Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, July 21, 1794, Image 4

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    o'clock in'the morning, and arriving at I
two in the afternoon: From November lOi
Ift to May ill itartingat o'clock in I
tlie morning, and arriving at live in the I <la
afternoon. Returning) to leave Annapolis I
every Tuesday and' Saturday, and arrive J al
at Baltimore the fame days : flatting and I
arriving at the fame hours, in the difer- I
ent feafuns, as in going from Baltimore to I
Annapolie. I w
04. From Annapolis, by Upper Marl- I
borough, Pifcataway, Port Tobacco, Al- j fe
ietv's Vreihj Newport: and Chaptico, to I p«
Leor-ardtown. | *
The mail to leave Annapofe every Sa- j a '
turdav? at eleven o'clock lt% 'the forenoon, I
arid arrive at Leonardtown the next Tuef- J
day, at eleven in the forenociV., jie'turrting, J
to loave Leoitardtcwn every "Vu : .fi3ly, at J j,
three, in the atternoou, and arrive 3.t Anna- I ■ =
polis on Friday, at four in the afterfto'on. I
65. From Harford to Bell Air. I c
The mail to Wave Harford evefy Tdei' I v
day, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, and 1 [
at B»3! Air by one in the afternoons j }
Retwxing) to leave Bell Air on Thursday I
mormnor at fix o'clock, and arrive at Har- 1 c
ford by eight. I 1
66. FtjiSm Elk ton to Warwick. 1 ,
Tile mail so leave F.lkton every Friday, atfeven I ,
o'clock ih 'the morning, and arrive at Warwick J (
by ten. Rc'tumi g. to leave Warwick at three j (
in the afternoon, and arrive at Elkton by fix.
67. From Frederick town, by Peters's Tavern, I .
and Montgomery Court House, to Georgetown. 1 I
'the mail to leive Fredericktown every Thurf- j
day morning, at live o'clock, and arrive at George- I
town hy five in the evening. Returning, to leave I
Georgetown every Friday morning, at fix o'clock, j
ifcnd arrive at Fredericktown by fix in the evening. I
68. fcrdm Cheftertown i>y Cheftermills, Eaf- I
k»n, Vienna,, and Salitbury to Snowhijl, and I
from Snowhill to Princess Ann, and tlience to I
During the fix months frpm May ift, to No- I
Member ift, the mail to Cheftertown every I
Tuesday morning by eieve# o'clock (or as much I
sooner as the Philadelphia,mail can be obtained) |
and arrive at EaQon the fame day, in rhe a'ter- I
necn. Leave Eafton on Wednesday morning, at I
four o'clock, arrive at Snowhill on Thursday at I
noon, and at Princess Ann by five in the evening I
Returning, to leave Princess Ann on Friday!
forenoon, at ten o'clock, go directly to Salifburyi*!
and arrive at Eafton on Saturday evening by five : j
Leave Eafton the next Monday by four o'clock in I
the morning, and arrive at Cheftertown by one in j
Dunne the other fix months of the year, the |
mail to leave Cheftertown every Wednesday, at I
leven o'clock in (hfe morning and arrive at Hafton I
by tbrci in the afternoon. Leave Eafton on Thurf- j
day morning, at fix o'clock, arrive at Snowhill I
on Friday, by one o'clock in the afiernoon, and |
at Princess' Ann hy fix in the evening. Return- I
(rg, leave Princess Ann on Saturday, at ten I
o'clock in the forenoon, go dire&ly to Salisbury, I
and arrive at Eafton the next Sunday or Monday, I
by fix in the evening : Leave Eafton on Tuesday I
morning, at eight o'clock, and arrive at Chester- I
town the fame day, by four in the afternoon.
' In-Nfrarytand a dVi- s i i ,
69. From Hagorftown, by Sharpfhurg, to (he- I
The mail to leaVe every Wednef- I
day, at fix o'clock in the morning, and arrive at I
Shepherd'town by ten: Leave Shepherdftown at
two o'clock in the afternoon, and return to Ha- J
gerftown by fix in the**Vening.
In Virginia*
Main Poft r ßo<ld'.
70. From Alexandria by Colchfcfier, Dum
fries, Frederickfburg, Bowling-Green, Hanover
Court-Houfc and Richmond, to Petersburg.
For fix months, from May ift to November ift,
the mail to leave Alexandria every Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday, at four o'clock in the
morning, arrive at Frederickfburg the fame days,
at fevfen ip the evening, at Richmond on Wednes
day, Friday and Monday, at seven in the even
ing, and at Petersburg on Thurfd ;y, Saturday &
Tuesday, at fen in the forenoon. Returning,
to leave Petersburg the fame days, at one o'clock
in the afternoon, and arrive at Richmond by fix
in the evening : leave Richmond on Saturday,
Tuesday and Thursday, at four in the morning,
arrive at Frederickfburg bv seven in the evening,
and at Alexandria on Monday Wednesday and
Frid*v byfive in the afternoon.
For the other fix months in the year, the mail j
to leave Alexandria every Tuesday, Thursday, |
and Saturday, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, ar
rive at Frederickfburg on Wednesday Friday and
Monday, at noon, leave it in an hour, and ar*
rive at Richmond on Thursday, Saturday and
Tuesday, by fix in the evening -. Leave Richmond
on Friday, Monday and Wednesday, at five in
th* morning, and arrive at Petersburg the fame
days, bv ten in the forenoon. Returning, to Petersburg etfery Saturday, Tuesday and
Thursday, at one in the afternoon, and afrive at
Richmond in the evening by fix : Leave it on
Monday, Wedrefday and Friday at five in /he
morning, arrive at Frederickfburg on each
Ceeding d y, ateleven in the fprenoon, leave it at
noon, and arrive at Alexandria on Wednesday,
Friday and Monday, at one o'clock in the after
On Cross-Roads in Virginia.
71 From Alexandria, by Salisbury,' Leefburg,
Shepherdftown, and MartiniWg, to Winchester.
The mail to leave Alexandria every 1 hurfday,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and arrive at Win
chester the next Saturday, by five in the after
noon.. Returning. £0 Winchester every
Monday, at ten o'clock in the forenoon* and ar
rive at Alexandria the next Wednesday, byfive
rn the afternoon.
72. from Winchester, by Stevenfburg, Stfaf
bur?, Woodftock, and Rockingham Courthoife,
to Staunton.
The mail to leave Winchester every Monday,
at eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, and arrive at
Staunton the next Wednesday, by fix in the even
ing. Returq) £. to leave Staunton on Thursday,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and arrive at
Winchester the next Saturday, by fix in the evefi
Fxception. In the commencing
the firft of January,' the two next preceding*
mails are to be carried only once a fortnight, un
til twelve trips are compleated
73. From Frederickfburg, by Port royal, to
Tapnafiannock j thence Hero's the Rappahannock
to Richmond Courthouse, Weftmoreland Court
houfe 1 , Kinfale or Yeocomico, and Northumber
land Courthouse, to Lancaster Courthouse, thence
recroffir# the Rappahannock, to Urbanna, and
ftom Urbanna to Glo"ucefte; Courthouse.
> The mail to leave Frederickfburg every Friday*
a* five o'clock in the morning, and arrive it Clou
dier Courthouse the next Monday, by ten in the
forenoon. Returning, to leave Gloucester Court
house. the fame day, at one o'clock in the after
noon, and arrive at Frederickfburg the next
Thursday, by fix in the evening.
74. From FrederickfWrgt by Culpepper and tl
Orange CoTthoufes to Charlettelville. n,
The mail to leave Frederickfburg every Mon
day at one o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at
Charlotteiville the next Wednesday by five in the
afternoon. Returning, to leave Charlottcfville 31
at fix o'clock o> Thursday morning, and arrive h
at Fredtrickfhurg the next Saturday, by eleven
in the torenoon. •
75. From Richmond, by NewcafHe, Ay'letts a
warehoule* and Toddsbridge, to Tappananndck. S
The"mail to leave Richmond every Monday at
seven o'clock 111 the mornvftg, and arrive at' Ta-
pahannock the next day, by ten in thp. lorcooon. a
I to leave 'I appahannock
I at two o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at
I Richmond on Wednesday, by fix in theeveping.- h
1 76. From Richmond, by Williamfburg, J
| Yorktown aiul Hampton, to Norfolk. %
I tor fix inornhs, ii< m May ill 10 Novem- f
lberift, the m.'il to leave Richmond every *
I T-tfcefdiy> Thuifday and Saturday, at 1 hiee o' 1
I clock in th< inoming, and arrive at Norfolk, 1
jon Friday * t >nd Monday, by cle
| venin/heforenoon. Returning, to f Nor- f
I folk on Thursday, Saturday and Tuesday, at v
I r»ve o'clock in the morning, and arrive at 1
I Richmond on Monday and Wcdnef- 1
j day, bv seven in the evening.
For the other fix months in the year, the
I mad to leave Richmond every Monday, Wed-. '
I nefday and Friday, at five o'clock in the
I mornin?, and arrive at Norfolk on the fuc- '
I cc-tding W r cdrlefday, Friday and Monday, h)
j eleven in the forenoon. Returning, to leave
I Norfolk on Tlurvfilay; Saturday and Tuesday,
j ateleven o'clock in the and arrive
I -at Richmond on the fucceedin'g Saturday,
I Tucft'ay and Thursday, by fix in the evening
77. From Ofh<»rrie's io Bermuda Hundred,
I tine* timas a week.
The tnail to leave Ofborne's immediately
I after the arrival of the mail from Richmond,
I i' rive at Biermuda hundred in two houri—and
I >eiut n on tb«- fame days to Ofboi*ne's, .in time
I to proceed with the mail from Petersburg to
I Richmond.
78 From Petersburg, by Cabinpoint,
I Sft 1 hfielrt and Suffolk, to Pd'fifmouth.
j The mail to leave Petersburg every Mon
' j day, Wi dnefday and Friday, at eleven o'clock
j in the forenoon, ard arrive at Portsmouth on
t I Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday", by eight
CI rn the evening Returning, to leave Ports-
I mouth, every Wednesday, Friday and Mon
' I day, by five o'clock in the morning, reach
' v | Suffolk hy eleven in the forenoon, and ariiv>.
I r>r''Peterfburg on Saturday, Thursday and
1 j Fuefdav, by noon.
1 I 79- F'orn Smithfield, by Southampton
I courthouse, to Greenvillecourthoufe (or Hick's
I Ford).
f I The mail to leave Smithfield every Thurf
] day morning, in a convenient time after the
j j arrival of the mail.from Petersburg, and ar
| I rive at Greenville courthouse the next day,
Iby ten o'clock in the forenoon. Returning,
I to leave Greenville Courthouse at two o'clock
1 I in the afternoon, and arrive at Smithfield on
' I Saturday, by fix in the evening,
' I 8o f|om Goldfon's (on Meherin river) by
I Grf'• Bridge, Saint Tammany's, and Merk-
I 1« nVurg CourtqouTe, to Halifax Courthouse.
The mail to leave Goldfon's every oth r
I Monday, at one o'clock in the afternoon,
I and arrive at Halifax Courthouse the next
- | Wednesday, by ten o'clock in 'he forenoon.
[t I Returning, to leave Halitax Courthouse the
J fame day. at two o*clofk in the afternoon,
I and ar»ive at Goldfon's the next Friday, by
j ten.o'clock in the forenoon.
81. From Richmond, by Powhatan Couit-
I i bufe, Cumberland Cou'thoufe, Prince Ed
■ ward Courthouse, Lynchburg, New London
l " I chd Liberty, to Fincaftle : by estimate 192
:r I miles. , ,
The mail tp leave Richmond every Mon.
I day. at five o'clock in the morning, and a»_
'» I rive at prince Edward Courthouse on Tuef.
e I by fix in the evening—at Liberty on
[■> I Thursday bv fix in the evening—and at Fin-
I allleon F'iday by fix in the evening -Rcturn-
I n gi ,0 l fave Fincaftle when convenient to the
I conira&or, so as to arrive at Prince Edward
■' J Courthouse the next Thursday by fix o'clock
k j in the evening ;—leave it on Fiiday morning
x I 2nd arrive at Richmond on Saturday, by
I in the evening : thus completing the tour in
3* I 13 days.
*'J 82. From Princc Edward Courthobfe, by
I Charlotte Courthouse, Halifax Courthouse,
I and Pittfylvania Courtl?oiife, to Martir.iburg,
'' I and thence to Gcrmatiton, in North Carolina j
I by eflimate, 158 miles,
r " I The mail to leaye Prince Edward Court
I house every other Wednesday, at five fTcpcK
vl I in the morning, and arrive at Germahton the
I next Saturday, by four ih the afternoon.—
, I Returning, to leave Germanton the ttV&t Mon-
I day morning, at five o'clock, and arrive at
I Prince Edward Couithoufe the next Tlifarf-
I av > hy fix in the evening.
I F(om Martinfbmg to Liberty : by pfl ; -
at I matt 65 milcf^
I The mail to leave Martinfburg every other
e I Tuesday a fix o'clock in the morning, and
c " I arrive 3t Liberty on Wednesday, by four in
at I the afternoon. Returning, to leave Liberty
j on Thurfdav, at fix o'clock in the morning
I ?nd arrive at Martinfburg on Friday "by four
I in the afternoon.
■g, I 84. Richmond!, by Columbia ahd
:r. X Charlottefville, to Staunton.
y > I The mail to leave Richmond every Mon.
n- | day mdrning, at fix o'clock, and 'arrive at
•r- I Staunton the next Wednesday, by fix ih the
ry I evening. Returning, to leave Staunton on
ir . I Thursday, at ten in the forenoon, s and arrive
ve I Richmond the next Saturday, by seven in
I the evening.
if" I 85. From Staunton, by'Lexington, Fincaf
r*» I tie, Montgomery Courthouse and Wythe
ICourihoufe. to Abingdoh : by ettifnate 224
T» I miles
n- I to * eavc Stauntpn every other
I Thursday, at fix o'clock in the morning, and
a J J arrive at Abingdon the neXtTuefda), by fifc
jin the evening. Returning■ to leave Abing-
I don the n< xt day, or on Thutfday, ai s most
j convenient to the contra&or, and arrive pt
dp- I Stautnon the next Wednesday by fix o'clock
n _ I n the evenihg.v
I In Virginia and the South-Western Territory,
to I 86. From Abingdon, by Jonefborough, in
:k I the territory Southwest of the Ohio, and
•t- I thence by Greenfville and JefFe* fan Court
r- house, to KnoxvilJe ? by estimate 141 n iles.
ce w The n»ail to lebve Abingdon every other
id Wednesday, at fix o'clock in the morning,
and arrive at Knoxville the next Saturday, by
yf fix in the evening. Returning, to leave
1- Knoxville the next Saturday, at fix in the
re morning, and arrive at Abingdon the next
t- Tuesday by fix in the evening.
r " NOTE. Proposals sot carrying this mail
X No. 86, will be received at Knoxville, by
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 3, South Fourth Street.—Price Six Dotuias Per Annum
the person whom governor Blount fliall t
name for that purpose. h
In Virginia-
87 From Staunton, by Bath Courthouse
and.the Sweet Spring*, to Green Brier Court- (
house : by estimate 123 miles. fc
The mail to leave Staunton every other t
Thnrfday at five o'clock in the morning' and f
airive at Green Br-er Courthouse the next f
Saturday, by fix in the evening —Returning, r
10 leave Giecn Bi icr Counhoifc the next
Monday tnoro'ng, ai five o'clock, and arrve <
at S auntonthc n. xtW nefclay eveningly fix. r
Oh '.he M3in. Poll Road.
' 88. From Peteifb"' , 'gby Goldfoo's (on Me-
h' in river) ii> V 1 rgi nt a—\Van enton,
Lewi (burg, Raleigh* Averyfborougii, Fayette- ,
ville and I.umbertoit, iti North Caroli
na—Chei aw Cour house, Co m- l
bta ana Kdgefieid Coaitboufe, m South Ca
rolina, —to Augufa joGeorcia: by es
timate 441 miles.
The mail to leave fVteifburg every Friday .
foirnoon. "iit eleven o'clock —arrive at Favetie
ville the next Monday n orniog bv nine— t 1
Che raw Courthouff on Tuesday afternoon by
two—at Camden on Wednefda% forenooftby
eleven-7-and ai Columbia in thw evening bv
leven—jt Edgefield Courthouse on Tliuifday
evening—and at Augusta 011 Friday forenoon
by ten o'clock —Returningi to leave Ai gufta
every Saturday morning, by fix o'clock.—
arrive at Colombia on Sunday morning—at
Camden 011 Sunday evening—at Ci.e aw
Courthoufeon Monday evening—at F-ayeui
ville i.m Wednesday morning by seven—and
at Pcterfburg the next Satuiday forenoon by
Note If is eXpe&ed that the post ri> r
from P( teifburg will proceed the mails
as far as Charley Harris's, on Nottoway river
(30 miles) on Friday, and there meet the post
rider from Warrcrtton 1 and having exchang
ed mails, they will feverallv fct out on their
return, in time to arrive at Petersburg by e ;
lev en in the forenoon of Saturday, and at
Warrentou by three in the afternoon.
t On Crofs-Roads. v
In South-Carolina.
89. From Camden, by Statefburg to Gharlef
ton. The mail to leave Camden on Wednesday
at noon, and arrive at Charleston the next Friday !
by ten o'clock in the forenoon. Returning) to |
leave Charleston every Saturday, by five o'clock 1
in ithe morning, and arrive at Camden the next *
day by eight in the evening
Note. These two next preceeding mails (No.
38 and 89) are to be comprehended in one con
In North-Carolina.
90. From Halifax by Hieks's Ford, on He
bel rin river, to Charles Harris's on Nottoway ri
ver: Byeftimate miles.
To leave Halifax tvery Friday at four o'clock
in the morning, and arrive at C. Harris's by
1 four in the afternoon and having exchanged mails
with the Poftrider from Petersburg, return to
Halifax on Saturday, by three in the afternoon.
91. From Halifax, by Mur
freefborough, Winton on Chowan River, the
bridge on Bennet's creek, to R. Mitchell's,
on the post-road from Suffolk to Edenton,
J and thence to Edenton : by estimate, 105
miles. r
[ To leave Halifax every Monday, at two
o'clock in and arrive at Eden
» ton the nextjWjfednefday, by fix in the even
ing. Returning, to leave Edenton on Thurf
j day, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and ar
rive at Halifax by the. next Monday noon.
92. From Suffolk (in Virginia) to Eden
. ton, Plymouth, and Washington, in North
-1 Carolina. *
1 To leave Suffolk every Monday, at eleven
o'clock in the forenoon, arrive at Edenton
on Tuesday by eleven in the forenoon, and
_ at Plymouth by fix in the evening, and at
Walhington, on by five in the
n afternoon. Returning, to leave Washington on
- Thursday morning by fix, arrive at Eden
- ton, by noon, on Friday, arid at Suffolk, on
e Saturday afternoon, by five.
d 93. From Halifax, by BlountfviLle, Wil
k liamfton, and Dailey's, to Plymouth;
g from Plymouth to Windfor; —once in two
x weeks.
n To leave Halifax every other Saturday,
by five o'clock in the afternoon; arrive at
y Plymouth the next Tuesday evening; ana
'» at Windsor the next day by ten in the fcre
noon. Returning) to leave Windsor the fame
I day, at two o'clock in the afternoon ,arrive at
Plymouth in the evening, and at .Halifax,
rt by noon, on Saturday, two weeks after the
k departure from thence.
c 94. From Halifax, by Tarborough and
~ Greenville to Wafliington.
To leave Halifax every Monday, at live
Jt o'clock in the morning, and arrive at Wash
ington, on Tuesday afterAoon, by fivw. Re
turning) to leave Walhington at fix o'clock
on Wednesday morning, and arrive at Hali
fax, on Thursday eVeuing, by seven.
■J 95. FrOm Newbern to Wafliington.
To leave Newbern r every Wednesday
n morning, at fix o'clock, and arrive at Wa£h-
ington by fix in the evening. Leave Waili-
V ington the next morning at fix olclock, and
w return to Newbern by fix in the evening.
96; From Newbern to Wilmington, once
id in two weeks. To leave Newbern every
other Friday, at five o'clock in the morning,
n- and arrive at Wilmington in the evening of
at the next day, Or on Sunday morning by nine
ie (iclock. Returning) leave Wilmington the
next Monday morning, by five o'clock, and
ve arrive at Newbern, in the evening of the
in next day, by seven o'clock.
97. From Newbern, by Kinfton Waynef
if. borough, and Smithfield, to Raleigh,
ie once in two weeks. The distance estimated
>4 at 149 miles.
To leave Netvbern every other Mondav,
er at fix o*c jock in the morning, and arrive at
l( 3 Raleigh the next Wednesday, by fix in the.
,x evening. Returning, to leave Raleigh the next
morning, at seven o'clock, anet arrive at
Newbern the next Saturday by seven in the
*t r evening.
k 98. From Tarboro', by Nafli Court
house, to Lewifburg,
To leave Tarborough every Thursday
jV morning, o'clock, and arrive at Lew
d ifburg the next day, by ten in the forenoon.
t _ Returning, leave Lewifburg the fame day, at
s two in the afternoon, and arrive at Tarbo
-r rou gh, on Saturday evening, by fix.
rJ?n Fr ° m Ralei S h / Chapel-hill, to
v Hilllborough, and l<om Chapel-hill to Chat
,' e ham Court-Houfe.
, e To leave Raleigh every Thursday morn-,
a ,n g> at fix o'clock, rcach Chapel-hill bv
noon, and HiLljfborOugh bv four in the ai
ternoon. Returning, to leave'Hillihorough on
Friday morning at nine o'clock, reach Cha
> pel-hill by noon, and Chatham Court
House by five in the evening. Leave Chat- r
ham Court-House on Saturday morning at d
fix o'clock, reach Chapel-hill by ten, and c
Raleigh by fix in the evening. d
100. From Halifax, by Warrenton, Hills- f 1
borough, Martinville, and Salem, to Salif- 1
bury, once in two weeks. The distance ef- . 1
timatedat 21 x miles. To leave Halifax eve- 1
rv other Monday, by five o'clock in thfc | <
morning; arrive at Hillfborough on Wed- 1
nefday morning bv nine; at Salem on ]
Thursday, by five in the afternoon; and at 1
Salisbury on Friday, by three in the after- ]
noon. Returning) leave Salisbury on Saturday i
morning by nine, arrive at Salem by fix in l
the evening, at Hillfborough, the next Mon- 1
clay by fix in the evening, and at Halifax, 1
the next Thursday evening by -five.
101. From Hillfborough, by Person Court- J1
House, Cafwell Court-House, and R'ockmg
ham Court-House, to Germanton, by es
timate 163 miles, and thence to Eethania,
10 miles, once in two weeks. To leave Hilll
tiorough every other Thursday, at fix
o'clock in the morning, arrive at German
ton the next Saturday, by three in the af
ternoon, and at Bethan'a by fix. Returning,
to leaVe Bethania the next day, at four in
the afternoon, and arrive at Germanton by
fix. Leave Germanton on Monday morning
at fix o'clock,and arrive at Hillfborough the
next Wednesday, by five in the afternoon.
102. From Salifburv, by Cabarras Court-
House, to Charlotte. To return by Iredell
Court-House to Salisbury: making, by esti
mation, a circuit of 94 miles, once in two
weeks. To leave Salisbury every other Mon
day, at fix o'clock in the morning, and re
turn to Salisbury the next Wednesday even
ing, or by nocn < n Thursday; waiting at
each post-town or place on the rout, at least
two hours, unless sooner discharged by tha
poftir afters. '
103. From Salisbury to Favetteville, once
tn two weeks, to go by the following routes
alternately. By Montgomery, Anfon, and
Richmond Court-Houses, to Fayettville;
and by Randolph and Moore Court-Houses
to Fayetteville ; always returnihg, by the
contrary route to Salisbury : making, by
o€imation, a circuit of 16 4 miles. To leave
Jj Salisbury ev£ry other Monday morning, at 6
jj o'clock, and return thither the next Wed-
J nefday fe'nnight, by fix in the evening:
; waiting at each post-town or place on the
I route, at least two hourr* and as Fayettville,
at least fix hrurs, unless sooner discharged
' by the postmasters.
104 From Favettvi'le to Wilmington;
the mail to go alternately by Flizabeth
! town to Wilmington; amd by S mpfon
j Court-House, the Ci ofs-Roads near Duplin
Court-House, ir,d Sorlth Wafliington, to
Wilmington; always returning the contf-ary
way .To leave Fayett vJle evef*y Monday at
noon, and arrive at Wilmington the next
Wednesday by fix in the evening ; and leav
ing Wilmington on Thursday at noon, re
turn to Favetteville the next Saturday,by fix
in the evening.
105. From Edenton,by Hertford, Nixon
ton, Sawyer's Ferry, in Camden county, to
Indiaotown in Currlfuck county, once in
two weeks.
To leave Edenton every o her Tuesday,
at one o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive
at Indian town on Wednesday evening:—
leave Indiantown on Thursday morning, and
arrive at Edenton on Friday by,noon.
In Nor'h Carolina and South Carolina.
106. From Salem, by Bethania,
ville, Roehford Wilkes, Morgan ton, and
Lincolnton, in North-Carolina, to Pinckney
Court-House in South Carolina, once in
two weeks. The estimated distance 215
miles. To leave Salem every other Friday,
at fix o'clock in the morning, arrive at
1 Morganton the next Monday evening by
■ five, and at Pinckney Court-House the next
1 Friday evening by five. Returning) leave
Pinckney Court-House on Saturday morn -
ing at fix o'clock, and return to Salem the
I next Thursday by five in the afternoon.
» N. B. Proposals for carrying this mail,
No. fo6, from -Salem to Morganton and
, Pinckney Court-House, will be received by
- Col. Joseph M'Bowell at or near Morgan
» ton, until the day of August next.
In Sou h Caio i. a.
- 107. From Cheraw Court-House to
t Georgetown. By eftimatev, 90 miles.
> The mail to leave Cheraw Court-House
- every Wednesday, at fix o'clock in the morn*
ing, and arrive at Georgetown the next Friday
1 forenoon by ten. Riturning, to leave George- 1
town on Saturday, at fix in the morning, ,
e and arrive at Cheraw Court-House the next
- Monday evening by five.
108. From Charleston to Savannah, going
c by Coofawatchy, to Siftcr c s ' Ferry, on Sa
vannah river, and thence to the post-road
from Angufta to Savannah. By estimate,
137 miles*
Y To leave Charleston every Saturday morn
- ing, at fix o'clock, and arrive at Savannah
- the next Tuesday morning bv nine. Leave
f l Savannah the fame day, at two in the after
noon, and return to Charleston the next
e Friday, by five in the afternoon,
y 109. From Coofawatchy to Beaufort. By
estimate, 33 miles. To leave Coofawatchy
>f every Monday morning, at fix o'clock (tak
e ing the mail from Charleston, and arrive at
e Beaufort in the evening. Leave Beaufort on
d Tuesday or Wwlnefuay, and arrive Coofa
e watchy by the time the mail arrives there
from Savannah.
r* 110. From Columbia, by Orangeburg, to
1, Charleston. Byeftimate Irj miles,
d To leave Columbia' every Thursday, at
one o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at
Charleston the next Saturday by fix in the
t evening. Leave Charleston the' next Monday
e at one in the afternoon, and return to Co
t lumbia the next Wednesday by fix in the
t evening.
e 111. From Columbia, by Winnfborough,
Chester Court-House, Pinckney Court
- House, and Spartan Court-Kc.ufe, to Green
ville Court-House, By estimate, 145 miles.
y "To leave Columbia every x other Thurf
- day, at fit o'clock in the morning, arrive at
1. Pinckney Co*urt-Houfe the next by fix
t in the evening, and at Greenville Court
- House the next Sunday by noon. Leave
Greenville Court-House 011 Monday morn
-3 ing at fix, and return to Columbia the next
- Thursday by noon.
112. From Columbia, by Newbury Court
n House, Laurens Court-House, Greer ville
1 Court-House, and Washington Court-House,
- to Pendleton Court-Houfe. By estimate,
1 143 miles.
To leave Columbia every other Thurs
day, at seven o'clock in the morning, ar-«
rive at Greenville Court-House on Satur
day evening, leave it the next day, at oue
o'clock in the afternoon, and arrive at p CII .
dleton Court-house in the evening .Returnin
leave Pendleton Court-House on Monday
morning at fix, aißl arrive at Columbia the
nextThurfday by noon.
NOTE. Proposals for carrying the pre
ceding mails, No. 108 and No. 109, w ;u (jj
received by Mr. Thomas Wright Bacof
postmaster, in Charleston : and for cariyi n «
the mails No. no, 111, and 112, either by
Mr. Bacot,in Ch rleftor, or by such pcrfoa
in or near Columbia, as he shall name for
that purpose. All the proposals mull be
made in writing, before the firft day of Sep
tember next.
113. From Edgefield Court-house to Cam
bridge, and thence by Abbeville Court
hotife and Pendleton Court-house, to Hat
ton's Ford on Toogeloo Tiver, and thence
to Franklin Court-house, in Georgia: by
estimate 119 miles.
To leave Edgefield Court-houre every
other Saturday at noon, and arrive at Pen
dletou Court-house the next Monday by
noonleave it at two in the afternoon, and
arrive it Franklin Court-house the next day
by ten in th<? forenoon.—Returning, leave
Franklin Court-house on Tuesday, at two
in the afterrioon, and return to Edgefield
Court-house the next Friday, by fix in the
OnwheMain Line, in Georgi?,
114. Ffom Augusta, by Waynefborough,
to Savaiyiah : by estimate 132 miles. '
The mail to leave Augusta every Friday
afternoon, at one o'clock, and arrive at Sa
vannah the next Sunday evening bv fix.
Returning, to leave Savannah every "Tuesday
morning by fix o'clock, and arrive at Au
gusta the next Thursday evening by fix.
115. From Savannah, by Newport-bridge
and St. Savilla, to St. Mary's—once in two
weeks: the distance estimated at 129mile'.
The mail to leave Savannah every other
Monday at seven o'clock in the morning,
and arri , e at St. Mary's the next Thursday
by noon.—Returning, leave St. Mary's on
Friday morning, by five o'clock, and arrive
at Savannah the next Monday, by five in
the evening.
NOTE. Proposals for carrying this mail
will be received by the Eoftmafter at Savan
nah, until the last day of August neit in
On the n Georg*?, '
116. From Augusta to Wafliington and
Greenborough, and thence round by the
great Falls of Ogechee, and George-town,
to Augusta, making, by estimation, a cir
cuit of 165 miles;.once in two weeks.
The mail to leave Augusta every other
Saturday, at fix o'clock in the morning, and
arrive at Wafhingtoji the next morning by
nine, and proceeding 011 the circuit, arriie
at Augusta the next Wednesday evening, cr
by Thursday noon; waiting at everv poP.-
town or place, on the route, at least two
hours, unless sooner discharged by the Po(l
117. From Washington, by Peterflnirgh
and Elberton, to Franklin Court-house:
by estimate 60 miles; once in two weeks.
The maiLto leave Washington every other
Sunday, after the arrival of the mail from
Augusta, and arrive at Franklin Cour;-
bouse the next Monday, by five in the even
ing.—Returning, to leave Franklin Court
house on Tuesday, at noon, and arrive at
Washington on Wednesday evening.
NOTE. Proposals for carrying the mails,
No 113, 114, 116, and. 117, Will be received
by Mr. Willi/ m 'Urquhart, JPoftmafter,
in Augusta, the last day of Augull
1 next inclusively.
NOTE. 1. If the general arrangement of
the public mails should require l any altera*
tion of the times of arrival and departure
before mentioned, it is to be made accord
ingly, either before the execution or at
any time during the continuance of the con
tracts ; and if such alteration fhotild necef
' farily increase the expense of carrving any
mail, a reasonable allowance will be made
to the contractor.
2. A convenient time, which, in some
eases, may be ten minutes, and never exceed
half an hour, for opening and clofinj 2
' mail, is to be allowed at tach poft-omce,
at which the times of arrival and departure
; are not herein fpecified.
3. For every hour's delay, (unavoidsble
' accidents excepted) in arriving alter the
times prescribed in any contract, the con
' tractor is t« forfeit one dollar : And "if th e
c delay continue until the hour of departure
of any other depending mail wherebv the
3 mails destined for such depending mail lole
" a trip, an additional forfeiture q{ ten dol
lars fliall be incurred; and if such lofshap
' pen to the Augusta or Savannah mail, this
forfeiture fliall be increased to fifteen dol
lars; and if to the Charleston mail, it fliall
1 be increased to twenty dollars; and if it be
c to the great southern mail, due every Satur
day at Peterlburgh, in Virginia, it fliall be
' incrcafed to thirty dollars.
4. News-papers, as well as letters, are to
' be sent in the mails; and if any contractor
Y would desire to farry news-papers other
than thofe<in his mail he must (late in his
1 proposals, the rcfpcolive.Alios for which
1 wiil carry it Iwith and -without the emolu
ments which may arift from such separate
e carriage of news-papers.
5. The contrails for the mails on the mail
0 post road, from Portlmouth, in New-Kamp
ihire, to Savannah, in Georgia, ar.d irom
' Cani'pfen to Charleston, to be in operatic"
' the firft week in October next, and to con
e tinue in force until the firft day of Otfobcr.
y 1796. The contra&s for all the other msi s
herein me ntioned, to be in operation the si' lt
e | week in October next, and to continue 10
force until the firft day of JaSuary, 179"*
1 ' 6. AltlK>' the precilje times of arrival anil
departure are generally fixed in this adver
tifemcnt, yet, in some cases, they may
*• altered to suit the convenience of the con
" tractors. Perions offering proposals, and de
r firing such alterations, will state them, ar,
x J the difference they will make in tbe
" jof their contracts. But when either tr«.
e j contracts fliall Have fixed the i 1
" val and departure, or experiment Ihall '
' proved those nioft convenient, those tiiuef
are afterwards to be regularly attended to,
unless changed agreeably to the proviiiooi fl
e the firft note. V,
General Poft-Office,
Philadelphia, July 14, 1794-