Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 07, 1794, Image 4

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    Excellent CLARET,
In hoglhcads auU »jt cases o. 1 50 ovules cac!
' A L 1 O,
Afewcafes Champaignewine;
In pipes, and quaticr casks,
No. iii f South Froui iUlci.
Jan. 2, 1794- dtf
guthrie's geography
THE subscription lor this work 011 tlie
original terms, of twelve dollars and the
binding, will be doled tliis <?ay—and. on
Monday t!\e subscription viJlopen At four
teen dollars, cx'clulive of tliepiicc of bind,
Tiie new maps added to this editidn are
twenty one ; among which are those of
Nrw lUmplh re, Maffachufettsj Connefti
cur, Rliode-11l iad', Vermont, New Vojk,
New Jcrfev, Pennsylvania, DeUwa.e, Ma
ryland, Viigjnia, Kentucky, Caro.
lina, the Gene(Ti;e Government, South Ca
rolina, and Georgia. maps ha,re ne
ver been givei; in any former fyfteni of
Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone
be fufficient to entitle this work to a pre
ference to a'ty other edition df Gutluie.
N B. The niap of the United S'ates,
which is compiling by Mr. S tmUel Lewis,
from the refpeftive (late maps, will be fa'
more complete thin any one yet publiihed,
and be printed on two large (tieets of
paper, nearly the size of thi late Mr. Mur
ray's map.
May 31 _ ,j
The following fedtion
of the law for establishing .111 Healih-Ofhcc,
&c. parted the lafl f'efli nof tht
is rc-publifhed tor the information of all
Wm. ALLEN, rteihh-Omcer,
for the poiipi Philadelphia, No. 21,
Key'." aljey^
a ■ ■ . J un C . 2 >, 1 794-
Sec. 7. AND be it fiinHer ena£teui by tHe
antnority Thar eVery ni-ilt r or
Captain of any Oilo or vcfT.l cotTiing from be
yond the sea employed in the
coaling trade of the United States excepted)
and bound to any port or place within the
juril'diAiorv of Pennsylvania, fhali cause his
(hip or ve%l to be brought to anchor, or
other wife ttayed in the stream of th- river
Delaware, opp jfiic to the .health-office on
Sjfate-i/l.>nd alorcfijld, and there to remain
until he (hall have duly obtained a certificate
or btll at health frpiti the resident phyficiah,
in the manner and upon the thrifts Here'n be
fore tin■■■fted : and tf, previoirfly to obtain
ing luch certificate or bill o'f health, any
mailer or captawj (hall ftiffer his ship or vefl'el
to approach nearer than (aid health-office
to the city of Philadelphia, or lhall land, or
cause or fuffcr Sanded, or brought on
fhoic, at any port or place within this fom
monweahh, or at any other port Or place,
wish the intent to be conveyed into this com
monwealth, any persOn or periods, or any
goods, wa-ies ot merchandize ; or if after re
ceiving fnch certrficate or bill of health, he
(hall or retufe to deliver the fame to
the heahh-olHccr agreeably to the dire6lions
of :hu adt, lach matter or capfain fh jll for
ttit and pay, for each and ef ry such ofLnce,
the lum of live hundred dollars to be recover
*d and appropriated as hercinfrtter provided
. an dire&cd , and the captain or master of
ejeh and every ihip or vessel, as Toon as the
fame is brought to anchor, stayed
as aforciaid, (hall fend a fa ft ar.d commodious
to btin»] the resident physician on board
of his Ih'ip or vi IT 1, and (hail in like man.
ner convey him hack to the health-office
alter he has concluded lus official examina
tion J while he is making such examina
tion,or ini cafe of any subsequent examination
by the health-officer-and confuting physician,
as Ihe cafe may be, each and every part of the
Ihip or vessel, and (hall pref' nt to his view
each and every p'etfon on board thereof, and
/hall J :io true and iatiffa£iory answers make
to oil such queilions as the resident phytician
at theum'c of e* mination, or the health offi
cer at the (iirie of delivering the certificate, or
biii of health; in the city of Philadelphia, or
at the time ps exairirrfatioA to be had by
Health.officer together, with the confultina
pbyTlici.-.h ffealt.Ck relative to the health of any
port o; place from which the ship or vessel
failed, or has fi'nce touched atf thenurrtberof
pei sons on board when the fhipor yefTel en
tered on her •; lyage, the number of peffons
that have since be n landed or taken on
board, and when or where refpeftively, what
persons on board,if any have been during the
voyage, or (hall at any time of examination,
be iijfefted with any pellilehtiaT or contdgi
ous dif- afe, what perron beloiVgitio; to the ship
or vetfel, if any died during the Voyage, and
of what disease* and what is the present date
and condition of the persons on board with
fefpeft to their health .ind diseases ; and if
any captain or master of any ship or vessel
fhallrefufe to expose i,he fame asaforefaid to
the fearrh and of the relident
physician, or of the health-officer and confut
ing physician, as the c»afe may be ; or if, hav
ing on board his (hip or vessel any fuc'h per
son or persons, he ffaiaH conceal the fame, or
if in any manner whatsoever he shall knowing
ly deceive or attemot to deceive the proper
officers aforefaid in his answers to their offici
al enquiries, such captain crtr matter, for each
and every such offence, shall forfeit and pay
the fuin of five hundred to be re
covered and appropriated as hereinafter pro
vided and direfled ; and wherever the refi
deni physician, or consulting phyfician # as
the cafe may be, (hall dire£t any person Or
persons, or any goods, warei or merchandize
to be landed at the fcealth-office, or any ship
or vessel (o be detained opposite thereto, and
and there to be fmoaked, clean fed and puri
fied, the captain of the ship or vefTel lhall in
ali refpefts conform to such dire&ions,
shall at the proper cost and charge of his em
ployers carry the fame into.eifeft within such
eafonable time as tkie resident physician, Or
confultiug physician, as the cafe may be, (hall
allow and prescribe; and if any matter or
captain (hall reflife or neglc6t to conform to
these f<'d dire&ions, and to carry the fame
into effect as af-irefaid, according to the ref
petlivf* objffts thereof, he shall forfeit and
pav the sum of five hundred dollars for each
and every offence, to be recovered and appro
priated as is hereinafter provided and dire6t
r.iil.'.ii.-lpVl.j, Mr.'ch, t 1794-
Md- l Market J'treel,
Modern Geography :
. OR t A
Geographical, H'tflorical, ana
Commercial Grammar;
And prefect fiat? of the fifvc al
1. Tlk figure s, motions, and dmaficCs of
the plancts ; accorfling to the Newtonian fyf
te'lh aitd jhe late ft ohfervationJ.
2. A view oft he earth, conficlered
as pjioe:; with ft*vcrai. ufefu'lgeographical
definitions and problems.
3 Tli? gar.d diviiions of the globe into
* land and wt*'ei', continents and iflauds.
4- The iiiuation and extent of empires,
i kingdoftisjftates, provinces and colonies.
5 Their climates, air, foil, vegetables,
pi oduftions, metal"., minerals, natural turi
ofi ties, seas s, bay s,capes, promontories,
iud lakes.
6. The birds and beasts peculiar tp each
1. Observations on the chargfc's.tfijit have
been any where observed upon the frtte of
nature (irice the moil early periods of hif
t°i\y. .
8. The history and origin of nations;
toeii forms of government, religion, laws,
i revenues,taxes,naval and military ftrengtlt
9 The geriiusj in tinners, customs, and
abits of the people.
io. Their language,learning,arts, fcien
' ces, manufaftu'es, and commerce.
IX. The chief cities, firu&ures, :,
and artificial curioliti^s.
1 12. The longitude, latitude, bearings,
and distances of principal piaces from Phila
delphia. v
, To tbhJch are a tided j
1. A Giographical Index, with the
names and places alphabetically arranged.
2. A "1* able ot the Coins of all nations*
and their value in dollars and cehts.
3- A CrtßoNOLodiC Al TasLeof reniarka
li!e events,from the creation tjo the prefdnt
The Aftronomieal Part corrected by
JTo which have been added,
The late Drscov£RiES of Dr. HerscheLL,
2nd othefr eminent Astronomers.
Corrcfted/ Irrfpvoved, and greatly Enlar
The firft volume contains twenty-one
\lnps end Charts, be fides two Agronomical
Plates, viz.
i. Map of the World. 2. Chart of the
tvorle 3- Europe. 4. Asia. 5. Africa. 6.
South America. 7. ( Cook's difcove ies.
8. Countries round the. north Pole. 9
Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. jO, Se
ven United Provinces. ii Anftrian,
French and Diitth Netherlands. 12. Ger
many. Is. Seat of war in France. i 4*
France divided into departments, "i's.
Switzerland. 16. Italy, Sicily, and Sat
dinia. 1,?. Spain and Portugal. 18
Turkey in Enropfc and Hungary. 19. ire
land. 26. Wfeft-Indies. 21. Vermont. 22.
Ar miliary sphere. 23. Copernican system.
With the second volume, which is now
in tire press,' 'will be given the following
1. Rudia in Europe and Asia.
2. Scotland.
3. England and Wales.
4. Poland.
5. China.
6. ''Hindoftah.
7. United States.
8. Britifli America-.
9. State of New-Hampfiiire,
10. State o! MafTachuPetts.
1 1. State of Connecticut.
12. State of Rhode-Island.
13. State of New-York.
i - State of New-Jersey.
15. State of Pennsylvania.
16. State of Delaware.
i - State of Maryland.
18. State of Virginia.
19. State of Kentucky.
29, State of North-Carolina.
21. Tennelfee Government.
22. State of South-Carolina.
23' State of Georgia.
1. Thi* work will b« compriled in two
2. Subscribers pay for the prelent volume
ondelivery, fix dollars, and the price of
binding* (56 cents for boards.)
3. They may receive the succeeding vo
lume in twenty-four weekly numbers, ar
a quarleV dollar each, or else, when si'
nifhed, at tjie fame price as the firft.
4. The subscription will be raised on the
fir ft day of June 1794> to foyrteen-dol
lara, excluhve of binding.
5. Should any copies remain for sale after
the completion ot the work, they will be
fold at lixteen dollars, and the price of
6. The names of the fubffcribers will be
published as patrons of American litera
ture, arts, and fciencfis.
It is wholly urtnecefTary £0 expatiate on
the advantage,to American readers, that
this edition poffejies, over every Imported
edition of any system of Geog aphy extant.
The addit tio'n of maps of the several testa?,
procured a very great expense, and from
the best materials that are attainable,
speaks such full convi&ion on this fubjeft,
that it would be difrefpelt to the read
er's understanding to suppose it rcqufrite
to enter into a detail of arguments to
prove its superiority. In no flmilar work
have such maps beenever introduced.
The emendationsand additions' which
are made in this work,are innumerable,and
occur in every page. The public are re
ferred to the preface for a flight sketch
of a few of them.
The publisher takes the present oppor
tunity of returning his most sincere thanks
to those relpe&able chara&ers who have
favored him with documents for improv
ing the maps of several of the He
requeft l ; a continuance of their kwidnefsj
and hopes that fiich public spirited citizens,
as are pofi'eifed of Gmila. documents, will
favor him with theiramftance in perfett
ing*his undertaking..
The extraordinary encouragementwith
which he ha*i been favored, has excited
in his breast the warmeit sentiments of gra
titude—-sentiments tifue will not et
taee. He pledges himfejf to the citiikns
'>f the United State-,, to fpsfre neither pa;nf>
nor expenft td render the present edition
of Guthrie's Geogfaphy improved, delerv
ing of the"ir patronagfc. waftf
Carolina Rice and Indigo,
, Gurney and Smith.
May 14. > d
Morris Academy.
THIS institution is now open for the re
ception of liudents under the immediate
' care of IVtr. Caleb Rutlell, whole abilities
as an inftraftor, ahef attachnientto the bu
-1 finefs have long be'®"it kneftfn and approved.
He has under bitn the best a/fiftants in
the different branches—-The scholars art
taught the fenglifh, French, La in, and
Greek languages, Writing,
Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, aitc!
the various branches the Mathematics.
The healthy rttnation tii this place is Cue
as to recommend it to those, who wilti to
l,4ve the\r children in the country, boa 10
nig, wafting! mending, &c. will be provid
ed i" good families, and the morals of the
fchdlars carefully attended to.
1 The price including tuition, firewood,
gc.exclufive of the French language) will
1 nf>t exceed thirty f°ui3d6 proclamation mo
nfey per amium) an addition of threedoH&rs
quarter will be mad# to such scholars
vyho are taught the French language. The
! ijjire&bjrj ar edeterinined to pay such atten
tion to this institution, as Will reader it
» refpeff able and uleful.
GAKAIEL H. Fdßtj, }
TIMOTHY-JOHNS, jun. V Direft's.
Morriftown, May 15, 1794
dtw. wauir—
Christiana Mills
For Sale.
ON Monday the firft day of September
next at 8 o'clock in the evening, at the
toffee House in he city of Philadelphia
will be fold by public vendue, two tia<st
I or pieces of iand situated in White Clay
r ieek hunrlrtd,N«Jw Cattle counts and state
. of Delaware'} one of whicli Contains about
sixty acres of highly iiftprOvecf land, on it
area large t\Vo story brick dwelling house, a
co venient brick barn, with (tablingand a
carriage houffc undeiheath, an eteMcn
kii'n for drying corn ; and the well known
\ mills called Christiana Mill?; (late Patter
fon's) which being at the head of the tid£
on Christiana river, and but about half
mile from the landing, is conveniently situ
ated for carrying the article? manufaftyred
ajt the mills hy water to Philadelphia—Tl is
property being C.img to the road leading
from Elkton to Christiana bricigC, anR at
r the head of the ifide, with many othftr at
r Advantages, render ih for
®' tjie bufihfefs so valuable, as t<*>
be equal ed l>y few and excelled by none.
The fatter t'aft containing 175 acres, i<
about on? mile from the mills and is Chief
ly woodland, which being contiguous to
water'carriage to the city of
must be of ihcrea£»ig value, eff»ecial!v n*
tneve is a cjuantity o| Targe timber in (aid
tract suitable foJr the put*poles of the
The terms Upon which the above men
tioned eflates will be fold are—<• ' th'ou
fand pounds to be paid on executing the
deed*, apd seven hundred and sis ty pounds
per annum > with intcreft for the fem&jiUfer
or profjortionabjy for each part.
Indifputablt titles will be for the
property, by
At fame liirie and place will be folcl "a
large BQATj
July 2 mwersts
:■ LETTERS on the fubjefl of the Wash
' ingtori Lottery, being by miflake rdptat
fc'dly addressed to the CbmmilTioners for the
City of Wafhi'tfgtorl.
r Persons concerned are informed,
that ail such ihould be addftlTed either to
W. peakinsjuh. of Washington, or to the
" Sublcriber. The commissiOners never hav
ing contemplated any further concern ih
r this business, than in thSir alfefit to receive
e the bonds ahd approve tht nitrie's of the
f managers. The prizes have been paid and
are paying on demand by W. Dealcins,
e Washington, Peter Oilman, fcoften, and
- by the Subscriber.
For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al
n ready given Vill be retained fey tßfc coifi
' mifiioners, or trahsfieri-ed by thein at their
option to the bank of Columbia ; and the
commissionerS will be consulted refpefiing
» a judicious and equitable disposition of the
™ houses to be built thereby ; their treasury
Or the bank of Columbia will receive the
l] money intended for the National tTniver
j fity, and they will be Consulted in the no
-0 mination of the 24 managers ; but all the
J; refponfibiltty refpedting the general dispo
sition of the tickets, and payment of pri
h zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on
d tke persons whose names are ahd fnay be
.. hereafter published as afliftants to forward
I, this bufineft with
N. B. Mr. Blodget \vill be particularly
obliged if thole persons who poflefs prizes
e yet unpaid, will apply for their msuey as
" early as possible.
e June 7th. d .
One hundred dollars
there were de iVrred in the
Month of October last, r m the Stores ol
the Sflbfiftriheii, TwpCheils and nine Half-
Chests of Bohea Tcj, marked, numbered
and weigliii g, :is undei, to foqie person 01
• erions with piefended oiders from Mr.
CLASON of this City, butw hich
.he' did ngt teceivL-; ti'hoe'ver give in
I' ll illation so that adifcovei » may be made,
wiio gut the said Tea, fliail receive the
. iliove inward ; -nd it sre iiefted tnat the
'Dealeis in the Article wi 1 i e c.vreflil in
otaiHimiig'tht! ai d N'uiiil.ers of the
Che'fts that have passed through then hands
fmce the pe.i -d above-tiKiniuiKd, and give
tr>e desired information.
New-Yoik, Jply 1 794-
'William and "James Conjlable.
Ship Washington.
C. q. Ib. Tare
C No. 327 3 2 16 60 \ Whbit
I 4/3 3224 64 Cheftt
w r 177 13 u 39'"
B. 177 1 »ij 39
198 137 41
213' 13 iS 37 Half
C 227 I 3 7 40 |> Chefls.
I 287 13 9 38 I
r 3CI 1 3 15 40 i
579 1 3 18 41 I
t 404 I 3 !4 39 J
Apr. 6 dinl
Treal'ury Department
Revenue Office. Augujl $lh'. 1794*
PROPOSALS will be received at the Of
fice of flit of tlx? Reveui.e,,.
#Jo« 43, louth.Third ftieet, for furntfhing
by contract, Seven hundred a'ld fixtt eight
For the corps of Artilleries Engin
eers, to be made agreeably to a Pattern
Hat which will bf shewn at :he Office z
forcTaid, to any person disposed to contriidl.
Aug 6 eod2W
ki'ibard JahUs \ In the Charttery Court
1> ( of the
yohrt Wells anil t State of Maryland,
Mordecai Cole, j May i(>tb 1794
The Complainant hath fil
ed his bill, for the purpose of obtaining a
decree, to velt in Klni a complete legal title
to two tracts of laiio, lyitiß in
county, one called PairitM con
taining 100 acres, the other calTtd profpefiSV
Containing 50 acres He ftater.,that the ("aid
John Wells ou the f6th day of Marth 1774
contrUHffed to fell «T»e laid la net to the laid
Mordecai)Cole,&.Vxeeuted to hirt 1 ! a bond for
conveyance,that the Tn'.tl on the fame
day, executed to the laici Wells a bond for
the pavm'.nt of the purchase money amoun
tin&.to,/6"75 Pennlylvania cnr.ency, that
the la id Cole Kath since the whole
of TmJ p6rchafe iiioney, and hath ailigned
to (tfe Conrtplainaut the said boi»d for con
veyance) ti»ai tlk laid >Vells hath never
executed a deed, agreeably to his contract
but hath removed out of' the ftateof Mary
lahd, arid fio\V ride's in the of iten
It is therfiTpon, and at thereqlieft of the
coitrplainant, adjudged, ordered, that
he procure a eopv of thr ofde- to be infert
tdkt least fix weeks fnc< plTftre !
he firft* of Airguft nfeici, in the United |
SxMh oa"4et;e at pftiladeljlhrfc, to thein- 1
tent, thai the said John "Wells may have no
tice of (he complainant's application to
this court, and mny be warned to appear
here, 011 orbefo;e the £ift fuettfay ih Oc
tooer to fliew cause wherefore this
cburt lliftuitl not proceed to decret, agree
ably to the prayer of the complainant, and
to the afl ol aflembly, for such cases made
and provided.
Samuel Harvey Howard.
Reg. Cur. Can.
Jh'ie 13 rflwif6w
Jult Ptlblifhed,
In one handi'ome volume, 12mo. Price 5S
And Fbk sale hy
At Frankfiti's Head, No. 41, Chefuut
an essay on the
NatUrcd Equality of Men,
Oh fee Rights thHt result frota it, ind on
the I)iztie's it *
To which '4 MEDAL «»as adjtidgtd, by
the Te'ylcriih Sodhy it :i;Vailefn.
Correfled And Ehiargcri. by
i). D.
Profefl'dr of Moral Philosophy, and the
Law of Nature, arid oi' Kccle/iaftical
Iliftorj ; anil Minister bf the English
Church at Uttecht.
Aliquid Trfhifiei ad conifiinneih utilitatefn
affcrendum. Cicero.
The F'trjl American Edition.
THEgrand principle ot Equality, if
rightly understood, is the odly bails
Oil which universal jufti'ce, sacred bKfer,
find [ierTetf freedom, can he firhily btilit,
and fieriMnehtly secured. The vew of
it exhibited in this essay, at the fame tirrte
tliat it rtprell'es the inl'olcnce of officej
the tyranny of pride, and the outrages of
oppreiiion ; confirn'*, ih tlie niolt forcible
manrrer, tire tiect *11 y of fiihiirdinatioi),
and the just dtmands of la-wful authority.
So (ar indeed, from loofenii g the bands
of society, that it maintains inviolate, e
very iiatural and every civil diftinfiion,
draws more clo'ely evet y t'ocial tie, Unites
in onehhrrhoiwotis and jnllly proportioned
f'yftfm, and brings men together on the
even grbund of the inherent 1 ights of hu
man naure, of reciprocal obligation, and
of a common relation to the community.
J March 18. tuts
LANDING at HafniWj wharf, above
the Drawbridge, oat of the fliip BaCcu?
.Cept. VanKeMan, from Jamaica
May 16.
At the STORES Of
Jefle & Robert Wain
PORT WINE in pipes, hhd, and
ter calks ° uar
LISBON d"-in pipes and qnarierr n.
Souchong and Congo TEAS, i„ s
chests ' quai, «''
A of Li!bbnand Cadi? Sir™
Soft ffleltert ALMONDS in bilt, T
Velvet CORKS, .in do.
K'uffia MATTS.
j""C 9
—— • ■ ■ . a
1 he Public are cautioned to
■biwdre of Mumrfated j J U J
of. the Bank of the United StZ, **'
Dotlar Bil k of the Bank ofhZt
America, Jcveral of which have ap b '! ,
in circulation within a few days tan ,1
are good general imitation of thr tL *
Orwhg' 4 bC Sl> ' Jhcd b tkfil.
M A R K S.
Five Hollar Bills of the Bank
United States. J "*
ALL that have appeared have the lette,
f. tor their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper i s thicker
Whiter <nd it takes the ink more fret u
than the genuine paper. '
, Tt "! ,h f word Com pany is fm»I!«r
ttian the M. and other letters of tint word
lo that a line extended from the top of ,he
O, to touch the top Of the M. would extend
cortfldtiafcily above thfi range of the wh o(e
In the word United the leftersare nar
rower audclofer together than theitft of
the bill.
The (sted/ft the word promise are not
parallel, thfe /inclining much more iorWard
thin the 1.
The engraving i s badly executed, the
ftioktsof all the Letters are ftroime- a.,d
the dev. en, Remargin particularly ismuch
Coa.fer and appears darker ,han in thetrut
bill.. Siime ol the counterfeits bear date in
179'—Whereas the Bank was net in o per<u
tion till JJecei.iber, and no five dollar bills
were iitueri in jhat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared h*v£ the letter
B. for their alphabetical mark.
I l ey are printed on a paper nearly fimi
ia'rto that of the counterfeit Five Di»'Jar
Notes above described J the engraving is
L>< tier executed, and they approach nearer
to the appearance of the genuine hills.
Pht 1 fine ruled fines through the wout
in the body of the bill) are in nutn
ber th rteen in the genuine bills, and but
twelve in the counterfeits.
Thfe Word Ctittyafiy is much like the fahie
word in the Five Dollar Bills as d£fcf bed
above, the o being less than the rh, and o
the's following
There is n" stroke to the / inthe word
Norlh whereas rn the genuinebills theflroke
is well defined.
The letters tnt in the word Tn'cnty, to
thfe left hand "at the bottom, do noi conve
down to the line, but are so cut as to give
ah irregular appearance to the word, the
Tiu and they going below theni.
Thfc fignatbfe f NixOrr, has the appear
ance ol beirig written with )a#ib.blick and
oil, and diflers from oihet inks ufrd in
priming th bills and the caihier's Jigna
it fa fUftyofeci these forgeries wkre commit
ted 111 fame of the Southern States, as all the
counterfeits thai have appeared, have come
froin thence, and two pcrfous have been ap
*»ichentfed in Virginia, on suspicion ol b'eitfg
the author of therrt.
LARS will be paid to any Perfou or Perlona
who fliall discover and prosecute to cor«c
tiou the feveial offenders of tlte following
or any ol them, viz.
The perfou or who manufactur
ed the paper on which the Billsare printed.
The jierfdn or persons, wlip errgrfved the
plait s.
The printer or printers, ol the bills.
Every person who has acted as a principal
>n any other way, in the counterfeiting aatt
uttering tlie said bills#
Philadelphia, March 28, »794
4sril 22, 1794*
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank of the United States ha ve »p
---pearcdln circulation.
The denomination is of TWEN'TT
DOLLARS, and the alphaJjgtical mark is
the letter B.'
They miy be diflingui(hed frum the ge
nuifie by the following MARKS :
The paper of the counteifeits is of *
niore tender texture and gioiiey furface
than the genuine, and there is no water
mark in them.
The letter C. in the word Catiier, in
he true bills is strongly marked, where**
in the counterfeits, the whole letter i a
fine hair stroke, evidently in an nnlinifl-ed
(late. The lfettfera in the Word demSnSr
is badly lormcd and the whole word ill 'l° ne
ind there Is'noebihma at thbend of It, 85
there Is in the bills.
The iiiargitial is nKte'i daiker
in the falfi?, thaw in the genuine 6iHs oW ''
ing to the ihade strokes being coarser, nine" l
nearer together, and confeqnently
11101 e numerous. This difference ftrites 'I*
eye atfirft view.
will be paid fo-r appreheiHiutg,
it prosecuting to the leveial
above defcrib ?d Offenders in icfpeCt to thiJf
as to the last defrribed bills.
of the ttartk United Si*'"-
JOHN NIXON, Frrftdent hi the
Bank ot North America.
By order of the Committees nt the Kc •
pc<Elive Boards.
i N tJ M>