daily evening advertiser. [No. 56 of Vol. Vl.] Saturday, August 16, 1794. [Whole No. Periodical Publications. JOST RECEIVED BY John Ormrod, KieuikWSTWeair, No. 41, Che/nut Jlreet, f The three firft numbers of the jl' United States Magazine, [ Printed at Newark, New Jerley, and pub- e 11-hed in Monthly numbers, by fubferiptioo „ at a dollars and }0 cem* per annum. LIKEWISE, c Five Numbeisof the c Maflachufetts Magazine, Or Monthly Mufeumof Knowledge and Rational Entertainment, publithed by fub fcripti.il at two Dollars and cents a year. ALSO, Sacred Music. Law's Musical Magazine Do. Christian Harmony Do. Mnfical Primer Do. Select Harmony Dp. SeTfcfl: Psalms and Hymns. The iucceeding numbers of the abb VL periodical works will be published the lit it tve> kof every month, and forwarded to Su blcriberswithout delay. July 28 Lachawannock. ) A LARGE body of LAND on this rive? and its waters, is now for sale to Settlers on ly y on ju aderate at a long credit. The foil is remarkably fertile, and nu inerous ft reams of water are interfperfe< through the whole country. The main river flows through one tra< of about thirty thousand acres, and is witl he exception of one obftru&ionj naviga ble to the Sufquehannah. Spring Brook Creek* which with its braucbe3, waters anotlter trad of about forty thousand acres of good Land, emp ties itfelf into the Lachawannock, aboui twelve miles from the Sufquehannah. k It affords numerous Mill feats, &in its course creates-largebodies of well water ed meadow ground. <~, The other are interfered By irtekr, of considerable importance. Several Mills aie already ererted for the ~accTri'mm»darfoiJ of flfe'TS'ttlers. Roads are cut in different directions, to* wards the nioft convenient markets* | The county town not more than i 2 mles distant from many parts ot the set' tJement. The Sufquehannah affords an easy and fafe navigation to Middleton, from whence the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com muuication to the city. Another means of tonne&ion with Phi ladelphia, is by the Delaware, fn»m w icli 1 the distance in several places is about thirty miles. The.proprietors eombtning their own in- 1 tereft with that of the inhabitants, are dis posed to ere A works of public utility uoads, &c.and in every en miles a tract of one hundred acres is allotted for a School, and one hundred acres for the firft resident clergyman of any denomination of Christians. For farther particulars apply to George Eddy. Willces-Birre, Luzqrne County, Pennsylvania, July 9. Lettersdir efted tn George Eddy, atPi ladelphia, or this place,or io Thomas Eddy, at New York, relative to this bufine.fi,will be duly answered. eod3fn TO BE SOLD BY THOMAS DOBSON, Principles and Observations APPLIED TO THE MANUFACTURE and INSPECTION O F Pot and Pearl AJhes. By DAVID TOWNSEND, Infpedtor of Pot and Pearl-AsheS for the Commonwealth of Maflachufetts. Published according to Adl of Congrefs_ These observations relate to an extensive bufmefs ; and are designed, in the plainest manner, to convey profitable information to those interested in it, who have not leis ure or opportunity to fearchfor the princi ples therein contained, in the writings of profeffional Chemists. Aug. % To the Electors of the city and county of Philadelphia. Gentlemen, THIS being the last year of the pre sent Sheriffs time in ofKce. I take; the liberty to offer myfelf a Candidate,; and solicit vour votes and interests in my' favour, to place me on the return at the next general Election, as his fucceflor for said ofice; in doing which, you will confer aa obligation that will be gratefully re membered, by Your mod obedient, and humble servant, JOHN BAKER. May 3. »s tf. For Sale, The American Snom " &&d - VE NUS, . J Captain M'Council. >V Now lying at Mr. ROSS's Wharf, an excel- about 220 tons by regdUr; car rou near 2500 bl». Flour, ts remarkable to* 1> "■ found, apd may be fcrit to sea, at a very (mail experice, having lately had upwards of nine hundred pounds fteriirig, laid out on her* It not fold in fortnight, foe Will ihen be \\ exposed at public a\l&ion. Any reafonab.lt in credit may be given—lnventory may be *cen o ou board, by applying to Capt. M'CON- C NELL, or to Peter Blight, WHO HAS FOR SALE, PORT WINE, In Pipes and half Pipes and Q ua 1 r . C Madeira in do. do. Savanna White Sugar in Boxes. d2w. Captain Loifsli, Having great part of her cargo on bo.trci, will fail in a few days. Freight will be taken if ap- ( " plied for immediately, for which as well i as for paflage, apply to Andrews & Meredith, j At Willing's Wharf. August 6. a For LIVERPOOL," ||§§| AMIABLE, \ John Thompson, mailer, o IJUR I HKN about 2jO tout, a very tub-c . flantialfhip, built of lire oak and cedar,of i an easy draught of water, (ails remark ably fall, and has very excellent accommo- - dations for passengers; to fail the firft: week J in Auf.uft, and is intended to return imme diately to Philadelphia- ' For paflage only apply to Capt. Thompson ; on board, at Meflrs. Warder & Co's wharf or John Mayo. ' July 22 , For Sale or Charter, ■ Mlfcw Gen.WASHINGTON 1 Isaac Sylvejler, majler. NOW lying at Say's wharf.the 3'' above .Market street, ,burthen about 2JOO bar , rels, is a good fttong vessel, and will be rea , dy to receive a cargo in a few days. For terms apply to the Captain on boat. or RUMFORD & A?IJAH DAWES, , Water Jlreet, No. J, 1 fatith. i 7th mo ?5 d L —————————— —— p Money to be Lent, I On Mortgage of REAL EStATES, Within the City and Liberties of Philadel phia Apply to Nicholas Diehl, jun. Attorney at Law. I No. 19, south Fourth Jlreet. Aue. 4 mw&ftf rHE office of the President and Directors «f the Insurance CompanY »f Norti- America, is removed to No. 107, South Front flrept, being the south east corner o Front and Walnut streets. j" TO BE SOLD, THOMAS Y DOBSON, A N e Alphabetical Lift OF THE ;• DUTIES ' payable by law on all Goods, Wares, and ? Merchandize imported into the United 'Saates of A.nerica, after the lad day of "June >784, diftinguilhing the rates payable * on those imported in (hips or veflels of the United States—and the rates payablein fo reign {hips or veflels, including the addi tional duties, to which the refpeftive arti j cles are liable. July 29 J JSY) P §4 T V BY MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Mai ket-Strect, «An EfTay on Slavery, *i Designed to exhibit in a new point ot view its effects on morals, iniuflry, and the e peace tfftcieiv. Some facts and calculations r arc offered to prove the labor of freemen to be r much more pradvflive than that of [laves j - that countries ate rich, powerful and happy, lin proportion as the laboring people enjoy Ithe fruits of their own labor ; and hence 'the neceffaiy conclusion, that slavery is impoli tic** well as unjujl. Prici 25 Cents. A French Family, < WOULD wi'h to br entrusted with the ear« of . FARM, at- iut the city ot Phila delphia or Trentoi. 1 der such compenfa-' tions as may beagi-een upon by applying at; vli. OSMONT's, No. try, north Second ] 'ir.et. — 11 11 4 d Next Monday u Will be landed from on board Ship Wash ington, Captain John Collins from BOR- 1 DEAUX, lying at MalTey's Wharf near the 1 Crooked Billet, 1 A CARGO OF { White Wines In Barrels ; and CLARET > in Hhds. and Cases—For Sale by FRANCIS COPPINGER, - No. 165, South, Second-Street. August 15, 1794. d. Treasury Department, Revenue-Office, Augujl "jth, 17 94. :o 'PROPOSALS f t l i Will be-received at-the Office of the t f, " Contmiflioner of the Revenue, No. 43,1- 1 (outh Third street Philadelphia, for fur. c, nifliing by contrail, three hundred - e Pair of Wheels of caji iron, each wheel to weigj) abont 216 and rr to be ot the diameter of twenty "Shches, and of the thickness of about four inches "at the rim, also for three hundred pair o) , Smaller wheels of cafl iron, ~i eac to weigh about 122 p unds, and to be of the diameter ©f sixteen inches. Pat terns of each will de exhibited at the laid office. The wheels are intended for the •carriages of iron cannon, to be employed ai fin the fortifications. nc - Aug. 8 eod2w < To be Sold, •. The House, Stables, & Lot •. of Ground\ In Second itreet, between Spruce ant' Union streets, in tlv ciupation of hi; Britannic Majesty's Minister. / ALSO The Adjoining Lot, 26 feet front, and 149 feet deep. Fo arms of sale, apply to Wm. Cramond. 0 Aug. 14 w&stf X 1 - " ..-■■■ 1 Treasury Department L Revenue Ojj,ct. Augujl 1794' be received at the Ol liceot the Com miffioner of the Reve e NO. 43,]fou til Third street, for f nilhi by c»n uatft,! Seven hundred and fix y eight COCKED HATS, For the corps of Artillerilts and Engin cers, to be made agr eably to a PAiTtur HAT which will bi (hewn at the OflTce a forefaid, to any person dilpofed to contract Aug eod2>v Christiana Mills For Sale. ON Monday the firft day of.Septembr next at 8 o'clock in the evening, at *t» " Coffee House in he city of-Philadelpl i: rs will be fold by public vendue, two trat" t- or pieces of land situated in White Cla rh Cieek hundred, New Castle county and ftatc 0 of Delaware; one of which contains aboii' sixty acres of highly improvfd land, on ir _ are a large two ftorybrickdwellinghoufe, a convenient brick barn, with ftablingand a carriage house underneath, an excellent kiln for drying corn ; and the well known mills called Christiana Mills (late Patter fon's) which being at the head of the tide on Christiana river, and but about half " mile from (he landingj is conveniently situ ated for carrying the articles manufactured ' at the mills hy water to Philadelphia—This ■ property being close to the road leading ifromElkton to Christiana bridge, and at 1( j the head of the tide, with many other at tendant advantages, renderitsfituation sot 1 the milling bufmefs (o very valuable, as to be equalled by few and excelled by none. The latter tract containing 175 acres, is about one mile from the mills and is chief . ly woodland, which being contiguous to water carriage to the eity of Philadelphia, must be of increasing valde, especially as there is a quantity of large timber in said tract suit able for the purpofcs of the 3, milis. The terms upon'which the above men- estates will be fold are—one thou sand pounds to be paid on executing the 3 , deeds, andfeven hundred and fifty pounds K per annum, withintereft for theremaindet ls or proportionably for each part. )e Indisputable titles will be made for the , ; property, by y JOHN NIXON, ,y AI.EX. FOSTER, :t GEO. LATIMER. V- At fame time and place will be fold a large BOAT, July 2 ww&tts Choice St. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, Bytl And for Sale, By JAMES YARD. IN tj Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matt*. I Tune 24th. d* _ —u No NANKEENS. Wh Nankeens of Superior Quality, Long and short pieces Long and short black fattins, ? Black Taffcties, and Senfhaws, Black and coloured I ndia sewing Silk, Ornamental jars and beakers, And a few long sets of Tea Chiha. Coloured Sattlns, Lujlrings, and T 0 B I N £ S, ®' pOR. SALE AT Sp No. 40, north Fifth Street. R; July 7 mw&ftf J War Department, Augujl I, 1794. A Information is hereby given — :o all the military Invalids of the United? States, that the Trims to which they are rn-' i tted for their annual petition, which will J3"\ lfc tbecme dueon the fifth day of Se p tember: «J 1794, will be paid on the said day, by the »' r * Commiflioners of Loans within the States ••efpeng Aug. 6 dim E11; JuJt Publijhed, ANU FOK SALE BY Ha( Jacob Johnson & Co. moi No. 147, Market Jlreet) ' I TH F _ | 0W American Revolution . K'° Writt n in the style of ancient hiftory,lll 2 wo vols price iQ/i GOl The Italian Nuin, translated frotn the ; ,'rench of J. J. Kouffeau, price 4/8. 4 Moore's Journal in France, in two vol. * , orice 1 5/ ( Fruits of Solitude, in reflections and j^e — 11 ax 111s, relating to the conduti of Human ,t Life, by William fennj Price 4/i. Senecca's Morals, price y/6. . Dodfley's Efops Fables, in German, with „ tits, price 4JB. the e Aug. 6 «od3W ph( ht Frenctt Af jtle volution. i the n JUS-T PUBLISHED. ~ . (Price two Dollars. J alll By MATHEIV CARET, No. nB, Market Jlreet, — AN IMPARTIAL HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION) )r From its Commencement to the txe ih. cution of the Queen and hi: the Deputies of the At a< Gironde Party di ExtraS from the Preface te << The authors have presumed to affix to, as '"I their title, the epithet impartial J and the'et • eafon is, because they cannot charge them-] j „ lelves with feeling the smallest bias to any T y , jarty but to that of truth and liberty ; and' C they flatter themselves, that their readers °' " r " will find not only every circumstance fairly 1,1 jj" prefentedf but every confutable atftion, tl - whoever were the authors or actors, mark- . 31 t -d in its proper colours. If it was neceffa. ,n ry to make a declaration of their own ~ principles, they would fay, they &re neither tory nor republican—they love liberty as j Englifli whigs, and execrate every as aft by which so noble a cauf* is endangered r'~ nddifgraced. . " In the present ferment of the publi< ' tC mind, they cannot flatter themselves witl • the hope of feeing this claim univerfallj • I s acknowledged. On the contrary, they en " " wellajured that the fe fi ages will vet be acteplu .. He U the zealots oj either part). But wliei ' ' time (ball have dissipated the clouds of poli- J? r - tical deception, and appeased the tumul a.' of the passions, they will with fotue conli dence expect th t verdid from public opini- ' on, which andour and moderation fel e"'domfail to receive." °?' Extrafl from the Critical Review, June »7g4 12 Pa ß e " • , , ncls « have err tainly derived much; plea ei sure, and acquired much information from r< rhe perusals of those volumes ; and we ihink J them, bo with a prefacc contain ing the reasons of the author for leaving Englartd. 2. The use of Chriflianity, especially in difficult times ; being the Author's Fare well Difeoiirfe to his Congregations in Hackney; with Appendices to the two Sei« mons, Price one third of a dollar. 111. An APPEAL to the Serious & Can did Profelfors ot Chriftianiiy, on the fol lowing fubjeftsj vie. } 1. The use of reason in matters oJ Reli gion. " 2. The power of man to do the Will tif God. Ie 3. Original Sin. 4. Election and Reprobation, " 5. The Divinity ol Christ, and 6. Atonement by the Death of Christ, by the fame author. ln To which are added, A Concise of the c '' rife ef those Doflrinetff and an account of the Trial of M'Elwall, for Heresy and Blas phemy, at Stafford Aflizes. Price one eighth erf a Dollar. The above three are re-publilhed with the author's improvements and additions; and a coh'fidrrable part of bis works, in an improved (late, will make thiir appear ance as soon as convenience will admit. July 18 eod3w NO. 68. DiJlriEl of Pennsylvania, W TO WIT. BE it remembered that on the twenty third day of July in the nineteenth year of the independence of the United States of America, JOSEPH BOGGS, of the said diftrift hath drpofited in this office, the ti te of a book the tight whereof be claims t0 as author in the words following, to wit. : K" The Philadelphia DireElo nJry, for the year 1795— by Joseph Beggs." in j In conformity to the aft of the Congress ers of the United States intituled "An a£t for r jy the encouragement of learning by securing 3n the copies of maps charts and books to the ,-jj' authors and proprietors of fuchcopiesdur-i Tan B' n ß the ''Hies therein mentioned. wn Sam. Caldwell, ier Clerk of tDiftrift of Pennlvlrania. L red Whereas an attach ment at the suit of the adminifttatotsof all and singular the goods and chattels riahti 5 and credits, which were of William Bur °r< net deceased, at the time of bis death, / hath been iffuedout of the lnferiour Court j-' of common pleas, it> and for the County of ! Middlelex, against the Goods and Chatties, lu . Lands and Tenements of Junius Martin, • late of the county aforefaid, retuiWble to l r .~ t 1 e thirdTuefday in July last. NOTICE is hereby given to the said Junius Martin, - . that unless he appear and file special bail to '94 t fa j(} oftioDj on or before the third Tuef« , Jay in January next, judgment will be en ,r3" tered againfl him by default, and the goods ""y and chatties, lands and tenements so at—. ",he tacbed, fold for the fatisfaftion of such of his creditors as (hall appear to be justly en urio titled to any demand thereon, and (hall ap oly for that purpose, accqrding to the form 'ub- t>f the flatute in such cafe made& provided ,j re By order of the Court, DEARE, CJeik. |. Augr is, 1 awtf.