Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 20, 1794, Image 1

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£No. 59 of Vol.• Vl.] WiEDNESDAY 20, 1794.. [Wholea£hTo. 609.]
- ■- —- - — - - ■■ ■ - ....... - .. ■-1 r* 1 i- - n 1 ...a-.,-. .v. • j , - - ,
Periodical Publications.
Just Bt
john Oi'inr od^
At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefnu ',
The three fijft numbers of the ,
United States Magazine, ;
Printed at Newark, He-x [erfeu, and
lithed in Ninthly numbers, bv 'nW'criptio '
at 3 and jp een's (>er annum. >
Five Numbers of the
Maflachufetts Magazine,
Or MmitUy Mu eumof an
BAtiortal Kiitertaiinntm, pt,blHV>d try sub
at two Dollars and j} cent
Sacred Music.
X-uw's Musical Magt-zine
t)o. CMi iftun Htrraony
t>o. .VlulicaJ Printer
Do. SeleA HarrooaV
Do. Scledt Ffalms ar.d Hymns.
"t'lie lucceeding nuipbers i»f the ab©* r
periodical works will bt published toe ti
o; evary montli) and ior%v a' dcd
Spbfcrrberswithout delaiy.
July 28
A LARGE body ol LAND on this riv ,
at*d its w iters, is now f'»f sale to Settlers o>>
# ? on diOiterate terms,and at a |.mg credit.
foil is rem irkabiy fertile, and n
merous ftreamfc of water are intersperse
the wiipit country.
Th? mam river flows . »<*ough one tra
ai about thirty Ihoufand ;\cres, and is wi
be eHce,JtiOn of ane gbitrvision,
iie t3 tnc lufquehanaah.
Spring Brook Creek, which with i<
branches, waters another tra<st of abm.
lorty thousand of go >d Land, em:-
itfelf into the Lac ha van dock, aboi
twelve miles from the SiifilUchaonab.
It atfjrds nutUerous Vlill feats, & in iv•
course creates* large of well water
sdjiieaduw ground. ,m«
nf contiderable importftnee.
Sevtt al Vinls are already erected for the
»ccumjiodxtion of the fettters.
R<iaJ.s are cuLi:i ditferent direS'tons, to
wards the mod conveuient markets.
The county town not inure than t2
rtlles diftatit from nany parts ot the set
The Sufquehartnah affords an easy and
fa'e navigation to Middle on, from whence
the Canal t<J Schuylkill the com
munication to the city.
Another means rif connexion with Phi
ladelphia, is by the Delaware, from which
the (iiilanco in several places is abuutthirty
i The proprietors combining theirown in
hered with that of the inhabitants, are dif-
J»ofed to ere.t works of public utility, Open
soads, S<c. and in eirary en miles square, 3
traftj)f one hundred acr«s j, allotted for a
School, aiid one hundred acres fop tbefirft
frefident clergyman of any denomination of
Chriftidfv*. r.
tor further particulars apply to
George Eddy.
Luzerne County,
Pennfylvaniai July 9.
Lettersdir efted tn George Edtiyj at Pi
fdelphia, or this placejoc 10 Thomas Eddy,
at New York, relative to this bufinefs,will
he dulyanfw red. eod^m
'Principles and Qbfervatians
Pol and Pearl AJhes.
lafpeitor o£ Pot arid PearUAlhea fur the
Commonwealth of Maflachufette.
Publilhed according to A<ft of
These observations relate to an extensive
buSnefs ; and are designed, in the plainest
manner, to convey profitable information
to tfipfe interested in it, who have not leii
ure or opportunity to search for the princi
ples therein contained, in thjf writings of
profe'ifional Chcmifts.
Aug. t 1
To the El edtors of the city and,
county of Philadelphia.
THIS beinj the last year of the pre
sent SierilPs time in office. I take
the liberty to offer nivfelf a C ndidate.
and solicit vour votes and intereils in my
faviur, to place me on the return at tile !
next general Election, as his fucceifor for d
fai ( HSee; in doin; whicn, you will confer:,
an obligation that will be gratefully re-,
mssnbtred, by
Your most obedient, ,
a;id tuunole ("ervant, t
3- w tf.
JIW The American Snow
..—- Captain M'Cinnell.
j r a\(tf lv>ng 3t Mr, ROSS's Wharf, anefccd
•n\ ve(fc?l, about 2ao tons by car
! vi near *500 bis. Flour, is we]
; md, a»trf may be sent to Tea, at a very faiall
v>ence, having htelv had upwards of "ine
mdred founds sterling, laid out on her.
1 I* not fold in fortnight, (He will then e
■ -cooled at public aft* Any reasonable
■dijt may be given—lnventory may be recn
1 board by applying to Capt. M'CON
ELL, aV to
Peter Blight,
\\ r HO HAS FOR. SALf.,
In "ipes arid hull Pipes and Quaitfr Calks,
'Ttdeira io do. do.
""Vii'r Sugar in Bores.
For Hamburg,
7jPTAiN Having great part
■f her caigo on board, will fall w »
V.w day?. Freight will be taken if ap
ilied for immediately, for which as wel.
" is for passage, applyto
Andrews & Meredith,
At Willing't Wharf.
August 6. <3
For Sale or Charter,
V aac Syi ve M er i ma fi er -
NOW lying at Say's Whi'f,the 3 ' above
' ,'ket street, burthen about ajoo har
r Is, is a goad strong vessel, and will be rea
ls' to receive a cargo in a lew lays.
■■por terms apply to the Captain on board
' < r
IVater jlrcei, Noi ■?, fruih.
7th mo 25 d
f The Ship
gftgjjftNOW di charging jat
wharf. She is a prime sailer,
2 veil i uvd, and burthen about three thoti
t "and barreh. For terms apply to
i __Aug. 19 diot
- A French Family,
WOULD wish to be entrusted with the
" care of a FARM, atjout the city of
11 delpbia or Trenton, under such compenfa-
I tions as may he agreed upon by applying at
Mr. OSMONT's, No. 117, north Second
■ treet.
' Aai*. if d
J The Gazette of the Umlted
States it now puhlijhed at No. rig
Chf.snut street —to 'which place th-
OFFICE of the Editor is removed, and
•where Printing Work in general is
Came to the stable of the
. Subscriber a tew days a^o,
II A Black Mare,
About fourteen hands high, bet- hind feet
-vhite. The owner is desired to come,
prove property, pay charges, and take hei
Lewis Betider.
Black Horse, Second street, Philad.
J Ang. 16 4t_
▲ N
Alphabetical Lift
OP the
1 Payable by law ori all Goods, Wares, and
" Merchandize imported into the United
A.flerifca, after the latl day of
June >784, <ji(tinguifl?i"i» the rates payable
iiti thole imported in (hips or veifels of the
United States—and the rates payable in to
eign (liips or vessels, including the addi
tional duties, to which the refpcftite arti
cles are liable. 1
An EflTay on Slavery,
Deiigned to exhibit in a new point, 01 (
view 11s effeftlji ort morals, indujfry. and the !
fitdce of fecttty- Some fatfcs and c»icuUtion>
are offered tp prove the labor of freemen to he
;inudii mori* productive than that ot j,laves \
that coutnriei are rich, powerful and happv.
in proportion a* the laboring people enjo
the fruits of their own labor ; arid bfiK.
the n ceffafry concltffton,that (lavery 19 impoh
tic*s well as unjujl.
c* 25 Cents.
Next Monday
Will be landed ,!'u> ; 1 r.rvjxwrd >b»4i WaSf
in; ton, Captain JofiN Co Ll'lns from BOR
DEAUX, lying at Maffey's Wharf near the
Crooked Billet,
White Wine's
In Barrels ; and
in Hhds. and Cases—For Sale by
No. 165, South, Second-Street.
August 15. i 79- d.
Money to be Lent,
On Mortgage of
Within the City and Liberties of Philadel
phia Apply to
Nicholas Diehl\ jum
At orney at Law.
No. 19, south Fourth Jlreet.
Aua. 4 mw&ftf
Treasury Department,
Revenue-Office, August *}th, 1794.
Will be received at the Office of the
C mm ffioner of the Revenue, No. 41, 1
buth Third street plitlad. lpfiia, fbr fu.
lifting by contract, tlree hundred
Pair of Wheek of cajl iron,
•ach wheel toweigh alout li 6 pounds, and
ro be of tire dianlettr of twenty inches,
and of the thickness if about four inches
it the rim, also for tlree hundred pair of
Smaller isohels of cafl iron, n
each to weigh abouti22 pounds, and to be
of the diameter «f fiateen inches. Pat
tfrns of each will deoxhibited at the taid
office. The w heel: are intended for the
'carriages of iron cennon, u> be employed i
in the fortification!.
Aug. 8 eod2w
To be Sold,
STht ffnufc. Stables, & Lot
of Ground,
I In Second ffreet, between Snrui. 4miJ
Union streets, in the tfetMp'attoh of hi?
. Britannic Majesty's Minift'er.
The Adjoining Lot,
26 feet front, and 149 feet deep, for
erms of apply to
Wm. Cramond;
Aug. 14 w&stf
Treasury Department
Revenue Office. August $th. 1794.
PROPOSALSwiII be received at the Of
fice of the Com miffioner of the Revenue,
No. 43, south Third street, for furnifhing
by Conti aft,l Seven hundred and fi*ty eight
For the corps of Artillerists and Engin
ers, to b» made agreeably to a Pattern
hat which will be Ihewn at tbe Office a
forefaid, to any person disposed to contract
Aug eod2w
Christiana Mills
For Sale-.
ON Monday the firft day of September
next at 8 o'clock ,in the evening, at the
Coffee Hotlfe in he city of Philadelphia
will be fold by public vendue, two tract
or pieces of land situated in White Clay.
Creek hundred, New Caftficcountyand state
of Delaware; one of which contains about
jixty acres of highly improved land, on it
ir? a lai-gfe two (lory brick dwellinghotife, a
fconvenient brick barn, with ftablingand a
i arriage house undeTneatb, an excellent
iciln for irying corn ; and the well known
iiillscalledChriftiana Mills (late Patter
n's) which beingat the head df the tid<
in Christiana river, and but abotlt haif a
■■lilefrbm the landing, is coflvenientlyfitti
-.ted for carrying the articles manufacturer'
at the mills by water to Philadelphia—Thi
.noperty being close to the road leading
si om Eikton to Christiana bridge, and at
the head of the' tide, with many other at
tendant advantages, render its situation for
the milling bufinefc so very v'aluable, as tc
be equalled by lew and exrefled by none.
The latter trait topt%inin£ 175 a«r»<, is
about one mife from the mills and is chief
ly woodlandj whith being Contiguous to
Water carriage io the city of Philadelphia,
must be of ircreafing value, especially a
tnere is a quant'uy o! largt timber in said
trad suitable for the piirpofes of the
The terms upon the ibdve men
tioned estates will be fold are—one thou
sand poonds to be paid on nxgcutrng the
deeds, andieven hundred and fifty pounds
per annum, » th intereftfor the remainder
brproportionably foreach part.
ludifpatabie.titlef will be made for the
property, by
GE >. LAI IjKiK.
At fame time and pUCc vJai Oe fold
large BOATj
J«ly 2 mw&sts
Choice St. Croix Sugar, I
Just imported, i
And ftr Sale,
Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matts.
June 24th. d'
■ : * f . .
Nankeens of Superior Quality,
Long and ihoi t pieces
Long and short black fatting,
Black Taffet es, andSenihaws,
Black and coloured India sewing Silk,
Ornamental jars libd beakers,
And a tew long sets of Tea China.
Coloured Sattins, Luflrings, and
T 0 B I N E S,
No. 40, north Fifth Street.
July 7 mw&ftf
War Department, j
August 1, 1794. I
Information is hereby given
■ atrrhe mrrnary Invalid* oHhc-United
rates, that the sums to which they are en
rled for their annual pention, which will
come dueon the firth dry <-f IPep timber
1794, will be paid on the said day, by th» t of Loans within the States,
fpeftively, untler the usual regulations . ,
Applications of Executors or Adminir> c
rators muftbe accompanied With legal e-,
idences of their refpeftive ofiites, and.
also of the time of the decease ot (itch in- <
validswhofe penfiom they may claim.
By command of the President of the U- 1
11 ted States^
Secretary at War.
(£?" The printers in tile fevtral State
ire requested to publilh thabove in thei
new'papers or the space oftwo months ,
Aug. 6 d2m
JttJl Publijhed,
Jacob Johnson & Cbi
No. 147, Market Jlreet,
American Revolution
Writt n in the style of ancient hiftory,in
two vols, price 10f.
The Italian Nun, translated from the
r'rench of j, J. Roilffeau, pricc^B,
Moore's Journal in Fiance, ib two vol
price iff
Fruits of Solitude, in irefleftions anil
maxms, relating to the conduct of Human
Life, by William Penn, Price
Senecca's Morals, price 7/6.
Dodfley's Efops Fables, in German, with
cuts, price 4/8.
Aug. 6 eodjw
Of Excellent
Old Holland Gin,
For Sale at
No. 55, North Water Street, by
John Clark.
—iiog; rts dGt
And for sale at J
Mathew Carey s Store, *
No. 118, Market street,
Price half a dollar, embellilhcd with a
striking likeriefs of Mr. Margarot, I
Maurice Margarotj
Before the High Court of 'Juflitiary dl
Edinburgh, on an indianient for j
" OF the, many remaikable trials which
the present extraordinary system ot criml
nal jurisprudence in G. Britain and Ireland
ias brought before the public eye; this,
certainly is moll entitled to universal pe
uiufaland attention. It devtlopes, rhote
Ji'ully than any ptiblicatidn the lat
-211 viewi and obj> fts of the Britifii conven
tion ; and proves inconteftibly, thatjudi
- cial profectitions (or per(eciitifans( and de
n rifions are now more the result of the pre
, Cent order of things, than ahy old fafliion
;d attachment to the law, or the conftitu
!l lion. Add to this, that it holds up to the
l' wonder and admiiaticn of mankind, .the
the,firm, manly, arid patriotic coriduft of
- his devoted victim—this ' Second Sydney,'
- as he has justly and deservedly been called;
e who in the courl'e of one of the longest tri.
> als we know of, unaflifled even by a single
r inerilber of the long robe, evinced such a
depth of legal and coTiflitutional know
c 'edge J and. in a speech of four hours
length; displayed such a b.aze of eloquence
ind firll rate abilities, as astonished
lie court—and, strange to relate ! eveu
'rew involuntary appljufe from the venal
1 d time-ferviog creature of atorruptgo
August 16.
Ji/jt Received,
By the floo}' l£ndJ6ll. Falne'
from Boflo ,
Niew-England Rum,
In Hhds. tor Sale by
Nalbro & John Frazier t
No. Bi, Walnut Ilreet,
Who have also on hand, -and Jor sale,
In pipe* and quarter casks, fit for
immediate aft.
St. Lucar Wine in pipes,
ants Quarter calks.
■ROTA WINE in quarter cacti
PORT WINE in do.
Bo 11 on IjEEK,
Hyson ami Souchong TEAS,
Raven* DUI K,
b by to Window Glaji.
Aug. j tuth«.^4w
L .. -NO. 62. -
| DiJlriß of Pennsylvania,
BE it reirhembered that on the twenty
thirdday of July in the nineteenth y »ar dl*
the independence of the United States of
America, JOSEPH BOGGS, of thfe laid
diftrift hath depoftted in thi o&ce, tlie ti
te of a book iho ilfthi wherfeof he claims
as author in the words follow to wit.
" The Philadelphia Direflo*•
ry, for the yedr —by Joffeph B ggs.'i
In conformity to the aft of the t.ongrefr
of the United State's intituled '• An aft fog
the encouragement of learning by fecurin'
•he copies of maps cl irts ahdlbook st 6 thfc
authors and proprietors of such copiesdur
ing the tiniis therein mentioned.
Sam. Caldwell,
C'erk of tDiftrift of Pennsylvania.
ul JO d
By Thofnas Dobfori,
At { she Si one No. 4it fiulh Se
cond Jlrett, 1
I..LETTERS add relied to the Pbilofp
phers and Politicians bf France, on the
]e£t of Religion ; to wliitN are prefixed ob.
relating to the causes of the gt.
neral prevalence of Infidelity,
F. R. S. tfc.
Price one quarter bf a Dollar:
111 TWO SERMONS, viz.
1. The prefentftate o( Europe compared
with ancient prophecies. Preached on the
Faftday, in 1794! with a preface Contain
ing the reasons of the author for leaving
2. The use .Chriftianityj especially in
difficult tithes ; being the Author's Fare
well Difeourfe to his Congregations in
Hackney; with Appendixes to the two Ser
mons, Price one third of a dollar.
111. Ail APPEAL to the Serious & Can.
did PrdfefTors of Chriftiarilty, oh the sol,
lowing fubjefts, viz.
I* The use of reason in matters of Reli
2. Tile pdwer of man to do the Will ef
3. Original Sin.
, 4. Election ant) lleprobation,
,5. T'he Divinity Of Chrifl, and
6. Atonement by the Death Of Chrifl, by
s thi fame author.
I'd which are added,
A Concise History of the
rife ®f those Doctrines, and an account of
tfie Trial of M'Ehvall, for Heresy ana Blas
phemy, at Stafford AffizCS.
I Price one eight To of it Dollar'.
The above thiee are re-puhliflieH With
'the author's improvethents and additions f
and a confidrrable part of Ijis works, in
an improved state, wilt make their appear
ance as soon as convenience will admiti
j July' 28 eod3w
, r : - ><
E Whereas an attacti
- ftient at the luit of the adminiftiatb>sof ill
- and Angular the goods a fid chattels, rights
- and credits, which vfere of William Bur
net tieceafed, at t the time of bis death,
hath been ifFoeftoat of the Inferioitr Couj
1- of common pleas, in and for the Countyof
i-Midd'efexj ajfainft the Goods and Chatties,
e tamto antl Tenements of Junius Martin,
e late of the county aforelaidy returnable to
f the thirdTuefday in- J.oly NOTItE
,' is hetebv given to the said Juiiias Martin,
I; that unless he appear and file (pecial bill fa
i- the said aftioa, on or before the third I uef
e day in January next,' judgment #ill be en
a tered against him by and the goods
- and chatties, and tenements so at—
s tached, fold ftSr the fatisfadtion of such of
e his creditors ti (hall appcir to be justly en.
d titled to any demand thereon, and (hal lap
v plv for that purpose, according to the form
I iif the (latute in such cafe niadefe provided
1- By order of the Conn,
OEARE, Clerk.
Augr 19, t avrtf.