Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 08, 1794, Image 1

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    DAI L Y EVE N I if G AD V E E T I S E R.
I No. 49 of Vol. VI
Department of State,
July 31, 1794.
IS tipreby Riven, That the Documents,
whtrhhave been fnrwai tied to thisDepart
f&et, rerp-ftliig the compenfation,claim
ed from-t>-e Belligerent" Nations in Europe,
ftrtl* SiVjfrHk-s to the Commerce of the
UnifcJ Sere?, are committed to the care
of the Miiiiffers thoitof residing in the fo
t*3jn Cauntrie? concerned. That all per. intarefted may know, whether their
p-*jpess tave come to hand, a lift of the
rate*, which have been received, will be
fe .i *S liwn a? thsjr can be printed to the
diilcrcrtt Colteftors, and to the Post-Mas.
te r s ia the principal Towns of each State
Tite Printers in the several States are
reqoefted to republifh tlie above.
A French Family,
• WOULD vHfti to be entrusted with the
ciretf a FARM, about the city of Phila
delphia or Trenton, under such compenfa
tmsas may be agreed upon by applying at
Mr. OSMONT's, Nix 117, north* Second
Adj. 4
Money to be Lent,
O 1 of
Wkk-3 the City a,ut Libert es of Philadel
phia- App vto
Icbalas Diehl, jun.
Attorney at Law.
19, south Fourth Jlrcet.
Mi- i
Bar of the United oiaiss,
July 7th, 1794.
I- "i Sis hereby given, that here
i at the Bank after the fixtenrh
v the Stockholders or ther repre
fc*nf auttiorifed, sixteen Dollar'
wu., It, ?re, being th dividend declared
fortk ft fee months,
Bj? «> "dse/of the Freiidcnt ?nd Di'*«<sl^ts.
F «
A LAPtGK boflv-of LAND on t!)is river
m now f">iMafe to St titers on-
J., ,»* nr rftf-rate term J, am! at-ali>ug cietltr.
Tfie rnl is rem fertile. and ih»—
flbroir tlreams of water are interspersed
►f, • a,e whole .country.
r1 1 4»i river flows through one tract
r. ab >ur I'iirty thousand acres, and is with
r!ve f*xcepfion of one obftru&ion, naviga
!• e1- -Suffjuehanmih. '
Srr?ng > Brook Creek, which with its
branches, waters another tradl of about
f r;v hoa(and acres of good Land., emp
tieijtfeii nto the Lachawannock, about
Kv -vt from the Sufqnehannah,.
]( d ; numerous Mill feats, & in its
? -> :t . ten large bodies of well water
ed :> d< '.v grouud.
r Vr traftsare interfered by creeks
«{ ■. able importance.
Wills are already erected for the
ition of the settlers.
e cut in different dire&ionfc, to
urist convenient markets.
nty town is not more than 12
r -nt from uiany parts of the set
' affords an easy and
iare navigation to Middleton, from whence
the Canal to Schuylkill extends the com
mamcatioi) to the city.
Another of connection with Phi
lad lpbia, is by the Delaware, from which
the distance in several places is aboutthirty
The proprietors eombining their own i 11-
(«?r e ft with that of the inhabitants, are diT
pofed t:> erect public utility,open
uoacis, &c. and in every en miles square, a
tßiftof one Hundred acrcs is allotted for a
Scho 'I, and one hundred acres for thefirft
relid 't clergyman of any denomination of
For further particulars apply to
George Eddy.
Wilkes-Barre, Luzernt? C ounty,
Pennsylvania, July 9.
Lettersdire&ed tn George Eddy, at Phi
larlelphia, or this place,or io Thomas Eddy,
at New York, relative to this bufincfs,wil!
be duly answered. eod3m
Principles and Observations
applied to the
o F
Pot and Pearl AJhes.
InfreiW of Pot and Pearl-Aihes for the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
P'iblifhed according to Aft of Congress.
, J h ? e °^ er vaticns relate to an extensive
' ne ' s ' a "d are designed, in the plainest
t T''- t0 conve y profitable information
n tncfemterefiedin it, who have not leif-
V "PPortunity to fearcifor the princi-
Aug. 2
Cjptain Lowell, Having great part
of her cargo on board, will fail in a
few days. Freight taken if ap
plied for immediately, for which as well
as for paflage, appJy to
Andrews & Meredith,
Sll Willing's Wharf.
Aug «ft $.
Wanted to Charter,
CjfejL Three Vejfels,
Of about >ioo to 110 tons
' Louis Ofmont,
No. 117, north Second street,
' Who has for file,
Glass Ware and Bottles,
di w,
A fitt) tierces of
Hams and Butter in firkins.
Aug. 4
jyT3h*. for Sale,
A Stout Ship,
ABOUT fix years old, built of the be ft
seasoned wliireOak, butt bolted throughout
a~d flieathed last fall, is 62 feet keel. 24
feet 2 inches beam, 11 feet 4 inches hold, 4
feet 8 inches between decks, and fnppofed
to carry from 2400 to 2800 barrels. She
may befenttofea at a fmallexptnce. Ap
ply to
Wharton Iff Lewis.
Aug. 4
3=e££siai John TJiompfon, miller.
isL'R'i HK>J about 250 tons, a v< 1 v fub
flantial ftipj built ot live oak and cedar,of
an eafv draught of water, fails remark-
ably and has very excellent accommo
dations lor to fail the firft week
~I»T A ' rrr tmm«-
xj+aTeTTtct Philadelphia.
For palTage only apply to Capr. Thompson
on board, at MUflVs. Warder & Co's wharf,
John Mayo.
July 22
For Sale or Charter,
U mc Sylvejler, majler.
NOW lying at Say's 3 1 above
Market fbeet, burthen abouf 2500 bar
rels, is a good strong veflel, and will be rea
dy to receive a cargo in a few days.
For terms apply to the Captain on board
Water Jlreet, No. 7, south.
7th mo. 25 d
John Paden, Matter.
SAILS fall, and will be ready to take in
a »argo in a few days.
For terms apply to
Joseph Sims,
Madeira and Sherry WINE.
Fit for immediate use,
Red and Pale Jesuits BARK,
White T.EAD ground in oil*
July 25
jSlfcw, For Sale,
The Sloop
Burthen about 700 barrels, in complete
order to receive a cargo, and may be feut
to sea at a small expence.
Apply to
Wharton & Greeves,
Who have remaining on hand,
A few Pipes of
Old Madeira
And a few quarter Cades of SHERRY,
fit for immediate use.
GIN in Cases.
COFFEE in Bags and Barrels.
SUGAR in Hhds.
CORKS in Bales,
Rullia MATTS, and Eighty two
hhds. prime Virginia TOBAC-
July 30.
Friday, Avgust 8, 1794.
Medical Books.
By Thomas Deifiat, at the Stone House
Ko.niff&tth <1 /Ircet,
V O L. 11.
Medical Inquiries
Profc-flor of the Institutes of Medicine, and
of Clinical Pra&ice in the Univer- 1
1. An inquiry into the influence of physical
catilcs upon tlie m't>ral faculty.
2. An inquiry iuto the «ffctts of fp(ritous li
quors npon the human body, and their in
fluence upon the happiness of'fociety.
3. An inquiry into the causes and cure of the
pulruonaiy consumption.
4. Obfervafions on the fymptumsand cureof
5. An Inquiry into the ca'ufesand the cute ol
internal dropsy of the brain.
6. Ar. account of the mealies, as thrv ap
peared in Philadelphia, in the vear 1789.
7. An account of the inniieuaa, as ir appear
ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790,
and x 791.
8. An inquiry ints the causes of the increase
of bilious and lemming fevert, in Penn.
9, An inquiry into the causes and cure of foic
io. An account of thf state of the body and
mind in old ag£, with obfetvations upon
its diseases and theii remedies.
Price one foliar and a quarter unbound, ot
one dollar and a half neatly bound.
Medical Tranfa&ions
College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
VOL. I.—* A R T I
e one dollar in t
A Treatise on the Diseases 0:
With general directions for the management
of Infants from bTrth, adapied for
theufeot physicians and private families.
By Michael Underwood, M. D.
Licentiate ot IVlidwitciy in the Royal Col-
lege ot Pfiyficians in London, and
Physician of the Britifti
Price one Dollar.
This is acknowledged to be the bed bool
pußlifticd on the fiibjeft, auc
is calculated for the use of parents, nurses
and private families, as Bellasforph\ ficwrny
• —The two volumes hanttfomely printed in
one, and the price only about one third of
what the imported copies fell for.
The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two
System of Surgery, extra&ed from the
works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2
dols 50 crnts.
Sylicm of Anatomy, extracted- from the
Encyclopaedia, with 1 2 copperplates, 2 dols.
System of Chemistry, extta£fed fro&i the
Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of thepro
grefs of the fciencee, and the differcn systems
which have been published, 2 dols. 50 Cents.
Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols.
67 cents.
T. Dobfon has in the Press,
An edition ot the Medical and Phtlofophi
cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two vol
umes arc printed in one at 2 dollars and 50
cents per volume ; he has nearly finifhed the
five fir ft. volumes, which containrfhe fir.ft ten*
volumes of the European edition, which fell
for two dollarseach. Nine volumes will in
clude eighteen Europran volumesj which
w ill briog the publication up to the \prefeot
Likewise for falea conjiderable number of
Cuilen's Practice, Materia Medica, Fhyfi
ology, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols,
or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buc ban's Domestic
Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefeldep's A
netomy,'Hunter on the Venereal, Swede.ea
vcr on do. Rollo on Weft India Diseases ;
Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's
outlines of the theory and practice of Mid
wifery, with or without plates; do. on the
management of Female complaints. Mease
on Hydrophobia, &c. &c.
!The Ground Plan
City and Suburbs
IT is with pleasure that the publiflier has
to inform his fubferibers and the public in
general, that the plate is now under the
hands of the engraver, and in greater for
wardnfs than was at firft contemplated. At
the fame time he begs leave to remind
them, that fgbfcription papers are frill o
penatmoftof the noted book-stores in the
city j and that he Ifopes from the whole
of them to be enabled to form ruch a ref
peftable catalogue of names, as will do a
credit to the work, as well as afford a
reasonable encouragement to ths under
These who are desirous of further infor
mation arerequefted to call o.n
Benjamin Davies,
No. 68, Market street.
April 14. nr&thtf
£— 6t
filyof Petmfylvania.
% Medical Books, *vrz
Choice St. Croix Sugar,
And for Sale,
Also a quantify of RUSSIA Matts.
June 24th." d-
Nankeens of Superior Quality,
Long and Aiort pieces
Long and fh'ort black fattins,
Black TafFet es, ami Senfhaws,
Black and coloured I ndia sewing Silk,
Ornamental jars and beakers,
Arui a few long sets of Tea China.
Coloured Sat/ins, Lujlrings, and
T 0 B I N E S,
No. 40, north Fifth Street.
July 1 mw&ftf
War Department,
Augujl 1, 1794.
Information is hereby given
10 ail rlie military Invalids ot the Unite*
States, that the I urns to which they are en
titled tor their annual pension, which will
bee niedueon thfc fifth day of September
1 794> will be pa d on the said day, by the
Comnuflicners ot Loans within the States
refpeCfci ve!y, ur.dei, the usual regulations .
Applications of. Executors or Adminif
tratois muftbe accompau ed with legal e
vidences of their refpedtive offices, and
aifo ot the time of the decease ot such in
valids whose pensions they may claim.
By command of the Pie talent of th« U
nited States, '
Secretary a! War.
The Printers in the fev< ra! States
are re'quefted to publish tli above in their
newfpapc/s tor the (pace o two months
up-. 6 dam
JuJi Publijhed,
Jacob Johnson &c Co.
A r o. 147, Market Jlreety
American Revolution
Writt n in the style of ancient history,in
two vols price {of.
The Italian Nun, trarfiated from the
French of J. J. Rousseau, price 4/8
Moore's Journal ig Fiance, in two vol.
price j 5/
Emits of Solitude, in refledtions and
max ins, relating to the condufi ofHumon
Life, by William Peni), Price 4/2.
' Senecca's Morals, price "]/b.
D dfley's Efops Fables, in Geiman, with
cuts, price 4/8.
Aug. 6
French Revolution.
( Price two Dollars. J
No. 118, Market. J}reet,
or THE
From its Commencement to the exe-
cution of tlie Quben and
the Deputies of the
Gironde Party
ExtraS from the Preface
" The authors have presumed to affix to
their title, the epithet impartial; and the
reason is,faecaufe they cannot charge theni
lelves with feeling the smallest bias to any
party but to that of truth and liberty; and
they flatter themselves, that their readers
will find not only every circumstance fairly
presented, but every tenfurable action,
whoever were the authors or actors, mark,
ed in its proper colours. If it was necefla
ry to make a declaration of their own
principles, they would fay, they are neither
tory nor republican—they love liberty a n ,
English whig 1 !, and execrate every criminal
aft by which fq noble a cause is endangered
nd disgraced.
"In the present ferment of the public
mind, they cannot flatter themselves with
the hope of feeing this claim universally
acknowkdged. On the contrary, tiey are
wellajfured that thrfepages will not be accepta
ble to the zealots oj either party. But when
timeflisrll have diifipated the clouds of poli
tical deception, and appeased the tumul
of the passions, they will with fouie confi
dence expe&that'verdift from publie opini.
on, which andour and moderation fel~
domfail to receive."
Extra£l from the Critical Review, June 1794.
'ia Page.
i'Wc have certainly derived much plea
sure, and acquired much information from
the perusals of those volumes; and we think
them, both for matter and style, wcrthy the
attention of all who interest jhemfelves in
Events which have so ju/tly e*cued the cutio
fity ind astonishment of mankind."
M. CaR£T wilrtn about thee werks Pub
i;n>, Plowden's hiftorv of the Biitifh Ewpire,
from May i79<>> tu
[Whole' No. 599.]
JiiJl Received,
By the floup Eudeavoi, Jon. Paine Master
from Bolton,
New-England Rum, '
In H.! os. foi Sale l>y
Nalbro & John Frazier^
No. Si, Walnut llreet,
IVho have alfa on hand, and Jar /ale,
In pipes and quarter calks, fit for
immediate use.
St. Lucar Wine in pipes y
and quarter cases.
ROTA WINK in quarter caifes
PORT WINE in do.
Borton BEET,
Hyson and .Souchong TEAS,
f-panifh INDIGO.
Ravens DUCK,
8 by 10 Window Glass.
Au S- 5 tuth&Hw
Was left on the iotli
July, along fide of the sloop Sally, one
barrel of Linseed OIL, confining a 7 gal
lons j no marks. The owner may have
it again by applying to William Paul. NcrV
361, north Front street, paving charges
for theiame. '
July <xz
T U, I T I O N.
WILLIAM FINfcH of the New Thea
'■"'n t0 inforn:l his Friends and
the Phljlic, that he has removed from the
corner of Eighth and Arch streets to No.
68, north Eighth between Arch and Race
streets, and chat he continues In give 'in
uructions in the French and EngliJh Lan
gusges as ufua), as alio the Classics; He
lakes this opportunity of exprelUng his ac
knowledgments for the very liberal en
couragement he has experienced, a conti
nuation of which he begs leave tofolicit.
N. B. Translations from either languages
correctly executed. d
By Thomas Dobfon,
At [he Stent House, No. 41, f au th Se-
cor.d Jlreet,
I. LEi f f;KS adme'Ted to the Philofo
phew and Pol ticians ot France, on the sub,
J c o* Religion ;to which are prefixed ob
iervations relating to the caules of the sre.
neral prevalence of Infidelity,
F. R. S, &c.
Price one quarter of a Dollar.
ir. TWO SERMONS, viz.
. 1 ' ' :e prefentftate of Europe compared
wuh ancient prophecies. Preached on th«
Fa ft (lay, in 1794; with a preface contain
ing the realbns Of the author for leavine
England.* *
.*• The use of Christianity, especially in
diflicnlt tunes ; being the Author's Fare*
well Difeourfe to his Congregations, in
Hackney; with Appendixes to the two Ser
motjs, Price one thirdof a dollar.
~!l APFEAL to lhc Serious & Can
did ProfelTors of Christianity, on the soU
lowing fubje&s, vie.
'■ The use of reason in /natters of Reli-
2. The power of man to do the Will of
3- Original Sin.
4. Election and Reprobation,
5. The Divinity ol Christ, and
6. Atonement by the Death of Christ, by
the fame author.
Tq which are added,
A Concise Hiltory of the
rifeef tbofe Doctrines, and an account of
the Trial of M'ElwaJ], for Heresy and Blaf
pheroy, at Stafford Assizes.
Price one eighth of a Hollar.
The Above tliree are re-published with
the author's improvements and additions }
and a : confiderable part of his works, in
an improved state, will make their appear
anee as soon as convenience will admit.
July 28 eod3w
DiJlriß of Pennsylvania,
TO witT
BE it remembered that on the twenty--
thirdday of July in the nineteenth year of
the independence of the United State< of
America, JOSEPH BOGGS, of the said
d'uftrift hath dcpofited in this office, the ti
t* of a book the right whereof he claiiiis
asauthorin the words following, to wit.
" The Philadelphia Dirtilo
ry, for the year 1795 —by Joseph Boggj."
In conformity to the a<st of the Congress
of the United States intituled "Anafifor
tbe encouragement of learning by securing
• the copies of maps charts and books to the
authors and proprietors of such copiesdar
ing the times therein mentioned.
Sam. Caldwell.,
C'erk of the Diftrift of Pcnnlylvania.
July' 30 4
NO. 68.