to
a Prize. . r *
THE l>ire£lorsof the Society foreftablifh- t)
ing Ufelul Manufactures, having refolv- a
ed to erefl LOTTERIES for One
I Hund reb Thousand Dollars, agreeably 0
loan Aft of the Legifl iture of the State of c
New-Jerl'ey, have appointed the following
oerfonsto and direst the draw- j
in»oF the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rulus
Kmg, Herman Le Kty, James Watson,
Richard Hariifon, Abijah Hammond, and
Cornelius stay, ol the city ol New-York— a
Thomas Willing, Joleph Ball, Matthew M--
Conftel and Andrew Bayard, of the cily of
Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How (
eH, Esq. Elias Boudinoi, General Ellas Day
ion, Jam.-s Parker, John Bayard, Doctor ,
Lewis Donham, Samurl W. Stockton, Jolbua |
M. Wallace, Joseph flltiomfiild, and Elifha
Boudinot, of N w-Jerfey, who offei the
following Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge
themselves to the public, that they will take
e»ery alfuranee and precaution in their power;
to have the Monies paid by the Managers,
fr,>m tirae to time, as received, into the
Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for the purpose of paying Priz s,
which (hall be immediately discharged by a
ehecX npon one the Banks.
1 Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000
i 10,000 10,00 c
« s>ooo 10,000
5 2,000 10,000
10 1,000 10,000
20 tj 00 IP»,ooo
j co 100 10,000
300 jo «5)000
1000 . eo ao,ooo,
2000 15 30,000
gboo 1 s 36,000
8100' 10 81,000
14,539 Prizes. 262,000
*3,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000,
Lift drawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is t66,000
The drawing will commence, under the
infpeftion of a Committee of the Superin
tendants, as soon as the Tickets are foldy ot
which timely notice will be given.
The Superintendants have appointed John
N. Cummiifg, of Newark, Jacob R. Har
dfnberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample security for
difchargiiig the trust reposed in them.
&3- In order the punftuyl pay
merit of the Prizes, the Superintendants of
the Lottery have directed that the Managers
(hall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with sous iufficiefit securities, to perform their
inftiu&ions, the fubltance of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers <.
{ball receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol-
lars, he (hall immdiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of or Philadel
phia, to the cfedit of tne Governor of the
Society, and such of the Superintendants as
Jive in"theirky jvhere thf monies are placed,
to remain these rfntii the Lottery iJ drawn,
for the paym'nt of the Prizes.
11, The to take fufficient se
curity for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to he refponubJe for them.
111. To keep regular hooks of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftrafls of which fh'all be sent,
monthly, to the Governor of the Society.
Paterfon, January 1, 1794.
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be had.
February 24. tu&ftf
The Lottery publiftied by the
Society for eftablilhing ufeful iianufac
tures," will commence drawing the firft
in November next —
Treasury Department, < h <
Revenue Office, Aug. 20, 1794* of
Notice is hereby that wt
Will be icceived at the Office of the Coin
rotfltouer of the Revenue until the expi- 1
iraituu of the firil day of Odfcober ncjfci, for
the ,I'upply of all Rations, whicii may te 1
required for the utc of tbe'United States,from m
the firft day of January to the thu ty-tii It day* *"il
of December 1795, including both days, 1 7
he places, aud within the.diftriflta hereiiut- re
ter mentioned, viz.
1. At any place or places between York ,5 '
nd Carlifl •, in the State of Pennfyivania, and
Pittsburgh, and at Pittfburgn, York, and
Carbflj. /v
2. At any place or places from Pittsburgh
to the mouth of Big Beaver Creek, and at the P<
mouth of big Beaver Creek.
3. At any place or places from the said °'
mouth to the upper falls ot the fa id Big P 1
Beaver, and at the upper falls.
4. At any place or places from the said. up-
per falls to Mahqning, and at Mahoning-
5. At any place or places from the said ai
Mahoning, over to the ad Navigation of t(
the river Cayahoga, aud at the laid Head tl
Navig:ii iori.
6. At any place or places from the said
Head Navigation to. the mouth of the said
river Cayahoga, and at the said mouth.
7. At any plac£ or places between the
mouth of the Big Beaver Creek, to the mouth
of the river Mufkmgum, and np the said river
to the Tufcarowas, and .at the Tutcarowas, y
and thence over to the Cayahoga riven, aud
thence down the said river to its mouth.
8. At any place or places between the
mouth of the river Muikingum and the mouth
of the Scioto river, aud at the mouth of the
said rivei Scioto.
9. At any place or places between the
mouth of Scioio river and the mouth of the
Great Miami, at the mouth of the Great Mi
ami, and from thence to the Rapids on the
falls of the Ohio, and at the said rapids.
10. At any place or places between the
mouth of the Great Miami, upon the said
Miami, to and at Pique Town.
ti. At any place or places from Fort Wnfh
ington to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamil
ton. At any place or places from Fort Ha
milton to Fort St. Clair, and at Fort St. Clair.
12. At any place or places from Fort St. i
Clair to Fort Jefferfon, and at Fort Jefferfon c
13. Ai any place or places from Foit Jel- k
ferfon to Fort Recovery the field of action b
of the 4th of November 1791, and at the I
. said field of a&ion. c
14. At any place or places f'om the said v
field of a&ion to the Miami Villages, and \
at the Miami Villages. I
15. At any place or places from the said -
Miami Villages to the falls of the Miami t
river, which flow into Like Erie, and at
the said falls, v and from thence, to its mouth, j
and at its mouth.
16. At any place or places from the mouth
of the said Miami river of Lake Erie to San- t
dtifky Lake, and at Sandufky Lake. j
• 17. At any place or places from the said ]
Sandufky Lake, to the mouth of the river {
' Cayahoga.
! 18. At any place or places from .the mouth
of the (aid river Cayahoga to Prefque Isle, ,
and at Prefque Isle.
19. At any place or places from the Prefque
Isle to the If ream running into Lake Erie
from towards the Jadaghque Lake, & thence '
over to and at the said Jadaghque Lake, and
r thence down the Alleghany tivcr to Fort '
' Franklin.
20. At any place or places from Prefque
J Isle to Le Bccuf, and at Le Bceuf.
p 21. At any place or places from Le Baeufj
r to .Fort -Franklin, and at Fort Franklin, and
from thence to Pittsburgh.
22. At any place or places from the rapid?
? of the Objoto the mouth of the Ouabache >
river, & from the mouth ojf the said Ouabache
river to the mouth of the riVer OlTio.
23. At any place or places on the East fide
of the river MKlifippi, frovh the mouth of
the Ohio river, to the mouth of the Illinois
0 24. At any place or places from the mputh
c of the said Ouabache river up to Fort Knox,
0 and at Fort Knox.
° 25. At any place or places from fort Knox
up the said Ouabache to Ouittanon, and at
0 Ouittanon.
)D 26. At any place or places from Ouittanon,
up the faifl Ouabache to the head navigation
)0 ' "of a branch thereof, ca'led Little River, and ,
JO at the said head navigation of Little River.
)Q 27. At anyplace or places from the said
_ head navigation ps Little River over to the
)0 Miami Village.
)0 28. At any place or places from the mouth'
30 of the river Teneflee to Qccochappoor Bear
Creek, on the said river, including the fame.
30 ,29. At any place or places from the mouth
of the river Cumberland to Nashville, on the
he said river, and at Nashville.
n " 30. And At any place or places within
of thirty miles of said Nashville to the South
ward, Weft Ward or Northward thereof.
0 .Should any rations be required at any pla
ir" ces, or within other diftntts, not fpecified in
an these proposals, the pric.e of the fame is to be
rs hereafter agreed on between the United States
or and the contractor.
The rations to be supplied are to consist of
the following articles, viz.
rrs One pound of bread or flour,
rs, One pound oj beef, or Jof ,a pound of poi k,
eir One quart of fait. V
Two quarts of vinegar, f
rs i Two pounds of soap, > P cr 100 ratloDS *
>1. One pound of candles,)
' n The rations are to be famiftied in such
. quantities, as that there (hall at all times,
tne during the said term, befufficient for the
consumption of the troops at each of the
said polls, for the term of at least three
months in advance, in good and wholesome
provisions, if the fame (hall be required.
er _ It is to be understood in each cafc,~that
all lofles sustained by the depredations of
cts 'he enemy, or by means of the troops of the
the United States, (hall be paid for at the prices
nt, of the articles captured or destroyed, on
the depositions of two or more persons
of creditable characters, and the certificate
en- ot a commiflioned officer, ascertaining the
ere circumstances of the loss, and the amount
of the articles for which compensation shall
be claimed.
the The contract for the above supplies will
ac- be made either for one year, or for o
irft years, as may appear eligible. Persons
difpofedto contract will therefore confine
Salt, 1
PHILADELPHIAPrinteb by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Cheskut Strkst.—Pmci Six Dollars Per Annum.
their ofT rs to one year,,.Bs they may form
tlieir proportions so as to admit an election
of the term of two years. Ft
The offers may comprise all the places
which have been fpecified, or a part ot
ihem oa)y.
It is also Deftred,
propofstls may -be ofFet ed for supplying
at the two polls ot Fort Walhingion and
Pitttburgl) all the rations necetfary ior the
uiaip A-ruy, its detachipents and the Gar
risons above mentioned during the said year
1795* The provisions fee- which will b;
received at PiUfljurgh will be those which
{ball be necessary tor the troops at that .
place and at the pnfts north, noith-weft
and, in the vicinity, Qn the weft thereof. V.
The provtfions which will be received at
Fqrt Wafliington will be those which
(hall be required for the remainder of the
poftr, for the principal detainments and tor
the main Army. The expense and trouble
of fafe keeping unpacking and issuing the
provisions deliverable under this second
form of the propofuioni, will be saved to 81
the Conraftors. TJie exact proportipn of £
the whole supplies, which will be r. quired "
at each of the two Pods of Fqri Waiting- '
ton and Pittlburgh will be determined as 1
the time of executing the contrast.
Aug. 21 tawtiO ®
- — — e
Money to be Lent, jj
Qn lyiortgage of t
Within the City and Liberties of Philadel
phia Apply to
Nicholas Diehl, jun.
Attorney at Law.
No. io, foalL Fourth Jlreet.
Aug. 4 - mw&ftf E
the following
Tracts of Land,
in Virginia.
ONE trail in Frederick county, contain
ing 8756 acres, being part of that whereon
col. Thomas Bryan Martin now relides,
known by the name of Greenway court, a
bout 12 miles from Wincheftcr and j Irom
Newtown. For the conve ience of pur
chalers, it will be divided into parcels of j
various dimeniions from 2~P to 610 acres, v
which may be viewed by application to col v
R. K. Meade, living nrar the preirlifes— A
The gi eaiar part is very fertile and well :
timbered. j
Another trait in the fame county on >
Passage creek, containing 23° acres, and
adjoining Jacob Le'vingoods. t
Another tra& in Hnnpihire county,con
taining by patent, 699 acres, called Sl(m >
linttoiii, iituate on both fides ot the South '
Branch and within two mjles 0/ thp month '
of it, and is fuppoftd to have a good mill
1 Another trail in Hamplhire county ou
New Creek and Kettle-Lick,containing 1
Jji acres.
Another ttaS in Prince William CQiinty,
called Leefylvania, containing ppwards of 1
I 2000 acres, lyingupon Potomack river, a ]
t t»>ut2-$ miles below Alexandria, and 28 (
below the City of Waihington, compre
. hending Freestone Point, which appears to
be a quarry 6f frefe-ftone, covering about
[ 50 acres anil adjoins the river, where vef
i lels ot 100 tons conveniently harbour. On
another part of this trail it isfuppofed there
s is a quarry of slate, convenient to water
e , carriage. Upwards of two thirds are in
e woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, Jiving on the
premises, will (hew this trail.
e) Another trail* in Fairfax county, called
f Spri|igfjcld, containing 2040 t-2 acres, a
s bout ij miles frbm Alexandria and tofiom
Walhitigtpn ; abounds with and
h meadow ground, and may be seen by apply
ing to |»Ir. John Wood, living otl part of
* Anothertrail in .Fairfax county, con
" taining 392 acres, on Turkey-cock Run, a
bout 6 milts from Alexandria.
'» Anothertrail in Fairfax county, contain
" ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat .
foil's feat, about four miles from Alexan
, dria.
Anothertraft, in Fairfax county, con
le tainingji3 acres, near Oocoquan, joining
Mr. Edward Walhington's.
1 Another trail, in Fairfax county, con
" taming 80 acres or thereabout, within a
mile of Landing, and within five
miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is
well timbered
in An undivided moiety in another trail,
h. containing about 284 acres, in Fairfax
county, about 5 miles from Wafhiugton, $r
a. 9 from Alexandria, where J. Robinlo.n for
in merly lived.
be Another parcel of land, within a mile
:cs of Alexandria, containing about 24 acres,
and to be foltl in acre or half-acre lots,
of Also, sundry unimproved lot? of variou
sizes, in different parts of the town of Al
Todefcribe the premises more particu
larly is deemed unnecessary, aa it is expec
ted every p?r(bn will examine and view
'• whatever part he shall be inclined tp buy.
My only object being to raise a certain sum
c j ) of money, by felling so many or such parts
of the aforefaid trails of land and lots as
shall be necessary for that purpose, one half
j ie of the purchase moneymuft be paiij at- the
ce c ' n >e of contrast, and the other within a
ne year from the firft day of August next, and
at the time of delivering poJßfEon or exe
lat cut ' n E a ' e K a ' conveyance. The lands re.
o j. maining unfold, except the tract in Prince
"he after raifmg a limited sum, will
! es be divided into tenements, and leafed for
' a term of years. From the 12thday of Oc-
H tober next, till the ljth of Decembr, I
i( e >ri " 'be city of Richmond, and aite.
the t ' ,at t ' me l remain at home, ip Alex
rit anc ' r ' a i at which places, or elfewher?, I
a| | (hall be prepared to detail particnlars, and
to enter into contrasts.
nil Alexandria, July 28
inc | Ang. 8' lawiow
Just Landed, <
From on board the Jhip IVijbington, Capt.
John Collinifrom Bordeaux,
White Wines j
In Barrels ; and
in Hhds. and Cases—For Sale by
No. 26, Spruce, near Front Street.
August 15, i? 9- d*
One hundred dollars
WHEREAS there were deliveredinthe
Month of Oflober last, from the Stores of
I the Subscribers, Two Chests and nine Halt
Chests of Bohea Tea, marked, numbered _
I and weighing, :is under, to some person or
I persons with pretended orders from Mr J.
I ISAAC CLASON of this City, butwhich y e ,
Ihe did not>receive; whoever will give in- 0 j
I formation so that adifepvery may be made, J-
I who got the said Tea, shall receive the
I above reward ; and it isrequefted that the
I Dealers in the Article will be careful in
I examining the Marks andjNumbers of the
I Chefb that have passed through their hands
I since the peiiod above-mentioned, and give M
I t edefired inforniation.
J Nesv-Yoik, July 3 ft, >794. Ft
I William and James Con/lable.
Ship Wajhington. Tare ™
jg CNo. 327 3 2 16 60 > Whole
I' ( 473 3224 64 ) Chests th
jw r 177 13 12 39 so
|B. 177 1 1 23 39 O
198 13 7 41 cc
213 1 3 18 37 Half w
227 137 40 > Chests.
I I 287 I 3 9 ,38 rc
301 1 3 IS 40 tt
379 1 3 18 41
J 404 ' 3 14 39 J
Aug. 6 dim "
One thousand Dollars f t
Some few Counterfeit Poft-Noies of the l
j Bank ot Maryland, having bren lately difco
j vercd in circulation, and on tracing the fame
I were found to come fiom the back parts of _
I Virginia, where they probably firft issued ; to
I avoid imposition it is thougnt ijecenary to
j give the following deferiptioVi of them, by
I which they may readily be dete&cd. B
I They have the letter D, for then -alphabet!
I cal mark, at the left hand fide of the Note. \'<-
The paper on which they are printed is I s
j more foftand tender, the strokes of the letters, b
lin the engravingare in general Wronger, and t
I have a darker appearance than in the bills.
J TJie signature iVilliam Patterlon, is badly 7
j done, the strokes of the lelteri, are (tiff and b
j labored, and appear to be painted over with t-
I the pen, as well as the flourishing of the name,
j The value is left blank in the engraving, to v
Ibe -filled m-wyiriHg, sum -tj
• I more or lel» at pleasure. t
No true Post-Notes of the alphabetical
I mark, above dtferibed, have been Lately if- j
I fucd, and very few are now in circulation,
j The above reward ot One Thousand dol
-1 lars will be paid to any person, or persons,
1 who (hall discover, or prosecute to conviction,
J the several offenders, or any of them, of the c
I following dcfcription, viz.
| The person or persons, who engraved the
1 late.
The printer, or printers of the said bills. '
I Every person who has as piincipal in (
I any way in the counterfeiting and uttering !
I I he said bills. 1
i I of the Bank ot Maryland.
I I Bmg>, April 8, 1794.
j In the House of Reprcfentptives,
-j Pec EMBER 21ft, 1793.
- I X X 7HEREAS the ot pub-
I W lie Accounts,have repotted, that they t
. I cannot proceed 10 the investigation of the
j Treatury Accounts, refpe£ting fpeciaf In-
I dents, without knowing the outltanding a
-1 mount thereof in Circulation -
1- I Rcfolved) That'all hpldcu of fpectal In-
I dents be duelled, and required, on or before
I the firft day of November next, to deliver the
t _ I Ipecial Indents in their pofleflion to one or
a I other of the Commiflioners ®f the Treasury,
e I who are to give receipts for the fame, and to
■ s j report to the CommitTioners on public ac-
I counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov-
I ember next, the amount by them refpeftive
» I ly received, and also to the Legislature, at
■* J their meeting m November next, and that
* I all special Indents not rendered into the
r - I Treasury as above, 00 or before the firft day
I ot November nc*t, (hall he, and the fame
'e I are hciebv barred.
s, I fojo/vedy That public notice of this refolu-
I tion be given in the; leveral Gazettes in this
u I State, once every three weeks, until the firft
il-rday ot November next. And ihat the Dele-
I gates ofthisstate in theCongrels of the Ulll
- ted States, be requested to cause this relplu
c I tion to be published in one or more papers
xv I ' n cities of Philadelphia and New-York,
I and provision will he n.ade for tl\c ?x
---m I P cn ?" s attending such licatipn.
ts I Grikred, That the refoiution be C?nt to
as I the Senate for their concurrence.
, I By order of the House,
I j In the SENATE,
lc j| December 21 ft, *%93*
e- 1 Rcjolvedi That this House do concur with
e I the House of Rcpiefentatives in the forego
ce I 'nßrc^°'utlons
ill I Ordered, That the resolution| r lent to
a the House of Representatives.
by order of the Senate,
1 I >vt N»
n d I Th<; Gazette of the. United
I States is now publijhed at No. 119
I Chejnut street —to vfhich p'mre tht
I OFFICE of the Editor is removed, and
I where Printing W«rk in general is
' ' Performed.
Choice St. Croix "Sugar
And fer Sale,
Aifo a quantity of RUSSIA Matts.
June 24th. ,j.
At the STORES of
JefTe & Robert Wain
PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and q„ar
ter ca(ks
LISBON pipes and quarjer calks
Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter
A quantity of I.ifbon and Cadiz SALT
Soft (helled ALMONDS in bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
Russia MATTS.
June 9 d
The Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bill s
of the Hank of the United States, and
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
America, fe-veral of which have appeared
in circulation within a few days fafo they
are good general imitation of the genuine
Bills, but may be diflingui/Ud by the fl
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the
United States.
ALL that have appeared have the letter
F. for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
whiter and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine paper.
The O. in the word Company is smaller
than the M. and other letters of that «vord,
so that a line extended from tlie top of the
O, to touch the top of the M- woqldc'xtend
considerably above the raoge of the whole
In the word United the letters are mar
rower andclofer together than the reft of
the bill-
Theiand f\n the word promise are not
parallel, the yinclining much more forward
than the I.
The engraving is badly executed, the
ftrokesof all the Letters are stronger and
the devue in particularly ismuch
coarser and appears darker than in the true
Bills. Some the counterfeits bear dale in
1791 —Whereas the Bank was not hi opera,
tion till December, and no five dollar bills
weie iflTued in that year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
B. for their alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nearly simi
lar to that of the counterfeit Five Doll«r
Notes above described; the engraviug is
bettei executed, and they approach nearer
to the appearance of the genuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through ihe word
Twent), in the body of the bill, are in nutn
bei th 1 teen in the genuine bills, and but
twelve in the counterfeits.
The word Company is much like the fame
' word ill the Five Dollar B'lis is deitrifced
aoove," thee being lets <han UieiiiV a<3 «•
thers following.
There is no stroke to the < inthe word
AVtA in the genuine bills theftrojee
is well defined.
The letters tit in the Twenty, to
the left hand at the bottom, do not come
j down to the line, but are so cut as to give
an irregular appearance to the word, the
e Tui and ibey gujj'g below them.
The lignaiure J- Nixon, hajthc appear
ance of being written with Umb-black and
n oil, and Offers from other inks used in
„ printing th bills and the cafliic's lignjt
It is supposed these foigeries were commit
ted in fomtof the Southern Stales, as all the
counterfeits that have appeared, have come
from thence, ahd two persons have been ap-
L ptphertded in Virginia,on tufptcion of being
■ he author of them.
The reward of OHE THOVidSD VOL-
L/jRS will be pa-'d to any Person or Pcrfons
who'lhall difcoier and profciute to cuiivic-
tion the fcvcral offenders of the following
def<ription» or any of them, viz.
The person or persons, who manufaftyt'
ed the paper nn which the Bill* aie printed.
_ Th« person/hi
r The printej or prinler> ( of the bills.
r Every person who has acted as a principal
ioanyoticr way, in the counterfeiting anc
J uttering the said bills.
Philadelphia, Maroh sB, »794
April 22, 1794,
? Other counterfeit bill:
IC of the Bank of the United States have j[
* pearcdin circulation.
denomination is of TWENTY
DOLLARS, and the alphabetical maik ii
; s the letter B.
ft Tbey may be diftinguiflied from tfie g"*
r. (luine by the following MARKS :
1. Thei paper of the counterfeits is of .
u. more tender texture and glofl'ey furfa
is than the genuine, and there is no wat
k, mark in them.
x- The letter C. in the word Cashier,
he true bills 1? strongly iriaiked, when
to in the counterfeits, the whole letter i;
fine hair stroke, evidently in an unfinifr
state. The letter aln the word denia
'• is badly formed and the whole iword ill d
aind there is po comma attheend ol it
there is in the genuine bills. W
th Tile marginal device, is much dai
;o- in tlie fallie, than in the genuine bi»fs
ingto the (hade IJrukei being co» r ft f » P 1
t° nearer together, and conlequei tly '»
more numerous. This diffidence fti ike 3
eye at firft view.
1 The fame reward of ONE THOUSn
" DOLLARS, will be paid For apprehend
i; prosecuting to the le>
above described Oflendersin iefp to t
gp as to the laftdefcribed bills;
,C of the United Sutes.
JOHN NIXON, Prelident of
Bank of NortjAineiica.
it By order of the Committees of the 1 ■
peftive Boards. __