Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, July 08, 1794, Image 4

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    V. |*<lelpMa, ijfarch, 1 1794.
Just Published,
No. 118, Market jlfe!,
Modern Geography :
or. a
Geographical\ Hijlorical, ana
Commercial Grammar;
Ai rl state 0/the itveral
I- TV figures motion",, and distances of
the planets',hcco:ding totiie Newtonian fVf
teiii ancl tire latest observations.
2. A view of the earth, considered
a plane >vith feverai ufeful geographical
Weiinitious and problems.
3. rhe grand drviiions of tWe'globe into
land continents and islands.
4* T ie firuatinn and extent of empires,
provinces and colonies.
5; Their air, foil, vegetables,,
productions, metals, minerals, natural curi
oii ties, Teas, rivers,bays,capes,promontories,
aud lakes.
6. The birds and beasts peculiar to each
7. Observations on the changes that have
been anv where observed upon the face of
nature (ince the moll early periods of his
8. The hiflory and origin nf nations ;
then torins of government, religion, laws,
re venues,taxes,naval and inilitary ftrengtTi
9- The genius, manners, customs, and
habits of the people.
10. Their language,learning,arts','fcien
«es, manufactures, and commerce.
JI. T!ie chief cities, ilruclures, ruins,
and artificial curiolities.
12. Thfe longitude, latitude, bearings,
and distances of principal places from Phil
To which jire addtdy
1. A Geogr\phical Index, with the
names and places alphabetically arranged.
2. A Tablr of the Coins of all nations,
and their value in dollars and cents.
3- A CHRoNoi,oGiCAt Table of remarka
ble events,from the creation to the prelent
The Astronomical Part corre<sled by
(To which have been added,"
The late Discoveries of Dr. Heßs chelL,
and other eminent Astronomers.
Corrcfted, Improved, and greatly Eiilar
The flrft volume contains twenty-one
Maps end Charts,beiides two Altronomical
Plates; vie.
1. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the
worle 3. Europe. 4. Alia. 5. Africa. 6.
South America. 7. Cook's discoveries.
8. Countries round the north Pole. 9.
Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. :o ; Se
ven United Provinces. 11. Austrian,
French and Dutch Netherlands. 12. Ger
many. 13. Seat of war in France. 14.
Fiance divided into departments. 15.
Switzerland. :6. Italy, Sicily, and Sar
dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. 18.
Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19. Ire-,
land. 20. Weft-Indies. 21. Vermont. 22.
Ar miliary lpiiere. 23. Copernican system.
With the second volume, which is now
in the prejfs, will be given the following
Maps :
1. Iluffia in Europe Asia.
2. Scotland.
3. England and Wales.
4. Poland.
5. China.
6. Hindoftan.
7. United States.
8. Britift\ America.
9. State of New-Hampftlire.
10. State ot Massachusetts.
ti. State of Conne<sticut;
12. State of Rhode-Island.
13. State of New-York.
*4- State of New-Jerfeyt £
15. State of Pennfylvatiia.
*0. State of Delaware.
17. Stale of Maryland.
18. State of Virginia.
19. State of Kentucky.
2D* State of North-Carolina.
21. Tenneifee Government.
22. State of South-Carolina.
23* State of Georgia.
3. This work will b* comprilcd in two
J* Subfciibets pay for the prelent volume
ondeliverv, fix dollars, and the price of
binding, (56 cents for boards.)
3. They may receive the fucieerfing vo
lume in twenty-four weekly nutnbers, at
a quarter dollar each, or else, when ii
niihed, at the fame price as tlie firft.
4. The fubfeription will be railed on the
firft day of June 1794* to fourteen dol
lars, exclusive of binding.
5. Should any copies remain for sale after
the completion ot the work, they will be
Fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of
('a The names of the fubferibers will be
publifiied as patrpns of American litera
ture, atts, and fcietKcs.
It is wholly unrtecelfary to expatiate on
the advantage,to American readers, that
this edition poflefTes, over every imported I
edition of Any system of Geography extant.
Tile aJdit tion of maps of the feverai testa.,
procured a very great expense, and from
the bell materials that are attainable,
speaks such full conviction on this fubjeft,
that it would be difrefpedl: to the read
er's understanding to suppose it tequifite
to' enter into a Retail of arguments to
prove its superiority. In noftmilar work
have such maps beenever introduced.
The entendationsand additions which
at*e made in this work,are innumerable,and
occur in every page. The public are re
ferred to the preface for a flight flcetch
of a few of them. ,
The pUblilhei' takes the prelent oppor.
tiinity of returning his mod iincere thanks
to those trefprftable characters who have
favored him with documents for improv
ing the maps of feveraJ of the dates He
requests a continuance of then J
and hopes that such public spirited citizens,
as are pofleffed of similar documents, will
favor him with theirafliiiance in pctfeil
ing his undertaking.
The extraordinary enccunigement«rjth
which he has been favored, has excited
in hisbreaft i j»e warraeft fentimenffc of gra
titude-— sentiments .v/hich time will not ef
face. ll,e pledges hjmfelfc to the fcßizens
of the United to (pare neither paths
nor expense to render the pr<fent edition
of Guthrie's Geography improved, deserv
ing of their patronage. waftf
Jofepli Clark,
Propo/fi to publijb, by fubfeription,
The American Builder.
A Woik calculated equally to edify and en
teitain the Gentleman, Farmer, Su
rveyor, Builder & Mechanic.
.THIS work w ill contain various pnions
of the best writers on Affchite&urr, Arts,
and Science; together with experiments, and
accurate notes of observation, by the author;
being the result of thirty years (tudy and ex
perience. in his profeflion.
It will also contain an alphabetical account
of the quality and value of the various kinds
of materials, and numerous fpecics of labof,
exp nded en building.
Exemplifications, toafcertain the quanti
ties of materials and la'bor necefTary to com- ,
plete, almost, evWry part in a building, of
whatever dimenfiops.
An account and explanation of all the
terms and phufes, in ancient and mo
dern architecture anA building.
To persons inclined to build, it will afford
all opportunity of regulating their plans with
in the compass of their finances, and prepare
them to prevent tmpolitiom from tricking
venders of materials, and extortionate work
men—-To Mechanics, who cannot, for want
of experience, calculate t)ie value of their
refpe&ive labour, and materials expended in
their particular branches of butJdW, this
work will afford an opportunity 10 estimate
with facility and accuracy, any done or in
tended to be done, either in tne aggregate or
the minutis.
Ii will contain many eurious and valuable
recipes to make fine and coarle vamilhes,fo»
preserving roofs of houses, barns,
troughs, pipes, &c. Recipes to make vari
ous glues and cements ; recipes to make corn
pofitions for elegant, or minute ornaments,
and enrichments for ouGde or inside com
partments : recipes ro make compofuion for
figures and incrustations—to endure the
weather in any afped; recipesio make stuc
co compofi:ipns, for floors, malt-hbnfes, dis
tilleries, hearths, linings for ciftems, &c.
Tables to ascertain the lcantling of different
species of timber necellary to perform iheir
refpr&ive functions, in proportion to their
various suspensions : Tables to ascertain the
dimensions of the various apertions introdu
ced in different edificcs, and doors, windows,
chimnies, sky-tights, (hir-cafes, &c. in pro
tion to their different uses and intentions
whet her for beauty or Utility : A concise
mode to take, and square the dimehfionsof
all kirids of artificer's work belonging to
buildmgsj and io aicerraifrthe cubical or f u .
perficial contents thereofi bbfervarions of
the doarine of echo and found : A disserta
tion on the philosophy, doctrine, and con
ftrnfhon of chimnies, to void or emit the
<moke. Proportions and recipes to cure
smoky chimnies : Observations on the ina
bility of the edifices heretofore, generally,*
erf£hd in America : Suggeftioris of modes to
pursue in buildings here, that will, without
additional expence, tend more to their dura
bility than those heretofore, commonly* con
ffr lifted : Descriptions and proportions of
ihe general and particular members of vari
es orders in» Architedure, vie. the Tflfcan,
D°ri<c, lonic, Corinthian, Composite, Chil
"efe, Attic, Cargatic, Arabesque, Moresque,
Grotesque, Saweenic, Rustic, Antique, Anti
quo-Modi rn, Gothic, and Britannic : Many
curious htftorical accounts of various won
derful buildings in different parts of the
world : Many curious and original account®
and culogiums on Free MWfonry.
This work will be pointed in two octavo
volumes, each to contain Upwards of 400
pages, on fine paper of elegant letter press :
The price to fubferibers, in boards,
dollars; two and a ha J f dollars to
be paid on the delivery of the firft, and two
and a half dollars on the delivery of the
second volume. Mr. Clark aflures the public,
that he will literally perform all that he hath
let forth in these proposals.
Gentlemen inclined to promote this woik,
by~fubfcribi«g thereto, are requeffed to write,
poll paKi, to Mr. Jufcph Clark, at Annapolis,
authorinng him to annex their names to the
fubfeription lift.
The Printers in the United States, are ft>-
hicited to give these proposals ocptrlionally,
a place in their papers.
Morris Academy.
THIS institution is now open for tie re-1
ception ot lludents under the immediate
care' ot Mr. Caleb RniTell, whose abilities
as an inftruftor, gnd attachmentto the bu-i
tinefs have long been known and approved.
He has under him the heft ailiftants in
the different branches—The fcliolars are
taught the Englifti, French, Latin, and
Greek language., Public-Speaking; Writing, (
Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, and
the various branches of the lyiathematics.
The healthy situation of this place is five
as 10 recommend it to those, whowilh to
have their children in the country. Boat
ing, walhing, mending, §cC. will be provid- '
td in good families, and the morals of the '
fcliolars carefully attended to.
The price including tuition; firewdod, '
&c. exclusive of the French language) will 1
not exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo- 1
ney per aimum) an addition of three dollars
per quarter will be made to such fcliolars '
who are taught the French language. The 1
Diriftors ai edetermined topay such atten- 1
tion to this Institution, as will render it 1
refpe&able and ufeful.
TIMOTHY JOHNS, jun. C D.left's.
Rtorrillown, 1794
diw. w2n> j.
PHILADELPHIA,-P.,„ JOHN PENNO, No. ~ S<,„ T „ S „„ T ._ P>ICI s „ DoLli J p „
Out of thfc Brig NANCY,
Captain Shapley, at Race-Street Wharf,
SUGARS in Hogsheads and Barrels,
COFFEE in Hogsheads, Barrels and Bags,
Entitled to drawback.
For Sale,
June 24th. d.
A New Novel.
To the LAiJIES of Philadelphia.
Tbis Day is Publijhed by
118, Market street,
Price, bound, Kve-eighihs of a dollar, sew
ed in marble paper, half a dollar.
Charlotte, a tale of Truth,
in two Volumes.
, By Mrs. ROWSON, of the New Theatre,
jphiadelphia, Author of Vi&oria, the In-
the Fille de Cbambi e, &c.
Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have
given the following character.
IT may be a Taie of Truth, for it is
not unnatural, and it is a talc of real dis
tress. Charlotte, by the artifice of a teach
ei, recommended to a school, from hnma
"ity rather rhan a conviction of her inte
grity, or the regularity of her former con
dud, is enticed from her governess, and a
, c com pa lilies a young off cer to America.—
The marriage ceremony, if noHorgotien,
is pottpooed, and Charlotte dies a martyr
*0 the inconstancy of the over, and treach
ery ot his friend.—The filiations are art
less and affecting—the descriptions natu
ral and pathetic ; w'e fhoul<l feel tor Char
lotte it such a per foil ever existed, who
for one error scarcely, perhaps, deserved
so severe a punilhinent. If it is a fic
tion, poetic jultice is.not, we think, pro
perly d'ftributed.
Said Carey has jujl puMi/he^
A 2 sheet. map of Kentucky
compiled by Elihu Barker, price one dol
lar and two thirds*
War Atlas, containing maps of France,
Germany, Spa n, Italy, the United Provin
ces, the Netherlands, and the Weft Indies.
Price two dollars. ,
Map of New Jersey—Hals a dollar.
Map'; of Vermont, Conne&icut, Dela
ware, Georgia——Price three eighths of
a dollai each.
April 29. tuth&sjw
THE fubfeription for this work -o*l the
original Urms, of (welve dollars and the
bindmg, wiil .be closed this day—and on
Monday the fubfeription will open at four
teen dollars, exclusive of theprjee of bind
The new maps aidded to this edition are
twenty one ; among whicli ure those ol
Nrw-Hampfhue, MafTachufett l ;, Connecti
cut, Rhode-Island, Vermont, New York,
New-Jrrfey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ma
ryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Caro
lina, the GenefTee Government, South Ca
rolina, and Georgia. Thele maps have ne
ver been given in any former fyflern of
Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone
be fufficient to entitle this wt>rk to a pre
ference to any other edition of Gnthtie.
N B. The map of the United Siates,
which is compiling by Mr. Sitnuel Lewis,
from the refpeftive state maps, will be far
more complete than any one yet publiflicd,
and be printed 011 two large sheets of
paper, nearly the size of the late Mr. Mur
ray's map.
May 31 d
Just Published,
By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at his
BooLjlore, Ao. 147, Market Jlreet,
The Life of Dr. Franklin,
with a striking likeness, executed in a mas
terly manner by Thackara and Vallancc,
price fivefhillingSi
The Ready Kerlconer, or 'Traders' Sure
Guide, $9
The Young Book keeper's AfTtftant, 6/3
The Christian, a poeili, by Charles Craw
ford, %f1
Efop's Fables, 4/8
Swan's Britilh Archiieftj
Paine's ditto 3c>J
Town and Country Builder's Afliftant.
In the press, and <will be publijhed in a few
days, and fold as aboue,
Reflections and Maxims, by
Wilktam Penri, with his advice to bis chil
den, 4/8.
■ 6 mo. 2, 1794. m&witn
Congress of the United States,
In Senate, Thefaay May 13th, 1794.
ORDERED, that Rnfus Putnanij Ma.
naf fall Cutletj Robert Oliver and
Griffin Green, do, upon the third Monday of
December next, shew cause to the Senatfj
why so much of the grants of land to them
the said Rufus Putnam, Manaffah Sutler,
Robert.Oliver and Griffin Greenj purfpant
to an Aft en'itUd " An aft authorizing
the grant and conveyance of" certain lai.ds
to the OlnoCompany of aflociates/' flmlf
not be declared void, as may interfere
with aild be fufficient to fatisfy the claims
of the French settlers at Galliopolis.
Ordered,- that the delivery of a copv
of the above ordrr to Rnfus Putnam, Ma
nalfali C utler, Robert Oliveti or Guffin
(, rceii, and the publitatihn of the fame
one alotnh, in one of the Gazettes printed
mthis City, f.wtll be deemed fuffic.enl 1.0-
tice tliereoft
Extraa from the Journals of Senate
SAM. A. OTIS, secretary.
May ,4.
Excellent CLARET,
In hogsheads and in cases of 50 bottles each
Afewcafes Champaigne wine;
In pipes, hoglh cad's and quarter calks,
No. iii f 6ouUi Front ltreet.
T?n. 2. 1 *7o * Hrf
14c iiA.\K£JLS
Best Boiton BEEF,
New-England Rum,
Received by the schooner Belinda, from
Bolton, and for sale by
Nalbro' & John Frazier.
"No. 81, Walnut Jlreet.
June io mw&s3W
Richard "Johns In the Chancery Court
•v f of the
"John Wells and C State of Maryland,
Mordeca't Cole. J May 16Ih 1794.
The Complainant hath fil
ed his bill, for the purpose of obtaining a
decree, :o velt is hiin a complete legal title
to two tracts of land, lying in Baltimore
county, one called con
taining iO3 acres, the other called Profpeft
<rtnt'ai acres Heftates,that the laid
John Wells ou the ibthday of March 1774
cpntrafted to fel ihe [aid land to the laid
MorriecaiCole,&rexecmed to liim a bond for
conveyance,that the said Cole, 011 the faihe
day, executed to the fait' Welis a bond for
the pavin< nt of the purchafc money amoun
ting to/675 Pennlylvania currency, that
the said Cole hath since difcharggdthe whole
of the purchase money, and hath assigned
to the complainant the said bond for con
veyance; that the said Wells hath never
executed a deed, agreeably to his contrast
but haih removed out of the state of Mary
land, and now rtftdesjn the state of Ken
It is thereupon, and at therequeft of the
complainant, adjudged, and ordered, that
he procure a copy of this order to be infert
tdat least ft* weeks fticceffively, before
he firft day of Auguit next, in the United
States Gazette at Philadelphia, to the in
tent, that the said John Wells may have no
tice of the complainant's Application to
th|s court, and Wl*y be warned to appear
here, on or before the firft Tuelday in Oc
tober next, to shew caule wherefore this
Court Ihouid not to decree, agree
ably to the ptayer ol the complainant, and
to the aft of alTeinbly, for futh cases made
and provided.
Samuel Harvey Howard.
Reg. Cur. Can.
J» n e 13 mwSdttw
Sherry, |
PORT, ' [ WINES of the firftnu'alitv
Old Jamaica Spirit, Antigua and Weft In I
dia Rum.
Coniac, French and Peach Brandies
Claret and Port Wine of a superior qua
lity in cases.
Wine Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes and
Corks in Balei,Havannah Segars in Boxes.
Philadelphia Portei, in Calks and Bottles
London do. in do. do.
Pnitadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do.
London do. in do. do. and
Cyder :n barrels and botfles, prepared for
exportation or immediate use,
Benjamin W- Morris,
The corner of Dock and Pear Jlreets,
Where he has provided luirable stores and
vaults, for the reception of
W INKS, &c.
Whi' h he proposes to store .or dispose Of
on commission
Captains of velTels and others supplied
with any ol the abovfr LIQUORS bottled,
and feaftores in geneal put up.
Mav 9 tu&f2m
Just Published,
In one handsome volume, 12 mo. Price 3 s
At Franklin's Head, No, 4r, Chefuut
Natural Equality of Men,
On the Rights that result from it, and on
the Duties which it imposes.
To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by
the Teylerian Society at Haarlem.
Corretled and by
William lawrence brown,
D. D.
ProlelTor of Moral- Philosophy, and the
La«. of Nature, and of Ecclesiastical
History ; and JVfiniftcr of rhe Eneliffi
Church at Utrecht.
A liquid Temper ad communrni ntilitatem
aflVrv-ndum. Cicero.
lht Firjl American Edition.
"pHEgrand principle of Equality, if
rightly understood, is the only hafis
on wliKh nniverfaf julHoe, faced order,
n j P er «ft freedom, can be tirmlv built,
and permanently lt-cured. The v,ew of
it exhibited in this essay, at the fame time
that it reprefies the iiifoleiHe of office,
f vl ' a, »>.v of'pride, and the outrages of
opprelfion ; confirms, in the 1110 ft forcible
man iter, the- neccffity of fuboidination,
tlle J "ft demands of lawful authority.
>0 far indeed, from loolenu g the bands
0 ociety, that it maintains inviolate, e*
veiv natural antl every civil diftinftion,
draws more clo'ely every forial'tle, unites
111 one harmonious and justly proportioned
lyllenj, and brings men together on the
even ground of the inherent lights of hu
man 11 a lire, of reciprocal obligation, and
of a common relation to the community
March 18. tuts
The Pubtic are cautioned to
be'vare of counterfeited Fine Dollar Bill,
of the Bank of the United States, a„d
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
Amtrica, ferueral of which have appear
in circulation within a-few days pajl; t/f '
are good general imitation of the genuine
Bills, but may be d'iftingur/hed by the Jrn
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of th,
United States.
ALL that have appeared have the letter
F. for their Alphabetical Mark.
The Texture of the Paper i s thicker and
whiter and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine paper.
The O. in the word Cotnpaiy ij fmal'er
than the M. and other letters of rh-t word
so that a Pine extended from the top of the
O, to touch the top of the M. wonldextend
considerably above the range of the whole
In the word United the letters are nar
rower and closer together than the test of
the bill.
The t and fin the word promise are not
parallel, the/inclining much more forward
than the I.
The engraving is badly executed the
strokes of all the Letters are ftronger and
the device in themargin particularly ismuch
coai for and appears darker than in the true
bills. Some ol the counterfeits bear oaie in
I ; 9 1—Whereas the Bank was not in opera
tion till December, «ndno five dollar hilfs
were iifued in ibat year.
Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
ALL that have appealed have the letter
B. lot- their alphabetical mark.
They are printed on a paper nearly fimi
.ar,to that ot the counterfeit five Dollar
Notes above described; the engraving is
better executed, ami they approach nearer
to the appearance ol the genuine bills.
The fine ruled I nes through the word
Twtnly * in the body ot ilie are in num
ber thirteen in the genuine bills, and but
twelve in the-counterfeits; ,
"The word Company is much like the fame
word in the Five Dollar Bills as described
above, tl;e o being less than the m y and o
thers Following.
There is no stroke to the / inthe word
North whereas in the genuine bills theftroke
is well defined.
" The letters tnt in the word Twenty, to
the Ifeit hand at the bottom, do not come
down to the Mne, but a*e so cut as to give
an irregular appearance to the wordj the
Tw and 'hey going below them.
The signature ] Nixon, has the appear
ance of being written with lamb-blark and
oil, and differs from other inks used in
priming the bills and the cafliiei's ligna
tui e.
It is supposed these forgeries were commit
ted in some of th> Southern States, as all the
counterfeits thai have appeared, have come
from thence, and two per forte have been ap
prehended in Virginia,on fufptcion of being
the author of them.
The reward of ONE fUOUSAND DOL
f.ARS will be paid to any Person or Persons
who llrall difcovei and prbferute to coijvic
tion tlie (everal offenders bt the iollowing
description* or any ot them, viz.
T he person or pcrfons, who m?nufa£tur
ed the paper on which the Bills are printed.
Ihe perfyn or perions, who eugraved the
The printer or printers, of the bilk.
Every pei {.on who has a£Wd as a principal
in'any other way, In the counterfeiting and
uttering the (aid bills.
Philadelphiaj Maich 28, 1794
April 22, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills
ofiite Bank ot the United States have ap
pearcdin circulation.
The denomination is of TWENTY
DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark is
the lettff i*.
They n ay be diflinguiftied from the ge«
nu'me by the following MARKS :
Die paper of the counterfeits is of a
more tender texture and glofley furface
than the genuine, and tlieie is rio water
mark in them.
ffcie letter C. in the word Cafliier, in
he ti ue bills is strongly ntaiketl, wheieas
in the counterfeits, ,he whole letter is a
fine hair Itroke, evidently in an unfmifhed
ltate. The letters inthe woid demand,
is badly formed and the whole wmd ill done
and there is no comma at theend of it, as
there is in the genuine hills.
The marginal device* is much darker
in t ie ialfe, than in the genuine bills ow
")fi to the (hade flirokes being courier, nitich
| nearer together, and conleciuentiy much
more numerous. This difference ftiikes the
eye atfirft v i ew .
The lame reward of ONE THOUSAND
DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehending,
kf l lro^ec uting to convitftion the (everal
above delcribed Offenders in tefpefl: to this,
as to the last described bills.
of the Bank United States.
JOHN NIXON, President of the
Bank of North America,
By order of the Coromjtteu of the Ref
peftivc Boards.
for sale,
An Eflay on Slavery,
Designed to exhibit in a new point of
view iiscffc£lson morals, indvftry, and the
ptait of fdctety. Some tacts and calculations
die oilercd to prove the laboi o\Jy~etmen to Ue
much more produfiive than that ot flavcs ;
that countries air iich, powerful and hit py,
in pioporlion as the laboring people ei j y
the fiuits ot their own labor ; and he 1 ce
the nciulftiy condufion, that slavery is {mpvlt-i
/teas weil as Uf-'JfJi.
Prick 25 Cents.
February jr,* dtf
office rtf the Prelident and Dirt tool's
*'1 the Insurance Company of North
America, is removed to No. 107, South
Front Hirer, being the to nth east corner of
t tout and Waluut streets.