Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, August 02, 1794, Image 4

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    CLARET, 1
4 « c +{ cs ot 5® 'ait . each
A L t 0|
AfevfS Champaignewine;
In a °d qu«t ;er calVs,
X dtf
Improved. »
jE fubTcrim-wfHw t('U 'worVVW rhi
qJ >'■ terms, ol . wejv'e Jall.irr. and tiir
ijajif ue doled tim day—aiid ou
f>3ar tlie fublcription »vjll*|)e(i at tour
11 dollars, excluiive of tlie price ol' bind
k< .
The ifcw maps added to this edituin are
twenty one ; amoiifj wliicli are tliol'e ol
N >»-H Maflfacliulettsj Cdiincfti
cit, K'i icle-lfla*d, Vermont, Jflew Yoik,
New Jerley, i'ennlylvania, Delaware; Ma
r.v.and, Virginia, Ksntttcltyj North Caro
lina, tiie Genelfce Government, South Ca
loliiid, and Georgia. XlitflCmaps have ne
ver t)oen jjiven in any formtr iyftem 6.
fj ography. and, it il hdped; would aldn
be fuflu lent to entitle this work so a pre'f
fer-ntc to any other edition of" Giithiie.
N 3- The map of tlie United States,
which is compiling by Mr, S.mtiel Le-vis,
the qiaps, will lie t'.t
more complete than any one yet pdbliih d,
and be printed on two large (beets of
nearly the ijzc of the late Mr. Mur
ray's map.
31 rf
The following ledlion
of the law for cftabli-fhing -m
See. pasTed ihe last feflion of tht Legislature,
is re-published for the information of all
coneelned. ,
- Wm. AIXEtf, Health-Ottcer,
the put of Philadelphia, J\ T w. 21,
Key'., dllty.
Juni' 2, 1)94.
Sec. 7. AND be it fur;bct eiw6lfci l>y the
aiuhonty afoiefdid, Tliat every rrsaft'-r or
of a-iv fn pur vefJ' { comorg from be
Von.l the sea fvefT Is a6lu'ijy enip!0)»? lin the
cojtt::ii» • :adc o; the Unitc.'l c^pjed)
arui bOi|nd to any p*>«t or p|j-e within the
jiiVtWfiaioii yf Ptnnfv?vjuij, fli all cause his
fh!p or vcflVl f Br brought <o_ anchor, or
OiheVw Ic Haver! in the firc.Hn of tlie river
Delaware, opp ,fi:e to the health-office tfn
and tfi'cre to remain
onti.i he fhalf have duly obtairfed a cettificatc
or bill of hrealth from the rrfident (>hyfieian t
ln'the Itianner and upon' (he '.nrns liciem be
fore dir. Cicd t and iff to obtatn
itia Hieh ceiLifkate or b'il? of health, any
Biafter or cap- iin (hail fuffc-r his (hip or veifc)
to approach nearer than the fa'id
sco the ci-sy of (if fhail land, or
raufe or lufv. r to be lnruled, of brought on
.ic an\ jydrt Or p ace within fhis Com
tnonwrirftH, or at any othrr p-jrt or place,
vti h t-hc iment to lie conveyfd into thiscoin-
any pr.i'fon or pcifons, or any
goods,' wares or merchantize ;or il after re
ceiving ftrch certificate or bill of health, he
fwa-i! ncgie-M or refufe to deliver the fame to
»hf heal t'-olficyr agreeably ro she diretTiona
ol thij aft, fucn mjllci or captain shall ior
feif afrd pay, for each arid ev, ry such otfence,
she lum ot >vc hu'idred dollars to be f'ecover
tri and as hei'cin.iftcr provided
»nd directed', and the captain or master of
e?ic'h arid « vii v ship or veifel, as soon as the
fame brought to anchor, or otberwifc ft.iyed
is aforefaid, a fafe at.d commodious
boat to bring the resident nhyfician on board
«f his ihip or vVffel, and Ihall in like man
ner convey ,hmi hack to the health-office
alter he h is concluded his official examina
tion ; and while he is making such cxarnirrt
t'on,or 10 cafe ot any fubfequertt examination
bv' theheahh odicei and confyiting.phyfici ->n,
zi he cafe may be, each and every part of the
flip ot veiTel, and shall present to hrs view J
ea :li and everV p'erfun on board thereof, and
ftiaH alio tfue and answers make
to di fach q.Jt{lions as the resident physician
at the time of ek mination, or the health offi
cer it lhe nme of the « ervificaie, or
Bill of healtn, in the city of Philadelphia, or
at time o 4 f elimination to be had by the
logcther,. with the cortfultina
phyti'ician telaiive to the health of any
port 6> place trom wf>ieh the ship or vessel
failed,- ot h.isfince tonched at, the number of
pei fjns on board when the (hipor vessel en
tered on her voyage, the number of persons
that have fmce been landed or taken on
bolid, and when or where Pefpeftively, what
persons on bo ird,if any have been during the
voyage, or fball at any time of examination,
be irife&cd with any peftilenti?, or contagi
ous d.ifcife,' what person belonging to the (hip
or vessel, if any died during the voyage, and
of what disease/ and what is the profent state
and condition of the persons on board with
rrfpeft to their hesfltb and diseases ; and if
3ny captain or master ol any (hip or vessel
Ih'alf refufe to expose the fame as aforefaid to
the fcarch and examination of the resident
physician, 01 of the heafth-offtcer and confut
ing physician, as the cafe may be ; or if, hav
ing on board his ship or vessel any fiieb per
son pr persons, he f}ia!l conceal the fame, or
if in any manner wbatfoever he Ihall knowing
ly deceive or attempt to deceive the proper
officers aforefaid in his answers to their offici
al enquiries, captain or master, for each
and every fnch offence, shall forfeit and pay
thfe sum of'five hundred dollars, to be re
covered and appropriated as hereinafter pTo
vrded and direfled ; and wherever the resi
dent physician, or eoniuhing physician, a.s
ihe cafe maybe, shall difeft arty peifon or
persons, Or ahy goods, wares or merchandize
to be landed at the health-office, or any ship
or vessel to> be detained opposite therein, and
and there to be fmoaked, cleansed and puri
fied, the captain of the ship of vessel shall in
all refpe6Vs conform to such di regions,
shall at the proper cost and charge of his em
ployeis cflrry the fame into effe6l within such
eafonable tinle as the resident phyffcian, or
confoltiug physician, as the cafe may be, (hall
>H"Ow and prescribe; and if any master or
captain {ball refufe or neglect to conform to
these fa d dire&ions, and to carry the fame
into < ffeft as as refaid, according to the ref
petlive objffts thereof, he ftiali forfeit and
pay the sum of five hundred dollars for each
and every oftchcc, to be recovered and appro
priated as is hereinafter provided and dirett
1 ItiiadefpM*, Ma'ih, i 1794. J
No. 118 . Market jlrcet,
Moderfi Geography :
.? R * A
Geographical Hijlortcal, ana
And prefentoi'th'e 11-ve»a'
r. figure ■», iutitioiisy and di-ftaiic;; of 11 efs, arcoidi n£ to the Ntwto lian iyi
' til'-.* Uteft observations.'
-• A aj view of the eai th,confidefe'r!
as a ufeful graphical
definition-; and problems.
3 The g" ai,.d diviftoiM of the globe into
Ian:) and -outincnts and i (lands.
A- Ttie f;! i.jrion and extent of empires,
pf-ovincei/and colonies.
5 Their ci-mhites, air, foil,
pr ->duction n>. idi >j minerals, naturalcuri
oiitieH;leaSjrivers,h(iy shapes,promontories,
aud lake,.
6. The bird* 'ari'tf bealrs peculiar to each
Cmi 1 try.
7'. Oblervatioo'; 011 the cHdngfes-that have
been anv where observed upon the lace of
nature litice thc.moft early periods of his
8. The hifiory and origin of nations >
clitrii forms of government. religion*-J:v.vs,
rt and milita v
V- Ti»c geniu"., mannc*-, cult tins, and
an its of the people.
10. Tlicir laugnag<*,learning,arts, fc : §'i~
Ccs, inanntactii! eh, and commerce.
. 11. Tin* chief cities, ftruttures, ruins,
and art;ifrciul curiosities
12. The longitude, latitude, bearings,
. and distances of principal places froinPhiia
To tuhich are added.
1. A Geographical Index, with the
, name* aud pkqes alphabetically arranged.
2. A Table of the Coins of all nations,
and tlieir value in dollars and cents.
3-. ACHr Jt.'OLorpcA l T able of remarka
. ble evenfMroiu the creation to the present
The Astronomical Part corrected "by
Dr. Kcttbwhouse.
jTo ivhicb have been added,
The ltfte Discoveries of Or. Herschell,
and other eniinent Astronomers.
Gprrcftad, Improved, aud greatiy Enlar
The firft volume contains twenty-one
1 rtfaps Bn'cf Charts,befides two Alb'onomical
PlHteS, viz.
1. Map of tfhe world. 2. Chart of the
worle 3. Europe.. 4. Alia- 5- Afrir a. 6.
South America. 7. Cook's disc vjries.
*8. Countries round the north Poie. 9.
Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. :o. Se
ven United Provinces. xj. Aufbian,
French and Dutch Netherlands. x 2. Ger
many. 13. Seat of war in Fiaince. i -
'riaticp divided into departments. 15.
Switietland. 16. Italj, Sicily, and Sar
dinia. 17- Spain and Portugal 18.
Tni'kev in Europe and Hungary. 19 Ire
land. 20. Weft-Indies. '2t. Vermont. 22.
Ar rilillary fpheve. 23. Copetmican fyftcm..
Wiitft the feco"id volume, which is now
in the press, will be given the following
Maps :
1. Rufffa in Europe and Asia.
2. v Scotland.
3- Engkind and Walts*
4. Poland.
5. China.
6. Hindortan.
7. United Spates.
8. Britifii America.
9. Srate of New-Hampshire,
10. State of .Vlallachu;etts.
it. State of Cbnne&'icut.
12. State of Rhode Island.
i - State of New-York.
14. State of New Jer sey.
15* State of* Pennfyivanja.
16. State of Delaware.
*7. SVate of Maryland.
18- State of Virginia.
19. State of Kentucky.
20. State of Noith-CarcJina.
21. Tenneflee Government. s
22. State of South-Carolina.
23- State of Georgia.
j. This work will be compriied in two
4. Subfcribcrs pay for the p-refent volume !
ondelivervy'fix dollars, and the price of ■
binding, (56 cents for boards.)
3. They may receive the succeeding vo
lumein twefity-four weekly numbers, at
a quarter dollar each, or else, when si- |
nilhed, at the fame price as the firft,
4- The fubfeription will be raised on the
firlt day of June i 794* to fourteen dol-,
]arss excliiliVe of binding.
$. Should any copies remain for sale after
the completion ot the work, they will be
fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of
6. The names of the fubferibers will be
published as patrons ol American litera
ture, arts, and sciences.
It is wholly unnecefßlry to expatiate o«
the advantage,to American readers, that
this edition poffellesj over every imported
edition of any system of Geography extant.
The addit tio'n of maps of the fever al testa ,
procured a very great expense, and from
the best materials that are attaicable,
fpcaks ftrch full convWion on this fubjec%
that it would be difrefpeft to the read
er's understanding to fnppofe it requilite
to enter into a detail of arguments to
prove its superiority. In no firnilar work
have fucU mapr. beenever introduced.
The emendationsand addition'; which
are made in this work,are innumerable,and
occur in every page. The public are re
ferred to the preface for a flight (ketch
of a few of themj
The publisher takes thfc present oppor
tunity of returning his most sincere thanks
to r thofe refprctable characters who b a ve
favored him with documents for improv
ing the maps of several of the (bates He
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, N». 3, South Fourth Street Pricf Six Dollars Psr Annum
requefl* * contrr uarce of their Itindiicfsj
autt hope* that iucn puulic /pirited citijicW,
as .ire }>oiH.iVfi ,\ limiJar ilmcuiu. Nts, v. ill ,
r favor lii:n wHfii theii aifiitance iu perfect
tt&his undertaking.
Thf extraordinary encouragement with
vM'eh lie has "been favored, has excited
n 'lis breast the v/annel*. fenriments oi gra
titude—fentijneius which time will not ei
ictt He pledges hiwfelf to the citizens
t' the United State , t;o Ipare neither pains
o» expe it to rentier tha -prcfent edition
i' Gm.irie's Ge Jg-aphy improved, deferv
tng c»f their pafrdnagc. wafti
jAMA K, A Rl/M,
LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, a>'OV*
the Drawbridge, our oi" tie ship BaCCuu
Capt. Vannzmasi, tionu;jAMAiCA,
May iS.
Morris Academy.
TH IS inftiiuiion is now op in for ri e ie
cfrptihn of ituxlenfs' uncier the immediate
c4ie of Iluil"ll» >yhofe abilities
as an in&ru&v»r, and attachment to ti»e bu
rner* have lorig been known and approved,
fie ItAis .under" toinv He belt afliitanls in
the different b/rahches—-Tlie fifttoUu s arc
t.iught the French, Latin, and
language.*-, Public-Speaking, Writing,
AriihipctjCi Geography, Aftronon v» and
the various brai c.hes of tl>e Mathematics.
The hcalihy firuation of this place 13 flic
45 to recommend it to those, who wish to
iave their children in the country. Board
in£) v.-«•.filing, mending, &c. vrjil be prnvid
• d in gOQd families, -and the morals of the
choiars.carefully attended to.
The. price including tuition, firewood,
&c. e»xclolive ©ftixf Fi'ench will
not exceed thirty pounds prqclamation mo
iev per ahnnm) an addition o< threedollars
>er quarter rvill be'-mac!# to fuel) scholars
who are taught the French language. 1 he
Dire<ffcors aj edel«j*iliined to pay luch atten
tion to this intiitutipn, as wUI render it
refpeftabie and u'efui.
TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. Dire&'s.
Mo r rift own, Mayls, 1794
ci i w. \v2m. —
Christiana Mills
For Sale.
ON Monday the firft day of September
next at 8 o'clock in tiie evening, at the
Coffee Hriuie' in he city nf philodelp! ir
will be fold by public vendue, two tract
or pieces o'f land lituated in "White Clay
1 C itrck hundred, New Castle county and fta£e
of Delaware; one of which contains about
hxty acres of highly improved land, on it
siea large two llorv brick dwelbnghoufo, a
(o venient brick barn, with (tablingand a
carriage ltoufc u/>cie meatus an e ceilcn
kiln for drying corn ; and the well known
milis galled Christiana Mills (late Patter
son's) *vliich being at the head of the t'de
on Christiana river, and but about hnif a
mile from the landing, isconveniently lit u
aft d for carrying the articles manufactured
at the miils hy water to PhilacJelpliv—iTJiis"
property .being cLose to the road leaving
from Eikton to (Christiana bridge, and at
the head of the tide, with many other at
tendant advantage?, render itslituation for
th< milling bufineft lo very as to
be equal ed by few and txcelkdby none,
The latter tra£t containing 175 aciev, is
about One mile from the mills apd is 'chief 1
Iv we,od4and, which being contiguous to.
watei carriage to the chby of Philadelphia,
mufl be of increafmg value,'f.fpecially a
there qiiamity o! »large timber in said
tra<st suitable for the purposes of the
m i i is.
The tfnns lipofi whitb the above men-,
tioned efiates will be fold are— on« thou-
to be paid on (executing. thtJ
.deedj, andjeven hundred and fifty pounds
per annum, with infereft f«>r the r< maimlei
dr proport;ofiably for each pert.
Indifpatable titles will be made for the
property, by
At fame time and pldce wilj be fold a
large BOAT,
July 2 . mw&Jts
LETTERS on thefubjea of the Walk
ington Loitei t, Kinc hy mistake repeat
edly addrefiecl to the Commiiticncrs for the
.City of Wafiiington.
Perfons-fonoerned are hereby informed,
that all fuell fhrtuld he addressed cither to
W. Deakins jun. of Waihington, or to the
Sujafcrfeer. The co/iiniilTioners never hav
ing contemplated any further conccrn in
this bufiuels," than iri.tficw aflent to receive
VhehondS and approve the, names of the
manager's. The prizes have been paid and
av« paying on dt mand by W. Deakins,
Washington, Peter Giiman, Eotton, and
by the Subscriber.
For the Lottery No. z, the securities al
recdy given will be retained by the com
missioners, or transferred by them at their
Option to the bank of Columbia ; and the
commiflioners will be consulted rripei>ing
a judicious and equitable dil'pofition of the
houses tr, be jiuiJt thereby ; their treasury
or the bank of Columbia will receive the
money intended for the National Univer
sity, and they will be consulted in the no
mination of the 24 managers ; bnt all th£
refpohfibility refpeiling the general difpo
lition of the tickets, and payment of pri
; zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on
tie persons whose names are and may be
hereafter publifhtd as affiflants to forward
this bufmefs with
N. E. Mr. Blodget will be particularly
obliged if those perlbns who poflefe prices
yet unpaid, will apply f or their money a»
early as possible.
June 7th. d.
At the STORES of
jefle. Sc Robert Wain,
PORT WINE i« pip® s > lihds-and quar
*er calks
LISBON do. in pipes ard Quarter ca(ks
Souciiongrand Coligo TEaS, in quarter
A quantrty of Lilbnn and Cfid z SALT
Svft Ihellcd AX.!ViOM)S iH bal(fs
Velvet CORKS, iu do.
Kullia Mat IS.
. e 9 d
Rithard Johns ") InJbe, Cbaccery Court
( of J be
John Weili and C State of Marylmh
Mordfcai Cdle. J Miiy 26^/51794
r l'he Compl'ainaiit hath fil
ed liisbdl, for the purpose of nbtaining a
decrre, to veil i' complete Irgul title
t.j tw tra/ts ol land.) u l Baltimore
crtjtintv, one culled r.iint' rs-L'.vf i, con
iOO iicie:, tb.r other called frefpSS
ton twining 50 aci6s H--ltates,tliat the Taid
Welt? <yi the day ot \ldich 1774
i-ortrafted to fell the laid land to the la d
to Itiilt a bond foi
coiW< vancfjtliat tbe said Coif j on tlie fame
day, executed to the laid Wells a bond Idr
{he pavm nt of the purcNMt money amoun
tiuft to£'67 j Eennfylvaiiia c?rr'ency, that"
the said Cole bath since difctiEfged the whole
oi the purcliafemoq,e>, ard hath, afligned
tot Ik 'complainant the nf'ttl hood for con
v .-vancc; thai the'.aid .WeHs hath iievier
executed a deed, agreeably to his contract
but hath removed-eut of the state of MuTyS
lain!, and now rcGdesin tlie state of Ken
It is thereupon, and at tberequefi of the
coiiipiainantj-adjudged, and ordered, that
he pi ocure a copy of (his order to be inferi
tilat Iraft fix weeks fucceiTively, hefb'X
he fiiil day of AugufV rext, in the United
States Gazetie at Philadelphia, to the in.
teut, thai the said John Wells may haveno'-
tice of the complainant's application to
ttiis court, and may be warned to appear
here, on orbein e the firft Ttieltlay in Oc-
to filew canfe wheiefore this
court flionid not procisd to dense, agi re
ally to the praver of the complainant, and
to the a£) »f afleinbly, for such cases made
and provided.
Samuel Harvey Howard.
Reg. Cur. Can.
Tune 13 mw&f6w
Just Published,
In one hanciforne vr iumt, izmo. Wicc 5S
At Franklin's Head, No. 41 y CJjijitul
Natural Equality of Men,
On the Rights that result from it, and on
the Duties v. hich it in,poles.
To which a MEDAL wasidjiulgedf-by
the Teylerisn Society at Haarlem.
Corrected and Erildvgtd.' by
I). V'
Profelfor of Moral Plofopl.y, and the
Law of Nature, and of "Etjcleliailica!
History ; and Minift'er of tlie Euglifli
Chui ch at L'ti echt.
Alitp id semper ad coinmumm utilitafem
all"--nriiiri Ciciito.
Tie Firjl American Edition.
THEgiand 01, Equality, if
fighily underflor.d, is tlie only basis
On which univcrla jullice, Tucred order,
and per'teel freedom,, jean be fiinilybuilt,
and permanently li ciited. The vew of
it-exbibited in this ella'.y, at the fame time
that it rcpreffes the insolence of office,
the tyranny ol'pridi, and tie outrages of
oppreftio'i ; confirms, in the moil forcible
manner, the neccfl'ry of fubordinatioi.,
and tlie jnft deitiHiuls of lawful authority.
So far indeed,'fi om loofeoing the bands
of fnciety, that it maintains inviolate, e
veiy oaturai and diftinftiop,
draws more clo'ely ov-i.y Cocial tie, unites
111 one lia- montous and jullly proportioned
fyAem, and brings men together on the
even ground of the inherent 1 ights of hu
man name, of 1-ecip'oi a! obli ation, and
ol a common relation to tlie community.
Mai-ill 18. t ul f
One thousand Dollars
Some Itw Counteifrii Port Notes of the
Bank of Marvlalid, having tin n laicly difco
vertd in circulation, and iiacing Ihe lame
were found to come fioin the bjck pairs ol
Virginia, where they prots,b y lirll ifiucd ;10
atoid i.mpofition it 15 tlu 1 ntcftfaly to
give ilv following delcription ol thfm, by
which they may uadily t><: deletttd.
Thty have the Ititrr IJ. lor ih'cir alphabeti
cal maik, at the hand fide of ihe Note.
The p?p,.r on which thry aie prinli d is
nieie fofrapd .tender, the flrrkrs o! the lctterr.7
in the engraving arc in -enrial Itronger, and
have a daiker appearance than in the bills.
The fignatuic William Pa'u'eifon, is
done, the flrokes of the leueis, arc. ftift and
labored, and appear to be painted over with"
the or 11, well as rhe flnnrilhioir of the nann
The value is left bUnk in the engraving, to
be filled up in wruing, so the film may he
more or lets at plealine.
No true Post-Notes of the alphabetical
mt>ik, above d fcr ihed, l-cen lateTy if.
lu'd, and very/ew ine in w in circulation.
The above ftwarcr ot Oyi Thousand dol
lars vyill he paid to jury peifow, nr persons,
who fliall difcoycr.or proiicute lo conviAioo,
tin fevetal n anv'ofthem, of ibe
lollr.wing idcfcripiion, vu. '
The perfun or peiioi.s, who engraved the
The printer, or printer* of thr.faid bills.
Every pcrfon who acted 33 .principalin
any wny in- the countcrfcoiiia and uttcrint*
he fair! .bills.
Wlltl'AM PATTERSON. Prefidint.
of Ihr Bank Of Maryland.
Bnio, April 8, 1794.
An Essay on Slavery,
Designed to- exhibit in a new point of
view its effects on morals, indufry, and the
peiic* focicty. Some fads and calculations
aie ottered to prove the labor of Jreemen to be
much more praduflive than that ot f laves •
thai coiimrievaie neb, powerful and happy/
in proportion as the .laboring people enjoy
the their own " labor ; and hence
the nectflVry Cdrfclu(ion,that slavery i s imptfi-
Hcas well as umjuJl.
Pr i c e 25 Cents.
February 15. _
office of the'Prefident and Dire£W s
©f the Insurance Company of Noith
A/merlCa, h removed to No. South
"P'FOiit itreer, being the south east cori»ei 0 f
F»om ard Wainnt streets.
'l he Public arc cautioned to
Beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills
of Ibe Hank of the United States, and
Tiventy Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
America, t feveral of which hut e appeared
in circulation within a few days paj};thty
are good general in\Uation of the genuine
Bilk, but may be diftinguijhed by the sol.
M A R- K S.
Fmr Dollar Bills of the Bank of the
- ■•United Sfbtes.
ALL thai have appeared have the letter
F. for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Page.r is thick, rand
white!" and it takes the.jnk mor£ freely
tjian the.genuine paper.
The O'. in the word Company is smaller
than the M. arid other letters of that word
jo .that a Jine extended frojn the top of the
(), to touch the top of the JW. Mould exttntl
.cnnfideiablj'above the range ot the whole
Id thr word United the letters are nar.
rower and elbfer together than th*reft of
the bill.
The i and /in the word promise are not
parallel, the/inclining much more forward
tfmi the.f.
The engraving is badly rxecu'ed, the
fbokes of all rhe Lerter* are itroi ger and
the devi e in themargi,, particular]) iS rr,t.cli
coaifcr and appears darker than in the Utie
bm. Some ot the counterfeits bear date i„
, 79 I—Whereas1—Whereas the Ban* was not in opera
tion tM December, and no five dolia. bills
vvere iuued in >hat year.
?<wehty Dollar Bills of the Bank qf North
AIJL that have .appeared have the letter
B. lor then alphabetical mark.
i>>ey are printed on a paper .nearly ftmir-
If r to that of the cutHiteifMfc Five Doiiar
Notes above defended; the enjirpving is
bitfet exccutech, aird they approach nearer
tp the appearance of thd genuine bills.
The fine i nlet! lines tb'ough the word
Twenty in thp body of the"bUJ f are in num.
bei the genuine bills, and but
twelve in tjie.cotintcrf'eit's.
/he woi "vmpan)/ is much like the fame
word in the Five Bil/s as defer i bed
above, the 0 being ieis than the m, and o
the'r following.
There is to the / ihthe word
horth \vherea.* in the genuine bills thellroke
is well defined.-
The let ers ent in the word Twenty, to
!"he left hand at the bott» ni, do not come
Uo'wn to the line, but are so cut as to give
an irregular appearance to the word, the
Tw and hey gfoing below thr.n.
The fijgnatuie } Nixonj has the appear
ance of written with lamb-blat k and
01 V and differs 1 rom .o< her inks ulcd in
pruning t"H"bills and the cafiiiei's ligna
tu:c. ,• ' v • •
It is fnppofed fbefe frrrgexies were commit
ted in some of the Southern States. a> ail the
counterfeits thai have appeaied r have come
from thcncrfj'ijnd two persons have been ap
prehended in Virginia,on suspicion ol being
the author of. them.
The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL
LARS will be paHl to any Peifon or Pawns
who fhail discover and profetute to convic
tion the feveial offendc»s of the following
or any of them, viz.
T he person or p* rfons, who manuf?£lnr
<d the paper on which the Bills arc printed.
The peMo-u or persons, who engraved the
The printer or printers, of the bills.
l'.vcry person whohasafted as a principal
m any other way, in the and
u| tt ring the TaidbHls.
Philadelphia, March 28, l 794
April 22, 1794, \
Other counterfeit'bills
of the Bank o( she United States- have ap
peared in circulation.
he denomination is of TWENTY
fX'l-LARS, and the alphabetical niatk is
the letter B. " 1 i
'hey may he from the ge
nuine by the following MARICS :
The paper of'tbr counterfeits is of a
more tend r texture and glofley furface
than the genuine, and theje is no water
ilwrk in them.
TUelctterC. in the word in
he tiue bHIs is Ai ongly mai ked, uhcusis
to tl* r o iinterfeit<-, the whole letter is a
fitte hair ltroke, evidently in an nirfinilhed
rtatc. The letter J in the word denial '',
i- hatlly formod and the whole word ill done
and {here lit no comma at the end of it, as
there i, the genuine bills.
I he inart;inal device, is much datker
in the l: ( |fe ? than in the genuine bills "
"'S to the lliade ftrokt?s being roai Jei, innch
nearer together, and consequently nn"l» ,
nwve numeroui. This difference strikes the
e-ye at fivfl yfew.
rhe fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehemlirp,
.« prtifet *1 ting ro convirtion the ftvcral
above bribed Offenders in .efpeft to this,
as to the last described bills.
of the B?nk limfid Swtes.
JOHN NIXON, Prcfidenl of the
Bank of North Ameitca.
By of the Committees of the Ref
pc&ive Boards. fl