Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 30, 1794, Image 1

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[No. of Vol. Vl.]
AoJ so be Ibid by tbe following Bnokfellers 1
viz. John Orm-od, No. 41, Chefnut llreet, I
Thomas Dobfon, No. 4', south Second I
fh-ee", Joseph ' Crukftmnk, No. 87, High I fflM
ftreer, and Wni. Young, No. 52, south Se- I
rond street, 1 B£eai
A Discourse Ler' t V
1 1 "S '
Delivered July 17, 1794. lon br
Tbe African Church,
Of the City of Philadelphia.
Oo the occafton of opening the said churcl) I
and holding public wo|fliip in it the firft 1 A|
time, I
By Samuel Magain, D. D.
Refior of St. Paul's.
Divine Service, introduced with feleft | i
Scripture pafiages, and a special prayer, I &jl
and then proceeding in its usual offices, I
having been performed I ffiCn
By James Abereromlie, A. M. I*3
Second Assistant Minister of Christ Church sand
and St. Petei's.
« Ethiopia Jhall soon flretch out her I A
hands unto God."
Aug. 16 *iaw4w |
. \m
Lachawannock. 1
A LARGE body of LAND on this river I p
and it* waters., is now for sale to Settlers on-1A J
I), on moderate at a long credit. ! c
The foil is remarkably fertile, and iothi
merous streams of water are interfperfei'l j n g
through the whole country. tej
The main river flows through one
of about thirty thoiifand acres, and is with j ot - j
he exception of one obftru<stion, naviga-1
ble to the Snfquehannah. " I
Spring Brook Creek, which with its!
branches, waUrs another tra<st of about I
forty thousand acres of good Land* einp-1 >
ties itfelf into the Lachawannock, about 1
twelve miles from the SuCquehannah. I
It affords numerous Mill feats, & in its J
tiourfe creates large bodies of well water- —
ed meadow ground. ." .1-*
The other tracts ara interfered by crc«ks 1
of considerable importance. . I
Several Mills are already ereftetKor the I
accommodation ot the set tiers.
RoacU are .cut in different dke&ions, to- I
wards the moll convenient markets.
The county town is not more than i2i
mles diltant si qui many parts ot the set J _
tiement. I
The Sufqnehannah affords an easy and I
fafe navigation to Middleton, from whence |
the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com I
jliunication to the city. # 1/
means of connexion with Phi-1
ladflphia, is by the Delaware, from which 1 ' (
tliediftance infeyeral places is about thirty J
miles. 1 _
The proprietors combining their own in-1
tereft with tb?t of the inhabitants, are dif- J
posed to erect works of pablic utility,open j
noads, &c.and in eyery en miles square, a JF,
tract of one hundred acres is allotted for a j
Scho >1, and one hundred acres for the firfi J
resident clergyman of any denomination ot |
Christ ians. j
For further particulars apply to J
George Eddy. I
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, July 9.
Lettersdirefted tn Qeorge Eddy, at Phi-1
adelphia, or this place,or io Thomas Eddy, I
at New York, relative to this bufinefs,will j
be duly answered. eod3m
Principles and ObfervationsV
o F
Pot and Pearl AJhes.
Infpeilor of Pot and Pearl-Ashes for the]
Commonwealth of Maffarhufetts. j
Publilhed according to Aft of Congress.
Tluft; observations relate to an exteiifive
business ; and are designed, in the plainest
manner, to cqnvey profitable information I
to those interested in it, Who have not leif-1
Ure cr opportunity to search for the princi- I
pies therein contained, in the writings of I
profeffional Chemists. ,-i• r
Aug. } ,
To the Ele&orsof thedty and
county of Philadelphia.
Gentlemen, K£hS J
THIS heing the last year of the pre
sent Sheriff's time in office. I take
the liberty to offer myfelf a Candidate,
*nd solicit vour votes and interests in my
favour, to place rae 011 the return at the
next generalEleftion, as bis fuccefTor for
said office; in doing which, you will confer
an obligation that will be gratefully re
membered, by
Your most obedien/,
and humble servant,
> May 3. »stf.
For Amsterdam,
Christopher Franklin, jun.
HAS excellent accommod.itions for palT"n-
will fail with all convenieni fpced, hav
ing (he gicateft part of her cargo ready to go
on board. -*■
For freight or passage, apply to the inaftcr
on board, to
Or of
Aug. 26 d
For Sale or Charter, 1
TV>£ Ship q
famifaj Waftiington,
I difchargingjat Mafley's
I wharf. She is a prime sailer,
burthen about three thou- '
Ifand barrels. For term's applv to
Ang. .9 dlot (
This Day from on board the brig Ann and
Mary, Cast. Corrie, from Antigua, ft
Prime Antigua Rum,
! ONE third of which is fourth proof, the Bri
I other third, also a few hoglheads remain
ling on hard ot the Brig Sally's CARGO,
Captain Weft from fame place, which has
I been so much approved of 4or the finenefs
1 j of its flavour.
Jamaica Spirits,
' Genuine Madeira Wine,
t By the pipe, quarter taik or gallon. ; n j
A L so ed
\F R E S H RICE, th
s By the Norfolk, Captain Art,
Levinus Clarkfon,
No. ii 6, south corner of Pine and
j Water fireets. m
f I Ang. 27 " ar
j — v
A A French Family, k
, e l WOULD wish to be entrusted with the
Jcare of a FARM, about the city of I'hila
i-ldelphiaor Trenton, under such compenfa
.h Itions as may be agreed upon by applying at
' Mr. OSMONT's, No. 117, north Second c<
J ltreet. * J
t\ LAND IN G °
ihl z.(l
a | From on board the Birmingham Packets
a J Lockyer, and the Henry and C/farleS) n
rft J from
1 HEMP, ;
1 Peterjburgb's firjl quality
1 BAR IRON, Swedes, ajforted '
TIN, in plates, do. do.
GENEVA in bhds.
h '- j BAGGING, German ajforted c
''"I Black Quart Bottles,
DEMIJOHNS, Window Glass,
Feathers of superior quality,
MATTS, &e. &c.
n* Thomas & John Ketland.
1 Aug. 26 d
I EVER solicitous to render his MUSEUM
1 (till more and more an gijeft of rational
I entertainment, and subservient to the in-
I terefts of ufeful fci Mice, has 011 the
theltionand with the advice of a number of
1 his friends, provided a Book, which will
re f s Ibe always open for the infpeftion of those
j who visit his Museum, in which book it is
ifive I propofcd to insert all such discoveries, in
neft I ventions, improvement!, feheme<, obfer
tion I vations, experiments, projects, hints or
leif-| queries relating to the arts or feijnees, as
nci-1 an y °' * I ' s visitors, or correfpondents,may
s of I t roln tlrne totime communicate.
1 I Such as may chuffi to cqqceal their names
may either fend their communications ano
nymous, or at their desire, C- W. Peale
1 will insert their names, with the number or
jlftgnature of ther refpeflive communica
ind I tions in a private book which he fhillkeep
I for that purpose.
The advantages o( fucha public register
I are obvious. Itwillrefcue from oblivion
I many uleful hints, which might otherwise
P re " have died with their authors. It may fe.
take c:J re to inventors ihcir juftclaims, andpre.
late, vent others from taking the honor or profit
Im y of a dife«very to which they are not en.
t the I ,itled, and as the Museum is now vififed
f° r Iby persons from almost all parts of the
infer W orld, fuce a,regifter, it isprefumed, will
re- soon contain and be the means of difffmi
nating a vast fund of ufeful knowledge, and
promote that spirit of enquiry and inven
tion, for which the people ot the United
R. States are already fojuftly dilUngailhed.
tf. Aug. 22
Saturday, August 50, 1794.
And to be lold by
Robert Campbell,
No. 54, south Second flreet. second door
belwM tlx corner of Chefnutflreet, *
The Young Lady's Friend,
Mrs. Rowfon, J
Of the New Theatre, Philadelphia; au
thorof the Inquisitor, Fille de Chambre, in r
Victoria, Charlotte, &c.
Price neatly bound 15 cents. C
Detefled be the pen ivhofe baneful influ
Could to the youthful docile mind convey A
Pernicious precepts, tell loose tales, ~~~
And paint illicit Pajftan in such colours, (_
As might mislead the unfujpefting heart,
And -vitiate the youiig, unfett/ed judg
I I would not for the riches of the Eafi -
Abuse the noblest gifts of Heaven thus,
Or fink my Genius to such proftitutiou.
Aug- II tawim
To be Sold, E
j The House, Stables, & Lot rk
of Ground,
In Second street, between Spruce and f u u
| Union streets, in the occupation of his J
I Britannic Majefty't Minister.
The Adjoining Lot,
26 feet front, and 149 teet deep. For
] erms of falp, apply to 1
Win. Cramond. to:
1 Aug. 14 w&stf s ta
LETTERS on the fu'ojea of the Wafti- J7<
I ington Lottery, being by mi [take repeat- Co
I edly addrefled to the Commissioners for the re 1
I City of Walhington. ,
Persons concerned are hereby informed,
j that all such should be addrefled either to I
W. Deakins jun. of Walhington, or to the | ya
1 Subscriber. The commiffioncrs never hay- j
I ing contemplated any further concern in j ni|
I this business, than in their aflVnt to receive I
' j the bonds and approve the names of the I
j managers. The prizes have been paid and 1
I are paying on demand by W. Deakins, I
" I Waibington, Peter Oilman, Boston, and j ar
Iby the Subscriber. , 1 ne
I For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al- j
e I ready given will be retained by the com- j -
" I mifTioners, or transferred by them at their I
j | option to the bank of Columbia ; and the J
d J commissioners will be consulted refpefliug j
j a judicious and equitable disposition of the I
- I houses to be built thereby ; their treasury I
I or the bank of Columbia will receive the I
1 money intended for the National Univer- J 1
1 fity, and they will be consulted ip the no- I 1
' J mination of the 24 managers 5 but all the I
' J responsibility refpeaing the general difpo- j t
| fition of the tickets, and payment of pfi- I
I /.es, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on j *
1 the persons whose names are and may be j
| hereafter published as assistants to forward | >
| this business with j
N. P. Mr. Blodget will be particularly j
| obliged if those persons who possess prices
I yet unpaid, will apply for their money as I (
| early as poflible. I
Christiana Mills
711 For Sale.
| ON Moqday the firft day of September I
I next at 8 o'clock Jin the evening, at the I
d. Coffee House in he city of Philadelphia I
I will be fold by public vendue, two tract I
_ lor pieces of land fitnated in White Clay I
1 Cieek hundred, New Castle county »nd state I
I of Delaware; one of which contains about I
M 1 sixty acres of highly improved land, on it 1
nal I are a large two story brick dwell'tighoufc, a I
in- I cpuvenient brick barn, with ftablingand a |
;ef-1 house underneath, an excellent j
of I kiln for drying corn ; and the well known I
villi mills called Cfiriftiar>a Mills (late Patter- I
iofe'l ton's) which being at the head of the tide I
t is I on Chriftiapa river, and hut about half a I
in- I mile from the landing, is conveniently situ- I
fer-1 ,itcd for carrying the articles manufp.ftured |
or lat the mills iiy water to Philadelphia This I
as I property being clpfe to the road leading |
njv I from Elkton to Christiana bridge, and at j
* I the head of the tide, With many other at- j
Ties I advantage*, render its situation lor I
no- I the milling business so very valuable, as to |
sale Ibe equalled by few.and excelled by none. I
ror I The latter tract containing <75 acres, is j
ca- I about one mite from tbe mills and is chief- I
:eep 11 y woodland, which being contiguous to
I water carriage to thf city of PUsladelphia,
fter I must be of incre?fiog value, efpecialiy as
'ion I ttiere is a quantity ot largf timber in laid
■vise 1 tract suitable for the purposes of the
fe. I milis.
pre. I The terms upon whichthe above men
rofit I tioned estates will bejold are'—one thou
en- I sand pounds to be paid on executing tbe
lifed I deeds, andfeven hundred and fifty pounds
the I per annum, with interest for the remainder
will I (J r proporfipnaldy foreach part.
?mi- I Indifputabjc titles will be made for the
and I property, by
litrd I AI.EX. FOSTER,
At fame time afla place will be fold a 1
Just Arrived, j
For Sai.s Br ■ j
Peter Blight, I be
The Cargo of the Schooner John, Capt. 1 third
Sullivan'from 'Jamaica; 1 \[ ,e 1
Consisting of 150,000 lbs. Coffee, in 1
80 Hoglheads, u of
30 Barrels, J asau
460 Bags.
Also Fer Sale, I 3
In Pipes, Hogsheads and quarter Casks, I the e
Madeira do. and a Cargo of I the c
St. Übes SALT,
Just arrived about 6000 Barrels.
Aug. 36. d.
Carriages for Hire.
In Pine ftrget, No. 123, between
Fourth and Fifth streets, I |S
BY the Day, the newest fafliioned Car" I J\J
riages, as Coaches, Coachees, Cha"l
riots and Light Waggons, with two j
or four Korfes, and careful steady drivers. | K
The terms reasonable, and all favors grate- I
fully acknowledged. 1
August 26, d6teo3W J
War Department, &
Augufi 1, 1794. I
Informatiofi is hereby given J f
to all the military Invalids of the United I 1
States, that the firms to which they arc en- I I
titled for their annual pension, which will I s
become dneon the fifth day of September I i
3794, will be paid 011 ihe said day, by the I
Commifiionersof Loans within the States! C
refpeftively, under the ufuafregulatloiis . I 1
Applications of Executors or Adlninif-I
trators muftbe accompanied with legal e-1
vidences ps their refpeftive Ofiites, and! '
also of the time of the decease 0! Inch in-j ~
valids whose pensions they may claim,
1 By command of the Piefident of ths "U- I
1 j nited States, I "D
; H. KNOX, P
I I Secretary at War. I
I (PT The Printcrsin the several States!
J are requested to piiblilh the above in their I .
1 Dewfpapcis or thefpace of two months It
" j Aug- 6 d2m 1 tt .[
Jul Pnblijhed,
IJ Jacob Johnson & Co.
y I No. 147, Market flreet,
e j THE
". American RevolutionL
ie | Writt nin the style of ancient hiftory,in I F
j. j two vols, price iof. I ''
i_ I TII9 Italian. Nun, translated fropi the I E
fn I French of J. J. Ronffeau, price 4/8. |
I ftloore's (Qurnalin France, in two vol. 1 d
}C I /- * I u
•d I P rice J 5/
I Fruits of Solitude, in refleftiom and I o
I maxms, relati i ; to the copduft of Human j H
, j Life, by William Penn, Price 4ji. 1
y J Senecca's Morals, price ijb.
cs I Dodfley's IJfops Fables, io German, with i
I cuts, price 4/8.
_ I Ans- 6 eod 3 w I
And for sale at
,er I Mat hew Carey s Store,
'. ie I No. 118, Market street, (
la 1 Price half a dollar, embellifhtd with a
av 1 striking likeness of Mr. Margarot,
ite J The TRI A L
1 tt I 0 F
>» Maurice Margarot,
cut! Before the High Court of JvJuiary at
wn I Edinburgh, on an indictment for
fa I «« OF the many rppiaiHable fia's which
,u - I theprefent extraordinary system ot crinu
rc <l J nal jiirifprudence in G. Britain apd
h' s j has brought betore thp public eye ; this,
ling I certainly is most entitled to universal pe
at I rufai and attention. It devclopes, Blare
at " | fully than any publication extant, t(ie lat
for I viewt and objects of the feritiih conven
s to j tion ; and proves inconteftibjv, that jutli
e- I profccutions (or perfccutioni( ano de
'» is J cilions are now more the result of the pre
>ic'' j sent order of things, than any old fafhion
s to J ed attachment to the laws or the conftitu.
j tion. Add to this, that it holds up to the
y as I wonder and admiration of mankind, the
faiti | (he firm, manly, and patriotic condlift of
the j this devoted viftim—lthis * Second Sydney,'
I as he has justly ?nd deservedly been called;
"en- I w |, o m the tonrfe ps one of the longest tri
hou- I a ] s we know of, unafiifted even by a single
tbe I member of the lptig robe, evinced such a
unds I depth ps and conllittrtiopal know
ruler j ledge and, in a of t'ir, hpurs
f length, displayed such a blaze of ifloquence
' 11,8 I an! firft rate abilities, as aftmiifhed
I the court—and, strange to relate ! eve»
J drew involuntary appbtife from the venal
1 | and tin)F-fe'wi?2 creature of * ttorrupt fio-
I vernment."
»ld a j August I^.
[Whole No.
NO. 68.
DiJlriEl of Pennsylvania,
BE it remembered that on the twenty
third'day of July ip the nineteenth year of
the independence of the United States of
America, JOSEPH BOGGS, of the said
diftrift hath dtpoftted in this office, the ti
te of a book l'he right whereof he claims
asauthor in the words follow ing, to wit.
" The Philadelphia Direffo- v
ry, for the year 1795 —by Joseph Boggs."
In conformity to the a« of the Congress
of the United States intituled u An oS for
the encouragement of learning by securing
the copies of maps charts and books to the
authors and proprietors of such copiesdur- >.t
ing the times therein mentioned.
Sam. Caldwell\
Clerk of tDiilrift of PcnnfylVania.
July 3° d
Jttfl Received
By the sloop Endeavor, Jon. Paine Matter.
from Boiton,
New-England Rum,
]11 Hl.ds. foiSalc Vy
I Nalbro 5s 5 John Frazier,
No. 81, Walnut street,
I Who have also on band, and Jor /ale,
In pipas and quarter cafics, fit tor
immediate use.
St. Liicar Wine in pipes,
and quarter cases.
I ROTA WINE in quarter paikj
I PORT WINE in do.
Bolton BEEF,
Hyson and Souchong TEAS,
Spaniih INDJGQ.
I Ravens DUCK,
j Bby 10 Window G /
IJ Aug. J , tut' &i 4
By Thomas Dobfon,
I At the Stone House, No. 41, fimb $'~
I cond Jlrtet,
M x. LETTERS adurfffed to the . Til.
1 I phersand Politicians ot France, out, i: '
I jefl of Religion which are pre! x.<; ou"
- I lervarfonsrehttmg to causes c •
I neral prevalence of Infidelity,
F. R. S. £sV.
Price one quarter of a Do! : ,
11. TWO SERMON'S, viz.
I 1. The prefentftate of Europe [/.red
n 1 with ancient Preacl nhe
I Faftday, in 094 i with a prefdc* . 'fsin
j ing the reafops of the author fc .ir
te I England
2. The use of Christianity, efp I]y in
,]. I difficult times ; being the Authoi' are-
I well Difeourfe to his Congreg; ->u in
nd I Hackney; with Appendixes to rfc? ■ o Ser
an I mons, Price one third of adollar.
lit. An APPEAL to ihe Serio. On-
I did Profeffors ot Christianity, or. t fol
th ! lowing fubjefts, viz.
j 1. The use of reafot) in lyiaHer- 'U-li-
I gi°n.
_ I 2. The power of man to do th. Will <
j God.
■ 3. Original Sin.
4. Election and Reprobation,
5. The Divinity Ol Christ, and
6. Atonement by the Death of C >1, )r
I the fame author.
1 a J To <Vjh'u b creqdded,
1 A Concise History ol hi
I rife ®F those Doctrines, and an a" t '
I the Trial of M'Elwall, for Heref> a nr. ?■'
I phemy, at Stafford Affizcs.
I Price one eighth of a Do!' •
I The above tHree are re-puhiifb •' svi,
I the author's' improvements ard addition
-1 and a part of his w<>; ■ ,
I an improved state, will make thtii
lich I ance as soon as convenience v il! <nr
»>» July 28 cad 3 "
bis, I I
p i J Whereas an attach
w I mentattiwfuit of the adminifti i.nsof a
I and singular the gpods and chatt. % r 1 < I
ndi "I and credits, which were ot VVliium, Bu'
(i e . I net at the time of l: s
pre. 1 been iffuedout oi the Inferior r
lion- Ips common pleas, in and tor the •
litr- I Middlesex, agaioft the Goods an .a
,fhel Lands and Tenements of Ik . in
the I late of the fonnty aforeiiiid, re;; r.:i
a 1 the rtiirdTueWay J- 1 ) 1 s' -
" v • is hereby given £0 the find ««'■ "■
,I|JL I that unleft he appear andi si e <pc ■ ...
'? I the said action, on or before the , Kit VT.
' : day ;p January next, juO.'.tncnt wm, be en
' tered against l«m by default, a. d the good
„v. ,nd chatties, land, and tenements-o »i
---ours tached, fold for the fattsfaftton o, u.ho
hi, creditors as appear to be Wt v .n.
Hhed titled to any demand therein, a- , ft by
evew ply for that purpose,, .o th.- ,u,i
ut the ttatute in ftrh cafe m»de ? ' 1 »v.d< <
ve By order of th< < n 1 ,
P l B° DEARv", Cki ..
Aug. le,