landing Out- of t e Brig NANCY, Captain Sha 'lly, a Race-Street Wharf, SUGARS in H.gfheads and Barrels, COFFEE in Hoglheads, Barrels and Bags, bnutied to drawback. For Salt, By JAMES CRAWFORD, or WHARTON & LEWIS. June a4tb> d. A New Novel. To the LADIES of Philadelphia. This Day is PubliJhcJ by MATHEW CAREYi, 118, Market ffreet >; Pricc, bound, of a dollaV, sew ed iii arblc paper, halt * dollar, Charlotte, a tale of Truth, I IN TwO VOLUMES. By Mi s. ROWSON, of the New Theatre, Phladelph,a, Author of Victoria, the In quilipo!, the FiJle de Clbambre*, &r.. \Qf Charloitt, the Reviewers have given the foil Gluing char a Her, II !Ti3v be u rale *»f Truth*," for it is not un natural', and it u a talc of real dik tress. Charlotte, by the artifice of a teach , recoil mended to a school, from huma nity rather hati a of her inte grity, or the regularity of her former "con duct, is enticed i>6ul ht and a ccoiiipauiej a young >ificer to America.—— The marriage if not forgotten, is and Charlotte dies a martyr to the incu«:ftan« y of the over, and treach ery or tiis tneid.—Tlife (ituations ire art leis and *iffecbng— ;he descriptions natu ral and partietic ; we lhon'd fj'eifor Char lotte it fftch a ever e&iftecT, who For one efrdr scarcely, defcrved so reve«-e apu lifliinent. If it Is k fic tion, poetip justice is not, we think", pro perly I'itribnted. Said Carey has jujl publi/hed, A 2 sheet map of Kentucky compiled by Eliliu Barker, price one dol lar and two thirds. War Atlasy containing map* of France, Germany, Spam, Italy; the United Provin ees, the Netherlands, a id the Weft Indies. Price two dollar*. Map of New Jerley—Half a dollar. Map* of Vermont, Connedficiit, Dela ware, three eighths of a dollar each. April 29. tutb&sJW Congress. of the United States, In Senate, Tuefaay May 13th, 1794. ORDERfcD, that Rufut Putnam; Ma naf 'ah Cutlerj Rdbert Oliver and GnJfinGreen, do, upon the third Monday of December ne'xtf (hew cause to the Senate, •why so much of the grants of land to them the said Rnftis Putnam, Manaflah Cutler, Robert Oliver and Griffin Green } pu.-foant to an Art enrirltd " An art authorizing the grant and conveyance of certain lauds to ihe Ohio Company of alpiciates,'' (hall not re declared void, as may interfere with and he fbfficient to fatisfy the claims • t'thr Fre ivh settlers at Galliopolis. Ordered, that the delivery of a topy of the abov** order to Klrus Putnairt, Ma nalfah Cuiier, Robert Oliver, or G.iffin Green, aiid th# publication of the fame, due .nontb, in one of the Gazettes printed in this City, (hall be deemed fufHcient no. tlce ihe-eof. v Extrail from the Journals of Senate. Attest, SAM. A. OTIS, secretary. May 14. in. GUTHRIE's GEOGRAPHY Improved. THE fiibfcription for this work on the Original of twelve dollars and the binding, will be cloferi this day—-and on Monday the fubferipnon wWI open at four teen dollars, exclulive of the price of bind ing- » The new maps added to this edition are twenty One ; among which are those of Ncw-Hampfljirej MafTachufetts, Connecti cut, Rliode-Ifland, Vermont, New Yorkj New Jerfeyj Perlnfylvania, Delaware, Ma ryland, North Caro lina, the Geneffee Government, South Ca rolina, and Georgia. Tliefe maps have ne ver been given in any former system of and, it is hoped, would alone be futficient to entitle this work 41 a pre ference to any other edition of Guthrie. N B. The map of the United States, which is compiling by Mr. Simuel Lewis, from the refpertive ft ate maps, will be far more complete than any one yet published, and be printed on two large sheets Of paper, nearly the lize of the late Mr. Mur ray's map. May 31 d • ■ just Published, By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at hit Bookfttre, No. 147, Market Jireet, The Life of Dr. Franklin, with a striking lijcenefs, executed in a mat terly manner by ThackarMnd Vallance, |(rice fivefhillings. The Ready or Traders' Sure Guide* J 9 The Young Bookkeeper's Afliftant, 6/3 The Chriflian, a poem, by Charles Craw ford, 4/4 .. r — Efop's Fables, 4JB ' Swan's Britifli Architect, 37/6 Paine's ditto yj Town and Country Builder's A Aidant. 22/6 In the press, ejtd will be publijtied in a fe=w d(tys, and fold as afjo-ve, Reflections and Maxims, by William Penn, w4th his advice to hii chil ien, 4/8. 16100.2,1794. m&wim Ptiilkdelphla, March, 1 1794. JUST PUBLISHED, B/ MATHE.W CAREY, No. 118, Market Jireet, THE FIRST VOLUME OF A NEW SYSTEM OF IVloderA Geography: / °f\ A Geographical, HlJlorical\ aha Commercial Grammar <; .And urefent (late of rhe fj?ve al NATIONS OF THE WORLt). CONTAINING, , 1. Th- figure?, motions, and distanceS of the planets,according totlie Newtonian sys tem and the lateil observations. 2. A general view of t lie earth,confidereti as a pl.iircr; \vitii feverai ufei'ul geographical definitions aird problems. 3- The grand divisions of the globe into land and water, continents and iflamls. 4- The situation and extent of empires, kingdoms,ftates, provinces and colonies. 'S- Their climates, air, foil, vegetaWes, produrt 011s, metals, irtinerals, natural curi capes, promontories, aud lakes. 6. The birds and beads peculiar to each country. . . 7. Obfe'rvatVonson the changes that have been any where eiferved upoq the face of nature since the i'Aoflfcarly periods of his tory. 8. The history and origin of nations} rhei» forms of government, religion, laws, revenues,taxes,naval anirrtilita y strength 9. The genius, manners', tuftoms, and abits of the people. 10. Their language,learning^arts, scien ces, manufartures, and commerce. JI. The chief cities, ftrurtures'j ruins, and artificial curiofitiCs. 12. The longitude, latitude, bearings, and distances Of principal places from Phila delphia. To which arc added, 1. A Geographical Index, with the names and places alphabetically arranged. 2. A TabLe of the Coins of all nations, and their value in dollars and gents. A Chronologic a l TABtft of remarka ble events,from the creation to the present me. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, E/q. The Astronomical Part correrted by Dr. Rittenhousb. |To which have been added, The late Discoveries of Dr. Herschell, and other eminent Astronomers. The FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, Correrted, lirtproved, and greatly Enlar ged. The firfl: volume contaifat tweity-one Maps end Chart3)be!ides two Aftrondinical Plates, viz* 1. Map of' the Wdrlil. i.'Chprt of the worle 3. Europe. 4. Alia. $. Africa. 6. South America. 7. Cook's discoveries. 8. Countries round the north Pole. 9. Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, to. Se ven United Provinces. ii. Aiiftrianj French and Dutch Netherlands. 12. Gfcr itiany. i - Seat of war in France. 14- France divided into depaitmentj. ij. Switzerland. 16. Italy, Sifcily; arid Sar dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. 18. Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19. Ire land. 20. Weft-Indies. 2i. Vermont. 22. Ar miliary sphere. 23. Copeniitaii fyftein. With the second volume, which is now irt the pfefs, will be given the following Maps: 1. Russia in Europe and Alia; i. Scdtland. 3- England and Wales. 4. Poland. j. China. 6. Hindoftari. 7. United States. 8. Britifli America; 9. State of New-Hampfhlrf. 10. State of MafTachufetts. it. State of Connerticut. 12. State of Rhode-Island. 13. State of New-York. 14. State ofNew-Jerfey. ij. State-os Pennsylvania. 16. State of Delaware. 17. State of Maryland. 18. State of Virginia. 19. State «f Kentucky. 20. State of North-Carolina, ai. Tennelfee Government. 22. State of South-Carolina. 23. State of Georgia. TERMS. 1. This work will be compriled in two volumes. i. Subscribers pay for the prelent volume onelelivervj fix dollars, and the price of binding, (56 cents for boards.} 3. They may receive the succeeding vo lume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quarter dollar each, or else, when fi nifhed, at the fame price as the firft. 4. The fub'feription will be riil'ed on the firft day of June 1794, to fourteen dol lars, exclusive of binding. J. Should any copies remain for sale after the completion ot the work, they will lie fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of binding. 6. The names of the fulofcribers Will be publilhed as patrons of American litera ture, arts, and sciences. It is wholly unnecessary to expatiate on > the advantage,to American readers; that this edition over every imported edition of any system of Geography extant. The addit tion of maps of thefevecal testa.-, procured a very great expense, and from the best materials that are attainable, speaks such full convirtion oh this fobjeft, that it would be difrefpert te the read er's Underltanding to suppose it requisite to enter into a detail of arguments to prove its faperiority. In nofimilar work have fuck mapsbeenever introduced. The emendatiansand additions which are made in this work,are innumerable,and occur in every page. The public are re ferred to the preface for a flight (ketch of a few of them. The publisher takes the present oppor tunity of returning hisitioft sincere thanks so those refpertable chararters who have favored him with documents for improv ing the maps of feverai of the states He PHILADELPHIA :-Prikted by JOHN FENNO, No. 3, S.wth Fowrth Street-.-Pr.ce Six Dollars Per Annum. requrfts a continuance of their kindness; and hopes that such public spirited citizens, as are pofl'efled of fiin.iar documents, will favor him with theiraififtance in perfect ing iiis undertaking. The extraordinary encouragement with which he has 'been favored, has excited in his breast the warmed fentimenti of gra titude— ientiments which time will not el •'ace. He pledges himfelf to the citizens of the United States, to spare neither pain;, nor to .render the present edition; of Guihrie's Geography improved, deserv ing of their pati onage. walrf JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, a ove the Drawbridge, oat of the ft.ip Bacchus Cept. Vannema>, Jam « ca, FOR SALE £Y PETER BLIGHT. May 16 d Morris Academy. THIS institution is now open for 1 lie re ception of ffudents under the immediate care of Mr. Caleb RufTell, whose abilities as an instructor, and attachmentto the bu. finefs have long been known and approved. He has under him the bell affiflant; it! the different fcliolars arc taught the Engliffy French, Laiin, and Greek Public-Speaking, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Aftronomyi and l the various branches of the Mathematics. I\ie ileal hy ficuation of this place is Cue as, to recommend it 10 those, who wish t< have their children in the country. Boatd ing, washing, friending, &c. will be provid (d in good families, and the morals of the feholars carefully attended to. The price including tuition, firewood, &c. exclusive of the French language) will not exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo ney per annum) an addition of threedollars per quarter will be made to such scholars y>iio are tailghf the French language. The jjire&ori at edeurmined to pay such atten tion to this institution, as'will render it refpeftable and ufeful. GABRIEL H. FORD, } TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. > Direit's. NATHAN FORD, } MortiftoWn, May 15, 1794 diw. w2m.— Christiana Mills For Sale. ON Monday the firll diy of September next at 8 o'clock in the evening, at the Coffee House in he city oV Philadelphia will be fold by public vendufe, two tract or pieces of land situated in \Vhite Clay Creek hundred, New Castle county Slid state of Delaware; one of which contains Kbout sixty acres of highly improved land, ott it area large two ftriry brick dwelling house; a co venient brick bat nj with ftabliug and a carriage house underneath, an e cellent kiln for drying corn ; and the well known mil Is called ClpriitWna Mills (late Paner fon's) which being a- th« head of tlie tide on Christiana river, and but about half a mile from the landing, is conveniently situ ated for carrying the articles manufactured it the mills hy water to Philadelphia—This property being close to the road leading from Elkton to Christiana bridge, and at the hfead of the tide, with many other at tendant advantages, render its situation for the milling,btifinefs so very valuable, as to be equal'ed by tew and excelled hy none. The latter tract containing 17 J acrc<} is about one mile t'roiil the mills and is chief ly woodlandj which being contiguous to water carriage to the city of Philadelphia, inuft be of increasing value; 'fpetially as there is a quality of latge timber in said trat take, the ink»more freelv than the genuine paper. 7 The O. in the word Company i s smaller than the M. and other letters of that word fothat a line extended from tht top of ihe O, to touciv the top of the M. wouldextend considerably above the rang, of the whole word. I" tl,e word United the! letters are nar. rower andclofer together-ihan (h«reft of the bill. The i and fin the word promiie are not parallel, they inclining much more forward than ttie i. The engraving i s badly executed the strokes of all the Letters are flronger and the device in themargin particularly ismuth coa.fcr and appears darker than in the true bills. Sohre of the countei fgits bear date in 1 Whereas the Ban* was not in opera tion till December, and no five dollar bills were iflued in jhat year. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bunk of North America. ALL that have appeared have the letter B jor their alpliabecica) mark. They are printed on a paper nearly simi lar to that of the countei Jt-ir Five Dollar Noter above defer:bed j the engraving is better executed, and they apprpach neaur to the appearance of tne genuine hills. The fine -ruled lines through lie word ITvknt)\ id the body of the bill, are in bei tJi rteen in the genuine b lis, and but i wclve in the counterfeits. The word(V»/w?y is mo< U like__£L- ' i]c "rd in the Five Dollar Bills as defer bed above, thtf 0 being iefs than the m, and 0* the s following. T here rs no stroke to the t in the word North wheieaa in the genuine bills thelboke is wel' defined. The cut in the word Twenty, to ' 'iC left band at the bottom, do not come down to the linej butaie f« cut as to give an irregular appearance to the word, the Ttv ai d :he going below them. The fig n >iure J Nixon, has the appear* ance of being written wi h la»ib-hlack and oil, and differs from oi,her inks used in p»iirting th bills and the cafliicr's signa ture. Ic is fuopofed these forgeries were commit-* ttd in lome of the Southern States, a:> all the counterfeits thai have appeared, have come from ihtnccj and two perfens have been ap* prehended in Virginia, on fuipijtion of being' the autho? of them. Hie Veward of ONE THOUSAND DOL LARS will be paid \o atiy_ Per lon or Ptrfonj «vho (hall discover and prosecute to cotivic tion the fcveial offenders of tlie following ctc r «"i ipdons or any of t.tenc, viz. The perlon or p Other counterfeit bills of the Bank of the United St'ates nave ap peared in circulation. »The denomination is of TWENTY DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark is the letter B. They may b> diftinguiflied from the g c ' nuine the following MARKS : The pape. - of the cotrnte»f'cits is a more tend r texture and gloiley ft than the and there is no water mark in them. The letter C. in the word. Caflrer* he true bills is ftiongly maiked, "hertas in the counterfeits, the whole letter is t tine hair stroke, evidently in an unhniined itate. The letter a in the word dema»»®i i^ badly form< d and the wholf woicl iil tji l "* and there no com in aat theend o* 31 /here is* in the genuine bills. ,The marginal device, is much daiker in the falfe, than in the genuine biHs ® w " ing to the fliafie flrokes being poa'fe», ,nil< . nearer and conieqner t'y nin ' more numerous. This diflerenee ll' 5 ' 1 eye at fir ft view. I he Otme reward of*"ONE Tfl ( ' 1 . DOJ-LA RS, will he paid so app'e! ; Sc pr.»!ecuting to conviction tlie above e'efenbed Offenders in lefpect to t ' - as to the Jaft described b»l-s. ~ . THOMAS WILLING, of 1 he Bink S,l, " S, fth< JOHN NIXON, Pr.ffidcnt.oJt Bank nl North America. By order of the Committees 1 c Boards.