7 V E N I N G A D VERT I S E R. Ucpur liiUi*" -J " ' July 31, 1794. NOT I C E IS fiereby jji»en, That the Documents, C which have been forwarded, to this Depar- o: iriHt, refr> sting the Compensation, claim- f t ed from the Belligerent Nations in Europe, tor tnc injuries to the Commerce of the r' United. S'tte>, arc-committed to the cart- as pi' the Ministers thoieof refuting in the fc reigo Countries. concerned. That all pei son! interested may know, whether then parwrv have come to hand, a lilt of tht < fes. which have been received, will bi ft as soon as they can be printed to thi j, '...-ent Collectors, aifd to the Poll-Mai tc : 1 'he principal Towns of each Stat' ( '!he Winters in the several States an requeft-d to republifh the above. diw, A French Family, •WOULD wifhtobe entrusted with tht 1 care of a FARM, about the city of Phib delphiaor Trenton, under such compenfa tions as may be agreed upon by applying z Mr. OSMONT's, No. 117, nortn* Sec.n street. Aug. 4 1 Money to be Lent, 0.. M"> Jf;a ,ens REAL ESTATES, Within the City a.id Liberties of Philadt phi* App'vfo Nicholas Diebl, jun. Attorney at Law. No. 19, fouih Fourth Jlreet. Aug. 4 m-r*f-f ? Bank of the United States, July 7th, 1794. NOTICE is hereby given, that he will be jiaid at the Bank after the fixteir in [taut, ro the Stockholders or tberrepi't (entatives dnly autnorifed, fixfecn Dolla tor , ach (hare, being th dividend declare fnrthe lift ft* mortiu, 1 By order of the President and D'.reftoi JOHN K.EAN, Calhier. eodim. Lachawannock. A LARGE body of LAND on this live and its waters, is noiv for sale to ScMtrson on *»« o.iofat# te tins,and at a lon&credit. The foil is remarkf tbou forty t»i»>uianu acres of good Land, erap ties'itfelf into the Lachawannock, about twelve iniles from the Sufquehannah. Itajfords numerous Mill feats, & in it; coiirfe creates large bodies of well water ed meadow ground. The other tra&s are interfered by cr«eks f of considerable importance. Several Mills are already ererted for the accommodation of the settlers. Roads are cut in different dire&ions, to- - wards the most convenient markets. The county town is not more than 12 , mles distant from many parts oi the set tie men t. The Sufquehannah afFdrds an easy and fafe navigation to Middleton, from whence the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com munication to the city. Another means of connection with Phi lad lph\a, is by the Delaware, from which the distance in several places is aboutthirty miles. The proprietors combining their own in ttreit with that of the inhabitants, are dif poled to erect works of public-utility,opei uoads, &c. and in every en miles fc oa » tr.iftof one hundred acres is allotted for School, and one hundred ac res for thefirl resident clergyman of any denomination o; Christians. For further particulars apply to George Eddy. Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, July 9. L*ttersdirefted tn George Eddy, at Phi ladelphia, or this place,or io Thomas Eddy, at New York/ relative to this bufmers,wiJ be duly answered. eodgm TO BE SOLD BY THOMAS DOBSON, Principles and Obfervationi APPLIED TO THE MANUFACTURE and INSPECTION" o F Pot and Pearl AJhes. By DAVID TOWNSEND, Infpeilor of Pot and Pearl-Ashes for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Published according to As 62 feet keel, 2/. 2 xhrs beam, II feet 4 inches hold, t 8 inches between drcks, and fuppofc p , .> carry from 2400 t?o 2800 barrels. Sht av be sent to sea at a fnrallcxptnce. Ap ply to ' l Wi arton & Lewis. An 4 d Oa For LIVERPOOL, The Ship A AMIABLE, 1"" -y John Thompson, mailer. W BURTHEN about 250 tons, a very lubL antial Ihip, built of live oak and cedar,of t» ealy draught of water, fails remark. Hlv fait, and has ve> y excellent accommo- L ations for to fail the firft week I August, and is into ded to return irame ately to Phila Jelpliia- For paflageonly applvto Capt. Thompson ■n board, at M fTrs. Warder & Co's wharf, •r —•— T John Mayo. July 22 — ' For Sale or Charter, ° w Gen.WASHINGTON Sylnefltr, master. d< , NOW lying at Say's wharf,the 3>l above Market ftieet, burthen about 2500 bar , els, is a good ftrongveflel, and will berea-£ ;ly to receive a cargo in a lew days. For terms apply to the Captain on board E . or gi RUMFORD & ABIJAH DAWES, w e Water Jlreet, No. 7, south. g 7th mo J d Charter, d SEA NTM PH, I e John Padek, Master. ' SAILS fact, and will be ready to take in c i. a cargo in a few days. v [, For terms apply to < v Joseph Situs, 1 WHO HAS NOR SAI.E, ! Madeira and Sherry WINE. 1 Fit for immediate use, r BRANDY, ( Red and Pale Jesuits BARK, r I White LEAD ground in oil, 1 >i BRIMSTONE, &c. 1 July 25 - d - ' Morris Academy. THIS institution is now open for the ie-, eption of students under the immediate i- are of Mr. Caleb RulTell, whose abilities 1, s an irftrufter, and attachments the bn- I! inefs have long been known and approve< fe has under him the belt affiltauts i; _he different branches—The (cholars a "dught the Englilh, trench, Latin, and ireek laivguages, Public-Speaking, Writing, .rithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, and lie various branches ol the Mathematics. The healtbyfituation o( this place is such er quarter will be mad. to such scholars • vho afe taught the French language. The " Jireclors ai edet< rmined to pay such atten ion to this institution, as will render it >r efpefiableand ufeful. if- GABRIEL H. FORD, 1 •i- TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. > pirect's. of NATHAN FORD, .3 Morrillown, May 15, > 794 diw. w2m.— Saturday, August 9, Medical Books. JUST PUBLJBHED, By Thomas Dobfon, at the Stpne Houjt No. 41, south Seco d freet, VOL. 11. .1 Medical Inquiries OBSER V A TIONS. at By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. of the Inftitutcs ot Medicino, and . of Clinical Pra&ice in the Univer fityof Prnnfylvania. CONTAINING An inquiry into the influence of physical causes upon the moral faculty. An inquiry iato the cfFefts of fpiritous li quors upon the human body, and their in fluence upon the happiness of Society. 1 An inquiry into the causes and cure of the pulmonaiy consumption. IN 4. Obfervarions on the fymptumsand cure ol dropsies. j. An Inquiry into the efcufesand the cure ol internal dropsy of the brain. v An account of the measles, ( as they ap peared in Philadelphia, in the year 1789. . An adcount of the influenza, as it appear- cd in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790. o and 1791. \ St i. An inquiry into the causes ol the increase t j t of bilious and remitting fevers, in Penn- b fylvania. iy< 3, An inquiry into the causes and cure of fort 1< B s * re if ,o. An account of the state of the body and mind in old agr, w»th observations upon trg its difeaft s and their remedies. v — I'rice one dollarand a quarter unbound, 01 a one dollar and a half neatly beund. Medical Tranfaftvons nit OF THE Jollege of Physicians of Philadelphia. V O L. I.—P A R T I. j j Price one dollar in boards. A Trcitife on the Diseases of ari Children. i ne With general directions for the management — of Infants from the birth, adapted for f the use of physicians and private families. By Michael Underwood, M. D. - Licentiate of Midwifeiy in the Royal Col k lege of Physicians in London, and Physician of the Britilh Ly Tog-in-Ifofpital. n Price one Dollar. . This is acknowledged to be the best bOol «#r«ick_ka*-b£rn Q&ihe fubjett, anC is calculated for the use of parenia, and private families, as well as for physician; " _ —The two volumes handsomely printed in ~ o.ie, and the price only about one third o 1 h 1 what the imported copies fell for. P r The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two dollars. f System of Surgery, extracted from tb« u works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2 e dols. 50 cents. System of Anatomy, extrafled from the u Encyclopaedia, with 12 copperplates, 2 dols. System of Chemistry, extra&ed from the - Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of the pro gress of the fciencee, and the different systems which have been published, 2 dols. 50 cents. Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols. 67 cents. T. Dobfon has in the Press, An edition of the Medical and Philofophi cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Twovel umes are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50 cents per volume ; he has nearly finiftied the five fcrft volumes, which contain the firft ten volumes of the European edition, which fell J for two dollarseach. Nine volumes will in 'n elude eighteen Enropean volumes, which w ill briog the publication up to the prefem time. Likewise for sale a conftder able number of * Medical Books, viz. Cuilen's Prattice, Materia Medica, Phyfi- - ulogy, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols. r,T 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Domeftu Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A- «' netomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea- «< v C r on do. Rollo on Weft India Difeales ; p Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's r outlines of the theory and practice of Mid- w -* 'wifery, with or without plates; do. on the p management of Female complaints. Mease v lon Hydrophobia, &c. &c. e e- ( — ——— " r es The Ground Plan [ u- £ ' OF THE a '• City and Suburbs r id or ' 1: PHILADELPHIA. ; :s - TAKEN FROM ACTUAL SUKrEr. , IT is with pleasure that the publisher has/ to to inform his fubferibers and the public in j d -|general, that the plate is now under the | d " hands of the engraver, and in greater for-, he wardnfs than was a firft contemplated. At the fame time he begs leave to remind ld > them, that subscription papers are still o '"ipen at moftof the noted book-stores in tlit I°-I c ity ; and that he hopes from the whok '" of them to be enabled to form such a ref lrspe<3able catalogue of names, as will do a he credit to the work, as well as afford a ="■ reafdnabie encouragement to the under ''taker. Those who are desirous of further infor mation are reqaefted to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 63, Market street. 1. — April r4. m&rthtf 794- Choice St.. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, And for Sale, By JAMES YARD. A)fo a quantity of RUSSIA Matts. June 24th. d* NANKEEN^. Nankeens of Superior Quality, Long and fhbrt pieces Long and Ihort black fattins, Black TafFeties, and Senlhaws^ Black and coloured I ndia sewing Silk, Ornamental jars and beakers, And a few long sets of Tea China. Coloured Sat tins, Lnfl rings, and T 0 B I N E S, FOR SALE AT No. 40j north Fifth Street. July 7 mw&ftf War Department, Augujl 1, 1794. Informatioft is hereby given ~ o all the military Invalids of the States, that the sums to which they are en-' titled for their annual pension, which will j bee me dueon the fifth day of September 1794, will be paid on the said day, by the j ( Commiffiorers of Loans within the States refpeftively, under the usual regulations . Applications of Executors or Adminif-jp ( tratots muftbe accompauied with legal e vidences of their refpeftive office l :, and _ also of the time of the decease of fufch in valids whose pensions they may claim. By command of the Piefident of the U nited States, H. KNOX, J Secretary at War. <~- 05T The Printers in the several States are requested to publish th above in their j newlpapers tor the space otwo months 1 Aug. 6 ' d2m • JuJl Publijhed, ! AND FOR SALE BY Jacob Johnson & Co. < No. 147, Marketflreet, T H F. American Revolution Writt n in the style of ancient hiftory,ii ; twu vdis. price TQp~ The Italian Nun, translated from the 1 French of J. J. Roviffeau, price 4/8. Moore's Journal it} Fiance, in two vol. | l>rice 15/ _ j Fruits of Solitude, in reflections and I ' niaxms, relating to the conduit ofHumar 1 Life, by William Perm, Price 4/2. , Senecca's Morals, price 7_/& Dudfley's Efops Fables, in German, with . cuts, price 4/8. Aug. 6 eod3W • French Revolution. s JUST PUBLISHED.^ ( Price two T)ollart.) ■ By fttATHEW CARET, No. 118, MarketJlreet, I AN IMPARTIAL HISTORY n OF THE II FRENCH REVOLUTION-, 1' From its Commencement to the exe " cution of the Queen and the Deputies of the f Gironde Party ExtraS from the Preface s " " The authors have presumed to affix to It their title, the epithet impartial; and the reason is.because they cannot charge thein i. selves with feeling the smallest bias to any party but to that of truth and liberty ; and 's they flatter themselves, that their readers 1- will find not onlytvery circumstance fairly it presented, but every censurable action, ft whoever were the authors or a&orsj mark ed in its proper colours. If it was neceffa " ry <0 make a declaration of their own principles, they would fay, they are neither tory nor republican—they love liberty a' Englifb whigs, and execrate every crimina aft by which so noble a cause is endangerec nd disgraced. " In the present ferment of the put>t" mind, they cannot flatter themselves witl the hope of feeing this claim universal); acknowledged. 011 the contrary, they ar wellajfured thatMc/i pages will not be accepta as [./j. to the zealtls oj either party. But when in time (hall have diflipated the clouds of pol : be tical deception, and appeased the tumul >r- of the passions, they will with fouie cons At dence expect that verdict from public opin ncl on, which andonr and moderatiou fel o- domfail to receive." :ht Exttaft from the Critical Review, June 179, olt 12 Page. ef- uWe have certainly derived much, plr » a sure and acquired much information fro; 1 a the perusals of thole volumes ; and we thir er-them, both for maitei and ftyfr, worthy tl attention of all who interest. themlelves Events wh.ch have so justly excited the cur fity al-onifhment mankri d." M. Ca*>* will in aboui the wm In conformity to the a