Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 22, 1794, Image 3

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    & V m afraid the greatest difficulty!?
the general good sense anil un-li
<■ -V: .fldiog of the people ; I fear they c
;..o much enlightened; the long/
Juons Itruggle they had for Li-1
~made them" earnestly enquire into <
- of Man, and they have made t
■ t . " progress in that knowledge ; t
you ittft not" therefore attack rheir \
' ; . predilection for their present go- i
verhns nt all at once, but gradually, by i
linden aning in the manner above hinted
a " • ■ '
i id- t own that your tMents m fecretmg
,-ier s;.» >1 vifm fi'O® th« multitude, and ;
evca - ' rafpme difcernmg men who have
j ined to join your clubs; but you
a -J:, i rfewre in blaming every meainre
anient —where you tliink tneri i>
t ,-i .eft opening for mifrepreienCaiioi.
,« {</ ;; ion, and I know your .alents toi
■ -'op' ift- y— > y friend «>i" • !.» *it;.
} -A#'-fSociiindtfee into- it J«» well m
t, u ■ aid what ill-- we to do with truth.
vV . -e fvich great objeCts tor outfelv.fsin
I'hdfe in the back part:; of tk£ Stair
;\:t- ■ y new fet.lers, and ltrau'ers to
-' S 1783 being alio the more igndram
; . i ultiv.itM, afe the men you mult
u-aV'- als or richer (tools of.
1 ve heard of a reltlefs excentric
and 1 jitiousgeuiUs 111 ttiC back partsof
fltnr, ivania, who would be of great
ale to is ;—pray improve this hint ?—
i, p.ln your friends here, rejoice exceed
i t dy o hear of the happy effects of
v.nsi jnrens'tted endeavours towards
Piltfl rgti. Whe-n yo>: have fully inflam
ed <i 11 number of the people to acts of
re'iil;< iccj so as to diiturb or embalvals
your t resent government, and promote
a 1 tn-atton or diflolution of the fede
ral b?.r:d—tending to the glorious nvo-
Li: be sure to blame (or seem to
bem • the very acts and measures you
■ridalfrioiifty promoted, (at the
fan e imt flily pleading fur the inlui-,
f'rer. whom we will endeavour to t kc,
1 Mr our govern mint, and protection)
*. u ■ ill heteby cover arid promote yJur,
iews the better, arid prevent tliat
i, • >n which might hindef, retard,
%■ pc iaps prevent our grand object. 1
I V pe to fee you Prfrlent, or in the'
to. powerful ami dignified (tation of
' v —or vice chancellor (if you
1 refer it) then, what a yaft har
. you and your friends t ! ! pray
1 1 . ir to get more members to your
iotift- (till keeping out of view your
iir ; d main deiign, (many though
. t'?itc6ntentcd, are weak, and plenty
.. ■...-'. /try will per'uade them, tliat
. ' ;iv. even your Hero does is wrong.
Coi ,e to favour mc, by eve.y fate
'4 o writ 1 ity, of hll Intelligence. If
Mr. , who T nniMftaiid, is one of]
* you: r » iefyTahjS who you fay talks oi
its a vitit,) comes soon, I hope
I foal h ve 1 are doings to advise you of ;
M:« h; .1 wis a Fool to forne of our po
a •• of the p efent day 5 tiiey will
ti,yi : jle aslong as they can,tho 1 gufcls
tV , lot for open wafr with the Uniu.-d
St • •.. We hope in the c'ourfe of the pre
teiii lpaign, to humble and difp i-fe
! c «a»>Kr.'s, then Monarch;/ ('the
d! o , jvernments) will reign triuntph
su t
ou kr.tfw that 1 remain your
riend and obedient fefvant.
this Day's Mail.
. c .tndetftahd, vith great concern,
: weltern disturbances tiave risen
, treat. a height, that the ordinal)
I ri of government are altogether in
a e to the fupprefiion of them;
' it v perceive with pleasure, that the
-e'i it ps the United States, as well
. lovernorof the Itate, arc
e 1 t rfue a line of conduct that evin
t energy and the moderation of
.ffift' ■■ lent.
/\ o Republican Cohflitution car
I where the minority (and a very
inority too) attempt to give
• ie mojori/y, and to pppofe, b
• ■!• ■! the general will of the wholt
t is evident, that laws opposed
must be executed by force,
and the Legislature of Penn
lave armed their several execu
-1 powers for such great emer
■ ■ and it appears that measures
• ring to call out the strength,
• 1 jf Pennsylvania, but the wliole
■ ' ' it should be rieccflary, But,
1 an, before rccource is had to
' ' cfort, Government appears dif
■ adopt every measure which may
? ' ' ' diicontents and restore obedi
ie laws. For this purpose the
-• ' le Judge Yeates and the ho-
A >r? it Villiam Bradford, Attorney 1
f the United States, on Sun- ■
yesterday morning the Hon. '
ean » Chief Jufticc of the j
f' en - William Irvine pasTed
/11s place, on their way to the 0
Jtinties j the two fijft named t!
Tertlemen together wilh the Hon James '
[iofs of Walhington, a-e appointei
:ommillu)ners 011 behalf of the Unite
States, and the Chief Jultice and Gen.
liviue, on t lis part of the State, veil
ed, it is said, with considerable }K>w- 1
srs ; and we sincerely hope, that a lotci
us order and republican
will finally prevail over the anarchy aftd f
infurreftion which ct present are predo
miitant in that part of tlie ltate.
If the infurger.ts expert any countc
nanee frorii tlieir fellow-citizens, they a
will be miserably (liUippoiiHed, and ii
there,-is no doubt but that all good citi 0
/.ens will be ready to vindicate the att- !
thorityof a free.govei-nment', whenever'
they be called upon for that pur
>ofe. The citizens of the United
States in general, (and tilepfopfe in the ,
if life vie il counties in comT.on with']
their fellow-citizens), have flourilhed
midef the present government ; every
man who is not blind, fees this, and
every man who is not miatuated must
feel it, every man wtio is capable of
contrasting our former diftrefies with
our present prosperity, must be arm-t
ous to fiipport that government ufldei 1
which he fees his neighbours, and'
feels himfilf, flourifiiijigj fecurc arid (
CINCINNATI, W. T. July 19.
There have during the prefect wee!;
crdlfro the Ohio at this place, about 75c (
mounted volunteers, under the com- ,
inand of Gen. Todd.
BOSTON, Aug. 18.
A Letter tiom Annlerdam, dates,
That on the 18th of June, Ypres furren
deied to the French, its gotrrifon contiil
ing of 7000 men—That on the 25111
Charleroi also capitulated, before which
the Auttnan Gem Beaulieu, was killed':
That the decree of the National Conven
tion forbidding Quarter belrtg given to
the Eaglifh and Dutch was repealed;
and it was the general expectation, that ,
'the French would overrun ail Maritime
Yesterday Capt. M'Gee arrived her
from Canton in China. 'iUW,
On Wedtiefday lalt, the Hum Henry
Knox, Secretary at War of the Unite;.
States, arrived in town from Philadelphia.
It is the duty of the conductors of pub
lic papers to notice ails .of beneficent c—
we (hall rhat daty, by
mentioning the liberal donation of Two
hundred Dollars towards relieving the un
ortunates of the late fire, given by Cor
nelius Durant, Esq. of the liland of St.
Croix. affUMW-ewHt-to thiintow».
Right happy are we thlt the projedlei
Canal, which is to unite the w.itei;s of Mer
rimac with those of this harbour, is pro
grefling. On Monday lalt, the Commiffi
oners were lent out to purchase the lant
through which it is to pals. Though the
expence is computed at 300,000 dollars,
vet such is the spirit oi enterpi izi of our fel
i;.w4:itizcns, and such the advantages
which demonftrably will accrue from the
projedt, that the bufmefs is likely to be
prosecuted with celerity.
A letter from a gentleman at Fort le
Boeuf dated Jtjly 6» 1794, fays " I
have had nothing new ftnee the council
—not an Indian comes in—clnce a week
we have people at Prefqu'ifle, artd the
British watch that place as close as we
do ; and some mornings when we dis
charge our cannon they return the Dre
from their veflel which we diitiuCtly
The result of the deliberations of the
meeting of delegates at Parkinfon's
ferry, had not come to hand when this
paper was put to profs.
tvINGSTOwN, (St. Vincent) July 12.
By different arrivals from Guadaloupe,
we learn that an attack w» made on the
1 own of Pomt a Petre, on the morning of
• he2dinft, by the forces under the to in
mand of Sir Charles Grey, in which w.
arelorry to?elate, they were repulsed yvitl
a feveie and heavy loss.—On the Britiii
:roops entering the town, they were affai!
3d by a tremendous fire of grape shot fror.
annon placeu in all directions, and 0
mufquetry from ihe houses; and they weft
zalled by the lire from the enemy's frigates.
The conflia lasted altogether about twf
hours. In this unfortunate affair, we hav
!6ff about 500 men killed and woundea
and a great proportion of officers.—Thof
ailed, which we have as yet heard of, 'ai'
Col. Gomrti, who led the Light Infantry,
and on which col mn the loss eems to have
beeenmoft feyere ; and Captain Robertfoi.
of the Veteran, who commanded a both
Sir Charles Grey on Saturday retired
from Grand Terre, to a strong poll on
Guadaloupe fide of the River Sur, whicl
had been previously occupied by Co!
Drummond, where he had ereCted a bat
tery agaioft the town and (hipping, withh'
point blank shot, which had opened with
firing red hot balls.
His raajelty's (hip Refinance arrived her
)n Wednesday evening with the remains c
Vi f* Plirtlr Pnmniniwc ska /Cl. . n t
If lis men which these brave Companieslto
■infilled, when they tßiliarkalfrom h nee
1 the Veteran, only 63 are retained. Lieu- '
enaiit Con /ay, with the Grenadiers ei:- M
ered a hbufe where was a quantity of :run.-
jowder, which was blown up by cue pt -C 1
lie party firing his mufjuet. He was To of
. vei-ely wounded by this accident thafr.his ed
iifc is delpaired of ; Captain Poller k; n
tonnded in two places in the leg. 'I'he T '
sth light Infantry Company fuifered
/ereiy, and of two others not a man has !> , 3
: ,
The lols of the French, though compar-
Ltivcly small in this bufmef:, 011 the <vhyk tit
las been very great. 'I hey have tuft fever.u &
ft- their leaders, and it is fuppoled not above w
jco of their troops are remaining;. *1 hey m
nave, however, been joined by a cOnfider
ible num'tuT' of whites, Coloured peaple"'.'
ifljl negroes. ;•
The London Reet'isiHriVEditßiVbadoes, i»
under contov of tht IntrrptC& C!iichejltr»Si
It Consisted of about 21 fail 'altogelJst l .
NEW-YORK, AugiKl 20. fy
Latefi ifetw from the Islands. til
By the Brig Fox, Captain. jlift ,C 1 1
arrived we have Antigua papers to the*?
19th July, from which we have in
fun dry extradls —Mr Dixon, who came in m
the brig informs that there was an atftinn
at Foint-a-Petre on the aoth July, in
whith there was a cOnfidn-ahle (laughter ;
particulars not known ; but tue French re
mained master; or the place, A
St. John's ( Antigua, ) Jftly
Colonel Grahame* of the 2ill regi
ment, is appointed to the government!
of Guadaloupe ; in Ihe room of.Ge-i
veral Symes, \frho 101 l one of his arm?'
in the late iHifucCefsful attack on Point!
1 Petre, and who goes home in thej
Vengeance, which Envoys the
«ard hound trade from St. Chri:lo».
Gonfiderable numbers of French Pei
fons arrived here laic night from Gua
Extract of a Letter from St. Lucia da
ted 13th Jnly, [ 794.
* i heard at St. Vincent's by a (hip w<
that arrived from Liverpool now fourj 0 "
lays since, that file had met with anj h -'
English - fleet in the latitude of Madei
ra under a tlrong convoy, and that there
were 5000 Troops 011 board intended th
as. a re-iiifotccmtnt lor the Well-In-ah
jdies." .ft!
Capt- Malvo who commands a French ri>
Irrigate, in dortipany \yith another, on , e
beard of which are a number of Spanish 0
troops, arrived at Guadeloupe a few - ays 3
ago. ev
Three American vefTels got into" 1
Poin.*a-P«tre with' fiipplies for the French
notwithstanding the look out kept by his cc
&ipsi- V *8® ■■■ fh
There are now IjSpTefFeJHve Britlfli ; n
troops with General Gtay at Guadeloupe.
General Prefcot is immediately to take
the command.a* Guadeloupe; pi
A Court of enquiry, of a Very fefious tJ
ature, it is laid, Has taken place at Mar
On Saturday thf* I9JI inflarit, Prigl'dier J '
General Symes, Lieut. Colcnel of the 52d ''
Regiment, died on board his Majesty's c '
(hip Vengeance at St. Chnftopher's. c<
NEW-HAVEN; August 19. tf
The committee to publilh weekly the pi
deaths and (late of licknefs in this city, ci
report the following deaths since the last ri
publication. ti
Mr. Elias Gill, aged 20, Putrid fever.
Mrs. Grifwold, wife of Mr. Samuel m
Grifwold, 43 do. ol
A child of Mr. Charles Prtndle, 7, do. ci
A child of Mr. Noah Blrber, 1, Ma
rasmus. U
The committed further certify, Thatjai
they know of but five persons who are t<
now ftck of the putrid fever, and that n
forae of them are in a fair way of reco
very, and they flatter themlelves that tl
in observance of tile regulations lately o
'dopted, will prevent the progress of'ir
he fever, and rerpove the iapprehenfions r<
of their friends in the coutitiy. vi
Eneas Munfon. tl
ISimeon Baldwin, d
Dyer White.
-1 jj
LONDON, June 27; P'
Wednesday evening four of the Prin-
u-effes arrived at thtf Commissioner's
■ iuiile in Portftnouth.
Yellerday morning at four, their Ma
efties, with Piince Einelt, and attend
ants, set oft from the Queen's Lodge
tor the fame place. ti
At half pall ten< the firing of the ar-,p
• illery radtid the garrison announced!
'heir Majellies entrance into the Lion- e
rate, where they were received by the J
rioucefter regiment, drawn tip in Queen
'Ireet. J
After remaining about an hotir In'
•he dock-yaid, the royal family, attend-5
ed by a great number of the nobility,
officers of Hate, &c. went mto diftn ; -
wrges, when a royal labile was fired b)
*>e different (hips then in the harbor. tl
Their Majesties were attended out of
ie harbor by all the barges beio. ig
to the ships of war in the harbor and at'
•>pithead, and the :ca was covered with' Th
ooats out of nuni'ucr. ihe L
Asthey pasTed the Plats jrm, the greatjofterci
•runs were again tired; and a grand oand ven 01
ofmuiic, with kettle-drums, were plac-termei
ed on the top of the Main Guard, play- might
ing, God fane toe King, &c. and ttie his feti
crouds of people, collected from all Th
parts of the cbuntry, were immer.fe on beiflg
the (hore and on the water. fufpen
In about twenty minutes from theloiVs,
tinle of taking water,-their Majellies, head 1
&c. got on board the Queen Charlotte, His b
when the King ujok his gallant Admiral afliea cordially and heartily by the hand, conlifi
and prdentcd him with a sword richly for evi
let with diamonds. On their entrance
into the fliip, the Royal Charlotte's guns
iired a royal fa.ute. On
Earl Howe had then the honor of Loan
'entertaining his roy al vilhors, an J their P' ovtl
splendid reti'Hl-e, with a cold collation of l,v ' r
the ncheit kind ; and precisely at a
quarter after fix, their Majeilies went m K
again into their barge, and were defaul
into the dock-yard, whete the like pere Govei
mony took place as 011 their going out" 1
At s meeting of Deiegatesj dulyeleft- ail j n .
Ed by the counties of Weftmorelaivd, mdivii
Fayette, Alleghany, Washington, t
and that part of Bedford County, f ort j,,
lying «'eft of the, Al'eghany Moun-
tain in Pennsylvania, and by the(j 0 ] j
county ot Ohio in Virginia* con- vent ; 0
vened at Park info 11 ferry, on Monon-]j[ t | e ,
gehala river, in order to take into ate ; Y
coniidention the fituationof the «'el- jp or ' (
tern country. la ; x a
EdtuardConk Dbas plated in the chair. Oepu
Allert Kiallatin appointed Sec'y of
the meeting.
1 iie transactions relative to the
eife law, Hiat lately took place in the .
Wcftirn Country ftated—wheteup j |
on the following refolutlons were aftei
having bceii debated and amended. 'h,
1 11 , . 000K.3
adopted by the meeting!
1. Resolved, That taking citizens of n l ;
the United States, fiom their respective 'hong
abodes or vicinagejt'o be tried for real or ! eforc
ftippofed cfFences, is a violatittn of the shop i
right of the citizens,is a forced and dan- ttria.
gerous conftrudtion of the conllitution,
and ought no' under arty pretence what
ever, to be cxercifed by ihe Judicial Au- Tli
thority. under
2. That .a (landing comtftittW to tured
confill of one member from each town land si
(hip, be appointed sot- the f urpofea here- have
wiaf 'er mentioned viz. turn I
To draft a remonflrnnce to Congiefs |' vc 'y
prayirig a repeal of the excise law, ati'"B ''
the fame tiirie requeding that a m.
equal and less odious tax may be laid. c3 P tO
and giv ng afilirance to the reprefenta-j.
tives of the people that ftich tax will be'
cheerfillly paid by the people of these rcm
To make and bublifli a (latement of
the tranfaftions which have lately taken
place in this country, relative to the ex
cise law, and of the causes which gave
rife thereto, and to piake a reprefenta- ir
tion to the Prefid<'nt on the ftlbjeft.
To have power to calf together a
meeting either of a new reprefentatidn A ":
of the pet>ple, or of the deputies here
convened for rhe pinpofe of taking such BV:
jfurther jiieafures as the future iituatioii ll '" 1,1
jof affairs may require, and in cafe of
jany sudden emergency, to take such tio ,
teroporary mcafures as they, iiiay thiiik his sri
neceffnry. be alv
3. That \ye will exert durfelves, and lvho v
that it be earneflly recommended to ' j° (
our fellow citizens, to exert thtmfeives vatu „
,in support of the municipal laws of the qdei e
refpccti'.e Hates, and especially in pre- :i !'y "
venting any violence or outrage again (I' 1
the property and peffon of ahy indivi- ma
du>il. ; . nviiioi
4-t ti. That a Committee to consist of wi ii>
three members of each county be ap-
pointed to meet any Comrhifiioriers that
have or may be appointed by the go
vernment and to leport the result of are ot
this conference to the (landing cam- many
mittee. I,a * c 1
. . ufj cur; 1
Committee of Conference; of nd'
Weftmoreland County—John Kirkpa- by per
trick, George Smith and Mr. John w,,rtd
-Powers. \ jf"on (
i Allegheny County—Hug'h H. Btack- n it " l
entirfge, Thomas Moreton, and Mr.? '""
,utas. . _ Stare .
| Jvmjngton County—David Bradford, All
James Marital, James Edgar. ~T"
layette County Albert Gallatin, ■
Edvard Cook, James Lang.
Bedford County—Herman Hufijand,
Pfrilfon. With
■ County Virginia—William Sn
• . ' •<!.•
Chio and Bedford Counties not fully rt
. -.frtfeti at the meeting.
t; NAPLES, May 27.
hi Thomas d'Amato having blalphemed
1 he iloly Sacrament, prayers have been
t'ofK'rcd up to avert the wrath of Hea
-4 veil 011 account of this crime, which is
-termed " Treason against the Al
- mighty." The following is a copy of
; 'lis sentence.
1 Thomas d'Amato, of Medina, after
1 heirljr dragged at a horse s tail, (hall be
suspended to one of the ports of the gal
lon's , h;3 tongue, his bauds, an,d his
, heid (ball then be cut off in fuccelfion.—
, His body flialt be afterwards burnt, his
I aflieg thrown to the winds, his goods
, conlifcated, and the name of this villain
y for ever pi ofctibtd.
g LONDON, June 20.
Oil Saturday last, the Exchequer
f Loan of four millions, which happily
r pioved the ialvation of many opulent
j.uwl telpeftable iudividua 8 was com
, jxfctely redeemed, the bill payment hav
t ing been then imde, without a frigle
J defaulter ; and with f. politive gain to
Government of many thuufand pounds,
- aftei the payment of every expent e at
tending the progreis aiUl confequeuce of
the concern.
i This advantage arose from the ftirplils
of iiiterell, the Exchequer bills bearing
"an intertl ot four per cent. wh !e the
> individuals who were accommodated
' paid the legal interest of five per cent.
> for their relpeitive funis.
A le'tcrtrom Morlaix announces that
e Coli Ha.uiltoi,Chi;f< f . h.--Scotch con
"ventioii, has arrived at at Pofc'ot in a
"little velTel, which failed ag,an immedi
? ately. Th Colonel was be
" tore the C mm t et of Safety >.t Mor
laix and Cent to Bon St. Andre,
Deputy of the Convention at Bieft.
La revolutionare, the French Ihip of
War of 119 giuis, which was engaged
by the Audacios has lince gune to the
Bottom. This news was brought by a
ship which laced part of the crew after
La Revolutionare 1 hud fuiik. This intc-
Utge ce was ydk'rday polled in the
: books at Lloyds.
Yp -es is an iipiicopal See of Auftri
fhi Flanders, with wh eti D nk rfc,
chough in French Flanders, was joined
r elore the revolution. Tle pref .nt Bp
e shop is a relative of the Houle of Au«
1- ttria.
NEW-YOilK, August it.
1- The Ameri can vedels which were
under French convoy, and lately cap
o tured by Admiral Murray's squadron,
1- and sent into Halifax, we are informed,
have been cleared, and are on their re
turn to the ports to which they relpee
j lively belong, in ballast they retain
ing their cargoes as legal prizes. The
~'f'i*'ght of the vessels will be paid by the
[ captors.
T just Landed,
■ From 011 board the Jhip Wq/hington, Cat-,
yohn Collin/ f, om Bourdeaux,
„ White Wines
In Barrels ; and
i- in Hhds. ami Caies—For Sale by
a No. 26, Spruce, near 1 ront Street.
M August 15, 1794. d.
€. W> PEALE.
h EVER folipii'dtts to 1.1 der his MUSEUM
,j Hill mate and more an object of rational
r pteitainmenr, and sub erv.ent tut e in
' terelts of useful fci-nce, lias on.the fu g c -
" tioi, ai d with the advice cf „ number ot'
k bi". friend -, prov ded a Book, which will
be always Open for she inipefti. n of tho/e
J who vilit his Muleuin, in which book it is
o propoled to inlerr all lucli difcovcries; in.
iMentions, mipi dveinenti, fcluine , o bier
's vatiOnsj experiments, p ji-eH) hints or r. la ing to the a : ts or, as
any of his v.mors, .i- to< '.jjoinlwntSjinay
fa from time tr>- mie c»» niu.itcar-.
Such a-» may»e t idßCffl! i'eir names
may cither lend theircommunicationsar.o
nviiiousj drat their desire, fc- XV. Pea e
if wi i infer! their nsine , win! the htiniberor
ligilattire oi titer ttjjefciivr
ptions in a 0 ivate book which he ihillkeep
for that pti'pofe.
The advantages ot such a public register
'1 are obviouj. 11 will,elcue rem oblivion
l- many ftleful hinis, which might otherwise
ha»c Qied with the r avthois. It rfiav fe.
cufijte invei.tors the i juftelatms, ,ndp>e-
Vent othei s (roin taking the Iwi.or 01 profit
of n d'l'coveiy to which iliey rire i.ot en.
lifted; and as the Muictfm is now'vifited
'* byperloni t'r .jn almost ail pai ts of the
II world; fuce a gil.ler, it is prtlumed, will
:roon contui > and be the means- of d'-ilenii
nuting a v vaft tun t of ufetu ; knowledge, and
' [fi';>tn ,te that f'piiit ofenqti ry nd inven.-
r " timt, for which tne" peo;» eot the U ttd
Stares ara alieady li.jultly diftioauilbiid.
1, An;. 11 .
% lMoneyto be Lent,
On of
NVithiu the City and res of Philadel
ph»a Apply to
Nichdlas Diehl, jun.
f- Attorney at Law.
Ng. 19, Ji/ulh Fourth Jlrect.
Aug. 4 mw&ftf