Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, July 14, 1794, Image 4

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    P!ti!*de!phla, Marc\ j i79#
No. 118, Market Jireet,
Modern Geography t
'Geographical, Historical., ana
Commercial Grammar;
s A nrl p v eTe npit are of-1 he ft? aj
tuN'r.M NC,\
I-. Tiv» figure"?, motions, autf distances of
the the ton'un fyf
terii and the latest obfeVvatiorjs ,*
2. A geirertitvie\v as the earth,considered
*s a I'everui iifefiil geirgrapSic&l
definitions auti problems.
3- The g ,aii'd cJivifions of the glofe in to
land arjd continents and illaiuls. /
The fit nation and extent of empires',
kingdom';, Hares, provinces'and colonies.
5- Tl*etr climates, foil, vegetables,
j3rod;iftlaiis, metals', minerals, natural ciiri
dliti es, feti s, rLv e r s, cape s, promo ntor ie s,
and lakes. - »•
6. The birds and beasts peculiaY to each
CO J itrv.
7- Observations on the changes that have
been any \Vhfcre observed upon the face ot
since the most early periods of his
tory. t
8. The friftory a<nd origin of natrons;!
' theu forms of government, religion, laws,
rev_*uies,taxes,waval and military strength
9- The genius, manners, cuftonis, and
habits of the people.
10. Theirlanguage,learning,artSj fcien
cfisj manufactures, and commerce.
11. The eHief cities, ftrurtur'es, rtiiHs,
and artificial curiosities- ... ,
12. The longitude, latitude, beaVings,
and <1 ift a npe 3 t>f principal places from Phila
To which arc added.
1. A Geographical Index, with the
names and places alphabetically arranged.
2. A Table ot the Coin.; of all nations,
and their val.ue in dollars and cents.
/ 3. A Chronological .Table of remarka
ble events,from the creation to the present
The AstronomiCal Part corre<sted by
D l '. Rittenhouse.
|To which hive been added, *
in he late Discoveries of Dr. Herschell,
and other.erninent Astronomers.
Corrected, Improved, and greatly "Enlar
"the firft volume conta-ns twenty-one
Map? end Charts,beiidei two Agronomical
Plates, viz.
I. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the
,WOrle Europe. 4. Ada. 5. Africa. 6.
South Aiiisrica. 7- Cook's difcovenes.
8. Countries round the north Pole. 9*
. Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. iO. Se
ven United Provinces. 11. Austrian,
French and Dutch Netherlands. 12. Ger
triauyS 13 Seat of war in France. 14*
France divided "into departments. 15*
Switzerland. V 6. Italy, and Sar
dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. 18.
Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19. Ire
land. 20. Weft-Indies. 21. Vermont. 2i.
Ar miliary sphere. 23. pernican system.
With the second volume, which is now
in the press, will be given the following
Maps :
1. Ruifia in Europe and Asia.
2. Scotland.
, 3. England and Wales.
5. China.
6. Hindoftan.
f. United States.
8. Britifli America.
9. State of New-Hanipftiire.
10. State of Maflachufetts/
11. State of Connecticut.
iar State of Rhode-Island,
13. Sfate of New-York.
14. State of New-Jersey;
15. State of Petmfyl vania.
16. State of Delaware.
,7. State of Maryland.
18. Stats of Virginia.
19. State of Kentucky.
20. of N'orth-Carolina.
21. Tennessee Government.
22. S'ate of South-Carolina.
12 3. State of Georgia.
j. This work will tte compriled in two
i. Subscribers pay for the prelent volume
ondeliverx, fix dollars, and the price of
binding, (56 cents for boards.)
J. They may receive the succeeding vo
lume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at
a quarter dollar each, 6r else, when fi
niflied, at the fame price as flie firft.
4. The fubl'cription will be raised 011 the
firft day of June i? 94, to fourteen dol-
excluhve of binding. ;
Should any copies remain for sale after
the completion of the work, they will be
fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of
6. The names of the fublcribers will be
publilhed as patrons of American litera- %
tuie, arts, and sciences.
It is wholly unneceliary to expatiate on
the advantage,to American teaders, that
this edition poflelTes, over every imported
edition of any system of Geography extant.
The addit tion of maps of the feveeal testa.-,
procured a very great expehfe, and from
the belt materials that are attainable,
speaks such full convkftion on this
tßat it would be difreffieft to the read
er's understanding to suppose it raquifite
to ' enter into a detail of arguments to
prove its fuperiorSty. In no Pimilar work
bave-fuch maps ba6ne.ver introduced.
"f'he emendationsand additions which
are made in this work,are innumerable,and
occur in every page. The public are re
ferred to the preface for a flight sketch
of. a few of them.
The publi filer takes the present oppor
tunity of returning his ipoft sincere thanks
to tbofe refpe&able characters who'have
favored him with documents for improv
ing the maps of several of the states He
requests a consonance of tVrr
and hopes that such public spirited citizens,
as are pofleflfed of limilar documents, will
favor him with theii aftiftance in peifecV
10g.l1 is undertaking- '
The extrnordinary.egeoovagement'with
whiclA lie has been favored, has excited
in his b«eaft the warftiell fentimen f s of gr«
titude-Meiits which rime will not ei
•ace. He pledges himfelf to the cinzens
oft he United Suites, to fp-ue neither pains
nor expeofe to render the pr lent edition
of Guthrie's "Geography improved, defcrv
ing of their patronage. wafrf
Joseph Clark,
Prepgjes to fniblijb, by fubftriptiorf,
The American Builder.
A Work cdlc.ilaurd equally to edify and en
tfcitain the Gentleman, Fanner,Sur-
veyo/, Builder & Mechanic.
THIS will contain various opinions
of the best writerfcpon Architecture, Arts,
and Science ; together with experiments, and
accurate notes of observation, by the author;
being the refuit of thirty years study and ex
perience in his profciflon.
It will alio contain an alphabotical account
of the Quality and value of the various kinds
of materials, and numerous species of labor,
exp> nded on building.,
Exemplifications', toaTcertain tho-quanti
ties of materials a«d labor to com
plete, almost, every part in a building, of
whatever dimensions.
An account and explanation of all the
terms and phrafesj used in ancient and mo
dern architecture and building.
To pferfons inclined tobyilu, itywi?l afford
an opportunity of regulating theii plans with
in i* e compass of their finances, and prepare
them to prevent impositions trohn tricking
venders of materials, and extortionate woik
men—To Mechanics, who cannot, for want
of experience, calculate the value of their
refpedlive labour, and materials expended in
their particular branches of 'budding, -this
work will afford an opportunity to estimate
with facility and accuracy, any done or in
tended to t»e done, either in tne aggregate or
the minutii.
It ill contain many eurious and valuable
retipcs to make fine and coarse varnifhes,fot
preterving roofs 9! houses, barns, pilings,
troughs, pipes, See. Pecipes to make vari
ous glues and cenrmty; recipes to make coin
pofitions tor elegant, 'or minute ornaments,
and enrichments for oufide or inside com
partments : recipes to make composition tor
figures and inci uftations-*to ;enduie the
weather ifi any atpefcl; recipes to make stuc
co comoofitions, for floors, malt-lrOules, dif
tillcries, hearths, linings for cift'ri**, y &c.
Tables to afctrtain the scantling oi different
fpccies of timber necessary to perform their
relpeftive fun&ions, ijn proportion to their
various fufpeniions : Tables to afccrtain the
dimensions of the various N apertions introdu
ced in different edifices, sfhd doors, windows,
chimnies, [ky-lights, lia:t-cafes, &c. in pro
tion to their different uses and intentions—*
whet he 1 for beauty or utility 2yV concife
rn ode to take, and square the diinenfions of
all kind's of artificer's work belonging to
buildings, and to ascertain the cubical or fu
peificial contents .thereof: Obfervatiohs of
the do£lrine of echo and found : A diilerta
tion on the philosophy', dottrioe, and con-
Itruftion of chimnies, to void or emit the
(moke. and recipes to cure
♦ frnoky chimnies : Observations on the insta
bility of the- edifices heretofore, generally,
ereftcd in America' of modes to
pursue in buildings here, that will* without
additional expence, tend more to their dura
bility than thole heretofore, commonly, con
ttrufted : Descriptions and proportions of
the general and particular members of vari
ous orders in Archite&ure, viz. the Tuscan,
Doric, lonic, Composite, Chi
nese, Attic> Cargatic, Arabesque, Moresque,
Grotesque, SaraceuicJ Rustic, Antique, Anti
quo-Modern, Gothic, and Britannic : Many
curious historical accounts of various won
derful buildings- in different parts of the
world : Many curious and original accounts
and eulogiums on Efee Masonry.
This work will oe printed in two octavo
volumes, each to contain upwards of 400
pages, on fine paper of elegant letter press :
The price to fubferibers, in boards, five
dollars; two and a half dollarslo,
be paid on the delivery of the fijft, and two
and a half dollars on the delivery,of the
second volume. Mr. Clark atfures the public,
that he will literally perform all that he hath
set forth in these proposals.
Gentlemen inclined to promote this woik,
by fubferibing thereto, are requcfted to write,
paid, to Mr. Clark, at Annapolis,
authorising him to annex tneir names to the
fubfeription lift.
The Printers in the United States, are so
licited to £ive rtiefe proposals occafiorially,
a place in their papeis.
Morris Academy.
THIS institution is now open for the re
ception of students under the immediate
care of Mr. Caleb RuiTellj wliofe abilities
as an inftruttor, and attachmentto the bu
siness have long been known and approved.
He has under him the best afliftants in
the different branches—Tt*he fcbolars arc
taught the Englifti, French, Latin, and
Greek languages, Public-Speaking/Writing,
Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, and
the various branches of the Mai hematics.
The healthy ficuation of this place is Cue
as r to recommend ii to those, who wifti to
have their children in the country. Board
ing, walking, mending, &c. will be provid
ed in good families, and the morals of the
scholars carefully attended to.
The price including tuition, firewood,
•&£. exclulive of-the French language) will
not exteed thirty pounds proclamation mo
ney per anaum) an'addition of three dollars
per quarter will be mad* to such scholars
who are taught the French' language. The
Directors ai edctermined topayfuch atten
tion to "this institution, as will reuder it
refpcflable and ufefnl
,» TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. V Dire&'s.
Morriftown, May 1 1794
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed bv JOHN FENttO, N». 3, Sowth Focrth Street Price Six Dollars P ia A
Out of the Brig NANCY,
Captain ShapleY, at Race-Street Wharf,
SUGARS in Hogiheads and Barrels,
GO ll' EE in Hoglheads, Barrels and Bags,
Entitled to drawback.
For Sale,
Jun'e 74th.
A New Novel.
To the LAkfIES of Philadelphia.
This Day is Publtjhed by
11&, Market street,
k Price, bound, five-eighths ot" a dollar, Tew-
Ed in v»arblepaper, ball * dollar,
Charlotte, a tale of Truth,
By Mrs. KOWSON, of the New
Phladelphia", Author of Vitftnrja, thejn
quifitoi', she F'llle de Chambi e, &c.
Charlotte, the Reviewers have
given ihe following charaßer. .
IT may be a Tale of Truth, for it is
not and it is a talc of real dii
trolls. Charlotte, by the artifice of a reach
e«, recommended'to a school, from f lvnma
nity rather than a convi&ion of her inte
grity, or the regularity of ber former cor
du&, is enticed from her governed,
ccompanies a young officer to America.—-
The marriage-ceremony, if not forgot ter, |
is postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr
to the inconstancy of the ovfer, and treach
ery of his'friend.—The Situations are art
lete and affecting—-the descriptions natu
ral and pathetic; we ftiould feel for Char
lotte if such a person ever existed, who
for one error scarcely, perhaps,
so severe a punishment. If it is a fic
tion, poetic justice is not, we think, pro
Said, Carey has jiifl published,
A 2 sheet map of Kentucky
compiled by Elihu Barker, piice ore cioi
iar and two thirds.
War Atlas, containing maps oi" France,
Germany, itdly, the United Provin
ces, the Netherlands, and the Weft: Indies.
Price two dollars,
Map of New Jerley—Half a dollar.
Mips of Vermont, Comiefticur, Deli
ware, Georgia-*—-I'r ice three eighths of
a dollar each, '
April 29.
THE fubfeription for this work bn the
original terms, of twelve dollars arid the
binding, will be doled .this day—and on
Monday the fubjcription will open at forty
teen dollars, of the price of bind
The new maps added to this edition are
twenty one ; among which are thole of
Ncw-Hamplhire, Maffafchufetts, Coune&i
cut, Rhode-Island, Vermont, New York,
New- Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ma
ryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North 'Caro
lina, the Genelfee Government, South Ca
rolina, and Georgia. These maps have ne
ver been given in any former system of
Geography, and, it is hoped, would qilone
be fnfficient to entitle this work to a pre
ference to any other edition of Cuthrie.
N B. The map of the United States,
which is compiling by Mr, Sinuel
from the re'fpe&ive state maps, will be fa;
more complete than any one yet pubJiflied,
and be printed on two large (beets of
.paper, nearly the fizc'of the late Mr, Mur
ray's map. v
May 3t
Just Published,
By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at his
Bookjlore, No. 147, MarketJlrcet,
The Life of Dr. Franklin,
with a striking likeness, executed in a mas
terly manner by Thackara and Vallance,
price fivefhilling^.
The Ready Keckoner, or Traders' Sure
Guide, 3 9
The Young Book keeper's Afliftant, 61/3
The Christian.a poem, by Charles Craw
ford, 2/4
Elbp's Fables, 4JB
Swan's British Arehiteft, 37/6
Fame's jiiitto 3°J
Town and Country Builder's Afliftant.
ln tht press, be published in a few
} days, (Bid fold as aboi>e 9 i
Reflections and Maxims, by
WiJliam Penii, with his advice to his chil
den, 4JB.
16 mo, 2, 1794
Congress- of the United States,
In Senate, Tuefaay May 13th, 1794.
ORDERED, that Rufm Putnam, Ma
nal" fah Cutler, Robert Oliver and
Griffin Green, do, upon the third Monday of
Decembei next, (hew cause to the Senate,
why so much of the grants of land to ihem
the iaid Puifln Putnam, Manaiiah Cutler,
Robert Oliver and Griffin Green, pursuant
to an Aft entitled " An a(t authorizing
the grant and conveyan*e of certain lanrfs
to the Ohio Company of alTociates," flj£ll
not be declared void, as pjay interfere
with and befufficient to fatisfy tbe cluims
of the French settlers at Galliopolis.
Ordered, that the delivery of a copy
of the above order to Rufus Putnam, Ma
riaffah Cutler, Robert Oliver, or Griffin
Green, and the of (lie fame,
one .nonih, in one of the Gazettes printed
inthjsCity, (Kail be deemed firfficient no
tice thereof.
lExtraA from the Journals of Senatt.
SAM. A, OTIS, fecretaiTi
,■ May 14. . r ra .
diw. w2n>. —
Excellent CLARET,
In hogsheads and in cases of 50 bottles each
A few cases Champaigne wine ;
In pipes, hogfhenis and quarter calkb,
'• FOR SALE BY *■'
No. til, bonrfi Front lLieer.
]an. 2. 17<»4'
Best Bolton BEEFj
New-England Rum,
Received by tfife schooner Bcliruta, from
Boston, and for faie by
Nalbro''& John Frazier. 1
No. 8 1, Walnut Jlreet.
June ao
Richard Johns r ~S In the Chancery Court
i< ( of the ' ,
Jlbn Wells and f State of Maryland,
"Mord:cai Cole* J May i6th 1794- J
The Complainant hath fil
td his bill, for t e purpose of" obtaining a
decree, 10 veil in him a complete legal title
to two tracts ol land, lying in Baltimore
bounty, one tailed Painters-Level, con
taining 100 acres, the other called Profpeft
contai 145J acres. He the laid
John Wejls ou the 16th day of March I
contracted to fell Hie laid land to the said
\toi(leca\,Cole,&executed'to him a bond for
corrVcyanerjthat the fajd Cole, on the fame
day, executed to the said "Wells a bond for
tiie paviiunt of Hie pui chafe money afmoun
ting to j£ 675 Penniylvania currency, that
the laid Cole hat Wince discharged the whole
of the purchafemoney, and hath alligned
to the complainant the laid bond for con
veyance; that the 'aid Wells hath never
executed a deed, agreeably to 1 his contract
! but hath removed out of the ftatebf Mary
; land, and now rt fides in the ftateVof Ken
tucky. .
It is thereupon, and at therequeft of the
complainant, adjudged, and ordered, that
he procure a copy of I his order to be infert
tdat least fix weeks before
he firft day of Aiiguft next, in the United
States Gazette at Philadelphia, to the in
rent, that the said John Weils may have no
tice of ilie application to
this court, and may be warned to appear
here, on orbefo* e the firft Tuesday in Oc-*
tober next, to lliew cause wherefore this
court ftiouid not prncudto decree, agree
ably to the prayer of the complainant, and
to the a£t ©t aifeinbly, tor such cases liiade
and provided. }
Samuel Harvey Howard.
Keg. <Jur. Can,
June 13
PORT, k WlNEsofthe-firftqu'ality
Old Jamaica S, irit, Antigua and Weft In
th'a Rum.
Coniac, French arid Peach Brandies
Claret arm Port Wine of aXuperior qua
lity-in cases'.'
Wine Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes and
Corks in Bales,Ha vannah Segars in Boxes.
Philadelptyg Porter, in Caiks and Bottles
London do. in do. do.
Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do.
London do. in do. do. and
Cyder :n barrels and bottles, prepared for
exportation or immediate life,
Benjamin W". Morris,
The corner of Dock and Pear Jlreets,
Where he lias ;»rovi<led (uitable stores and
vauhs, for the receptjon of
WINES, & c .
Which he proposes to flore or dispose of
on commission
Captains of vessels arid others fupplicd
with any of the above LIQUORS bottled,
and feaftores in fteneal put up.
May 9
Just Published,
In one handsome volume, 12 mo. Price 5 s
At Franklin's Head, No. 4:1, Che/uut
Natural Equality of Men,
On the Rights that result from if, and on
the Duties which it inipofes.
To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by
the Te'ylerian Society at Haarlem.
> Corrected and Enlarged, by,
Profeflor of Moral Philosophy, and the
knv of Nature, and of Kcclefiatiical
History ; and Mitiifter of the Engiifh
Chuich at Utrecht. <•
Aliquid Temper ad commxinem utilitatem
afferendtim. Cicero.
*Pbe Fuji American Edition.
THEgrand principle of Equality, if
rightly underflow!, is the only basis
on which universal jtiftiee, sacred order,
antl perfect freedom, can be firmly built,
and permanently secured. The vew of
it exhibited in this ciTs v, at the fame time
that it reprefles the insolence of office,
the tyranny of pi ide, and the outrages 01
oppression j confirms, in tlit- most forcible
manner, the neceflity of fubordi nation,
and the jtift demands of lawful authority.
So far indeed, from loofeuing the bands
of lociety, that it maintains inviolate, e
very natural and every civil diftindtion,
draws more cloely evei y racial tie* unites
in one harmomious and juttly proportioned
fyfteai, and brings men together on the
even ground of the inherent rights of hu
'man nan re, of reciprocal obligation, and.
oi a common relation to the community.
March 18. tuts
The Public are cautioned t®
beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bi/J,
of the Bank of the United States, and
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank ofNo r ti
America, J'everul of <whieh have appe.*,-{
in circulation 'within a few days fujl;
are good general imitation of the genui/e
Bills, but may be dijlinguijhed by the fiU
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank, of ttit
United States.
ALL that have appeared have the letter
F. for their Alphabetical MaTk.
The Texture of the Paper is thicker and
whiter and it takes the ink mote fitely
than the genuine paper.
The O. in the word Company is fmal'er
than the M. and other letters of that word
so that a line extended from the top of ih.'
O, to touch the top of the M. would extend
considerably above the tange of the whole
word. •>. ✓
In the word United the letters are nar
rower and closer together than the reft of
the bill.
The i and J in the word proniife are not
parallel, the/inclining much mole forward
than the i
The engraving is bai I y executed, the
-t kes of all tile Letters are ftiongei' and
the rievi e in themargin particularly i'sn.uch
coaifcr and appears darker than in the Hue
bills. Sonne ol the counterfeits beat date in
' 791— VV ..ereas ihfii Baink was not in npei a
tion till December, and no five dollar bills
vere tfTiied in ihat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
( Anterica.
ALL that have appeared have thp lette
B. for their alphabetical mark. r
They are priptedon a paper neifty firni.
iartothat of the FWe,Dollai
Notes ; the engraving is
bettei and they approach nearet
to the appearance,of the genuine bills.
The, fine ruled lines through the word
Twenty, in the body of the bill, ar(rin .num
ber tli i teen in tlie genuine bills,'and but
twelve in the counterfeits.
The word Company is much like the fafrie
word in the Five Dollar Bills as ctefc) ibed
above, the o less than A the in, and o
tlters following:.
There is no ftroketo the / in the word
North whereas in the genuine bills theftroke
is well defined.
The letters evt in the word Twenty, to
the left ihand at the bottom, do not come
down to the line, but ire so cut as-to give
aif irregular appearance to the word, the
Ttv and the v going below'thein. "
The fignatute | Nixon, lias the appear
ance of being written with lamb-black and
oil, and differs from other inks ufta in
pricing the bills and the cafiiiei's signa
ture. * "
It is supposed these forgeries were commit
ted in lomeofthe Southern States, as all the
counterfeits thai have appeared, have come
from thence, and two persons have been ap
prehended in Virginia, on suspicion ol._being
the author of them.
The re wit? of ONE THOUSAND DOL
LARS will be paid toanyPerfon or Pttfons
v\ ho shall difcovQr and piofecute to convic
tion the leveral offenders of the following
iptions or any of them, viz.
The person or pcrfons, who manufactur
ed the pape/ on which the-Bill* are printed.
The per*bn o* petfoiis, who engraved the
The printer or printers, of the bifls.
Every pei {on who has afled as a principal
in any-other way. in the counterfeiting and
utteiing the said bills.
Philadelphia, March 1794
April 22, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank of the United States have ap
peared in circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY
DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark is
the letter B.
They may be diAinguifhed from J,b* ge*
nuinc by the following MARKS :
The paper of the counterfeits is of a
more tender texture a«jd glofley fur face
than the genuine, and there is no water
mark in them.
The letter G. in the Word Cashier, in
he true bills is strongly marked, whereas
in the counterfeits, the whole letter is a
fine hair stroke, evidently in an unfiniftied
state. The letter a in the wcjij] demand,
is badly formed and the whole word ill done
and there is no comma at theend of it, as
there is in the genuine bills.
The marginal device, is much darker
iri the falfe, than in the genuine bills ow
ing to the shade being coarser, much
nearer and conlequently nikicli
11101 e numerous. This difference strikes ihe
eye at firft view*
The lame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending,
& ptolecuting -?to conviction tlie several
above rfe(bribed Offenders in refpe<?f to this,
as to the last described bills. A
o! the- B.uik L'nmd Stairs.
JOHN NIXON, Prcfidentof the
Bank ol Nonh America.
By order of the Committees of the Ref
pc6hve Boards.
Aii Eflay on Slavery,'"
Defined to exhi6it*4n a new point of
view iu-rffedsoo inuraTu ivdujirx, and the
peace ojJocjcty. Some iacU and calculation*
ait oilercd <o prove ilje labor ol i'rttmtn to he
much more produflwc -than that ol f'-n ■ ;
that conjunct arc rich, powciful and
in proportion as the laboring people jrnjoy
ihe liuuj of their own 'labor ; and hrrce
fhc ncceltaiy cotrdnfion, that slavery i&inpvh»
tkas well as u'tjvji. %
I'kice 25 scents.
February i /j. ' dlf
rHE office of the PVelident and Directors
<e>f the Insurance'Compaky of North
is removed to No. 107, South
Front ftreer, being the-fetich eaii cornerot
Froutjjnd Walnut (beets. v
In* sum.
* «*»