DAI LY EV E N ING AD VE RTISER. [No. 47 o'f Vbl. VI * JJcpartment of Slate, July 31, 1794. NOTICE IS h rcbv givcOi That the Documents, ' which have been foKvardetf to thisUepart tnent, refp'fting the compeulatiotij claim ed J win the Belligerent Nations in. Europe, fur the injuries to the Commerce of the U'ifted Stte;, arc committed to the care of the Minciters theicof refidihg in the fo reign Countries concerned. That all per sons intereftea may know, whether their papers have come tp hand, a. lift-of the ca e<, which have been received, . will be lent as soon as they can be printed to the d'nTLrent Collectors, and to the Post-Mas. ters in the principal Towns of each State The Printers in the fcveral States are requeued to republilh the above. di w. A French Family, V/l I''LD wilb to br entrusted witii the ■fare of a FARM, about the city of Phila delphia o* Trenton, under such ■ com pen fc fiops as m.i* b-ragroed upon by applying at Mr. No. 117, north* Second a.-wt Apr. k~~ Money to be Lent, •; . * On Mortgage of REAL ESTATES; Within the Citv a.id Libert aof Philadel phia. App'vto Nicholas Diebl, jun. Attorney at Law. No. 19, south Fourth Jireet. Aug. 4 mw&ftf Bank of the United States, J«iy 7* h > 1794- NOTICg is hereby give', thjlt hen will he paid at the Bank after the iixtenth instant, to fhc Stockholders or therrepre feotative": duly authorise.d, sixteen Dollars lor each (liare, being th dividend declared fort he |,ft |ix months, . • By order of the PrefidenMnd Direftori JOHN KEAN, Calhier. eodim. Lachawannock. A LARGF feody of LAND on this river ■anditi waters, is now far I'aJe to Seti 1 en on ly, t>n ; moderate termsjand ftrearm of watcrare interspersed through the whole Country. The mam river flows through one tract of about thirty thoufanri and is with the exception of one obftru&ion, naviga ble to tht Sufquehannah. Spring Brook Creek, which with its branches, waters another tradt of about forty thoufarid acrps of good Land, emp ties itfejf nto the Lachawanndck, about tvejve miles from tht Sufquehannah, !t affords numerous .Mill &in its course creates large bodies of well water ed meadow ground. /The other tra' above Market street, burthen about 2JOO bar ■ els, is a strong veflel, and will be rea dy to receive a cargo in a tew days. For terms apply to the Captain on board or - - - -HIIMFOBJX-&._ABIJAH pAWES, Water Jireet, No. 7, 7rh ino 5 " ~f Charterj 6 L A NYMPH, John PadSn, Master. SAILS fact, and will be ready to take in a cjargo in a few days. For terms apply to Jofepk Sims, WHO HAS fr.OR SALE, Madeira and Sherry WINE: Fit for immediate Oft; BRANDY, Red and Pale Jesuits BARK, White LEAD ground in oil, BRIMSTONE, &e. July 15 d Eor Sale, nrnvsißt, Burthen about 700 barrels, in complete order to receive a cargo, and may be feut to sea at a small expenee. Apply to Wharton & G reeves, Who have remaining on hand, A few Pipes of Old Madeira Wine, And a few quarter Calks of SHERRY, fit for immediate use. GIN in Cases. © COFFEE in Bags and Barrels. SUGAR in Hhds. CORKS in Bales, Russia MATTB, and Eighty two hhds. prime Virginia TOBAC CO. Jnly 30. d—6t TO BE SOLD, THOMAS DOBSON, Alphabetical Lift OF tHE DUTIES payable by law on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandise imported into the United Saates of A.nerica, after the last day of June 1784, distinguishing the rates payable on those imported in Ihips or veflels of the United Statet—and the rates payable in fo reign (hips or vefljels, including the addi tional duties, to which the refpraive arti cles are liable. July 29 Wednesday, Aubu&r 6, 1794. The Ground Plan -OT TH E City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM jtCtVAI SUHVSr. IT is with pleasure that the publiiher has to inform his fubferibers and the public in general, that the plate is now Under the bands of the engraver, and in greater for wardnfs than was at firft contemplated. At the fame time he begs leave to remind them, th t fubfeription papers are dill o pen at moftof the noted book-stores j n the city ; and that he bopes from the whole of item to be enabled to I'o m such a res pectable catalogue of names, as will do a credit to the work, as well as afford a reafonabie encouragement to th® under taker. Thjfe wh» are drlirous of further infor mation arerfequefted to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market street. April 14. m&thtf Medical Books. JUST PUBHBHFD, by Thomas Dehfon, at the Stone Hou/e No. 41, south Seco dJireet, VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries O B S E R VA T I O N S. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. of the Inditutcs ot Medicine, and of Clinical Prattice in the Uuiver fityof Pcnnfylvania. containing t. An inquiry into the influence of physical causes upon the moral faculty. 2. An inquiry iuto the «Be6ls of fpirirous li quofs nj>on the human body, and their in fluence Upon the happtnefs of society. 3 An inquiry into rhc caufcs and cure of the puimonaiy consumption; 4. Obfervafion*on the fymptumsand cureo! diopfies. 5. An Inquiry into the causes and the Cureot internal dropsy of the brain. 6. An Account of the .mcaflcs, as thry ap pealed in Philadelphia, in the vbar 1789. 7. An account of (he influenza, as it appear ed in Philadelphia in the year» 1789,1790, and 1791. 8. An inquiry int« the caufcs ©I thcJzLCXfafo OT UIMOUB 4iiu ictcCS, IB fCITTi . fylVania. 9. An inquiry tnta the caufeHnd cure of fore legs. 10. An atcount oT the state of the body and raind in old age, with observations upon its difcafes and their rennedies. Price one dollar and a Quartet unbound, or one dollar and a half neatly bound. Medical Tranfaftions Of THE College of Physicians of Philadelphia. VOL I—P AR T I. Price one dollar in boards. A Treatise on the Diseases of Children. With general directions for the managerrent of Infants from the birth, adapted for the use of piryficians and private families. By Michael Underwood, M. D. Licentiate o! Midwifery in the Royal Col lege of Physicians in London, and Phyfifcian of tbe Biitifh iymg-in-Hofpital. Price tint Dollari This is acknowledged to be the btft bool which has been published on the fubjefl, ant is calculated for the use of parents, nurses, and private TamilieS, as well as for physicians —The two volumes handtomely printed in one, and the price onjy about one third ot what the imported copies fell for. The Edinburgh New Difptnfatory, two dollars. System of Surgery, ejitra&ed from the works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Water*, 2 dots. 50 cents. System of Anatomy, extra&ed from the Encyclopaedia, with I 2 Copperplate#, 2 dols. S)flemot Chemistry, extra&ed fro?n the Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of tbe pro gress of the fciencee, and the different {yftems which have been published* 2 dols. 50 cents. Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols. 67 cents. TDobfon has in the Press, An edition ot the Medical add Philofophi cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two v#l umes are printed in one at 2 dollars and 50 cents' per volume ; he has nearly fi'niibed life fiv- firft volumes, whtch coAtain the firft ten volumes of the European edition, which fell for two dollarseach. Nine volumes will in clude eighteen European volumes, whrch will briog the publication up to the prefeat time. Likevjife for sale a conji'derabh? number 6f Medical Books, l iz. Cullen's Pra&ice, Materia Medica, Physi ology, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols, or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, BucHan's Domestic Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A netomy', Hunter on the Vrtiereal, Swedeea vcr on do. Rollo on Weft India Diseases ; Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's outlines of the theory and praQice of Mid wifery, with or without plates ; do. on the management of Female complaiols. Mease on £tc. &c. . and 1791. 8. An inqutr Choice St. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, And for Stile, By JAMES YaKD. ' Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matts. June 34th. jj. Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR STONES, FOR SALE By Gurney and Smith. - i NANKEENS. Nankeens of Superior Ssualit)\ Long and short pieces Long and Ihort black fattins, Black Taffet e«, and Senlhaws, Black and coloured I ndia sewing Silk, Ornamental jars and beakers, And a few longfets of Tea China. Coloured Sattins, Lustrings, and T 0 B / N E S, FOR SALE AT No. 40, north Fifth Street. July 7 mw&ftf Just Published, And to he fold by THOMAS DOBSON, Al the Stone House No. 41, south Second street, price t-Sth of a dollar, An Impartial Review Of that pait of Dr. AUSH's Late PUBLICATION On the YELLOW FEVER, Which treats of its origin. In which his opinion is fh< wn to be erro neous— the lotroduftion of the disease by importation proved, and the wholefotneuefs of the ctty vindicated. By William Currie, Felldw of the College of Physicians, &« At the fame place may be had Dr. Curries Treatise on the Yellow Fever, And his account of the Climates and Dis eases of America. July 26 French Revolution, JUST PUBLISHED. (Price two Dollars.J By MAT HEW CARET, No. i 18, Market Jireet, AN IMPARTIAL HISTORY OF THE FRENCH REVOLUTION-, From its Commencement to the exe cution of the Qbeen and the Deputies of the Gironde Party ExtraS from the Preface " The author* have presumed to affix to their title, the epithet impartial; and the realon is, Secaufe they cannot chatgethem felves with feeing the fmillltft bias to any party btot to that to*" truth and liberty ; itld they flatter themselVes, that their readers will find not only every circuinftante fairly presented, but every tenfut'ble aftioo, whoever were the auttiors or aflors, nVark ed in its proper colours, tf it was necefla ry to make a d«tlarafioti of their own principles, they would liy, they arereither tory nor republican—they love liberty a-. Englith whigs, and exec-rate every criminal aft by which so noblt a cause is endangered nd disgraced. «i n the prefetit ferment of the public mind, they can if tit flatter themselves \*ith the hope of feeing this claim univerfajlj acknowlfdged. On the contfary, they art wellajfurei that these f egis ivill not be acltpti bie to the zealots Oj either party But when time lhall h*ve d fiipated the clotids o» pol : tical deception,- and appealed the tumul ol the pafiions, they will with fouie confi dence expeftthat verdiftfrom tfnblie opini on, which andotir and moderation fel domfail to receive." Extraftfrom the Critical fttview, June 1794. 12 Page. We have certainly derived much plea sure and acquired-much inlormation tmm the perilfals of those voluriies; and wr think them, both formatter and style, wenhy the attention of all who interest themfclvea in Events wti'dh have so justly excited the curio fity and afloni{hment of mankind." M. Ca*M will in about thee weeks Pub lilh, Plowden's hiftorv of the Biitilh Empire, from May 1792. "» December 1793- «steod. Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, W»ll-ftreet, Nt*-Yo«s. THE Subfctiber intending to confinchim felf entirely to th'e PURCHASE and SALE or STOCKS on COM gs leave to off r hislervicet to his Iriends and others, in the lineof a Stock Broker. Those who may pl'eafe to favor him with their bufi. oefs, may drpenii upon haring it tranfaQed wiih *he uimolt fidelity ai«d difpuch. Orders from Philadelphia, Bofton.orany oiber part of the United States, will be flriftiy attanded 16. LEONARD BLtECKER. [Whole No. 597.3 JiiJl Received^ Bv thfe floup ktidcavoi, J on . Paine Mailer from Boston, New-England Rum, In H ds. foi Sale » y Nalbro' 1$ John Frazier, No. 81, Walnut street, Who ha-ve aljo on hand, and for fait, SHERRY WINE, In pipes and quarter calks, fit for immediate use. St. Lucar Wine in pipes, and quarter calks. ft OTA WINE in quarter casks PORT WINE in do. Potion BEEF, Hyfun and Souh&ng TEAS, Spanilh INDIGO. Ravens DUCK, TiCKLF NBURG, OZNABRIGS, DOWLAS, and 8 fy lo Window Glass. A °g- t tuth(S.<4w Was left on the iotli July, along fide of the fioop Sally, one barrel of Linseed OIL, containing ay gal loiu i no marks. The owner may I: ay it again by applying to William Faul. No. 361, north Front *reet, paying charges for the fame. j"'y aa » 4 t tuition, WILLIAM FINCH of the New Thea tre, begs leave to inform his Friends end the Pul-lic, that he has removed from the corner of Eighth and Arch streets to No. 68, north Eighth between Arch and Race ftreeis, and that he continues to give In* ftruitionsin the French and Englilh Lan guages as usual, as also the Classics. He takes this opportdnity of e*preifing his ac knowledgements for the very liberal en couragement he has experienced, a conti nuation of which he begs leave tofoiicit. N - Tranllations from either lancua&es corrcftly executed. d THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dobfon, sh \fti Sicni ffoa/e, A r o. 41, south Se cond Jireet, 1. LETTERS adoieilt-d to the Philofo pher.. and Pol ticians of France, on the je£t ol Religion j to which are prefixed ob- Wrvations relating to the causes of tile ge. neral prevalence of Infidelity, Bj, JOSEPH PRIESTLET, L.L. D. F. R. S. &c. Price oil* quarter of a Dollar. 11. TWO SERMONS, viz «. The present state of Europe compared with ancient prophecies. Preached on the Faftday, j n ,794 • xvith a preface contain ing the rcafons of the author for leaving England. J- The use of Christianity, especially in difficult tirtes; being the Author's Fare well Difeourfe to his Congregations in H-ickney j with Appendixes ro the two Ser mons, Price one third of a dollar. '''J- An APPEAL to the Serious & Can did Profeflors ot Christianity, on the fol lowing fubjefls, vi£. >• The use of reason in matters ol Reli gion. 2. The power of man to do the Will of God. 3. Original Sin. 4. Election and Reprobation, 5. The Divinity of Clirift, and 6. Atonelhcnt by the Death 01 Christ, by the fame author. To which are it died, A Concise History of the rife«t thole Doftrincj, ai d an account of the Tiial of M'Elwall, for Heresy and Blas phemy, at Stafford Allizu. • Price one eighth 0/ a Dollar. The aboVe tkiee are re-puhliltud with the author's improvements and additions; and a conlidtrable part at his works, in an improved state, will make their appear ance as soon as convenience will admit. July 28 eodjw NO. 68. DiJlriEl of Pennsylvania^ TO WIT. BE it remembered that on the twenty thirdday of July in the nineteenth ye»r of 'tie independence of the United States of America, JOSEPH BOGCS, of the said diftrffl hath deposited in this office, the ti te of a book Ihe light whereof he claims as author in the words following, to wit. " The Philadelphia Dire 61 o ry, for the year 179,5— by Joseph Boggs." In conformity to the of the (or gtefs of the United States intituled «• An for the encouragement of learning by fecurng the copies of maps charts and books to the authors and proprietors of such c piesdur ing the times therein irertiomd Sam. Caldwell,, Clerk tf the Dillrift of Pennsylvania. Juiy ja * m&thtf