A FEW TONS Chipped Logwood, FOR SALE, l a iding at Hanj.lton's wharf. Apply to John Vaugban, WHO HAS FOR sale CLARET, i ihoglhcads and cases of the firft quality. Aug. 7 d' Strayed or Stolen, r.ivOiVl tne Farm of JOHN LAUREN CE, i !•.]- near the Falls of Schuylkill, a small SORREL MARE, of the Narra;;an i-i breed, wjpii a white flip in her face.— ■Whoever return said mare to said i a hi, o to Janus Thomson at the Indian C?iiee:r, fhali receive Ten Dollars reward. Anguft 7- d G UTHRIE's GEOGRAPHY Improved. ') THE fubfeription lor this work oil the original tenns, of twelve dollars and the binding, wil be closed this day—and on' Monday the fi/bfcription will open at four teen dollars, exclufive'of the price 6f bind ing. The new maps added to this editf'on are t venty one ; among which, are those of N w-Hnmpfliire, Maflachufetts, Couneai ' nt,' R iode-Iflaad, Vermont, New York, f-Jew Jerfejf, Penulylvania, Delaware, Ma i Virginia, Kentucky, North Caro -1 .ia, the Gene/Tee Government, South Ca rolina, and Georgia. These maps have ne v-r been given in any former system of Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone : ' lufficient to entitle this work to a pre- I I «iice to any other edition'of Guthrie. N B. map of the United States, which is compiling by Mr. Simuel Lewis, Irani the refpeftive ftatemaps, will befai more Complete than any one yet published, aid be printed on two large (heets of nearly the size of,the late Mr. Mur i ay's map. Mav 2! t ; Scheme of a Lottery-, 1 oxaife 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, deducting 15 per Cent. from the Prizes—-this Lottery cOnfiJls of 38,000 , in which there are 1 4»jf39 P ri *> e * and 23,461 Blanks, being aboirt one and an half Blanks te a Prize. nPHE Dire&or* of the Socirty foreftabiifti- X mg Uf?iul Manufa&ure*, having rcfolv ed to erect LOTTE-RIES lor railing One Hundred Thousand DollArs, agreeably loan Aft of ihe Legifldture of the Sute of New-Jersey, have appointed the following pcrfons to fu per intend and dire£t the draw ing-os the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus King, Herman Le Roy v james Watton, Richard Hairilon, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-Yoik — ThonVas Willing, Ball, Matthrw M'- Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How ell, Elq. Elias Boudinor, Central Elias Day ton, James Parker, John Do&or Lewis Donhain, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, arid Elifha Boudinot,'of N< w-Jcrfcy, who offer the following Scheme of a Lottery* and pledge themfe'ives to the public, that they will take every a{Tur4>.539 Prizes. 262,000 23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000 Laftdrawn number, 2,000 38,000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 The drawing will commence, under the infpe&ion of a Committee of the Superin 'tendants, as soOn as the Tickets are fold, ot which timely notice will be given. The Superintendents have appointed John N. C winning, of Newark, Jacob R. Har denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample security for difchafging the tru,ft reposed in them. (£ir In order to secure the pun&ual pay ment of the Prizes, the Snperintendants of the Lottery have diretted that the Managers ill all each enter into bonds in 4c,ooodollars, with four fufficient securities, to perform their itiftru&ions, theTubftance of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers shall rcceive the sum of Three Hundred lars, he ftiall imnidiately place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel phia, to the credit of the Governor of the Society, and such of the Superintpndants as l;ve in the city where the monies are placed, to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn, - for the paymnt of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficient se curity for any Tickets they may trust, other wise to be refponuble for them. 111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, received and paid into the Bank; abftra&s of which (hall be sent, monthly, to fcheGovernor of the. Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of the above gen tlemen, information will be given where tickets may be had.- February 24. tu&ftf The Lottery published by the 1 i Society for eftablifting ufefu! manufac tures," will commence drawing the firft Tuesday in November next — 1 !\i!ad Jptila, March, 1 1794* JUST PUBLISHED, B/ MATHEW 'CARIiY, No; xi 8, Market Jireet, TH£ FXllS'l' VOLUME OF A NEW SYSTEM OF Modern Geography: OR, A Geographical, Hijlorical, ana Commercial Grammar-, And present ftafe of tfle ic veral NATIONS OF TNE WORLD. CONTAINING, 1. Tlf* figures, motions, and diftafrees of t:he planets, •ein and the latest observations. 2. A general view of the earth,confidered as a planet; withfeverai ufefulgeographical definitions and problems. 3 The g ai\fl divisions c» the globe into land and water, continent* and islands. 4- The' frUiation and extent of empires, kingdoms,ftates, provinces and colonics. , 5 Their climates, air, foil, 1 productions, metals, minerals, naturalcuri ofities,feas,i ivers,bays f capes,promontories, lud lakes. 6. The birds and beasts peculiar to each country. 7. Observations on the changes that have been any where observed ifjjon the face of nature since the molt early periods of his tory. 8. The hiftoty and origin of nations; the 11 forms of gnvernme'nt r *"eligion. re venues, taxes, naval artd military strength 9 The genius, mapners, tuftoms, and abits of the people. ia. Their language,learning,arts, scien ces, manofadtures, and cojmnerce. 11. The cities, flru&ures, ruins, and artificial enriofities. 12., The longitude, latitude, bearings, and distances of principal places froniPhila delpbia. To which are added-, 1. A Geographical Index, with the names and places alphabetically arranged. ! 2. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in dollars and cents. A Chronological Table of remarka ble events,from the creation to the present me. By WILIJAM GUTHRIE, Esq. The Aftrohomieal Part corrected by Dr. RtTTkNHOUSE. |To which have been added, The late Discoveries of Dr. Herschell, and othe; eminent Astronomers. The FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, Corrected, Improved, and greatly Enlar ged. The firft volume contains twenty-one Maps tnd Charts,befides two Agronomical Plates, viz. 1. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the worle 3. Europe. 4. Asia. 5. Africa. 6. South America. 7. Cork's difcoveiies. 8. Countries round the north Pole. 9 Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, io. Se ven United Provinces. li Austrian, Frencl>and Dutch Netherlands. 12. Ger m.any* 13. Seat of war in France. i 4« France divided into departments. 15. Switzerland. :6. lialy, Sicil>, .and Saj-- dinia. 17. Spaiu and Portugal. 18. Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19. Ire land. 20. Weft-Indies. 21. Vermont. 22. Ar miliary sphere. 23. Cooernican system. With the second volume, which is now in the press, will be given tbe following Maps : ti. KnUa in Europe and Asia. 2. Scotland. '3. England and Wales. 4. Poland. 5. China. 6. Hindoftan. , 7. United States. 8. Britiih.America. 9. SA.°te of New-llamplhire. 10. State of Mafiachufetts. It. State of Connecticut. 12. State of Rhode Island. 13. State of New-York. 14' State of New-Jersey. 15. State of Penufylvania. 16. State of Delaware. 17. State of Maryland. 18. State of Virginia. 19* State of Kentucky. 20. State of North-Carolina. 2t-« Tenneflee Government. 22. State ot'South-Carollna. 23* State of Georgia. TERMS. .i. This work will be compriied in two volumes. I. Subfcrioers pay for the present volume fix dollars, and the price of binding, (56 cents for boards.) 3. They may receive the succeeding vo lume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quarter dollar each, or else, when fi nifhed, at the fame price as the firft. 4. The fubfeription will be raised on the firft day ot June 1794, ro fonrteen'dol larj, exclusive of binding. 5. Should any copies remain for sale after the completion ol the work, will be fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of, binding. 6. The names of the fubforibers will be publiflied as patrons ol American litera ture, arts, and sciences. It is wholly untieceflary to expatiate on the advantage,to American readers, that this edition polTelTes, overevery imported edition of any system of Geography extant. The addit tion of maps ofthr several teftas, procured a very great expense, and from the best materials that are attaioable, speaks such full conviction on this fubjeft, that it would be difrefpeft to the read er's understanding to fnppofe it requisite to enter inta a detail of arguments to prove its fuperioritv. In nofimilarwork have such-maps baenever introduced. The emendationsand additions which are made in this work,are innumerable,and occur in every page. The public are re ferred to the preface for a flight sketch of a few of them. The publiflier takes the present oppo>. tunity of returning his mod sincere thanks to those refpcdlahlr characters who have favored him with documents for improv ing the maps of several of the ft.ates He PHILADELPHIA: Printed », JOHN PENNO, No. 3, So, Ta tmm St ,,, t ._ p „„ Sl , p„ A „„„. requefls a continuance of tseii kirdnefs; and hopes that filch public fpjriud citizens, as arc ppfTelled of similar documents, will tavor bini with theirafliftame in perfect ing his undertaking. The extraordinary encouragement with which he has beep favored, has excited in his breast ihe warmest fenthients ol gra titude—rftuTmients which tine will not ef face. He pledges him fell tdtfye citizens of the United States, to spare »either pains nor expehfe to render the pnfent edition ol Guthrie's Geography improved, deleav ing of their patronage. waftf Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR STONES, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May 14. <1 Morris Academy. THIS inftiruiion/is npw open for the >e ception of (Indents under the immediate caie of Mr, Caleb RulFell, whose abilities as an mftVuct®r, and attachinentto the bu liuefs have long been known and approved. He has under hun the belt afliiiants in the different branches —The scholars arc taught the English, French, La'in, and, Gi'Cek Public-Speaking) Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Aftronoir.y, and the various branches ol the Mathematics. The healthy fuuationof this place is hu as to recommend it to those, who wilh to have their children in'tbe country. Boaid u>g, washing, mending, &c. *f ill be provid ed in good families, and the morals of the Icholars carefully attended to. The price including tuition, firewood, &c. exciufive of thq French language) will not exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo ney per annum) an addition ol threedollars | per quarter will be maHe to such scholars I who are taught,the French language. 'J he Dirc&ors ar edeUrmined to pay such atten tion to this institution, as will render it refpc6(able and ufeful. Gabriel h. ford, 1 TIMOTHY {OHNB, jun. V- Dire&'s. NATHAN FORD, J Morriftown, May 15, 1794 drw. w2m.— Christiana Mills For Sale. I ON Monday the firfl day of September next at 8 o'clock in the evening, ar the Coffee H«"'ule in he c t\ it Phihdelphi; will be, fold by public vendue, two twfb or pieces of land situated in White Clay Cieek hundred, New Caflle (founts and state of Delaware; one of which contains aboyt sixty acres of highly improved land, on it area large two # flory brkk'd Well ing house, a co vejiient brick,barn, with ftablingand a carriage h «ule undetneatb, an etcllcn kHn for rying corn j and the well known miils called Christiana Milk (late Patter fon's) which being at the head of the tide dn Christiana river, and but about half a mile from the p* conveniently firu ated for carrying the articles manufactured at the mill»4iy water to fhiladelphu— J his property being close to the road leading to Christiana bridge, and at •the head of the tide, Kvith many other at tendant advantages, render its situation for the milling business (9 very valuable, as to * beequal'ed by few and : One hundred dollars ! Reward. WHEREAS there were delivered in the 11 Month of October last, from the Stores of 3 the Subscribers, Two Chests and nine Half ; Chests of Bohea Tea, numbered " and weighing, ns undei, to fume person or s jerfons with- pretended orders from Mr. s ISAAC CLASON of this City, butwhich " he did not leteive; whoever will give in " formation so that a discovery may be made, who got the said Tea, ihall receive the nboveieward; and it equelted that the Dealers in the Article will be careful in examining the Marksard Numbers of the Cheftj that have palled through their hands , since the perio'd above-mentioned, and give the desired information. New-Yoik, July 3'ft, '794- William and James Conjlable. Ship Washington. C. q. lb. Tare . R (No. 327 3 % 16 60 7 Whole , L " i 473 3 a 24 64 ) Chests .W[ 177 1312 39 . 15. 177 1 2 23 39 1 198 13 1 41 ; 213 I 3 18 37 Half I i \ 2271.37 40 Chefls. . I 287 139 38 1 f ' 301 13 1? 40 379 I 3 18 ,41 404 13 I 4 39 J 1 Aug. 6 ' dim i Treasury Department 7 Revenue Office, Augtifi $th. 1794* ' PROPOSALS wrl. be veceivcd at the Of * ficeofthe Commiffiouer of the Revenue, 5 Noi 43, south Third itreer, for furniflTing 5 by contract, Seven hundred ahdfixty eight COCKED HATS, For the co r ps of Ar tiller ift sard Engin ee.rs, to be made agreeably to a Matter hat which will bi shewn at the Office a forefaid, to any person disposed to contradl. , Aug 6 eod2w * STATE of SOUTIi-CAROLINA In the House of Reprefentatives> December 21(1,1793- WHEREAS the Commissioners ol pub lic Accounts,h-ive reported, that they cannot pioceed to the investigation ot the Treasury Accounts, relpe&ing special In dents, without knowing the outstanding a 7axrrrrr- -tm etrf n|T CI•«»' U rr r nTP^ Jtejiililtd, K'h.u all holders ol ipeciariii dents be direftcd) and require o,on or before the fir ft day of N"ovcmber nc xt, to deliver the special Indents in their pofl'efTion to one 01 1 other of the Commissioners the Treasury, 1 who are to give receipts for the farce, and to report to the Corr.mifTioners on public ac i counts,on or before the-tenth day of Nov ember next, she amoupi by there refpc&ive lyTeceived, and also to the Legislature, at l their meeting in November next, and that , all special Indent! no' rendered into I Treasury as above, on 01 before the firft day t of November next, ihall be, ahd the lame are heieby barred. ' Rcjolvcd, That public notice of this resolu tion begiven in the fcveral Gazettes in this State, once evcryihree weeks, until the. firft J day of November next And 1 hat the Delt f gatesof this St ate in the Congress of* the Uni- I ted States, be requrllfd to cause this vefolu tion to be published in one or more papers in the cities ot Philadelphia and New-York, and that pTovifion will be made for the ex | pences attending f'uen publication. Ordered, That the resolution be sent to the id CadizSAl v Soft Ale-lied ALMONDS in bal cs ' Velvet CORKS, in do. Huiffin MATTS. J'""? 9 d The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Fvve HrAl ar p;„ of the Bank of the United State, a j Twenty hollar Bills of the £an{ ofKortt America, federal of which have L'", m circulation within a few days taff are good general imitation of the?'J,? B o'wing Ut '" ay d,JlmgUtJhed h the'J'u MARKS. Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of f, Jf United States. ALL thai have appeared liavs the left,, F. tor their Alphabetical Mark The Texture of the Paper is thickcr a „j whiter and it takes tl>» ink more fre.l, than the genuine paper. 1 J'he.O. in the word Company,is smaller than the M. and other letters,,! that word so that a line extended from the top of the O, to touch the top of the M would extend considerably above the range of the whole word. In the word United the letters are nar. ■ rower andclofer together than the reft 0 "i the bill. The i and/in the word promise are not parallel, the f inclining much more forward than the t. "The engraving is badly executed the ft.okesot all the Letters are stronger and the dev, e in theinargi,. particularly ismucS coa.fcr and appears darker than i„ theou* bills. Some ot the counterfeits bear daie in 1791— VV lie res. theiaiik was not In oper*. tion ti 1 December, and no five dollar bills were iffiied in jhat yeas. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North Artier icq. • B. for their alphabetical mark. I hey are printed on a paper nearly fimi- to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar Notes above described; the engraving is, better executed, and they approach nearer to the appearance of the genuine hills. 1 he fine ruled Jines through (the word Twenty, in the body of ihe bill, are in num ber tii 1 teen in the genuine bills, and but twefve in ih e counterfeits. The word Company is-mncbJik« word rn theTTve DyJ'ar Bills as de/cribcd above, the 0 being I'efs than the w, and o thers j olio wing. There is no stroke to the / inthe word' North whereas in ihe genuine bills theftroke is well defined. The letters tnt in the word Twenty, to the left-hand at the bottom, do not come down to the line, but are so cut as to give j an irregular appearance to the word, the j Tut and the y goii g below them. I The signature ]. Nixon, has the appear* ance of being written with lamb-felaeK,and j 01J, and differs troll) other inks ulfd in ' printing th bills and the cafhjer's signa ture. It is supposed tbefe forgeries were commit trd in fopie of the Southern States, as all the counterfeits thai have appeared, have come Irom thence, and two persons have been ap prehended in Virginia,on suspicion oi being the-author of them. The reward u/ OWE THOUSAND DOL LARS will be paid to any Perlon or Perf°nJ who fha 11 discover and prolecute to convic tion the (everal offendeis of the following or any of them,,viz. ~X_hc or ptrfons, who ed tiie paper on winch 1 Ik Bills «mc pnnte_. The person or peifons, who engraved the plates. The printer or-printe p s, of the bills. Every person who has a£fed as a principal in any'other way, in the counterfeiting and uttering the said bills. Philadelphia, March 28, >794 4prH 22, *794, Other counterfeit bills of the Bank of the United States have ap peared in circulation. The denomination is of TWSSH Y DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark is the let ter £. They may be diftinguiflied the ge» nuine by the following MAKKS : The paper of counterfeits ' s a rttfire tei*d< r tex f ve and g4olley ftrface than the genuine, and there is no water mark in them. The letter C. v in the word Cafhter, m he true bills is ftronglv marked, whereas in the counterfeit's, the whole letter a fine hair stroke, evidently injfen onfinilhe llate. The letter'a in the word dew an , is badly formed and the whole word ill done and there is no comma at the end ol it, as there is in the genuine bills. The marginal device, is much darker in thy falfe, than infhc genuine bills ow ing to the shade strokes being coai fc, imK * •nearer together, and confeqnei't'y muc more nunierous. This difference fHkes 1 e eye at firft view. _... The fame reward of ONE TH I " 1 ' • DOLLARS, will be paid so. appr«ht t;du g, $e prosecuting to con vision t'»>e feve» a above clefcribed Qffend