Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 08, 1794, Image 3

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    si fiid'y to the common cau'e, and when!
discovered, will not fuller them to live
amongst us, but they (hall instantly de
part the town.
Resolved, also, that the above com
mittee (hall exist as a committee of in
formation and correspondence, as an or
gan of pur fentiimiits, until our next
town mcfiing.
And tint, whereas, a general meet
ing of delegates from the towufhips of
the country on the welt of the moun
tains, willbe held at Parkinfou's Ferry,
on the Monongahela, cn the 14th of
Augult next,
Resolved, That delegates (hall be
appointed for a town meeting, to cleft
fi".-h delegates.
Resolved, also, That a number of
hand-bi'ls be (truck off at the expenc
of the committee, and distributed a
mong the inhabitants of the town, tha
tliev may conduit thc-mfelves according
Pennsylvania. (f.
r—ln the name, and by the au
j Seal | thorityofthe Commonwealth
—y—of Pennsylvania, by
Governor of the r aid Commonwealth,
WHEREAS information has been
received, that several lawless bodies of
armed men have, at fundrry times, as
sembled in the ' couuty of Allegheny
within the Commonwealth of Pennfyl
vania, and being so niTcinblcd, have
committed various cruel and aggravated
a6ts of riots and arson ; and more par
ticularly that on the 17th ultimo, one
of the said lawless bodies of armed men'
attacked the dwelling house of John
Neville, Esq. inspector of the Revenue
for the fourth survey of the diltrift of
Pennsylvania ; and after firing upon and
wounding fir !ry persons employed in
prote&ing and defending the said dwell
ing house, set fire to, and totally burn
ed and destroyed the fame, together
with the furniture and effects therein,
and the barns, flables, and other build
ings thereto adjoining and apppurte
nant :
AcTd whereas it appears from the
Proclamation of the President of the
United States, bearing date this day, as
well as from other evidence, that the
outrages and criminal proceedings afore
said have been undertaken and prosecu
ted by certain unlawful combinations of
persons, who thereby design to obftrufi
jmtLhayeaQually obit 1 lifted the ejfiv
-tion of the laws of th* Uirt'ud States;
and that by reason thereof, in pursuance
of the authority in him vested, he hat
resolved to call forth the militia, for the
purpose of suppressing the said unlaw
ful combinations, and of enforcing the
execution of the laws so obitiucted as
And whereas every good and en
lightened citizen must perceive how un
worthy it is thus riotously to oppose tht
Constitution and Laws of our cuuntry,
(the Government and L aws of the
State being herein as much affedted as
the Government and Laws of the
United States) which were formed by
the deliberate will of the people, and
which (by the legitimate authority )can,
in a regular coutfe, be peaceably amend
or altered. How incompatible k it
with the principles of a republican go
vernment, and dangerous in point of
.precedent,that a minor'ity(hould attempt
tocontroul the majority or a part of the
community undertake to prescribe to
the whole! how indispensable, though
painfnl an obligation is imposed upoi
the officers of government, to emplo)
the public force for the purpose of fub
duinjf and pnnifhing filch unwarrant
ahle proceedings, when the judician
authority has proved incompetent tc
the task: And how necefiary it is. thai
the deluded rioters aforefaid fhoult!
forthwith be brought to a just sense of
their duty, as a longer deviation from
it, mufl inevitably be deftrudtive of their t
<>wn happiness, as well as injurious toj'
to the reputation and prosperity of their 1
country. And WHEliEAS,entertaining I
a just sense of my federal obligations, ■
and feeling a perfedt conviction of the 1
ncceffity of pursuing immediate mea- <
f"res to iupprefs the spirit of infurrec-1
to ", which has appeared as aforefaid, 1
and to restore tranquility and order— (
I have heretofore given inftrudtions to j
'he proper officers of the Common- <
wealth, to invefligate the
°t the said riots, to ascertain the names-t
of the rioters, and to inflitute the re-j
ffU Tr process of the law for bringing the 1
ofitnders to justice. 1
I\ow therefore, I have deemed j
f also to ilfue this proclama- r
"°"j hereby by publicly announcing v
1 • termination, by all lawful meaos, c
'.j cau js t0 be prosecuted and punished, t
<■'! p°rlo\is whomsoever, that have en-f
or (hall in any of the un- c
jlawfo 1 combinat : ons or proeeel'ngs a
r»refaid : And further. declaring,
hat whatever requifitiun the President
of the United States (hail make, or
whatever duty he (hall impose in pursu
ance of his conftitutiona! and legal pow
ers, for the purpose of maintaining the
authority, and executing the laws of
the United States—will, on my part,
be promptly undertaken and faithfully
discharged: And all judges, ju dices,
ihcrifFs, coropers, constables and other
officers ef the Commonwealth, accord
ing to the duties of their refpecfive (ta
tions, are hereby required and enjoined
to employ all lawful means for discover
ing, apprehending, securing, trying
and bringing to justice, each and every
penion concerned in the said riots and
unlawful proceedings.
Given under my Hand and the Great
Seal of the State, at Philadelphia,
this seventh day of August, in the
year of our Lord, one thousand
seven hundred and ninety-four, and
of the Commonwealth the nine
By the Governor :
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
By this Day's Mail.
BOSTON, (August 2.
Instances of liberality, as they tend
to excite laudable -emulation, ought to
be mentioned.—ln one sire-society, yef
ccrday, near 450 dollars were fubferibed
■'or the relief of one of the brethren
hereof, who had fuffered by the late
We are happy to learn that the pro
prietors of the rope-walks, burnt on
\Vfdnefday, do not intend rebuilding
the fame. A very fine square will in
consequence remain open, capable of af
fording many valuable house lots, and
in excellent place for the contemplated
new State-Houfe.
Manufactories, so exteniive as those
used in making cordage, and containing,
as nraftr, Tiich" qTianYfties
of combustible materials, ought never to
beere&ed in the fettled parts of a town,
and as the proprietors of those lately
destroyed. will undoubtedly rebuild, a
correspondent cannot fix upon a more
convenient and accomodating spot than
what is generally called Lechmore'b
The -distance from town is but one
half mile, and the carriage by water to
any part of the town would be as cheap
as tUc transportation now in from the
walks to the wharves :
From Europe.
The (hip Lydia, Captain Drummotid,
has arrived from Limerick, (lieland)
at WificafTet. She left Ireland the 3d
June : Nothing materially new. The
fleets were at sea, but no account of a
ny engagement. Limerick was illumi
nated just before Captain Drummond
failed, but upon what event he knew
Fellows elefled at the last meeting of
the American Academy of Arts and
Charles Vaujjhan, Esq. of Button.
The Rev. Dr. Madison, President of
William and M«ry College, Virginia.
Lewis Valentine, physician of the camps
and armies, St. Domingo. John Fre
deric Blumenback, M. D. ProfefLr of
medicine, in the University of Gottin
Mr. Benjamin Dearborn, of Bolton.
Nathauiel Appleton, Esq. of Boston.
While grateful for the polite attenti
on of the Ladies and Gentlemen of this
metropolis, mod deeply regrets the un
happy occafron other prelent appeal to
the liberality of a generous public.
jTo the bosom of Boftcnians, it needs
not the tongue of eloquence to plead
the cajfeof humanity : Sensibility, in
pathetic silence, points her finger to
jthat vast and awful scene of devaluati
on, which exhibits the conflagrated
|Wrecks of so many elegant buildings and
rcfpeftable families. The fun, that
'delcended with a smile on their inde
pendence, arose with a tear, to weep
over their ruin.
To afford some alleviation to the ac
cumulated diltrefles, Mrs. Pownall has
pollponed her intention of a concert for
her own emolument, as advertised in
Wednesday's Centinel; and will appro
priate the receipts of the evening to the
relief and accommodation of those
whom the merciless ravages of the mod
definitive of elements, have reduced to
the necessity of throwing thcmfelves,
for redress, into the arms of their fellow
NEWA'CRK, August 6.
Extrafi of a letter from a Gentleman
dated Norfolk Virginia, 28th July,
to his frieid in this city.
" I have received a letter from my
friend Admiral Vanltable, dated at sea
26th of Miy, when he expected to be
in France in 8 days, I hope he is with
all his fleet irrived."
Democratic Society for Bourbon County
Paris 'June 16, 1794.
Mr. ' Smith, from the Com
mittee of Correspondence, prsfented a
copy of fuiidry resolutions, of a nume
rous meeting of respectable citizens from
different puris of the State, afTeinbled at
Lexington the 24-th day of May last,
tending to adopt measures for obtaining
the use of the river and the
reduction of the posts on the Weltern
waters now occupied by the British ;
also a copy of a Remonstrance to the
Prelident and Congress .of the United
States, on the fubje& contained in the
resolutions. And the said resolutions
and remonstrance being read, and some
time taken up in deliberating upon each
of them separately ; Resolved unanimous
ly, that the society do approve of "all
and each of the said Resolutions, and
remonft ranees.
Refolved,that the members of the so
ciety refpedtively, do recommend it to
the citizens of this county, to meet at
the Court-House thereof, on Thursday
the 19th instant, to take the said reso
lutions and remonstrance into conlider
11ion ; and that Messrs. John Allen,
Thomas Jones, Jahies Smith and Rich
ard Henderfon, be appointed to present
and read the>'faid resolutions and temon
(trance to the people, and to take their
voice on the fame ; and if they are ap
proven of, to recommend it to the peo
ple to elect two men in the bounds of
every militia company in this county,
to meet at the Court-House thereof, as
a county committee, agreeable tq the
13th refutation.
Ext raft From the minutes,
A very great number of the citizens
of Bourbon county, met at the Court-
House on the 19th inft. when the Re
flations of the meeting at Lexington,
( May 24th ) were read and approven ;
the rethonfhance was signed, and two
men chosen out of the bounds of eacn
militia company, to oonflitute a county
committee. It is hoped that the citi
zens of this state in the other counties,
will follow the example, as nothing of
"moment can be eftefled*_but by the
joint deliberations, and united exertions
of the whole ; and as this is a time .vhtn
every exertion ought to be made for
the obtaining our just right, the free
navigation of the river
SPRINGFIELD, MalT. August $.
Last week was committed to gaol in
Northampton, William Whiting, alias,
Armstrong—the one-eyed villain, who
speculated in the public clothing last month
by breaking open and plundering the Con
tinental Stores iu this town.
He had secured himfelf and funded his pro
perty in a wood in Holland, ivhere he was
taken.—He had, in the fame way, made
some large fpedu!ations on the private pro
perty of the good citizens in that vicinity
which he depofitfd in the public Bank—
In attempting to Ileal the cuihion from the
pulpit in Holland, a bad spec. he was dis
covered, puriuec and taken.
Much credit is due to Colonel Lyon,
who, on diicovrriug the speculator, I'par
ed no Exertions nor vigilance day andnigiit,
till, with the afiiftante of his neighbors, he
madehim prisoner, and lodgedhim iu gaol.
LICHFIELD, Con. July 30.
On Monday last, Serjeant Lent Mum
fon, late of the firft sub-legion in Gen.
Wayne's army, arrived in this town,
from captivity among the Ottawa In
dians. Mr. Munfon's intelligence, ob
servation, and integrity entitle him to
full credence.
He was taken by the Indians at theii*
defeat of the party under the command
of Lieut. Lowry and Ensign Boyd, es
corting the waggons, on the 17th of
October last, four and an half miles ad
vanced from Fort St. Clair. The Ame
ricans consisted of 100 rank and file ; of
the Indians there Wfere but 52. How
many American! were killed he knows
not ; there were only eleven taken pri
soners, one of whom, a weakly boy, un
able to travel, was killed and scalped.
The remaining ten were distributed a
mong the captors, their heads (haved,
and made to serve as (laves.
He was carried by his master to their
settlement on the Maumee river, thirty
miles from its mouth on Lake Erie ;
where he continued until the 17th of
June last, when he made his escape. The
warriors had gone off on the 12th to
join the main body of the Indians that
was forming at the Glaize about 40
miles up the river.
He had before this time learned theii
Language .0 lar that he could well under
ftar.J their conveiiation.
They told him they expected to have
a great many warriors collected, enough
to cut Wayne's army to pieces ; but
the traders, there, said if the Indians j
colle&ed 1600, it would be more than r
they expedted ; 1500 they thought it
was the utmoftthe Indians eould bring J
into the field. He fays the Indians t
talk with great confidence of their owi<i t
superiority in ' numbers and bravery ;<
and boall that they are not asia d of
four to one; they fay the American c
army is made up of cowards and boys. 1
They seem however to (land in awe of '
General Wayne, though they defpife c
his Men; and from all that he could,
ilnderftand from the Indians and the
Traders, he thinks their mode of con
ducing this Campaign will be by at
tacking pfcorts of provision and de
tached parties ; and that they will not
attack the main army unless they find
it weakened or exposed.
Mr. Munfon efcapeH by the way of the i
rapids, JDetroit, and Niagara. He saw i
the new fort ereiling by Gov. Simcoe at I
the rapids of the Maumee, 15 miles from
lake Erie. The party there at work in
stead of quitting the place, as has been re
ported, had been lately reinforced by abou' ■
100 men. Gov. Simcoe had been there
ihort time before, but was at Niagara
when he came through that place. Are
gimeat called " the firft American regi
ment, or the Queen's Rangers, war
railing at Niagara, where the bounty wa;
ten guineas. He was solicited to engage ii
that corps by a Mr. Fanning, one of Gov ,
Sim coe s Aids,who told him that they ex
pedled a war with this country. The)
were making great preparations for war.
repairng their forts, and arming veflels ; 1
three veflels of war were failing on the lake
Erie ; two of them carried ia guns, the
other t; and several gun boats,.
The Indians have no expectation of
being subdued ; they fay that when they
have cut off two or three more armies of
Americans, the United States will mak
peace with them. On the 4th of June
the Indians received their supplies or am
munition for the Campaign from the kind's
CC?" Foreign politics having almost
totally rooted out domeflit matter, from
the papers, and our brethren of the city
not being at leisure to manufacture for
us, we (hall occasionally depend on the
Country Mill for fupplies;—which,tho'
mere bran and provender, compared with
the fuperjine, double-bolted fiftingi of a
City Mill, may neverthelcfs—do for the
Gleanings-fxfr<7—from the Medley ; or
Country News-Mill.
A cruel calamity befel an indiger.t fa
mily last week : an honest Bailiff, ap
parently in found mind, deliberately
committed a poor man toprison. Ii
is astonishing, that in this boasted 'Age
of Reason,' iuch a species of barbarism
(hould be tolerated.
A wanton citizen of a neighbouring
town, was a few evenings since in the
heat of blood guilty of an afiault and
battery upon his—understanding, in
rashly laying his hand upon a young
Woman—in IVedleck ; by which incon
siderate aft he loft—his breeches, ergo
his liberty. No match ought to be
made without putting on the Confidering\
Cap: For though a goad wife is pieferable
to riches; yet a brawling■ vixen is worfej
than Mary Magdalen 1 s seven Devils.
Same week an angry Bull, —roar'tl
on Sunday. A conscientious informing
officer complained of the trespass, rely
ing upon a Blue Law of Maflachufetts, :
which made Cfder and Beer liable for
working on the Sabbath. It was a cleat
cafe ; and a writ issued from a learned
Pettifogger vi et armis, for violence :
The Bull was however acquitted ; and
in reverse it was made to appear, that
the complainant was—an ass The
The moral of this cafe teaches us, that
as its mod natural to creep before >we go,
so its equally prudent to think before
we act ; by which means we shall bet
ter rid ourselves of ignorant and wicked
Civil Officers and Rulers, quack Law
yers and quack Doctors, — L the latter of
whom are asfi sweepingfweeping peflilence, or ai
Sampson's faxes among the corn, —de-
flroying all before thenu
Portrait of an Irijh Wbmant
She is generally graceful in her figure,
flow in her gait, mild in her looks,
proud in her mein, engaging in her
conversation, delicate in her cxprefiion,
quick at blushing, chaste in thought,
innocent in manners, improving on ac
quaintance, generous to a fault, ready
to weep with one in distress, solicitous
for the poor, finccrely religious, emi
nently humane, constant in her attach
ment, faithful to her engagements, a
fond wife, a tender mother, tenacious
of her word, jealous of her honor, tem
perate in her Diet, prudent in her con-j
dust, circtimfpeft in her house, and
what is Angular, can keep a secret. *
Lctnf. Spy.
Treasury Department,
' Revenue-Office, Auguji 'Jthj 1794..
Will be received at the Office of the
Commiflioner of the Revenue, No. 43,
foi-tii Third street Philadelphia, for fur.
n "■ thrre h'l 'id -d
Pair of Wheels of cafl iron,
each whrel to weigh about 2i6 pounds, at d
to be of the diameter of twenty inches,
and of the thickness of about four inches ,
at the rim, alfofor three hundred pair of
Smaller "wheels of cajl iron,
each to weigh about 122 pounds, and 10 be
of the diameter of sixteen inches. Pat
terns of each will de exhibited at the laid
office. The wheels are ij.tended for the .
carriages of iron cannon, to be employed
in the fortifications.
Augr. 8 eod2w
the following
Tracts ofiLand,
in Virginia.
ONE tract in Frederick county, contain
ing 87 56 acres, being part of that whereon
col. Tiiomas Bryan Martin now relide r ,
known by the name of G r eenway court, a-
Kout 12 miles from Windiefttr and 5 from
Newtown. For the convenience of ptir
chafers, it will I e divided into parcels of
■/arious dimensions si ona 230 to 600 acres,
which may be viewed by Application to col.
K. Meade, living near the premises—
The greater part is very fertile and well
Another tiatt in the fame county on
PalTage creek, containing 230 acres, and
djoining Jacob Levingoods*
Another tr»& in Hampshire county, con
raining by patent, 699 acres, called Slim
bottom, situate on both fides of the South
B»anch and within two mites of the mouth
>f it, and is supposed to have a good mill
Another tradl in Hampshire county 011
tfew Creek and Kettle-Lick , containing
50j acres.
Another tra£l in Prince William county,
called Leefylvania, containing upwards of
2000 acres, lying upon Potomack river, a
)out 23 miles below Alexandria, and 28
□elow the City of Washington, compre
lending.Frecftone Point, which appears to
'ic a quarry as free»f*one, covering about
50 acres and adjoins the river, where ves
sels of 100 tons conveniently harbour. On
another part gf this tract it isfuppofed there
is a quarry of slate, convenient to water
carriage. Upwards of two thirds are in
woods. Mr. Enoch S. Lane, living on the
premises, will stew this tract.
Another tract, in Fairfax county, called
Sprinpfield, containing 204Q 1-2 acres, a
bout 13 miles from Alexandria and 10 from
Washington ; abounds with fine springs and
meado\V ground, and may be seen by apply
ing to Mr. Johh Wood, living on
Another tradt in Fairfax county, cor*
twining 392 on Turkey-cock Run, a*
bout 1 6 inilesfrom Alexandria.
Another tra<ft in Fairfax county, contain
ing about 176 acres, adjoining Mr. J. Wat
f'on's feat, about four miles from Alexan
Anomr trjhft, in Fairfax county, cori
fainirgsi3 acres, near Occoquan, joining
VTr. jLduard Wafliington'i.
Another tract, in Fairfax county, con
aming 80 acres or thereabout, within a
;nile of Pohick Landing, and within five
miles of Mount Vernon, lies level, and is
weU timbered.
An undivided moiety in another tra&,
ontaining about 284 acres, in Fairfax
ounty, about£ milesfrom Washington, &:
9 from Alexandria, wliere J. Robinson for*
[ merly lived.
Another parcel of land, within a mile
'of A exandria, containing ibout 24 acres,
Jjand to be fold in acre or half-acre lots.
r Also, futriry unimproved Jots of various
, sizes, in different parts of the town of Al
i exandria.
1 To defer ibe the premifesmore particu
larly is deemed unnecefTary, a» it is expec*
*; ed every person will examine and view
whatever part-he shall be inclined to buy»
My only object being to raise a certain sum
;of money, by felling so many or such parts
' of the aforefaid trails of land*and lots as
fha.'l be necefTary for that purpose, one half
•of the purchase money must be paid at the
f time ot contract, anc! the other within a
, year from the firfl day of August next, and
I at the time of delivering pofleflton or exe
cuting a legal conveyance '1 he lands re*
• maining unfold, except the tract in Prince
: William, after raising a limited sum, will
; be divided into tenements, and leafed for
a term o v f years. From the 12thday of Oc
' tober next, till the 1 jtli of Decemb r, I
shall be in the city of Richmond, and after
' that time I shall remain at home, in Alex
r andria, at which places, or elsewhere, I
shall be prepared to detail particulars, and
• to enter into contracts.
Alexandria, July 28
I chArles lee.
Ang. 8 lawiow
Whereas an attach
taent atthefuit of the admin ift r a tors of all
and lingular the goods and chattels, ri »hts
i and credits, which were of William Bur
, net deceased, at the time of his death,
-hath been ifluedoutof the Inferiour Court
of common pleas, in and for the County of
' Middlesex, against the Goods and Chatties,
► Lands and Tenements of Trenius Martin,
• late of the county aforefaid, returnable to
r the thirdTuefday in July last. NOTICE
t thereby given to the faidTrenius Martin,
rl at unlets he appear and file special bail to
l » e fa ; d aft on, on or before the third Tuef
• lay in-J; rtuary next, judgment will be en-»
I tered against h<m hy default, and the
1 tnd chatties, lands and tenements so at-
fld for the ft sfaAion of such < f
his creditors as fball appear to be justly <11-
' titled to any demand thereon, and fliall ap
-1 My for that purpose, according to the form
of rht.Ostute m such madeSt pro* id d
Jiy order of tlieTou'",
DEARE, Clerk.