Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 05, 1794, Image 1

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[No. 46 of Vol. VI
Department of State,
Jviy 3*, 179*.
IS hereby given, "That the Documents,
which have been forwaided to this Depart
ment, refp ft'ng the compensation, claim
ed froin the Belligerent Nations in Europe,
for tl» injuries to the Omtnetce of die
are committed to the care
of the Mioiilers tinituf relidiug iri the fo
reign Countries concerned. That all per
rons interested may know, Whether their
papers have come to hand, a lilt of the
cases, which have been received, will be
lent as soon as they can be printed to the
different Collectors, and to the Post-Mas.
ters in the principal Towns of each State
The Printers in the leverai States are
reouefted to reptiblilh the above.
. diMr. j
A French Family,
WOt'LD with to be entrusted with tlte
eare of a FARM, about the city of Philu-.
tlelphiao'Tien ton, uitjjer I'uch compeufa
tions as rn ty'he agreed upon by applying at
Mr. OSMONT'S, No. rt7, north* Second
Ayig. 4 d
Money to be Lent,
O- Morten'.? of
'Within the City a ul Liberies of Fhiladel
ohia. App'y to
Nicholas Diehl, jurt.
Attorney at Law.
No. 19, south Fourth Jlreet.
Aug. 4 ihw&frf
- • 1
Hank of the United States,
July 7th, 1794.
NOTICE is hereby given, that heiej
♦illbepaid !rt the Batfk afttr theffxtenth'
inttant, to the Stockholder or ther fepre-i
fentatives ttuly autn<rrifed,llixreeii Dollars
Jar each ih: re, being th dividend declared
forthe Uft lix months,
By order of the 'President and Directors'
JOHN KEAN, Calhier. '
eodtm. '
A LARGE body ot LAND on this river
and iti waters, is notv for sale to Settlers on
/r,on moderate terms, anil at a long credit.
The foil h remarkably fertile, and nu
merous ■ftrebm* of watcYare interspersed -
through'the whole country.
The main river flow*; through lone tract
oi about thirty thotifand acres, and is wit4i
ihe exception of ont naViga
fefe to the Siirquehannfttj.
Spring Brook Create, Which With
brai»che:, waters fcnotber trkQt of .aboutj
fort , thousand acres of good Land, emp-j
ties itfelf into the Lachawannoclc-, i!bout
twelve miles from the SuTquchannah.
It affords ntiiherous Mill feats, & in its
creates well wuter- !
ed meadow ground. I
The other tracts arei«terfefted"by crraks:
of confiderabie iniportance.
Several Mills tirfe * ready ertefted For the
accommodation of tWe settlers.
Roads arc cut in drferer.t to-1
wards the inoft convenient markets. I
The county town is not more than 12
mle- distant from many parts ot the set
tlement. '
The Suftjuehannah affords an easy and
fafe navigation to Mfd-dteton, from whence
the Canal to SchuySkill extends the com
mumcation to the city.
Another means of conne&im* with Phi
lad Iphia, is by the Delaware, from which
the distance in several places is about thirty
Tiie proprietors eombininc fheirown in
te»"eft wish i4?at of the inhabitants, are dil- j
posed to ere<ft works of public utility,open
uoarls, &c. and in every efJ miles fqnare, a
traftaf one hundred acres is allotted for a
Schorl, end one hundred acres for the firft
relidt nt clergyman of any denomination of
Ch rift tan 5.
For further particulars apply to
George Eddy.
Wiltes-Barre, Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, July 9-
I.itteisdireiled tn George Eddy, at Phi
ladeipbia, or this place,or io Thomas Eddy,
-t New York, relative to this bufinefs,w.ji
he duly answered. eodgm
Principles and Observations
MANUFACTURE and inspection
Pot and Pearl Afhts.
Infpeitor of Pot and Pearl-Alhes for the
Commonwealth of Maflachufetts.
Pubfiflied according to Adt of Congress.
1 hefe observations relate to an extensive
hufinefs ; and are designed, in the plainest
ir.anntr, to convey profitable information
to thc'.e intereited m it, who have not leif
ttrt or opportunity to search for the priftci
pits therein contained, in the writings of
Aug. 2
Wanted to Charter,
Jj|£L Three Vejfels,
Of about too to 110 tons
Louis Ofmont,
No. 117, north Second street,
IVho has for fall,
Glass Ware and Bottles,
A few tierces of
Hams and Butter in firkins.
Aug. 4 d
For bale,
A Stoat Ship,
ABOUT fix years old, built of the best
Ifcafoned vMteOak, butt bolted throughout
itnd sheathed last fall, is 6i feet keel, 14
feet Z inches beam, 11 feet 4 inches hold, 4
feet 8 inches between d< cks, and supposed
to carry from 2400 to 1800 barrels. She
may be sent to sea at a Ihiallexptnce. Ap
Wharton & Lewis.
Aug. 4 d
ff|§| AMIABLE,
™'* " * John Tiiompfon, master.
MJR 1 HEN about 2jo ions, a very lub.
llantial fliip, built tTf Itve oak and cedar,of
an easy draught < f water, fails remark
ably fait, and has very excellent accommo
dations for paffengets! to fail the firft week
in Atiguft, and is intended to return fmrne
diately to Philadelphia.
For paflfage only apply to Oipr. Thempfon
on board, -at M'ffrs. Warder & Co's wharf t
John Mayo.
July tl d
For Sale or Charter,
Isaac Sylveflcr, mafler.
NOW tying at Say's wharf,thfe £•! above
MaiicVt ftrcfet, burthen about 2500 bar
"fcls, in "a'good strong veflel, and will be red
ely to receive a cargo in a few days.
For'term's apply to tbfe Captain on board
Water Jlreet, No. 7, south.
7th JJin 5 6
i> E A NTMPH i
Joss Pactn, Msrller.
SAILS ftftj and will tie ready to "takfe tti
a cargo iti a few days.
Jot terms apply to
Jafcph Sims,
Madeira and Sherry WINE.
Fit for immediate uft,
■Red and Pale Jefuifs BARK,
White LEAD ground in oil,
July 25 d
For Sale,
Burthen about 700 barrels, in complete
order to receive a cargo, and may be feat
to sea at a small expenee.
Apply to
Wharton & Greeves,
Who have remaining on hand,
A few Pipes of
Old Madeira \\Tine,
And a few quarter Calks of SHERRY,
fit for immediate use.
GIN in Cases.
COFFEE in Bags and Barrels.
SUGAR in Hlids.
CORKS in Bales,
Ruflia MATTS, and Eighty two
hhds. prime Virginia TOBAC
July 30. d—6t
Alphabetical Lift
payable by law on all Goods, Wares, and
Merchandize imported into the United
Saatesof America, after the'latl day of
June 1784, distinguishing the rates payable
on those imported in ship* or vefTels ot the
United State?—and the rates payable in fo
reign (hips or veflelsj including the addi
tional duties, to which the refprftive arti
cles are liable.
July 29 . i
Tuesday, August 5, 17^4.
SThe Ground Plan
City and Suburbs >
IT it with pleafurethat the publiiher lias
to inform his fiibfcriberj and the public in
general, that the plate is now under the
hands of the engraver, and in greater for
wardufs than was at firft contemplated. At
the fame time lie begs leave to rtmind
thetn, th<t subscription papers are Dill o
pen at nioftof the noted boolc-ftores j n the
City ; and that he hopes from the whole
of them to be enabled tofo; m such a ref
peftable catalogue of names, as will do a
credit to the work, as well as afford a
reasonable encouragemeni to the under
Those who are'defirrtns of further infor
mation are fequrftt'd to cal! an
Benjamin Davies,
No. 68, Market street.
April 14. mfethtf
Medical Books.
By Thomas Dob/on, at the Stone House
No. 4i, south Seco dJlreet,
VOL. 11.
Medical Inquiries
Proteifor of the Institutes ot Medtcine, and
of Clinical Prattice in the Univer
fityoJ Pennsylvania.
1. Ah inquiry into the influence of physical'
catift-s hpoo Jhe mora) faculty.
2. An ihquiiy iuto the tfft-fts of fpiritOus
quors npon the human body, and their ita
flntnce upon the happlncf* of Tociety,
3 An inquiry into the causes and cure of the'
ptilmoirary confurt>ption.
4. Observations on the fymptumi and cure of.
5. An Inquiry into the causes and the curcof
internal dropsy of the brain.
6. An account oi the measles, as they Ap
pealed in Philadelphia, in the year 1789.
7. An account of the influenza, as it appea r
ed ih Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790,'
and I^9l.
8. An inquiry into the causes of the incrcafe
of bilious and remitting feverli, in Penn
9. An inquity into the causes dnd cure of fore |
10. An account of the ft'site of the body and
mind in old age, with observations upon
its diseases and their remedies.
Price Otie dollar and a quarter unbound, or
one dollar and a.half neatly bound.
Medical Tranfadtions
College of Physicians of Philadelphia.
Price one dollar in boards.
A Treatise on the Diseases of
With general directions for th\e management
of Infants from the birth, adapted for«
the use of physicians and ptivate families.
By Michael Underwood, M. 1).
Licentiate of Midwifery in the' Royal Col
off Physicians in London, and
Phyfttian of the British
Price one Dollar 4
This is acknowledged to be the best boo)
which has been published oh the fubje#, Smc
is calculate'd for the use of parents, nurfek,
and private families* as well as for physicians
—*-The two volumes handfomety printed in
one, and the ptice only about one third oi
whai the imported 'copies fell for.
The Edinburgh Ne* Dispensatory, two
System of Surgery, extra£led from the
works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Patera, 2
dols. 56 centb.
System of Anatomy, Wttraded from the
Encyclopaedia, with 12 copperplates, t dols.
System of Chemistry, extrafied frem the
Encyclopedia, exhibiting a view of the pro
gress of the fciehcee, and the different fyftcms
which have been published, 2 dols. 50 cents.
Brown's Elements of Mtdicine, 2 dols.
67 cents.
T. Dobfon has in the Prtfs%
An edition of the Medical and Philofophi
ca! Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two vol
umes are printed in one at & dollars and £6
cents per volume; he has nearly finiihed the
fiv< firft volumes, which contain the firft ten
volumes of the European edition, which fell
for two dollarseich. Nine volumes will in
clude eighteen European volumes, Which
will briog the publication op to the preieat
Liktwife for sale a conftdirable number of
Medical Books, viz.
Cuilen's Practice, Materia Medica, Physi
ology, and Synopsis. JSell'aSuigery, 6 vols,
or vols, do. on tjlcets, Blichart's Domestic
Medicine, Ledran's Sutgery, Chefetder'* A
netomy, Hunitronthe Venereal, Swedeea
ver on do. Rollo on Weft India D'feaffs ;
Rigby On Utferine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's
outlines of the theory and praflici of Mid
wiferv, with or wnhout plates; do. on th
management of Female eompiaims. Mease
on Hydrophobia, &c. &c.
Choice St. Croix Sugar,
And for Sa!e %
Alfoa quantity of RUSSIA Matts.
Junej:4th. d-
Carolina Rice and Indigo,
Gurney and Smith.
Nankeens of Superior Quality,
Long and fliort pieces
Long and fiiort blatk fattins,
Black Taffet es, andSenlhaws,
Black and coloured India sewing Silk,
Ornamental jars and beakers,
And a few long fetsof Tea China.
Coloured Sattins, Lustrings, and
T 0 B I N E S,
No. 40, north Fifth Street.
July 7 mw&ftf
Just Published,
And to be fold by
At the Stone House No 4», louth Secerd
ftieet, price >-Bth of a dollar,
An Impartial Review
Of that part of Dr. RUSH'S Late
Which treats of its origin.
In which his opinion is ilicwn 10 be erro
neous—the Introduction of the disease by
importation proved, and the wholefomenefs
of the city vindicated.
By William Currie,
Fellow of the College of Physicians, &e
At the fame place may be had Dr. Curries
Treatise on the Yellow Fever,
And his account of the Climates and Dis
eases of America.
July 26 4t
French Revolution.
( Price two Dollars.)
No. I iS, Market flrcet,
From its Commencement to the exe
cution of the Queen and
the Deputies of the
Gifonde Party
Eat rail from the Preface
'1 The authors have pi efumed to affix to
their title, the epithet impartialand the
rtsafon is, becanfe they cannot charge them
selves with feeling the smallest bias to any
party but to that of truth and liberty ; and
they flatter themselves, that their readers
wifl find not only every circumstance fairly
pretVntec), hut every tenl'Qrj'ble action (
whoever were the aotbors or actors, mark
ed in its proper colours. If it was necelTa
ry to tnake a declaration of their own
principles, they woulclfay, they aieneither
tory nor republican—they love liberty a-.
Englilh whig l ;, and execraie every criminal
aft by which so noble a canfe is endangered
nd diffcraced.
if In the present ferment of the public
mind, tiiey caniiot flatter themselves with
the ho}>e of fe'sihg tfiis fcllim nniverfally
3cknowl<dged. On the contrary, they are
wtU ajjufti that thrfe pugts will tot he accepta
ble to the zedlots oj either party. But when
time ihallhave diffipa'ted the clouds of poli
tical deception, and appeared the tunlul
of tl* pfclHoni, they will \viMi fouie confi
dence expeftthnt verdict from public opini
on, tvhich andour and niodieration fel
domfail to receive."
Extract trom the Critical Review, Junt 1794.
v 12 J'ag'e.
-"We h»ve eer tiinly derived much, plea,
fore, and acquired much information trom
the perusals of those volumes ; and we think
them, both for matter and style, worthy ihe
attennoh of all who inlerell themfclfei in
Eveiiu which h*ve so jullly excited the curio
fity and aftoni(hm*nt of mankind."
M. CaXET will in about thee weeks Puh
lifh, Plowden's hiftorv of the B'itifh Empire,
trdm Mij 179«» 18 tiecemher 1793.
J J tend.
Stock Brokefs Office,
too. 16, Will-ftreei, Niw-York.
THt Subfcribcr intending 10 eonfinehim
(elt entirely to the PURCHASE and
leave to off-r hisferviccs to his Iriends and
rtthets, ih th« line ol a Stock broker. Those
who m4y (Mease 10 favor him with their bufi.
ness, may deoend upon having it tranfafted
with the utraoft fidelity and dispatch.
Orders from Philadelphia, Bolton, or any
olhefpaitbt tht United States, will he
ftri&ly itteoded 10.
[Whole No. 596.]
8 Dollars de Recompense.
UN Negre noraroi AD 0 N 1 S>, S'es
ecliape de Wilmington, Etat de Delaware
le 12 Juillet, Le dit negre a 5 pieds f
pouces,environ melure Anglalfr,natiatvCon»
go, parja«6 tres mal le Ffancais, et ertcors
plus raal L'Anglais, age d'environ 28 a 30
ans, Gros et Gras, la figure plaice ct Laide
le n£z gros et eerafe, les genoux endedaas
ll porte afles haMtijelement un gilet d'une
etofe Verte.
On fupole le a PhiladelpM, les
perfonnes qui en atirolit conn oi fiance font
priees de le laire at retter, et l'Envoyer a
son maitre Raymond Bedourei a Wilming
ton, ou ala geole cW New Castle, en l'ad
reffant a ,'te dernier lieu au ( Sr. Hokin
Charge de la diite geole.
Eight dollars reward.
A Negro, named ADONIS, ran away
from Wilmington, state of Deli-ware, the
aid July. The said Negro is about five
feet j inches high, Englilh measure, Con
go nation, speaks Very "bad Engliih, and
worse Ftthch, about «8 or 30 years ofd,
I big alid set, his face large and tigfy, his
nose vero large and flat, knock kneed.—
Hedf. fles fotnetimes magrewi jacket and
It is supposed the said N«gro is 11 ov jn
Philade pliia J the person or persons wh 0
know where he is, are desired tc arrest him
and fend him to his inafter> M. Raymond
Bedouret, at W ilnjinjrton, or sb New-
Castle, to Mr. Hokin, jail keeper, where
the above reward will be paid,
Aug. 1 3t
T V I t I O N.
WILLIAM FINCH of the New Thea
tre, begs leave to inform his Friends and
the P«biic, that he has removed ftoln the
corner of Eighth and Arch streetS to No.
68, north Eighth between Arch and Race
streets, and that he continues to give Jn
fti uftions in the Trench and Englilh Lan
gunges as uftial, as also the Clajffics. He
akes this opportunity of his ac
knowledgements for the very liberal en
couragement lie has experienced, a conti
nuation of which he begs leave to solicit. •
N. B. Translations from either language!
corrcftly executed. d
By Thomas Dobfon,
jit Stone Houfc, No. 4z, fsuth Se
cond Jlreet,
I. LETTERS add reded to the Philofo.
phersind Pol ticians of France, on the sub."
jea of Religion ; to which aie prefixed ob.
lervations relating to the causes of the ge»
rieral prevalence of Infidelity,
E. H. S. £sV.
Price one quarter of a Dollar,
11. TWO SERMONS, viz.
1. The prefentftate of Europe compared
with ancient prophecies. Preached on the
Faftday, in 1794 ; with & prefacc contain*
ing the reasons of the author for leaving
2. The use of Christianity, especially in
difficult times j being the Author's Fare*
well Difeourfe to his Congregations in
Hackney; with Appendixes to the two Ser
mons, Price one third of a dollar.
111. An APPEAL to the Serious & Can*
did Profeflbrs ot Christianity, on the soU
lowing ftibjeAs, vie.
'• The use of reason in matters of Reli
2. The power of man to do the Will of
3. (Original Sin.
4. Election and Reprobation,
5. The Divinity of Christ, and
6. Atonement by the Death of Christ, by
the fame author.
To which are added,
A Concise History of the
rifeet those Doctrines, and an account of
the Trial of M'ElwalJ, for Heresy and Blas
phemy, at Stafford AffizeS.
Price one eighth »f a Dollar.
The above three are re-pubiifhtd with
the author's improvements and additions)
and a confidfrable part of his Works, in
an improved state, will make their appear
ance as soon as convenience fcill admit.
julj 38 eod3w
NO. 68.
DiJlriß of Pennfyhania,
to wit.
BE it remembered that on the twenty
third da? of July in the nineteenth year of
the independence of the United States of
America, JOSEPH BOGGS, of the said
diftrift lath deposited in this office, the ti
te of a book ilie right whe:eof he claims
as author ih the ttrbrds following, to wit.
" The Philadelphia Direßo
ry, for the year i 195—by Joseph Boggs."
In conformity to the aft Of the Congrelt
of this United States intituled "Ana&for
the encoin agemcht of learning by fccurirg
the copies of maps charts and books to the
authors and proprietors of such copiesdur-
Ing the times therein meption'd.
Sam. Caldwell^
Clerk of the CiftriiS of Pennsylvania.
July 33 ' *■