Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, July 28, 1794, Image 4

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    o'clock in the morning, and arriving at
two n the afternoon: From November
;ii to ."lay ift flarting at eight o'clock in
tae morning, and arriving at five in the
afternoon. R-turn'ng, to leave Annapolis
every Tuesday and Saturday, and arrive I
at IV*.. nnore the fame days: starting and
arriving at the fame hours, in the differ
ent afons, as in going from Baltimore to
>4. j'.-om Annapolis, by Upper Marl
borough, Pilcataway, Port Tobacco, Al
len's :-r-Jh, Newport: and Chaptico, to
ue mail to leave Annapolis every Sa
tur'lay, a? eleven o'clock in the forenoon,
and arrive at Leonardtown the next Tues
day, at eleven in the forenoon. Retumingt
to ave Leonard tdwn every Tuesday, at
th: . iii the n'ternoon, and arrive at Anna
polis on Friday, at four in the afternoon.
or, From Harford, to Bell Air.
1 he mail to have Harford every Tues
day, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and
arrive at Bell Air by one in the afternoon.
Returning, to leave Bell Air on Thursday
morning at fix o'clock, and arrive at Har
ford by eight.
66. From Elkton to Warwick.
I mail i 1 leave Elkton every Friday, atfeven
o'clock, in the morning, and arrive at Warwick,
by teri, Returning, to leave Warwick- at three
ia i afternoon, and arrive at Elkton by fix.
67. From Fredericktown, by Peters'? Tavern,
and Montgomery Court House, to Georgetown.
I he mail to leave Fredericktown every Thurs
day morning, at five o'clock, and arrive at George
town by five in the evening. Returning, to leave
Georgetown every Friday morning, at fix o'clock,
and arrive at FreJericktown by fix in the evening.
68. From Cheftertown by Cheftermitb, Eaf
ton, Vienna, and Salisbury to Snowhill, and
from Snowhill to Princess Ann, and thence to
During the fix months frc-n May :ft, to No
vember lit, the mail to leave Cheftertown every
Tuesday morning by eleven o'clock (or as much
sooner as the Philadelphia can be obtained)
and arrive at F.afton' the fame day, in the after-'
noon. Leave Eafton on Wednesday morning, at
four o'clock, arrive at Snowhill on Thursday at
- noon, and at Princess Ann by five in the evening.
Returning, to leave Princess Ann on Friday
forenoon, at ten o'clock, go dire&ly to Salisbury,
and arrive at Eafton on Saturday evening by five :
Leave Eafton the next Monday by four o'clock in
the morning, and arrive at Cheftertown by one in
the afternoon.
During the other fix months of the year, the
mail to leave Cheftertown every Wednesday, at
seven o'clock in the morning and arrive at Eafton
by three inthe afternooi Leave Eafton on Thurs
day morning, at fix o'c", ;k, arrive at Snowhill
on Friday, by one o'clock in the afternoon, and
at Princess Ann by fix in the evening. Return
ing, leave Princess Ann on Saturday, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon, go directly to Salisbury,
and arrive at Eafton the next Sunday rtr Monday,
by fix in the evening : Leave Eafton on Tuesday
morning, at eight o'clock, and arrive at Chefter
town the fame day, by four in the.afternoon.
In Maryland a : d Virginia,
69. From Hagerftown, by Sharpfburg, to fhe
The mail to leave Hagerftown every Wednes
day, at fix o'clock in the morning, and arrive at
Shepherdftown by ten : Leave Shepherdftown at
two o'clock in the afternoon, and return to Ha
gerftown by fix in the evening.
In Virginia.
Main Post-Road.
70. From Alexandria by Colchester, Dum
fries, Fredericklburg, Bowling-Green, Hanover
Court-House and Richmond, to Petersburg.
Forfix months, from May iftto November lit,
the mail to leave Alexandria every Tuefdav,
Thursday and Satjrday, at four o'clock in the
morning, arriveat Frederickfburg the fame days,
at seven in the evening, at Richmond on Wednes
day, Friday and Monday, at seven in the even
ing, and at Petersburg on Thursday, Saturday &
Tuesday, at ten in the forenoon. Returning,
to leave Petersburg the fame days, at one o'clock
in the afternoon, and arrive at Richmond by fix
in the evening : leave Richmond on Saturday,
Tuesday and Thursday, at four in the morning,
arrive at Frederickfburg by seven in the evening,
and at Alexandria on Monday Wednesday and
Friday by five in the afternoon.
For the other fix months in the year, the mail
to leave Alexandria every Tuesday, Thursday,
and Saturday, at teri o'clock in the forenoon, ar
rive at Frederickfburg on Wednesday Friday and
Monday, at noon, leave it in an hour, and ar
rive at Richmond on Thursday, Saturday and
Tuesday, by fix in the evening : Leave Richmond
On Friday, Monday and Wednesday, at five in
the morning, and arrive at Petersburg the fame
days, by ten in the forenoon. Returning, to
leave Petersburg every Saturday, Tuesday and
Thursday, at one in the afternoon, and arrive at
Richmond in the evening by fix : Leave it on
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at five inl (he
morning, arrive at Frederickfburg on each suc
ceeding day, atelevenin the forenoon, leave it at
noon, and arrive at Alexandria on Wednesday,
Friday and Monday, at One o'clock in the after
On Cross-Roads in Virginia.
71. From Alexandria, by Salisbury, Lee&urg,
Shepherdftown, and Martinfburg, to Winchester.
The mail to leave Alexandria every Thursday,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and arriveat Win
chester the next Saturday, by five in the after
noon. Returning, to leave Winchester every
Monday, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and ar
rive at Alexandria the next Wednesday, by five
in the afternoon.
7a. From Winchester, by Stevenfburg, Straf
burg, Woodftock, and Rockingham Courthouse,
so Staunton.
The mail to leave Winchester every Monday,
at eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, and arrive at
Staunton the next Wednesday, by fix in the even
ing. Returning, to leave Staunton on Thursday,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and arrive at
Winchester the next Saturday, by fix in the even
Fxception. In the quarter commencing
the firft oT January, the two next preceedinj
Iftails are to be carried only once a fortnight, un-<
til twelve trips are compleated.
73. From Frederickfburg, by Portrayal, to
Tappahannock ; thence across the Rappahannock
to Richmond Courthouse, Weftmoreland Court
house, Kinfale or Yeocomico, and Northumber
land Courthouse, to Lancaster Courthouse, thence
recrofliii£ the Rappahannock, to Urbanna, and
from Urbanna to Gloucefte; Courthouse.
The mail to leave Frederickftung every Friday,
at five o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Glou
cester Courthouse the next Monday, by ten in the
forenoon. Returning, to leave Gloucester Court
house the fame day, at one o'clock in the after
noon, and arrive at Frederickfburg the next
Thursday, by fix in the evening.
-7- Frederick(burg, by Culpepper and
Orange Co mhoufes to Charlottefville.
1 he mail to l?ave Fredericklburg -every Mon
day at one o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at
Charlottefville the next Wednesday by five in the
afternoon. Re turnings to leave Charlottefville
at fix o'clock oa Thursday morning, and arrive
at Frederickfburg the next Saturday, by eleven
in the forenoon.
75. From Richmond, by Newcaflle, Ayletts
warelioufe, and Toddsbridge, to Tappnnannock.
The mail to leave Richmond every Monday at
seven o'clock in the morning, and arrive at lap
pahannock the next day, by ten in the forenoon.
Returning f to leave Tappahannock the fame day,
at two o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at
Richmond on Wednesday, by fix in the evening.
76. From Richmond, by Williamlburg,
Yorktown and Hampton, to Norfolk.
For fix moil bs, tfcm May ift to Novem
ber 1 ft, the in«iil to leave Richmond every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at ihree o'
clock in the morning, and arrive at Norfolk,
011 Wednesday, Friday Monday, by ele
ven in the forenoon. Returning, to leave Nor
folk on Thuifday, Saturday and Tuesday, at
five o'clock in the morning, and arrive at
Richmond on Friday, Monday and Wednes
day, by seven in the evening.
For the other fix months in the year, the
ma'l to leave Richmond every Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday, at five o'clock m the
morning, and arrive at Norfolk on the suc
ceeding Wednesday, Friday and Monday, by
eleven in the forenortn. Returning, to leave
Norfolk on Thuffriay, Saturday and Tuesday,
at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and arrive
at Richmond on the succeeding Saturday,
Tuesday and Thursday, by fix in the evening..
77. From Ofborne's so Bermuda Hundred,
three timas a week.
The mail to leave Ofborne's immediately
after the arrival of the mail from Richmond,
arriveat Bermuda hundred in two hours—and
return on the fame days to Ofborne's, in time
to proceed with the mail from Petersburg to
I 78. From Petersburg, by Cabinpoint,
Smithfield and Suffolk, to Portsmouth.
The mail to leave Petersburg every Mon
day, Wednesday and Friday, at eleven o'clock
in the forenoon, and arrive at Portsmouth on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, by eight
in the evening. Returning, to leave Ports
mouth, every Wednesday, Friday and Mon
day, by five 9'clock in the morning, reach
Suffolk by eleven in the forenoon, and arrive
at Petersburg on Saturday, Thursday and
Tuesday, by noon.
79. From Smithfield, by Southampton
courthouse, to Greenvillecourthoufc (or Hick's
The mail to leave Smithfield every Thurs
day morning, in a convenient time after the
arrival of the mail from ' Petersburg, and ar
rive at Greenville courthouse the next day,
by ten o'clock in the forenoon. Returning,
to leave Greenville Courthouse at two o'clock
in the afternoon, and arriveat Smithfield on
Saturday, by fix in the evening.
80. From Goldfon's (on Meherin river) by ,
Gee's Bridge, Saint Tammany's, and Meck
lenburg Courtqoufe, to Jialifax Courthouse.
The mail to leave Goldfon's every other
Monday, at one o'clock in the afternoon,
and arrive at Halifax Cot'rthoufe the next
Wednesday, by ten o'clock in the forenoon.
Returning, to leave Halifax Courthouse the
fame day, at two o'clock in the afternoon,
and arrive at Goldfon's the next Friday, by
ten o'clock in the forenoon,
81. From Richmond, by Powhatan Court
house, Cumberland Courthouse, P«|nce Ed
ward Courthouse, Lynchburg, New London
and Liberty, to Fincaftle : by estimate 192
The mail to leave Richmond every Mon
day. at five o'clock in the morning, and ar
rive at Prince Edward Courthouse on Tues
day, by fix in the evening—at Liberty on
Thursday by fix in the evening—and at Fin
raftleon Friday by fix in the evening —Return,
tngy to leave Fincaftle when convenient to the
contractor, so as to arrive at Piince Edward
Courthouse the next Thursday by fix o'clock
n the evening;—leave it on Friday morning
and arrive at Richmond on Saturday, by fix
in the evening : thus completing the tour in
13 days.
82. From Prince Edward Courthouse, by
Charlotte Courthouse, Halifax Courthouse,
and Pittfylvania Courthouse, to Martinfburg,
and thence to Germanton, in North Carolina :
by estimate, 158 miles.
The mail to leave Prince Edward Court
house every other Wednesday, at five o'clock
in the morning, and arrive at Germanton the
next Saturday, by four ill the afternoon.—
Returning, to leave Germanton the next Mon
day morning, at five o'dock, and arrive at
Prince Edward Courthouse the next Thurs
day, by fix in the evening.
83. F(om Martinfburg to Liberty : by esti
mate 65 miles.
The mail to leave Martinfburg every other
Tuesday at fix o'clock in the morning, and
arrive at Liberty on Wednesday, by four in
the afternoon. Returning, to leave Liberty
on Thursday, at fix o'clock in the morning,
and arrive at Martinfburg on Friday by four
in the afternoon.
84. From Richmond, by Columbia and
Charlottefville, to Staunton.
Ihe mail to leave Richmond every Mon
day morning, at fix o'clock, and arrive at
Staunton the next Wednesday, by fix in the
evening. Returning, to leave Staunton on
Thursday, at ten in the forenoon, 'and arrive
at Richmond the next Saturday, by seven in
the evening.
85. From Staunton, by Lexington, Fincaf
tle, Montgomery Cfcurthoufe and Wythe
Courthouse. to Abingdon : by estimate 224
mail t0 * Cavc Staunton every other
Thursday, at fix o'clock in the morning, and
arriveat Abingdon the next Tuesday, by fix
in the evening. Returning, to leave Abing
don the next day, or on Thursday, as mofl
convenient to the contractor, and arrive et
otaunton the next Wednesday by fix o'clock
in the evening.
• t^lC ou! h-Weftern Territory.
06. From Abingdon, by Jonefborough, in
the territory Southwcft of the Ohio, and
thence by Greertfvilie and Jefferfon Court
oufe, to Knoxville : by estimate 141 miles,
-..j to l cay e Abingdon every other
Wednesday, at fix o'clock in the morning,
and ariive at Knoxville the next Saturday, bv
'* ,n . l^e evening. Returning, to leave
Knoxville the next Saturday, at fix in the
morning, and arrive at Abingdon the next
Tuesday by fix in the evening.
° T E. Proposals for carrying this mail
No. 06, w ;n |, e received at Knoxville, by
PHILADELPHIAPsintsd „ JOHN FENNO, N^7 S „„. Sl « lT ._ P>lct s.,
the person whom governor Blount fliall
name for that purpose.
In Virginia.
87. From Staunton, by BathCourtheufe
and the Sweet Springs, to Green Brier Court
house : by estimate 123 miles.
The mail to leave Staunton every other
Thirfday at five o'clock in the morning' and
t rive at Green Brier Courthouse the next
Saturday, by fix. in the evening.—Returning,
to leave Green Brier Courthouse the next
M »nday morning, at five o'clock, and arrive
at Stauntonthe ncxtW dnefday eveningby fix-
On the Main Port Road.
88. From Petersburg by Goldfon's (on Me
herin river) in Vi rgi nI a—Warrenton,
Lewifbjrg, Raleigh, Averyfbor»ugh,Fayette
vi le l.umberton, in N§rth Caroli
na—Cheraw Courthouse, Camden, Colum
bia ana Edgefield Courthouse, in South Ca
kolina, —to Augusta in Georgia: by es
timate 441 miles.
The raaij to leave Petersburg every Friday
fort-noon, at eleven o'clock—arrive at Fayette
ville the next Monday morning by nine—at
Cheraw Courthouse on Tuesday afternoon by
two—at Catnden on Wednesday forenoon by
eleven—and at Columbia in the evening by
seven—at Edgefield Courthouse on Thursday
evening—and at Augusta on Friday forenoon
by ten o'clock—Returning, to leave Augusta
every .Saturday morning, by fix o'clock—
arrive at Columbia on Sunday morning—ai
Camden an Sunday evening—at Cheraw
Courthoufeon Monday evening—at Fayette
ville on Wednesday morning by seven—and
at Petersburg the next Saturday forenoon by
Note It is expe&ed that the post rider
from Petei(burg will proceed with the mails
as far as Charles Harris's, on Nottoway river
(30 miles) on Friday, and there meet the post
rider from Warrenton: and having exchang
ed mails, they will severally set out on their
return, in time to arrive at Petersburg by c
leven in the forenoon of Saturday, at
Warrenton by three in the afternoon.
On Crofs-Roads.
In South-Carolina.
89. From Camden, by State (burg to Charles
ton. The mail to leave Camden on Wednesday
at noon* and arrive at Charleston the next Friday
by ten o'clock in the forenoon. Returning, to
leave Charleston every Saturday, by five o'clock
in the morning, and arrive at Camden the next
day by eight in the evening.
Note. These two next preceeding mails (No.
88 and 89) are to be comprehended in one con
In North-Carolina.
90. From Halifax by Hicks's Ford, on Me
he< rin river, to Charles Harris's on Nottoway ri
ver: By estimate 51 miles.
To leave Halifax every Friday at four o'clock
in the morning, and arrive at C. Harris's by
four in the afternoon and having exchanged maiU
with the Poftrider from Petersburg, return to
Halifax on Saturday, by three in the afternoon.
91. From Halifax, by Princeton, Mur
freefborough, Winton on Chowan River, the
bridge on Bennet's creek, to R. Mitchell's,
on the pod-road from Suffolk to Edenton,
and thence to Edenton: by estimate, IQS
To leave Halifax every Monday,'at two
o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at Eden
ton the next Wedneiday, by fix in the even
ing. Returning, to leave Edenton on Thurs
day, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and ar
rive at Halifax by the next Monday noon.
92. From Suffolk (in Virginia) to Eden- |
ton, Plymouth, and Wafliington, in North- '
To leave Suffolk every Monday, at eleven j
o'clock in the forenoon, arrive "at Edenton ;
on Tuesday by eleven in the forenoon, and ,
at Plymouth by fix in the evening, and at
Wafliington, on Wednesday by five in the
afternoon. Returning) to leave Wafliington on
Thursday morning by fix, arrive at*Eden
ton, by noon, on Friday, and at Suffolk, on
Saturday afternoon, by five.
93. From Halifax, by Blountfville, Wil
liamson, and Dailey's, to Plymouth; and
from Plymouth to windsor; —once in two
To leave Halifax every other Saturday,
by five o'clock in the afternoon; arrive at
Plymouth the next Tuesday evening; and j
at Windsor the next day by ten in the fore- \
noon. Returning,, to leave Windsor the fame :
two o'clock in the afternoon,arrive at j
Plymouth in the evening, and at Halifax, 1
by noon, on Saturday, two weeks after the
departure from thence.
94. From Halifax, by Tarborough and
Greenville to Wafliington.
To leave Halifax every Monday, at five |
o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Wafli- j
ington, on Tuesday afternoon, by five. Re- I
turning, to leave Wafliington at fix o'clock
on Wednesday morning, and arrive at Hali
fax, on Thursday evening, by seven.
95. From Newbern to Wafliington.
To leave Newbern every Wednesday
morning, at fix o'clock, and arrive at Wafli
ington by fix in the evening. Leave Wafli
ington the next morning at lix o'clock, and
return to Newbern by fix in the evening.
96. From Newbern to Wilmington, once
in two weeks. To leave Newbern every
other Friday, at five o'clock in the morning,
and arrive at Wilmington in the evening of
the next day, or on Sunday mornifig by nine
o'clock. Returning,, leave Wilmington the
next Monday morning, by five o'clock, and
arrive at Newbern, in the evening of the
next day, by seven o'clock.
97. From Newbern, by Kinfton Waynef
borough, and Smithfield, to Raleigh,
once in two weeks. The distance estimated
at 149 miles.
To leave Newbern every other Monday,
at fix o cjock in the morning, and arrive at
Raleigh the next Wednesday. by fix in the
evening. Returning, to leave Raleigh the next
morning, at seven o'clock, and arrive at
Newbern the next Saturday by seven in the
98. From Tarboro', by Nafh Court
house, to I.ewilburg.
To leave Tarborough every Thurfdav
taormng, at fix o'clock, and arrive at Lew
.(burg the next day, bv ten in the forenoon.
Returning, leave Lewifburg the fame day, at
two in the afternoon, and arrive at Tarbo
rough, on Saturday evening, by fix
09. From' Raleigh, by Chapel-hHI, to
Hillflxirough, and trom Chapel-hill to Chat
ham Court-Houfe.
To leave Raleigh every Thursday morn
ing, at fix o clock, reach Chapel-hill by
noon, and HilKboVough by four in the al'
terrioon. Returning, to leave HiHfborowh on '
Frjday mormng at nine o'clbck, reach Cha
pel-hill by noon, and Chatham Court-
House by five in the evening. Leave Chat
bam Court-House on Saturday morning at
fix o'clock, reach Chapel-hill by ten, and
Raleigh by fix in the evening.
100. From Halifax, by Warrenton, Hillf
borough, Martin ville, and Salem, to Salis
bury, once in two weeks. The distance eP*
timatedat 211 miles. To feave Halifax eve
ry other Monday, by five o'clock in the
morning; arrive at Hiltfborough on Wed
nesday morning by nine; at Salem on
Thursday, by five in the afternoon; and at
Sajiffrury on Friday, by three in the after
noon. Returning, leave Saliffcury on Saturday
morning by nine, arrive at Salem by fix in
tire evenitig, at IlillfbOrough, the next Mon
day by fix in the evening, and at Halifax,
tlie next Thursday evening by five.
101. From Hi 11 (borough, by Perfort Court-
House, Cafwell Court-House, and Rocking
ham Court-House, to Germanton, by es
timate 103 miles, and thence Uetliaiiia,
10 miles, once in two weeks. To leave Hillf
| borough every other Thursday, at fix
o'clock in the morning, arrive at German
ton the next Saturday, by three in the af
ternoon, and at Bethania by fix. Returning,
to leave Bethania the next day, at four in
the afternoon, and arrive at Germanton by
fix. Leave Germanton on Monday morning
at fix o'clock, and arrive at Hillfborough the
next Wednesday, by five in rhe afternoon.
102. From Salisbury, by Cabarras Court-
House, to Charlotte. To return by Iredell
Court-House to Salisbury; making, by esti
mation, a circuit of 94 miles, once in two
weeks. To leave Salisbury every other Mon
day, at fix o'clock in the morning, and re
turn to Salisbury the next Wednesday even
ing, or by noon on Thursday j waiting at
each post-town or place on the rout, at least
two hours, unless sooner discharged by tha
103. From Salisbury to Fayetteville, once
in two weeks, to go by the following routes
alternately. By Montgomery, Anion, ,tmd
Richmond Court-Houses, to Fayettvillfe;
and by Randolph and Moore Court-Houses
to Fayetteville ; always returning, by the
| contrary route to Salisbury : making, by
1 -jftimation, a circuit of 264 miles. To leave
f Salisbury every other Monday morning, at 6
o'clock, and return thither the n6xt Wed
nesday fe'nnight, by fix in the evening r
waiting at each post-town or place on the
route, at least two hours, and at Fayettville,
at least fix hours, unless sooner discharged
by the postmasters.
104. From Fayettville to Wilmington ;
the mail tp go alternately by Elizabeth
town to Wilmington; amd by Sampson
Court-House, the Cross-Roads near Duplin
I Court-House, and South Wafliington, to
Wilmington ; always returning the contrary
way .To leave Fayett ville every Monday at
noon, and arrive at Wilmington the next
Wednesday bv fix in the evening-; and leav
ing Wilmington on Thursday at noon,re
turn to Fayetteville the next Saturday,by fix
in the evening.
105. From Edenton, by Hertford, Nixon
ton,. Sawyer's Ferry, in Camden .county, to
Incliantown in Currituck county, once in
two weeks.
To leave Edenton everv oher Tuesday,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive
at Indiantown on Wednesday evening:—
leave Indiantown on Thursday morning, and
arrive at Edenton on Friday by noon.
In North Carolina and South Carolina.
106. From Salem, by Bethania, Huntf
ville, Rochford, Wilkes, Morganton, and
Lincolnton, in North-Carolina, to Prnckney
Court-House in South Carolina, once in
two weeks. The estimated distance 215
miles. To leave Salem every other Friday,
at fix o'clock in the morning, arrive at
Morganton the next Monday evening by
five, and at Pinckney Court-House the next
Friday evening bv five. Returning,
Pinckney Court-House on Saturday morn
ing at fix o'clock, and return to Salem the
next Thursday by five in the afternoon.
N. B. Proposals for carrying this mail,
No. io6 r from Salem to Morganton and
Pinckney Court-House, will be received by
Col. Joseph M'Doweli at or near Morgan
ton, until the 20th day of August next.
In South Caiolina.
107. From Cheraw Court-House to
Georgetown. By estimate, 90 miles.
The mail to leaye Cheraw Court-House j
every Wednesday, at fix o'clock in the morn
ing, and arrive at Georgetown the next Friday
forenoon by ten. Returning, to leave George
town on Saturday, at fix in the morning,
and arrive at Cheraw Court-House the next
Monday evening by five.
108. From Charleston to Savannah, going
by .Sifter's Ferry, in] fa.
vannah river* and thence to the port-road*"
from Angufta to Savannah. By estimate,
137 miles.
To leave Charleston every Saturday morn
ing, at fix o'clock, and arrive at Savannah
the Tuesday morning by nine. Leave
Savattinah the fame day, at two in the after
noon, and return to Charleston the next
Friday, by five in the afternoon.
109. From Coofawatchy to Bpaufort. By
estimate, 33 miles. To leave Coofawatchy
every Monday morning, at fix o'clock (tak
ing the mail from Charleston, and arrive at
Beaufort in the evening. Leave Bsaufort on
Tuesday or Wednefuay, and arrive Coofa
watchy by the time the mail arrives there
from Savannah.
no. From Columbia, by Orangeburg, to
Charleston. By,eftimate 115 miles.
To leave Columbia every Thursday, at
one o clock in the afternoon, and arrive at
Charleston the next Saturday by fix in the
evening. Leave Charleston the next Monday
at one in the afternoon, and return to Co
lumbia the next Wednesday by fix in the
in. From Columbia, by Winnfborough,
Chester Court-House, Pinckney Court-
House, and Spartan Court-House, to Green
ville Court-Houfe. By estimate, 145 miles/
To leave Columbia 2 ery other Thurs
day, at fix o'clock in the morning, arrive at
Pinckney Court-House the next day by fix !
in the evening, and at Greenville 'Court-
House the next Sundav by noon. Leave
Greenville Court-House on Monday morn
ing at fix, and return to Columbia the next j
1 hurfday by noon. ,
112. From Columbia, by Newbury Court-
House Laurens Court-House, Greenville
Court-Houle, aud Wafliington Court-House,
to Pendleton Court-Houfe. By estimate
143 miles.
I o leave Columbia every other Thurf-
Jay, at seven o'clock in the morning, ar-
rive at Greenville Court-House on Satl „
day evening, lejve it (he next dav at
o'clock m the afternoon, and arrive md*
-dleton Court-house in the evening R. t
leave Pendleto. Court-Houfo "n Mon>
m °™ng affix, and arrive at Columbia
next Thursday by noon.
NOTE. Proposals for carrying the n
ceding mails, No. 108 and No ii will £
received bjr Mr. Thomas Wrieh »
postmaster, in Charleston : and for cw™'
the mads No. no, in, and rr 2 yi '"S
Mr. Bacot,in Charleston, or by fu c i, n
in or near Columbia, as he shall nan 7"
that purpose. All the proposals mVh
made in writing, before the firft i , v ™
tembernext. je P*
113. From Edgefield Court-h lt ioc ,.
bridge, and thence by Afebcv.Ue X/
house and Pendleton Court-house ~,
Ford on Toogeloo river, ar',l i
-1, IYanldin Court-hoiife, in Georgia
estimate 119 miles. ~ - - S' a
7° ' e f Ec!ge fi c 'ld Court-hru ev,.
other Saturday at noon, and arr „
on court-house the next Mor.
noonleave it at two in the afiernool =. '
arrive at Franklin Court-house the nenW
by tenint h cfc noon
Franklin Court-house on Tuesday % -Z
in the afternoon, and return to Edgefield
Court-house the next Friday, by fix i a the
evening. c
On (he Main Line, in Georgia
114. From Augusta, by Waynefborouoh
to Savannah: by estimate T3l miles. '
The mail to leave Augusta every Fridav
afternoon, at one o'clock, and arrive at Sa
vannah the next Sunday evening by fu _T
Returning, to leave Savannah every 1 ucidav
morning by fix o'clock, and arrive at Au
gusta the next Thursday evening by fix.
115. From Savannah, by Newport-bridge
and St. Savilla, to St. Mary's—once in two
weeks : the distance estimated at 129 m il e ,.
The mail to leave Savannah everv other
Monday, at seven o'clock in the morning
and arrive at St. Mary's the next Thursday
by noon.—Returning, leave St. Mary's on
Friday morning, by five o'clock, and arrive
at Savannah The next Monday, by five in
the evening.
NOTE. Proposals for carrying this mail
win be received by the Postmaster at Savan
nah, until the last day of August next in
On the Cross-Roads in Georgia,
ri6. From Augusta to Wafliington and
(jreenDDrough, and thence round bv the
great Falls of, Ogechee, and George-town,
to Augusta, making, by estimation, a cir.
cu !£° f $ miles -, once in two weeks.
Hie mail to leave Augusta every other
Saturday, at fix o'clock in the morning, and
arrive at Wafliington the next morning bv
nine, and proceeding on the circuit, arrive
K rP^, t )C " eXt Wtd "efday evening or
oy Thursday noon; waiting at every poft
town or place, on the route, at lead twe
hours, unless sooner discharged bv the Post
"7- From Wafliington, by PeterfWh
and Elberton, to Franklin Coort-hpufw
by estimate 60 miles; once in two weeks,
I he mail to leave Wafliington every ot.'ier
Sunday, after the arrival of the mail f oil.
Augusta, and arrive at Franklin Court
house the next Monday, by ;!>r. even
ing-—Returning, to leave Franklin Courts
hour, on Xlid-i>l jy, ut noon, and a riat
Wafliington on Wednesday evening.
NOTE. Proposals for carrying the mail-
No 113, 114, 116, and 117, will be receive
by Mr. William UrQuhart, Poftmafte!
in Augusta, until the last day of Aortift
next inclusively.
NOTE. i. If the general arrangement 6f
the public mails should require any alto-a
tion of the times of arrival arid departure ,
before mentioned, it is to be made accord
ingly, either before the execution, or at
any time during the continuance of the con
tracts j and if such alteration should necei
iarily increase the expense of carrying any
mail, a reasonable allowance will be made
to the contra&or.
1. A convenient time, which, in some
eases, may be ten minutes, and never
half an hour, for opening and doling a
mail, is to be allowed at each poft-omce,
at which the times of arrival and departure
are not herein fpecified.
3. For every hour's delay, (unavoidable
accidents excepted) in arriving after the
times prescribed in any contrail, the con
tractor is to forfeit one dollar: And if the
delay continue until the hour of departure
of any other depending mail, whereby the
mails destined for such depending mail lose
3 —an—o<jrlitionnl —daL
lars iTiall be incurred ; and if such loft hap
pen to che Augusta or Savannah mail, this
forfeiture iliall be incrcafed to fifteen dol
lars; and the Charleston mail, it fhal!
be increased tb twenty dollars; and if it be
to the great southern mail, due every Satur
day at Peterfburgfr* in Virginia, it fliall be
increased to thirty dollars.
4. News-papers, as well as letters, are to
be sent in the mails; and if any contra&oi
would desire to carry news-papers othei
than those in his mail, he niuft state in hi«
proposals, the refpedtive sums for which ht
will carry it ivith and -without the cmolu
inents which may arift from such feparat<
carriage of news-papers.
5. The contrails for the mails on the mair
post road, from Portsmouth, in Ncw-Hamp*
iliire, to Savannah, in, Georgia, and.froir
Camden to Charleston, to be in
the firft week in O&ober next, and to con
tinue in force until the firft day of October
1796. "'The contracts for all the other mat?'
heV tin mentioned, to be in operation the',
week in October next, and to continue
force until the firft dav of January, 179 1
6. Altlio' the precise dmes of ari "•>'
departure are generally fixed in th's
tifement, yet, in some cases, they
altered to fiiit the convenience o' li
tractors. Persons offering ■ U -
firing such alterations, will state t-'ic.u. aiu
the d:fferenpe they will make in tne ' ' '
of their contracts. But when either th.
contrails fliall have fixed the times ' at<{i
val and departure, or experiment fliall Im*
proved those moll convenient, those tin"
are afterwards to be regularly attendee' tc
unlets changed agreeably to theprovifion ii
the lirft note.
General Poft-OflTce,
Philadelphia, July 14, 1794-