DAILY EVENING ADVERTISE R. V [No. 28 of Vol. VJ To the Public. proposals For ,Eiigfa\'iiig in /Iquatutta, Four feleft Views; Three upon the river Siiannaniloah, in theftateof Virginia ; And one upon the Schuylkill, 111 the ft ate of Pennsylvania. From the paintings us IV. H'mjlantey j , By G. y. PARKYNS. , Vo: i. A ♦«*'), by moon-iight, on the SKannandoa'n, near jbe 'Great Cliff, frum thefoitt of SBsrtnon Hill. HJo. 2. The Sun fettjng-—a view of the H<>vfe ifroiTi Sbannorr HUI., Ko. 3. A morning view upon the Schhy!- Ji'irt, novtr the commencement of the Canal. Nn. 4. Tlx: Siin di/peifing a t og l — A. View lipoo The from a hill oi the Old Rlporaeiy. ■" Tie Qoii&itmt 4ft ttsfdlciv t The Price to Sf^bfcrilvr will bfe SIX DOLLARS for the tour Views —O: ha.i of wfcich to be«paicl at thx tun? ol Jfiji''fcnn ing—-! he other half on tHe -delivery of the Frills, acconJing to the priority of thp fui> ret«V«i at Mr. Dobfon' , faOife'.lat,, dl Ihe Stone Honfe, Setdrid itedf, ,?nd lit Mr. Joseph Anthony's, Silver Smth, Markei St'Mt. AmV- at Mr. Jitfin M'Etwee's, N'rf. 7 J fAslh FVont Jn!> 11 Christiana Mills For Sale. OH Monday the firfl day of September rcxt at 8 o'clock in the evening, at the Coffee Houle in the city of Philadelphia, tfrifl be fold by public vendue, two tracts or puce.l of land situated in \Vhite GHay Cicek hurdrcd.New CafMe county and (late of Delaware; one of which contains about sixty acres of highly improved land, on it area large two story brici: dwellinghoufq 1 convenient bfick barnj with ftabling«nid a ore foft and fender, the strokes of the letters, in the engraving are in general ftrouger, and. have a datker appearanceJhan in ihe Mils. The figiMture William Pattepfo'n, is badly, dope, the strokes of the letters, are fliff and labored, and appear to be painted over With the pen. as well as the flourishing of the name. The value is left blank in ihe engraving, to he filled up in writing, so the sum rnay be ir.oreor lels at plcafilre. No tine Post-Notes of the alphabetical itmk< above d< feribed, have been lately if lucd, and very few we now in circulation. Tht above reward of One Thousand dol lars v»ilj be paid any person, or petfons, ivbofhall discover, or prosecute t6 convi&ion, the ftveral offenders, or any of them, of the following description, viz. Theptrfonor persons, who ertgraved the plate. Tht prinrer, or printers of the /aid bitls. n who ha* aOed as principal in • aryvcy , n .foe counterfeiting and uttering the fad bills. VILEIAM PATTERSON. Present, of the Bank ol Maryland. . I- urmrf, April 8, 1794. Havaimah jfugars MELASTrES, Landing at Hamilton's wliarf, froth the Brig Induil'ry. • t ' v Boilrdcaus Brandy, Red and White Wine, lii hogsheads and cases* Landing at -Walnut ibvet wharfj from the fTiip Amer \cy |)etTon or pcrlon, co partnerships, or bodies politic neglecting or refilling to pay the fame at the time p e scribed for paymtnt thereof, (hall respec tively forfeit to thfeufe of the Company all the monies previoullv paid oo account of he {hare and lhares rcfpeftivelv, in pay ment whereof, such (Tefaulvlhall be hiadi as aforefaid, together with all right, ti tle, interest, emolument, profit, claint and demand, of, into and out of ;he fun3s of ohe fair, company, and the piofits aiifing therefrom. By o r dJr of the PreGdent 8: Diie&op, Ebenezer Hazard, Sec'y. Office of the Insurance Company ot* North America. STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA In the Hoiife of RepreJentalives 9 /December 21it,*793. WHEREAS the Commiflionersot pub lic Accourus.H.ivc reported, that they cannot proceed 10 the invettigation of the Irealury Accounts, resetting fpeclal In dents, without knowing the outstanding a mount thereof in circulation —Therefore. Refolptd % sThat all holders of ipeciaf In dents be dirc&ed, and re} A few BOXES bf Sugars, fnuff,. chocaiate, & Confectionary^ Latelv received irdirt tlie H.;ivanfiah Jnfy 3 hr£e apprentices of honest pa rents, are wanted. July 11 Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR 8- TONES, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith; May 14. d ° NANKEENS; Ndiikeens of Superior 'yality\ Long and short pieces ■Long and ihort black fattins, Black Taffetiesj jmd Senfhaws, \ Black and coloured I rnlia sewing Sjlk, Ornamental beakers, And a few long sets of Tea China. Coloured Sattins, Lu/lrihss, and T 0 B I N E S, FOR SALE AT No. 40, north Fifth Street. July 7 mw&ftf Nicholas Diehl, Attorney at Law y INFORMS his t'riends and the PilWic, that he has o|>ened an.OFFICE to* the fate and purcftafc of fyeai fiftates at No. ig south at re be vvfll cbnnJc fliriy receive. Uieir co manrfs. fle also draws Deeds, Mortgages, jmcf other Writ ing. - June 10 FOR' SALE, At the STORES of jeffe & Robert Wain, POUT WINE in-pipes, hhds. and quar ter calks' LISBOiSI do. in pipes and quarter calks Souchong and Congo TEAS, in qiiarter g. chests A quantity of LiCbon and Cadiz SALT Soft fhetied ALMONDS in bales'* Velvet QOKKS. in do. Kyflla- MAtTS. j uWe 9 d : Tbe Ground Plan OF» THE . - Citv and Suburbs Philadelphia. < TAKEN FROM ACTUAL iVRi'RT* jrt is with plea fine ibat the publiflier has ro inform his fnbfcribers and the public iri generaU-tjvat tlie p'ate is how under the hands of the e'ngraverj find in greater for wardrfs than was at firft contemplated. At the fame tirrie l?e begs leave to remind them, th-'t fnbfa ijtfion papers {ireftill o pen at inoft of t!»e nbretl book-llbres in the city ; and that he hopes from the whole of them to be enabled to #o■ m Jitetf a ref pe&abte rfitatagnp of names, sswiH do a credit to trie work', as well as afford a reasonable encouragement to the under, taker. 0 Theft who are desirous of further infor mation are leq'uefled to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market iireet. AJsfilcM. ADVERTISEMENT. LETTERS on the fubjeftof the WaOi inetuh Lottery, bcin'j by miflake repeat edly addreJT-d to the Commlffiotiers for the City of Vv aOiington. Persons concerned ire hereby in form M, that all such ihould b< aildrefied either to W. Deakins jujn. pf V. ifhiflgton, or to the Subscriber. The r m • nTioners never hav ing contemplated any further concern in thjs bufiiielVj than iri their afTent to' receive flu tojicli aiid •approve the names of the managers. The prizes have been pai4an4 are on demand by W. Deakins, Wnfhir.jton, Peter' Oilman, Bcftcm, and by ;he Subforiber. For the Lottery No. 2, the fectirities al ready given will be retained by the com miiTioners, or transferred by them at their option t;o the l >auk of Colurfibia ; and the coitimiffioners will be eonfulted refpedHng a judicious and equitable difjsofition of the houses tr> be built thereby ; their treasury or the bank of Columbia vyill receive the money intended for ike National Uhiver fity, and will be eonfulted in the no mination of the 24 managers ; but all the refponfihjlily rdpedting the general dispo sition of the tickets, and payment of pri zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on the~perfons whose names a,re and may be hereafter published as affiflants to forward "his bullneis with N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particularly obliged if those perfpns who poGefs prizes yet unpaid, will apply for their motley as early as pofiible. „ June 7th. d. Bank of the United States, July 7th, 1794. NOTICE is hereby given, that here will be pai&at the Bank after the fixtenth instant, to the Stockholders or the r re pre- duly autnorifec?, fix teen Dollars for each flu re, being the dividend declared tar the l»ft fix months, By order of the President and Directors. JOHN KEATvJ,. Cafliier. eodim. Philadelphia, July 7, 1794 Whereas James KT Gargle of Cheltenham "lownfhip |n Monigi mery County in ihe Commonwealth ot Pennfyiva nia, b*y his Bill exhibited to the Judges of ihe Coyrt o4 Common Pleas in and tor the said CbuntV, let forth that fimdrv Title deeds by which he holds a certain Meffiiage & fixty four acres of Land :n the fa:d Towu(hip, were greatly injured and defaced by Occident; and prayed that examination of witndfes might be taken in order, 4 that their teftimoriy of his jtie to ihe said Parnj should b"t perpetuated, Wheieupon, on motion of William M, Srfiith, Efquite, ol CounfeJ lorthe fa-id James'M'Gar jtle,' it was considered by the laid Jqfjgtf in' the said Conrt, that th 2 prayer of the (*aid Bill of right ought to and George Campbell aiid Jt>hn Danaldfon, Efqutre*,' wee appointed Commifllonfrj to take the said eJfrmitWon, to whom a Corftnikilion under fdrm of Law hath been issued. jun. PubUc Notice is hereby given, th it the laid Co'mmUTioners have appo:rrted Wcdncfday, the gO'h day of July* at 3 o'clock, in (lie-afternoon of the fame day, to meet at the house the laid William M. Sqiith, vthr fopth-6aft corner of Chefnut and Fifth-Streets in the Cii-vof Fhfla dclpliia, to take the (aid examinations. . JAMES M : CAROLE tuthl£:*f July 11, [Whole No. 578.] Choice Si. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, And fer Sale, By JAMES YARi). A!fo a quantity of RUSSIA Matts. Jure 34th. d. LANDING tit Hamilton's vhaif, a! ove the Drawbridge, out of the ftiip Bacchus Ccpt. Vaknt.max, I'ioni Jamaica, " May ii Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, WalUfticct, New-York? TH R Subscriber intending to confine b'm leit entirely to the Pt'KCHASE and SAKE of STOCKS on COMMISSION,b gs leave to ofi' r hislervices to his friends and Others, in tbt-line of a Stock Broker. Those who may plcale to favor htm with their Bufi. ness, may depend upon having it traniaflcd with the mrnoft fidelity dtjd *ii (pitch. Oider/tfom Philadelphia, Bcifton, or any other £avt >*t the. United States, will be ttriftt)' attended to. iEON'ARO BLEECKEJ}, JUST PUBLISHED, By Thomas Dob/on, at the Stone House, JVo. 41, south Seco J Jlreet, 'VOL. 11. •» . Medical Inquiries O IVS El VATI BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. WoU lTor of the Inftitutcs ol Medicine, and m&thtf I. An itiquiiy into the influence of phyfic?l caules upon the moral faculty. 2i An inquiry iuto the ®fle&s of.fpiritous li quors njictt the banian body, a.tjd their in fluence upon :he hrippinefs of Totiety. 3 An ihquiry into the caufts and cure of the pulmoiiaiy confuppnon. 4. Obfcrvh/iofis on the cure of dropfics. x 5. An Inquiry into the caufcsand the cute of internal idiopfy of the brain. 6. A.n account of Irie rtteaflcs, as they ap peared in Philadelphia, in the vear 1789. 7. An account of the rnfluenza, as it,.appeer ed in ?»t»i ladeiplua in thanagemt»nt, ot Jnfanis from the birth,, adapted for ibeuTe of physicians and private fair>ilics* . Bf SfichAel JJnderwobd, M. D. Licentiate ot Midwifery m the Royal Col lege at Physicians in London, and Fhyfic ian of the Btitifh J-yifig-in-Hofpital, S. BIODGET. Price one Dollar* This is a< know led ged 10 be the Left booi which has bcep.pubji.ihcd on the ftfbje#, auC is calculated "for the w .ule of parents. nurfrsj and private families* as well as for phyficir.r.s —The two volumes handiomcly printed in one, and ihe p» ice only about one thiid of whafcihe imported copies fell for. t . , )r > ~ . The Edinburgh New t)ifpenfatbnr, two doitais. System of Sofgcr.y, extrnfted from the works, of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Watcjs, 2 dols. ce'nts. System of Anatomy, extraflfd from the ■ with I 2 copperplates, 2 dols. System of Cbemiflry, extracted from the Encyclopedia, exhibiting a: view of the p ■)- *rcls of the fcicncce,'and the different lyftems which hav£ been ptibli/hed, 2 d<4s. $0 ten's. Krown s Elements of 2 dois. 67 cents* f * Dobfcn has in the Press■, Ari edition ot the Medical *nd f'nrlofophi ral Commentaries of Two vfc|- unjies arc printed i» v one at 2 d*»lUr4 r® ;et»ts jSrr volume ; he has nearly firUfhed tfie ivr fird volumes, which contain.the tint »en 'ojumes of the European edition, which fell or two dollars each. Nine vo/tmics will "m ---lude eighteen European volumes, which v ill bnog the publication up 10 the present im.c*. likf zvi/e for sale a cqnjtd'erahle number of *c Medical Books, viz. Practice, Materia iWedica, Fliyfi and Sfyoftpfi's. Bell's S.irgtiV, 6 vols or 4 vols, dp. o* tjfeers, Buchair's JDcmdtic Medicine," Lfrf/an's Surgery, Chefeidvp't A»- Hwnu'r on the Venereal, S*c6tice in the Untver fityo* fenrifyjvania. C K t. A I N I NC V oj. ' I.—p ART I m&'thi-'