Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 13, 1794, Image 4

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Chipped Logwood,
Landing at Hamilton's wharf. Apply to 3
John Vaugban,
in hoglheads and cases of the firft quality; (
Aug. 7 d
Strayed or Stolen, p
Esq. near the Falls of" Schuylkill, a small
youns SOfIRE L MARE, of the Narragan- t.
let breed, with a white flip in her face.—
"Whoever will return said mare to said 2,
1 arm, or to James Thomson at the Indian
Queen, shall receive Ten Dollars reward.
August 7* 1 d 3
Improved. 5
THE fubfeription for this work on the
original terms, of twelve dollars and the
binding, will be closed this day— and on
Monday the fubfeription will open at four
teen dollars, exclusive of theprice of bind 8
>"g- _
The new maps added to this edition are
twenty one; among -which are, those ol g,
New-Hampdiire, Maflachufettj', Coiinefti
cut, Rliode-Ifland, Vermont, New York, k
New Jerfsy, Pennfylvaula, Delaware, Ma
ryland, Virginia, North Caro
lina, the Geneflee Government, South Ca- P
rolina, and Georgia. These maps have he
vur been given in any former system of n
Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone -*■
be fufficient to entitle this work to a pre
ference "o any other edition, of Guthrie. C
N B. jhe map of the United States,
which is compiling by Mr. S muel Lewis,
from the refpeftive state maps, will be fa \
more complete than any one yet piiblilhed, -t
and be printed 011 two large sheets of
paper, nearly the size of the late Mr. Mur-
ray's map.
May 31 d
Scheme of a Lottery, i
To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000
Dollars, deducing 15 per Cent, from
the Ps ixes—this Lottery confijls of .
38,000 Tickets, in which there are
14,539 Prix" "nd 23,461 Blanks, <
being about one and an half Blanks to "
a Prize.
THE Dire£lors of the Society for eftabiifh- ,
ing Ufeful Manufactures, having refolv- y
ed to ere£l LOTTERIES fdr railing One
Hundred Thousand Dol Lars, agreeably
to an AGt of the Legislature of the State o! ,
New-Jersey, have appointed the following
pcrfons to superintend and direst the draw
ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas LoW, Rufus
King, Herman Le Roy, Janrn Watlon.
Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond, and
Corneliiis Ray* of the city of New-York— "*
Thomas Willing* Joseph-Ball, Matthew M'-
Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of
Philadelphia—'His Excellency Richard How
ell, Esq. Elias General Elias Day *
ton, Janus Parker, John Bayard, Do&or -
Lewis Dotiham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua 0
M. Wallace, Jofcph Bloomfield, and Elifha
Boudinot, of New.Jersey, who offer the
following Scheme of a Lottery, and pledge
themselves to the public, that they will tak< ,
atlurance and precaution in their power
to Have the Monies paid by the Managers, ••
from tirwe to time, as received, into the ,
Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to f
remain for the ptirpofe of paying ?r\z s,
which (hall be immediately discharged by a ,
check npon one of the Banks.
i Piizeof 20,000 Dollars is 20,00®
1 10,000 10,000 Q
2 s>ooo 10,000 r
3 2,00ei 10,000 1
10 1,000 10,000 r
20 500 lf,ooov
100 100 10,000 t
300 59 15,000,
1000 20 20,000 v
8000 15 30,000 ■
3000 12 36,000 r
8100 10 81,000
'4i539 262,000!
83,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000
Lai drawn number, 2,000
38,000 tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 ,
The drawing will commence, under the 1
infpeaion of a Committee of the Siiperin
teodants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, ol
which timely notice will be given. ,
The Superintendarits have appointed John (
N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har
denbeig, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan f
Khea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers {
thereof, who hive given ample security for
discharging the trust reposed in them.
(}s* In order to secure the punctual pay
ment ofthc Prizes, the Superintendants of
the Lottery have directed that the Managers
(hall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars,
with four fufficient securities, to perform then
inftiuftions, the substance of which is
I. That whenever either of the Managers
shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dol<
lars, he thall imm.diately place the fame irt
one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel
phia, to the cieditol the Governor of the
Society, and such ol the Superintendants as
live in the city where the monies are placed, t
to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn, g
for the paymnt of the Prizes, t
11. The Managers to take fufficient fe- v
enrity for any Tickets they may trust, other-' t
wife to be refponnble for them. j
111. To keep regular books of Tickets j.
fold, Monies received and paid into the £
Bank, abftra£ts of which shall f en '» c
monthly, to thcGovernor of the Society.
Palerfon, January i, 1794'
On application to either of the above gen
tlemen, information will be given where
tickets may be iiad.
February 24. tu&ftf
The Lottery published by tin
" Society for eftablilbing ufeful manufac
will commence drawing the sirs
'i'uefda: in November next —
Medical Brooks.
By Thomas Dob/on, at the Stone House
No. 41, south Seco-.dJireet,
VOL. 11.
Medical Inquiries
Proftfior of (he Infinities of Medicine, and 1"
of Clinical Pra&ice in the Univer- c
fuyof Pcnnfylvania. \
1. An inquiry into (he influence of phyfica <:
caules upon the moral faculty. -j
2. An inquiiy iulo the cfie&s of fpiritous li- t
tjuors upon the human body, and their in
fluence upon the happiness of society. t
3 An inquiry into the caufcs and cure of the a
pulmouaiy consumption.
4. Obfervaiioos on the fymptumsand cure of t
droplies. |j
5. An Inquiry into the caufesand the cure of! j
internal dropsy of the brain.
6. An account of the measles, as they a
! pearcd in Philadelphia, in the year 1789. j (
•7. An account of the influenza, as it appear.
1 ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790,;
and 1791.
8. An inquiry inte the taufes of the increase;
of bihotjs and remitting fevers, in Penn- c
fylvania. , 2
9. An inquiry Vnld the caufcsand cure of forclb
legs. 1^
10. An account of the state of the body and h
mind in old age, with observations upon b
its diseases and their remedies. S
Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or f
one dollar and a half neatly b&und. a
Medical Tranfa&ions [
College of Physicians of Philadelphia. P
V O L. I.—P ART I.
, Price one dollar in boards.
( A Treatise on the Diseases of \
Children. [
" With general dire&ions f-»r the management j
of Infants from the birth, adaped for
tjieufeof physicians and private families.
By Mich&el Underwood, M. D. i
) Licentiate of Midwifery in (he Royal Col
-3 lege of Phy(ic'«ns in London, and j
Physician of the Butifh I
7 Lyin^-in-Hofpital.
' Price one Dollar.
e Thil is acknowledged to* be the best boo) {
} vrhich has been publiflitd on the fubje£t, an( •
2is calculated for the uTe of parents, nurses,
nd ©rivate families, as well as for physicians (
—The two volumes handsomely printed in
" >ne, and the price only about one third of
* what the imported copies fell for.
\ The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two
* System of Surgery, extra&ed from the
vvorks of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 1
* lols. 50 cents.
System of extra&fed from the
Encyclopaedia, with 12 copperplates, 2 dols
System of Chemistry, extracted from tht
Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of pro-
of the fciencee, and the different fyfteim
which have been published, 2 dols. 50 cents.
Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols.
1 67 cents.
a T. Dobfon has in the Press;
e An edition of che Medical and Philofophi
e al Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two vel
< imes are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50
» ems per volume ; he has nearly finifhrd the
iye firft volumes, which contain the fitft tei
c volumes of the European edition; which fell
o for two dollarseach. Nine volumes in
lude eighteen European volumes; which
a will briog the publication up to the preffeUt
Like wife for sale a conftderable number of
Medical Books, viz*
0 Cullen's Practice, Materia Medica, Phyfi
-0 ilogy, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols.
0 or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Domestic
c Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A
-0 netomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea
-0 'er on do. Rollo on Weft India Diseases ;
0 &igby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's
0 outlines of the theory and praflice of Mid-.
0 wifery, with or without plates; do. on the,
0 nanagemer.t of Female complaints. Mease'
c on Hydiophobia, Sec. &c.
o ■
0 Stock Brokers Office,
0 No. 16, Wall-street, New-York.
0 "T^HESubscriber intending to confinehirp
~ 1. felf entirely to the PURCHASE and
lc leave to off-r hisfervices to his friends and
>thers, in the line of a Stock Broker. Thofc
who may please to favor him with their bufi.
fiefs, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed
n with the utmost fidelity and dispatch.
r- Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any
n other part of the United States, will be
s ftriftly attended to.
t The Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
is IT is with pleasure that the publiflier has
I) to inform his fubferibers and the public in
1, general, that the plate is now under the
hands of the engraver, and in greater for
:-wardnfs than was at firft contemplated. At
-the fame time he begs leave to r< mind
! them, that fubfeription papers arefWll o
:spen atmoftof the noted book-stores in the
e cityi ""J that he hopes from the whole
''of them to be enabled to form such a ref
pe&able catalogue of names, as will do a
credit to the work, as well as afford a
£ reasonable encouragement to the under,
Thafe who aredefirous of further infor
mation are requested to call on
" Benjamin Davies,
No. 63, Market street.
April 14. ra&rthtf
the following
Tra&s of Land, *
in Virginia. q
ONE tract hi Frederick county, contain *
u'ig 8756 acres, being part of that whereon £
<01. Thomas Bryan Martin now re fides, *■
known by the narne ps Grf*enway court, a '
bout 12 miles from Wwchefhr ind 5 froir * (
Newtown. For the conve iettce of pur u
chafers, it will le divided into parcels ol
\ arious dimensions fiom 200 to 600 acres,
which may be viewed by application to co] «-■
R. K. Meade, living mar the premise
The greater patt is very fertile and wel 11
Another tiaft in the fame county or,
I alTage creek, containing 230 acres, ant r
adjoining Jacob Levingoods.
Another tr ftirt Hampflure county, con
taining by patent, 699 acres, called Sim
IBotrom, situate on both fides of the Sout
|Eranch and within two miles of the mout
[of it, and is supposed to have a good mi. g
| ft at.
I Another tract in Hampshire county p v
'New Creek and Kettle-lick, containing ft
■501 acres.
| Another tract in Prince William county
c-Hed Leefylvania, containing upwards o
2000 acres, lying "upon Potcmack river, a
jb >ut 23 miles below and 2*
[below the City of WafhHigton, compre
jhending Freestone Point, which appears .<
be a quarry of frce-ftone, covering abou
co acres and adjoins the river, where ve:
("els of iOO tons conveniently harbour. O
another part of this tra<st it there
is a quarry of fl te, convenient t< watei
carriage. Upwards of two ds are i
woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living on th
premifes, will stew this tract.
Another trail, in Fairfax county, called £
containing 2040 1-2 acres, a
bout 13 miles from Alexandria and 10 f rom
Washington ; abounds with fine springs and
meadow ground, and seen by apply- I
i»g to Mr. John \Voocl, living on part o*
it b
Another trail in Fairfax county, con f
twining 39 2 a' re, > on Turkey-cock Run, a
bout 6 miles from Alexandria.
Another trail in Fairfax county, contain $
ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat
fon'sfeat, about four miles from Alexan
Another trail, in Fairfax county, con
tainings»3 acres, near Occoquan, joining
Mr. Edward Wafhing«on's. -
Another trail, in Fairfax county, con 1
taming 80 acres or thereabout, within :
inile of Pofoick Landing, and within five
miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is
well timbered.
An undivided moiety in another trait,
containing about 284 acres, in Fairfax
county, about 5 miles from Washington, &
9 from Alexandria, where J Robin lon for
marly lived.
Another parcel of land, within a mile
of Alexandria, containing about 24 acres,
and to be fold in acre or half-acre lots.
Also, fuxlry unimproved lots of variou- d
sizes, in different parts of the town of Ai
exandna <
Todeferibfe the pfemifes more particu <
arly is oeemed ufifteceiTary, a* it is expec
ed every person will examine and view
. vhatever part he (hall be inclined to jbu>
1 Yly only objett bring to raise a certain Cuv
'f itlbnev, by felling F») many or such part
' )f the aforefaid trails of land and lots as
(bill be neceflary for th&t purpose, one hall
I >f the purchase money must be paid at the
time ot contract, and the other within a
year from the firrt day of Augufl next, and
t at the time of delivering pfcfleffion or exc.
curing a legal conveyance The lands re
<f maining unfoldj except the trail in Prince
William, after railing a limited sum, will
_ be divided into tenements, and leafed for
, a term of yeais. From the 12thday of Oc-
c * tober next, till the 15th of Decemb r, I !
. (hall be in the city of Richmond, and after,
. that time I (hall remain at home, in Alex-,
; andria, at which places* or elsewhere, I
s (hall be prepared to detail particulars, and
- jto enter into contracts.
e ; Alexandria, July 28
Ang. 8 lawiow
;s LETTERS on the fubjefl of the Wafh
i Ington Lottery, being by mistake repeat
c edly addressed to the Commifiioners for the
I City of Washington.
II Persons concerned are hereby informed,
that all such should be Sddrefled either to
W. Deakins jun. of Washington, or to the
Subscriber. The commifiioners never hav
ing contemplated any further concern in
this business, than in their assent to receive
" jthe bonds and approve the names of the
jmanagers. The prizes have been paid and
lare paying on demand by W. Deakins,
Washington, Peter Oilman, Boston, and
by the Subscriber.
For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al
ready given will be retained by the com
mifiioners, or transferred by them at their'
option to the bank of Columbia ; and the 1 .
commifiioners will be consulted refpeifting'
5 a judicious and equitable disposition of the
"houses to be built thereby ; their treasury:
eor the bank of Columbia will receive the ;
J money intended for the National Univer-'i
d fity, and they will be consulted in the no-!
_ mination of the 14 managers ; but all the!
e refponfibiltty respecting the general difpo- 1
e fuiort of the tickets, and payment of pri
p. zes, wilt reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on
a the persons whose names are and may be
a hereafter published as afliftants to forward
•. this business with
N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particularly
obliged if those persons who pofiefs prizes ,
yet unpaid, will apply for their money as
early as pofiible.
June 7th. J.
One hundred
Reward. ;
WHEREAS there were de'.iveredin th
Month of October lad, from the Stores ol
the Subscribers, TwoChcfts and nine Halt
Chests of Bohea Tea, marked, nunibeiei
and Weighing, undei, to fume person o;
oerf-rs with pretended orders from Mi
ISAAC CXASCN of this City, butwhicl
he did 11 t eteive ; whoever will give in
formation so that a difcoverj- may be made, T
who got the (aid Tea, thai receive th« J
ibove reward ; ar.d it isrequtfted that the
Dealers in the Articic will be careful ii
examining the Marks ai d Numliers of tht
Chests that have peflec through their hand'
lince the period above-mentioned, and give
thedelired information.
New-Yoik, July 3'ft, 1 794-
William and James Conjiable.
. Ship Wajhington.,
C. q. lb. Tare '
„ CNo. 327 3 2 16 60 1 Whole 0,
I 473 32 2 4 64 5 Chests •
W[ 177 1312 39 "
B. 177 1 2 23 39
198 137 41
213 13 18 37 Half a
' 217 137 40 > Chests.
287 13 9 38
f 3°i 1 3 15 40 b
379 1 3 18 41
404 1 3 14 39 J
Aug. 6 djm f
Treasury Department«
Revenue Office. j4uguft 1794.
PROPOSALS w ll be received at the Of
ftce of the Commiifioner of tlie Revenue
43, foutn Til rd street, for jurnifhing c
by contrast, Seven hundred and ifixty eight Cl
._ . n
For the corps of Arrillerifrs and
ers, to be made agreeably to a
hat which will be (hewn at the OflTce a '
forefaid, to any person disposed to Contrail t |
ug eod2w
In the House of Representatives,
DECEMBER 21(1,1793. !j
WHEREAS the ConiimfTioner* ot
lie Accounts,h. vc reported, that they
cannot procced to the investigation ot the
Trealury Accounts, respeCting Ipccial In
lent#, without knowing the outstanding a
. nount thereof in circulation Therefore,
Rejolvtd, That all holders ol fpeoal In- B
it-ms be directed, and requina, on or belor
he firtt dny of Novcmbei n xi,to deliver th ! J
pecial Indent* in their pofft'ffioii to one o
»ther ot the Commifiioners (*l the Treasury b
1 vho arc to give teceiots for the fame, and t t
epoit to tbie Qommiflioncfs on public, ac
on or before the tenth day of Nov 7
mber next, the amount by thena refpeftivc- !j
1 y received, and alio to the Legislature, s>t :
heir meeting in November next, and thjt
' all special Indents not rendered into the u
Treasury as above, on or before the fir ft da> a
of November next, fhallbe, and the -same f
are he it by barred.
Rcjplvtd, That public notice of this refolu-
1011 be given in the several Gazettes in this .
uate, once every three weeks, until the firll
iay of November next. And that the Dele-
of.this State in the Congress of the Ulll- \
s red States, b'e requested to cause this relolu-i c
\ ion to be published in one or more
e n the cities of Philadelphia and New-York,U
a md that prQvifvon will be nude for the ex-j
oencei. attending such publication.
Ordered, That the resolution be sent to (
, the Senate for their concurrence. 1
By order of the House, 1
;; In the SENATE, 1
IXC CMBE R 2lft , 1793. '
j Resolved, That this House do concur with
r tht House of Representatives in the forego- 1
,_'ing resolutions. 1
Y Ordered, That the resolutions ,be lent to
, the House of Reprefentativcs.
by order of the Senate,
ewt N«
Just Published,
In one handsome volume, 12mo. Ptice 5s
At Franklin' No. 4r, Chefuut
'• Strut,
£ Natural Equality of Men, 1
l, On the Rights that result from it, and on <
o the Duties which it imposes. I
e To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by
the Teylerian Society at Haarlem.
Corrected and Enlarged, by
A D. D.
ProfeiTor of Moral Philosophy, and the,
'' Law ot Nature, and of Ecclesiastical |
History; and Minister of the Englilli ,
Cliutch at Utrecht.
" Aliquid fempor ad commanem utUitafem |
"l atirf'-p J ujn- Cicero, j
r i The Firjl American Edition. I
principle of Equality, if i
% A rightly underflood, is the only basis i
c ,on which universal juflice, sacred order,:
y'and perfect freedom, can be firmly built, 1
e and permanently secured. The view of
-'it exhibited in this essay, at the fame time i
-J that it rcprefles the infoleuce of office, i
e'the tyranny of pride, and the outranes of
oppreflion ; confirms, in the molt forcible i
.manner, the necelfity of subordination,
n and the just demands of lawful authority.
eSo far indeed, from loosening the bands
d !of society, that it maintains inviolate, e
very natural and every civil diftinftiori,
draws more closely every I'ocial tie, unites
in one harmonious anil j uftlv proportioned
yjfyftem, and brings moil together on the
s even ground of the inherent rights of bu
sman naur«, of reciprocal obligation, and
los a oommon relation to tbr community.
March lit. tuts
LANDING at Hamiltun'j *f a -r sk
tn- Drawbridge, out of the (hip B*cc!'lt
»pt- Vanneman, fxm, hiiHci
May 16. A *
At the STORES of
Jefle & Robert Wain
PORT J , c^ in| -" hhds -^Wr
LISBON do. in pipes and quarter cad.-.
Souchong and Congo TEAS, in ou , r .
chests quarter
A quantity of Li{bon and Codiz !n*
Soft Ihelled ALMONDS in ba,,. s T
Velvet CORKS, in do. \ £§§
J»"« 9' • '■ ■
The Public are cautioned .
eware of counterfeited Five Dollaf '
oj the Bank oj the Ulr.iia Statu, c '■
."■wenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of X orlh
merica,fe-veral of <w> nhbave app eared
n circulation 'within a fan days pt,j} ;
re good general imitation of thegenuin,
mils, but may he dijlinguifhed by the hi
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of th.
United States. J
ALL thai have appeared have the letter
F. for their Afptuberical Mark.
' The Texture of the Papi-r is thicku and
L whiter and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine-paper.
The O. in the woi'd Company is smaller
• than the JVI. and other letters of that word
. so that a line extended from the top of the
gO, to touch the top of the M wouldextend
t conlicierably above the range of the whole
In the word United the letters are nar
rower and closer together than the nil o
the bill.
s \ The i and fin the word promise are not
. parallel, the/inclining much morelorwaid
than the i.
The engraving is badly executed, the
ftiokesof all the Letters are ftrongei and
•jthe devi e in themargin paiticularly ismuch
jcoarfer and appears darker than in the true
jbills. Some of the counterfeits btar daie i Q
_.l 791 —Whereas th© Bar k was not in opera
tion till December, and 110 five dollar bill*
were ifTued in jhat year.
. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
B. for their alphabetical mark-.
They are printed on a paper nearly ftmi
ar to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar
1 Notes above dtfen bed; the engraving is
b< tier executed, and they approach nearer
to the appearance of the genuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through the woi{t
' Twenty, in the body of the bill, are in num.
■jer th rteen in the genuine bills, and but
rwclve in the counterfeits.
' The word Company is much like the fame
e word in the Five Dollar Bills as defer bed
above ? the 0 being iefs than the w, an<T o»
IC thers following.
There is no stroke to the t inthe word
l s North whereas in the genuine bills theftroke
lt is well defined.
tm _ The letters ent in the word Twenty, to
the left hand at the bottom, do not come
j. down to the line, but are so cut as to give
lS an irregular appearance to the word, the
they going below them.
*-! The signature J Nixon, has'he appear
ance of being written with lamb-black and
10 oil, and diliers from other inks used in
printing th bills and the cashier's ligna
It is supposed these forgeries were commit
ted in fomeofthe Southern States, a* all the
counterfeits thai have appeared, have come
from thence, and twopcrfous have been ap
0_ p'ehended in Virginia,on suspicion of being
the author of thtm.
lo The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL
LARS will be pa'd to any PcHop or Person*
who (hall difcovcr and prosecute to conviction
tion t|ie several offenders of the following
descriptions or any of them, viz. '
— The person or pcrfona, who
ed the paper on which the Bills are primed.
The person or peifons, who engraved the
* S plates.
The printer or printers, of the bills.
Every person who has acted as a principal
in any other way, in the counterfeiting and
t uttering the said bills.
Philadelphia, March 28,1794 ✓
April 22, 1794,
j y Other counterfeit bills
m of the Bank of the United States have ap
peared in circulation.
)V The denomination is of TWENTY
7 DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark if
the letter B.
They may be diflinguifhed from the ge*
nuine by the following MARKS :
The paper of the counterfeits is of a
' ie jnore tender texture and glofley fmf«ec
than the genuine, and there is no wat«r
fh mark in them.
The letter C. in the word Caftier, in
111 he true bills is ftt ongly marked,
in the counterfeits, the whole ' ettel . n !S "J
fine hair stroke, evidently in an nufir.lflie.
if state. The letter ain the word *
Pis is b idly formed and the whole word j)
r, and there is no comma at theend of it, a.,
t, there is in. the genuine bills. r
of The marginal device, is much dai
ie in the falfe, than in the genuine bills om
e, ing to the shade strokes being coarier, mnc
of nearer together, and consequently
le more numerous. This difference strikes
n, eye atfirft view.
y. The fame reward of ONE TH - ■
ds DOLLARS, will be paid for a PP rc^;^j
e <k prosecuting to conviftioVi the
m, above described Offenders in 0 »
■es as to the last described bills.
he of the Bank United States.
Z • JOHN NIXON, Prctideniaflhe
nd Bank of North Ameuc"-
By order of the Committee, of .he Rt -
pcftive Bo»rd«.