Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, July 15, 1794, Image 4

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T'Vladelpidx, 'i 1794. re
fusr Published, >r
A r o. 118, Market Jlrec ,
TftS f'ltis r VuMJNIi OF A NEW
Modern Geography:
OR, A , a
Hifiarical, °
Commercial Grammar; ' 0
' ~~ ■
And ureTeiit ft ate of rh£tVve,r&l it
t. The figures, motions, and defiances of
the plariefcfr, icco din* to the fyf- *
ten* a id the late ft observations.
2. A general view of the earth,confidered
4; a pUiiJt;with feverai ufeful geographical
defi.ntirtn* and problems.
3 TtVe graced divi(ions df the globe into
land and continent* £nd islands.
<- 4* Tiie firriation and extent of empires,
provinces and colonies.
5 Their climates, aifj foil, vegetables,
pr.;<linViort«;, metals, minerals, natural curi
d'ities,Pea V'iveisr.jbay shapes,promontories,
and lakes.
6. The birds arid beasts peculiar to ea<;h .
cou-itry. " 1
7. Observations on the changes that have
been any whpre observed upon the faqe oi
nature iince the molt early periods of hif
u,vy'-~ 1
8. The history and origin of nations;
then forms of government. Religion, laws,
-revenue;,taies,naval and miKta- y ttrength
9 The manners, cuftoins, and
habits of thp ;jeopie.
10. T!ieir■l^ojruaiie,learning,.arts), scien
ces, manufa<slu;<eand commerce.
li. 'T J >© chief cities* ftru&ures, ruim,
a.nd artificial curioftties^
12. The longitude, latitude, bearings,
v and distances of principal places fromPhUa
Td which Ate addtd,
1. A GEOGRAi'Hi cKb Index, with the
names and places *iphab<ttically arranged
2. A Table of f!)e. Coins of a,ll nations,
« and their value »n dollars and cents.
3. A Chronologic At Table of remarka
ble tvents,from the creation $o the-prefent
Thfe Astronomical Part corre&ed tjjjr
D . v
jTo which have been added,
The late Discovrries of Dr. HerscHelL,
and other eminent Astronomers.
Corrected, Improved, and greatly Enlar
The firft tfdlume cantons twenty-one
jVTiVjis end Charts,befides two Aftronomiqal
Piates, viz.
4. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the
\voj]e 3, Europe. 4. Alia. 5. Africa. 6.
Sauth America. 7. Cook's dilcoveries.
8. Countries round the north Pole.
Sweden, tianmaik, and Ntorway. id.'Se
ven United Provinces. it. Auftrianj
French and Dutch Netherlands. i 2. Ger
many. 13 Seas ot war in France. i -
France divided into departments. 15.
Switzerland. j6. Italy, Sicily, and Sar
dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. 18.
Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19. Ire
land. 20 Weft-Indies. 21. Vermont. 22.
Ar miliary (phere. 23. Copernican system.
With the second volume, which is now
in the press, will be given the following
1. ll,uffia in Europe and Asia.
2. Scotland.
3. England and Wales.
4. Poland.
5. China.
6. Hindoftan.
7. United States.
8. Britilh America,
' 9. State of New-Ha rap (hi re,
10. JStata of "Vlaflachuletts,
H. State of Connecticut.
12. Srate of Rhode jfland.
13. State of Ne»-York. '
v «4- State of New-Jerl'ey.
15. State of Pennsylvania.
'6. State of Delaware.
17. of Maryland.
18., State of Virginia.
19. State *f Kentucky.
20. State of North-Carolina.
21. TenneHee Government.
22. State of South-Carolina.
2J. State of Georgia.
1. THts work will be eompriled in two
t. Subscribers pay for the prelent volume
otidelivery, fix dollars, and the price of
bmding r 4s6 cenU for boards.)
3. They may receive the fucieedirig vo
lume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at
t- a quarter dollar each, or else, when si-
Dilhed, at the fame price as the firft.
4. The fubfeription will be raised on the
firft day of June 1794! to fourteen dol
•~.'S lar?, exclusive of binding.
5» Should any copies remain for faJe after
the completion ot the workj they will be
fold at sixteen dollars,- and the price of
6. The names of the fubferibers will be
published as patrons of American litera
ture, arts, and sciences.
It is wlroliy unn?ceflary to expatiate on
the advantage,to American readers; that
tills edition poffeQTes, over every imported
edition of any system of Geog aphy extant.
The adrfit tion of maps of the fevesal testa;,
procured a very great expense, and from
the best materials that are attainable,
speaks such full convuSion on this fubjeft,
that it would be difrefpeft to the read
er's understanding to suppose it requisite
to enter into a detail of arguments to
prove its superiority. In nofimitar wOrk
have such maps beenever introduced.
The emendation sand additions which
are made in this work,are innumerable,and
occur in every page. The public are re
ferred to the preface for a flight sketch
a few of them.
The publisher takes the present oppor
tunity of returning his mofl sincere thanks
to those refprftabie who have
favored him w.ith documents for improv
ing the maps of fcveral of the dates. He
(•(intinu'Bc? of their kisdnefs;
>nd hopes lhar such public lpirited citizen'
as are poffelTed of fimila: documents, wifl
favor hiin with theiiafiiftance in perfett- C
ng his undei taking. . S
The extraordinary encouragement with
*'htcfi he has been favored, has excited j t
in hisbreaft th« wjrmeft fentiluents nt gra-
which time wilt not et
ace. He pledges himfelf to the citizens
of the Unittd tu fpave neither pains
nor efcpinje to reofcler the pr«leut edition
ol Guthrie's Geography ifripr'oved, dclVrv
ing of their patronage. wafti
joseph Clark,
Prcpofes to publijb, by fubfeription.,
The American Builder.
A Woik ciilculatcd equally to ediiy «md en
t'e tain the G1 ntlcman, Farmet ,Sur-* v
iveyor, Bujfder & Mechanic.
THitj work wUI contain variolic opinions
of the best wrirers on Arts,
and Sci«"ce ; logethrr witbexperimems, and
accurate notc*?ot obfctv'dtion, by the author;
being the xefult of years (tu4y «nd ex
perience in his-proftftion. *
It will Vlfo contain an alphabetical atepunt
of the fjusluy and ?al<je of the various kinds
of itiatemU, and numerous species of labor,
expended <h) build-ng. <*
Exfinpl firations, toafcertain quanti
ties of materials and labot neceffdfy to com
plete, almofl, every part in a building, df
whatever diftienfions.
An account and explanation df all. the
terihs and phV<.fes, ufe3 in ancient and mo
dern arcbite&lire and blnlding.
To perfpns inclined to bu«Ki, it will ass >rd '
J an opportunity of 'Cgqlating thei; pldiis with
in the coinpafs i?f their finances,lnd prepare
them to prevent impofuiohS from tricking
Vcndeisof aud extortionate Work
men—To Mechartics, who cannot, for want
ot cxperien. e, calculate the value ol then
refpe£tive labour, and materials expended in
' their particular branches of bu-ijdiug, this
work will afford aft opporiuniry to eiUma'e
with tacii'.ty and accuracy, any done or in
tended to be done, either in tne aggregate or
the minutiae.
It will cootaoi many eurious 3nd valuable
recipcA to mak€ fine tmd coirfe varnifhes,for
preserving roofs of hpufes, barns, palings,
troughs, plpe.s, &c. Recipes to mike vari
ous glues and cements ; vecipes to make com
positions for elegant, o( minute oiiiymentSi
and enrichments for oufifle or inside com
partments i recipes to rhiike composition for
figures and incrufl&tioos—to endure the
weather in any aipeft ; r6cipes to make ftuc
t co compositions, for malt-houses, dif
-1 r i Her its, heaithsj linings for ciftfrns, See.
Tablestb the Icantling of diffeieot
Z species of timbej- necefTary to perform their
refpe&ive functions, in proportion to their*
1, Various fufpenlions : Tables to ascertain the
diniervfions of the various apertions introdu
ced in different edifices, and doors, windows,
chimnies, fky-lifchts, &c. iii pro*
[ tion to their different uses and inteniion£-*-.
whether for beauty or utility : A
mode to take, and square the dimensions oi
[' all kinds of artificer's work belonging to
} buildings, and to ascertain the cubical or fu
perficial contents thereof t Observations of
" the do&rine of echo aftd found : A di/Terta
tion on the philosophy, doctrine, ana con
'• ftruftion of chimnies, to void rtr.emlr t f> e
v 'moke. Propositions and recipes to cure
g smoky chimnies t Observations on the Vnfta
bility of the edifices heretofore, generally,
erf 6ted in America : Suggeftioris of tnodci to
pursue in buildings here, that will, without
additional expence, tend morse to their duai
biiity than thole heretofore, commonly, con
flrufted : Descriptions and proportions o-F
the general and particular members of vari
ous orders in Archlte6ture, viz. the Tuscan,
Doric, lonic, Cofinthian, Composite,' Chi
nese, Attic, Cargatic, Arabefquc, Morefquc,
Orotefque, Saracenic, Rustic, Antique, Anti
quo-Modcrn, Gothic, and Britannic i Many
curious liiftorical accounts of various won
derful buildings in different parts of the
y woild t Many curious and original accounts
and eulogiums on Free Masonry.
"This work will be printed in two oflavo
volumes, eaeh to contain upwards of 400
pages, on fine paper of elegant letter press :
The price to fubferibers, in boards, five
dollars ; two and a half'ljol lars to
be paid on the delivery of the firft, and two
and'a ha if dollar s on the delivery of the
second volume. Mr, Clark assures the public,
that he will literally perform all that he hath
let forth in these proposals.
, 0 Gentlemen inclined to promote this work,
by fubferibing thereto, are requested to write,
le poll paid jto Mr. Joseph Clark, at Annapolis,
authorising hfim to annex theit names to the
fubfeription lift.
The Printers in the United States, are so
licited tQ give these prppofals ocCasionally,
a place in their papers.
Ie '
1- Morris Academy.
>r THIS inftiijiiion is now open for the re
deption of students under the immediate
care of Mr. Caleb RuflfelJ, whose abilities
as an inftruttor, and attachmentto the bu
ll ness have long been known and approved.
)e has under Uim the best aftiftants in
3 the different branches—Tl>e fcbolars arc
)n taught the English, French, Latin, and
Greek lan-gilages, Public-Speaking, Writing,
, Arithmetic, 13eography, Astronomy, and
the various branches of the Mathematics.
The healthy ficuation of this place is f«c
'* as to to those, who wish to
111 have their children in the country. Bcard
>ng> wafiling, mending, &c. will be provid
' cd in good families, and the morals of the
scholars carefully attended to.
Q The price including firewood,
&c. exclusive of the French language) will
not exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo
ney per annum) an addition of three dollars
•b per quarter wiM be mad® to luch scholars
d who are taught the French language. The
?- Directors ar edefeermined to pay such atten
h tion to this institution,' a,§ will render it
refpe&able anß ufeful.
:s TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. ± Diied's.
Morriftowp, May 15, 1794'
e -. d iw. w2m.—^
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed by JOHN FENNO, No. 3, Sou-fw Fourth Street.—Ruce S.x DnttAßs Per Annum.
C ' Ft
Out of the Brig NANCY,
CAVTATN Shapley, at Race-Street Wliaif,
SUGARS in Hoglheads and Barrels, i
lU)JI'EE in Hoglheads, Barrels a4id Bags,
tpptled to drawback.
For Sale, .
JAne p-4th.
.A New Novel.
To the LAViIF.S of Philadelphia.
This Day is' Pullijhed ly |
118, Market street,
Price, bound, five.eighths ot a dollar,few
ed in marble paper, hall -id illnj,
Charlotte, a tale of Truth,
By Mis. ROWSON, of the New Theatre* ,
Phlade phia, Author of Victoria, the In
quififo', the Fillede Chainbi.e, &.c.
Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have
given the following char after. *
IT may be a Tale of 'Truth, "for it >s (
not Un and it U artalc dil- ,
tress. by the artifice of a teach- (
ei, recommended to a school, from hnma
nity rather than a conviction of her inte
grity, or the regularity of her former con
duct, is enticed from her gov£rnef>, and a-
a young officer to America.—
The marriage ceremony, if notforgotten,
ispoftponedj and Charlotte dies a ihartyr
:o the of the and treach
ery ot his friehd—The fit nation* are art
iefs and-affecting—-the descriptions natu
ral and pathetic; we (huiild feeUor jChar
lotte iY fucli a person ever existed, who*
for one error fcarcejy, perhaps, deserved
ib fevertte a ptinifhment. If it is a fic
tion, poetic justice is not, we think,-pro
perly diltributed.
v Said Carey has just published,
A 2 lit eel. map of Kentucky
compiled by*Elihu price one doJ
iarand two thirds.
!. War Atlas, containihg maps of
Germany, Spa n, Italy, tl>e United Provir
ces, the Netherlands, and the Weft Indies.
Price two dollars.
Map of New a doliar.
Maps of Vc mont, Connecticut, Dela
ware, Georgia Price three' eighths of
a dollar each.
April 29: tuth&sgw
* THE fubfeription for this work the
original termr, of twelve dollars and the
binding* will be cloJed this id cm
Monday the fitbfcription will open ?t font
teen dolhrs, excluiive of the price ot' bind -
,n K-
The new maps added to tlVis edition art
twenty one; among which are those o
Ncw-tfampftiire, -MafTachufetts,
cut, Rhode-lHand, Vermont, New York*
NeW'Jerfey, Pennfvlvania, Delaware, Ma
ryland, North Caro
lina, the Geneltee Government, South Ca
rolina, and Georgia. These maps have ne
ver been given in any system o,f
Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone
1 be fufficient to entitle this work to a pre*
1 fer»»nce to any other edition of 1 Guthrie.
N B. The map ol" the United States,
which is compiling by Mr s Simtiel Lewis,
l from the refpe&ive state maps, will be far
'more complete than any one yet published?
and be printed on two large (beets oi
' paper, nearly the size of the late Mr. Mur
ray's map.
! May 31 d
, - - - £
Just Published, '<
s By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at his
Bookjlore, No. 147, MarketJlreet,.
■ The Life of Dr. Franklin,
with a striking lilcenefs, executed in a maf
-3 terly manner by Thackara and Vallance,
e price fivelbillings.
The Ready or Traders' Sure
1! Guide, 3 9
The Young Book keeper's Asftant, 6/3
, The Christian, a poem, by Charles Craw
:, ford, 2/4 > "
5, Efop's Fables, 4JB
e Swan's British 37/6
Pame's cfitto 3 °J
Townajid Country Builder's Aftiftant |
!- 22/6
h In the presS, and frubliffced in a few
days, and.fold as above,
Reflections and Maxims, by
Wijliam Penn, with his advice to his cbil
»- den, JB. •
e 16 mo. 2, 1 ni&wurt
fs ■ ■ ' ;
Gvngrefs of the United States,
n :In Senate, Tuefaay May 13 th, 17.94.,
that Rnfu» Putnam,'Ma.
1 nal' fah Cutler, Robert Oliver and
'' GriflinGreeii, rlo, upon ihe third Monday of
December next, (hew eaufa 10 the Senatr,
s " why so much of the grants of land to them*
the faid.Riit'vrs Putnam, Manaffah Cutler,
0 Robert Oliver and Griffin Greeny pui filant
to an Aft entitled " An ae'b authorizing
the grant and convey!m«o of certain lands
lc to the Ohio Qfmpany of affbeiates," (hall
1 not he decrired void, as may interfere
' with and be fnfficient to fatis£y the claims
) of the French settlers at Galiiopolis.
Ordered, that <he delivery of a copy
'of the above order to Rufns Putnam,
e nad'ah Cutler, Robert Oliver, or Griffin
Green, and Hhe publication of tire fame,
,t °" e inonih, in one of the Gazettes printed
in this City, fhnll be deemed fnfficient no.
tice thereof.
5 Extraa front the Jotmials of Senate.
SAM. A. OTIS, feeretary.
May ,4- lltl .
Excellent CLARET-,
In hogfhcads a fid in cafcs o£ 50 boitlcs eacli 1
A few cases Champaigrve wiAe;
In pipes, hoglheads and quarieFcaflks,
No. in, South Front iticci.
| an. 2, 1 704 dtf
-140 BA K k£.,LS
Best Bolton BEEF,
New-E<igland Rum.
Received by s4e febooncr Belinda, frorn
Boilon, and for fa!e by p.
NalWo' & John Frazier.
No. 81, Walnut Jlreit.
June 20 mw2cs3\v
Richard Johns In the Chancery Court
•v ( of the
John [Veils and ( State of Maryland,
Mordecai Cok. J Mi;y l(>th 1794-
The Complainant hath fil
d sis bill, for t e purpose of obtaining a
cjecrte, >p vest in hiili a complete legal title
to two tracts of land, lying »in Baltimore
cdiluty, one I'ainirrs-Ltvel, con
taining >oo acres, the oyhcr caliqd Profpedt
coi-.tai 1 ',>5 acres. H:; ilile.s,iiiat the laid
John W&ls ou the 16tii tigv of March 1774
con rafted to fei the lam land to the fa>d
M ofdecaiColc,'&rtxecuted to him a bond for
coiivtyancc,'hat the on the fame
day, executed to the kiid \Veils a bond for
the pavm <-nt of the pure! ik* money amoun
ting co £67 5 Pennlylv; a' currency, that
the fajfl C.oie hathfince oii'charged the wbole
of the purchafc jnoney, and Jutli assigned
to ilk cortipi ainatff the fa id bond for con*
veyancej tnat.the aid Wells hath never
executed a deed, agreeably tdJiis contrail
but hath removed out of the ft ate of Mary
land* and now re (ides in tue ft ate of Ken
It is thereupon, and at the request of the
cOmplaiuant, Adjudged, and ordered, that
he procuie a copy of this order to be inferi
tdat lealt fix weeks fucceUively, before
lie firft day of August n?xu in the United
States Gazette at Philadelphia, to the in
tent, that the said John Wells may have no
tice of the complainant's application to
this court* and liiay be Warned td appear
here, 011 orlicfo e the firft Tuesday in Oc
tober next, to ftleW cause wherefore this
court ftlouid not to decree, ag,we
a: ly to the prayer of the and
to .he a$ of afl'emblyj for such cases made
and provided.
Test, , %
Samuel ILirvty Howard.
keg. Cur. Can.
June 13 inw&ftw
.j •?-
PORT, '> WlNESofthe firftquality
"Old''Jamaica Spirit* Antigua and Weft In
dia Rum.
Coniac, French and Peach Brandies
laret and Port Wine of a superior qua
lity in cales.
Win? Cyder and in pipes and
Corks in Bales,Hayannah SegShs in Boxes.
Philadelphia Porter, ip Casks and Bottles
London do. in do. do,
Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do.
> Loudon do. in 00. do. and
> Cyder :a barrels and bottles, prepared for
exportation or immediate nfe,
Benjamin \\T. Morris,
The corner of Dock and Pear fireets,
Where he has provided fuitablc llores and
vaults, for the reception of
WINES, &c.
p . 7
Which he proposes to Jtorc or dispose of
on commifllon
Captains of veflels and o f hers fupplicd
with any of the above LIQUORS bottled,
and feaftores in geneal put up.
- Mnv, 9 tu&f2m
, Just Published,
: In one handsome volume, ij mo. Price 5s
At Franitin's Head, No. 4?, Chefilvt
Natural Equality of Men,
u On the Rights that result from it, aijd on
the Duties which it imposes.
/ To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by
I the Teylerian Society ai Haarlem.
Correßed ctnd Enlarged, by
1). D.
ProfefTor nt Moral Philosophy, and the
? Law ot Nature, and of E-cclefiallical
, History ; and Minister of the English
Chuich at Utrecht.
Alrcjiiid semper ad commtrnem utilitatem
afferendum. ■
Ths Firjl American. Edition.
„/ HPHEgrand |>rinciple of Ecjaality, if
r A rightly understood, is the only bajis
011 Which universal jiilice, facied order,,
and perfect freedom, qan be firmly built,
j, a "d permanently secured. 'fl-e view of
jl i► exhibited in this e(Ta,y, at the fame time
, e H ) at it rep reflex ihe inioJnte of office,
)s *' le tyranny at pule, and the outrages of
Appreffion ; Ciiiilinns, in the mollfof-cible
manner, _ the 'neceffitv .of fuhardination,
nnd the just (IcinanJs ol law ful autliority.
in ■ i( .' far indeed, fiort loofeinrc, the bands
» of focietv, that it r.iafntaiju, in violate c
j very natural wd eve'iy civil JiiliuQiojt.
( diawsmore clo'ely ev.er_v tie^-iMiite,
in one Itan and julHv proportioned
!>'Wein, and iiriojts men rr !, c r on the
even ground ot the inherent 1 iglits of hu
man natire, of reciprocal OMI atie.i, and
of a common relation to the comin\initv.
March 18. nu f
The Public are cautioned
beware tf counterfeited "Five Dollar Bill
of the Bank of the United States, a,,j
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Banlt of No'tb
America, fe-veral of which have app eart s
in circulation within a few days pafi; .
are good general imitation of tbegeajS
I Bills, but may be diffingui/hed by the f'ci.
Fine Dollar Bills of the Bank of tL
United States. J
ALL that have appeared have the Jette
F. for their Alphabetical JVlaik.
The Texture of the Paper U
whiter and rt taices tire ink more freely
than the genuine paper. '
TUe O. in the*wc>fd Company is finalier
than the M. and other letters of thafWprd
so that a line extended from the top of ihe
<\to touch the top'oftbo M. would extend
conliderably above the>range of the whole
In the word United the letters are nar
rower and closer togetlef than tkfi left 0 f
the bill.
The a and /in the word promise are not
parallel, the/inclining much more tor ward
than the a.
The engraving is badly executed the
fttokeS of all the l etters are ft ronger and
the cjevi e in the margin particularly jscnuch
coarser and appears darker than in the true
bills. Some at the counterfritsbear daie i n
J 791— -Whereas ihOj Bank was not in opera
tion till Dectmfeer'j and no five dollar bills
vpi ? iflueeHn jli&t year. r
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of Ndrtb
ALL that have appeared have the letter
B for their alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nearly simi
lar to that of the counteif it Five Dollar
Notes above described; the engraving is
btttet and they approach r.eaier
to t lie appearance of the genuihe hi lis.
The fine 1 tiled J.ncs tbiough the word
1 ivtvlyfjiu the body of the bill, are in num
ber thirteen in the genuine b lis, and but
twelve in the counterfeits.
The tVbrd Company is much like rlje fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills as described
aliuvej the 0 being less -J ban the m, and 0- ,
thers following.
There is no stroke to the t in the word
North whereas in tiie genuine bills theftroke
is vfell defined.
The letters e'nt in the word Twenty toi
the left ha»d at the do not come
down to the line; tut are so cut as to givS
an irregular appearance to the word, the
Tw nvd they going below them.
The figndture ]. Nixon, has the appear
ance of being written with lamb-black and
oil, and differs from other inks used in
priming the bills and the .calhiei's signa
ture. f
It is fupprtfed these forgeries were commit
ted iif some of the southern States, as all the
counterfeits thai have appealed, have come
from rhence, and two persons have been attO
pft'bended in Virginia,oft suspicion of being**
the author Of ibem.
The reward ot ONE THOUSAND DOL
LARS will be paid to any Pet ion or Ptifoni
who shall difct'ver and pjofecute to comic ,
tiou tiie. several offenders ot the following
de'rriptions or any of them, viz. ,
The person or persons, who "rnanufa£hu«
ed thte paper on which the Bills are punted,
The person or perTohs, who Engraved the
The printer or printers, of the bills.
Every person who has a&ed as a principal
in any other way, in the counterfeiting and
uttering the fa id bills.
Philadelphia, {March 28, '794
April 22, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills*
of the Bank of the United btates have ap- *
pea red In ci rculation.
The denomination is of TWENTY
DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark ij
the letter B.
They may be diftingmfhed from the gc*
inline by the following MARKS :
The paper of the counterfeits is of a
more tender texture and glofley fur face
than the arid there is no water
mark in them.
The letter C. in the word Cafbier, in
he true bills is ftrorigly maiked, whereas
in the counterfeits, the whole letter is a
fine hair stroke, evidently in an unfinished
ffate,. The letter a *ir» the word demand,
is badly formed and the whole word ill done
£nd there is 110 comma at theend of it, as
there is in the genuine biffs.
.The marginal device, is much darker
in the falfe, than in the genuine bills 'ow
ing to the lhade strokes being coailer, much
nearer together, and confecjuentl.y mnrh
more numerous. This difference fti ikes the
eye at firft view.
The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending,
<isr prosecuting to con v-itftion the several
above c'efcribed Offenders in refpert to this,
as to the last described bills.
of the Bank CmJedVStatrs.
JOHN NIXON, Prciidcnt of the
| of .North America,
By order of the Committees of the Kef*
pe&rve Boards. 9 "
t' Mai ket-StKc'r
i An Essay on Slavery^
» DeHgned to exhibit in n new point <+f
t view its tyle'&s on murals, indujiry. and the
■ peace of jociety. Some fa£ts and calculation* *
f arc offered to prove the labor of JfCimttt to he
I* much mqire productive than that of ftivi't
? tl\«t fOffnirits are rich,'powerful and
, m proportion as the laboring pepjtff
the fruits oi 1 heir, own l;>bor ; add
5 the condufiorv, that flavqry is
. /3s well as b)ijnjl.
Pft'i tt 25 Cents.
February 15, - dtf
rHE office of the Prelident and D' r e^ oU
«f the Insurance Company of Noht#
[ America, is removed to No. 107, SoutO
Front ftreef, being the south east corner ot
. Front and Walnut streets.