daily evening advertiser. [•Kq. 53' J) ment of State, ;-v 31, 1794- &,J r ICE . .. ,»• That the Documents, .„. -' ded t0 this Depar t claijft- j .;f?jwiVne Nations in Europe,, ■ Lilies to the Commerce of thej r ..ted Sues, are committed to the enre | of the Minillers theieof residing in the so-< reign Countries concerned. That all per. f sons intereftcd may know, whether their papers have come to hand, a lift of the t c*fes, which have been received, will be c sent as soon as they can be printed to the c different Collectors, and to the Post-Mas. 1 ters in the principal Towns of each State The Printers in tha several States are requested to republjlh the above. duv. A French Family, WOULD wilh to be entrusted with the care of a FARM, about the city of Phila delphia or Ti'enton, under such competi tions as may be agreed upon by applying a' Mr. OSMONT's, No. 117, north* Secom street. Aug. 4 Money to be Lent, P« &g|B tXJn Mortgage of REAL ESTATES, Within the City and Liberties of Philadel I phia. Apply to Nicholas Diehl, jure. Attorney at Law. No. 19, south Fourth Jlreet. Aug- 4 mw&ftf Bank of the United States, July 7th, 1794- "NOTICE ,is hereby given, that he - < \ritt be paid at the Bank after the fixtenth Vnftant, to the Stockholders or therrepre fentatives duly authorised, sixteen Dollar ' for each {hare, being th dividend declared fprthe last fix montlrs, By order of the Prelident and Directors i JOHN KEAN, Calhier. eodim. Lachawannock. A LARGE body of LA'ND on this river and its waters, is now for sale to Settlers on /^oamxKU;r»H2-terms,aiidat a long credit. The foil is remarkably fertile, and nu-< merous streams of water are interspersed through the whole country. * The main river flows through one tract of about thirty thousand acres, and is with 4he exception of one obftru&ion, naviga-j ble to the Sufquehannah. . Spring Brook Creek, which with its branches, waters another tradl of about forty thoufand'acres of good Land, emp ties itfelf into the Lachawannock, about twelve miles from-the Sufquehannah. It affords numerous Mill feats, & in its course creates large bodies of well water-: ed meadow ground. The other tracts are interfered by creeks of considerable importance. Several Mills are already ere&ed for the accommodation of the settler?. Roads are cut in different dire&ions, to wards the most convenient markets. The county town is not more than i 2 roles distant from many parts oi the set tlement. Th? Sufquehannah affords an easy and , fafe navigation to Middleton, from whence the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com ] munication to the city. i Another means of connexion with Phi-, ladclphia, is by the Delaware, from which the distance in several places is aboutthirty < miles. The proprietors combining their own in terest with that of the inhabitants, are dis posed to ere ft works of public utility,open uoads, &c. and in every en miles square, a tract of one hundred acres is allotted for a School, and one hundred acres for the firft resident clergyman of any denomination of Christians. For further particulars apply to George Eddy. Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, July 9. Lettersdirefted tn George Eddy, at P i ladelphia, or this place,or io Thomas Eddy, at New York, relative to this bufmefs,wiU be duly answered. eodgm TO BE SOLD BY THOMAS DOBSON, Principles and Observations APPLIED TO THE MANUFACTURE and INSPECTION O F Pot and Pearl AJhes. By DAVID TOWNSEND, Wpeilor of Pot and Pearl-Ashes for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Publilhed according to A i. < For Sale or Charter, ' Gen.WASHINGTON Syhejler, mafler. NOW lying at Say's wharf,the 3 1 ' above Market street, burthen about 2500 bar rels, is a good strong vefTel, and will be rea dy to receive a cargo in a few days. 1 For terms apply to the Captain on board 1 or RUMFORD & ABIJAH DAWES, Water Jlreet, No. 7, south. 7th mo. . j d TO BE SOLD, THOMAS V DOBSON, Alphabetical Lift OF THE DUTIES Payable by law on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize imported into the United Saates of A.nerica, after the last day of June 1784, distinguishing the rates payable on those imported io (hips or velTels of the United States—and the rates payable in fo reign ships or vefTels, including the addi ' tional duties, to which the refpeftive arti cles are liable. ! July 29 t FOR SALE, BY MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Maiket-Street, : An Eflay on Slavery, Designed to exhibit in a new point ot ' view its effects on morals, indujlry, and the e peace »f Society. Some fafls and calculations tare ottered to prove the labor of freemen to be •.much more produdive than ttat of /laves ; ■ that countries arr rich, powerful and happy, "in proportion as the laboring people enjoy "the fruits of their own labors and hence the nrecffaiy conclufion,that (lavery is impoli jftcas well as unjtijl. Prick «5 Cents. Wednesday, August 13, 1794. Cujlom House, Philadelphia Augnjl 9, 1794. FOR SALE, At the Custom House STORES On Friday next, She 15th instant, at io o'clock, The following Goods; Defojtted for the payment of Duties, ana which have remained in the J!ores be yond the time limited by la pieces chintz t | 4 pieces linen towelling , Thirty three balkets ofannifeed cor. £ dial ~c AR One calk different kinds do. One box Medicines [r AC A cafe Red Bark , MF Two calks Nails for hhds. .j Six do. different kinis > One anvil, one bellows Five calks and one keg, containing machinery and utertili tor a fuga plantation and fu '.li' »orHcs Two cases containing do. do. Eight large Iron Hoops f 7 wo bundles Imatl do. Three large mill cylinders A number ol large square iron bars : Ope bale cotton _ One copper caboufe and boiler Four Muikets 1 Four hhd>. Juniper Berries , The above noods may be viewod on the Wednesday and rhurfdty proceeding the faie, by applying at theCultom House. Aug u dts Treasury Department, Revenue-Office, A:sgujl "th, 1794. , PROPOSALS . Will be received at the Office ot th> Commifiioner of the Revenue, No. 4s- (| n foutlh Third street Philadelphia, for fur nifliinj* by contrast, three hundred Pair of Wheels of cajl iron, t each wheel toweigh about 2i6 pounds.an to be of the diameter of twenty inche* and bf the thickness of about four inche at the rim, also for three hundred pair o Smaller wheels of cajl iron, each to weigh about 122 pounds, and to be of the diameter of sixteen inches. Pat terns of each will de exhibited at the tai' office. The wheels are intended for tlu carriages of iron cannon, to be employe in the fortifications. Aug. 8 eodaw Christiana Mills For Sale. ' . ON Monday the firft d?y of Sepiembe ..next at 8 o'clock .in the evening, at tl Coffee House in he city of PhiladeJpl d will be fold by public vendue, two tra< or pieces of land situated in White CI? Cieek hundred, New Castle county and state; of Delaware; one of which contains aboi( sixty acres of highly improved land, on it, are a large two story brick dwellinghoufe, ■. convenient brick barn, with ftablingand ; carriage house underneath, an excellen' j kiln Ibr drying corn ; and the well knowi mills called Christiana Mills (late Patter fon's) which being ai the head of the tidi on Christiana river, and but about half a mile from the landing, is conveniently situ ated for carrying the articles manufactured at the mills hy Water'to Philadelphia—This property being rice 15/ Vei Fruits of Solitude, in reflections and ne maxms, relating to the conduti of Humal Life, by William Penn, Price 4/i. *- Senecca's Morals, price 7/6. Dodfley's Efops Fables, in German, tvitl uts, price 4/8. \ug. 6 «od3w French Revolution. n JUST PUBLISHED. / Price two Dollars.J U By MATHEW CARET, No. 118, Market Jlreet, AN IMPARTIAL HISTORY " OF THE di FRENCH REVOLUTION; ° From its Commencement to the exe- gi cution of the Queen and the Deputies of the Gironde Party ExtraQ from the Preface " The authors have presumed to affix to rheir title, the epithet impartial; and the tl eafon iif because they cannot charge them selves with feeling the smallest bias to any ' party but to that of truth and liberty ; and rhey flatter themselves, that their readers r vill find not only every circumstance fairly tl i ;>refented, but every tenfurable action, p h vboever were the authors or actors, mark ed in its proper colours. If it was neceiTa ' ry to make a declaration of their own tl principles, they would fay, they are neither a ' tory nor republican—they love liberty at a English whlgs, and execrate every criminals ' aft by which so noble a cause is endangered nddifgraced. lr "In the present ferment of the publi' Piriind, they cannot flaiter themselves wit! • thi hope of fteing this ciaim univerfall} acknowledged. the contrary, they a„ ajeUajured that theft pages will net be acceptt ° ble to the zealots oj either parly But whet "' time shall have diflipated the clouds of poli tical deci-ption, and apptafed the tttmuV of the passions, they will with fotue conii 'edence expeftih t-verdift from public opini on, wfiich aridour and moderation fel > domfail to receive." Exttaaftom the Critical Review, June 1794 12 Page. ' s "We have cei tainly derived much, plea er sure, and acquired much inlorni?tion iron the peiofals of those volumes ; and we thinV ie them, both for matter and flylr, wcuhy the atteutiou of all who interest ihcmftlves ir Events which have so jufilv exciied ihe curii fity and aflonifhment of mankind." M. C»*ET will in about thee we> ks Pub a iifh, PfoVden's history of the Bii'ilh Empire, 'rem Miy 1792. '• December 1793. i?teod. [Whole No. 605.] y*j Received, By the flotop Endeavor, Jon. Paine Mailer, from Bo ft or New-England Rum, In tor 1 y Nalbro & John Frazu/, "> No. Si, Waluut street, Who have also on hand, and for sale, SHERRY WINE, In pipes and quarter calks, fit for immediate use. ' ' St. Lucar Wine in pipes, and quarter calks. ROTA WINE in quarter cafkj PORT WINE in do. Boflon BEEF, Hylon and Souchong TEAS, Spunifh INDIGO. Ravens DUCK, TICKLI NBURG, OZNABRIGS, DOWLAS, and 8 by io Window Glass. I Aug. i tutl)&-l4w Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR STORES, FOR SALE BY ' . • Gurney and Sniith. May 14. «1 TUITION. WILLIAM FINCH of the New Thea rre, begs leave to inform his Friends ard rlie Public, that he has removed f rom tl e corner of* Eighth and Arch streets to No. 68, north Eighth between Arch and Race (treers, and that he continues to give ir ftruftions in the French and Englilh Lai uages as usual, as also the ClafEcs. He akes thisopportunity of expreifing his ac . nowledgements for the very liberal en ow agement lie has experienced, a contU iuation of which he begs leave tofolicit. N. B. Translations from either languages •owe&ly executed. d ' THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, At \fhe Si one House, No. 4 1, fuutls Se cond Jlreet, I. LETTERS add relied to the nhers and Politicians ol France, on the fub jeft of Religion ; to which are prefixed ob servations relating to the causes of the ge neral prevalence of Infidelity, By JOSEPH PRIESTLEY, L. L. D. F. R. S. SsV. Price one quarter of a Dollar. 11. TWO SERMONS, viz. 1. The prefentftate of Europe compared with ancient prophecies., Preached 011 the Faftday, in i 794 ; with a prefacc contain ng the rcafons of the author for leaving England. 2. The use of Christianity, especially in lifficult times ; being the Author's Fare veil Difeourlt to his Congregations in Hackney | with Appendixes to the two Ser. nons) Price one third of a dollar. 111. An APPEAI. to the Serious & Can did ProfelTors of Christianity, on the sol . lowing fiubjeffs, viz. ' 1. The use of reason in matters.©* Reli gion. 2. The power of man to do the Will of God. 3. Original Sin. 4. Election and Reprobation, 5. The Divinity ol Christ, and :o 6. Atonement by the Death of Christ, hy ie the fame author. i- To which are added, A Concise History of the rs rife of thole Doctrines, and an account of ly t+ieTrial of M'Elwall, for Heresy and Blaf> n, pliemy, at Stafford A frizes. k- Price one eighth of a Dollar. a- The above fhree are re-publilhcd with 'luhe author's improvements and additions; er and a confidcrable part of his works, in ai an improved (fate, will make their appears al ance as soon as convenience will admit, ed Jply 28 eod3w it, NO. 68. ] ] l DiJlriß of Pennfylvanidy in TO WIT. iet BE it remembered that on the twenty* >li- thirdday of July in tire nineteenth year of uV 'he independence of the Urited States of ili- America, JOSEPH BOGGjS, of the said ni liftrift hath depofired in this office, the ti el- fe of a book the right whereof he claim* asauthoriti the words following, to wit. 94 " The Philadelphia t)irc6lo lea- ry, for the year l 795— -by Joseph B( ggs." on In corifoffnity t6 tlie act of the COl grefs inV of the United States intituled 44 An a 6 for the the encouragement of learning by securing 1 ii' the copies of maps charts and books to the Jrl< authors and proprietors of fiich copiesdur \ng |he times therein mentioned. Sam. Caldwell, Clerk of tDiJtritt of Pennsylvania. i. Jn\ ga * 7