Excellent CLAHET, In ( ogihcads and tn cafcs oj 50 .0 i«es cacli ALSO, A few cases Champaigr.c'wine *, MADEIRA, In pipes, t>osth.ads and quarter cafcs, FOR SfVLK BY JOHiNI VAUGI-lAN, No. ill, o. ui 11 Front . . el. 2, 179 j. dtf G UTHRIE's GEOGRAPHY Improved. . T|rfE {"übh:riptiou (or tfcv worjc On tte orlgirtal tc"a% of twe l'v», dolors asd tfie binding, Ail! be ciolted this day i -ai)d Soutß rotliiaj ai'ii GfeOrjta. Tifbfe ifi&ps &ise ri'e y*r Be&ii' given Tn Any Vornier ftft&rt o. Geography ani, \x is W&M >Toi»« • ! be fuScieut to entitle (Bit work tA i P r ® e ' Fes-ace to any Atlier jeditian.of Gttthrie'. , , : 'N B. Tl>* map of the United' States, tobich ts C'lmpitiiig 6y Jjt. Samuel fcewis, from me reipeftit-e ftateinnps, ill be far hiore complete .than any one yet publithed,. 9Ud be pi luted on two lirge of paper, nearly the size of the late Mr. Mm tiy'» map. May 31 The following fe&ion of the law fair eftat>!i filing an Health Office, &Q. pified the last ftflion of tht Legiflaturc, is r -pAjblifhcd tor the information of all conccrncd, Win. ALLEN, Health-dfHcer, for the port of Philadelphia, No. 21, Key'- alley. June 2, 179 j See. 7. AND be it farther enacted by the authority aforefaid, That every mailer or captain of aTy (hip or vcflol corning from be yorld the Tea (veffrls a£hi il!y employed in the cqaftutg'lade o! the United States excepted) and bound to aiu' port or place within the jurifdidliori of Pennsylvania, shall cause his ship or vessel to b: brought to anchor, or fat her wife fUyH in the ftrea'm of the river Delaware, opp/fite to the health-office on State-island aldrefdfd v arid there to remain until.he lhall have duly obtained a certificate 01-bill oi health froth the rcfident physician, $11 the manner and upon the terms herein be fore dir< cUd : a,, d previoufiy to obtain ing iuch certificate or bill of healthy any in after or explain shall fuffcr his ship or to approach nearer than ihe fairl health-office to the city of Philadelphia, or shall land, or cause dr fuffer to be landed, or brought on Jh nc, at any post Or place Withiri this com- 4 monwealth, or ai ariy other port or place, with the intent to be conveyed into this com monwealth, any person or per funs, or any goods, wares or merchaiwiizc ; or if attel" re ceiving fu'ch certificate or bill of health, he shall n«gle£f or refufe to deliver the fame to the health-officer agreeably to the directions of this aft, such master or captain Hi ill for feit and pay, for each arid fevery such offence, the lum of five hundred dollars to be recover ed and app; opnated as hereinafter provided and directed , and the captain or mailer of each and every sHip or vessel, as foou as the fdine is brought to anchor, or other wife uayed ai aforefaid, (hall tend a fafe and commodious boet to nring the rcfident physician on board of his (hip or veflel, and shall in like man tier convey him back to the health-office alter he hi's concluded his official examina tion j and while he is making such cxamine tion,*or in cafe ol ariy tubfequent examination by the health-officer and confuting physician, as the cafe may be, e'aeh and every part of the fh ip or velfcl, and shall present to his view each and every person on board thereof, and shall al o true and fatiffaftory answers make to all such qdeftionsas the resident physician at the time of exirn'ination, or the health offi cer at the time of delivering the certificate, or biil of health, in the city of Philadelphia, or at the titae of examination to be had by the -heaUh-oihcer together, with the confnlting phyfncian fhallafic. relative to the health of any port or place from which the ship or vessel failed, or has since touched at, the number of pe> foris on board when t;he fhipor vessel en tered on her voyage, the number of persons that have since been landed or taken on boaid, and when or where respectively, what persons on board,if any have been during the voyage, or shall at any time of examination, "be infeCted with any pestilential or contagi ous disease, what person belonging to ship or vessel, if any died during the voyage, and'| of what disease, ?nd what is the present state and condition of the persons on board with fcfpeCfc to their health and diseases ; and if any captain or master of any ship or Vessel fhal! reinfe to expose the fame as aforefaid to the search and examination of the refiderit physician, or of the health-officer and confut ing physician, aa the cafe may or if, hav ing on beard his fhipor vessel any such per son or persons, he fhafl conceal the fame, or if in any mariner whatsoever he shall knowing ly deceive or atteiftpt to deceive the proper officers aforefaid in his answers to their offici al enquiries, such captain or master, for each and every such offence, shall forfeit and pay the fttm of five hundred dollars, to be re covered and appropriated as hereinafter pro vided and direCted ; and wherever the resi dent physician, or consulting physician, as the cafe may b>> shall dir e a any person or persons, or any goods, wares or merchandize to be landed at the health-office, or any fhio or vessel to be detained oppofitc thereto, and and there to be fmoa'ked, cleansed and puri fied, the captain Of the ship or vessel shall in all refpefts conform to such directions, shall at Ihe proper cost and charge of his em ployers carry the fame into etfeCt within such eafonable time as the resident physician, or confultiug physician, as the cafe may be, shall allow and prcfcribe; and if any master or captain lhall refufe or neglect to conform to theiefa'd directions, and to cany the fame into effeCt as aforefaid, according to the res pective objrfts thereof, he lhall forfeit and pay the fuitt of five hundred each and every offence,-to be recovered and appro priated as is hereinafter provided and tfrett- 1 'V r ;.ii ut.lplila. Msrcli, j 1794. JUST PUBLISHED, MATHEW CAREY, . No. 118, Marlut Jlr-td, TH£ FXIIST VOLUME OF A NEW system of Modern Geography : OR, A Geographical, Hiftorlcal, ana Commercial Grammar; And prefei.it itate of the 'eve al NATIONS OF THE WORLD. CONTAINING, 1. figures, motions, and distances of the planets,«ccoi ding to the Newtonian fyl tein and the latest observations 2. A general view of tlie earth,confidered j as a planet;with feverai ufefulgeographical 1 definitions and problems. 3. The grand divisions of the globe into land and water, continents and islands. 4. The iituatioo and extent of empires, kingdoms,ilares, provinces and colonies. 5- Their climate*, air, foil, vegetables, productions, metals, minerals, natural cnri ofities,feas',rivers,bays,Capes,promontories, aud lakes. 6. The birds and beasts peculiar to each country. 7. Observations on the changes tnat have been any where observed upon the face ot nature since the lAoft eaily periods of his tory. 8. The history and origin of nation*; theii forms of government, religion, laws, revenues,taxes, uaval and military strength 9. The genius, manneis, cuftoms,*ai>d abits of the people* 10. Their language,learning,arts, fcidi ces, manufactures, and commerce. 11. The chief cities, ftruftures, ruins, and artificial curioiities 12. The longitude, latitude, bearings, and distances of principal places froniPhila- 'i. delphia. To which are added 1 1. A Geogr a phi cal Index, with the names and places alphabetically arranged. 2. A Tabl* ot the Coins of all nations, and their value in dolla s and cents. 3. AChronoLogical Table of remarka ble events,from the creation \o the present me. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Esq. The Astronomical Part corrected by D . RitTfiNrtousE. (To which have been added, Thfe late Discoveries of D Herschell, and other eminent Astronomers, The FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, Corrcfted, Improved, and greatly Enlai (ted. The vdlumi contains twenty-one Maps end Charts,belides two Agronomical Plates, viz. l. Map of thfe world. 2. Chart of the worle 3. Europe. 4. Asia. 5- Africa. 6. South America., 7- Cook's difcovories. 8. Countries round the north Pole. 9 Sweden, Deninaik, and Norway, so. Se ven United Provinces. it. Austrian, French and Dutch Netherlands. 12. Ger many; 13. Seat of war in France. 14. France divided into departments. 13. Switzerland. 18. Italy, Sicily, and Sar dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. >3. Turkey in Europe and Huugary. 19- Ire land. 20. Weft-Indies. 21. Vermont. 22. Ar miliary fp'uere. 23. Copernican fyftcm. With the fecoud volume, which is now in the pivfs, Will be giveh tne following Maps: 1. Ruflia in Europe and Asia, 2. Scotland. 3. Engla'nd and Wales. 4. Poland. 5. China. 6. Hindoftan. 7. Uniied States. 8. Britiili America. 9. State of Ne .v-Hampfliire. 10. State of Maffachnfetts. ti. State of Conneflicut. , 12. State of Rhode-Island. 13. State of New-York. 14. State of New-Jersey. IJ. State of Pennsylvania. *6. State of Delaware. 17. State of Maryland. 18. State of Virginia. 19. State of Kentucky. 20. State of North-Carolina. 21. Tennellee Government. 22. State of^outh-Carolina. 23. State of Georgia. i. This work will be compriled in two volumes. I. Sublci ibcrs pay for the prelent volume ondeliverv, fix dollars, and the price of binding, (56 cents for boards.) 3. They may receive the futceeding vo lume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quarter dollar each, or else, when si nifhed, at the faiiie price as the firft. 4. The subscription will be raised on the firft day of June 1794. to fourteen dol lars, excluhve of binding. 5. Should any copies remain for sale after the completion of the work, they will be fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of binding. 6. The names of the fubfc*ibers will be publilhed as patrons of American litera ture, arts, and sciences. It is wholly unneceflary to expatiate o» the advantage,to American reader's, that this edition possesses,' over every imported edition of any system of Geography extant. The addittion of maps of the several testa.«, procured a very great expense, and from the best materials that are attainable, speaks such full conviction on this fubjeft, that it would be difrefpeA to the read er's understanding to suppose it requisite to enter into a detail of arguments to prove its fupefiority. In no similar work have such maps beenever introduced. The emetidationsand additions which are made in this work,are innumerable, and occur in every page.- The public are re ferred to the preface for a flight sketch of a few of them. The publisher takes the present oppor tunity of returning his mod sinCere thanks to those refpc&able characters who have favored him with documents for improv ing the maps of several of the states He PHILADELPHIA: Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 3, Sovth Fourth Striet.—Price Six Dollars Per Annum, re que ft 5 a continuance of their kindneft; ami hopes ihat fucli public Jpirited citizens, us a t poUelfed ol liuiilar documents, will 'avo- him with xheiialfiftance in perfett g his undertaking. The extraordinary encouragementwith hich he has been favored, has excited in hisbreaft thewarmett sentiments ol gra titude—sentiments which time will not ef act*. He pledges himfelf to the citizens i'of the United State ~to spare nether pains or '. xpenie to render the prcfent edition 01 Quimie's Geography improved, deferv iitgtif tlieir pat . wafti LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, ab, v the Drawbridge, out of tue Ihip Bacchus Ckj)t• Vanneman, fiom Jamaica, TERMS. JAMAICA RUM, FOR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT. May 16. d Morris Academy. THIS infti'.oupt) is now open lor i e :e ---ception of* ltudents unde' the jjnmediate care of Mr. Caleb Rufl'ell, whose abilities as an inftrurtor, and attachmentto the bu finefj have long been known and approved. He has under h'm the heft afliitaiUS ■ the different fcUolars ar taught the Er.glilTi, Fiench. L-in, and Gfck lan-giuiges, Writing, Geography, Aftronnny- and th< various branches o( the iVIa hematics. The healthy fuuait'.o" 01 this pUct tsfuc as to recommend it t<" tbO'C, who with to have tl.eir ch dren in the country. Boat ing, waffling, mending, &c. wiil'be provid d ill good families, and the morals ot the chnlars carefully attendid in. The price including tuition, firewood, & . exclusive of tue French hngu ge) will not »xcecd thirty pounds proclamation mo ney pel annum) an addition ol thf f edohnrs per quai tex will be ma e to lueh scholars who are taught the French language. 1 ht Dircftors at edetcj tptned to pay such atten tion to this institution, a will reader it refptfiable and uleiul GABRIEL H rI)RD, TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. > DiteM NATHAN FORD, 3 Morriftown, May 15, 1794 Christiana Mills For Sale. ON Monday the firft day of September next at 8 o'clock in the evening, at the GVffee rloufe in. he c t> cf Philadelphia will be fold by public vendue, two tract or pieces of land lituated in White Clay 1 \ eek hundred, New Castle countv and state of Delaware; one of which contains sixty acres of highly 'unproved lane 1 , on it ore a large two story brick dwellinghoufc, a co veuient brick barn, with ftablingand a carriage hoirfe un'dei neath, an eit len kirn for 1 rying corn ; and the well known piills Called Christiana Mills (late Patter lon's) which being at the head of t'ie tic 1 ' on Christiana river, and but about haH a mile from the landing, is convenient ly firu atcd tor (Carrying the articles manufacture;*!; at the mills hy water to Philadelphia—Tin property being cl<»fe to the road leading from Elkton to Christiana bridge, : tehdant advantag< , rejrrdfer itsfituation for j th**. rtniliing buftnefi lo very valuable, as to be equalled b,y lew ai>d excelled by none. The latter traft containing 175 aoe-, is! about one flnile Irom the mills and is chief ly woodland, which being contiguous to water carriage to the city of Philadelphia, must be of increasing value, cfpeoaiiy ar there is a quantity ol large timber in said tract suitable for the purpoies of the mijis. , The t■ rim upon ve men-, tioned estates will be fold are—oiw thou sand pounds ,tt> be paid on exe-ciiting tiKr deeci;, and fever) hundred and fifty pounds pier annumj with intere-ft for the remainder or proportionately for each part. Iniifpuiable titles vfill be made for the prop&fty, Bjr. fOHN NIX.ON, A I.EX. FOSTER, GEO. LATIMER. As fame t?me and place will be fold a large BOAT, July 2 ADVERTISEMENT* LETTERS on the fubjefl of the Waih ington LotUrV, being b.y mitt ike repeat edly addressed to the Comtoiffioiters for the City of "Walhington. PersonS concerned are hereby inffirmed, that all such (hould be addrefled either to W. Deakins inn. of Walhington, or to the Subscriber. The Coramilfioners never hay ing contemplated any further concern in this business, than in their afferit to receive the bonds and approve the names of the managers. The prizes have been paid add are paying on demand by W. Deakins, Washington, Peter Oilman, Bolton, and by the Subscriber. For the Lottery No. a, the fecDrities al ready given will be retained by the com mifiioners, or transferred by them at tlieir option to* the bank of Columbia ; and the commilTioners will be consulted refpefling a judicious and equitable disposition of the hoiifes to he built thereby their treafu-y or the bank of Columbia will receive she. money intended for the National Univer sity, and they will be confulted.iri the ao mihatioii of the 24 managers ; but all the responsibility the general difpo-' fition of the tickets, and payment ctf pri zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on' the persons whose names are and may be hereafter publilhed as afiiftants to forward, thisbufinefs with N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particularly, obliged if those persons whb poflefs prizes, yet unpaid, \rill apply for their money as early as pofiible. June 7th. Jeffe & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, hbds. and qnar ter casks LISBON do. in p ; pes and quarter casks Souchong and Cotigo TEAS, in quarter c, heft's A quantity of Liibon a»\d Cadiz SALT Soft flailed bales Velv.-t CORK.% m do. Eullia MATTS. 9 Richard Johns ~) In the Chancery Court v C °f John Wells and C State of Maryland, MbrJ.ecai Cole. J May 26tb 1794 The Complainant hath fil ed his bill, for t, e purpvfe of obtaining a decree, to veil i t him a complete legal title to two ti af!s of land, fyi»& in Baltimore county, one called Painters-Lev, 1, con taining 100 acres,ihe other cn|led fcrofpeift containing 50 acres He it ; ie .that the said John We'iii ou the 16th day of M the fa d MordecaiCi.le,«e«ctii;» to hiro - bond for conveyance,that tiifr ftiid Cole, on the fame day, executed to the said Wells a bond for the pavm< nt of the pui'thslt money amouri ting to £"675 Peiinfylvaoia cm ency, that the said Cole hath fm< e dilcharged the whole ol the purchale money, and hath afltgned t ,h. complainant the laid bond for Con veyance) that the laid Wells hath nevei executed a deed, agreeably to his tout raft but huih remove.' out of the state of Md-y kind, and how rcfides in the ftite of Ken- U 'u is thereupon* ind at thcTeqiiefl 61 tik complainant, adjudged, and ordtrtd, that he procure J eopy of this order to be infen tdat Itaft lix weeks fucccffively, before he firft'day of Augtjft next* in the United Spates Gazette at Philadelphia, to the in tent, thai the said J, hn Wills fnay have no ticc of ilie c«mplai»ant'j applcation to tliistoun, and may be warned h> appear here, on or befo e tie firft Tucftby in Oc tober-next, ttf shew cuufe wherefore this court fliouvd not proc«?d to deciee, agree i ai ly to the piayer of the complainant, and to the a 8 of affemblyj for fae(i ciftj made and provided. Jest, Samuel tiar'Oey Hoivard. nw, w2m.-» |une 13 Juit Fublifhedj In onehandfome volume,iimo. Price Si JOHN ORMROD, At Franklin's Bead, Ao. 4-t, Chejuut AN ESSAY ON THE Natural Equality of Men, On the Rights that relt.lt from it, and on tltt Duties Which it : n.po£.s. To which a MEDAL U;it adjudged, by the Tcylcriun Society «t Haarlem. Correßed and Enlarged, by WILLIAM LAWRENCE EROWN, Pro feller of Monti P lofophy, and the Law of K ; nre, a f Maryland, having lu-er. Ijh ly difco vcred in circulation, afnd on uaciH£ fame were fonnd to come how tfc*e back parts df Virginia, where they■ pro'Ktb y ftril iffucd.; 10 nvoid imposition it i« thought nectnary to give the following defcrijxsoh of by which they sTia"y readily he deietfc d. They Itev'e the Setter D, M>riheir alphaheti cal ma»k, ! *st the kft baud fide of the Note. The paper oh which they are pruned is more foft and tender, the fti « : kes o! the letters, in the Pf»gra\tngaie general'ftrotfger, and - b^»e-a da-rfcer-appearance titan in ihc inlLs. The $gnfl-Noies of th; alphabetical ] mark, above di scribed, have been iately if- : lucd, and very few are n>V >0 cire 11 ratio 11. ! The -ab/ ve icwa-id ot One T.houiafici dol lars will be paid to any pcrfon, or pcrfons, who (hall dircovc»,c>i piofecnu 10 convi&i-on, the several offenders, o- of them, ot the >, following dcfCi iptioi;, viz. The pesrfon or penon*, who engraved the late. The pTinter, or pi inters of the Caid bills, &< BLODGET. Every pcrfmi who r.fttd prinr*vahin any vay >n '-he couutri U uwig ar.d uucui>£ . he laiii bills. ' for slle, At the STORES of Reg. Cui. Can. AND FOR SALE BY Street, v. D. The First American Edition. REWARD. WILLIAM PATTKRSOW P'.efidcnt of the Dank ol Mai y land. April 8, 1794. FOR SALE,. BY MATHEW CAREY, No. üß y Mai ket-Strect, An EfTay on Slavery, Dcfigned to exhibit in a new point of view its etiefts on morals, indujlry, and the ojfecicty. Some rafts anil calculation# aie oflered to prove the labor ol Jrecpttn 10 be much more productive than that ol Jlavfi ; that countries are rich, powerful and nappy f 4 in proportion as the laboring people enjoy / the fruits of their own labor ; and hence the n ceffaiy conclusion, that flavcry is impeh. jfrcas well is unjuji, I Pr i c E 25 Cents. February 15. dtf rHE office of the Prcfirfent ai d ef the Insurance Company of Nohth America, is removed to No. 107, South Front street, being the south ealt corner ol Front a'id Walnut streets. The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills us the Bat.k of the United States, and Twentj Dollar Bills of the hank of North America, set eral of which have appeal ed in circulation t Five Dollar Notes above described; tl« «n«ravii>g if b. ttei e«tcuted, and they apprQaph nea/ef to the appearance if the genuine hills. The fine ruled lues th-oiigti the word Trectify, in the body of the bill, are m num bei th rteen in the genuine bills, and but J wekve in the counterfeits. The word Company is n rtch [ike 'he C*me word in the Five Dollar Bills as rieitf bed above, the o being Jels than the at, arrd t.hers follow ing. There is no stroke »o the t inrhe word berth whereas in the geruinebilis theftroke s well defined. The letiers ent in the word 7unify, to theletr hand at the bott'-fn, do not come down to the iifie, but are so cut us to give an lricgulai appearance to the woid, the 7zv and y below fchem> Ihe signature ] Nixon, has the appear ance of being written with la nib-black and" o> and difTejs irom oiber inks u-firf ift' p»uiting ti) bills and th*t ca/hj«J's iigrta- 1 tine. It is supposed these forge»ic» weie ccn:miu ted in some of the Souihern Slates. bj> aH «he counterfeits thai have appeared, have come Irom 1 hence, and two.persons have been ap !' < bended in Vi»g»nia,on fufpicibn ol beiug the author of them. The reward of ONE THVUSANV »OL JL/IRS will be paid to any Ptifon or Peitons who Hiall difeovei and pioftteite 10 convje tion the ieveial offenders of the following ocfr 1 iplions or any of ihem, viz. T he person or pi rfons, who in an us a flar ed the paper on which the Bills are primed. The or petfons, who engiaved ine plates. The printer or printers, of the bills. Every perfori who lias afTed as a pineipa) m any other way, in the caunter-fcuiiig k and uttering live laid bvlis. Phil, deiphia, Maich 28, '794 April 22, 1794' Other counterfeit bills of the Bank of the United Sr-ates i>ave ap peared-in circulation. The denomination is of 7WEN jy and the alphabetical ma»k is the letter i>. They may be diftingUrftred frr>m the ge nvvinc by f he foiowi ug IViAiIKS : Hie papfcr of l\te jtfofcntwte-i ts is