A FEH r TOWS Chipped Logwood, FOR SALE, Landing at Hariailiou'. wharf. Apply to John Vaugban, WHO HAfc FOA SALS.. CLARET, Iu liogflieads and cases of the firft quality. Au-f.j d_ NOTICE. The New Castle Lottery begins drawing the t-ft September; a RE, GiST£R LiOUiw is kept at iVIr- BoflTc'es- N ». 7.5 North Water Street, where Tick ets are RegiUered at I*4 of a dollar, and Notice lent per Letter tlie Tame.day they are d-rawn, whether blank or prize, to any part of. the Continent. August 14. *dtw. . Gf UT H RWsG E Improved. " .** . ,v THE fubferiptidn for this work on .the original trrmsj 6f tWelve dollars and the binding, will be doled this da) —and on Monday the fublcriptidn, will open at four teen dollars, exclusive of the price df bind ® ing. • ' Tbe new maps added to this edition are twenty oni ; anion* which are . thole ol - New- Hmnpihire, Mafl'achliftttSj Coiijiefti cut, Itliodeilfland, Vermont, New Yolk, ' New Jrrfey, Pennlylvania, Deiawarej Ma ryland, V-irginiaj Kentucky, North Caro- j lina, the GenelTer Government, South Ca rolina, and Georji'a. These mips have ne , ver been given in any former fjftein of J Geography} and, it is hoped; would alone be fufiicient to entirle this work to a pre-, to any other edition of bnthrie. N B; The map of the United States, "(vhich is compiling toy Mr. Sjmoe) Lewis, from the refpeftive ffate maps, will be far t more Complete thin drty one yet publifhrd, and be pi inted on two large rneeU of , p.,Ter, hearty the fiie ol' the late Mr. Mur- ray's map. May 31 d Scheme of a Lottery, l To raise 39,900 .Dollari, on 266,000 Dollars, Jeduding J 5 per Centt from tbe Prizes—this Lottery cbrMls oj 38,000 Tickets, in which there art 14,539 P>'i 7 '? s aid 23,461 Slants, ' being about one and an half Blanks to a Prize. Tilk DircSoriof llie Society foteflabliib- 1 lag Ufcful M«rtiJfaftilres, havirf£ refolv ' ed to ereil LOfTJiRIES Idr ratTing Out Mfcph Bloomfield, 2nd Eiifh* iioudinot, of Nrw-JcTfcy, who offer the following Scheme of a Lattery, and to the public, that they will take 11 every and precaution in their power to have the .VlonieJ paid by the Marfsgers, 1 frorft ti. 6, ' which (Kail be intfmediately discharged by a 1 ehcck nc»;>n one of the Ranks. S C H E M E: 1 l Prize of 20,060 Dollars is 20.c0r 1 10, coo 'r0,o"oc '5 3 5,000* 10,000 r > 5' i,ooo 10,000 id 1,000 10,000 Committee of the Superin. H tendani»f »s soon as the Tickets are fold, of w which timely notice will lie given. 01 The Superintendants have appointed John'w N. Camming, of Newark, Jacob R. Hat denSetg, of New-Brunfwick, aild Jonathan-'*' Rhe»i of "frenton, as immediate Managers fir thereof) who have given ample security for difebargirfg. the tfuft reposed in them< 83" In order toftcure the punctual " ittent of the Prizes,- the Superintendents of ' the Lottery have direfiked that the Managers (hall each enter into bonda.in 40,01/0 dollar*, with sous fpf&cientfecuTitieSito perforpa their inftfuftions, the fubllance of which is I. 'fbat whenever either of the Managers (hall reteiv'e the fdnVof Three Hundred Dolt lars, he (hall tirinidiatcly place the fame in one of the slinKs As New-York or Philadel phiax u» cirdiiQt tbe {fOV&Qnr of tiie Society, and Tuthof the Superintend ants as live in the city where the monies are placed,| to so remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn, for the paymnt 6f the Prizes. {fiai 11. The Managers to take fufficient fe-wa entity for any Tickets they may trust, other- tin wife to berefponfibJe for them. th< 111. To keep regular books of Ticketspei fold, Monies received paid into theqit Bank, abftrafts of . which (hall be fent,of monthly, to of the Society. p e , Paterfon, January 1, 1794. crf Om application to either of the above gen. tlernen', information will be given where t3 j tickets may he had. F 'brnnry 24. tu&ftf The Lottery .'publilhed by th c< Society f»*r eftahlilhing ufefixl aiaeuTac tn'et," will c6mmt?nce drawing the sirs Tnefday in November.next — , .-V ' I ■ 'I Medical JBooJvs. l> — JUST PO0LI8HKI), y to By Thomai Dob/an, at tbe Stone House No. 41, Joutb Second Jirccif VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries fy- OBSER VA TIGN S. — By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. Pro'telfor of the lnftiiutes oi «nd of Clinical Practice in the Umver«- fityof Penitfylvama. CONTAINING 'es- l ' An inquiry into the influence of phyfjea c ] c . caufo upon the moral facuiiy. md 2 * A" »pquiiy iuto the tftc&s of fpiritous li hey 9 UOT4 "pon the human body, and their in- Jn flucnce upon the happineTs of focicty -3 An inquiry into the caufc* and'cure'of ti e'- pijlmonai y confumptioti. ' 4. Obferva/ions on the fymptums and cur -cm, [ droplit*. t 5. An Inquiry into the caufcS and theatre oti internal dropsy of tjtie brain. , 6. An account of the meafle*, as they *p-;] .the pcaieti in Philadelphia, in the year 1789. •' the 7* An account ot the influenza, a.sitappea.A o|l ed iii Philadelphia in the yeafs 1789,1790, J ur* and }79 K jr 8. An inquiry into the causes of the inereafej of bilious and remitting seven, in Pexrn- * lre fyivauia. ' : Q j 9, An inquiry into the eattfeaand cure of fore j io. An accmint of the flatc of thi bodyfand I _ y mind in old age, with obfeivatious bpon c a its diseases and their umtdies. t Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, 01 t ' a " one dollar afid a half neatly bauud. 2 Medical Tranfa&ions■] >~c of im < rc * College of PHysicians of Philadelphia, f es VOL, I.—P A R T 1. Price one dollar in boards. 'IS, . . f ar A Treatise on the Diseases ol 1 r „ t ' Children. ; ur* With general directions for the management ■ ol Infants from the birth, adapted for J theufeof phyfician£ and private families^ '*f By Michael Underteood, M. D. t y i Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Col ' lege of Physicians in London, add j 00 Physician of the BritifK om Lying-in-liofpitaf. 0 f Price one Dollar. ire ' S a^«ow ledged to be the best bool t . ,rh»cb has been published on theJubjeft, anc - * s l s calculaicd for the uTe ol parents, nurles, to nd private families, as well as for phyficiain —The two volumes handsomely printed in ftj. me, and the price 6nly about one third ol ' j v vhatihe imported copies fell for. N F ; >h The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, iwc c o! iollar#i c ng System of Surgery* eictrafted from the q w- of Behjamin Bell, by t)r. Waters, si f(jj lols. 50 cents. >n! System of Anatomy* extracted frorti the f nd Encyclopaedia, with Is copperplates, 2 dols. 0 — Syltem of Cheiniftry, extra6led fro?n thc a 1'- Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of the pro- , of ;rcfs of the fciencee, and the different systems 11 W vhichhave been publifliedi 2 dols. 50 cents. z ly Brown' 4 Clements of Medicine, 2 dols. 07 cents. J; T. Dsbfon has Iti the Pre/s f v An edition of the Medical and Philofbplii « j' c :al Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two v»l- . liQies are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50 £ ;en ts per volume; he has nearly finilhed the si . ferfl volumes, which contain the firft ten ' 'oiumes of the European edition, which fell or twO ddllarseach. Nihe volumes will ip- 6 lude eighteen European volumes, which ill briog the publication up to the prefent £ -ime. " Like wife for fdle a cbnfiderMe number cjv Medical Booksj viz* oe Cuilen's Practice, Materia Medica, Phyfi-f oc ology, and Synopfi?. Bell's Surgery, 6 vpl,s.; a '00 or vols, do* on Ulcers. P.uchan's Doinellic.. 00 Medicine, Led fan's Surgery, Chefetden's A -00 netomyt Hunter 011 the Venereal, Swedeca-t 00 y er on do. Rollo on Weft India DiseaseS ; 3 00 Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton'st 00 'utlir.es of the theory and practice of Mid- t 00 wiferys with or without plates; do. on ot) 'nauagement of Female complaints. Mease 00 an Hydrophobia, &c. &c. \i 06 . i.. : 1 r "tk ' ZStock Brokers Office,- 00 No. 16, WalUftreet, Ncvst-York. 00 Subscriber intending to confifiehim ~~ jL felf entirely to tbe PURCHASE and 00 SALE or STOCKS oh COMMrSSION,bfg> hr leave to offer hisfervices to his (fiends and ir n- others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Thofr c( of who may plCafc to favor Trim willljtbetr bufi. q fiefs, may depend upon baring it trartfa&ed m'wiih the utmost fidelity and dispatch. . rJ Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any v part of the United States, will be * rJflrittly attended to. S ir LEONARD BLOCKER. ir m&thtf tl The Ground Plan 1 si OF THE V City and Suburbs b lc 0F re PHILADELPHIA. I.; O] |e IAKVN FROM ACTUAt OUR PET* f, IT ijwrith pleaTure that the publisher ijjto inform hi« fubferibert and the public in that the plate is now under the (hands of the engraverjand in greater for. t j.wardnfs than was at firft contemplated. At T -.the fame time he begs Jeave to remind them, that fnbfcription papers arefMll o- m tspen at moftof tbe noted book-stores in the.™ iccity; and that he hopes from the whole' 1 ' ■1 of them to be enabled to form such a res- z( peftable catalogue of names-, as will do credit to the work, as well a* afford aht 1 eiToiiable encouragement to the under, tli c taker. Th.ife who are desirous of further infor nation arerequefted to call on Benjamin Davies, yt No. 63, Market flreet. ea April 14. m&thtf FOR SALE, the following ' Trads of Land, in Virgin*, i:i Frederick cOlinty, contain \,£hW here', beit g pari ot that whert-o Bryan Martin now relides, known by (he name of Greei way cnurt, a l*«(t mjles from VVinchefter and j >oii i'XewtyfoH For the, convc ieiwe of pi< . chafetsj(,).t will be divided into ptirceU ' ■ sayous tfimenlionsfiom 200 to acres, wllicli may be viewed by at:or, to coi R. K. Meade, living near tbe preiriifes— The greater part is Very fertile and well timbered. ' Another tia-, ■n .uijfi'&i ip*tout, «99 ncres, calfea .Slip ftrtlKyhbdv 1,1 ti.e. : S(jut, two miles i;f tile inout. foi U jkujiis fuppofcd to have a gopd pi) 1 Another tra'c\: in Haniplliire county 01 ';jN»w C-.eek aud Kettle-Lick ,Corttainini! 'joi acres. ,fl AhotJiSr trj»d in Prince William county 'called ieefylvapia, containing upwards <>■ 2000 acres, lying upon Potoniack river, 3 bout ij" : Shites below Altxandria, and 2> belwv th» City of \Vafliir;gton, eonapre hendingiFreeftone Point, which a,"year s boa qusrry of covering abou jQ-acres and adjoins the fiver, where vei iS!i>ipifl\9nprs on public ac-fc count*, on or before the tenth day of Nov-( ' mber next, the *»moynt by . of this State in iheCongrefs of the Um- 1 ed States, be reqm-lled tocaufe this retolu (ipn to be pablilhed in.pnc or more papers * in the cities ot Philadelphia and N=ew*"Yor^, 4 "nd that provifmn. vvilJ be made for the pence# attending fnch publication. - Ordered, That the rcfolution be Tent to the Sertate fpr their Concurrenpe, ' By order of the House, < JOHN DART, C.H.R. i Ir th SKNJTE, ' Decs .vists ft ,1793. Refofoed, That thi*. Honle do concur with 1 thi House ol Repvefenratives in the forego-' tng refoluiionf. I Otdcred, That tfc« reflations'be to I •the.Hoiife of Rcpre(entarive«. 1 by order of tbc Senate, ' FELIX WARLEY Clerk, ewt N. A French Family, 1 WOULD wie -filled up in writing, so the sum may be nore or lets at pleasure. No true Poil-Ndtes of the alphabetical nark, above di>feriher persons, Who engtaved thr i ate. n The prtnfer, ot printers of the,fatd bills. , t Every perfrrn who has -as principal irt my way «n the eoutiterfeiiing' and Uttering »e.said bills. WILLIAM PATTERSON. Prcfiden:. of, Ihe Han'.cVt Maryland. Bin©, Apftl,a, >v,» ,■ ■ -■* ' !x o(6ttiii . % « JJMJICJ Rum LANDING at Karoilton'j ». he Diawbndge, o u c gl th . „» at ">»« „ ~«P*- Vannemak, fiou, , FOJ? SALE Br if PETER BLIGHT c! May 16. • foFsale^ At the STORED ef •» Jeffe & Robert Wain . S „p ip c i)ttdl . a „ d^ e LISBON do. in pipes and quarter cafe s Souchong and Conga TEAS, in «,*. e • ehefts ' ,Uttttet A quantity of Lisbon and Cadiz salt Soft flu-lied ALMONDS iu bales Velvet CORKS, in do. • KuflLa MATTS. i une 9 d The Public, are cautioned^ beware of counterfeited five tidier in, if the Bank of the United Statu Twetrty Dollar Bills tf the Bank efkmi ■ tmerica,Jeveral of which have atpearU ii circulation within a few day: paji- t b re. gfiod. general imitation of the/aiutL •Ji/fj, hut may be di/lingui/hed by the fl voting ' J MARKS. five Dollar Bills of ihe Bank tf th. United States. J Wt ALL thrft have appeared hare the letter - si •<»''' their Alphabetical Mark. t .* k Te V U " ol , th * f K* T U th 'dccr and - whiter and it takes the ink more freelr jhan the genuine paper. . The O. in tins wdi d Company is small« char, theM. and othn ttteis of that word , Co that a line extended frotu the top of the so, to touch the top oi the M wouldtxttnd confidtrably above the ratine of the whult word. In the word Un ted the lettersare nar. N rower a»d closer together than thsreft •>' the Mil. tj The »' a:;d fin Ihe word promise are ret .parallel, the /inclining much motetorwanl "•thanthe i. The engraving is badly exrcu.etf, the pokes of all the Letters are ftronget i»d the device hi themargih pa.ticiiJarly isiMiCh . coarser and appears darker than i« thetr, The wwd Company is much like the fame word in the Five Dollar B>l)s «s tr and profecote to com.i - tjon the ievcral oflenders of the follnwi 'j de f rription« or any of them, viz. The pcrfon or pcrfons, "who marufaft'if" e ed the paper on which the Bills are printed The pcrr Q n or persons, who erigraved the - phues. The printer or printers, of the bills. Every perfoft who has a£ied a-5 a principal in any other way, in the counterfeiting ana uttering the said bills. Philadelphia, March 28,1794 April 22, e Other counterfeit bills . of the Bank of the United States have if e pearcd in circulation. f The denomination is of TWENT r 3 DOLLARS, and the alphabetical ma k i» > the letter B. / They may be diftjpguilhed from th« f' nuine by the following MAKKS : The paper of the counttf'leits i* of » more tender texture and gloifey ftrface 5 than the genuine, and there is 11O' wat«r 1 mark in them. 1 The letter C. in the word C»fl'' er i 1,1 he true bills is .strongly marked, -whetfas 'in the counterfeits, the whole letter it J ' fine hair llroke, evidently in an unftnifhea ' Aate. The letters in the word. d("W» ,l ' , i • is badly formed and the whole word ijl oiw* ; and there ?s 110 comma at theend of it, as ' there is in (lie genuine bifls. . TVie marginal device, is much da'k' in tliefalfe, than in tlic genuine bills o1 * " ius to the lhsde. strokes Wag coarser, niuc . nearer v togoDiier, mu [. ( more numerous. This difierence strikes t ' eye at firft view; . - ' E TM Untie reward rrf ov.f. THOUSAND DOLLARS,' Will be paid for apprehending c k to owwiction the- lev '? above described Offeudens in ie.f[iect totnn, as tp trhevfeft deftritiM bitl-s. rHQHAS.-wiLU»G, rM g ol the Bank UmtedSUi te«. JOHN NIXON, I'rrhdra' '4 Bank ol North AotOC*. . By order of the Committee. thc KCH peStive Bo»ids.