give evidence of the fa£ts, it appeared ai!y&tis!jflwyto the Honfe, that there is jmt the '.-sui foundation for such a publica t a ; and in as milch as such publications k«ea din** tendency 1 to excite dread in tfec zninds of the citizens, Resolved, that this bc-ife highly disapprove of the con of and Pmyth, ir. this pirti uiiir; an.cS that the i'everai affidavits of fiuTk be puklifced, in order to counteract aay un-ioe influence which such an iiljudi tio-x- *?. might impress 011 the public mind. Rrfbfaed thai a popy of those proceedings, as«rcll*asof the affidavits, be immediate ly trjaScisted by exprels to the JMayor of flMiipSra for further communication ; an) 4 that tie Editors of the dilierent newf jMoere in rtt United States be requeued to piitbiiitM isk&bi* Signed by order of the BurgefTes and Atfiftn nfs. SAM. BYRNES, T. Clerk. Six aSiciavirs follow, which ftat* in the fiiHeft asd most unequivocal terms that the ■wrfiy and crew of the (loop Lark, Cipt. Gayer ft jo New Orleans, wa, fully in ip r'd, and found to be perfectly free from aay inreftion or ficknef;—and the tides in gcrod order, none- of them being damaged. At this dry season for news, the follow ing- ad*ertifement extra, may afford a moment's amusement to our readers. It istahm from the Eagle, a pa per printed at Hanover N. H. near Dartmouth College. VARIETY STORE. To the Literati. Mcfi COLON & SPONDEE,- UHLnlifiile dealers in Verfc, Profr, and Mujlck, Beg leave to inform the public, and the teamed in' particular,.- that previous to the ei»fu!ng commencement, Thay purpjfe to open a frelh afTortment OF » GOODS, Suitable for the Season, At the r vfmt on tlx Plain, lately occupied fy Mr. Frederic Wiser, Tonfor if it carl he procured■— Wheine thev will expose to sale— SALUTATORY and Valcdiftory Syllogiitic ami Forensic Dif .and Dialogues among the lu«M.£ the dead ; Theses aftd Maf teint Qh'sKirmt, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Syrac* AraLfc, a,id the ancient Coptic, neatly fflkj/ii.'ied .into Dialogues, Orati tomsi, At. on the fhortdt notice ; with DiSertatioitt 011 tht* .Targum and Tal- Batnl, and Collations after tlje manner of Kiniiiftti; t"lcbrj\v rpota. Hjjd other firaiipfcs; D-iii* Lgngnagec foe living I>,r«»ues.; Oriental Languages, with.or W.tfujQt points,- prefixes, or fqffixes j' Attic, Doric, lonic, and Jfeoik. Dia with the Waba(h, OntSndago, aawl Muhawk-'Gutturnls ; uSynelcephas, EKjiitos., and Ellipses of the ncweft cut; »*i abided tod do-fe tailed to their vowels, irStli a M afTortment of the genuine Pcßopaiwcfian Nasal Twangs^—Claffic CiairtpEimewts adapted to all dignities, wttfc fttEkrlatives in 0, and gerunds in tFs„ grain-—Monologues, Dinlogues, Trifaf-ograes, Ttsr»k»gue», and so on si ntES ant to /Ti+i/y-'ogtles. Anagranjs. Acrollics, Anacreontics-; CbwKwgr.tms, Epigrams, Hudibraftics, Panegyrics; Rebtiles, Charades, Punts, aiwl Conundrums, by the gross, or JtagSc ifo-zen. Sonnetts, Elegies, EpttWamiums ; Bucolics, Georgics, Epic Potms, Dedications, and Adulatory Prefaces, In verse and prvfi. Ether, M:(l, Sleet, Rain, Snow, Lightning, and Thunder, prepared and 1 pcrfbtiified, after the manner of Delia Crufca, with a quantity of Brc-zun Hor ror, Blue Fear, and Child begetting Lqi'c, from the fame Manufactory} with a pleasing variety of high-colored, com '..and Epithets, well afibrted Far ■ragoes, and other Brunonian Opiates : Auti-Inftitutes, or the new and concise f stent mode of applying forty letters to »he fpelltng of a monosyllable—-Love Letters by the Ream—Summary Ar guments, both Merry and Serious— Sermons, moral, occasional, or polemi cal—Sermons for Texts, and Texts for Sermons—Old Orations scoured, Fo rentics furbifhed, Blunt Epigrams new ly pointed, and cold Con/ereuces ha(ll ccf ; with Extemporaneous Prayers cor reeled av.d amended—Alliterations art fully aliied—and periods polished to pcrftftion. Airs, Canons, Catches, and Canta tas^—Fugea, Overtures, and Sympho nies for any number of Instruments— Serenades for Nocturnal Lovers—with R'f Trees full blown, and Black Jokes if Vl colours—Aniens and Hallelujahs, trilled, quavered, and slurred—with Couplets, Syncopations, Minims, and • 'rotchct Retts, for female voices—and »S"/' t, with three parts, for hand organs. Ciaffic College Bows, clear starched, Ltcly imported from Cambridge, and now used by all the topping fcientific connoifTeurs, in hair wigs, in thisccou- t try. Adventures, Paragraphs.Letters from Correfptittdents, Count rv Seats for R t rnl Members of Ccngrefs, provided for Editors of Newspapers—with •■.ceid-'nc al Deaths, Battles, Bloody Murders, Premature News, Tempelts, Thunder and Lightning; and Hail-Stones, of all dimcnfions, adapted to the Season. Circles squared, Mathematical points divided into quarters, and half (hares; ( and jointed Affumprotes, which will meet at any given diftauee. Syllogisms in Bocardo, an 3 Baralip . ton ; Serious Cautions agaiult Whore- [ dom, Drunkenness, &c. and other coarse : Wrapping-Paper, gratis, to those who i buy the (mailed article^ (C/* On hand a fi'iv Tierces of Attic j Salt Also, C"jh, anil the highejl price, j given for Raw Wit, for the use of the Manufactory, or taken in exchange for the above Articles. By this Mail. NORFOLK, July 2s. Yesterday arrived the. schooner Lady' Walhington, Watson, in 15 days from Nevis. By this \»-fi'el a St. Christo pher's paper is received to the 10 inft. from which the following intelligence is ext rafted BASSETERRE, jiily 10. We promised in, our last to give olir readers the eailielt intelligence received from Guadalope, but are sorry they should be of the disagreeable nature of the following extract ; but sincerely hope the loss of our men therein mentioned, is exaggerated :— Eitraft of a letter From 4 perfori in Gufcdalotibe, who had befcn with the army besieging Point Petre, to his friend in this Eland, dated July 5. "The French attacked oilr different pods, but paid clear for their preemp tion; leaving, in killed and wounded 300 men; the loss on our fide were 20. Our 5 batteries having been completed, were playing incessantly on s ,e fort, when an order was given to march 700 men to ilorm the town. The French having intelligence 1 of this, (1 suppose from some rascals, which had joined us for that ptirpofc) brought one of their fiigates nearlhore, and landed a number of men from the ot'. /r vcfTels ; their, whole force, of ail dekriptions of per* sons, amounted to 3000 men, which waited the aflault.—They kept the greatest (Hence, and did not fire a (hot until our men /nit in. the town, when the frigate and companies flationed in the ltreets and avenues, with wail pieces, loaded with langrage and grape {hot, commenced a moll tremendous fire, which itwasmorally impossible to with ftar.U, We were obliged to retreat, leaving-12 offtce.s and near 400 soldiers and sailors killed and wounded ; the in human enemy (tabbing those who had been (hot, that they foud life in. "We drew oft «or gUns frpm the bat tery that I was in, and joined our troops in the town below. The French ate hem'd in on all fides." We are sorry the writer of thfi above was not particular in his dates and names of Place*. We are informed that General Grey and Sir John Jervis had declared, they "would reduce Point Petre to a heap of ruins with red hot balls, which was to have taken place on Sunday last. The women are getting away as fait as they can. NE'W-YORK, Aug. 4. POSTSCRIPT. A Barbadoes paper of the nth July, was received in town on Saturday. A gentleman who has perused said paper, verbally relales the-following, as nearly as we can relate it: "That the Britilh June packet had arrived there in a short pafTage from England, with official accounts of the engagement between the Englilh and French fleets, which, after an ob II in ale battle, terminated in favor of the Eng lish, they being of superior force, ha ving taken nine sale of French (hips of war, and were in pursuit of the others, when the dispatches were sent off. «• That a junction between the Duke of York & Gen. Clairfayt had been ef fcfted ; and that another engagement had been fought on, or abont the ift. of June, between them and Mr. Pi chegru, the Frensh general, which proved molt favourable to the allies." From the above source a variety of reports have taken wing, and are in fwift circulation ; but in all probability, there is but little truth in them. The arrival of the packet, however, may be hourly expected, which enable us to lay before our readers fueh ext rafts and official communications as will put them in pofieffion of these interesting < particulars. , From the w-Tori Diary \ of; Saturday Evening. 1 Resort of thi Day. Captain Cochran is jull returned to the Hook—aud during his cruize he spoke a wefiel bound from Barbadoes to ' St. Euftdtia, fiom the captain of whom he got a Barbadoes paper, giving an ' account, that.the Britifi; packet had ar- 1 rived at that island the day before he 1 failed, and brought the Gazette ac- 1 count of the engagement between the ' Briiifh and French fleets, and that Lord How had aßually taken Nine fail of the line ' ! ! It is alio rumoured, that fix more of the French line of battle flaps were totally ciippled, and could not flowed away. That the junition be; een Clairfait and the' Duke of York, had taken place : and a severe a£tiOn had taken place fifteendays after the Duke's check, in which M. left I men dead on the field, and got off himfelf with great difficulty. BOSTON, July jo. Veflfels from the Welt-Indies, are flopped at the CalUe, by order of the Governor, until a physician has examin ed whtther the crew are free from the Weft-India fever. A wife and nccefia ry caution. We learn, that Capt. James Seaver, of this State, is appointed to the com mand of one of the Amc'tican frigates, ordered to be built by.C'ortgrefs, in the room of Capt. Barney, declined. Mr. Heart, we are told, will be build er of the frigate in this town. " Prepa rations. for a rapid profegiltion of the business are making. MAX I M k Thi heft reply to Malevolence and Falfhoods is Silence and Contempt. The public are not so eafi' • gulled as foiffc demagogues imagine! Faifhoods profit 110 cause vvlriteVei'. What is true to day will be ti ue to-mor row, for truth is eternal, and " speaks ft'iih moll miraculous organs," " Give men p'ower and you make tyrants of them," keep -men from pow er, and you make Jacobins of them— The hankering after the loavts and tidies is generally evinced by thunder ing!) like those of Sempronius. I'll rnonthe at,. Until.l (bake the fyftein, And then Aftei what the tVorld has generally thought of Robetfpierre, one might be templed tb cry: out on reading his celebrated Moral Reports, as an eminent chriflian writer once did of Socrates, "Oh ! San3a RoberJ'hterre, ora pro no bis."* " * Oh ! holy Roberfpierre pray for list" « DOG EAT DOG.'' Halifax, N. S. yu!y 10. Saturday evening arrived the brig Mermaid, Capt. Collins, from Liver pool—-The Mermaid left Grenada the 17th of May, and on h.r passage home fell in with the piivateer Harlequin, Capt. Hutchins, belonging to Bermu da. The privateer was undei French colours, and afTumed the name of the National Razor, which induced Capt. Collifls to hoifl American colours*. Af ter some considerable parley with them, a Lietitenafrt and a boat's ciw from the privateer came on board, rumaged every thing in the cabin, and, under the Dretence of her having twd sets of papers, put a prize matter on board, and ordered her for Bermuda. Butby the activity and adroitness ofiCapt. Collins, and pWt of his crew, which were left on board, the brig was retaken, and arrived at Liverpool the 29th uk. The fatne privateer a few days before, captured another brig, called the George and Tracy, owned by Benijah Collins, Esq. of Liverpool, and under the fame pre tence sent her into Bermuda—Capt. Collins touched at GuadalOupe the 20th of May, at which time 3 British ships of the line were lying there. From Philadelphia, July 21. "You may be assured that very agree able intelligence has been received from our old Ambaflador at the Court of London ; on the subject of fpoliaiion. 1 am not in the cabinet, and c-.nnot there fore (end you particulars ; but I learn, that the Mrniftry, on the repvefentation of Mr. Pinkney have given a durances that if, in the prosecution of the War, they have been necessitated to infringe on the laws of nations, suit-able (ktis faCtiofi will be given. This is said to be the language. You may easily conceive, that 1 cannot fend the cowaccount, as it it r.ot likely our Chief Maglfirate would, during 3 negotiation, publish j corlelpondrncies which might give the anti-party an opportunity of gratifying their vvi flicb, and mtiroly defeating the 1 negotiation." t From tlie Minerva. i In the long interval of at least ten Jays, since we fciive had any bluntly news from ( Europe, what a dteary place is a Cos- ' ke-Ho.ife ! and what a pitiful figure do < our Hewfpapeis make ! if the papers j i Cannot announce blood and carnage, men butchering tlic'ir feilow-men by ihe . thousand and len thousand, why there is no news—-no news! what is the rea- ' son, we have 116 arrivals ! how impati- ' cut, how reftVfa does every body appear at the Coffee-Houfes ! one takes up a j paper, and finding a feni irnenta] effav, , a law report, or some extract, throws down the p perwitha fifhatuf no news! the papers aVe not worth reading! ' Alas ! what (hall poor printers do, when there is a wide ocean between us and the butchering work of Europe ? A ten days interruption of bloody news sets half the town a yawning. True, a little riot arid half a dozen democrats knocked over, for refilling a law of the country, will help out a little, and set folks a (taring; And Simcoe, the In dians and Canada infun eft ions will fur nifh a good round paragraph every two or three day 9. But all does not do, like half a million of Europeans fighting and killing each other—ten thousand (lain in a day—2co pieces of cannon taken town? bufnt or pillaged, forts taken— vessels difmafled or blown up—this is :iews—it speaks. Lord, for tlifcfe ten days past not a word of news 1 PETERSBURG, Vir. July 29. We are iriforrtted that the vefTel which was fitted out at Smithfield, and which was supposed to be intended for a privateer, was taken poffeflton of by the volunteer cpmpanicß front Richmond and Prince George, immediately On their arrival there. The Prince George inPantrv have charge of the vefl'el, and !he is now orf her tfay up to City- Point. PHILADELPHIA; AUTHENTIC. Official information is received at ttft War Office confirmative of the defeat of the savages on the lfl July. They attacked the escort commanded bv Ma- ' ' J :or M'Mahan close under the walls of ' Fort Recovery on the morning of the 30th of June. Their numbers estima ted frotn one thousand to fifteen hun dred. The attack of the escort was followed immediately by a general as sault upon the Fort, in which they were repulsed with considerable (laughter. They however continue.' a diflant fire the remainder of the day and by inter vals during the night and until twelve o'clock the next day, July the firft, when they retreated. They were fol lowed some di(lance by part of thegar rifon, commanded by Captain Gibfoh, but t! eir numbers and ambuscades com pelled him to observe great caution. We jofl twenty-one officers and soldiers kill ed and twenty-nine wounded, among the former was the excellent partisan Major M'Mahan, whose lofa is greatly regretted, Captain Hart (home, Lieu tenant Craig and Cornet Torrey, all Of whom fell during the highcfl exertions of bravery. Among the wounded are ! Capt. Taylor of the Dragoons and > Lieutenant Drake of the Infantry—— one soldier miffing. The dragoons fuffered the mod } out of fifty if] the action, twenty-one were either killed or wounded ; one hundred horses temained after the afifcion, but al most all of them wounded ; twenty-se ven horses were killed in the rep Sated charges made by that gallant Captain. ; Two hundred of the Contractor's horses I . j. were killed and miffingi There is but little doubt from the previous iifformation that the attack •tfras j made by the mass of the Indian force^ j and that they fuffered feverelv, of which there were leveral unequivocal evidences. Their superior uumbers and the horses which they gained during the action, ! ! enabled them to carrv off the greatest l • part of their dead, bat they left ten bo dies on the ground before the fort, which they could not carry away.' "The firft division of the mounted mili tia of Kentucky were expected at Fort Wafliington about the iotli of July, and the second about the ijd. After the arrival of this auxiliary-force at the head of the line, which may have been the latter part ofjnly, General Wayne will be enabled to move forward for the purpose of accom plishing the objects of the campaign, which it is expe " A Correspondent" and othef favors are unavoidably postponed till to-morrow. j'uji Received\ By flu >p Endeavor, Jon. Paine after from Softop, New-kngland Rum 7 In Hi'ds. tor Salt by Nalbro Iff John Fraszier, No. Bt, Walnut street, Who have aifo on hand, and for fait, SHERRY WINE, In pipes and quarter casks, fit for Immediate use. St. Lucar Wine in pipes f and q (farter casks. - ROTA WINE in quarter casks j I CRT WIN E i.ido. 80-fton BE£K, , Hyt'on and Souchong TEAS, j INDIGO. Ravens DUCK, THKLKNBURG, OZSJABRIGS, DOWLAS, .nd > Bby 10 Window Glass, ' 1 Aug. S lutaa/(4"