Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 22, 1794, Image 4

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Chipped Logwood,
Landing at Hamilton's whafft Apply to
Jabu Vaugban, .
in hogfbeads and cases of the firft quality.
Aug. 7 d
The New Castle Lottery
begins drawing the ul September; a RE,
GIST£.R BOOK, is kept at Mr. iioflVes-
No. 75 Nortli'Water Street, where Tick
ets are 1-4 ot" a cblfar, ano
"Notice lent per Letter the fame day they
are draw whether blank or pfize, to any
part of the Continent.
Augufl 14. *d Iw.
TfiE fubfeription IoT thb work on t!ie
original lermsr, of twelve thxliais apd the
binding, wifl be cioled this day—and on
Monday the fubfeription will open at four
teen dollars', excltilive of the price of bind-
The new nlaps added to this edition are
twenty one ; which are those ol
N e v*r -Hampfl uv e, M a lTa chuJ ell sr£oil neft i
cnt, Rhode-Island, Vermont, New York,
Nev/ Jersey, Pennfylvaaia, Delaware, Ma
ryland, -Virginia, Kentucky, North Caro
lina, the Ge.nelTee Government, South Ca
rolina, and Georgia. ,Theie maps have ne
Vei been giyen in any former iyfteni of
and, it is hoped, would alone
be fufiicient to entitle this work to a pre
ference to any other edition of Guthrie.
N. B. Th? map of' the United States,
which is compiling by Mr. Samuel Lewis,
from the rpjpeftive slate niaps, will be far
more couiplete than any one yet publiihcd,
and be printed on tW6 large fiieets of
, paper, nearly the lize of the late Mr. Mur
ray's map.
May 31 d
Scheme of a Lottery,
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,00 c
Dollari, deducting 15 per Cent', from
the Prizes—-this Lottery ctmjijls of
Tickets, in which- there are
1 4'539 Pi ixes and 23,461 Blanks,
being about one and an half Blanks to
a Prize.
Dircflorsof the Society for eftabjifo-
JL log Ufeful having
ed to erett LOTTERIES for laifing
Hundred Th&.usa nd DOl Lars, agreeably
to an Aw of the Legislature of the State o.'
-sJew-Jerle'y, have appointed the following
persons to fuperinlend and direst the draw
ing ol the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufni>
King, Herman £e Roy, James Watson,
Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond, and
Cornelius Ray, ol the city ol New-Yor,k-r-
Thomas Willing, joseph Ball, Matthew M l
t'onnel and Andrew Bayard, of the city o!
Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. fclias General Elias Day
ton, James Parker, John Bayard, Doctor
Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joffiua
M. Wallace; Joseph Bloomfield, and Eliihj
Boudniot, of Nejy-jeifey, who offer the
following Scheme ol a Lottery, and pledge
theinl'clv'es to the public, that they will tak(
every alfurance and precaution in their powei
to have the Monies paid by the Managers
from tinae to time, as received, into the
Banks at -New-York and Philadelphia, t<
main for the of paying Prizes,
which (hall be immediately discharged by a
checK. npon one of the .Banks.
S C H E M E:
1 Prize of 20,000 Dollars is'2o,ooo
1 io,ooo 10,00 c
2 5, 000 lOjOCH
5 2,000 1 o,pco
io 1,000 io,oco
20 50 0 , I^,ooo
ioo ioo , 10,00 c
300 ' 5° ■ f&oco
1000 20 20,C\CC
20C0 15 30,000
3OCO 12 361,00 C
8100 10 8 1,0 CC
34,539 Prizes. 262,00 c
23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,00 c
Laftdrawfi number, 2,00 c
38,000 Titkets a< 7 Dollars each is 266,0 cc
The drawing will commence, uryier, th
infpcfUon of a Committee of the Supcrir.
tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, o!
which timely notice will be given.
The Superintepdants have appointed Job
N. Camming, of Newark, R. Ha
denberg, of New-Brunfwic!c, and Jonathai
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Manager;
thereof, who have given ample security foi
difchargnig the trull reposed in them.
rr in order to secure the punctual pay-l
merit of the Prizes, the Supenntfendants of
the Lottery have diretted that the Managers
shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with t.»ui fufticient fecuritics, to perform their:
the substance of which is
I. Tii u whenever either of the # Managers!
shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Do!<|
Jars, he (hall lmmdiately place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the ciedit of the Governor of the
Society, and.such of the Superintendents as
live in the city where the monies are placed, f
to remain thereuntil the Lottery is drawn, £
for the pay mnt of. the Prizes. 1
W The Managers to take fufßcient fe-v
euftty for any Tickets they may trust, other- t
wife to be refpoufible lor them. t
111. To keep regular books of Tickets}'
fold, Monies received and paid into thee
Bank, ablha6fs of which shall be sent, c
monthly, to the Governor of the Society, j
Paterfon, January 1, 1794. c
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen-, information will be given where t
tickets may be had.
February 24. tu&fbf l
The Lottery published by the
u Society for eftablilhing ufeful manufac
tures,"' will commence drawing the*firft
Tuesday in Novwiiber next
Medical Books.
By Thomas Dob/on, at the Stone lloufe
No. 41 j foutb Seco dJlreet>
V O i. 11.
Medical Inquiries
obs er Vat ions.
Profeffor 6f the liiftitOtes oi Medicine, ant
-of Ciinicai Practice in the Univer
fityof Pennfylvawia.
1. An inquiry into the influence of phyfica
causes upon the moral faculty.
2. An inquiiy iuto the affe&s of fpirito»s li
quors upon the human body, and their in
fluence upon the happiness of society*
3. An'inquiry into the caufcs and cure of the
ptilmonaiy cOnfumption.
4. Obfervafions on th&fyinptumsand -cureoi
dro plies.
5. An Inquiry into the caufesand the cureo!
internal dropsy of the biain.
6. An account of the measles, as they ap
pealed in Philadelphia, in the year 1789.
7. An account of the influenza, as it appear
ed in Philadelphia in tile years
and 1791. j
3. An inquiry into the causes of theinereafe}
of bilious and remitting feveris, in Pen/]-!'
fyivania. - r
<j, An inquiry into the caufesand cure of foie
10. An account of the slate of the body anc
mind in ojd age, with observations up.»«
its difeaft-s and their remedies.
Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or
one dollar and a half neatly bound.
Medical Tranfa&ions!
of the - '
College of Phyiicians of Philadelphia. 1
VOL. I.—P A R T I.
Price one dollar in boafds.
A Treatise on the Diseases of
Children. !
With general dire&ions for the management
of Infants from the birth, adapted foi
tfeeufeof physicians and private ,families. ,
By Michael Underwood, M. D.
Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Col
lege.of Physicians in London, and ; of the British
Lying-in-Hospital. c
Price one Dollar.
This is acknowledged to be the be ft b.ool-
which has on the fubjeft, ant *
* calculated for the use of parents, nut ft?,
Mid private families, as well as for pbyficians f
—The two volumes hand lo lively printed in
me, and the price only about one third of
what the imported v copics fell for.
The Edinburgh New Dijpenfatory, twe
System of eXtra&ed from the c
vorksof Benjamin Belli t>y Or. Water*, $
lols. 50 cents.
System of Anatomy, extra&ed from the
iCueyclopsdia, with I 2 copperplate*, e dob. (
System o* Chemillry, extracted from .tju *
Kncyclopfiedia, exhibiting a view of the pro- .
of the fciencee, and the different fyftemy' 1
whrichhive been published, 2 dolfc. 50'centi. e
Brown's Elements of -Medicine, 2 dols,
5/ cents.
T. Dobfwi has in \ "he Prefsf
An edition of the Medical and Philofbpli: p
-al Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two v%|. r
l'nes are printed! in one at 2 dollars and 50 '
cents per Volume; hp has nearly finiflicd ihr {
five firft volumes, which contain the fuft teq
'olumes of the European edition, which ££ll
v or two dollarScach. Nine volumes will in? |
-lude eighteen European volumes, which -
will briog the publication Up to the present;'
time, i (
Like-wise for fate a considerable rtv.niber
Medical Books, wz*
Cuilen's Practice, Materia Mcdjca, Physi
ology, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols. 1
»r 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Donaeftic '
Vledicme, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A-'
iietomy, Hurtter ori the Venereal, Swedeea-*
yer on do. Rollo on Weft India DH-.m: > ; :
K-igby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's]
outline* of the theory arid practice of Mid- 1
wifery, with or without plates; do. on the
management of female complaints. Mease
mi Hydrophobia, &c; &c/
Stock Brokers Office,.
No. 16, Wall-ftrcet, Nfv?-York.
rHESubfcriber intending to confuiehim
felf entirely to the PURCHASE and
leave to offer hisfervices to his friends and i
nhers, in the line of a Stock Broker. Thofi •
.vUo may picale to fa.vor him with their bpfi. (
may depend upon having it tranfafied
with the urmoit fidelity and dispatch.
Orders fiotn Philadelphia, Boiton, or an) \
>ther part of the Uoited States, will be
kriftly attended to. 5
m&thtf t
Ground Plan \
City and Suburbs j 1
IT is with pleasure that the publilher has.
to inform his fubferibers and the public in j
general, that the plate is now under the
hands of the engraver, and in greater for
wardnfs than was at firft contemplated. At'
the fame time he begs leave to remind
them, thdtr fubfeription papers arefWll o- 1
pen at most of the noted book-stores in the 1
city; and that he hapes from the whole'
of them to be enabled to form fiich a res- '
peftabjc catalogue of names, as will do a '
credit to the work, as well as afford al
eafonable encouragement to the under-1
Thafe who are desirous of further infor
mation are requested to Call on
Benjamin Davies, )
No. 68,- Market street. €
April 14. m&rthtf
the folio-wing
Trails of Laijd,
in Virginia.
ONE tra<slin Frederick county, contain
ing 8756 acres, being part rtf!that whereon
col. Thomas Bryan Martin now relides,
known by the name of Greenway court, a
bout 12 miles from Wmcheller ami 5 irom
: Newtown. For the convenience of pur
chasers, it will be divided into parcels of
various dimenftons from 200 to 600 acres,
vbichmay be viewed by application to col
tl. K. Meade, living near the premises—
The greater part is very fertile and well
• timbered.
Another tract iu the fame county on
Paflage creek, containing 2JO acrcs, an,
L adjoining Jacob Levingoods.
Another trad in Hampfline county, con
-1 taining by patent, 699 acres, cajjed Slii
■ Bottom, lituate oa both fides o' the Souti
' F>i anch and within two miles of the mo.ut!
< f ! it, aud is i'uppofed to have a gootl mil
" ie it-
Ano'tlier trad in Hamplnrre' counjy o<
' New--C,reek and Kettle-Lick , containin
J Another trift ih Prince Wiliia rt county.
*'c*Ued Leefylvania, containing o\
'2000 acres, lyingupon Potomack river, r
L .lbout 33 miles below Alexandria, and 2'
the City of NVafhiugton, compre
■] hendihg Freestone Point, which appears tt
1 be a quarry of free-ftone, covering about
CjO acnej and Adjoins the river, where vef
r fels of iO3 tons convente'itly harbour. O
another part of this trad if isfuppofed there
isaquariy of slate, convenient to water
> cdiriage. Upwards of two tliirds are in|
woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, Jiving on th^i
• premises, will ihew this trp£f. .
Another trad> in Fairfax Lounrv, called)
•prjngfield, containing 2Q40 1-2 acres, a
bout 13 miles fi'opi Alex.andria and 10 from!
[ Wafliington ; ah.onntU w.itli fine fprirtgs Lud!
meadow ground* and xnay be fee 11 tvy. appf- .
; ng to .Mr; Jolm- Wood, living on part of i
r 'K , •
' Another trad in Fairfax cpuntv, con -
392aei-v.'?, on Tur' ev-coc k Run, a-/
oout 6 miles from Alexandria. !
Another tract in Fairfax county, contain
iogi about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat";
'on's feat, about four miles frotji Alexan
dria. - ]
Another trad, in Fairfax county, con-'
acres) near Occoquan, joining'
Mr. Edward Wa iiingion , s.".^^K^ r
A tip the)" tradt. jn Fairfax county, con
raining 80 or there^bout^within a«J
mile of Poluck Laniitnj;, and within fivei!
mi.e«rof Mount Vernon, lies level, and is;
welf ' ( c
An undivided thdiety in another trad,'
containing about 284 icres- in Fairfax
ou'.uy, about 5. miles frmu Wafliingtonj J
9 from Alexandria, where }. Robinfbn for
merly lived.
Another parcel of lan#} within a sifie 1
of Alexandria, containing about 24 acres,,
tnd'to be /old in acre .r h^lf-acrejoti.-
A Mt), ltUTtTi y—ll n I*j 1p ~o vrd- ItHs-wi- v
n?es, in didefent parts of the town of Al-,
e'xandr a.
Tod'cfcribe the prentifes more' particu- r
iarly is deemed'unnecej&ty, as it is expec j
red every perfori will ekiunine and -view
whatever part he fhrvlf be inclined to buy. 1
My only objed being to raise a certain sum 1
of money, by felling so many or such parts t
of the aforefaid trads of -land and lots, as f
shall be fieccitary for that pt\r. ofe, one half
of the purchase money.must be paid at- the
time of contrad, and the other within a
year from the firft day of Afcguft next, atkl
t <£it the tiiile of delivering polTefiion or exc* :
jcuting a legal conveyance. The lands re-'
,'maining unfold, except tjje trad in Prince
jWilliamj after railing a limited sum, will
be divided in-to and leafed sor 1
a teliii of years- Frotn the 12th day of Oc
' tober next, till the 15th of Decernb r, I 1
. shall be in the city of Richmond, and after!
. that time 1 shall remain at home, in Alex
. andria, at which places, or elsewhere, I
s shall be prepared ,to detail particulars, and
. to enter into contracts.
e Alexandria, July 28
Ang. 8 lawiow
LETTERS on the falijetf of the Wash
ington Lottery; being by mistake repeat-'
• edly addressed to the Commilfiontrs for the
City of Wafliington.
' Persons concerned are hereby informed,
that all such (hould be addrefTed either to
[ W. Deakins jun. of Walhington, or to the
Subscriber. The commissioners never hav
ing Contemplated any further concern in
this business, than in their a {lent to receive
the bonds and approve the names of the
managers. The prizes have been paid and
are paying'on demand by W. Deakins,
Washington, Peter Oilman, Boston, and
by the Subscriber.
| For the Lottery No. 1, th e securities al
ready given will-be retained by the qom-
Tnlffioners, or transferred by them at their
joption to the bank of Columbia ; and thje
commissioners will be consulted refpefting
5 a judicious and equitable disposition of the
1 houses to be built thereby ; their treasury
;or the bank of Columbia will receive the
"money intended for the National Univer
j fity, and they will be consulted in the no
mination of the 24 managers ; but all the
JrelponfibiUty refpecfling the general difpo
, fition of the tickets, and payment of pri-
Jzes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on
j the persons whose names are and may be 1
, hereafter publilhed as assistants to forward
. this business with
N. B. Mr 1 . Blodget will be particularly
obliged if those persons who pofiefs prizes
yet unpaid, wiU apply for their ni»ucy as
early as pofiible.
June 7th. d.
German Paflengers.
Healthy Young Pajfengers,
Just arrived in the Ship Holland, Captain
] R . . KLIN,
From Amsterdam,
now at auchor opp:Tite Vine-Street ; ffhofe
nraes art* to be agreed tor-bf applying m
oard, or to
Pragers, & Co.
2©, ih w.
On-e hundred dollar*
WHEREAS there were deliveredinttie
, Month of Oflober lad, from the Stores o)
the Siibfcribers, Two GtieTls and nine Half
Chests of Bohea Tea, marked, nu In be ret 1
ind weighing, as under, to lumc: p'rrfon «• "
oerfons wfih pretended orders fipni Mi
ISAAC CLASON of this City, butwhicl,
he did not receive ; whoever will give in
ormationfo that a difepvery may he made, jl
ivho got the said Tea, shall receive tin
.hove reward ; and it isrequefred Jhat the J
)ealers-in the Article will be careful ii "
.xamrniiig die Marks and Numbers of ibt a
, Shells that have paiTed through their bands 1
ince the period above-mentioned, andgivt °
rhedefired informatiw.
New-Yoik. July S't) *794- - j
William and "James Con/table.
•.~ _ 1 f
Ship Wafhin?ton.
C.jj.'lb. Tare
. n (No. 327 3 i 16 60 \ Whole r
; ' t 473 S 2 24 64 S Chcfts
,W r 17? I 3 12 35
B. 177 i » 23 39 t
ll 198 i 3 7 41 c
■ 213 1 3iB 37 Half „
M C 227 13 7 40 Chests.
'! 287 *} 3 9 38 ri
301 1 3 15 40 y
379 I 3 18 41 .
j 404 1 3 14 39 J ■ P
A ug. 6 dim tl
j One thousand Dollars ft
i c
Some lew Counterfeit Post Notes of the
Bank of.'Maryland, Having been lately disco- j
vered in c.irfculation> and on tracing the
were found to come fio.m the back-parts ol
Virginia, where they probably firft i-fiued ; to
->v<>.id imposition it is though t neccflary to'
,give the following dcfcription of them, by
which th£y uifiy pae'iiy be dett'fipil.
j They have the letter. 1); lor their alphabet!
jcnl mark',' a- the left hanrl fide of the Note.
1 The paper on which they are printed i>
' more foltand tender, the strokes of the leuen, N
[ iit the engraving are in general flronger, and hi
duve a darker -ince than in the bills. t<
The';igK?iure William PatterJon, is badlv
wone, the itrekes of tfhe ieUer*, are 4liff and f
labored, and appear to b.e panned over with [>,
the pen, as yell as the flourishing of the name.
•The valuers left blank in the engraving, to
be nltrct ttp -m- "to Tin. 4ii M
more or Itels c plraftfre* a
Mo tr 1 c Poft-Ndtes «yf the
t mark, defer i bed; have been lately if
'tied, and very few arc now in circulation.
• The above reward ol One "Thotdand dol- •
[latfs will he paid to any pe-fun, or perfom,
who';lba!-hd,ifcovcr, or ploiecute to convi.&ion,
the oftriu!ers, 01 any of, o/ the,
following de'cjipiion, vi/. "7; j
The .per foil or peiions, who engraved
late. t ,« .. I'
The printer, or printers of the said bills. [
tvery pcrfon who has ascd as principalih; a
any way in the counterfeiting and uttering 0
he laid bill:>. f
r of the Bank ol Maryland. •
BiriKt, April 8, 1794. c
•j In the Heufe of Reprtfentatives\ f
.[ Dec t Mb & K 2 ilk, 1793.
[ X'TTHEREAS the Comniiflioners of pub
I V y lie Atcounts^have Tepoitedi that they v
cannot proceed to the invcftigation of tnei t
jTreafury Accounts, Im-
'dents, without knowing the outftandmg a-j
jmount in ciiculation *. —Therefore, t e
i Rejolvtdt That all hoideis of special In
dents be dirc£ted, and requin o,onor before
the fiiil day ol u< xJ,to delivei the.
Iprcial Indeflti in their pofiYflion to one or
1 other ot the Cohimiflioneis ®f the Treasury, •
who are to give receipts for the fame, and t<
j report to the Commijlioners on public ac
"jCOiints, on or before the tenth day of Nov
"icmber next, the amotint by theiw icfpeAive
! ly received, and also 10 the a
their meeting »n November next, and thu.
j all special Indents not ri-ndered into the
) Treasury as above, on or before the firft da\
, as November 'next, b&, |jiid the sam»
_ are heiebv barred. ,
Rtfotvtd-i That public notice ofthisrefolu {
1 tion be giveri in the Several Gazettes »o this
'Siate, once every three wecVs, uniil the firi*
- day of Novemberrtext. And «hat the Dele
-1 gates of thi?Statc in ,thf of the Uui
, ted States, be.iequcfted to cause this reloly.
1 tion to be published in one o; more papev
in the cities p.f Philadelphia ajid New-York
. and that provifton will be made for the ex
. pences attending such publication.
Ordered, That the resolution be sent t'
the s'cnate for their concurrence.
Ry order ot the House,
In the $ENATE,
DECBMBFR ft(1,1793.
* Rcfolved % do coniur with
",tht House of Representatives in tbe
"j'.ng refolutiorrs.
i Ordered, That toe resolutions "be lent t<
■ the Ploufe of Representatives.
by.order of the Senate,
.jewt N- ( '
1 " NOTI GE.
The Gazette of the Unitee
■f States it now puU'ipjed at No. 11 c I
sChf.snut street —to which place th
t OFFICE of the Editor is removed, am.
where Printis'-c Work iit general u
Choice St. Croix Sure
And f 9r Sale,
jlr M r mcy o, ' kussia
— I - " • t.
At the STORES of
jefle Sc Robert Wa
PORT WINE in pipes, hhd, and",. ,' r
ter calks
LISBON pipes a ,,d quarter w ...
Souehongand Congo TEAS, i„ qual!ec
A quantity of Lisbon and Cadiz SAf I-
Soft shelled ALMONDS in bales
Velvet CORKS, j n do.
Rnffia MATTS.
June 9
The Public are cautioner i.
beware 6f counterfeited. Five hollar VH ! .
of the Bank of. the United States, , -
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of \ or .
America, several of which have appt-, /
in circulation within a few days pi 'i; "...
are 'good general imitation <f tbejrtni
Bills, but may be di/linguf/.td by the ■
owing •*"
M A R K S.
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank o
Unifed States.
ALL that have appeared bare the lcri •
F. for their Alphabetical Mjirk.
The Texture of the Paper is tl.ieke >
vhitcr and it takes the ink more f -...
than the genuine paper.
I'Jie O. in the word Company is fH '-r
than the M. and other letters'ot Hut >
!'o that a line extended from the to; t.f
0, to touch the top of tb» M would r: >.
conli(lerab)> above the rang.? oi the \ » e
In the word United the letters are
rower and closer together than tb« rt e
Ijtm, l . 1. 4
The ! and /"in the word promise at
parallel, the'/inclining much luoreloi
than the i.
The engraving is badly exeeutei :
ftrokcsof all the Letters are ftrongt • J
I the device in themargin particularly is , <j
coarser and appears darker than in' th : i;
bills. Some ol the counterfeits bear d in
.1 791 —Whertas the Bank was not in c ?.
lion till December, five dolJa 1
were rjlued in iHr.t year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of .
ALL that have appeared have the
H. for their alphabetical matte.
They are pri n [i?doil a paper near!;
ar to that of the counterfi it Five . »
Hotels above defcribedj the engrav ■> :■
better executed, arid they approach '
to the niipearSnce of the genuine bi 1
The fine ruled lines' through the
Twenty in the body of the bill, are in n
bei" tti rteen in the genuine bills, an-' h;
twelve in the counterfeits.
Tlirword Cen ;:r:\ is nine!', like the ■ " *
■■n»ra m me t' ire D'nikr i*ll i*s~5 —clefi ■■>
jabovc, tiie o iels than the m, a !
tltars following.;
There is tig stroke ~ i i< h- >i,
North whereas ip the g. bi'lt mh < ti.
lis well defined.
| The letters ebt in o> 11 ■'««
■ the left bawd at the t Co :i«t
jdown to. the line, but to rut c- ' 1
lan irregular appearai i rhe .. !
17 » and itvft y going b> h t
The ligiuiurc j N <:■ \. -•
artce ol wr.ilteri \v. <i i' ; '-t <"
■oil, and differ** Iroi i i" ' '>
printing th bills anc :
til re.
It is ftippofeH theft I _
ted in Comeoftffe Southern States, a» a
cotinterfeiis that- Have appeared, have
from thence, and two pc-itons iuwe be< -I
pr'chended in Virginia,on suspicion of A
of them.
The reward of ONE THOUSAND
will be pa'd us any'Prtfon or P
who fbal) diTeovet and prosecute to ci
jtion the levelal offenders of the tolli ;
or "any of thetn, x ."z.
I The peifon orperfons, who manuf
ed the paper oil Which the Bills ate p'"
The pei'on or peilons, Who engravt
' fb c prinrer or printers, of the btllf*
Kvcry person who has aftcd <*; a pri
n any other vVay, in the counterfeific
'Bering ("he said bills.
Philadelphia, Marfch 28, i' 794
April 22, 175-',
Other counterfeit
oftheßank ot the United States have >•
>earcdin circulation. .
The denomination is of IW'T
'XXLLARS, and tlie alphabetical m
the letter B.
They may be diflmgniflied from t. &'*■
'luine by the following MAKKS i
The paper of the counterfeits i
nore tender texture and glofiey I
han the genuine, and is no
,nark in them.
The letter C. in the v/ord C-aft
ie true bifls'ts strongly marked, v *
n thi counterfeits, the ivhr,)e
ne hair itroke, >«
cate. The letter a in the word (U
badly formed and the whole ivor<ti
.nd there is no comma at thee W
here is in- the genuine biJfs.
The maVginai device*- is Woe . _
. >i the fa lie, than in the genuine bs
ng to the fiiade rtrokes beinjj t
e ner together, and
:iore numerous. This diflerence u ll '
ye ntfirft vieiv. „ rfrtf
The lame reward of ONE
)OLLARS, will be paid fo\ ..
pro fee 11 ting to coin ,
I p,
dew. x i %
if ibc I- I