Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, July 16, 1794, Image 4

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    Philadelphia, March, 1 1794.
Na. 118, Market Jlreet,
Modern Geography :
Geographical,, Historical, ana
Commercial Grammar;
And present state of the ffcveral
i. Th-* figures, motions; at*d diitanoeS of
the fyf
teiii and lite latest oblerv^tions
A general view ofthe earth,confidered
as a planjti with fevCrai Ufeful geographical
definitions "and problems..
3 The g'-tlnd divisions of the globe into
land ajd watery continents and iilands.
4. The fUiulßoo and extent of empires,
kingdo;iti,ftaTes, provinces and colonies.
5 Their climates, air, foil, vegetables,
pr. dn&ions, metal minerals, natural Curi
oii ties", s, capes, promontories,
aud lake 1 ?.
6. Tlie birds ani beasts peculiar to each
7. OlSi'ervatidns on the cHanges that have
been any where observed upon the face of
nature itace the ntoft early petiods of his
8. The history and origin of nations;
tbeii forms ftf government, religion, laws,
revenue \;ta>se^,naval and militaiV ftr'ength
9. The manners, cuicoixtsj and
habits <ff the people.
10. Their language, learning, arts J fcieri
ees, manufadiiires, and commerce.
ii: The chief cities, flru«slures, ruins,
and artificial curiosities
12. The longitride, latitude, bearings,
and of principal places from Phila
To which arc added,
1. A Gio<jitApmcAt Index, with
names and places alphabetically arranged.
2. A Table of the Coins of all nations,
and their value in dollars and cents.
3. A Chronologic a l Table of remarka
ble events,from the creation to the present
The Agronomical Part corrected by
|To which have been 1
The late Dl'scoyiiues of Dr. Herscheil,
and other eminent Astronomers.
Corrected, Impioved, and greatly Enlar
The firft volume confains twenty-one
Maps end Charts,belides two Ailronomical
Plates, vi 4.
1. Map of the World. 2. Chart of the
wovle 3. Europe. 4. Alia. £ Africa. 6.
South America- 7- Cook's difcaveries.
8. Countries round the north Pole. <)■
Sweden, Denma; k, and Norway, so. Se
ven United Provinces. it. Auftriap,
French and Dutch Netherlands. J2. Ger
many. ij. Seat of in Fraiiee. i -
Fiance divided into depaitments. 15.
Switzerland; :6. Italy, Sicily, and Sar
dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. 18.
Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19". Ire
land. 20. Well-Indies. 21. Vermont. 22.
Ar miliary sphere. »'s. Coperr.ican system.
WTth the second volume, which is now
in the pvefs, will be given the following
Maps :
t. lluflia in Europe and Asia.
J. Scotland.
j. England and WaleSi
4. Poland.
5. China.
6. Hindoftait.
7. United States'.
8. British America.
9. State of New-Hampflrinr,
10. State of Matlachnietts.
ti. State of ConneiSicut.
tz. State of Rhode-Xfland.
Iy. State of New-York.
14. State of New-Jersey.
15. State of JJsnnfylvania.
16. State of Dblaware.
17. State of Maryland.
18. Stale of Virginia.
19.. Statoaf Kentucky.
20. State of North-Carolina.
2t. TennefTee Government.
22. State of Soath-Caroiina.
23. State of Ro.rgia.
t. This work will be compriled ill ttfo
I. Subscribers pay for the prelent volume
ondelivery, fix dollars, and the pri«e of
binding, (5& cents for boards.) /
3. They may receive the succeeding vo
lume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at
a cfuarter dollar each, or else, when fi
nilhed, at the fame price as the firft.
4. The fubfeription will be raised on the
firft day of June ?7<M' to fourteen dol
lars, excluhre of binding.
5. Should any copies remain for sale after
the completion of the work, they will be
fold at lixteen dollars, and the price of
bindings '
6. The nil lies of the fubferibers will be
published as patrons of American litera
ture, arts, and fciencss.
It is wholly unnecalTary to expatiate on
the advantage,to American readers, that
this edition pofiefies, over every imported
edition of any system of Geography extant.
The addit tion of maps of the fe ve*al teftas,
procured a very great expense, and from
the best materials that are attainable,
speaks such fuil cohvuftion on this fubjeft,
that it would be difrefpeft to the read
er's understanding to suppose it recfuifite
to enter into a detail of arguments to
prove its superiority. In no similar work
have such maps bsenever introduced.
The emendationsand additions which
are made in this work,are innumerable,and
occur in every page. The public are re
ferred to the preface for z flight (ketch
of a few of them.
The publifirer takes the present oppor
tunity of returning his molt sincere thanks
to those refprftable characters who have
favored him with documents for improv
ing the maps of several of the states He
requests a continuance of their kindness;
and hopes ihat such public f'pirited citizens,
as are poffefled of iimilar documents, will
favor him with theirafliftatice in perfect- <
ing his undertaking. , <v !
The extraordinary encouragement with
which he has been favoredj has' excited
in liis breast the warmest (entiiiients ol gra
titude-— fenfinieius jvhith time will not ef
face. He pledges himfelt' to th? citizen*
of tile United Statesj to spare neither ha Ins
nor e&penfe to render the pr< sent edition
of* Guthrie's Geography ihiproved, deserv
ing of their patronage. waftf
LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above
the Drawbridge, out of I h• p Bacchus
Cept. Vannema'n, f»om, Jamaica,
May 16. d
Christiana Mills
For Sale.
ON Monday the fir ft day of -September
next at 8 o'clock in the everting at the
Cotfee Hotife in the city of Philadelphia
will he Ibid by public vendue, two tract
01 pieces of land fkuated hr White Clay
Ciee.k hundred, New Oafile county and ft'ate
of Delaware; one of which contains about
fi'xty acres of highly improved lane!, 011 it
jre a large two ltory bfick dwelling houfo, a
co venient brick barn, with (tablingand a
carriage house underneath, an e celleir
kiln for drying corn ; and the well known
mi Ik called fchriftiana Mills (late Pauer-
FOn's) which being at the head of t!.e tide
on Christiana river, and but aboVft half a
mile from the landing, is conveniently (hu
stled for carrying the articles manufa&urerf
at the mills hy water to Philadelphia—-« This
property bei&g close to the road leading
from Elkton to Christiana bridge, and at
the head of (he tide, with many other at
tendant render its situation for
thff milling business so very valuable, as to
be equalled by few and excelled by none.
The latter tract containing 175 acre., is
about one mile from t»he rftills and is chief
ly woodland/ which being contiguous to
water carriage to the city of Philadelphia,
must be of increasing value* especially as
there is a quantity of large timber in said
tra& suitable for the purposes of the
The terms upon whifcti the above men
tioned efl-ates will be fold are—one thon
fand pounds to be paid on executing the
deeds, and seven hundred and fifty pounds
per annum,* with interest for the remainder
or proportionably for each part.
Indisputable titles will be made for the
property, by
At fame time and place will be fold a
large BOAT^
July 2 mw&ftti
LETTERS 011 the fubjecS of the Walh
ington Lottery, being by mistake repeat
edly addrefled to the Commillicners for the
City of Walhiugton.
l'erfohs concerned are hereby infofmed,
that HI such ihould be addrefled either to
W. Deakinsjurt. of Wafhingtcm, or to the j
Subl'criber. The commissioners never hav
ing contemplated any further concern in
this business, than in their afient to receive
the bonds and approve the names of the
managers. The prizes have been paid and
are paying on demand by W. Deakins,
Walhington, Peter Oilman, BoJton, and
by the Subscriber.
For the Lottery Ncf. 2, the fee unties al
ready given will be retained by the com
miflioners, or transferred by them at their
option to the bank of Columbia ; and the j
commiflioners will be consulted refpeifling
a judicious and equitable difpofitioii of the i
houses to be built thereby ; their treasury
or the bank of Columbia will receive the
money intended for the National Univer
sity, and they will be consulted in the no
mination of the 24managers; but all the
fefponfibilfty refpeisling the general dispo
sition of the tickets, and payment of "pri
zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on
the persons whose names are and may be
hereafter published as assistants to forward
this business with
N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particularly
obliged if those persons who poflefs prizes
yet unpaid, will apply for their money as
early as possible.
June 7th. d.
Morris Academy.
THIS institution is now open for the ie
ception of students under the immediate
care of Mr. Caleb RufTell, whose abilities
' as an inftru&or, and attachmentto the bu
siness have long been known and approved.
He has under him the best afiiftants in
the different branches—The scholars arc
taught the English,- French, Laiin, and
Greek languages, PuMic-Speaking, Writing,
Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, and
the various branches of the Mathematics.
The healthy situation of this place is fuc
as, to recommend, it to those, who wish to
have their children in the country. Boatd
ing, washing, mending, &c. will be provid
ed in, good families, and the morals of the
scholars carefully attended to.
The price including tuition,- firewood,
&c. exclusive of the French language) will
not exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo
ney per annum) an addition of three dollars
per quarter wilf be madoto such scholars
who are taught the French language. The
Directors ar edetermined to pay such atten
tion to this institution, as will render it
. refpt&able and ufeful.
TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. t Dtte&'s.
Morriftown, May 15, 1794
diw. w2in.—*
Out of the Brig NANCY, '
Captain Shapley, at Race-Street Wharf,
SUGARS in H.jgfheads and Barrels, i
COFFEE in Hogflieads, Barrels and Bags,
tntilled to drawback.
For Sale,
June d-
A New Novel.
fothe LAW: S of Philadelphia.
This Day is Pvblijhed by
nB. Market street,
Pricc, bound, five-eighths of a dollar, few
eci in n'ai'ble paper ' half a dollai.
Charlotte, a tale of Truth,
By Mrs. ROW SON, of the New Theatrfej I
Phladelphia, Author of Vi&oria, the In- |
quilitor, the Fil!e de &c.
Of Charlotte > the Reviewers have
given the following charaßer.
IT may he a Tale of Truth, for if, is
not unnatural, and it is a talc of real dil
trefs. Charlotte, by the artifice of a teach
ei, recommended to a school, from bftma
nitr rather than convitVionof her inte
grity, or the regularity of her former con
du&i is enticed from her governed, and a-.
• companies a young officer to America.—
The marriage ceremony, if not forgotten,
is poUponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr
:o the incouftancy of the over, and treach
ery of his friend—The lituations are art
less and affe&ing—the descriptions natu
ral and pathetic; we should feeHor Char
lotte if such a per fan ever existed, who
for one error scarcely, perhaps, deserved
To levere a punifhmeut. If it is a fic
tion, poetic justice is not, we think, pro
perly cliftributcd.
Said Carey has jujl pubYifhed,
A 2 sheet map of Kentucky
compiled by Eiihu. Barker, price one dol
lar and two thiids.
War Atlas} containing maps erf* France,
Germany, Spa:n, Italy, the United Provin
ces, the Netherlands, and the Weft Indies.
Price two dollar*.
Map of New Jerfey—~Half a dollar.
Maps of Vermont, Conne£licut, Dela
ware, Georgia———Price three eighths of
a dollar each.
April 29. tuth&s3w
't'HE subscription lor this work w the
original terms? °f twelve dollars and the
binding, will be cltfied this day—and on
Monday the fubfcriptioii will dpen at four
teen dollars, exclusive of the price of bind
The new maps added to this edition are
twenty one ; among which are thole of
New-Hampfhii e, Maflachufettr, Connecti
cut, Rhode-Iflandp Vermont, New York,
New- Jersey, Pennlylvania, Ma
ryland, Virginia?/Kentucky, North Caro
lina, the Geneiiee Government, South Ca
rolina, and Georgia. These maps have re
ver been given in any former system of
Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone
be fufficient to entitle this work to a pre
ference to any other edition of Guthrie.
N. B. The map of the United States,
which is compiling by Mr. Samuel Lewis,
from the refpedVive state will be far
more complete than any one yet publilhcd,
and be printed on two large (heets of
paper, nearly the fizc of the late Mr. Mur
ray's map.
May 31 d
- J
Just Published,
IBy Benjamin Johnson, andfold at bis
Boohjlere, No. 147, MarketJlreet,
The Life of Dr. Franklin, |
with a striking. likeness, executed in a mail !
terly maimer by Thackara and Vallance, •]
price fivelhillings.
The Ready Reckoner, or Traders' Sure i
Guide, 3 9 j
The Young Book keeper's Afliftant, 6/3
The Chriftianya poem, by Charles Craw
ford, 2/4
Efop's Fables, 4JB
Swan's British 37/6
Paine's ditto 3 °J
Town and Country Bailder's Afliftant
In the prefsi and will bepuhlifhed in a few
days, and fold as a bone,
Reflections and Maxims, by
William Penn, with his advice to his chii
den, 4/8.
r6 mo. 2, 1794* m&wim
Congress of the United States,•
In Senate, Tuefaay May 13th, 1794.
ORDERED, that Rufm Putnam, Ma
naf fah Cutler,< Robert Oliver and
Griffin Green, do, upon the third Monday of
December next, (heir cause to the Senate,
why so much of" the grants of land to them
the said Rufm Putnam, ManaHah Cutler,
Robert Oliver and Griffin Green,, pui fuant
to an Act entjtltd " An aft authorizing
the grant and conveyance of certain lands
to the Ohio Company of aflbciatesj" shall
not ba declared void, as may interfere
with and be firificient to fafisfy the claims
of the French settlers at Galliopolis.
Ordered, that the delivery of a copy
of the above order to Rufus Putnam, Ma
nairah Culler, Robert Oliver, or Griffin
Green, and the publication of the fame,
one .nomh, in one of the Gazettes printed
in this City, Ihnll be deemed fufficient no.
tice thereof.
Extra# from the Journals of Senate.
SAM. A. OTIS, f<cret4ry.
■ Ma r /».
Excellent CLARET,
In hogsheads and in cslfes of 50 bottles each t
A few cases Champaigne wine; J
In pipes, hoglhi-ads and quarter caflts, I
No. m, Soutii t rout Ureet.
Jan. a, 1791 .
, 4 o BARRELS : "
Best Bo(ton BEEF,
New-England Rum,
Received by the Oho oner Belinda, from
Boston, and for lale by
Nalbro' & John Frazier.
No. 8 1, Walnut Jlrerf.
June 20 mw&s3w
Richard Johns ") In the Chancery Court
v C of the
Jolm Wells and C State of Maryland,
Mordecai Cole. J May z6th 1794.
The Complainant hath fil
ed his bill, for the purpose of obtaining a
decree, 10 vest in him a complete legal title
to two tra<fts of iand, lying in Baltimore
county, one called Painters-Level, con
taining 100 acre<, the other called Profpeft
cental n acres.He ftjtes,that the said
John Weils ou the 16th day of March 1774
conti a&ed to fell the laid land to the said
Mordecai Cole,&exectited to him a bond for
the laid Colcj on the fame
day, executed to the said Wells a bond for
tne pavim nt of the purchase money amoun
tH'g t°Z 675 Pennfylvauia currency, that
the said Cole hath fxnee disCharged the whole
of the purchase money, ai d hath assigned
to the complainant the said bond for con
veyance) that the laid Wells bath never
executed a deed, agreeably to his contract
but hath removed out of the state of Mary
land, and now resides in the itate of Ken
It is thereupon, and at tlrerequeft of the
complainant, adjudged, and ordered, that
he procure a copy of this order to be infert
tdat least fix weeks successively, before
he firft day of Augufl next, in the United
States Gazette at Pniladeiphia, to the in
tent, that t+ie said John Wells may have no
rice of the complainant's application to
this c J i>urt, and may be warned to appear
here, on or befo e the tirit Tnefday in Oc
tober next, to (hew caule wherefore this
court fhouid not proceed to decree, agree
ably to the prayer of the complainant, and
to ihe a& of aflembly, for such cases made
and provided.
Samuel Harvey Howard.
Reg. Cur. Can.
June 13 mu&;f6w
PORT, j. WlNESofthefirftquality
Old Jamaica Spirit, Antigua and Weft In
dia Rum.
Coniac, Freneb and Peach Brandies
Claret and Port Wine of a superior qua
lity in cases.
Wine Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes aud
Corks in Bale?,Havannah Segari in Boxes.
Philadelphia Porter, in Catks and Bottles
London do. in do. do.
Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do.
London do. in do. do. and
Cyder :n barrels and bottles, prepared for
exportation or immediate nfe,
Benjamin WT. Morris,
The corner of Dock and Pear flreets y
Where lie has provided iimabie. stores and
vaults, for the reception of
WINE S, & c .
Which he proposes to store or dispose of
on com million
Captains ofveifels and others supplied
with any of the above LIQUORS bottled,
and feaftores in gerieal put up.
May 9 fu&fam
Juit Published,
? In ofit handfoine volume,lamo- Price 5s
At Franklin's Head., No. AT, Chefuut
Natural Equality of Men,
, On the Rights that result from it, and on
the Duties which it imposes.
r To which a MEDAL wa3 adjudged, by
the Teylerian Society at Haarlem.
Corrected euid Knlarged. by
D. D.
ProfelTor of Moral Philolophy, and the
} Law of Nature, and of Ecclesiastical
History ; a,.d Minilter of the Englifti
Choich at Utrecht.
j Aliquid feniper ad commuiiem utilitatem
aftrr-ndum. Cicero.
Tht Fuji American Edition.
' principle of Equality, if
1 rightly understood, is the only basis
\ 011 which itniverlal jbftice, facrcd order,
' and perftct freedom, can be trrmly built,
and permanently, feenred. I'lie view of
U it exhibited :n this elfay, at the fame time
e that it rcprelies' the infolcnce of office,
the tyranny of pride, and the outrages of
oppreflion ; confirms,, in the mod forcible
v the neceflity of fiibbrdination,
_ and the jiut demands of lawful authoritv.
t . far indepd, from loofenirg the bands
of society, that it inviolate, e»
j ver y natural and every civil diitintfiion,
. draws more clo'cly every fccial tie, unites
in one liarmontoOs and julllv ptoportioned
fyflem, and WVbigs men together on the
even ground of ihe rights of hn
man of reciprocal obli ation, and
of a common relation to the conimunitv.
Marth 18. tuff
The Public are cautioned to
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bill;
of the Bank of tbe United States, and
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank ofAorth
America, several of which ha-ve appeal :
in circulation within a few days pajl;
are good general imitation of the genuine
Bills, but may be dijlinguijhed by the thl
Five Dollar Bills of tbe Bank of ti
United States.
ALL that have appeared have the letter
F. for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
whiter and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine paper.
The O. m the word Company ij smaller
than the M. and other letters of that word
so that a line extended from the top of ihe
O, to touch the top of the M. would extend
considerably above the range of the whole
In the word United the letters are nar.
rower andclofer together than the reft of
the bill.
The i and fin the word protnife are not
parallel, the/inclining much more forward
than the >.
The engraving is badly executed, the
strokes of all the Letter! stronger and
the device in themargin particularly ismuch
coaifcr and appears darker than in the true
bills* Some el the counterfeits bear daie in
1791 —Whereas the Bank was not in opera.
tion till December, ai.d 110 five dollar bills '
were iflued in jhat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appeared have the letter
JB. for tjieir alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nearly fitni
lar to that of the counterfeit Five Dollar
Notes above described; the engraving is
better executed, and they approach nearer
to. the appearance of thetgenuine bills.
The fine ruled lines through the word
Twenty y in the body of ihe bill, are \tv num
ber thirteen in the genuine bills, and but
twelve in the counterfeits.
The word Company is much like the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills as defcribeil
above, the o being less than the m t and o
thers following.
There is no ft rake-to the /in the word
North whereas in the genuine bills theftroke
is well defined.
The letters ent in the word Twenty, to
the left hand at the bottom, do not come
down to the line, but are so cut as to give
an irregular appearance to tbe word, the
Tw and the y going below them.
The signature Nix-on, has the appear
ance ot being written with lamb-black and
oil, and differs from other inks used in
pruning the bills and the caihier's ligna
It is supposed these forgeries Were commit-
Efd in some of ihe Southerly States, as all- the
thai have appeared, have com
Trom thence, and two peifons have been
prthended in Virginia, on suspicion of being
the author of them.
The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL
LARS w ill be paid to any Person or Persons
Who shall discover and profccutc 10 convic
tion the several offenders ot the following
or any of them, viz.
T he person or ptrfons, who manufaQui*
ed the paper on which the Bills are printed.
The person or persons, who engraved the.
The printer or printers, of the bills.
Every perfpn who has as a principal
in any other way, in the counterfeiting and:
uttering the laid bills.
Philadelphia, Match 28, 179*4
April 22, 1794*
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank oi the United States have ap
peared in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY
[ DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark is
the letter B.
They may be diQinguifhed from the
nuine by the so! owing MARKS : ,
The paper ot ihe counterfeits is of a
more tender texture a/id glolTey furface
than the genuine, and there is no water
f mark in them.
The letter C. in the word Calhipr, in
he true bills is strongly marked, whereas
in the counterfeits, the whole letter is a
fine hair ttroke, evidently in an uniinifhed
state. The. letter a in the woid demand,
is badly formed and the whole -wold ill dqne
and there is no comma at the end of it, as
there is in the genuine bills.
rhe marginal device, is much darker
in the falfe, than in the genuine bills ow
ing to the shade strokes being coaifer, much
nearer together, and cpnfequently ninth
f more numerous. This difference strikes ihe
{ eye at fir ft view.
The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, win be paid for apprehending*
r prosecuting to conviiftion the several
above described Offenders in islpeft to this,
as to t|>e last dcfcribed bills.
of the Bunk United Stato;
; JOHN NIXON. Preftdcntrf the
j Bank of North Aroe'ica.
j By ordei of the CotrtrTnitecs of ihe Ref
pe£tive Boards.
f Mai Icet-Strect,
s , An Essay on Slavery,'"
« oefigiieii to exhibit »n a rteW
f view, its efiefts on moral's, indufiry« and the
e peace Qf jociety. Some fa-fts and calculations
, are ottered 10 prove the labor oljieemen to he
f iiiucii more p:o<iußivc than that or jtW i
s ti»«i eouniiK j» are nch, powerful and Mf'f v r
} in proportion as the laboring people « t,J ,' *
ihe fruits of their own labor , .and t*r:c
s the a. cfitai v conelufion, that Jlavcty u i»f
„ tim well as unjiiji.
Pkjce 25 Cents.
* February i <. dt
s •'
J— — 7
e office of the President and pVrecnw*
4- the Insurance Company of No* Tit
d Aaier Ica, is removed to No. IOJ, South
Front it reet, being the south eait corner ot
From and Walnut streets.