A FEW TOM Chipped Logwood, FOR SALE, Landing at Hamilton's wharf. Apply to N John Vaughan, who has for sale. \ CLARET, £ Inhojtheads and cases of the firft quality. .Aug. 7 d_ NOTICE. 1 The New Caftie Lottery begin 1 ; the ilt Septembar; a R.E, GiiTSR UOOiC is ke;>t at Mr. B r,< N>. 7,5 irtti Water Street, where Tick- P 1 are at 1-4 of a dollar, and Ca N n'\a ie it p-'r Letter the laine day they are drawn, whether blank of priz.', to any 10 part of the Continent. . ' IK August 14. Miw. _ mc GUTHRIE'sGEOGRAPHY 8r Improved. P c " , , THE fubferiptton lor this work on the t i, t original t-rn(s, ot" twelve dollars and the \t, bi uling, will be doled this day—and mi Monday the fiiblcripuon will open at souK h< teen dollars* e*cliiiive of the price of bind- uiv "B- . . . The new maps added to this edition are mi twenty One ! which are thole of of N. w H.i;ni)!liire, to Rliode-Ifland, Vermont, New York, an New Jcrfeyj Pemilylvania, Delaware, Ma- thi ryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Caro lina, the G.'iielf.e Government, South Ca- mi roli.ia, and Georgia. These maps have ne ver been given in any farnler system of Geography, and, it is hoped, wridld alone be fuiEcieiit to entitle'this work to a pre- T 1 ference to any other edition of Gtjthrie. (j N B. The map of the United Slates, J ' ■ftrfiich is compiling by Mr. Simuel Lewis, from the refpeclive state maps, will be far more complete than any one yet piibHlhcdj and be printed on two large (beets of paper, nearly the lize of the late Mr. Mlir- j n ray's map. t0 May 31 - m Scheme of a Lottery, c T0 rai/6 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 ft Dollars, deducing 15 per Cent, from ol the Prizes—this Lottery conjijls of fj 38,000 Tickets, in which there are fj, 14,559 Prices and 23,461 Blanks, ac leiu" about one and an half Blanks to v ■ M a rrize. r , THh DireQorsof the Socicty for cflabiilh irtg Ufeful Mauufa&ures, having rcfolv ed to cruil LOTTKRItS fur railing O.vs Hundr f.d Thousanß Dollaks, agreeably | so 1111 ACt of i-hc L-.-giflJture of thr Sute ot J\ T cw- Jersey, ItiiVc appointed the following pcrforis 10 i'upcrintrnd and direfV the draw- g iug of the fame, vii. Nicholas Low, Rutin Ring, Herman Le Roy, James Watson, Ricturd Hairilon, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray,.of the city ot Nfw-York— f nomas billing, Jnfeph Ballj Matthew M'- C:.nnrl Andrdw Bayard, oi the city bf f Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How j. til, Esq. Klias Boudinot, General Elias Day ton, Jam s Parker, John Bayard, Doa.ir ° Lewis Doiiham, Samuel W. Slockton, Jofliua f M. Wallacc, Joseph Blnoinfield, and Elilha Boudinot, of Niw-Jerfey, who offer the following Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge ih'cmf Ives 10 the public, that they will take every aflfur.mce and precaution ill their power ' to nave tht-Monies paid by the Managers, . (,oth time ,to time, as received, into the • Er.-.ks at New-York and Philadelphia, to r n-Miain for the purpose of psving Priz s, ' which [hall be immediately discharged by a 1 check npon one of the Banks. SCHEME: \ i Priteof 20,000 Dollars is 20,000 t iojooo 10,000 ( a io,ooo § 2,006 10,000 10 IjOOO ic,ooo ( 20 500 ( too 100 10,000 300 50 15,000 1000 20 20,000 y 2000 1.5 30,000 000 8100 1® 81,000 1 4*539 262,000 23,461 Blanks. First draw a 2,000 Laftdrawn number,* - 2 t ooo Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 The drawing will commence, under the Jiifpe&ion of a Committee of the Superin tendants; as foori as the Tickets are fold, of" ?vhich timely noticc will be given. The Super'uitcndants have appointed John N. of Newark, Jacob R. Har denbergj of NeW-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample security for discharging U\e trust reposed in them. In order to secure the puriftual pay of the Prizes, the Superintendants of the Lottery have dire&cd that the Managers fhali each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fufficient securities, to perform their iftflru&ions, the substance of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers shall receive the furn of Three Hundred Dol lars, he (hall immdiatcly place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel phia, to the cieditof the Governor of the Society, and such of the Superirttendants as live in the city where the monies are placed, to remain rhcre nntil the Lottery rs drawn, for the paymnt of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficient fe eufity for any Tickets they may trust, other , wife to be responsible for them. ,111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid into the 'Bank, abftrafts of which (ball be sent, monthly, to the Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1 794. Ori application to either of the above gen tlemen, information will be given where tickets may he had. February 24. tu&fif The Lottery published by the ** Society For ellabliftiing ufeful manufac tures," will commence drawing the firft Tuesday in November next — Treasury Department, Revenue Office, jtfug- 20, 1794- of Notice is hereby given, that *' h PROPOSALS Will be received at the Office of the C*rn- miffi >ner of the Revenue until the expi ration o! the.full day of O& 'bei n.x , t'wi the lupply of ail Rations, whicn may be 1 required for tVc use of the U\»i ed Staie»,lrom 111 thefi-ftdayof January to ihe, t hit ty-fti it day of Decernocr 1?95t mc uiling both days, h: ' ;he places, arid within the dilli ith hcreinnf- ie: ter mentioned, vix. i. At any place or places between York ir.d Cariifl' yin the State of Pennfy »v-mia, ana P nfl> o'glijf and at Pittlburgh, York, and Carl ill". • S. а. At any place or places from Pittsburgh * to the mouth ol Big Bc«jver Creek, and at the 1 i } >non:h of big Beaver Creek. ''' 3. A* any place or places from the said ol mouth to the upper falls ot the laid* Big P r Beaver, and at the upper falls. ( f° 4. At any place or places trom the said up- 1 per fails to Mahoning, and at Mahoning. t>r 5. At any place or places trom the said M«ih 8. At any place or places between she mouth of the river Mufkingum and the jnomh of the Scioto river, aud at the mouth ot the said rivei Scioto. 9. At any place or places between the mouth ot Scioto river and the mouth of the ~~" Great Miami, at the mouth of the Great Mi ami, and from thence to the Rapids on the falls of the Ohio, aud at the laid rapids. 10. At any place or places between the' mouth of the Great Miami, upon the said Miami, to and at l*ique Town. fa. At any place or placcsfVom Fort W*(b ington to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hamil ton. At any place or places from Fort Ha milton to Fort St'. Clair, and at Fort St. Clair. 12. At any place or places from Fort St.- 1,1 Clair to Fort Jefferfon, and at Fort Jefferfon ct 13. At any place or places from Foit J el- k ferfon to "Fort Recovery the field of action b; of the 4th of November 1791, and at the N said field of aSfcioft. cl 14. At any place or places f«om the said vj field xil atlion t-o the Miami Villages, and w at the Miami Villages. R 15. A{ any place or places from the said T M'ami Village* to the falls of the Miami river, wliich flow into Lake Erie, and the said falls, and from thence, 10 i's mouth, p and at its iiioiith. a! 16. At any place or places from the mouth of the said Miami liver of Lake Erie to San duiky Like, and at Sandufky Lake. 17. At any place or places from the said g S.indiukv Lake, to the mouth of the river ()] Cayahoga. 18. At any-place or places from the mouth of the said river Cayahoga sco P.cfqijc Isle, x a'tid at Prefque Isle. or |)taresTrorfrfh"F Prclque HI to the it ream running iuto Lake Erie from towards the Jadaghque Lake, & theneq 0 over to and at the said Jadaghque Lake, and 2 thence down the Alleghany liver to Fort Franklin. 20. At any place or places from Prefque Isle to Le BcCui* and at Le Bceuf. j 21. At any place or places from Le Bceuf i 5 to Fort Franklin, and at Fort Franklin, and U< from thence to Pittsburgh. a [ . 22. At any place or places from the rapids i: , of the Ohio to the mouth of the Ouabache c rivei, Sc liom the mouth of the said Ouabache v | river to the mouth of the river Ohio. p 23. At any place or places on the East fide of the river Miflifippi, from the mouth of S the Ohio river, to the mouth of the Illinois I river. \ I 24. At any place or places from the mouth t of the said Otiabache river up to Fort Knox, i 1 and at Fort Knox. j 2£. At any place or places from Fort Knox up the said Ouabache to Ouittanon, and at j OuittanoO. o 26. At any place or places from Ouittanon, Q up the said Ouabache to the head navigation • 0 X)f a branch thereof/ ca'ied Little R'.ver, and j 0 at the said head navigation of Little River. Q 27. At any place or places from the said head navigation of Little River over to the 0 Miami Village. 0 28. At any place or places ftom the mouth 0 of the river Teneffee to Occochap,>oor Bear Creek, on the said river, including the fame. l 0 29. At any place or places from the mouth of the rivei Cumberland to Naflivilie, on the lc said river, and at Nalhville. 30. And At any place or places within thirty miles of said Nalhville to the South ward, Westward or Northward thereof. 1 Should any rations be requited at any pla r" ces, or within other diftritts, not fpecificd in m these proposals, the price of the fame is to be rs hereafter agreed on between the United States >x and the tontrattor. The rations to be supplied are to consist of the following articles, viz. rs One pound of bread or flour, rs, One pound of beef, or Jof a pound ofpoik, :ir One quart ot fait. Two quarts of vinegar./ rs Two pounds of soap, > P cr 100 m,ons * d- One pound of candles,) ln The rations are to be furnifhed in such e ~ quantities, as that there shall at all times, ', c during the said term, be fufficient for the consumption of the troops at each of the n ' said poih, for the term of at least three ' months in advance, in good and wholesome fe- provifionl, if the fame shall be required. er _ It is to be underttood in each cafe, that all loffcs sustained by the depredations of e ts l he enemy, or by means of the troops of the the United States, shall be paid for at the prices ■nt, of the articles captured or ddtroyed, on « the depositions of two or more persons of creditable and the certificate en- of a commiflioned officer, ascertaining the ere circumstances of the loss, and the amount of the articles for which comfenfation ftiall 1 be claimed. the The contrast for the above supplies will' ac- be made either for one year, or for two ifil years', as may appear eligible. Persons disposed to contract will therefore confine PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 119, Chbsnvt Street.—Price Six D®li.ars Per. Ahnwmc their off rs to one year, ii ttey may form their prop >fitions To as to admit au elc£iio:» of tire term ot two years. The offers may comprise all the places which tfave been fpec.fied, or a part ol J i hem only. It is also Deftred, that proposals may be ofteied for lupplying at the two posts ol Fort Waftington and r J»ittfburgli aril the rations neceflary for the J main A'liiv, its detachments and the Gar iifons above mentioned during the said yeat 1705. The prpvifions tic. which will 0? i cceivctl at* Pittsburgh will be those which rhalLbc necessary for the troops at that place and at the posts north, north-weft I and, in the vicinity, on the weft thereof. The which will be received at Fort Wafaiiigton will be those which shall be retried for the remainder of ihe , posts, for the principal detachments and lor trie; main Army. The expense and trouble of fafe keeping unpacking and ifluing the provisions deliverable under this second form of the propofnions, will be Caved to , the Coruaftors. The exadt proportion of , the n-hole supplies, which will be r quired at each ©if the two Post ; ot Fort afliing ton and \Vili be determined « tract in HJm.jftiire county, con taining by patent, 699 sctes, called Slim Bottom, situate on botli fidfs ol the South Branch and ,within two miles of the mouth of il, and is supposed to have a good mill feat. Another tract in Hamplhirc county 011 New Cree'k and Kirttle-i-ick, containing - ■ J9PUBI OA-T— —: 1 Another t raft in Prince WiHiam county, called Leef)lvania, containingupwaids of 2300 acres, lyingupon jpotoiuack river, a bout 23 miles below Ahxandria, and 28 below the City of Washington, compre hending Freeftonc Point, wliich appears to be a quarry of free-fione, covering about 5 3 acrtfs and adjoins the river, where vef ifelsof iO3 tons conveniently harbour. On anOtliet part of this tract it is supposed there is a quarry of flite, convenient to water carriage. Upwards of two thirds are in woods. Mr. EnoeliS. Lane, living 011 the premises; will (hew this tract. Another tract, in Fairfax county, called Springfield, containing 2040 1-2 acres, a , bout 13 miles from Alexandria and 10 from Washington ; abounds with fine fpiings and ' meadow ground) and may be seen by apply , ingtoMr. John Wood, living on part •» it 1 Another tract in Fairfax county, con ' taining 392acresj oh Turkey-cock Run, a bout 6 miles from Alexandria. • Another tract in Fairfax county, contain ' ing about 176 acres; adjoining Mr. J. Wat. son's if at, about four miles from Alcxan , dria. Another tract, in Fairfax county, con- C tainingsl3 acres, near Oecoquan, joining , Mr. (Edward Waftiingion's. Another tract, in Fairfax county, con -1 taining 80 acres or thereabout, within a I, mile of Pohick Landing, and within five e miles of Mount Vernon, lies terrel, and is well timbered. n An undivided moiety iiv another tract, 1. containing abou' 284 acres, in Fairfax county, about 5 miles from Washington, & j_ 9 from Alexandria, where J. Robinson lor n merly lived. >c Another parcel of land, within a mile cs of Alexandria, containing about 24 acres, and to be fold in acre or half-acre lots, of Also; sundry unimproved lots of variou sizes, in different parts of the town of Al exandria. t Todefi/ribe the premises more particu ' larlj is deemed unneceflary, a»itis expec ted every person will examine and view whatever part he (hall be inclined to buy. My only object being to raise a certain sum , of money, by felling so many or such parts of the aforefaid tracts of land and lots as J' fliall be neccfiary for that purpose, one hall , le of the purchase money mult be paid at- the >e time of contrast, and the other within a year from the firft day of August next, and I at the time of delivering pofleffion or ext. at cuting a legal conveyance. The lands re o j. maining unfold, except the tract in Prince William, after railing a limited sum, wil ", e e be divided in-to tenements, and leafed foi ' * a term of years. From the I2thday of 0c )n tober next, till the 15th of Decembr, I 1(e shall be in the city of Richmond, andafte that time I shall remain at home, in Alex t andria, at which places, or elsewhere, ia) j' (hall be prepared to detail particalars, an to enter into contrasts. rill Alexandria, July 28 *°j CHARLES LEE. sne | Ang. 8 1 awiow « Ang. 8 j German Passengers. 1 A FEW Healthy Toting Pajfetigers, just arrived in the Ship Holland, Captain Franklin, From Amsterdam, - now at anchor opp jfne Vine-Street ; whose time* are to be agreed for Oy applying on I oard, or to Pragers, y Co. J August 29. diw. One hundred dollars Reward. WHEREAS there were deliveredinthe Month of October lad, from tfce Stores of the Subscribers, Two Ctefts and nine Half < Chests of Bohea Tea, marked, numbered and weighing, as undei, to some person or _ perfrffls with pretended orders fro in Mr T SAAC CLASON of" this City, butwhkch i •■e did not receive; whoever will gjvein loriuation lb that a difcavery may be made, , wiio got the said lea, shall reccive the £ above reward ; and it isrequefted that the ' Dealers in the Article will be careful in examining the Marks an in the engraving are in general rtronger, and b have a darker appearance than in the bills. t The signature William Patteiion, is ba3ly I done, the strokes ot the letters, are ftiff and j labored, and appear to be painted over with ( the pen, as well as the tlourilhingof the name. L - The value is left blank in the engraving, to 'mm h« nr ir fup^, more or lcls pica!lire. No true Post-Notes of the alphabetical mark, above diferibed, h»ve been lately if , lucd, and very few are tu»w in circulation. . ' The above reward of One Thouland dol lars will be paid to any person, or persons, 1 ) who shall discover, or proiecute to conviction, : the several oflenders, or any of them, of the 1 following defcripiioit, vu. c 1 The person or persons, who, engraved the : late. The printer, or printers of the said bills, i Every per son who has a&ed as principal in < i any way in the counterfeiting and uttering < be said bills. 1 1 WILLIAM PATTERSON. President. 1 of the Bank ol Maryland. i Bm*>, April 8, 1794. 1 J STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA ' t In the House of Representatives, l Dectmbek 21ft, 1793. 1 WHEREAS the Commiflioners ol pub lic Accounts,have reported, that they cannot procced to the in.eftigation ol the Trealury Accounts, refptfting fpccial In dents, without knowing the outstanding a- ' mount thereof in circjulaiion Therefore. Resolved,, That~atlholdcr§ or fpccial In- ' u dents be diredlcd, and required, on or belore the firft day ot November n< xi, to deliver the i b special Indents in their poffellion to one or ' 1 other of the Commiflioneis «f the Trealury, who are to give receipts for the fame, and to report to the Commiffipncri on public ac- 1 e counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov ls ember next, the amount by them refpeftive ly received, and also to the Legislature, at their meeting in November next, and that LX all special Indents not rendered into the & Treasury as above, on or before tbii firft day r- of November next, shall be, and the fame are hereby barred. le Resolved, That public notice of this refolu- S, tlon be given in the several Gazettes in this State, once every three weeks, until the firft u day ot November next. And that the Dcle tl- gates of this State in theCongrefs of the Uni ted States, be requclted to caufc this relolu u_ tion lo be published in one or more papers c in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York, !W and that provision will be made for the ex pences attending such publication. m Ordered, That the refoluiion be sent to the Senate for their concurrence. By order of the House, V, JOHN SAN FOR D DART, C.H.R. Z In the SENATE, a DhC EMU B K 2 lift , *75"3. nd Refol*cd, That this House do concur with the House of Rcprefe»tatives in the foiego ~ ing resolutions. \ Ordered, Ttrat the resolutions Itnt to ?.. /he.Houftof Rcprelentatives. r l by order of the Senate, ' or FfcLlX W ARLEY Clerk. | Y N. I •x N O T I C E. The Gazette of the United ' States if nolo publi/hed at No. 119 CHF.SNtJT street —to vjhich place thr . OFFICE of the Editor is removed, and 'where Printing Work in general it y performed. Choice St. Croix «S. JUST IMPORTED And far Salt, By JAMES YARD. Alfoa quantity of RUSSIA June 24th. FOR SAL*>, At the STORES ci Jefle & Robert \ PORT WINE in pipes, hhds ter casks LISBON do. in pipes and quar Sonchongand Congo TEAS, i . .? . , cherts A quantity of Lilbc. and Cad * ,' -p Soft ftelled ALMONDS in bal , Velvet CORKS, in do. Russia MATTS. June 9 d The Public are caut , beware of counterfeited Five L , r g. , of the Bank of the United g Twenty Dollar Bill] of the Ban ,/ America,fe-veral of which ha-v in circulation within a few day. '/>_ are good general imitation of ' Bills, but maybe di/tinguified . ib j-.i , owing MARK Five Dollar Bills of the Be ' /, were ilTued in jhat year. rwentj Dollar Bills of the Bank cn a America* ALL that have appeared have ertt B. lor their alphabetical mark. jfhey are printed 011 a paper n< 1* ;. i | lac to that of the counterfeit Fi Notes above described; the eng 5i bettei executed, and they appro? v. tr to the appearance of thegenuin ' The fine ruled lints through : vvoidl TwentXf in the body of the bill, "an 1 .1 -3| ber th rteen in the genuine bills, nti twelve in the counterfeits. is much like "word in the Five DoTfaf" "Bills «s . .. nixd above, the 0 being less than the , sud u* thers following. There is no stroke to the t ii North whereas in the genuine bills ' < ■ c is well defined. The letters tnt in I /v> the left hand at the bottom, do 1 t c down to the line, but are so tut; ' an irregular appearance to the w f . Tw and -hey gning below them- The signature 1 Nixon, hasth «ppetr ance ol being written with lamb-. h. k ' 'i| oil, and differs from other ink: t dii - printing th bills and the cafhies i ture. It is supposed these forgeries were •inmit ted in fomeofthe Southern States, n ili ltie counterfeits thai have appeared, h;-■>- u>mc from thence, and twopcrfons have '' prehended in Virginia,on suspicion ot ecu? the author of them. The reward of ONE THOUSAND U'; } LARS will be pa>d to any Person or ! en- n who (hall cfifcover and prosecute tr convic tion the several offindcrs of the 1: defrriptions or any of them, viz. The person or pcrfons, '* erf the pap?. are nu The, person or pcifons, who eng - plates. The printer or printers, of the bit *. Every person who has a£led as a rrinc'tpt in any other way, in the counterfeiting : . . uttering the said biUs. Philadelphia, March 28, 1794 ' April 22, -'9v. • Other counterfeit ■ 5 of the Bank of the Uniied States pearcd far cireulationi The denomination is of T l . '.NJ ' s DOLLARS, and the alphabetica »>• \ the letter B. They may be distinguished 'froi' i 5' - nuine by the following MARKS : The paper of the connteifetts ' n> s more tender texture and glofli'? • '' ■i than the genuine, and there is is v ' r * •- mark in them. The letter C. in the word ( ,;l " "■ 0 he true bills is ftronglv maikti 1 , «'f in the The whole fino hair ilroke, evidently in an ll:ate. Tbelettera in the woit - 1 is hariiy formfrf n ' I AIII * " rf 1 and tliere is iro comma at theent there is in tlie genuine bills. '* The marginal device, is iw ' ' in the falte, tbau in the geuuin .-.U 0 10 iiig to the lhade strokes being co«'' J"', nearer together, and ; J ' * more numerous. This drfferenc'r :n. t " eye atfirft view. ..., The fame reward of ONE J ' *" DOLLARS, will be pwd for ap ; ii prosecuting to (,'onviftion above defcribcd Offenders in rcl 1 as to the lad described bills. 19 THOMAS WILLINI b: ol the Honk-Cn.K ■ JOHN NIXU l. p " . Bankof Nordi A»'» " By order ol the Commiuee «• peftive Boards.