Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 27, 1794, Image 4

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Ch pped Logwood,
■aat Hamiltop's wharf. Apply to iVOi
John Vaugban,
In ! ' and cases of the firft quality. o
7 d tnef
notice. °L)
Th New Castle Lottery ler '
b -M , i: swing the ilt September; a RE, «■
' : . i\:k BOCK is kept at Mr. B■.ffe'es- nd
; . ■ .-tli r Street, where Tick' ?'■"
t : -i-e' at 14nf a dollar, and Car]
M tfu-f 1 tj£ I'r the fame day they ®-
led;: a", whether blank or prise, to any • co
I the Continent. '
«*_ * dlw - J,
Improved. jr '
T' i Cuhfcriptioii lor this work on the t |, c
origin ! t«rms, of twelve dollars and tile jjj,
. will be elof'ed this day—and on g
the fubferiptinn will open at tour- Hu
Hi'. ' arsj exclusive of thepri'ce of bind'- riv<
T< ' ,f W trtap»added to this edition are mo
- me ; autdng «tilch are tliofb ot of i
Hi ;1 p&ire, Mairachnfetrs, Coiineftl- toi
Je-lftand, Vermont, New York, and
> '■ e», Pen itytvania, Delaware, Ma- the
! i, Virginia, N 'rth Caro- f
i. •. r!" Genell-e Government, South Ca- mo
nd Georgia. Tlleie maps huve ne- " f .
.1 given in any former system of faK
hjr, and, it is liojied, would alone '
;S tent to entitle this work to »pte- ™ c
ro any other edition of Guthrie. '
( I The niap of the United States,
. compiling by Mr. S inuei Lewis,
3 rifpe&itre state maps, wi'l ne far m
c inpleie than-afty one-yet puMirti.d, . ,yj
if printed ot two large (heeti of j
:arly the lize of the late Mr. Mut- I
' ' p. j I to '
3t mi
irile of a Lottery, I CI
rn'-s't 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 lei
Jo aht deducting 15 per Gent, from « f
, V Prizes—this Lottery confijls of "
"-100 Tickets, in -which there are fie
■ '39 and 23,461 Blanks, at
/•. about one and an half Blanks to
. M
rrixe. r ,
' I t JnettorsoFthe Society foreftablilh- (h
I 1 - Ufelul Manufactures, having reful* l(]
rtl LOTTERIES toi Out
' ed Thousand Doll ars* agreeably Q j
•• of itie Lt giflature ot the Slate ot i(|
... irley, have appointed the following
p iiiio superintend and direst the draw* j
111 ihe fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rutin £
; Herman Le Roy. James Watfou,
{ Harnfon, Abijah Hammond, and j
, 10s Ray; of the city ot New-York— ai
?' . 1 • Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'-
( iii anri Andicw B»yatd, ot the city ot
j. phia —-Hts Excellency Richard How {>
ti , EiV.. Ettas Botidioot, General Eli as Day
to-,, jam. s Paiker, John Bayaid, D»aor ~ ic'.Jonham, Samo-1 W. Stockton, Joshua f .
M. SV lUce, Joseph Bl 'omfieid, and filifha
Eourj.rot, of N w-Jerfey, who ofiet the .
fo'J - rig Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge
then, ves to the public, that they will take
eJc, Tur-nce and precaution in theit power '
to ,cthe Monies ppid by the Managers,
fr,.,n lirtte to time, as received, into the
Jt: K3 at New-York and Philadelphia* to 0
iui for the puipofe of paying Priz s, '
wi jhril be immediately discharged by a '
chef* npon one of the Banks.
Prizeof so,ooo Dollars is so.oco
10,000 to,ooo
2 5-OQO 10,000
. 1 2,000 19,^00
jr 1,000 10,000
goo 10,000 |
. 10p 10,000
50 >5,000
lOv 20 20,000
a »5 30,000
12 36^0°
c, ? , io 81.000
- 1) Prizes. 262,000
Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Lafldrawn number, 9,000
T.rkcts at 7 Dollars each is 266,000
p. - drawing will commtnte, under the
of a Committee ot the Superin-/
: -i.d ,nts, as Coon as the Tickets are fold, ol
; . ti timely notice will be given. '
T; e Sjperintendants have appointed John
CunVnfing, of Newark, Jacob R Hlr
1 ;tg, ot fiew-Brunfwickj and Jonathan
tn:a. of Trenton, as imm- diate Managers
• of, who have fi'Ven smple security for
{charging the trull repofod in them.
[■,T fnprder to secure the pun&ual pay
-nr of the Prizes, the Superintendants of
t tottery have diretled that the Managers
.» each eniermto bonds in 40,000 dollars,
"... ... four futficicnt fecuriii- s, to perforni then
•lUnfilions, the fuMlatnce of which is
That whenever either of the Managers 4
. 'eceive the sum of Three Hundred Doi
he (hall immdiately place rhe fame in
if the Banks of New-York or Philadel
to the credit ol the Governor of the
ty, and such of the Superintendants as
n the city where the monies are placed,
t main there nntil the Lottery is drawn,
lepaymnt ol the Prizes.
The Managers to take fufEcient fe
/ tor any Tickets they may trust, other
to be refponhb-le for them.
I. To keep regular books of Ticket!
Monies received and paid into th«
, abffrafts of which (hall be sent,
hly, to 1 hiGovernor of the Society,
terfpn, January T, 1794-
1 application to either of the above gen
•n, iniormation will be given where
ts may be had.
otuary 24. tn&fif
Tbe Lottery published by the
* riety for eftabtifhing ufeful rianufac.
," will commence drawing the si d
. 'day in November next —
Treasury Department,
Revenue Office, Aug. 20, 1794. of th
Notice is hereby given, that
Will be received at the Office of the C<»m
mifliouer of the keveoue 1 the expi-
tn ot the fitltdayoi 'OAooer ntx:, for
the tapply all Rations, whtch niay be
required for the life of the Udlsed States,!rom
the firft day ot Janu.t'ry t > ihc ihi rt > -tii it day
ot D«ceinoor 1795, incitiding nOth dayj>, I ' -
ihe places, and within the ditlritls hereinaf-
ter mentioned, viz. "J a
1. At any place or jvlaces between York
ntl Carhflt : , in the State ot Pcnnly ivama, and
Phtfb'uob, and at Pittfbmgn, Yo.k, and p
Carliflo. tj- /t 4 ftral
2. At any place or places from Pitttburgh
'o the njouih o Big )ver Creek» ana at the
■nou h of big Beaver Creek.
3. A. any place or places from the said n| 1
mouih to the upper faf.s ot the laid Big P ro
Shaver, and at ihe appei falls.
4. At any place or places from the said up- the
jri talis to Mahoning, and at Mahomng. the
5. At any place or places from the said at <
Mahoning, over to the Head Navigation ot ton
Hie rtvci Cayahoga, aud at tne said Head the
Navigation. 1
6. Ai any place or places from the said _
Hxad Navigation to the mouth of the fatd
riv« 1 Cuyahoga, and 31 the laid mouth.
7. At any place or places oeiw en the
mouth ol th. Big Be iver Creek, tg ihe mouth
of the river lyiuikingum, and np the laid rivet
to the Tufcarowas, and at the Tufcar nwas » Wi
and theoce over to the Cayahoga river, aud
therjee down tfie said river to it* mouth
8. At any place or places between the
moir.hotthe rjver Mufkingum and the mouth
of ' l > Scim>> river, aud at the inouth ot thi
said rivet Scioto.
9. A any place or places between the
mouth o' Srioto river and the mouth o£ iht
'Great Miami, at the mouth ot ne Great Mi
ami, and fiom thence to the Rapids on the
falls of the Ohio, and at the said rapids.
' 10. Ai any place or places between t l, <
momh of the Great Mianrr, upon the said
IVl'anii, to and at Pique Town.
11. At any place 01' place ,f om Fort W/»!h
ington to Fort Hamilton, and at Fort Hannl
ton. At any place or places from Fort H
miho'n to Fort St. Clair, and at Fori Sr.Claii.
112. At any place or places Fort St. ID ,
Clair 'o F'»n frfferfon, and at Fort Jefferfon ca
' 13. Ai any pi ce or .places from Fou J kr
) lerJon to Fort Recovery the field of afliori bo
of the 4th of November 1791, and at the N
r said field ot action. ch
14. At any place or places fom the said va
e field of a&ion "o the Miami Villages, aud w
, at the Miami Villages. R
0 15. At any p ace or traces from th<; said p
M'a ni Villages to he falls ot the Miami
r er, wtiieh flow into L'ke Erie, anrt a
the laid falls, and from thence, io » ( s mouth, p
and at its mouth.
E 16. At any place br places from the mouth
y of ihe said Miami itver of Lake Erie to San-
' duflcy Lake, and at Sandulky Lake.
® 17. At any place or places from the
S.mdtifky Lake, to the mouth of the j
'* Cayahoga. ft
J 18. At any place or places ffom the jfc >uth
of the said river Cayahoga to Prefqiu isle, vi
~ and at Prefque Isle. 1
19. At any place or places from the Pf.fqiie
jfle to the stream running into Lake
from towards the Jadaghquc Lake, &. thence C '
oyer to and at the said Jadaghque Lake, and j 2
r thence down the Alleghany rtver to Fort
20. At any place ar places from Prefque ' 1(
Id to Le Baeuf, and at Lc Boeuf. b'
81. At any place or phces fiom Le Bceuf 5
er to Fort Franklin, and at Fort Franklin, and
rs from thence to Pittsburgh. a
22. At any place o r places fiomthf apids v
tQ of the Ohio to the mouth of th Ouabache c
s river, & from the mouth of the saul Oiubache V
, * riv rto the mouth ot he river Ohio. p
23. At any .plac >r«places on the East fide
of the river Miflifi .p., from the mouth of S
the Ohio river> to the mouth of the Illinois b
Co 24. At any place or places from the mouth r
00 of the said O'idbache river up to Fort.Knox, i
° n and at Fort Knox. j
00 At any place or places from Fort Knox
up the said Ouabache to Ouittanon, and at t
00 Ouittanon.
26. At any place or places from Ouittanon,
>oo up ihe said Ouabache to ihe head navigation |
)0Q of a branch thereof, ca'led Little River, and
)oo 31 navigation of Little River. (
>00 an V P^ ac€ or P^ act ' s from the said
head navigation ot Little River over to the 1
, 00 Miami Village.
300 28. At any place or places from the mouth
ycc ot the river TencfTee to Occoch.ipooor Bear
Creek, on the said river, including the fame.
- )00 29. At any place or places frotu the mouth
of the rivei Cumberland to Nashville, on the
t " < said river, and at
Mn "'' 30. And At any place or places within
►ol thirty miles of said Nashville to the South
ward, Wfftward or Northward thereof.
J*"" ' hould any rations be required at any pla
ir ces, or within other diftntts, not fpeciwcd in
"• J " ' hefe p'ropofals, the price of the fame is to be
S^ rs hereafter agreed on between the United States
or and the contra&or.
The rations to be supplied are to confifl of
,a ) the following articles, viz.
s of 0
gers One pound of bread or flour,
iars, One pound ot orjo» a pounu of potk,-
hen One quart of fait. }
Two quarts of vinegar.^
;er S , Two pounds ol so a p, fP" '°° ra"°ns
- One pound of candles,)
e The rations are tohe furnifced in such
dc '" quantities,, as tha; there ihall at all times,
' e (turingthefaid term, be Cuffieient for the
i'ed consumption of the troops at each of,the
j" n ' said polts, lor the term of at lead three
' months in advance, in good and wholesome
(e- prnvifions, if the fame shall be required
ther- It •' c " ' JC understood in each cal'e, that
all loffcs fufta'tned by the depn-dations of
ckctl lie enemy, or hv means of the troops of the
, th, United States, (Hall be paid for at the prices
sent, of the articles captured or deft'royed, on
ty. the depositions of two or more persons
of creditable characters, and the certificate
gen o' a commiffijned officer, ascertaining tbe
/here ri cuniftances ol the loCs, and the amount
of the articles for which c mpenfation (ha
if he claimed.
the The contrast for the above supplies will
ufac- be made ei hei for one year, or for t» o
si d yeais, as may appear eligible. Persons
difpo'ed to conrraft will therefore confine
PHILADELPHIAr— Printed by JOHN FENNO, N». 119, Chisnvt Street.—Price Six Dollars Per Annum.
their off rs to one year, a 5 they may form
theit proportions so as to admit an election
of the term of two years.
Tlfe offers may comprise all the places tt
which have been fpecified, or a part ol
hem only. J ll
It is also Desired,,
that nropofals may be oifc ed foriupplying
at the two polls of Fort Walhingt m and nov
pittfburgb all.the rations necellarv lor the " m
main Airav, its detachments a'lid the Gaj- oa
r ifons above mentioned during the said yea
!70s- The provisions Sec. whicn will b /
received at Pittlburgh willbethnfe whicli —
•hull be necessary for the troops at that
place and at the polls north, 110 th-well vj
and, in the vicinity, on the weft thereo
The provisions which will be received
Fort Wa!Vin£ton will be thole which ,
(hall be required for the remainder of the
polls,for the principal detachments andlor
the main Army. Xhe expense and iroubie
of fafe keeping unpacking and illuing the
provifiops deliverable under this second
form of the propofnions, wil be saved to
the Contactors. The exact iroportion of '
the whole supplies, which will be r quired
at each of the two Polls of Fori Walhing
ton and Pittsburgh will be deterniintd t
the time of contrail.
Aug. 21 tawtiO £x
— — CI
Money to be Lent, « n
On Mn'fap' "f 1
Within the City and Libert « of Philadel
o>\'a to
Nicholas Diehl, jun.
Attorney at Law. .
No. 19, south Fourth Jireet. B
Aag. 4 mw&ftf
. —' — B
the following
Tra&s of Land,
in Virginia.
OVEtraftin Frederick county, contain- -
i"g 8756 acies, being pai t of that whereon
n col. Thomas Bryan Martin now relides,
known bv the name of G: eenwav court, a
n boat 12 miles from Winched rand 5 trom
e Newtown. For the conve ience of pur 3
cha'ers, it will he divided into parcels of v ,
I various dimenfio'ns from 200 to boo acres, v.
d w lich may be viewed by application ro col v
R. K. Meade, living neafr the premilis— .
II The greater part is very fertile and svell g
1 timbered. v
1 Another tiafl in the fame county on
I Palfage crrek, containing 230 acres, and e
adjoining Jacob Levi: goods.
h Anoth • tract in Hiiriiifh ie county, con- n
'* f'lining by patent, 699 acres, called Slim
Rottom, fitnate on both fides of the South
Branch and within two miles of the mouth
' r f ii, and is fuppoled to have a good mill f
" Another tract in Hamplhire county on
"• New Creek and Kettle-Lick, Containing
501 acres. r
ie AnothertraS in Prince William coanty,
I* called LeeTjlvania, eo»K»Hwng upwards at' r
2iO~i 3c e■, lyingupon Potomack river, a ,
but 23 miles below Al.-xandria, ad 28
rt below the City of Washington, comp'e- j
le hending Frecftone Point, which appears to ,
C be a quarry of free-ftonc, covering about ,
u ( 50 acres and adjnins the/river, where vef- f
,d fels of »oo tons conveniently harbour. On
another part of this tract 11 isfuppofed there 1
dj is a quarry of fl'te, convenient to water
he carriage. Upwards of two thitds are in
he woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living 011 the ;
premises, will (hew this tract. I
de Another tract, in Fairfax coun'y, callad
of Springfield, containing2o4o 1-2 acres, a
iis bout 13 miles from Alexandria and lofrom 1
Washington } abounds with fine springs and J
th meadow ground, and may be seen by apply
x, ing to Mr. John Wood, living on part of
ox Anothertraft in Fairfax county, con-
Jt taining 392acrer, on Turkey-cock Run, a
bout 6 miles from Alexandria.
>n > Another tract in Fairfax county, contain
°" ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat
" son's fei>t, about four miles from Alexan
j dria.
Another tr*fl, in Fairfax county, con-'
thc tainingsl3 acres, near Oocoquan, jpiding
Mr. Edward Walhingion'i.
II Anotl er tract, in Fairfax county, con
car taming 80 acres or there&bout, within a
mile of Polnck Landing, and within five
the miles of Mount Vei non, lies level, and is
well timbered.
hi n Au undivided moiety in another tra«.%
containing about 284 acres, in Fairfax
county, about 5 milpsfrom Washington, &■
pla- 9 from Alexandria, where j Robiiifon for
-lin inerly lived.
1 be Another parcel of land, within a mile
area of Alexandria, containing about 24 acre*,
and 10 be fold in acre or half-acre lots.
lof Also* funHry unimproved lots of variou
sizes, in different parts of the town of Al
Todefcribe the premises more particu
' larly is'deeined unneceflarv, as it is eitpec
ted every person will examine and- view
n '. whatever part he shall be inclined to buy.
My only object being to raise a certain lum
- , ofmonev, by felling so many or fpch parts;
uc of the aforefaid ti acts of land and lots as
nes ' fha Ibe necessary fpr that purpofej one half
' e of the purchafo money mu(t be paid at the'
£ time ot contrail, and the other within a
. re " year from the firft day of Auguti next, and
e j at the time of delivering poflelllon or exe
jliat cuting a legal conveyance The lands re
s 0 ,. maining unfold, except the tract in Prince
I* William, after railing a limited sum, will
ices he divided into tenements, and leafed for
o a t -rm of years. From the I2thday of Oc
'fons next, til! the 15th of Oscembr, I
cate t ' ie c ' t ' r Richmond, and after
T that time I shall remain at home, in Alex
ount an( ' r ' l, i at w hich places, or elsewhere, I
flia P re P are d to detail particulars, and
to eiuer into loniraifts.
will v Alexandria, July 28
nfine v Ang. 8 lawiow
* Ang. 8
German Paflfengers.
Healthy Young Pajfengers,
Just arrived iu fh Sn« ■ H'>l»d»,d, Captain t
From Amsterdam, —
now at anctior opp lite Vine-Sireet ; whose
iimes ar so be g.ced for by applying on
oard, or to
Pragers, & Co. J(
Au-ul> ?e. "» w - i
One hundred dollars *
WHEREA I tus re were deliveredinthe S
Month of O&ober last, from the Stores of 1
the Subfcrlbe s, Two Chests and nine Half I
Clk'fts of Bohea Vt a, marked, numbered J
and weighing, as ui'de:, to some person or — t
■erlons with pretended orders si >m Mr
ISAAC'CLASON of this City, butwhich I
•ie did n<'t receive ; whoever will give in
ormation To that adifcov ry may be made, <■
w.o got the laid Tea, shall receive the
above reward j and it isrequefted that the
D-alersin the Article will be careful in
examining the Mark 1 ; and Numbers of the
thefts that have palled through their hands r ;
since the pe>iod above mtimoned, and give D *
t eck-fired information.
New Yo k July 3 ft, i7s4-
William and James Con/}able. F '
' Ship Washington. F -
C. q. lb. Tare w|
n CNo. 327 31 16 60 \ Whole h
( 473 3 » 24 64 i Chests
wr 17? 1 3 1* 39 th
B. 177 I i 43 39 so
198 13 7 41 O
213 318 37 Half CIJ
227 13 7 40 Chests. w
i 287 13 9 38
f 301 t 3 l? 40 ro
379 I 3 18 41 rt
40J 1 3 >4 39 J
Aug. 6 dim pi
8 tl
Gne thousand Dollars ft
Some lew C unieifeit Poll-N ■es of the P.
3ank ot Maryland, having been lately difro
vered in circulation, and on tracing be faerie
> were found to come hoin the back part's of
I Virginia, wherr they prObib^yTvrft »flu_ed ;<o w
avoid iiripoftnon it is thought nrceffary to ?
I give the following description of them, by
wh'ph they may readily be deteftcd. (
\ They have the letter D, for their alphabet! B
1 cal mark, at the left hand fide of the Note.
The paper on which they arc printed is l£
_ more foft and tender, the of the letters, fs
i in the cngrayingare tn general stronger, and
} have a darker appearance tflin in the bills.
, The signature William Patierlon, is badly
j done, the strokes of the letteis, are ftiff and j
labored, and appear to be painted over with
the pen, as well as the flourifhingof the name.
The value is left blaijc in the engraving, to
be filled up in writing, To the sum may be
more or Icls at plcafure.
\ No true Poft-Notcs of the alphabetical a
mark, been lately if
„ sued, and tery few are n win circulation. ,
The above reward of One Thouland dol
~ lars wtll be paid to any person, or persons, 1
0 whofhall discover, or convi£lion,
t the or any of them, of the 1
following defcri pi ion, viz. (
n The person or persons, who engraved the <
e, late.
r The printer, or printers of the said bills,
n Etfery person who has acted as principal in «
e anyway »n the counterfeiting and uttering <
he said bills.
i- of the Bank cl Mainland,
n Bme, April 8, 1794. 1
3f In the House of Representatives,
Dkclmb£r 21ft,1793. 1
1- TTTHRREAS the Com in ifli oners ot pub
a- VV lie Accounts,have reported, that th y
cannot procecd to the in eftigation ot the
n _ Tiealury Accounts, refpefifing special In
t. dents, without knowing the outstanding a- '
„ mount thereof in circulation :—Therefore,
Bifok'cd, That all holders ot special In- '
n _ denrs be directed, and requirrd, on or before
ncr the firft day of November next,to deliver thr !
0 special Indent in their poffcflion to one or
n _ other of the Commifltouers llie Treasury,
a who are to give receipts for the fame, and to
e report to the CommifTioners on public ac
counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov
1S ember next, the amount by therm refpeSive
ly received, and also 10 the Legislature, at
c ' their meeting \n November next, and lhac
all special Indents no' rendered into the
& Treasury as above, on or before the firft day
of November next, shall be, and the fame
are hereby barrfcd.
ile Rc/olvtdi That pnblie notice of this refolu
e«, tion be given tn the (everal Gazettes jn this
State, once evety three weeks, until the tuft
)tt day of November next. And that the Dele-
Al- gates of this State in the of thetlni
ted" States, be requeued 10 cause this rcloln
;U_ tion to be pubi shed in one or more papers
ec in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York,
ew dnd that provision will for the ex
jy pences attending luch ptihlication.
um Ordered, That the resolution be sent to
rts Senate foi their concurrence.
By order of the House,
the f In the SENATE,
, a December 2ift,i793-
uid Rcfolvcd, That this House do concur with
xe _ the Houle of ReprcCentatives in the forego
re '- n g refolut'tons.
Ordered, That tbe resolutions"be sent to
... the House of Rcprelentatives.
- by order of the Senate,
' Qr FiLIX WARLEY Clerk.
«wt N.
e" N O T I C E.
and Gazette of the United
States if now pullrfhed at No. 119
Chesnut street—to -which place thr
OFFICE of the Editor is removal, and
where Printing Work in general is
w performed.
Choice St. Croix Sugar
And for Sale,
Aifo a quantity of RUSSIA Matts.
June 24th. d'
At the STORES of
Jefle 6c Robert Wain,
PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and ijuar
ter talks
LISBON do. in pipes and quarter calks
Souchongand Congo TEAS, in quarter
A qiiantitv of'Lifbon and Cad'z SALT
Soft Ihelled ALMONDS in bales
Velvet CORKS, iu do.
Russia MATTS.
June 9 d
The Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Frve Loilar Bills
of the Bank of the United States, arid
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
America, federal of which have appeared
in circulation within a few days pajl; they
art good general imitation of the genuine
Bills, but maybe difiinguj/.ed by the fol
owing '
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the
United States.
ALL thai have appeared have the letter
F. fqr their Alphabetical Maik.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
whiter and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine paper.
The O. »n the word Company is smaller
than the M. and other letter* of that word,
so that a line extended from (he top of the
O, to touch the top of the M. wouldextend
considerably abeve the range of the whole
In the word Un'ted the letters are nar
rower andclofer together than thtieft of
the bill.
The i and fin the word promise are not
parallel, the /inclining much more forward
than the t.
The engraving is badly executed, the
ftioktsof all the Lerteis are ftrongei and
the devke in themargii particularly isirjich
coa'frr and appeal s darkei; than in thetiue
bills. Some or the counterfeits bear dale in
I?gi—Whereas tho Bank was not ii
tion till Decembei j and no five doll j
were itViu ■ in # hj fvi ar.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of V •
v America*
, ALL that have appeared have th(
B tor their alphabet ical mark.
They are primed o> a paper neath •
lar to that of the couute fit Five L -
Notes above defenbed; the en • ra - . g ?;
bette> executed, and rley approach 1 " r
to the appearance »>J" the genuine b •
The fine ruled lines through iht
Twent\ y in the body of the bill, aie u '
ber th rteen in the genuine bills* a : L-- v .
lAvelve in the counterfeits.
The word Company is much like th'
word in the Five Dollar Bills as de
! above* the o being less than the m, a
thers following.
ic no firoVj* 1° the t jjlthf
North whereas in the genuine bills the li
is well defined.
The letters ent in the word' 7& t to
e theleft hand at the bottom, do ro
down to the line, hut are so cu
c an irregular appearance to the ■.>
Tw and - hey going below them.
The signature ] Nixon, has the -v
n anti of being written with latnb-kjl
g 01, and differs from other inks n
printing th bills and the cashier's. '3-
Itia supposed tbefeforgeries were c m:■
ted in fame of the Southern States, a? > -iir
counterfeits thai have appeared, bav? c
L Irom thence, and two perfons*have b' zy+
prchended in Viiginia,on suspicion <> - lf ig
the author of them.
The reward of ONE THOUSAND
LARS will be pa'd to any Peifon or I r(otTB
e who shall difcot er and prolecute to i r
_ tion the several offenders of the so:' 1 -'g
_ dcWiptionj or any of them, vi*.
The person or pt-rfons, who man •<;' •
i_ e d the paper on which tbf Bills are p
e The person or persons, who c®gr* v, lJ
ir plates.
ir The printer or printers, of the bills.
Every yerluH
-0 in any other way, in the countertenor?
uttering the said bills.
Philadelphia, March 28, 1794
" April 22, 17',4-
,c Other counterfeit biiis
le of the Bank of the United States kive iy
pearcd in circulation.
ii. The denomination is of TV SNI '■
is DOLLARS, and the alphabetical »a»i •«
ft the letter B.
c- They may be diftinguiflied from it-'
i- nuine by the following MARKS :
u. The paper of ilie counteifeits ?< t u
is more tender texture and glofl'ey fr.rUce .
k. than tfie genuine, and there is r o * aer
X" mark in them.
TheletterC. in the word Cifi<
w he true bills is ftionglv niaiked,
in the counterfeits, the whoJe let ' ' * '*
, fine hair stroke, evidently in ann v
state. Thelettera in the word '<= ' j
is badly formed and the whole wor'l <*■' "
and there is no comma at theend ! 3 '
''' there is in the genuine bills.
[O- The marginal device, is !nuc" '
in the falfe, than in the genuine bsl
tc> ing to the (hade ftrokei being coa' n
ne«»et conieqner> ' • 1
mnie numerous. Xi'' s difference
eve at firft v.iew.
The lame reward of ONE TH W '
DOLLARS, will be paid for appi v - ,
iz prosecuting ro conviction tl e ''
above described OflcnHers in rdfy l -*' '
as to tbe laftdefcrsbed bills.
th; of the Bank Ignited •
iml jdHN NIXON, P«f> ! '■ "
Bank ol North Amen ■
By order of the Committee» •
peftive Boards. _ ..... .