Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, July 29, 1794, Image 4

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    Excellent CLARET,
In i.ogth&ds aitd in cases ot 50 0014les tach
A L S 0,
A few cases Champaignewine j
In pipes, and quarter casks si
No. 111, South Frout ttreet. G
Jan. 2, 1794- dtf
THE fubfeription tor this \Vork ort the
original terms, of twelve dollars and the ,e
bi idi-g, wil! be doled tKis day—and on
Monday the subscription will open at four a<?
teen dollars, of thepri'ce of bind
Thd rtew maps added to this edition are a
twenty one ; whiclj are those of
Nrw-H-'-inpftiire, Maffachu'lctts,
cur, Rbode-Illand, Vermont, Nev/ York,
New Jfi'lt-y, Pennfylvatiia, Ma- P 1
ryland, North ol
lina, tile Geneit -r Government, South'Ca- J
rolii»a> And Georgia. Thele maps have n'e
V«V been given in any former system o. c '
and 1 , it is hoped, would alon
b,- fuificient to entitle this work to a pre e *
t6 any other edition of Guthrie. 11
N B. The ifiap of the United States, c
which is compiling by Mr. S lmuel Lewis',
from the refpeAive state maps, will be far r '
tuore complete than any one yet publiflicd, n
and be printed 011 two large ibeets of
piper, nearly the size of the late Mr. Mui
rav'j, map.
May ji . d;. C
The following ie<?tion a
of;hela w for an Health-Office, a
See. passed the Jaft ftfliori of thi Legidature, J
is r -published lor the informalion Of all
Wrn. ALLEN, Health-Officer', n
For the port ot Philadelphia, No»
J. Key's alley. a
June 6, 1794-
Sec. 7. AND he it fprther enaftcd by the y
Biithoifly afoiefaid, That master or
captain of a iy. Ihip or vcfTeJ coming from be
yond tI)C sea (veffl-ls aftu-illy employed in the
loading'rade of the United States excepted)
and bound to any port or place within the
jurifdi&ion of Pennsylvania, ftiall cause his
Jhip or vessel to be brought to anchor, or
O! her wife stayed in the iiream of the river
pelaware 4 Oppofirc tci the health-office on
State-iflami alorefafd, and there to remain .
until he shall have duly obtained a certificate
or bill of health from the resident phyfkiart,
in the manner and upon the terms heiein be
fore dirfted: and if, preViously to obtain- 1
ing such certificate or biM of health, any '
mafler or captain rtlall fufFer his ship or veflel
to approach nearei tlian the said healtH-office '
to the city of Philadelphia, or fhill land, Or :
Cause or luffcr to,be lauded, or brought on '
ftjore, at any port or place within this com- •
monwealth, or ai any other port or placfe,
with the intent to be convened into thiscom
niouwealthj any person or perfong, or any
goods, waies or merchandize ; or if after re
ceiving such certificate or bill of health, he
shall or refufe to deliver the fame to
the health-officer agreeably the dire&ions
of thifl , (uch master or captain shall for
feit and pay, for each and every such offence,
the lum of five hundred dollars to be recover
ed and appropriated as hereinafter provided
and directed , and the captain or master of
each arid every fh»p or veHc!, as soon as the
fame is brought to anchor, stayed
as aforefaid, shall fend a fafe and commodious
boat to bring the rciident phyficiau on board
of his ship orveffel, and shall in like man
ner convey him back to the health-office
after he h .s concluded }iis official examina
tion 5 and while he is making such examina
tion,or in cafe ot any subsequent examination
by the health-officer and coniulting physician,
as the c4fe may be, each and every part of the
ship or veftel, and shall present to his view
each ai>d eVcrjr person on board thereof, and
shall al'O trtie a'ud fatiffattory answers make
io all such queftiorisas the resident physician
at the time ot eXjmtnation, or the health offi
cer at the time of delivering the certificate, or
biil of health, in the city of Philadelphia, or
at the lime Of examination td be had by the
health-officer together, with the consulting
phyfiician thallaik relative to the hfcalth of any
port or place trom which the ftiifi or vcflfel
failed, or has since touched at, the number of
pei sons on board when the ship or vessel en
tered on her voyage, the number of perfoni
that have since been lauded or taken on
board, and when or whfere rfcfpe&ively, what
persons on board,if a*iy have been during the
voyage, or shall at any time of examination,
be infc&ed with any or contagi
ous difi afe, what person belonging to the ship
orveffel, if any died during the voyage, and
bf what disease, and what is the present state
and condition of the persons on board with
rcfpefl to their health and dtfeafes ; aftd if
any captain or master of any ship or velfel
shall refufe to eXpose the fame as aforefaid to
the search and examination of the resident
physician, or of the health-officer and confnlu
ing physician, as the cafe may be ; or if, hav
ing 011 board his ship or vessel any such per
son or persons, he shall conceal the fame, or
if in any manner whatsoever he shall knowing-
ly deceive or attempt to deceive the proper j
officers aforefaid in his answers to their offici
al enquiries, such captain or master, icr each
a»d every such offence, shall forfeit and pfcy
the sum of five hundred dollars, to be re
covered and appropriated as hereinafter pro
vided and direftcd ; and wherever the refi*
dent physician, or consulting physician,- as
the cafe may be, shall direst any person or
persons, or any goods, wart* or merchandize
to be landed at the health-office, or any ship
Or vessel to be detained opposite and
and there to be fmoaked, clean fed and puri-
the captain of the ship or vessel shall in
all refpetts conform to such dire&ionsj
shall at the proper co'ft and his em
ployers carry the,fame into effect within such
eafonnblc time as the resident physician, or
confuhiug physician, as the cafe may be, (hall
allow prescribe; and if any master or
captain (hall refufe or neglett to conform to
these said aireftions, and to carry the fame
into effect as aforefaid, according to the ref
pe&ive objefb thereof, he shall forfeit and
pay the fun* of five hundred dollars for each
and every offence, to be recovered and appro
priated as is hereinafter provided and direct
T Yd irir'pliU. March, i i7y4. rei
. No. 118, Market Jlreet,
System of wl
Modern Geography: ™
Geographical > Hijlorical, ana of
Commercial Grammar;
And pieleht itate of the feverai in
The figures, motions, and distances of
the planetsjdccoiding to the Newtonian sys
tem and the latest observations. tl
2. A general view of the earth,confidered C
as a planet; with feverai ufeful geographical
definitions and problems.
3- The grand divisions of the globe into
land and water, continents and islands.
Tine fftuafion and extent of empires,
provinces and colonies.
5- Their climates, air, foil, vegetables,
predictions, metals, minerals, natural curi
olities, feas,ri vers, bays,capes, promontories,
aud lakes. a
6. The birds and beasts peculiar to each
7. Observations on the changes that have
been any where observed upon the face of
nature fincb the most early periods of his-
8. The htftory and origin of nations; fornis of government, religion, laws,
revenues,taxes,naval and military ftiength
9- The genius, manners, customs, and
abitsof the people.
to. Their language,learning,arts, fcien- 1
ces, manufactures, and commerce.
11. The chief cities, flruttures, ruins,
and artificial curiosities. ,
12. The longitude,* latitude, bearings,
and diftan'ces ofprincipal places fromPhila-
To which are added, '
1. A Geographical Index, with the f
names and places alphabetically arranged.
2. A Table of the Coins of all nations,
and their value in dollars and cents.
J. AChronological Table of remarka
ble events,from the creation t;o the present
The Astronomical Part corre&ed by
|To which have been added,
The late Discoveries of Dr. Herschell,
and other eminent Astronomers.
Corrcifed, liiiproved, and greatly Enlar- i
ged. _ 1
The firft vol.mie contains twenty-ore
Maps ems Charts,belides two Agronomical
Plates, i>z- 1
i 1. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the <
. worle 3. Europe. 4. Asia. 5. Africa. 5.
r South America. 7. Cook's discoveries.
, 8. Countries round the north Pole. 9-
. Sweden j Denmaik, and Norway. io. Se
, veil IJiited Provinces; it. Austrian,
French and Dutch Netherlands. 12. Ger-
I many. 13. Seat of war in France; 14-
France divided into departments. >15.
c Switzerland. 16. Italy, Sicily, and Sar
-3 dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. i 3.
s Turkey in Europe and Hungary. i<j. l r ®-
- land. so. Weft-Indies. it. Vermont. 22.
> Ar 11111 ary sphere. 23. Copernican system.
Wit 1 the second volume, ithich is now
* in the press, will be given the following
' Map 3:
c i. lUiflla in Europe and Alia;
2. Scotland.
f 3. England and Wales;
4. Poland.
j. China.
1 6. Hindoftan;
7. United States.
„ 8. Britilh America.
, 9. State of New-Hampshire.
t 10. State ot Maflachuletts.
v 11. State of Connecticut.
d jt. State of Rhode-Island.
c tj. State of New-York. '
n J4. State of New- Jersey.
i- 15. State of Peunfylvania.
ir 16. State of Delaware.
ir 17. State of Maryland.
Ie 18. State of Virginia.
g 19. State erf Kentucky. '
y 20k State of North-Carolina.
c ' 21. TennefTee Government.
22. State of South-Carolina.
23. State of Georgia.
dt <. "this work will be compriicd in two
Ie volumes. I
„ i. Subfciibers pay for the prelent volume
i- ondelivery, fix dollars, and the price of
ip binding, (56 cents for boards.}
id 3. They may receive the fuccseding vo
te lumein twenty-four weekly numbers, at
th a quarter dollar each, or elfo, when fi
if nifhed, at the fame price as tie firft.
el 4. The fubffcription will be raised on the
10 firft da> of June 5794. to foirteen dol
nt lars, extltihve of binding.
Iu J. Should any copies remain for sale after
v " the completion of the work, .heywillbe
:r " fold at fixteeti dollars, and tlie price of
or binding.
s " 6. The names of the fubferibers will be
published as patrons of Ameiitan litera
" U ture, arts, and sciences.
av It i« wholly unnecefTary to expatiate o»
re . the advantage,to American reaHers, that
: 0 ; this edition pofleffes, overeveryimported
•si. edition of any system of Geography extant,
as The addition of maps of thefeveial teftas,
or procured a very great expense, and from
ize the best materials that are attainable,
up speaks such fullconvvdlion on this fubjeft,
nd that it would be difrefpeift to the read
ri- er's uiiderftantiing to fbppofe it requisite
in to enter into a detail of arguments to
ns i prove its superiority. In no similar work
m- have fi>cU maps beenever introduced.
>ch The emendationsand additions which
"ll are made in this work,are innumerable,and
o r occur in every page. The public are re
to ferrerl to the preface for a flight sketch
me of a Tew of them.
The publisher takes the present oppor
nd tunity of returning his mod sincere thanks
,ch to those refpeftable characters who have
ro- favored him with documents for improv
£l- ing the maps of fe verai of the dates He
PHILADELPHIA: Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 3, Sokth Fourth Street.—Prick Six Dollars Per Annum
requeftsa cbntiruarce of their lcindnefs;
and that foch public Ipirited citizens,
as ara poflelled of similar documents, will
favor him with theirafliftance in perfect- I
ing his undertaking.
The extraordinary encouragementwith
which he ha* been favored, has excited
in his bread the warmest sentiments of gra
titude—sentiments which time will not Cf- _
'ace. He pledges himlelf to the citizens
of the United States, to spare neither pains
:ior expense to render the prtfent edition
01 Guthrie's Geography improved, deferv
iiig of their patronage. waftl
LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above
the Drawbridge, out of tlie Ihip Bacchus
Cept. Van Neman, from Jamaica,
May 16.
Morris Academy.
THIS inftiiuiion is now open for Ihe re- (
<eption of students under the immediate
care of Mr. Caleb Russell) wbofe abilities
as an inllruftor, and attachmentto the bu
siness have lorlg been known and approved.
He has under him the hell alTillants in c
the different branches —The fchoiars are 1
taught the Englilh, French, Latin, anc t
Greek languages, Public-Speaking, Writing, <
Arithmetic, Geography, Aftronon y, and t
the various branches of the Mathematifcs. <
The healthy situation of this place is fuc
to recommend it to those, who wish to 1
have their chilcfren in the country. Boai d- J
ing, washing, mending, &c. will be provid- 1
rd in good families, and the morals ot the ,
scholars carefully attended to.
The price including tuition, firewood, 1
&c. exclusive of the French language) will
not exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo- 1
ney per annum} an addition of threedol ars
per quarter will he made to such scholars
who taught the French language. The 1
Directors ar edetermined to pay such atten
tion to this institution, as will render it
refpe6table and ufeful.
TIMOTHY JOHNS, jtm. S- Direct s.
Morriftown, May 15, i 794
d 1 w. W2M. —
Chriitiana Mills
For Sale.
ON Monday the fir ft day of September
next at 8 o'clock in the evening, at the
Coffee Houte in he city of Phtlade'ph'tP
will be Told by public vendue, two
or pieces of land situated in White Clay
Cicek hundred, New Castle ccuntv and ft ate
of Delaware} one of which contains about
sixty acres of highly improved land, on it
area large two story biickdwellinghoufr, a
co venient brick barn, with ftablingand a
carriage hotlfe underneath, an e Celjcn
kiln for drying corn ; and die well known
- mills called Christiana Mills (Vate Patter
. lon's) which being ai the head of the tide
on Christiana riv^ r , and but about half a
1 mile from the landing, i'; conveniently li:u
. atcd for carryiitg the articles mamjfa&ured
- at the mills hy water to Philadelphto— 1 his
property close to the road leading
. from Elkton to Christiana bridge, and at
v the head of the tide, with many other fit
i tendant advantages, render it* situation for
the milling business so very valuable, as to
be equalled by few and excelled by none.
The latter t»aft containing 175 acres, is
about one mile from the mills and is chief
ly Woodland, which being contiguous to
water carriage to the city of Philadelphia,
inUft be of increasing value, efpecjally
there is a quantity ot large- timber in said
tradl Aiitable for the piifpoles of the
The tet his upon tV'hich the above men
tioned estates will be fold are^ —one thou
sand pounds to be paid on executing the
deeds, and seven hundred and fifty- founds
per annum, with interest for the remainder
or proportionably for each part.
Indisputable titles will be made for the
property, by
John nixon,
At fame time and place will be fold a
large BOAT,
July 2 iyvV&rstS
Ie LETTERS on the fubjefl of the Wafh
if itigton Lottery, being by mistake repeat
edly addrefied to the Commifliohers for the
City of Waihington.
Persons concerned are hereby informed}
that all such fhoukl be addrefied either to
W. Deakins juri. of Wafhingtou, or to the
'| 6 Subscriber. The commifiioners never hav
ing contemplated any further concerfi in
, r this business, than in tlieir assent to receive
x the bonds and approve the names of the
of managers. The prizes have been paid and
are paying on demand by W. Deakins, j
oe Walhington, Peter Oilman, Boston, and
a- by the Subscriber.
For the Lottery No. i, the securities al
ready given-will be retained by the com
at fniffioners, or transferred by them at their
option to tlie bank of Columbia ; and the
't- commifiioners will be consulted refpedling
V» a judicious and equitable disposition of the
! m houses tr> be built thereby j their treasury
or the bank of Columbia will the
j' money intended for the National Univer-
r * fity, and they -will be consulted in the no
to mination of the 24 managers but all the
r j. refponfibihty refpefling the general dispo
sition of the tickets, and payment of pri
zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, On
n( l :he persons whose names are and may be
rc _ hereafter published as assistants to forward
ch this business with
ar- N. B. Mr. Blodgtt will be particularly
cbliged if those peribns who poflefs prizes
re yet unpaid, will apply for their mdney as
early as pofiible.
June 7th. d.
Carolina Rice and Indigo,
BURR stones,
Gurney and Smith.
May 14. d , t
At the STORES of i
jeffe & Robert VValri, t l
PORT WINE in pipes, lihds. and quar '
ter casks
LISBON do. in pipes and quarter calks j
Souchong and Congo TEAS) in quarter
chests 1
Aq ntity of Lisbon and Cadiz SALT j
Soft ftelled ALMONDS in baies jt
Velvet COHK>» ill do. ' I
Kuflia MAT IS. I
(IJIiC 9
«—I ;— ■ ———————— r
Richard Johns } In the Chancery Court
v f of the ; L
John Wells and C State of Maryland, c
Mordecai Cole• J May %(>th '1794 -
The Complainant hath fil- ]
ed his bill, for the purpose of obtaining a \c
decree, to reft in hiin a complete legal title j
to two tracts of land, lying in Baltimore
county* one called Pauitcrs-Levelj con
taining jOO acres, the other called Profpefl
containing joacies Hu flatesjthat the said j
John Wells ou the 16th day of March 1774
contracted to fell the (ait! land to the said
Mordecai Cnle,&executed to him a bond for
COR.Vtyanc',that the fr,idCole, on the fame
day, executed to the laid Wells a bond for
thepavrcunt of the purchaie money amoun- *
ting to / 675 Penn*ylvania currency, that
the said Cole hath (nice difchargeti the whole
of tha purchase ißDi«y, and hatli assigned '
to the complainant the said bond for con- '
veyanccj that the laid Wells hath never
executed a deed, agreeably to his contrast 1
but hath removed out of the ftateof Mary
land, and now refwes it) the state of Ken
tucky. '
It is thereupon, and at thereqneft Of the
complainant, adjudged, and ordered, that
he procure a cop of this order to be insert- I
tdat least fix weeks fucreflhely, before 1
he Hi ft day of August i.cxl, in the United
States Gazette at Philadelphia, to the in- '
tent, thai the said John Wills may. have no- 1
tic of the complainant's application to '
this court, and may be warned to appear
here, on or before the si; ft Tuesday in Oc
tober next, to lew c&ufe wherefurd this
court Ihouid not proceed to decree, agiee
ably to the piayer of the complainant, and
to the a£i »f alleuiblyj for such cases made
and provided.
Samuel Harney Howard.
Reg. Cur. Can.
June 13 mw&ftw
jult Published,
In one handfo'me volume,nmO. Price 5s
At Franklin's Head, No. 4!, Chefuut
Natural Equality of Men,
On the Rights that result from it, and 011
the Duties which it imposes.
To which a MEDAL was adjudged, Iby
the Tevlerian Society at Haarlem.
Cor re tied and Enlarged, by
! 1). b.
I ProfelFor of Moral Philosophy, and the
Law oi N.iture* and of Ecclesiastical
Hiftorv ; and Minister of the English
'C hutch at Utrecht.
Aliqnid temper ad communem utilitatem
affer<»ndum. Cicero.
. The Firjl American. Edition.
THEgrand principle of Equality, if
rightly undcrftood, is the only basis
. on which univerlai juft'ce, fatted order,
and perfcdl freedom, can be firmly built,
and permanently fccmec!. The vew of
it exhibited in this eliay, at the lame time
that it reprelles the in'folei ce of office,
j the tyranny of pride, and the outrages of
oppression ; confittj.a, in the most forcible
manner, the neceflity of subordination,
_ and the just demands of law ful authority.
So far indeed, from loosening the bands
of society, that it maintains inviolate* e
very natural and every civil diftin&ion,
draws more closely every facial tie, unites
in one harmonious and justly proportioned
system, and brings men together on the
even ground of the inherent rights of hu
man naurtj of reciprocal obh - ation, and
of a common relation to the colli munity.
Match 18. tuts
L PORT, IwiNESofthefirfWlitv
e LISBON, ic |
> Old Jamaica Spirit, AutigUa and Weft In-
I dia Rum.
Coniac, French and Peach Brandies
- Claret and Port Wine of afuperior qua- I
1 ity in cases.
r Win? Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes and
e hhds.
Cotks in Bales,Havannah Segar* in Boxes.
e Philadelphia Poiter, in Calks and Bottles
London do. in do. do.
e Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do.
London do. in do- do. and
Cyder :n barrels and bot'le" prepared for
exportation or it-.rm d'ar'< ( fe,
Benjamin \V • Morris,
e The corner of Dock and Pear Jireets y
Where he has provided fuirab tit ores and
vaults, for the reception of
WINES, &c.
v "Which he proposes to ftoie or dispose of
,' s on com million
[S Captains of veflels and others fupnlird
\yithauy of the above LIQUORS bottle tl,
and feaftores in geneal put up.
I May 9 tu&f2m
An EfTay on Slavery.
Designed to exhibit in a new point 0 f
view us etfefts on morals, indufiry, Jn d the
peace offecicty. Some fafls and calculation*
are offered to prove the labor ofjreenen to b
much more productive than that ol ftuuts
that countries arr rich, powerful and nappy'
in proportion as the laboring people enjoy'
the fruits of their own labor ; and hence
the nrccffary conclusion, that slavery is ,nidi,
ticas well as unjujl.
Pkice 25 Cents.
February 15. d(f
rHE office of the President andDirefton.
efthe Insurance Company of Nokth
America, is removed to No. 107 South
Front ftieet, being the south eall corner n»
Front and Walnut streets.
The Public are cautioned to
j; beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bill
- of tlx Bank of the United States, and
| Twenty Dcllar Bills of the Bank of North
! America, federal of which have appeared
\in circulation within a few 4ays p a fi ; they
j are good general imitation of the genuine
! Bills, hut may be dijlinguifhed by the sol.
[ owing
I Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the
United States.
[ ALL that have the letter
F. for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
v/hiter and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine paper.
The O. in the word Company is fnialter
than the M. and other letters of that word
lb that a line extended from the top of ti.ii
O, to touch the top of the M. would extend
confideiably above the range of the whole
In the word Ignited the letters are nar
rower andclofer together than tbtiell of
the bill.
Thfc 1 and J in the word pimnife are net
parallel, the/inclining much more forward
than the r.
The engraving is badly executed, the
ftiokesof all the Letteis arc ftrongei and
the devii e in themargin particular]) ismuch
Coaifcr and appears darker than in the true
bills. Solne ot the counterfeits bear date in
'?yi—Whereas the Bark wasr.ot in opera
tion till December, and 110 five dollai bilis
were Hl'tied in jhar year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
B. Car theyr alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nearly simi
lar to that of the couhte. Doilar
Notes above defc rihed the is
bitter executed, and they approach nearer
to the appearance of thegenuiue bills.
The fine ruled Jines through the word
7Trent), in the body of ihe bill, are in num
ber thirteen in the genuine bills, and but
twelve in the counterfeit*.
The word Company is much like the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills as described
above, the o being iels than the ra, and o*
thers following.
There is no stroke to the t inthe word
North whereas in the genuine bills theftroke
is well defined.
The letrers ent in the word Izucnty, to
the left hand at the bottcfn, do -not coire
down to the line, but are so cut as to give
au irregular appearance to the word, the
Ttv and the ? going below theni.
The figna.turc ]. Nixon, has the appear
>ance of bt-ing written with lamb-black and
01, and differs from other inks in
pruning th bills and the calhier's iigna
It is supposed these forgeries were commit
ted iri some of the Southern States, as all the
counterfeits thai have appeared, have corjie
from thence, and two per Tons ha*e been ap
p-ehended in Virginia,on suspicion ol being
the author of them.
The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL-
L/IRS will be paid to any Person or Persons
w bo shall discover and piofecute to convic
lion the fever a 1 pftenders of the following ,
descriptions or any of them, viz.
> The person or prrfon?, who manufactur
ed the paper on which the Bills are printed.
The person or persons, who engraved the
. plates.
The printer or printers, of the bills.
; Kvety person who b«s a£)ed a* a principal
in any other way, in the and
| uttering the (aid bills.
, Philadelphia, March 28, *794
I April 22, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills
1 of the Bank of the United States have ap
peared in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY
DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark is
the letter B.
They «\ay be distinguished frcm the ge
nil me by the following IYIAKKS :
The paper of the counterfeits is of a
more tend r texture and gloiley Airfare
than the genuine, and there is no water
nmrk in them.
The letter C. in the word Cafliier, in
he true bills is ftrorgly n a; keel, v here as
j in the counterfeits, the whole letter is a
fine hair stroke, evidently in an unfinished
s State. Tlie letter a in the void demand*
s is badly formed and the whoie word iil done
and there is no comma at the end of it, as
there is in the genuine Mils.
The marginal device, is much daiker
r in the falfe, than in the genuine bills ow
ing to tho (hade strokes being, coarlei, nuuh
nearer together, and confeqnerit'y much
more nnumerous. This difference ft 'he
-eye atflrft view.
The fame reward of ONE THOt SAND
DOLLARS, will be paid for appi ehending,
prosecuting to conviction the several
above described Offenders in iefpe& to tbisj
4s to the la ft defcribeti bills.
,f THOMAS WILLING, Ptefideol
of the Bank United State**
d JOHN NIXON, President of the
Bank of North America.
By order of the Committees of the R«»'
peftive Boards. x