Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 14, 1794, Image 4

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    A IE If TONS
Chipped Logwood, t
FOR $M£, |
Landing at Hamilton's wharf. Apply to By
John Vaugban,
hiliOfdheads and cases of the firft quality. O
Aug. 7 fL I
trayed or Stolen, ! ' r<
Ffq. near ti»e Falls <>V Schuylkill, a fniall
young SO'<RS L MARt, of the Narrajran- I.
h?-c breed, wit'i a white flip in her face.-— <
Whoever will return laid mare to said 2.
l arm, or to James Thomson at the Indian <
Oiveen, fliall receive Ten Dollars reward.
August 7- <l 3
liuproved. s-
THE (übfeription for this " ork 011 thr
original tenns, of twelve dollars and the
binding, wil be cloted this day—and on
M'»;idav the liibftription will open at iour
■ teen duilars, exclulive ot" thepiice of bind 8.
rlie new maps added to this edition are
twenty one ; which are those o! g,
New-llamplliire, MalTachufetts, CounetfH
cnt, Rhode-Island, Vermont, New York, 10
New Jerfevj Pinnfylvauia, Delaware, Ma
ryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Caro
lina, the Genelfee Government, South Ca-Pi
rolina, and Georgia. Thele maps have 11c
V.'r been given in any former system of A
Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone - 1 -
be ftimeient to entitle this work to a pre
fer»nce to any other edition of Gutluie. C
N B. The map of the United States,
which is compiling by Mr. S mire? Lewis,
Ironi the rjlpscfive state maps, will he lar .
more complete than any one yet pubiiihed, *
and be printed 011 two large Ilieeti ot
paper, nearly the size of the late Mr. Mur-
ray's map.
May 31 *■ _
Scheme of a Lottery, r
To ra'tfe 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollar 's, deducing 15 per Ceht. from
the prizes—this Lottery cbnfljls of
38,000 Tickets, in which there are
14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks, •
lAng alout one and an half Blanks to
a Prize.
r T' , HE Directors of the Society for eflab'iifh- ,
X nig Ul'elul Manufactures,.having relolv
cd to cicCt LO I'TERIKS for One
Hundred Thousand Dol Lars, agreeably
to an Aft of the of the State of t |
New-Jeifeyj have appointed the following
perfous to superintend and dire£l the draw- y
1114 of the, viz. .Nicholas Low, Rnfue j
King, Herman Le Roy, James VVatfon,
liichani Hatrlfon, A.hijah Hammond, anr! f
Cornelius R.ty, ot the city ol Nrw-Yoik—
Thomas Willing', J-oleph &;<ll, Matthew M - -
Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city o: '
Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How ■
eil, hfq. fclias Boutlinot, General Elias Day 1
ton, James Parker, John Bayard, Doflor .
Lewis Dnnhani, Samuel W. Stockton, J.iihiu
M. Wiilljce, J ifeph Bioomfield, and Eliiba
Boudinot, of New-jersey, who offer the
following Scheme ot a Lottery, and pledge (
themfclv'es to the public, that they will tak< ,
offur.mce and precaution,in their powei
to nave the Monies paid by the Maneger,,
from t' : » e to time, as received, into the
Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to
remain for the purpose of paying Priz s,
which (Hall be iinmediateiy discharged by a
check npon one of the Banks.
j Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 00,000
1 10,000 10, coo
2 5,000 10,000
2,000 10,000
I o 1,000 io,ooq
2.0 500 i",ooo
,oo 100 io;ooo
300 50 »3,000
[Oop 20 io,ooo
2000 15 30,000
3000 J 2 * 36,000
81CO 10 81,000
14' 539 Prizes. 262,000
23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Laftdrawn number, 2,000
38,000 Tickets it 7 Dollars each is 266,000
The drawing will commence, under the
infpettion of a Committee of the Supcrin
tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, ol]
which timely notice will be given. !
The Superiiitendants have appointed
N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har-i
denberg, of Ncw-Brunfwick, ™d Jonathan!
Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers
thereof, who have given ample security for
discharging the trust reposed in them.
p3" In order to fccuTe the punctual pay
ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants of
the Lottery have dircfted that the Managers
shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficient fecuritics, to perform their
inftruftions, the fubltance of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
(hall teceiye the sum of Three Hundred DoU
lars, he (haft i.mmdiatcfy place the fame in
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the cieditof the Governor of the
Society, and such of the Superintendants as
live in the city where the monies are placed,!
to remain there nntil the Lottery is-drawn, 1
forthepaymnt of the Prizes.
if. The Managers to take fufficient se
curity for any Tickets they may trust, other
wise to be refpounbie for them.
111. To keep regular books of Tickets
fold, Monies received and paid into the
Bank, abftrafts of which (hall be sent,
monthly, to the Governor of the Society.
Paterfon, January 1, 1794-
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen. information will be given where
tickets may he had.
February 24. tu&ftf
The Lottery publilHed by the !
" Society for eftnblifhing uleful nanufac
fires," will commence drawing the firfl
Tu-'f.iay in November next —
Medical Books.
By tkomas Dcbfin, at the Stone House
No. 41, J'outh Seco uijlreet,
V O 1- I'.
Medical Inquiries o
A N D l"? '
By BENJAMIN RUSH, Mr. D. :.owt
Protilfor ot the Inftilutet ot Medicine, anr New
of Clinical Piaflicc in the Univer- thaP
fityyl Pcnnfylvaniu. va-'f
1. An inquiry into the influence of phyGca R. ]
caufesupon the moral (acuity. The
2. An inquiry iuto the cttetts of (jciritous{i? ijmt
quois npon the human body, anrt their in
flucnce upon the happiritfs ol focicty. p a J{;
3 An inquiry into the caules and cure of the acljo
pulnionaiy consumption.
4. Obfcvaiionson the fyinptumsand cureol ta - |n
dropsies. .fiSot:
5. An Inquiry inlo the caufesand the cureot. B|a|
internal dropsy of the brain. } of j.
6. An account of the mealies, as tltey a P";.f ea j
peaicd in Philadelphia, in the year 1789. i "
7. An account ol the influenza, as it
cd in Philadelphia in the years 1 789,1790,;
and 1791. / a
8. An inquiry into the causes of the increalej
of bilious and remitting fevers, in Penn
sylvania. Kniil
9. An inquiry into the caufesand cureol iore j^| (j
, io' aii account of the slate of the body and hem
mind in old age, with obfeivaiions upon be a
its diseases and their remedies. 5° a
. Price one dollai and a quarter unbound, 01 els
one dollar and a half neatly beund. alio
Medical Tranfaftions
or THE _ woc
College of Pliyfieians of Philadelphia. l ire '
VOL. I.—P A R T I. ■*
, Price onfc dollar in boards.
' A Treatise on the Diseases of \v a
f . Children. -™ a
" With general diretlions for' the management j t
of Infants from the birth, adapied for
_ the use ot phyflcianS and private families. ta j.
By Michael Underwood, M. D. t> OLl
5 Licentiate ol Midwifery in the Royal Col- /
0 lege ot Physicians in London, and ; n g
phy{ici_an of the British r on
m Lyuig-in-Hofpital. dri
f Price one Dollar. ,
•e This is afcknowledged to be the best boos tai|
t which has been publifhcd on the fubjefl, anc Mr
is calculated for thfc use of parents, nurses, t
0 and private families, as well as for physicians tal
—The two volumes handsomely pnntcd in .|
mt, and the'price only ab..ut one third oi .j
'* .vhat the imported copies fell for.
V The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two CQ|
dollars. cot
Syft m of Surgery, e? (rafted from tbr
'' works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2 me
15 lols. 50 cents.
System of Anatomy, extracted from tht
f Encyclopaedia, with 12 copperplates, <2 dob.
7 System of Cbcmiftry, extracted frotri the ant
Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of the pro
-1 'refs of the fciencee, and the different systems IZ<
v which have been published, 2 dols. 50 cents.
Brown's Elements of Mcdicine, 2 dols.
or . . lar
j7 cents.
uj ' _ re<
ha 7\ Dobfon has in the Press, w \
he An edition of the Medical and Philofophi -yj
gf cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two v©l-
umes are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50
ci ents per volume ; he has nearly finifhed the
rs, five firft volumes, which contain the firft ten
he volumes of the European edition, which fell .
to for two dollarseach. Nine volumes will in
s, elude eighteen European volumes, which
f a w ill briog the publication up to the present a
Likerwi/e for fait a considerable number oj ™
Medical Books, "viz* >.
00 Cuilen's Pratlice, Materia Medica, Phyfi-', "
OQology, and Synopsis. Bcll'sSurgery, 6 vols. ®
oa or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Btichan's Domestic |' 1
00 Mcdicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A
-00 uetomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea- «'
oo ver on do. Rolloon Well India Diseases ; ar
oo Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's fl>
00 of the theory and praftiee df Mid- tc
'OQ wifery, wilh or without plates; do. on the
'Oo management ot Female complaints. Mease
,0 ° on Hydrophobia, &c. &c.
100 —
Stock Brokers Office,-
No. 16, Wall-street, New-York.
>0 ° nnHE Subscriber intending to confinehim-
L felf entirely to the PURCHASE and
tht leave to offer hisffirvices to his friends and in
in- >thers, in the line ol a Stock Broker. Those ec
01 who may please to favor him with their bufi q
[ness, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed
the utmost fidelity arid dispatch. I ,
ar-l Orders troin Philadelphia, Boston, or any-,
lan'nther part of the United States, will be *
er! (triflly attended to.
m&thtf tl
>y tl
e°r! 'The Ground Plan °
rS ' . OF THE V
eir , ,
City and Suburbs
ers J
oh OT r<
el- o
ias IT is with pleasure that the publisher has a
ed, to inform his fubferibers and the public in
vn,'general, that the plate is now under the Q
!hands of the engraver, and in greater for-
fe- wardnfs than was at firft contemplated. At -
er - the fame time he begs leave to remind 1
them, that fnbfcription papers are frill on
cts pen at moftof the noted ijook-ftores in
t * ie city ; and that he hopes from the whole"
nt » of them to be enabled to form such a res- z
* peccable catalogue of names, as will do ;i tl
[credit to the work, as well as afford ah
Veafonable encouragement to the under, tl
C taker.
Those who are desirous of further infor
mation are requested to call on o
• a c Benjamin Davies, y
irfl No. 68, Market flrcet. c
April 14- iflSrthtf
the following
Trails of Land) y
in Virginia. C
ONE trna in Frederick couttty, contain 11
ing, being part o(that whimot
>oi. Thomas Bryan Martin now reMes. -
known by the nam* of Greemvay coin , a
j;owt 12 miles from Wintheftcr ami 5 roJI
[Newtown. For the convenience ot pur
i'halert, it will be divided into parcels o>
vat ious dimensions fiom 200 to 600 acres,
which may be viewed by application to to -
R. IC. Meade, living ntar the premiks—
The greaier part is very fertile and wel (
Another tiaft in the fame county 01 _
Passage creek, containing 230 acres, aiii y
adjoining Jacob Lcvingoods.
Another tract in Hampshire county,con
taining by patent, 699 acres, called Sim
fiiotrom, situate on both fides of the Sout.
and within two miles of the mouti
[of it> andis supposed to have a good mil c
ffeat- \
| Another tradt in Hampfiiire county 01 f
"'New Creek and Kettle-Lick , containing
'501 acres.
if Another tiafl in Prince William county
''called Leefylvania, containing upwards 01
booo acres, lying upon Potomack river, .1
• bout 2? miles below Alexandria, and 2?
Ebelow the City of Waihington, compre
hending Fiecftone Point, which appears t<
a be a quarry of frte-ftone, covering abon
50 acies and adjoins the river, where vel
r 'els of jOO tons conveniently harbrur. Oi
another part of this ttatS it is supposed there
is a quarry of slate, convenient to watei
» carriage. Upwaids of two thiids are in I
woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living 011 tlit {
premises, will fr.ew this tra£t. ?
Another trait,- in Fairfax couniy> called I
Springfield, containing 2040 1-2 a
bout »j miles from Alcxai.driaand 10from .
f Waffiington ; abounds with fine.fpiings and
meadow ground, and maybe seen by apply
ing to Mr. John Wood, living on part of
" Another trad in Fairfax county, con
s " taiuing 39 2acre? > on Turkey-cock Run, a
bout 6 miles from Alexandria.
Another trail in Fairfax county, contain
ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wai
fon's feat, about four miles from Alexan
Another tradt, in Fairfax county, con
'' taiitings»3 acres, nea r Occoquan, joining
|C Mr. Edward Walhingion's.
s > Another trat r t. in Fairfax county, con
ns taming 80 acres or thereabout, within .
"J mile at' Poliick Landing, and within five
miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is
well timbered.
An undivided moiety in another tradt,
containing about 284 acres., in Fairfax
county, about 5 miles from Washington, &
" 9 from Alexandria, where J- Robinson for
2 merly lived.
Another parcel of land, within a milc
,U of Alexandria, containing about 24 acres,
, ' and to be fold in acre or half-acre lots.
Q l Also, sundry unimproved lots ol variou:
ns sizes, in different parts of the townol AI
ts exandria.
Todefcribe the premises more particu
larly is deemed Unhecelfary, as it is expec
ted every person will examine and view
whatever part he iliall be inclined to buy.
My only objedt being to raise a certain funs
0 of moneys by felling so many or such part
5 s of the aforefaid tradts of land and lots f
' c (hall be necessary for lhat purpofc, one hall
" of the purehafe money must be paid at- the
time ot contract, and the other within ;
year from the firft day of August next, am
at the time of deliveringpoffeflion or exe
Icuting a legal conveyance The lands re
plaining unfold, cxcept the tradt 111 Princ(
jWilliam, after railing a limited sum, wil
? f,.;b< divided into tenements, and leafed so
jl 5 a temi of years. From the 12tliday of Oc
Hij.'tober next, till <he 15th of Decemb r,
A- fball be in the city of Richmond, and afte
ea _ that time X Iliall remain at home, in Alex
»s ; andria, at which places, or elsewhere,
n's shall be prepared to detail particulars, an<
id- to enter into comradts.
tlle Alexandria, July 28
Ang. 8 ' lawiow
egs LETTERS 011 the fubjedt of the Waft
nd ington Lottery, being by miltake repeat
ofe edly addrefled to the CommifTioners for thi
City of Washington.
' Ed Persons concerned are hereby informed
that all such should be addrefled either t(
be Deakinsjun. of Walhington, or to th.
Biibfcriber. The commissioners never hav
ing contemplated any further concern ii
f this business, than in their alTent to receiv
— the bonds and approve the names of th
j managers. The prizes have been paid am
are paying on demand by W. Deakins
Walhington, Peter Oilman, Boston, am
by the Subscriber.
For the Lottery No. », the securities al
ready given will be retained by the com
miflioners, or transferred by them at thei
option to the bank of Columbia ; and th
commifhoners will be consulted refpeclin;
a judicious and equitable disposition of th
: m houses tn be built thereby ; their treafur
P e or the bank of Columbia will receive th
money intended for the National Univer
j in j fity, and they will be consulted in theno
1 G _ mination of the if, managers; hut ill th
t l le responsibility refpecling the general dilpc
10 l e fition of the tickets, and payment of pri
re |". zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, o
o a the persons whose names are and may 15
d a hereafter publilhed as afliftants to forwar
ler this business with
'" r N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particular!
obliged if those persons who pofl'efe prize
yet unpaid, will apply for their money a
early as possible.
tf June 7th. d.
One hundred dollar;
WHEREAS there were delivcredin the _el>
Month of Ottobcr latl, from the Stores ol
'the Subscribers, Two Chells and nine Hall
Cliefts of Bohea 1 >e, marked, numbered _JV
«id weigliing, nsundei, to some person or
•-.erfons with pretended orders from Jv.r
ISAAC CLASON of this City, butwliich
■le did not receive; whoever will give in
to.mation so that a difcoverj may be made, | q
«-ho got the laid lea, fliall receive the J
,bove reward; and it isreqiielted that the r
Dealers in the Article will be careful in
•xamining the Marks.and. Numbers of the '•
"heft-, that have passed through their hands
since the period above-mentioned, and give
che defiled information.
New-Yoik, July ... "V
William and James 6 on/table. n
Ship Washington. T1
C. q. lb. Tare lew
a (No. 327 3216 60 I Y"P'?} e ps
I 473 3224 64 ) Chtfts
W f 177 131* 39 ] A »
B. 177 1 a 23 39 ' nc
198 13 7 41 ere
213 13 18 37 Half ml
227 137 4° Chests. otw
| 287 I 3 9 38
1 3 15 40 | pk
1 3 18 41
404 1 3 t4 39 J , {
Aug. 6 dim If.
Treasury Department, vb
Revenue Office. Augujl yh. 1794- F h ?
n PROPOSALS will be received at the Of- j thjj
fc sice of the Commio oner oi the Kevenue, ,
N0843, ftfuth Third ftreer, for
cl by contract, Seven hundred and frxty eight
j For the corps of Artille/»lVs ar.d Engin-,
, cers, to be made agreeahjy t<? a Patter n 1
,j hat which will b»' ll>ewn at the Office
fore/aid, to any person disposed to contrafti
, ? Z
1 In the House of Representatives, (
t- DiCENlfi r R 2iftj 1753* ' Co;
WHEREAS the Commiflioners ot pob-, jj'
lie Accounts,have reported, that
l cannot pioceed to the in efttgation ol tnc *jj' 0
10, Trralury Accounts, Ipecial In-
ients, without knowing the outftandmg a-
aiount thereof in circulation :—1 herefore,
Re/ohtd, That all holders of In
,L denis be directed, and 'required, on df before
j, he fir ft day ol November rr xi,to deliver the B.
pecial Indents in their poiTiflion to one oi
( 'ther of the CrtromifTioncrs- ©1 the Treasury, iai
vho ire to give receipts lor the fame, and to N<
y -eport to tbe ContmHUoners on public ac- h< 1
L ounts, 011 or before thettnth day ot Nov
-1 (Tiber next, the omount by refpeftivc
. y received j and also 10 the Legislature, at "ft
their meeting tn November next, atld that
ill fpeci'al Indents ntvt rendere<i into the Lv(
freafury as above, on or before the firft da)
u - »f November next, fii.all be, and the fame
jre hneby barred. a j }
Rcfolved, That public notice of this refolu-
u tion be given in the feveraf Gazettes in this;
c State, once every three wfc;k«j until t^e
lay of November next. Aud that the Dele-,.
iy. of this State in the Con'grefs of the Uni-| ls
im'ed States, be requetl'cd so cause t»his rcfolu->
r t«; :ion to be ptiblv(Jied in one or more papers f
-in the cities of Phjl?d«.lphia and New-York, d<
a ]j' i»d that provision will he niade for she ex- ai
hc pfclites attending fu'ch publication.
u OfdtrcAi Tlil< ch® roiolution be sent to
nt l the Senate for their concu-rrence. ai
By order of the House, 0
; c e e In she SENATE,
December 21 ft, 1793; I
f or j Rejolved, That thiv House do concur with l<
) c jtht House oi Rcprefentawives in the forego- c
j ing resolutions.
J el .r Ordered, That the resolutions "be lent to P
the House of" Representatives.
J by order of the Senate, j
' 5' FELIX WARLEY Clerk. u
lnd ( ew» N
—— rrs t
A Frencli Family, , d
WOULD wifb to be eittrnfted with the c
fare of a FARM, about the city of Philsi
" delphia or Trenton, under such compenf^- p
—■ tions #s iiiavbeagredtl upon by applying at
Mr. OSMGNT's, No. i 1-7, north Second
street. '
Aug. 4 d 1
One thoufand 1 Dollars
:he R E W A R D. ,
Some few Coijnterfeit Poft-N.otes of the
Bank of Maryland, having been lately disco- (
to vered in circulation, and'on tracing the famr I
the were found to come from the back parts of
iv- Virginia, where they probably firft ifTued ; to I
in avoid imposition it is thought tot
ive gi ye rolFoM?ing drfcriptiori of them, by
t h e ' w bich they may readily be detc6Ved. i
in( ji They have the letter t), for their alphabet!
r cal mark, at the left hand fide of the Note. \
nS 'l The paper on which they arc printed is t
L jinore foftand tender, the tVrokei of the letters, ,
in the engraving are in general ftrooger, and
a darker appeaxance than irt the bills. j
m- The signature William Patterlon, is badly j
Lcirdone, the strokes of the letters, are ftiff and j
the labored, fo%e painted over with |
ing P tI! » well as the HourifhiiTgof the n«me. j
the The va lde is left bUnk irt the engraving, to ,
jrv^ e U P in writing, so the sum may be'
I J more ot Ids at pleafare.
j No true Poft-Notcs of the alphabetical
er " Aiark, above dVferibed, have been lately if-;
no ":fued, and ?ery few are now in circulation,
the! The above reward ot Otic Thousand dol-J
poplars will be pai<J to any porfon, or pexfons,
>ri-Jwho (hall difcovcr, or prosecute to
on the fevcral offender*, or «*ny of theitt, of the
|^ e ! folio-wing description, \'U.
ard P er^on or persons, who engraved tl*e
■ The printer, or printers of the said bills.
Every person who has a&ed as principal in
irly any way in the counterfeiting and uttering
zes he said bills.
7 as WILLIAM PATTERSON. President.
of the Bank oi Mdtyland.
Bnaw, April 8, 1794-
y sd'MJFC'A RUM,
LANDING at Hamilt n's wharf a i, 0
he Drawbridge, o u r of the ship b'acc, u»
Cept. Vankema.n, from Jamaica*
Ma? 16. d
At the STORES of
jeffe & Robert VValn
POUT WINE in pipes, hbds. ami qu '
ter calks 1
I.ISBON di>.in pipes and quarter ca&s
Souchung and Congo TEAS, in quarter
A quantity of Lisbon and Cadiz SALT
Soft (helled ALMONDS in bales
Velvet CORKS, in do.
li-ullia MATTS.
J»" e 9 _ L d
The Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Kill,
of the Bank of the United Statu, and
Twenty Dollar Bills of the- Bank of North
America,fever a I of wkichhave appeared
'in circulation within a few days paj}; thej
are good general imitation of the genuine
Bills, but way be dtflinguifhed by the fst
five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the
United States.
ALL that have appeared have the letter
F. for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
- whiter and it takes the ink more freely
tlian'the genuiue paper.
The O. in the word Company is fnialler
"Ithan the M. and other letters of t'hdt woid,
9 \fo that a line extended from the top of the
=jjO, to touch the top of the M. would extend
confiderabty above the range of the whole
In the word United the letters are nar.
s rower andclofer together than the reft o ;
. the bill.
*! The /'and fin the word promise are not
parallel, the/inclining much more Jorwarfi
"than the/.
V- The engraving is badly executed, the
Jftrokes of all the Letters are stronger and
ithe devi e in thetnargin particularly isnruch
'coarfer,and appeal s darker than in then re
" bills. Some of the counterfeits bear date in
—Whereas the Bank was not in opera
u tion till December, and no five dollai bills
were iflued in jhat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
1- America*
e AJ-L that have appeared have the letter
ic B. for their alphabetical mark.
)t They are pnntedon a papet nearly finii
lar to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar
0 Notes above d^fcribed; the engraving-is
c- b< ttei executed, a|id they approach nearer
'"to tl:c appearance of the genuine bills.
c " The fine ruled lines through the word
Twer.tyif in the body of the bill, arem nuiu
ber th rteeii in the genuine bills, and b»t
lp twelve in the counterfeits.
The word is much like the"feme
)c word in the Five Dollar defer.bed
above, the o being less than the w, and o*
.Jthtri following.
There is no stroke tb the / inthe word
North whereas in t;he thefhoke
, t _jis well defined.
U J The letters e'nf in the word Tunty y to
hand at the bottom, do not conie
down to the line, but are so cut as to give
x- an irregular appearance to the word, toe
|7cu and the y going below thorn
to The fig,na.tute ] Nixon, has the appear
ance ol written with lamb-blatk 3rd
oil, and dtriers horn other used In
?. printing th biMs and the Caflite)'s iigtia
, turc.
j It is fttppofed the fc forgeries werCcemmit
ith * n or ne'of the Southern. States. as a» [ c
, 0 _ counterfeits rliai have appeared', vc c ° mc
ifroiti iheiice, and two pcrfons have beet' ap
to'prehended in Virginia,on suspicion 01 being
.the author of them.
| The,eward of ONE THOUSAND DOL
rk)L/t$S wiU be to any Ptrforf or Pcf.oni
who fholl difco'er and proheuie (« eo|*vic
— tion thc 'several -offenders of the following
or any of theirt, viz.
1 The perfor\ orp.rfons, who manuWtur
ed the paper on which the Bills aje pnnie •
The peifou or petlons, who en&»& ve 11(
(a- plates. ,
at The printer or printers, of the bill*.
>nd Every person whohas as a prirctpa
'n any other way, in the conn ter leipng am
] the fa id bills.
Philadelphia, March 28, a 794
Jpril 22, 1794»
Other counterfeit bill 1
"co! °rthe Bank of the Uniied Stares Have up
in)P pearcdin circulation. _
lof Tlie denomination is of .
: to DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark '
to the letter B. ,
by They may be diftingniflied f'om the »
nuine by til? following MARKS : _
eti The paper of the counterfeits '
more tendrr texture and glnl-2, v '■ '
I is titan the genuine, and there is n" "
er, i mark in them. „ ■
» nd The letter C. in the word Caft-lf.
he true bills is strongly niai kei, " '
d, V in the counterfeits, <he whole ft ° .
and fine hair stroke,
" th (late. The letter ain the wurd
mc- is badly formed and the who4ewor( i
1 l'' and there is no comma at theefu , '
e there is in the genuine bijls. ~,i,e r
• , The marginal device, m " c l ':,' ls oW .
, in tlii falfe, tharr in the genuine
' iug to the iliade strokes teinp,
j ]. nearer together, and 1 c °" le l'*'! >1 . lkt . !l iW
ons, more numerous. This difference i
lon ;eyeatfirft view. _ H OVSAND
, hc The fame reward of ON E fling,
DOLLARS, will be paid to; a|" r fcvert |
1 tl«li: profetuting to eoiiv*ift">''
above defcri'bed OHenders in 1
s. as to the laftdefcrihed hil'S. j> lC fidc«it
;,ing lohN "N IXON 1 lhC
l fnt . J Bank of North Ame'.c ih( _ Re( _
1 By order of the Commit 1 ® 1
pettive Boards.