Excellent CLARET, Iu hog-thcais arid in cases of 50 bottle* each - also,- * A few cases Champaignewiile ; MADEIRA,, \ THI Xn pipes, h »;*iheaUs and quarter callcs, I |\/1* FOR SALE BY I JOHN VAUGHAN, J No. in, Front Itrcei. | \jrCG Jan. 2, 1794/. dtf GUTHRIE'S GEOGRAPHY ' N Improved. THE fubfeription for this work on the ! t ' ,L * ' original tcTms, of twelve dollar* and the | ® tl * binding, will be doled this on I Monday the fubfeription will open at tour 1 ? teen dollars, excluiive of the price of bind I ingi i .1 3- The new maps added to this editian are j twenty one ; among which are those ol [ Nrw-Hamplhire, lVlalTachnfetts, Conneisti- j nt Cur, Vermont, New York, I 5- New J-erfey, Pennlylvauia, DefawafefrMa- IP ! ,'[ ryland, Virginia, Kent>icky, North Caco- l 0!". 1 lina, the Genelfee Government, I au ' rolina, and Georgia. These maps I'iave.ue, j ver been given in any for trier fyfteni o. | crtu Geography, and, it is hoped, 'would alon I ? be fufficient to entitle this Work to a pre e f j fer»nce to any other edition of Guthrie. I ,i:it N B. The map of-the United States, I V "L which is Compiling by Mr. S.muel Lewis} j from the refpettive state maps, Will "be far I tlle more complete than any one yet pub'ilhed, I rev And be printed on two large sheets of I *• paper, nearly the file of the late Mr. MUr- I " ray's map. May 31 j _l The following fe£tionh"; of the law for establishing an £Iwilth-»Qtfice, j ant &C. parted the last fefliun of tht Legislature, | f any fh'p or Vcfife 1 coming froirt be | vond Che sea (veffcls a6hx site to the Health-office on j aidrcfafd; and there to remain j urit 1/ he shall have duly obta.ncd a certificate I br bill oj health from the refldent physician, I in the manner and upon the terms herein be j tote dir< : and if, pievioufly to obtain- j 1 jug iuch certificate or bill of health, any I mailer or cap-ain (hdll fuffer his ftiip or veflel | to approach nearer than the laid health-office j vv< to the city of Philadelphia, or (tiail land, or j Sd c.iufe or f utter to be landed, or brought on I 8* {lion, at any port or place withiil this com- ISv m.inwealthj or at any other port or place, jvc with the intent to he conveyed into this com- j Fi vnonwealth, any person or perforis, or any I ill goods, waies or merchandize j or il after re- I F teiving such certificate or bill of health j he I S\ ihail neglett or refufe to deliver the' fame to I di the heah"-officer agreeably to the directions I T of this aftj iuch master or captain fhdll for- I la feit and pay, for each and every fuck offerffce, | £ the ium of five hundred dollars to be recover- I ed and appropriated as hereinafter provided | j r and dirc&ed , and the captain or master of 1 each and every ship or veflelj as soon as the I farrfe is tfroOght to anchor, or otherwise stayed I as aforefard, (hall fend a fafe and commodious I boat to brins; the resident physician on board I of his thip or Vessel, and ihall in like man- I rter Convey him back to the health-office I after he has concltfdecMiis official examina- I tion; and while he is making such examine- I tion,or in cafe of any fublequent examination | by the health.officer and confuting physician, I as ihe cafe may be, each and every part of the I veflel, and shaW present to h»(i view I each and every perfoft ort board thereof, and I shall aVro tvee iird fdtiffaftory arifwers make I to all' furh qucftiorts«>s the rcfidem physician j at tWe time of eJCjminaticfn, or the health offi- I cer at the tunc of delivering the certiEcaie, or j biil of health, in the city of Philadelphia, or I at the ti mi of examination to be had by the I health-officer together, with the confufting I phyfiician fhallaik relative 16 the health of any j port orjplace from Which the strip or ve/tel 1 failed, or has iince touchqd at, the number of | persons on board when the fhipor veflel en- | tered on her voyage, the number of persons ft that have since been landed or taken on 1 board, and when or wlrere refpeftively, what I • persons on board,if any have been during the I voyage, or lhall at any trme of examitiation, I be with any Oetttlentiar or contagi-I 0u& diftafe, what person belonging to the ship I or veHel, if any died "during the voyage, and I: of what difcafe, and what is the present state 1 and condition of the persons on board with I to their health and difeatcs j and if I any captain or master of any ship or veflel I , (hall rpfttfe to expose the feme asafoiefaid to I the search and examination of the reiident I physician, or of the health-ofncer and confnlt- I ing phylician,' as the cafe may be ; or if, hav- I irig on board his ship or vessel any such per- I son or persons, he ftiall conceal the fame, or I 4f in any manner he fhalffcnowing* i ly deceive or attempt to deceive the proper I officers afotefaid irt hiranfwers to their offici- I al enquiries r such captain or master, for cach I and every such offence, ihall forfeit and pay j the sum of five hundred dollars, to be re- I Covered and appropriated as hereinafter pro- I •vided and dire&ed; and wherever the refi-1 dent physician, or consulting- physician, as | the cafe may be, fhatl di reft any person or I persons, or any-goods, wares or nrcrcbandize I to be landed at the healtb-office, or any fV»p I or vessel to be detained opposite thereto, and I and thereto be fmoaked* eleanfed and puri- I fled, the captain of the ship or veflel shall in I all rcfpe&s conform to such directions, I shall at the proper cost and charge of his em- I ' plovers carry the fame into effect within such I time as the resident physician, or consulting physician, as the cafe may be, shall 1 allow and prescribe; and if any milter or I vautain shall refufe or neglect to conform to I these fa id directions, and to carry the fame I into eff'ea as afarefaid, according to the rel- I ; pcfiive obirfts thereof, he (hall forfeit and I pay the sum of five hundred dollars for each I and every offence, to be recovered and ap-pro- I priated as is hereinalter provided and direOf- I td. ■ ■ S March, i 1794• tcjut . JUS 7 PUBLISHED, andu, B/ ivLATHEW CAREV", «ar No. 118, Marktt Jlreei, 'I' THE FIRS-T VOLUME OF A NEW ,f L, j SYSTEM OF wbic| Modern Geography : I OR y A 'ace. j Riftorical, ana "S'tiv 1 Cuturnerchil Grammar; o °'g\ ■1 ) And urvfeut'ft ate of ]'nc 1 V tr ing o I NATIONS CF THE WORLD. — CONTAINING, 1 t. Til*" figures, motions, and distances of e | the planets,according to tlie Newto.iVan fyf e j t«M and the latest obiei vations ( n | 2. A geyeral view of tl>« earth,cdn!rdcred Ce P t . jar, a planefjwitl. feverai ufefulgeographical I j definitions and problems. 3 Tiie g' and divisions of the globe into e J lind ai»d water, continents and iftaiuls. I 4. The fiiuation and extent of empires, . i- J kingdoms,ftates. provinces and colonies. J , I 5. Their climates, air, foil, vegetables, y i- Ipi metals, minerals, natural eufi- cc t KoliticsJfeiisjrivers^bays,capes,promontories, care J.-1 autl lalcei. as-a i 1 "4>. The birds and beads peculiar to each 0 j country, , L He 7. Ol)fervations 011 the changes that h3ve , ef! been any where dbfer/ed upon the face of I rtatiire since tht mull early periods of hlf- q v s. I ''"T- . . Aril s ? I 8. The IHftt.ry and origin erf nations; thc I then forms of government, religion, laws, I revenues,tHxesjnaval and military strength of I 9' *r ' ,e genii", mannffis, and ; IHV r . I abits,of the people. _ ing] ■ lo.Tlieir laiigHSgejlearningjilTtSj fcieti' 1 ces, manufaftnlf:, and tommerce. , c ] )( — I 11. The chief citi£s> (Iruftiires, ruins, n „ I and artificial curiosities- & c II I 12. The lortgitude, latitude, bearings, nQ j :e, 1 and diftanfcß3 of principal places ♦rotnPhila- r€ > J drlphla; ncr >11 I i n which arc added, w | l( 1. A GfebcßAfHicAL Index, with the jj ]r j names and places alphabetically arranged. tio »> I a. A Table of the Coins of all nations* ]e q | and tiieir value in dollars and cents. 3. AChronolooical Table of remarka he | ble events,from the creation to the present or I me. T bc By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Esq. :ne I J = d ) j Tile Aftroilonlical Part corrected Uy be I 01-. RITTHNkouSE. h, S I i+o which have been added, i The late Discovsries of Di . Herschell, vcr | hnd othe" eminent Astronomers. on I Thfe FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, al " I Corrt-aed) Improved, and greatly Enlar- r ; c | gerf f"'| The firft volume contains twenty-one W1 I Maps end Charts,befides Uvo Astronomical or irt- I 1 (1 l Plates, viic. e fTei i *• °' " ie Chart df the fictr I wor 'e 3. Europe. 4. Asia. 5. Attica. 6. ,v or | South America. 7. Cook's difcovaries. a " on jB. Coulitt'es round the north Pole. 9- ,m- | Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. :0. 9e- ™ ace, 1 veil United Provinces. 11. Auftriau, 1 , m . J French and Dutch Netlwrlands. 12. Ger- I l ' airy I many. 13. Seat of war in France. t4- 10 re-1 France divided into departments. »5- on 1 he j Switzerland. 16. Italy; Sicily, and Sar- n ' etoldinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. 18. at ions I Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19- Ire- at for-1 land. 20. Weft-Indies. 2i. Verniont. 22. P 1 rf 'e, lAr miliary fpliere. 22. Copernican system. >r ver-1 w'itli the second Simile, which is now tli de'i Ij„ the press, will be given the following te r „f| ~ th r oil Maps: , lllc l 1. Rtifliz 111 Europe and Asia. 'y cd I 2. Scotland. 10US I 2. England an/1 Wales. f • ,ard 4. Poland. ] y ~ n "| 5. China. w I 6. Hindoftan. '• na " I 7. United States. tion I 8 - Britifc America. _i I 9. State of New-H > upftiire- " Khe| <0. State of MafTachofetts. ew I 11. State of Connecticut. and | 13. State of Rhode-Island. lake I 13. State of New-York. " ■ci'an I 14. State of New-Jersey. P offi-j ij. State of Pennsylvania. 0 e, or J 16. State of Delaware. 1, or I 17. State of Maryland. P [[the I iB. State of Virginia. hing I 19. State ef Kentucky. f , fany I 2 0. State of North-Carolina. icffel I 21 . TennefTee Government. er of I 22. State Of South-Carolina. 11 I en- I 23. Stale of Georgia. I TERMS. what I «• This work wiH be compriied iri tip I speaks such full conviction on this o, and I that it would be difVefpea to the re-ad puri- ier's nnderftamting to suppose it reqntfifc hall in |to enter into a detail of arguments to ftions, I prove its fuperiorrty. In no linailar work is cm- I have such maps boenever introduced. n such I emendationsand additions whith 1 are made in this work T are iimumerable,and ;- h „ occur in every page. The public are re ° | ferred to the preface for a flight sketch 'fame los a few them he r I The pablifher takes the present oppor and" I tunity of returning his rnoft sincere thanks ir each I to those refptAaWe charaAers who have jp-pro-I favored him with documents for improj direft- I ing tht of* federal ot the states He * PHILADELPHIA:—PRINTED BY JOHN FENNQ, N* 3, SOWTH FOURTH STREET—PMEE Six Doliarj PER A J*cqu£fts a continuance of their kindr.els; and hopes that 'tich public spirited citizens, as are potleifed ot iiin .ar documents, will favor him with theiialliftance in perfect- j lug his undertaking. J The ext i nordinary encouragement with p which he has been favored, has excited in bis breait the warmest sentiments ot gra- L r itude—feutijneuts which time will not et S« ace. He pkdges hiiui'eli to the citizens I of* tne United StateNj rp spare neither pain l - A :or expense to re litter the prei'ent editiof. S ol €3tfthrie*s Geography improved, delerv- \ iug of their onap,e. waftl H "JAMAICA RUM,' Rk LANDINGS Hamilton's wharf, a' ov the, drawbridge, oirt of the (hip Bacchus y 0 ) Cept. Vankeman', t'roiii Jamaica, A/ FOR SALE BY H PETER BLIGHT. eJ iVlay 16. (l dec Morris Academy. con THIS iiiftitution is now open for ihe te <> ccption of iludents under the immediate care of Mr. Caleb Russell, vhofe abilities J as an tßlirv.a»r,, and attaChmentto the bt - fluffs have long L'een known and approvec. He has under hull the, heft Afflftants •• ' Hie different btariches—'fhe scholars a c •. taught the Engliifij French, i-.un, and t Greek lansuagfes, Public-Speaking, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Aftronom}, and t the various branches bl the RlaihematicS. The hcahliy fittiation of this f>lace i s^ l " as to rtcommeod it to thofej Vrho with to have their children in the country. Boa. d ing, waffling, mending, &c. will be prpvjd., bu d in good families, >nd the morals of the lal scholars carefully attended 10. , . u 1 The price Including tuition, firewood, &c. exclusive of the French langu- ge) wil- £0 1 not exceed thirty pounds proclamation tno ■ ney per annum) an addition ol threedol ar. to i>er quarter will be mad» to such fcholais e who «te taught the French language. The ! Directors at edetermined to pay such at ten tion to this institution, as will render it ' refpeflable and uleful. .'' GABRIEL H. FORD, 1 TIMOTHY JOHNS, jttn.V- Ditefts. 1 NATHAN FORD, J Marriftown, May 15, 1794 '' diw. w2m. — tc ' — 1 ai Christiana Mills For Sale. ON Monday the firil day of September — . r.cxt at 8 o'clock ill tiie evening, at the Coffee House in lie city if Philadelphia j t e will he fold by public vendue, iwo trnft jl or pieces of land situated in White Clay Creek hundred, New Castle county and (latt ie of Delaware) one of which contains about j, sixty acres of highly improved lann, on it 1. area large two story brick dwelhnghoulr, a ) CO venient brick barn, with (tabling and a ;1 carriage house underneath, an e celleli , . kiln for drying corn ; and the well known Z millicalledChriftiana Mills (late Patier- C 4. lon's) which being at the head of the tide ; on Christiana r/iver, and but about halt a r . milefrom the landing, Is cotiycnienfly iito g ated fcfr tarrying the articles manutaOured e . at the mills hy water to Philadelphia—l hh 2. property biifcg Close to the road leading „ from Elkton tcr Christiana bridge, and at w the head of ihe tide, with many other at- 1 j* tendant advantages, render its situation for thi milling business so irery valuable, as to be equal ed by few and < xcellcd by none. The latter tratt containing 175 acres, is ' about one mile from the mills and ,is chief ly woodland, which being contiguous to water carriage to the city of Philadelphia, must be of increasing value, efpecirilly as there is a quantity ot large timber in 1 tract suitable for the purpoles ot" the ; m i lis. ' The terms upon which the above men- i tioned eflates will be fold thou sand pounds to be paid on executing the deeds,- andfeveii hundred and fifty pounds , .per annum, withintereft for the remainder or proportionally for each part. IndifputaWe titles will be made for the " ,OHN NIXON. AI.EX. FOSTER, GKO. LATIMER. At fame time and place will be fold a large BOAT, July 2 mwSrtrs w>- 1 ' to mination of the 2:41 managers ; but all the ' ork refponfibiltty refpefling the gefteral dispo sition of the tickets, and payment of pri .. , zesv will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on . tie persons whose names are and may be f". hereafter published as afliftants to forward this bufineft with etch S. BLODGET. j por- N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particularly' joks obliged if those persons who poflefs prizes liave y e t unpaid, will apply for their motley a* rov " early as poflible. He June 7th. d* for sale, By At the STORES of Jeffe & Robert Wain, Ai PORT WINE ill pipes, hhds. and quar D *er calks , ,V»ev LISBON do. in pipes «id quarter calks p eac Souchong and Congo 1 EAS, in quarter a) C( chests muc A quantity of Lisbon and Cod.'Z SALT that Soft fretted ALMONDS i# bales in p Velvet . i-J) do. lhc fcliflfe MATIS. ... lhe ■June 9 d Rich fird Johns ") In the Chancery Court p < v ( / of tbe 1 — John fVells and C S:*'e of Maryland, -j~ Mordecai Cole. J z6tb X 794 X The Coitiplainant hath fil- ££ CS John Weill < tdat least fix weeks fuccefljvely, before liefirfl day of Augtift next, in the United u , States Gazette at Philadelphia, to the in- COl tent; thai the said John Wells may have nti- w< tice df ihe complainant's application to this court, and may be warned to appear ro here, 011 orbefo:e the firfl Ttiefday in Oc- 1 lober next, ,tn flieW cause wherefore this com t fhoiiid not proceed to decree, agree- P a ably to the prayer of the complainant, and 1 ' to the aft if aflTembty, for fuCli cases made .1 and provided. , Test, " Samuel Harvey Howard, l\ Keg. Cur. Can- 1; J U n<> 13 mwSci"6w ti : Just Published, T ( In onehandfome voUtme,i2mc». Price 5s AND SALE EY I JOHN ORM ROD, B t Al Franklin's Head, No. 4 1, Chefuut 3 Street, b, a AN ESSAY ON THE . „ „ Natural Equality of Men, ? - On theHijilits that rcfult from it, and on fa( e the Duties which it imposes. n J To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by '* theTeylcrij.il Society at Haarlem. « Corrected ar.d Enlarged, by „ WILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN, tl D. J). r„ Profeffor of Moral Philofoply, and the ,r Law of Nature, and oi* Ercclefiaftical ' o fliftory ; and IVlinifter ol" the Englifli Chinch at U tree lit. 1 is Aliqnid Temper ad communrm utilitatem f. affcr*ndiim. Cicero. to Ftrjl American JLdiiioYi. a, nnHEgrand principle ot Equality, it ? X rightly linclerflood. is tlie only basis 0 id on which univerlal jufttce, sacred order, \e and perfect freedom, tan be firmly bailt, t and permanently tecured. The vew ot n- it exhibited in tiiis'eflaj, at the fame time t n- that it rcprelTes the insolence of office, c lie the tytar.ny of pride* «* nc * ie outrages of [ els oppression 9 cofifirms, in the most forcible f er manner, the necellity of fnbordination, r and the jiift of law ful authority, he So far indeed, from loo'fening the bands * of fo'cic'ty, that it maintains intiolate, e 1 very natural and every civil diftin&ion, I draws more £lo'"ely eve i y I'oclaf tie, unites < in one harmonious and jnAly proportioned a Tyflem, and frring«! men together on the ' even ground of the inherent rights of hu man rtanrss of reciprocal obligation, and — of a ccnAmon relation to the co^nrtfafiity. March 18. tut!" to- One thousand l>ollars £ REWARD, Some few Counterfeit Post Notes of the ' Bank of Maryland, hating been lately disco , vered in circulation, and on tiacirrg the fame were found to come liom the back parts of l y~ Virginia, where they piobably firft issued ;to w avoid impositiOn it is though t riccefTary to ive give the following dcfcripiion of thern, by •he which they may rtadily l>e detest d. nd They have the letrci* D, fonheir alphabeti ns, cal mark, at the kit hand We of the tfjote. nd The paper on wliich thry are printed is more fott and tender, the ftrofces of the letters, i in t"he engraving are in general iVronger, and have a tf&rßer appearunpc than in the bills. rr ?" The frgrafore WilHailn Patterfon, is badly Le,r done, the strokes of the letters,• are ftiff and tbe labored, and appear to be painted over with the pen,'ss well as the ffotinfhing of the name, the The value is left blarrtc. it\ thsft engraving, to L>ry be filled op *n writings so the sum may be th*e more oriels at pleasure. rer- tTue P ( tt-Notes of the aTphabetieal mark, above d( scribed, h;jve btCn lately if , iued, apd very few are ii-'W la circuhiticm. The'abfjve reward of One Thoulartd doU lars will be paei-d to any pi ;fori, <,r perlons, ? ri ~| who shall difeover,or piofecate to convitlion, oi=t the several offenders, or any of them, ot the rbe followrrvg deftription, vi/.. The pcrfon or wbo engraved the late. The printer, or pi inters of the said bills. Eve'i'y person who has acted as principal in ll "v' any Waty in the counte*fe>»irvg and uttering wesj he said bills. y WILLIAM PATTERSON, frrefident, of the Bark of Maryland. Biur, April 8, 1794. FOR SALE, BY MATHEW CAREY, No. ng, Mai ket-Strect, An Eflay on Slavery, Detignert 10 exhibit in a new point of j,yiew us effcQs on morals, indujlry, and the peace ojJociety. Some lasts and calculations are ottered to prove the labor ot Jtcemen to be much more produOitt than that ot Jlavcs ■ that countries are rich, powerful and happy' in propoition as ihe laboring people c'niov the fruits of their own labor ; and hence the n.'Cf flary conclufion,that slavery is impoli. liens well at uajujl. Prici 25 Cents. February 15. du rHE office of the President aiidDi f eftor« ef the Insurance Co MP ANY of >j 0j | Ta America, is removed to No. 107, South Front ftreer, being the foutli ealt comerol Front a d Walnut streets. The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills .of the Bank qj the United States, and Twenty Hollar Bills of the Bank of North ' of which hair appeared in 'Circulation within a few days pajt; they art ! good general imitation of the genuine Bills, but may be dijlinguijbed by the fcl- Owing M A R K S. Fiyt Dollar Bills of the Bank of the 1 United States* AJLL that have appeared have the letter F. for their Alphabetical Mark. The Texture of the Paper is thicker and whiter and it takes the ink more freely than the genuine paper. The O. in the word Cbmpany is smaller than the M. and other letters of that word, so that a line extended from ihe top of ihe O, to touch the top of the M. would extend confiderabJy above the range of the whole word. In the word Un.ted the letters are nar. rower andclofer together than the test of the bill. The i and f in the word promise are not parallel, the yinclinifig much more forward I than the i. ~ The engraving is badly executed, the ftiokesof all the Letters are stronger and the dev'n e in themargjr particularly ismuch coaifer and appears darker than in the true bills. Some of the counterfeits bear date iq 1791— Whereas the Bank was not in opera tion till December, and no five doJiai bills were ilfueo in jhat year. Twenty Dollar Bills of ihe Bank of North i America. ALL that have appeared have the letter B. tor their alphabetical mark. They are primed on a paper nearly fital. iar to that of the coMnteif. it Five Dollar Notes above defcribedj the engraving is better executed, and they approach nearer to the appear*mce of the genuine bills-. Thfe fine ruled lines through the word Twenty} in the body of the bill, are in num ber th rteen in the genuine bills, and but .twelve tn the counterfeits. y The word Company is much like the fame word in the Five Dollar Bills as described above, the o being lets man th«"»r, and «- thers following. ' There is no flrolce to the t in the word e North whereas in the genuine bills theftroke is well defined. h The letters tbt in the word Twenty, to the left hand at the bottom, do not conie II down to the lirey but are so cut as to give an irregular appearance to the word, the Tza and they going below them- The signature ]. Nixon, ha?the appear ] nnce of being written with lamb-black ami oil, and differs irom other inks used iti 1 » printing t, h bills and the ca/hiei's *». ture. It is supposed thefc forgeries were conirr.it ted in fomcofrhe Southern States, as all the e > counterfeits thai have appeared* have c< me from thence, and two persons have,been ap le piehendcd in Virginia, on suspicion ot being n, the author of tlfm. y. The teward ol ONE THOUSAND DOL* ds LARS will be paid to any Person or Peilops e who fliall difcovcr and prosecute to >c n, tion the fcvnal offenders of the foHowiflg cs iont or any of them, viz. E d T he person or p< rfons, who manns; ctur he £d the paper on Which the Bills are primed. u The JVerfon or perfon#, %*ho engraved tn« nd P latf *s. r The printer or printers, of the bills. Every person who has a£led as a* pr uci-paf in any other way, in the counterleiivng t an£ uttering the said bills. Philadelphia, March 28, »794 4t>ril 22, *794. , Other counterfeit bills the co _ of the Bank of the United States have jp mc pearedin circulation. ;of The denomination is of TWENTY ;(o DOLLARS, and the alphabetical tnaik is to the letter B. by They may be distinguished from the gc rtuine by the following MARKS : eti- The paper of the counterfeits is of 9 more tender texture and glofle? furfacc I is than the' genuine, and there is no watu crs, nwtrk in them. and The letter C. in the word Cafliic, I? *• he true bills is strongly marked, wie'?® l ld| v in the the whole Icftf >• a fine hair stroke, evidently in ah unfi l "" 1 ® "" ll state. The letter ain the word demand, mc - ;is badly formed and the whole word itl " ont 'lo and there is no comma at theend "f i't ai ' c there is in the genuine bills. ; I The marginal device, is much df if _ in the fallir, than in the genuine bills iiig to the " !l \ ■ nearer together, and conleqtiently lI,U ' onS) more numerous. This difference strikes t" ion', ejeatfirtt view. 0 „ u .., the The fame reward of ONE-THOrSjJ" DOLLARS, will be paid .for apprefc elH ! the ie profecutfng to eonviftion the above described Oflenders in iefpeft to tl> 1! s. as to the laftdefcribed bills. ■alin THOMAS WILLING, ? tiog of the Bank llnitfd S» tc! - • JOHN NIXON, P.fhde»t "Ito irnt. Bunk ot North Americ®. I. By order of the Committees ot the pc£live Boards.