E-xcelieat CLARET, / fn hogjiheaas and m cases of 50 Domes each \ 1. s Atewcaies Champaignewine; MADEIRA, In pipes, hotheads *nd quaiici caiks, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. til, From Ureei. Jan. 2, 1794 dtf GUTHRIE's GEOGRAPHY Improved. THE subscription for this work on the original terms, of twelve dollars and the binding, wil 'be closed this on Monday the subscription will open at four teen dollars-, cxclufive of of bind ing * The neW maps added to l this edition are twenty one ; among which are those of w Jiimplhire, MafTachuletts* Connecti cut, 111. xle-lil iadj Vermont, New York, New jerley, Perinfylvauia, Ma ry !and, Vi/£inias Kentucky*) North Caro lina, the G.'neifee Government', South Ca rolina, and Georgia. Tliele maps hive ne ver been given in any former system o. Geography, .ind, it is hoped, wotild alon be fuincient to entitle this work to a pre e f fer-nce to any other edition of Guthrie. N B. The map of the United States, winch is compiling by Mr. S iinuel Lewis, troin the refpeftive ffcate maps, will befai more complete than any one yet publilhrd, And be printed on two large sheets of p*;>er, nearly rhe size of the laie Mr. Mur ray's map. 4 May 31 ■' I The following lettion of the law for eltaolilhmg an Hatlth-Olfice, tec. patted the last fefii »n of-tht Legislature, is n-publiftied tor the information of all concerned. Wen. ALLEN, Wealth-Officer, for the port of Philadelphia, Mo. 2t, Key's alley; June a, 1794. Sec. f. AND be it further ena£ie*4 by the anthority afu'teldid, That every rhaftcr or captain of any Ihip or vcfli.*] coining from be vond the sea (veffWs actually employed in the coasting trade otthe United Stajes excepted) and bound to any port or place within the jgflidltlion of Pennlvlvatiia,*fhall cause his (Hip of vessel to be brought to anchor,' or otherwise flayed in the Bream of the river Delaware, oppoffte ta the health-office on State-iflaiid alorefafd, affd there to remain until he (hall have duly obtained a certificate or bill ol health' from the resident physician, in the manner and upoo the terms herein be fore dir. drd : and if; previoull to obtain ing such certificate or bill of health, any matter or capiain (hall fu/fer his sKip or vessel to approach nearer than the said health-office to the city of Philadelphia, or dull land, Ht dr fuffcr to be landed,-or brought on /hare,' at any port or place within this Com monwealth, or at any other port "or place, •with the ituenf to be conveyed ifttd this corn fnonwealih, any person or persons, or any gooefs,' wares" or merchandize ; or if after re ceiving such certificate or bill of health, he (hall negle& or refdfe to deliver the fame to th« health-officer agreeably to the directions ol this ad, I'uch inartcr or captain shall for feit and pay, lor each and every such offence, ttk lum of five hundred dollars to be recover ed and apP'opriated as hereinafter provided and diredtcd , and rl|e captain or matter ol each and rvery ship or Vessel/ as soon as the fame is brought to anchor, or otherwise frayed as aforefatd, [hall fend a fafe and commodious boat to bring the resident physician on board Of his (hip or vrffel,* arW (hall sir like ihatt rter convey him back to the health-office after he h.is concluded his o/Bcial examina tion f and whtle he is making such ex'amio*. tion.or in cafc ol. an y lubfeqtfent examination by tire health-officer and consulting phyfi'cian, as the cafe may bit, each and every part of the ifrp or vessel, and shall present to tlis' view each and every person oA board thereof,' and (hall al o true and fatiffa&'ory answers make to all such quettionsas the resident physician at thb tirhe of examination", or the health offi cer at the time of delivering the-certificate," or bill of hfcaltn,'in the city of Philadelphia, or it thle tftrte of examination to be ha'a by the health-oH-.cer together, with the consulting ph"fi iciaTi Iftallaflt relative lo the health of any po ? place from' which the ship or vessel faile , or h'd« since touched at, the nuhiber of pet (ous oji board when the ship or veiTel en tered oii htr voyage, the number of persons that hav£ fmce >een landed or taken on board,' and whertor where refpe&ively, what persons on board,if any have during the voyage, or (Ball at any ume of examination, be infe&ed with any petfilential or contagi ous diTafe, what person to the ship 6r vessel, if any died duriiig the voyage, and of what disease,- ~nd what is the present state and condition of the persons on boird with refpeft to their health and disease*; and if any captain or master of any (hip or vessel Thallretufe to etfpofe the fame as*forefaid to the search and examination of the resident physician, or of the health-officer and confut ing physician, as the cafe may be ; or if, hav ing on boafrd his ship of vessel any such per son or persons, he jffiaH conceal the fane, or if in any manner whatsoever he shaH knowing ly deceive or attempt to deceive the proper officers aforefaid in his aiifwers to their offici al enquiries, such captain or mailer, for each and every such offence, stall forfeit and pay the sum of fiye hundred dollars,- to be re covered and appropriated as hereinafter pro vided and dire£Ud; and Wherever the resi dent physician, or consulting physician, as the cafe may be, shall dtreft any person or persons, or any goods, wares or merchandize to b« landed at the hea'lth-office, or any ffrip Or vessel to be detained oppofHe thereto/and and there to be fmoaked,' cleahfed and puri fied, the captain of the ship or vessel ftatl in all refpefls conform to such dire&ions, ftiail at the proper cost and charge Of his em ployers carry the fame into effed within such cafonable time as tke resident physician, or conftikiug phyfifcian, as the cafe nVay be, shall allow and prescribe; and if any mafler or «aptain shall refufe or negledl to conform to these fa d directions, and to carry the fame into efFect as aforefaid, according to the ref pe£live ohjefts thereof,- he shall forfeit and pay, 'he sum of five hundred dollars for eacn and every offence, to be recovered and appro priated as is hereinafter provided and dire6l «d- T Mirch, 1 17^4* 7VST PUBLISHED, B/ MATHEW CAREY, . No. 1J 8, Mdrlet Jlreet, THE FIRST VOLUME OF A NEW SYSTEM OF Modern Geography: OR, A Geographical\ Hijlorical, ana Commercial Grammar-, And present state of the love a! NATIONS OF THE WORLD. CON T A I HI NC, 1. Th<* figures, motions, and distances of the planets', accni ding to the Newtonian sys tem and the late ft obf'ervations. 2. A general view df the eai thjeonfidered as a planetj with feverai, Uteful geogfaphical definitions and problems. 3 The grand divisions of the globe into land'and watery continents and iflands 4. The fit nation and extent of trtipires, kingdoms,ftates, provinces and colonies. 5. Their climates, air, foil, vegetables, prndtiftions, merals, minerals, naturalbnri ofitles,feaSjri vers,bays,capes,promontories, aud lakes. 6. The birds and beads peculiar to each country. i — 7- Obfervationson the changes thit have been any vVhere observed upon the face ot nature since the molt early periods of his tory. 8. The liiftorv and origin nations; rhert farms of government, religion, laws, revenues,taxes,naval andmiiita r y strength 9. The genius, maimers, cufloms, and abits' of the people to. Their lingnage,learning,artsj scien ces, manufafltnes, and commerce. 11. The chief cities) flrufturls, ruins, and artificial curiofitles. IJ. The longitude, latitude, bearings, and distances of principal places from Phil adelphia. To which are added, 1. A Geographical Index, \Vith the names and places alphabetically arrariged. 2. ATABLedf the Cbtus of all nations, and their Value in dollars and cents. 3. A Chronological Table of remarka ble events,from the creation to the prrtent me. Bj WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Esq. The Astronomical Part correftid by D' . Rittknhouse. |To which have been added, The laje Discoveries of £jr. Herschell, aind other eminent Astronomers. •f-be FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, Corrected, Improved, and greatly Enlar ged. The , firfl volume contains twdnty-one Maps end Charts,befides two Astronomical Plates, vis. 1. Map of the ■Arorld.. a. Chart of the worle 3. Europe. 4. Asia. j.. Africa. 6. South America. 7. Cook's difcovsries. 8. Countries round the north Pole. 9 Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, to. Se ven United Provinces. ii. Austrian, French and Dutch Netherlands. la. Ger many. Seat of war in France. 14. France divided into departments. tj. Switzerland. i6f. 1 taly, Sicily, and Sar dinia. f7* Spain and Portugal. 18. Ttn key in Europe Snd Hungary. 1-9. Ire land. ao. Weft-Indies. 21. Vermont. 22. Ar miliary sphere. 23. Copernican system. With the fecdud volume, whiih is in the press, will be given the following Maps : I. Ruflia in Europe and Alia. 2- Scotland. 3. England and Wales. 4. Poland. j. China. » 6. Hindoftan. 7. United States. 8. Brltifh America. 9. State of Ne.v-Hamplhire. >0. State of MafTachufetti. 11. State of Connecticut. la. State of Rhode-Island. 13. State of New-York. 14. State ofNew-Jerfty. 15. State of Pennsylvania. 16. State of Delaware. 17. State of Maryland. »8. State of Virginia. 19. State of Kentucky. 3fo. State of North-Carolina. 2t. TennelTee Government. 22. State ofSouth-Carolina. 23. State of Georgia. TERMS. 1. This wofk vtill te comprised in two volumes. I. SVibfcribers pay for the prelent volume ohdelivery, fix dollarsy and the price of 1 binding, ( j6' cents for boards.) 3. They may receive the facceeding. vo , lumein twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quartet dollat each, or else, when fi nilhed, at the falhe pfiit as the firfl. 4. The subscription will be raised on the flrft day of June i 7*94« to fourteen dol lars, exclulive of binding. J. Should any copies remain for sale after the completion ot the Work, they will be fold at fifteen dollars, and the price of bindings 6. The names of the fubfoeibtrs will be published as patrons ol American litera ture, arts, and fcienies. It is Wholly unneceflrary to expatiate on the advantage,to American readers, that this edition poffelTes, overevery imported editionof any system of Geography extant. The addit tion of maps of the several teflas, procured a very great expense, and from the best materials that are attainable, speaks such full conviction on this fubjefl,- that it would be difrefpelt to the read* er's nnderftanding to suppose it to enter into a detail of arguments to prove iiov the Drawbridge, out of the ship Bacchus Cept. Vanneman, from Jamaica, FOR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT. May it. d Morris Academy. THtS institution is now open for the re ception of (Indents under the immediate care of Mr. Caleb RufTellj wh'ofe abilities as an ijiftruftor, and attachmentto the bu siness have long been known and approved. He has under him the best afltllfints in the different branches—The fcholirs are taught the Englilh, French, Lsiin, and Greek languages, Public-Speaking, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, and the variotis branches of the Mathematics. The healihy situation of this place is fuc as to recommend it to thole, Who wiAi to have the;ir children in the country. Board ings waftilngj mending, &c. will be provid ;d in good families, and the moraliof the Ccholars carefully attended to. The prifce including tuitionj firewood, See. exslufive of the French language) will not exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo ney per annum) an addition bt threedollars per quarter will be made to such scholars who afe taught the Frenfch language. The Directors at edetermined to pay fhch atten tion to this institution, as will render it refpeSible and ufeful. GABRIEL H. FORD, TIMOTfIV JOHNS, jun. V Dir«a's. NATHAN FORD} 3 Morriftown, May 15} 1794 dtw. w2m.— Chriftiaria Mills For Sale. ON Monday the firft day of September next at 8 o'clock in the evening, 'at the Coffee Hnufe in he city of Philadelphia will be fold by public vendue; two tract or pieces of land situated in White Clay Cieek hundred, New Castle county and state of Delaware) one of which contains about fi*fy acres of highly improved land, on it area large two story brickdwellinghoufe, a co venlent brick barn} with ftablingand a carriage bouse underneath, an e cellen kiln for drying corn ; and the well known mills called Christiana Mills (late Patter foh's) which at the head of the tide on Christiana river,' and but about half a mile from the landing} is conveniently situ ated for carrying thearticles manufactured at the mills hy water to Philadilphia—This property being close to the road leading from Elkton to Christiana bridge, and at the head of the tide, with many other at tendant advantages,' render its situation for the milling business so very valuable} as to be equalled by tew and excelled by none. The latter tract containing 17 j acre.-,' is about one mile from the mills and is chief ly Woodland, which being contiguous to 4ater Carriage to the city of Philadelphia} ftitift be of increasing value, especially as there is a quantity ot large timber in said tratt suitable for the pu'rpofes of the milis. The terms Apon the above men tioned estates will be fold thou sand pounds to be paid on executing the deeds, and seven hundred and fifty pounds per annum, with interest for the remainder or proportionally for each part. Indisputable titles will be made for the property, by JOHN NIXON, ALEX. FOSTER, geo. Latimer. At fame time and place will be fold a large BOAT, July 2 raw&its ADVERTISEMENT. LETTERS on the fubjecfl of the Wafli ington Lottery, being by mistake repeat edly addrefled to the Commiflioners for the City of Walhington. Persons concerned are hereby informed, that all such (hould be addrefled either to W. Deakins jun. of Walhington, or to the Subscriber. The commissioners never hav ing contemplated any further concern in this business, than in their aflent to receive the bonds and approve the names of the managers. The prizes have been paid and are paying on demand by W. Deakins, Washington, Peter Oilman, Boston, and hy the Subscriber. For the Lottery No. a, the securities aU ready given will be retained by the com missioners, or transferred by thefn at their option to the bank of Columbia ; and the commissioners will be consulted refpe£ling a judicious and equitable difpolition of the houses to be built thereby ; their treasury or the bank of Columbia will receive the money intended for the National Univer sity, and they will be consulted in the no mination of tfie 24 managers ; but all the fefponfibilfty refpeHE office of the President and Direfto,.. X of the Insurance Company of No TT u ICA, is removed to No. 107 Sm ,u Front street, being the south eafl corner of Front and Walnut streets. 1 he Public are cautioned to b 7T i C T te , rfe i ted D °"«r Bills, of the Bank of the United State, ' v Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of > America, fei>eral of which W J ™ "Ration within a few da ™ re s are good general imitation of J,/','? £'ng maybe the}! marks. Five Dollar Bills of the bank of the United States. ALL that have appeared have the Jetter F. for their Alphabetical Mark The Texture of the Paper is thicker and winter and it takes the ink more freely than the genuine paper. The O. in the word Company is smaller than the M. and other letters of that word so that a line extended from the top of the' Q» to touch top of the M. would extend considerably above the range of the whole word. In the word United the letters are nar rower and closer together than ti*_teft of the bill. The 1 and /in the word promise are not parallel, the /inclining much more lorward than the 1. The is badly executed, the itiokes of all the Letters are and the devi ein themargin particularly i smuch coaiferand appears darker than in thetrue bills. Some ot the counterfeits bear date i n 1791—Whereas the Bank was not in opera, tion till December, and no five dollar bills were iffueii in ihar year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America. ALL that have appeared have'the letter B. 'or their alphabetical mark. 1 l ey are printed on a paper nearly fimU lartothat of the counterfeit Five Dollar Notes above defenbed; the engraving is better executed, and they approach nearer to the appearance of the genuine bills. The fine ruled Jines/through the word Twenty) in the body of the bill, are in nam* ber thirteen in the genuine bills, and but twelve in the counterfeits. The word Company is much like the fame word in the Five Dollar Bills as diftribed above* the o being less than the m, and o« thers following. There is no stroke to the t inthe word North whereas in the genuine bills theflroke is well defined. The letters tilt in the w6rd Tuentv, to the left ha6d at the bottom, do noi Come down to the line, but are so cut as to give an irregular appearance to the word, the 7e& and thfey going below therti. The figuature ]„ Nix«n, has the appear ance ot being written with lamb-black and oil> and dittos from other inks used in priming th bills and the dafhier's fig na ture. It i| supposed rhefe forgeries were commit ted in iomeof the Southern States, as ill the counterfeits thai have appeared, have come from thence; and two persons ha"** been ap piehended in Virginia, on suspicion Of beihg i he author of them. The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL. LARS will be paid to any Peifon or Person* who (hall difcoter and prosecute to convic tion the fcveral offenders of the following or any of them, viJL The person or who manufaftur* ed the paper oij which the Jfilh ire printed. The, person or perforti, who engraved the plates. The printer or printers, of Every person who has aft ed as a principal in any other way, in the uttering the said bills. Philadelphia, March 58,1794 4pril 22, 1794, Ot;her counterfeit bills of the Bank of *he United States have ap peared in circulation. The denomination is of TWENTY DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark is the letter B. They may be diftingiiiHied from the ge nuine by the following J/lARKS .• The paper of (he counterfeits is of a more tender texture and gloffey furface than the genuine, and there is 110 water mark in them. TheletttrC. in the xvord Cashier, in he true bills is strongly niaiked, wheieas in the counterfeits, ihe whole letter is a fine hair rtroke, evidently in an unfinillied itate. The letter a inthe word demand, is badly lormed and the *hole word ill done and there is no comma as theend ot ft, as there is in the genuine bills. The Inarginal device, is much daiker in the falfe, than in the genuine bills ow iiig to the shade firokes being coaifer, much nearer together, and conlequently much more nnnjerous. This difference strikes the eye at firll view. The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending* tk prniecuting to conviction the fcveril above del'cribed Offenders in lefpeft to this, as to the laßdefcribed bills. THOMAS WILLING, P.eftdwt of the Bank United Slates. JOHN NIXON, President of the Bank of Noith America. By order of the Committees of the Rtf' peftive Boards,