Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 12, 1794, Image 1

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    daily evening advertiser.
' f [No. 52 of Vol. Vl.]
Department of State,
July 31, 1794- J
IS hereby given. That the Documents, 1
X I KrckcD rY,rwa«>«4-n> tHisQepart-j
>&7%, refp-fting the Com^nfation,- claim-'jj,
,$ ,■ nm Ihe Belligerent Nations!" Europe, ]en
u , r the injuries, to the Commerce of the. r ,
y.iited Sttes, are committed to the care to „
e V the Mioiilcrs thcieof residing in the so- t . v;
«; ? n Countries concerned. That all per- hai
sons interefled may know, whether their
papers have come to hand, a lift of the e x|
tales, which have been received, will be C re
fe„t as soon as they can be printed o the on
different CoHe&ors, and to the Post-Mas. N1
ters in the principal Towns of each State
The Printers in the several States' are
requested to republilh the above.
A French Family, „
WOULD wi(b to be entrusted with the Hi
care of a FARM, about the city of Philu
delpMaor Trenton, under such compenfa
t'ons as may be agreed upon by applying at
Mr. OSMONT's, No. 117, north* Second r,
Sieet. \
Aug- 4 lL_ *;
Money to be Lent, • l ,i
On Mortgage of fc
Within the City Liberties of Philadel- as
phia. Apply to
Nicholas Diehl, jun.
Attorney at Law.
No. 19, south Fourth Jlreet.
J Ang- 4 niw&ftf
Bank of the United States, \
July.7th, 1794. "
NOTICE is hereby given, that here ,- e
*r«li be paid at the Bank after the fixtenth u
intlant, to the Stockholders or thefrepre- (e
fenitattives duly authorised, sixteen Dollars f e
for each share, being th dividend declared f0
tfarrbe last fix months,
By order oj'the Preiident and Directors
JOHN KEAN, Cashier.
A LARGE body of LAND on this river {
audits waters, is now for Tale to Settlers on-
mnrWratr 7<nd at a Jong credit, j
"The foil i s rein a fe-rtrte> n«
$ merons streams of water are interspersed
through the whole country.
The main river flows through one tract ai
of about thirty thousand acres, and if,with
the exception of one obftru&ion, naviga-y :
r ble to the Sufquehannah. ,r
Spring Brook Creek, which with its
branches, waters another tra<st of about
forty thousand acres of good Land, etnp- ol
ties itfclf nto the Lachawannock, about 01
twelve miles from the Sufquehannah. j
It affords numerous Mill feats, & in its
course creates large bodies of well water
ed meadow ground.
The other tracts are interfered by creeks
of considerable importance, \
Several Mills are already erected for the m
accommodation of the fettiers. I
Roads are cut in different dire&ions, to-j
wards the most convenient markets.
The county town is not more than 12
inles distant from many parts ot the fet a
tlement. j
The Sufquehannah affords an easy and
fafe navigation to Middleton, from whence
the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com
munication to the city.
Another means of connexion with Phi
ladelphia, is by the Delaware, from which
the distance in several places is about thirty
The proprietors combining their own in*
tereft with that of the inhabitants, are dif-j
posed to ere& works of public utility,open
uoads, &c. and in every en miles square, a
traftof one hundred acres is allotted for a
School, and one hundred acres for thefirft
resident clergyman of any denomination of
For further particulars apply to
George Eddy. «
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, r
Pennfvlvania, July 9* c
Lettersdire&ed tn George Eddy, at Phi*
lidelphia, or this place,or 10 Thomas Eddy, o
at New York, relative to this bufinefs,wilj
be duly answered. eodgm
Principles and Observations
o F
Pot and Pearl Ashes.
Infpeilor of Pot and Pearl-Ashes for the
Commonwealth of Maffachuletts.
Publiihed according to Aft of Congrefs_
These observations rtlate to an extensive
bufmefs ; and are designed, in the plainest
manner, to convey profitable information
to those interested in it, who have not leif->
lire or opportunity to search for the princi-
therein contained, in the writings of
profeflional Chemists.
Aug. i
For Sale,
The American Snoot
Captcjn M'Council.
lyiftgat Mrr Wharl, an excel
len vefffc], about 220 ions by regifier; car- _
r 2500 bla. Flotir, is remarkable well
found, and may be Tent to sea, at a very fmal)
cxpence, having lately had upwards of nine £) e
hundred pounds sterling, laid out on her*
If not fold in fortnight, ftie will then be
exposed at public au£lion. Any reasonable
credit may be given—lnventory may be seen .
on board, by applying to Capt. M'CO
NELL, or to p>j
Peter Blight, sq
n Pipes and hall Pipes and Qujit r C fltsj E j
Madeira in do. do» PI
Havanna White Sugar in Boxes.
F° r "Hamb ur g,'£
Captain Lowell, Having great part"
of her cargo on board, will in ap;
few days. Freight will be taken if ap- C
plied lor-immediately, for which as well
as tor passage, apply to
Andrews & Meredith, a
At Willings Wharf, .y, " A
Augutt 6. IV
For Sale,
A Stout Ship,
AliOU i hx[years old, built of the bed;
i'eafoned m hiteOak, butt bolted throughout
and flieathed last fall, :s 62 feet k<;cl, 24
feet 2 incliep beam, II feet 4 inches hold, 4
feet 8 inches between decks, and fuppoled
o carry from 2400 to 2800 barrels. She
ay be sent 10 sea at a'fmallexpence. Ap
y to
Wharton & Lewis.
Aur. 4 d
mbiii'i c John Thompson, mailer.
] "TitlllTHEN about ago tows, a very iub
ftantial Ihip, built of live oak and cedar,ot
an easy draught of water, friils remark-
T ably fall, and has very excellent accommo- (
. dationsfor palTengers; to fail the fiill Week (
in August, and is intended to return iinme- f
s diately to Philadelphia.
t For passage only 4pply to Capt. ThompßJn -
_ on board, at Meflrfc. Warder & Co's whari, f
t or 1
, John Mayo. ;
s July 22 d ,
* Charter, <
N'tmph, ;
John Paden, Master. , i
2' SAILS fall, and wHl'tTe ready to take in
t a cargo in a few days.
. For terms apply to
i Joseph Sims,
Madeira and Sherry WINE.
Fit for immediate use,
y. Red and Pale Jesuits BARK,
White LEAD ground in oil,
S July zj
a For Sale or Charter,
>f Sylvejler, master.
NOW lying at Say's wharf,the 3d above
Market ftieet, burthen about 2500 bar
rels, is a good strong veflel, and will be rea
dy to receive a cargo in a lew days.
i» For terms apply to the Captain on board
Water Jlrcet, No. 7, south.
7th mo. 2 j d
Alphabetical Lift
« duties
fs Payable by law on all Goods, Wares, and
'Merchandize imported into the United
V f Saates of A.nerica, after the last day of
June >784, diftinguifhiogthe rates payable
? n ,on those imported in Ihips or vessels of «he
'f";United States —and the rates payable in to
=«• reign (hips or veflels, including the addi
ofjtional duties, to whith the refpeflive arti.
cles are liabl*. .
Tuesday, August 12, 1794.
Cuflom House, Philadelphia Q
Augufl 9, 1794.
At the Custom Houi'- STORES f
On Friday next, the i>
I jth instant, at 10 B*clock, '
The following Goods;
Depq/ited for the payment of Duties, and Na
■ which have remained in the flores be
yond the time limited bj la<w\
" gj
LAT Two boxes Toys f
SS One cafe plated Carriage furhiture o
FR Two boxes Wine
SQM One box 1 oiking Glafles (
One box hair powder
MM Three bales novels ih fhectS
One cafe leather hats and shoes
E&HP One do Wooicn hats Ni
PP One calk nails
W Fifty boxes glass 8 by id —
One basket of iron wares 1
F One box playing Cards
FP One hhd Coffee
SA One do. db. .
p. Five bbls. do. 1
IM One small box knives and forks* &'o a
plated ware Sta
aPM One box of tffierices itl
- C ABC One bale contaihing 30 pieces chintz t b<
1 4 pieces linfen towelling 17^
Thirty three balkets dfatinifeed cor- Coi
dml re f|
All One cask different kinds do. I
*> One box Medicines tra
AC A cafe Red Bark vid
-MF Two calks Nails for hhds. alfc
Six do. di.fFefent kinds val
One anvil, one bellows I
Five casks and 6ne containing nit<
machinery and utensils for a fligar
. plantation and sugar
t Two cases containiiig # do. do;
Eight large Iron Hoops |
4 T wo bundles small do. r<i
# Three large mill cylinders nex
e A number of large square iron barr j.
)m One bale cotton x —
One copper caboufe and boiler
Four Muskets
Four Juniper Berries
The above noods may be viewed, on the
" and Thursday precteding tht
iy sale, by applyingat the House.
Aug 11
Treasury Department,
l, Revenue-Office, Axigufl Ith, 1794- t vv
Will be received at the Office of tin
Commissioner of the Revenue, No. 43,
! * south Third street Philadelphia, for fur- '
e " nifliing by contrail, three hundred m
sr Pair of Wheels of cajl iron, Li
"f, each wheel to weigh about 216 pounds, and
to be of the diameter of twenty inches,
and Of the thickness of about four inthe' cu
at the rim, also for three hundred pair ol _
- Smaller wheels of cajl iron,
each to weigh about 122 pounds, and to he
of the diameter of sixteen inches. Pat
terns of each will de exhibited at the faic
office. The wheels are intended for the
carriages of iron c&nnon, to be employee
in the fortifications.
in Aug. 8 Co(i2w
Christiana Mills
For Sale.
ON Monday the firft day of Septembe
' next at 8 o'clock in the evening, at Hit
Coffee House in he city of Philadelphia
will be fold by public vendue, t\vo trad
or pieces of land fitnated in White Cla\
Cieek hundred, New Castle county and ltat<
of Delaware; one of which contains aboiv
sixty acres of highly improved land, on it (
area large two story brick dwelling house, a
convenient brick barn, with flablingand &
carriage house underneath, an excellent
,N kiln for drying corn ; and the well known
r. mills called Christiana Mills (late Patter
fen's) which being at the head of the tidj P
ve on Christiana river, and but about half "
ir- mile from the is conveniently situ
ated for carrying the articles manufactured
at the mills hy water to
Lid property being close to the road leading
Ifrom Elkton to Christiana bridge, and at
the head of the tide, with many other at
' tendant advantages, render its situation for
, th« milling business so very valuable, as to
be equalled by few and excelled by none.
—• The latter tract Containing 17 5 acres,
about one mile from the mills and is chief-
ly woodland, which being contiguous
water carriage to the city of Philadelphia,
must be of ii>creafing value, Specially as
there is a quaotity of large timber in said
tradl suitable for the purposes of the
milis. ,
The terms upon which the above men-j
tioned elates will be fold are—one thou-;
(and pounds to be paid on executing the
deeds, and seven hundred and fifty pounds
and per annum, with interest for the remainder
ted or proportionably for each part,
of ir.difputablc titles will be made for the
ible property, by
rti- At fame time and place will be fold *
large BOAT,
i July 2 raw&rsts
Choice St. Croix Sugar,
And for Side,
Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matts.
June 24th. i d
— Na
Nankeens of Superior Quality,
Longand short .pieces j
£.ong and Ihort black fattins,
Black Taffefes, and Senlhaws,
Black and coloured I ncTia sewing Silk,
Ornamentaljars and beakers,
And a few long fets'of Tea China. RC
Coloured Sattins, Lujlringt, and PC
T 0 B I N E'S,
No. 40, north Fifth Street* iia
July 7 mw&ftf T
War Department, " g (
Augujl T, 1794. Ai
Information is hereby given ■ —
to all the military Invalids of the United C;
States, that the sums to which they are en- „ »
i tied for their annual penfioii, which will
t becmedueoh the fifth day of September
1794, will be paid on (he said d&v, by the
. CommilTioners of Loans within the States
refpeftively, under the lifual regulations .
Applications orExcvutots or Adltiinif
trators muftbe ticCompatiu d AVith legate-
vidences of their respective office 1 , ant
also of the time of the dcceale ol such in
valids whose pensions they may claim.
By command of the Piefident of the U tre
; nited States,
H. KNOX, corr
Secretary at War.
(fSf The Printers in the fevi ial Staie> ([. ru
are requested to publifli thabove in theii , UJI j
newfpapcis ior thefpace otwo months ra j <c
Aug. 6 42m [ cno
' cou
JuJl Published,, una
Jacob Johnson & Co.
No. 1471 Market Jireety
Ariierican Revolution B;
Writt n in the (lyle of ahcicnt hiftorv,in At
two Sols, price iCif.
The Italian Nun, translated from the j
French of J. J; Roulfeau, price 4/8. phe
' Moore's Journal in France, in two vol.
11 price 15/ Icti
Fruits of Solitude, in refleftiont and ner
masins) relating to the conduct ofHutiian
' 5 Life, by William Pennj Price 4fl.
c Senecca's Morals, price ijb.
5. Dodfley's Efops Fabled in German, *jti
■ ■ cuts, price 4/8. . I
>1 Aug. 6 eodgw ]
French Revolution.
\ e < " i»e
,f ( Price two Hollars.) HI
No. 118, Market Jlreet,
. OF THE die
E From its Comnieticement to the exe- t,'u
In cutlon of the Queen and
i; the Deputies of the
'f Gironde Party
3N ExtraS from the Preface
t! , '■ The authors, have prefunied to affix to
their title, the epithet impartial J and the th
' eafon isjbfccaufe they cannot charge tbem
? 'elves with feeling the Imalleft bias to any
" jarty buttd that of truth and liberty ; and
" they flatter thimfelves, that their readers ri
™ \vi!l find not otiljr every circumstance fairly th
j, presented, but every censurable aftion,pi
I whoever were the authors 01 adlors, mark
sd in its proper coloufsi If it was neceffa
jry to make a declaration of their own th
• principles, they would fay* they aie neither ai
11S tory nor repiiblican—they loft liberty avai
" g Englilh whigs, and execrate eVety criminallai
at aft by which so noble a causa is endangered'
C " nddifgraced.
" In the prcfent ferment of the public
to mind, they cannot flatter tlienifelves wit!
' • the hope of feeing this claim UniveTfalh
; t acknowledged. On the contrary, they at,
>C ' willajfurtdlb»t thtfc peges will net it uicefu
. tie to the zealots oj either part). Eut Whei
>IJ ' time shall have dissipated the clouds of poli t
-"jtical deception, and appeased the tumul '
a ' of the pailions, they will with feme cons.
1 (fence expect thzt verdiil from pviM c opini.
on, which andour and moderation fcl-
Cn 'dojnfail to receive."
°"'!Extra£l from the Critical June 17q4
ttie 19 Page,
nds u jj vc CCT tainly derived mWh plea
"*er sure, and acquired much iulotiriitioti linn
the perusals of those volurrej t and we thirl"
them, both lot matter and style, *c.nhy the
attention of all who inttreft themfelvea it
Events which have so julllv excited the curio
fity and aflonifhment ot mankind."
M. CAItET will in about thee weeks Pub
d i lifh, Plowden's history of the Biitifh Empire,
from May i79 s > '• Oecember 1793.
:» ! stead.
[Whale No. 602.]
JttJl Received,
By the (loop Endeavor, Jon. Paine Matter
from BolloPj
New-Bngland Rum,
In Hl.ds. for Sale by • •
Nalbro y John Frazier,
No. 81, Walnut itreet,
Pthc have n/ji, on hand-, and Jor
In pipes and quarter calksj fit for
immediate use.
St. Lucar Wine in pipes,
and quarter calks.
ROTA WINE in quarter calks
PORT WINE in do.
Bolton BEEF,
Myinn and Souchong TEAS,
Spanish INDIGO.
Havens DUCK,
8 by 10 Window Glass.
Aug. J # iut!iS/l4w
i Carolina Rice and Indigo,
Gurney and Smith.
•May 14. i
WILLIAM FINCH of the New Tliea
tre, begs leave to inform his Friends and
the Public, that he has removed from ti C
corner of Eighth and Arch streets to No.
')8, north Eighth between Arch and Race
tree 14, and chat he continues to give Ir
■ -truftions in the French and English Lar
-1 juages as ufual> as also the Classics. He
akes this opportunity of expreliing his ac
knowledgements for the very liberal en
couragement he has experienced, a conti
nuation of which he begs leave, to solicit.
N. B. Translations from either languages
eorrcftly executed; d
IBy Thomas lDobfon, <
nAt \fhe Stone House, Nol 41, fevth Se
cond Jlreeti
* K LETTERS add relied to the Philofo
pliers and Politicians of France, on the lub
"• jefct of Religion ; to which are prefixed ob»
fcr vat ions relating to the caules of the ge-
K neral pit valence of Infidelity^
F. R. S. &c>
" Prke one quarter of a Dollar.
1. The prefeht state ofEurope compared
with ancient prophexiesi Preached on the
i-'aftday, with a prefacc contain
ing the rfSYjj'nsSr the author for leaving
2. The use of Chriftlatiitv, especially in
lifficujt times ; being the Author's Fare
well Difeourfe to his Congregations in
Hackney; with Appendixes trt the two Ser
mons, Price one third of a dollar.
111. An APPEAL to the Serious & Can
did Prof»ffors of Chriftiahiiyj on the fol
lowing fubjefts, Vie.
' i. The use of reafoii in matters of Reli
2. The poWer of man to do the' Will of
3. Origifial Sin.
4. Ueftion and Reprobation,
5. The Divinity ol Christ, awd
to 6. Atonement by the Death of 1 Christ, hy,
the the fame author.
m- 'to which are added, "
A Concise History of the
ersrifeef those Doctrines,* and an account of
rly the Trial of M'Elwali, for Heresy and Blaf- .
on,phein_v, at Stafford Allizes.
rk- Price one eighth of a Dollar.
ffa- The above three are re-publifiird with
iwn the author's improvements and additions ;
her and a confidrrable part of his works, in
ai an improved state, will make their appcar
inaltance as soon as convenience will aomit.
red' July 28 edd3w
A»iti NO. 68.
la Dijlrift of Pennsylvania,
;fu TO WIT;
ihei BE it remembered that bri the cwentv
poli third day of July in the nineteenth year of
mul : '"he independence of the United States of
onf. America, JOSEPH BOGGS, of the Jaici
ptn'i liftrift hath deposited in this office, the ti
fcl fc e of a book the right whereof he claims
asauthor in the words following, to wit.
" The Philadelphia Dire ft o
plea- ry, for the year l?v£— by Joseph Boggs."
fmn In conformity to the aft of the Congitfs
thirl- of the United States intituled " Ar. it tor
y 'h' the encouragement of learning by Securing
e« 11 the copies of maps charts and hooks to tie
curio authors and proprietors of Inch copiesdn
ing the times thetein mentinnrd.
,pi' r Sam. Caldwel^
Clerk of tDifttlft of Pcnili>li -"Is
>d. Jul ga 4