DAILY EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 4 1 of Vol. VI This Day is p üblijhed^ AND SOLD BY ?THOMAS BRADFORD, Printer and Bookfcller> JCo. 8 r foutii Front fttvet, Price one fifth ' of * Doi'ar, OBSERVATIONS ON THE E M I G RATION O F Dr. Joseph Priestly, And «" tbe-f-veral ADDRESSES delivered to bin? on hi? arrival at New York. Wy 3t Choice St. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, ylnd far Sale, , By JAMES YARD. Aifoa quantity of RUSSIA Matts jti'.c 24th To the Public. PROPOSALS For Engraving in Aquatint a, Four fele£t Views;, On Plates 16 inches by 12. Three upon the river Shannandoah, in the ftateof Virginia ; Ami one upon the Schuylkill, in the > ltate of Pennsylvania. From lie paintings of IV. IVinJlatdey f By G. J. PARKYNS. Nn 1. A view; by mooiSlight, on the Shannandoal)) near the Great Clift, from the foot of Siunnon Hijl. ' No. 2. The Sun letting—«a view of the Horfe-Slio£) from-Shawum Hill. . No. 3. A morning v'lew upon the Sfihuyl- Jfil!, near the commencement of the Cana 1 - No. 4. The Sun differfing a fog—A View Trpo:» the Shannandoah, from a hill welt of ti»e Old Bloomery. The Conditions are as follow • The Price to Subfcibers will be SIX DOLLARS for the lour Views. —One hall of" which to be paid at the time of fnbfcrib —the other half on the delivery of the Joints, according to the priority oi the fub ftnpv'mns. Mr. IVin/latihy engflgt* to deliver the prints in Ofruber next. Subscriptions received at Mr. Dobfon's, Bookseller, at the Stone House, Second- Sreet, aud at Mr. Joseph Silver Smith, Market Street. And at Mr. John M i ßiwee' s , No, 7s, iouth Front llreet. July 11 T uited States, july 7 (4i, 1794. Bank of the NOTICE is hereby given, that here will be paid at the Bank after the fixtenth ii)(lant, to the Stockholders or ther repre f.ntatives duly authorised, sixteen Dollars Jo 1 each fliare, being th. dividend declared forthe lall fix months, By order of the Preiident and Dire&ors JOHN KEAN, Cashier. Lachawannock. A LARGK body on this river audits waters, is now for sale to Settlers on i, on moderate terms, and at a long credit. The foil is remarkably fertile, and nu merous streams of water are interfyerfed through the whole country. The main river flows through one tract of about thirty thousand acre , and is with the except ,-n of one obftmttion, naviga ble to the Sufquetiannah. spring Brook Creek, which with its bianche;, waters another tract of about forty thousand acres of -good Land, emp ties itfelf into the Lachawannock, about twelve miles from the Sufcjuehannah. It affords numerous Mill feats, & in its creates large bodies of well water ed meadow ground. The other traces are interfered by creeks ©f considerable importance. Several Mills are already ere&ed for the accommodation of thefettlers. ,Roadi arc cat in difFttrertt dlreflions, to wards the most eonveuient wjairkets. The county town is not more than 12 roles distant from many parts ot the fef tlement. The affords an easy and fife navigation to Middleion, from whence thl.Canal to Schuylkill extends the com munication to the city. Another means of connexion with Phi lad Iphia, is by the Delaware, from which the distance in several places is aboutthirty tnil c s. The proprietors combining fheir own in terest with Uiat of the aredif pofed to erect works of public utility,open uoads, &c. and in every en miles square, a tract ot* one htmdred acres is allotted ior a School, «nd ore hundred acres for the fir ft relidcnt clergyman of any denomination of Chnftians. For further particulars apply to George Eddy. Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, July 9* Lettersdirefted tn George Eddy, at Phi ladelphia, or this place,or io Thomas Eddy, ;it New York, relative to this be duly answered. eod3m Europe or the IVeJI William* A r Chefnut street wharf, a staunch good veflel, almost new, burthen ab'out 1800 barrels. For terms apply to JOSEPH ANTHO'NY & SON, Who have for fa!e, on board said veflel, 2000 BUSHELS LIVERPOOL SALT,, And 13 Tons GOOD COAL. July 24 £31-1 For LIVERPOOL, MM'i %| The Shify •P&M AMIABLE, Johh Thompson, matter. "BUfn ftEN about 250 ions, a very iub ftantial (hip, built of live oak and cedar,of an easy draught of water, falls remark abjyfa)t> and Has very excellent accommo dations for passengers; to fail the firft week in Aiiguft-, and is intended to return imme diately to Philadelphia. For pafTage only apply to Capt. Thompfan on board) at MfltrS. Warder & Co's wharf, or 'uly 22 For Sale or Charter, Gen. WASHINGTON Isaac Syl-aejier, majler. ,NOW lying at Say's wharf,the 3 • above Market ftieet, burthen about 2500 bar rels, is a good strong vessel, and will be rea dy to receive a cargo in a lew days. For terms apply to thfc Captain on boaid br RUMFORD & ABIJAH DAWES, Water Jifeet, No. 7, south. 7th mo 2 j , d Charter, S£A NT MP H, John Paden, Mailer. SAILS fall, and will be ready to take in a cargo in a few days. For terms apply to ■. "Joseph SimV, WHO ii AS NOR SALE, Madeira and Sherry WINEi Fit for immediate use, BRANDY, Red and Pale Jesuits BARK, White LEAD ground in oil, BRIMSTONE, &e. July 15 d Cartfnna Rite and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH d2w, e»dim BURR STONES, Gurney and Smith. May 14. . d Just Published, And to be fold by THOMAS DOBSON, At the Stone House No. 4', south Seccnd llreet, price i-Bth Of a dollar, An Impartial Review Of that part of Dr. RUSH'S Late PUBLICATION On tie TELLOW FEVER, Which treats of its origin. In which bis opinion is shewn to he erro neous-—th e Introduction of the disease by importation proved, and the wholefonieuefs of the city vindicated. By William Currie, Fellow of the College of Physicians, &® At the fame place may be had Dr. Curries Treatise on the Yellow Fever^ And his account of the Climates and Dif- eases of America. ,Jnly 26 THOMAS DOBSON, Alphabetical duties Payable by law on all Goods, Wares, and Merchandize imported into the United Saates of A.nerica, alter the latt day of June 1784, diftinguifhingthe rates pavable on those imported in ships or vefiels of the United States—and the rates payable in fo reign Ihips or velTels, including the addi tional duties, to which the refpcftive arti cles are liable. July V) Wednesday, July 50, 1794. the snow di\v John Mayo. FOR SALE BY ;old, TO BE : B Y A N Lift OF THE AND The Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM ACTUAL SURfKY. IT is with pleasure that the publisher has to inform his subscribers and the public in that the plate is now under the hands of the engraver* and in greater for wardrjis than was at firft contemplated. At the fame time he begs leave to remind tlieni, that subscription papers areftill o pen at moll of the noted book-stores in the city ; and tlrat he hopes the whole of them to be enabled to so m such a ref peftable catalogue of nainesj as will do a credit to the work, as well as afford a reafontlble encouragement to the under- taker. Thafe who are desirous of further infor* matron are to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 68 r Market itreet. April 14. Medical Books* JUST PHI3LIBHFD, By Thomas Dobfv», at the Stone House No. 41 9 foitih SecO d Jireety VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries AND OBSERVATION Si By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. ProtesTor ot the Inititutes ol Medicine, and of Clinical Practice in the Univcr inyot Pennsylvania. CON TAINING 1. All inquiry into the influence ot physical caules upon the moral facy!ty. 2. An inquiry iuto the effects-of fpiritous li quoTS ftpon the human body, and their in fluence upon the happiness of focjety. 3 An inquiry into thecapfcs and clire of the pulmonaiy consumption. 4. Obferva/ions on the fymptumsand cure ol diQpties. 5. An Inquiry into the caafesand the cure ot internal dropsy of the biain. 6. An account of the measles, as they .ap peared in Philadelphia, in the vear 1789. 7. An account ot the influenza, as i« appeal ed in Philadelphia in the years and 1791. 8. An inquiry into the causes ot the increase of bilious and remitting fevers, in Penn sylvania. 5, An inquiry into the caufcSand cure of fore l<*gs. 10. An account of the ftat« of the body, and mind in old age, with obferyations upon its di.feaft s and their rctnediefc. frice one dollar and a quarter unbound, or one dollar and a half neatly bound. Medical Tranfa&ions OP tRE College of Phyficmns of Philadelphia, V O L. A R T I. Price one d®llar in boards. A Treatise on the Diseases oi Children. Wilh general diredhons for the maiiagen ent of Infants from the birth, adapted for tbeuleof physicians and private families. By Michael Underwood, M. D. Licentiate ol Midwilciy in the Koyal Col- lege of Physicians >" London, and Physician of the British Lyirig-in-Hofpttal. Price one Dalian This is acknowledged io be the heft bool which has beeu publifhcd on the fubjefl, ant is calculated for the use of parcjits. nurses, and private families,' as well as for physicians —The two volumes handsomely printed, m one, and the pi ice only about one third of what the imported copies fell for. The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two dollars. System of Surgery, ext'ra&ed from the works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2 dols. 50 cents. Syitem of Anatomy* extra&ed from the Encyclopaedia, with l 2 copperplates, 2 dols. Syltem of Chemistry, extratted fiom the Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of tbepro grefs of the fciencee, and the different fyfterns which have been ptiblifhed, 2 dols. 50 cents. Brown's Elcmeuts of Medicine, 2 dols. 67 cents. « 7*. Dob/on has in the Pre/si An edition of the Medical and Pmlofophi cal Commentaries of 1 wo vel um es are printed in one at 2 dollars and 5O cents ptr volume ; he has nearly fiuifhed the fivr fivft volumes, which contain the firlf ten volumes of tbe European edition, which fell for two dollar6each. Nine volumes will in clude eighteen European volumes, which will briog the publication up 10 the preieit time. Liksv:tfe for /ale a ionfidercihle number of Medical Books, Cullen's Prattice, Materia Mcdica, Physi ology, and Syuopfis. Bcll'i Suigery, 6 vols, or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Domrftic Medicine, Surgery, Chefeldeu's A net'oni?! Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeca vcr on do. Rollo on Weft India Diseases ; Rigby on Uterine Hemncrhag*-, Hamilton's outlicei of the theofy and pra6tice of Mid wifery, withorwithotitpla.es; do. on the management of Female compluiuu. Mcafe on Hydrophobia, &.c. &.c. NANKEENS. Nankeens of Superior Quality, Long and short pieces Long and (hurt black fattins, Black Taffc t es> and Senftiaws, Black and coloured I ndia sewing Silk, Ornamental jars and beakers^ And a few long sets of T< a China. Coloured Sattins) Lujlrtngs, and T 0 B I N E Si FOk SALE AT No. 40, north Fifth Street. Julv 7 mw&ftf Nicholas Diehl-, jun. Attorney at Law, INFORMS his frievds ai d tl>eublic> that he has opened an OFFICE for the Tale and purchase of Real Estates at No. 19 south Fourth street, were he will thank fully receive their cchunands. He alio draws Deed , Mortgages, and other Writ ings. v , June 10 m&rthtf STATE or SOUTH-CAROLINA In the House of Representatives, December 21(1,1793. WHEREAS the Commifliontrs ot pub lie Accounts,have that they cannot proceed to the inveftigatioii ot the Treatury Accounts, refpe&ing special In dents, without knowihg the outstanding a rnount thereof in ciiculation Rcfolvti, That all holders of fpecjal Ih denis be dirc&ed, and required, on 01 betore ihc firll day ot November 10 deliver |!>c fptcial Indents in their polleflion 10 one or other of the CornrhifTioners ot the Treaftirv, who are to give receipts for the fame, and to report tcf the CbmhnHVoners on public ac counts, on 01 WfrJote thetetith day ot Nov ember next, the iirfiount by tbeiK icCpftlive-, ly received, and alio 10 the Legitlature, at 'heir meeting in November next, and thai all special Indents not rendered into the Treasury as above 4 on or before the firft day ol November next, iVia 11 be, 2nd tlie fame are hereby barred. Rejo/ved, That public notice of this resolu tion be given in the fcveral Gazettes in this State, once every three wepks, until the fiilt day ot November next. And 1 hat the Dele gates of tins State in theCongrefs ot the Uni ted States, le requeued to cause this rctolu tion to be published in one or more papers in the cities of Philadelphia and Ncw-Yoik, and that pi;Qvifion will be made for the ex penet s attending such publication. Ordered, That the resolution be sent to the .Senate for their concurrence. Bv order of the House, JOHN f.ANKOKI) DART, C. H. R. h the SENATE, December 2ift. 1^93 Rifolvcd, That this Houie do concur wilh thi House of Repiefentatives in the forego ne refolutiom. Ordered, That the resolutions be lent to the Holif-e ol K" prefttttatives. by order ot the Senate, FtLIX WARI.EY Cletk. ewtKov,. French Revolution* JI)ST PUBLISHED. ( Price two Dollars. J By MAT HEW CAREY, " No. 118, Market firteti AN IMPARTIAL) ft I STORY FRENCH REVOLUTION; From its Commencement to tire exe- cution of the Queen and the De'puties of the Gironde Party Extrafl from the Preface " The anthnr| have presumed to affix to their title, the efjitiiet impartial j and the reason is, because they cannot charge them selves with feeling the Imalleft bias to any party but to that of truth and liberty ; ai d they flatter rheinfelves, that their readers will find not only every eircnraftjtite fairly presented, but every censurable action, whoever were the authors or mark ed in its proper coloitrs- If it was necessa ry to make a declaration of their own principle th»y fay, they are neither tory nor republican—they love liberty at Englifli whig", and execrate every criminal aft by which so noble a caule is endangered nd di I graced. "In the prcfent ferment of the public miftdj they cannot Baiter tlienifelves with the hope of feeing this claim nniverfally acknowlidgcd. On tha contrary, they are wellajfured that thrfepages will not be accepta ble to the zealots oj either part). But when time shall have diftipated the clouds of poli tical deception, and appealed the fumnl of the paffioni, they will wilh fouje confi dence expeftihut verdict from public opini on, which andour and moderation fel-- domfail to receive." Extrafl from the Critical Review, Jure 1794. 12 Page. «* We have cci thinly doived much pica fare, and acquired much information irom the perusal* ©1 ihofr. volumes ; and We think them, b° cf Julyt ai 3 o'clock in tht aftemoon of the 'amc day, 10 meet a the hcufe of the said William M. Smith, the south eall corner of Ch< f.iflt and Fifth-Street* in the Citvof Phila- to take the f-id examination 4. JAMES M'GARGLE Uviljoj JuJy i»,