Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, July 18, 1794, Image 4

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    i •- v "'
of the fl.-ig NANCY,
*'ley, v- Race-Street Wharf,
> "i ii.gO.ejd; and Ba.rels, ;
' - - E 111 Kogfiieads, Barrels and Bags,
Ullt J to drawback.
For Sale,
A New Novel.
To the LA\« :s of Philadelphia-.
Tt.'is Day is Pubhjhed by
118, Market Hreet,
>c<*, i) )uod, Hve.ei ; i,(>s of a dolJ. r, fe-.v
---g ed in marble paper., -half j dV^ar,
C n rl s , a tsl cc;fTr ll til 5
Lm-two volumes.
t Mrs. R.OVVSOM, of the New Theatre,
Ph]adeipluj, Author of Vidoria, the In>
, the Fille de Cltambre, &c.
Oj Charlotte > the Reviewers have \ the following char after.
IT m i> be a Tale of Trutlij for it is
u, and it is a talt of real dif
eh. Charlotte, by the artifice ofa teach
, recoil mended to a school, from hnma
ty ratner 'Ban a conviction of her inte
'ity, or the regularity of her former con
'.rt, is enticed from her governed, and a- |
:ompaoies a young offirer to A merit ai—
he m irriage cercnlo/iy, if not forgotten,
postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr
> tlie incoihftancy of the overj and treabh
'y Oi h:s friend —The situations are art
■ and affecli descriptions natu
il and pathetic ; we fh >uld feel for Char
tte if iucli a per Can ever existed, who
ir one error scarcely, perhapsj deserved
• '"eve e a pwnifliment. If it is a fic
on, poetic j uitice is not, "we think; prd*
?rly dJftvibuted.
Said Carey has jtifl pullifoed,
\ 2 iheetmap of K ent-iu-Vy
smpiled by EMhu Barker, price or.e dol
r and two thirds.
War Atlas, containing maps ofFrance}
erraany, Spain, Italyj the United Provin
:s, the Netherlands, and the Weft Indies,
rice two dollars.
Map of New Jersey—Hals a dollar.
Maps of Vermont, Co.ineflicur, Dela
afe, Georgia -Price three e.ghths of
dollar each.
April 29. tuth&s3w
Itngre/s of the Untied States *
In Senate, Tuefaay May 13th, 1794.
3R.DERKD, that Rufns Ma
nai fab Robert Oliver and
iriffinGreeii, rlo, upon the third Monday of
Jecembei next, shew cause to the Senatr,
vhy To much of th • grants of land to them
he said Rufus Putnam, Manafrah Cutler,
Oliver and Griffin pursuant
0 an Adl entitled u An a& authorising
he grant and conveyance of certain lands
Oil. »mpany of alf. cutes," shall
ft: be '!r- c nt • void, » 1 v interfere 1
«XuT ftS fa^il. J
• FrtTicii .'f ' ••• '. • i Ca/'.opolis.
; at the delivery of a copy
it'. the * to Rufiis Putnam, Ma
laflah Cut lei', Robert Oliver, or Griffin
»recn, and the publication of the fame,
uye *no«tb, in one of the Gazettes printed
r this City, shall be deemed fufficient no
4'ce thereof^
j Extrad from tTfe Journals of Senate.
SAM. A. OTIS, secretary.
May 14. tm.
THE fubfeription for this woik the
friginal t'rms, of twelve dollars and the
will be closed this day—and on
\londay the fubfeription will open at four
teen dollars, exclusive of theprice of bind
The new maps added to this edition are
twenty one ; among -which are those ol
Kfw-Hampthire. MaflTarhiifcrrc. _
cut, Vermont, New York,
Mew- Jerleyj Penul'ylvania, Delaware, Ma
ryland, Vtrginiay Kentucky, North Caro
lina, the Geneflee Government, South Ca- i.
rolioa, and Georgia. These maps have ne
ver been given in any former system of J
Gepgraphy, and, it is hoped, Would alone
be fufficient to entitle this work to a pre
ference to any other edition of Guthrie. 3'
N B. The map of the United States,
which is compiling by Mr. Samuel Lewis,
From the refpeflive state maps, will be far
more complete than any one yet publilhed, 4-
and be printed on two large sheets of
paper, nearly the size of the late Mr. Mur
ray's map. J.
Just Publiftted, 6
By Bt.njamin Johnson, and fcld at his
Boohjlore, No. 147, Market Jlreet,
The Life of Dr. Franklin,
with a ftrikingiikenefs, executed in a mas
terly manner bV Tbackara and Vallance, T
—— _nr
The iCeady Reiflconer, or Traders' Sure V"
(suidey 3 9 'P 1
The Young Book keeper's Afliflant, 6/3
The Chrilii&n, a poem, by Charles Craw- er
ford, 2/4/
4JB P ri
Swan's Britilh Architect, 37/6 ha
Paine's ditto y>J
Town and Country Builder's Afliltant. an
s 2/6 oci
In the press, and will be publi/hed in a few set
days, and fold as above, of
Reflexions and Maxims, by
William Penn, with his advice to his chil- fII
le ", 4JB ' s fav
2, X 79- m&wun j ,
Philadelphia, March, i 1794.
No. 118, Market Jlreet,
Modern Geography :
or, a
Geographical, Hiflorical, ana
Commercial Grammar;
And pi*efent flute of rhe ftverai
I■ Th" figores, motions, and d ftarcs of
the planets,according to the Ne'-'Tc : . t
teiu ami the latell observations
2. A' general view of'tbe ear". 1 :(j
as a planetjwith leverai ufefui geo r ;rar ,ica!
deiiiutiuns and problems.
3> TJle -divifiraat of 'I*" f- '"' 1 ' "
■ J aifTa,i'4"wa tCl", co*KUl€lU ,14 m?? \ ** j
4- The situation and er.ten ■ I [I- 1 rt
kingdoms,ftates. provinces atiii <
1! 5- Their climates, air, foil, vegetables,
productions, metals, minerals, natural curt
ofities,feas, rivers,bays, capes, promontories,
aud lakes.
6. The birds and beads peculiar to each
s country.
f- 7. OoftrvatTons on the changes that have
been any where 'iiblerved upon the face of
1- nature since the nlo!t early periods of hil"
■- tory.
8. The history and origin of nations;
digit forms of government, religion, laws,
- revenues,taxes,naval ark\ military strength
f, 9 The genius, manned, customs, and
r abits of the,people.
1- 13. Their language,learning}arts, fcien
~ ces, manufactures, and commerbe.
11. The chief cities, flru&ureS; ruirtsy
and artificial curiosities.
0 12. Tiie longitude, latitude, bearings,
<J and distances of principal places froniPhilA
1_ To which are added,
1. A Geographical Index, with the
names and places alphabetically arranged.
- 2. A Table of the Coins of all nations,
j and th#ir value In dollars and cents.
J' A Chronological TABLgof 1 remarka
ble events.froin the creation to the prelent
! > me.
The Agronomical Part corrected by
|To which liave been added,
>1 The late Discovirles of Dr. Herschell,
and other emineiit Astronomers,
.Corrected, Improved, and greatly Enlar
? The firft volume contains twenty-one
Maps End two Altronflmical
Plates, viz.
1. 1. Map of the \Vorld. 2. Chart of the
d worle 3- Europe. 4. Asia. j. Africa. 6.
South America. 7. Cook's discoveries,
8; Countries round the north Pole; 9.
n Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, 10. Se
ven United Provinces. it. Austrian,
t Fiench and Dutch Netherlands. 12. Gei
g many. 13. Seat of war in France, i -
s France divided into depaument 1 :
|| Switzerland. :6. Italy, Siciiy, av
p dinia. f?. Spain and Portugal.
a. T'axJcgy-ln in r
land. 20.^\Veft- Indies. 2t. Ve>
y Ar miliary rpliere. 23. Copernican fylu;:
With the second volume, which is now
n in the press, will be given the following
[] i. lluffia in Europe and Asia.
2. Scotland.
3. England and Wales.
4. Poland*
5. China.
6. Hindoflan.
7. United States.
8. Britilh America.
* 9. Siate of New-Hamplhire.
to. State of MalTachufetts.
11. State of Connecticut.
12. State of Khode-Ifland.
, 13. State of New-York.
\ i 4' State of New-Jersey.
1 15. State of Pennlylvania.
16. State of Delaware.-r
17. State of Maryland.
18. StaLe of Virginia.
19. State of Kentucky.
20. State of North-Carolina.
21. Tennessee Government.
23' Stale of Georgia.
1. This work will be compriled in two
I. Subfcribrrs pay for the prelent volume
ondelivefy, fix dollars, and the price of
binding, (j6 cents for boards.)
3- They may receive the succeeding vo
Inme in twenty-four weekly numbers, at
a quarter dollar each, or else, when si
nilhed, at the fame price as the firft.
4. The fubfcr'rption will be raised 011 the
firft day of June 1794, to fourteen dol
lars, exclnfive of binding.
J. Should any copies remain for sale after
the completion ot the work, they will be
fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of
b. The names of the fublcribers will be
publilhed as patrons of American litera
ture, arts, and sciences.
It is wholly unnecefTary to expatiate on
the advantage,to American readers, that
this edition poflelles, overevery imported '
edition of any fyftein of Geography extant. 1
The addit tion of maps of the feve*al testa , ;
procured a very great expense. and from 1
the belt matefwis- that Vis ztiuiutMe: <
speaks fucli full conviction on thisTubjea, ,
that it would be d'lfrefpect to the read- 1
er's understanding to fnpptfe it requisite ,
to enter into a detail of arguments to r
prove its superiority. In "no similar work j
have fucU maps beenever introduced.
The emendationsand additions which t
are made ill this work,are innumerable,and }
occur in every page. The public are re- t
ferred to the preface for a flight flcetch
of a few of them.
The publifiier takes the present oppor
tunity of returning his mod sincere thanks 0
to those refpeftable characters who have
favored him with documents foriimprov e:
ipg the maps of several of the ftatcs He
PHILADELPHIA: Panted JOHN FENNO, Nft S. VT , r„.„, s T „« T ._ Pl , c « s „
• .At ~*
fequeft; a continence of their kindness;
and hopes that fuel public fpjrited citizens,
as are poffefl'ed oifnnilar documents, will
luvor him with tieiiafiiitance in perfect
ing his undertakiig.
The extraordirary encouragementwith
which he has been favored, has excited
| in his breast the wirmeft sentiments ot gra
titude—-rfentimerts which time will not ef
face. He pledges himfelf to the citizens
I of the United Srster, to spare neither pains
>>or espeufe to render the present edition
<«. Guthrie's Gejg':ap!»y improved, deferv
ingoi thfeir patronage. waftf
LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, ab ve
rhe Drawbridge, out of ti>e, (hip Bacchus
lT \'■ "] x V A NICE MJU t"i am JA M A/CA,
j ' ' ; r
Morris Academy.
'* THIS infrirurion is now open for ihe re
ception of Undents under the immediate
'' care of Mr. Caleb whose abilities
as an inflrtftor, and attachments the bu
siness hive long been known and approved.
He has under him the heft affitlants rn
the differint branches—The fcbolars arc
' taught th: English, French, Latin, and
Grrek laivjusgesj Public-Speaking, Writing,
Arithmetic Geography, Aflronomy, .and
' the variovs brandies ot the Mathematics.
'» The Hcal.hy situation of this place is fuc
' as to rec»mmend it to those, who Willi to
lrave their ihildrew in' the country. Board
ing, wsfhliigj mending, &c. will be provid
ed ih good families, and the morals of the
fcbolars carefully attended 10.
'* The price includii g tuition, firewood,
&c. exctafire of the French language) will
'» not exeeedthirty poinds proclamation mo
ney per ari<uin) an addition of three dollars
per quirtei will be made to such scholars
who are taight the French language. Tiie
e Dircfttrs aiedetermined to pay such atten
tion to ths inOjtution, as will render it
'< nfeful.
'* TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. C Dirs&'s.
Motriftovn, May 15, 1794
oiw. w2m.—
Christiana Mills
For Sale.
ON Monday the firft day of September
next at 8 o'clock in tne evening, at the
Coffee Hiuft in he ciry of Philadelphia
e will be fold by public vendue, two tract
~ or pifecesof land situated in White Clay
Cierk htl'drcd|Hew Caflle county and state
e of Delaware; one of which contains about
i_ bxty acrts of highly improved land, on it
, are xlaijb twd flory brick dwellinghoufc, a
, co venioit Brick barn, jviih ftablingand a
carriage houle underneath, an e cedent
kiln forVrying corn ; and the well known
_ niiilscallid Christiana Mills (late Pa; er
[. lon's v- i.i:h brirtg at the head of the tide
onChriftitna liver, and but about half '»
' ' ! I iroTOTI e . is conveniently firn.
a - • or «' r 7»*S Hie -nicies mamif.Kftui. d
' SSjlif -Philadelphia—This
P - nMi'ljjjflfep ToTJic TBafT Tea®iig
• ."»oin Elkt»n to C.i.iiftiana bridge, and at j
~ ' .'ad rf Ihe ( de, with many other at-
I I •Wantages, render its fitoati >r. for
th«: milling bnfinefs so very valuable, aS to
be equal el by lew and ifccelledby none.
she latter tract Containing 175 acrc<, is
about onemiie from the mills and is cbicf
ly woodlj'tdj which being contiguous to
waier Carriage to the city of Philadelphia,
mull be of increasing value, efpecmily as
the e is ?. fuamrty of large timber in said
trait suitable for the purposes of the
Tie tuns upon which the above men
tioned effa';: will be fold are—one thou
sand pounds to be paid on executing the
deeds, and fcven hundred and fifty pounds
per aumm, with interest for the remainder
or proforticnably for each part.
Indifcuujble titles will be made for the
propert*, by
At fame lime and place will be fold a
larg*» ...
J u 'y 2 tnw&-sts
*11 .... i ■
LETTERS on the fubje<fl of the Wash
ington Lotteiy, being by mi flake repeat
edly addrcft u to the Coromiffioners far the
City of Wjfhiiigtou.
Person' concerned are hereby informed,
tliat all futh (hould be addrefled either to
W. Deafc'nijun. of Washington, or to the
Stibferibtr. Ihe cdmmiffioners never hav
ing contenplited any further concern in
this bufirvii-, than in their a (Tent to receive
the bond: and approve the names of the
manager!. The prizes have been paid and
are payiir on demand by W. Deakins,
Wafting;™, Peter Oilman, Boflon, and
by the Si'ifcriber.
For No. 2, the securities al-
Teadygiv;j will be retained by com
missioners, or transferred by them at their
option to the bank of Columbia ; and the
eOmmifTlor c > UKe consulted refpedling '
ajudktoui ai,... quitable diipofition of the
ho; r to . u thereby 5 their trea u
money ntet. , ....r • . ... _ .
fity, air 4 r ; .ey witl Ik < cnfulted .. Ie no
m'natio . t.ic- 24 mangers 5 but all the
I refponbh '1 y refpeeting thege- =ral difpo- .
1 ution 01 tit ickets, and payment of pri
zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on
the persons ufofe names are and may be 1
hereafter pubhihed as assistants to forward
this bufinefi with
ivt n tut „ S " BLODGET.
~f B - Mr. Blodget will be particularly
obliged if those persons who poiTefs prizes 0
yet unpaid, will apply for their money as
early as poffihle. v
June 7th. j a
; ; Excellent CLARET,
ij] lii hogthcads and in cafcs of 50 bottles each
A few cases Champaigne wine j
a- In pipes, hoglheads and quauer caflcs,
,1S No. lit, Soutfc troiu It reel.
>n Jan. 2, iTC4 dtf
v ' 140 BARRELS
Best Boston BEEF,
ve New-England Rum,
us Received by the fehponer Belinda, from
Boston, and for faie by
y bro' & John Frazier.
No. 81, Walnut Jireet.
— no mwiks3W
K cr 1 Johns In t/jc C/janccly Caurr
•v ( of the
e . John Wells and f State of Maryland,
te Mordecai Cole. J May ibth 1794.
The Complainant hath sil
k!. Ed his bill, for the purpose of obtaining a
in decrce, to veil in him a complete legal title
ire to two tradts of landj lying in Baltimore
nd county, one called Painters-Level, con
ig, taining too acres, the other called Profpeft
nd C'.ntai ngj> acres.He ftates,that the said
cs. John Wells ou the 16th day of March 1774
c contrasted to fell the said land to the said
to Mor'decaiCole,&executed to him abond for
ri- conveyance,that the said Cole, 011 the fame
id- day, executed to the said Wells a bond for
:he the pavin nt of the purqhafe money amoun
ting to £ (>ls Pennlylvaiiia currency, that
id, the faidColehathfincedifchargedtbewhole
ill of the purchafemoney, and hath afligned
10- to the complainant the said bond for con
irs veyance; that the (aid Wells hath never
»rs executed a deed, agreeably to his contrast
'he but hath removed out of* the slate of Mary
:n- land, and now resides in the state of Ken
it tucky.
It is thereupon, and at the requcfl of the
actfudged, and ordered, that
:'s. he procuie a copy of this order to be infert
tdat least fix weeks successively, before
he firft day of August next, in the United
— States Gazette at Philadelphia, to the in.
— tent, thai the said John Weils may have no
tice of the complainant's application to
this court, and may be warned to appear
here, on orbefu the fiill Tnefday in Oc
tober next, to fliew eaufe wheiefore this
•er court fhouid not proceed to decree, agree
he ably to the prayer of the complainant, and
iia to 'be a£l ot assembly, for such cales made
and provided.
ay Tell,
Samuel Harvey Howard.
it Keg. Cur. Can.
a J» ne '3 mw&f6w
„t Just Published,
•11 In one handsome volume,umo. Price 5s
"d Ft-anUm's Head, No. 4T, Chefuut
iij S'fert,
i ? , -A« ra>NAy 1»K THE — ;
» c | Natural Equality of Men,
the Rights that reftilt from it, and on
to -^ llt * es which it imposes.
"to which a MEDAL was adjudged, by
is the Teylerian Society at Haarlem.
Corrected and Enlarged, by
D. J).
" ProfefTor of Moral Philosophy, and the
Law of Nature, and of Ecclefiaflical
History ; and Minister of the English
Ohuich at Utrecht.
Al'.quid semper ad communem utilitatrm
"I afferrndum. Cicero.
I s 77)t F'trjl American Edition.
e , nPUEgrand primiple of Equality, if
-I- rightly underflood, is the only basis
je on which tiniverftil justice, lacred order,
and perfefl freedom, can be firmly built,
and permanently secured. The view of
it exhibited in this essay, fit the fame time
that it reprefTes the influence of office,
a the tyranny of pride, and tiie outrages of
oppreflion; confirms, in the inoft forcible
irnuinerj tne necensry of l U l )J rdm a 'tion,
and the jufl demands of lawful autlmrity.
So far indeed, from Igofenirg the bands
of lociety, that it maintains inviolate, e
very natural and every civil diftinftion,
1- draws more closely every social tie, unites
t- in one harmonaous and justly proportioned
e lyltem, and brings men together on the
even ground of the inherent 1 ights of hu
1, man nattre, of reciprocal obligation, and
0 ot „ a / omm " n relation to the qoinniunitv.
e JVlarcl, .8. tut J.
— MADEIRA, 1 ~
11 SHEURy, I
: LISBON, & | WlNESofthe firft q ua| it y
J teneriffej
, Old Jamaica Spirit, Antigua and Weft; In
\ ora Rum.
Comae, Frencl, and Peach Brandiei
. Claret and P ort Wine of a fnperior qua
lity in cases. J
r W !IMS C • ' a " H Vine Ea r' in P'Pes and
" Corks in Bales,Havannah Segar, in Boxes.
. Philadelphia Porter, i n Cafksand Bottles
; London do. in do. do.
— "»i!un do. in do. do. *mI " "°' l '°
Cyder :n barrels and bottles, prepared for
exportation or immediate life,
Benjamin W- Morris,
The corner of Dock and Pear flreets,
Where he has provided Juirabh Ilores and
vaults, for tiie reception of
WINE S, & c .
Which hepropofes to ft ore or dispose of
on commiflion -
Captains of vessels and others fupplird
with any of the above LIOUORS bottled
and (eaflores in geueal put uji.
> Ma y 9 tu&fam
Mai ket-Strcct,
An Eflay on Slavery
Designed to exhibit in a new point
view us effects on morals, indujiry, and t (,
peace of focicty. Some facts and calculation! '
are ottered to prove the labor of to be
much more produßivc than that ol Haits
that counuics air rich, powerful and nappy'
in proportion as the laboring people tnm
the fruits of their own labor ; and
the nccclfary conclufiati.thal llavery i a
tia& well as unjujl. ' '
Price 25 Cents.
February 15. d(f
rHE office of the President and Director,
®f the Insurance Company of No„th
America, is tcmoved to No. 107, south
Front street, being the foutli ealt corner ol
Front and Walrmt flreets.
The Public arc cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bills
of the Bank of the United States, a, I
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
America, federal of which have appeared
in circulation within a few days yajt; they
are good general imitation of the genuine
Bills, but may be diflinguifhed by the fol
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of the
United States.
ALL that have appeared have the letter
F. for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
whiter and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine paper.
The O. in the word Company is smaller
than the M. and other letters of fhat word,
so that a line extended from the top of ihe
O, to touch the top of tlje M. would extend
considerably above the range of the whole
In the word United the letters are nar
rower and closer together than the reft of
the bill.
The i and fin the word promise are not
parallel, tin?/inclining much more forward
than the i.
The engraving is badly executed, the
strokes of all the Letters are stronger and
the device in themargin particularly ismuch
coa»fer and appears darker than in thetiue
bills. Some of the counterfeits bear date in
*79 1 —Whereas the Bank was'not in opera
tion till December, and no five dollar bills
were iifued in jliat year.
Twenty Dollhr Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
B. lor their alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nearly fitni
lar to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar
Notes above defcribedj the engraving is
better executed, and they approach nearer
to the appearance of the genuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through the word
Twenty, in the body of the bill, are in num
ber th rteen in the genuine b»IJs, and but
twelve in the counterfeits.
The word Company is much like the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills «»s described
above, tljfi qJi n£_1 ess J Jtn tht> >«, and o
-fclwirs following'.
There is no stroke to the t in the word
North whereas in the genuine bills theltiojce
is well defined.
The letters cnt in the word Tuenty f to
the left hand at the bottom, defnot come
down to the lire, so cut as to give
an irregular appearance to the word, the
and they going below them.
The signature 1 Nixon, has the appear
ance of being written with lamb-black and
O'l, and dififrs from other inks uled in
priming the bills and the carrier's ligna
It is suppo sed these forgeries were commit
ted in foine of the Southern Slater, as all the
counterfeits thai have appeared, have come
from thence, and two pcrfons h*ve been ap
prehended in Virginia,oil suspicion ol being
the author of th*m.
The reward of ONE THOUSAND DC'U
LARS will be paid to any Person or Perfoni
who shall discover and prolecutc to convic
tion the feveial offenders of the following
decryptions or any ol them, vis?.
1 he person or pcifons, who manufacture
fd the paper on.which the Bills are printed. [•
- T-b* figrCaii or pctfg>»»a,
The printer or printers, of the bills.
Lvciy person who has a&ed as a principal
in any other way, in the counterfeiting and
uttering the said bills,
Philadelphia, Maich 28, *794
Jpril 22, 1794>
Other counterfeit bills
ol the Batik of the United States have ap
pearcdin circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY
DOLLARS, and the alphabetical niatk is
the letter B.
J hey may be diflinguifhed from the ge*
nuiue by the following MARKS
The paper of the counterfeits is of a
mote tender texture and glofi'ey futlace
than the genuine, and the;e is no water
mark in them.
The letter C. ii> the word Cashier, in
he ti ue bills is strongly marked, whereas
in the counterfeits, the whole letter is a
fine hair ftruke, evidently in an unfinifhed
slate. The letter a In the wotd demand,
is liaiily formed and tlie whole woulill done
and there is no comma at theend of it, as
tu ~? " tfle I ill-..
r'tu* marginal device, is much datke-r
in the faife, tliaVi in the genuine bills ow
,Hg so the fliade strokes being coarser, much
nearer togetlier, and consequently tnnch
mote numerous. This difference ft'ikes >l' e
eye atfirft view.
1 he fame reward of ONE THOVS AXD
DOLLARS, will be paid so' apprelnnoi
oc prcifec utirg to'condition the feveial
above fe'efcribed Otfendei s in iefpeft to tins,
as to the lafl described bills. j
thomas willing, Picfidwt
of the Bonk L'nitrd States.
JOHN NIXON, P.efideßi of the
Bank of North America.
By order of the Committees of the Ref
pcdlive Boards.