DAILY EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 21 of Vol. VI FOR SALE By the SUBSCRIBER, No, 117, ' north Second Jlreet, Imported in the Brig Bf.tsey, from Dub- ' lin—a few Crates of GLA SS, And a few GROCE BOTTLES, /tlfo on Hand', Spermaceti Candles. Louis OfmonL June 27 d All persons 'who have any <le mfctKK.npcrri the New Theatre, are requeu ed Co feml m their account? to No. 204, in Arch tfrefct, near Eighth street, as soon as corrv^me-nt. \vIGNELL & REIN \GLE. May y>. dtf. j —J ( It is Requested, 1 THAT tto peiTon will fnppty any article 1 . I far the nfe ot the New 1 i.eatre, without j an order in writing, signed by ourselves, or Semite) Antfepfon, for us. WIGNELL & REINAGI.E. May -yy. dtf Bank of' North America, July 1, 1794- AT a meeting of the Directors this day 2 dividend of iix percent was declared for thel»# half year, which will be paid to. the Stockholders, or their reprcfentatives, at any time after the i oth inft. By order of the board, JOHN NIXON, President. { Julj 1 duo , T U I T lON. WILLI AN! FINCH of the New Tliea tfty begs leave to,inform, his ;Friends and ttie Public, that he has removed from the corner ol' Eighth and Arch ftpeets. to No. 68, north Eighth between Arch and Race greets, and that he continues to give In ilrii<st(ans in the French and English Lan r go3»gesasafual, as also the Classics. He takes this opportunity of exptelfing his ac- c knowledgements for the very liberal en- j he has experienced, a conti- t •nation of which begs leave to folic:t. j N. B. Translations from either languages j corrc&ly executed. td i Christiana Mills For Sale. ON Monday the firlfc day of Septembei ( \ next at 8 o'clock in the evening, at the Coffee H«mfe in the city of Philadelphia, 1 will he fold by public vendue, two tra&s 1 or pieces of land fitnated in White Clay Cieek hundred, New Castle county and Itatc .of Delaware; one of which contains about j fatty acres of highly improved land, on it ( area large two llory brick dwellinghoufe, ( convenient brick barn, with flablingand a , carriage bouse underneath, an e cellen: | kiln for drying corn ; and thg well known roil Is called Christiana Mills (late Patter fen's) which being at the head of the tid< on Christiana liver, and but about half a mile from the landing, is conveniently fitu stcd ior carrying the articles manufactured at tUc nulls hy water to Philadelphia—This jpfperty being close to the road leading fromElktorr to Christiana bridge, and at the h#ad ot ihe title, with many other at- I tendant advantage, lender its situation for th* milling bnlinefs lo very valuable, as to be equal cd by few and excelled hy none. Tht latter tract containing 175 acre.*, is about One mile from the mills and is chief ly woodland, which being contiguous to water carriage to the city of Philadelphia, must be of increaling value, efpecialtv as there is a quantity of large timber in said tract suitable for the purposes of the mil is. The terms upon which the above men tioned estates will be fold are—one thon fand pounds to be paid on executing the tteeds, and feren hundred and fifty pounds per annum, with interest for the remainder or proportionally for each part. Indisputable titles will be made far the property, by JOHN NIXON, AI.EX. FOSTER, GEO. LATIMER. At fame time and place will be fold a large BOAT, JUy 2 mw&rsts FOR SALE, B Y Rundle&Murgatroyd jit No. 11, Walnut Jlreet f A CARGO OF , LIVERPOOL SALT, On board the snow Mercury, which they will fell either together, or in finaller quantities. July s diw All Persons indebted to the Kflate of John Cottringer deceased, are a gain requested to make payment, & those who have any demands on said Estate, to prcfent them duly authenticated to GARRETT COTTRINGER. Ailing Executor. June a 6 diw Two or three Young Ladies may be Boarded in an airy phsfant filiation in a genteel family—-For particulars apply pt the Printer hereof. June 2,5. j UST RECEIVED, Ana for Sale at Mathew Carey's Store, No- 118, Mai ket street, LETTERS from France; CONTAINING a great variety of ori ginal inforniation concerning the mnft im portant events that have occurred in that country in the years 1793, 1791, 1792, and 1793. By Helen Maria Williams. Price bound, 13/" I 1-2—sewed in blue pa per, ib/io. Said Carey bar in theprefs, ctnd willfpee dilypublijh, I. An mpartial history of the French Revo lution, Irom its commencement, to the death 01 ihe Queen, and the execution of the. Gi ronde party. 11. Plowden's hiftotyof the Britifii Empire, from May 1792 to December i7g3 ; 111. Moore's Journal, trai.flatediriiFier.cf. IV. Beattie's Elements of Moral Science, volume 11. V. Gibfon's Pocket Atlas. VI. Adventures of Rod ric Random. VIK Edward's treat if-' 011 the Religious affec tins June 20. tuihS;l2w Scheme of a Lottery, To ralfe 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollat-s, deducting 15 per Cent. from ihe Prizes—this Lottery confijls of 38,000 TicketSy in which there are 1 4,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks, being about one and an half Blanks to a Prize. r T™ I HE Directors of the Society foreftabliflv X ing Ufeful Manufactures, having resolv ed to erett LOTTERIES for laifing One Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeably to an Aft of ihe of ihe-Sto'te ot New-jersey, have appofnted, the following persons to superintend and dire£k the, draw ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rutus King, Herman Le Roy, ];.mcs "Vl'itfon, Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hsmmond, anc Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-York— Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew lII' Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General Elias Day ton, James Parker, John Bayard, Docto r Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Jo(hu a M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomlield, and Elifhy Boudinot, of New-Jersey, who offer the following Scheme cf a Lottery, and pledge themselves to the public, that they will tak< every assurance and precauiion n their powrr to have the Monies paid by the Managers-, from tiree to time, as received, into the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to remain for the putpofe of paying Pnz s, which (hall be immrdiately discharged by a check npon one of the Banks. S C H E ME: l Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000 1 10.000 10,000 2 5»ooo 10,000 5 2,000 io,ooo 10 1,000 10, coo 20 500 i^ooo 1 co 100 10,000 3°° 5° 15,000 1000 20 2,0,000 2000 15 30,000 3000 1 2 <j(5,000 8100 . 19 81,000 M' 539 Prize"S. 262,000 Blauks. Firfl drawn number, 2,000 Last drawn number, 2,009 38,000 jTicketsat 7 Dollar each is 266.000 I The drawing will commence, under the infpr* ion of a Committee of the Superin tendents, as soon as the Tickets are fold, ot which timely notice will be given. : The Superintendants have appointed John N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample Lvarity for i discharging the trust reposed in them. C 3" In order to secure the pun£lual pay ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants of the Lottery have directed that the Managers lhall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fufficient fecHriiies, to perform their inftiuftions, the substance of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers shall receive the sum ol Thret Hundred Dole Urs, he (hall lmnidiatcly place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel phia, to the -ciedit of the Governor of the Society, and such of the Superintendants as r live in the cUy where the monies are placed, to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn, for the paymnt of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to ta e fufficient se curity for any Tickets they may trust, other wise to he refponuble for them. ■ 111. To keep regular books of Tickets . fold, Monies received and paid into the Bank, abftra&s of which shall be sent, , monthly, to the Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 17^4. On application to either of the abote gen tlemen, information will be given where tickets may be had. * February 24. U&fif * Monday, July 7, 1794. £3bf For MADEIRA, The Ship WWm CATHARINE ' Capt. M'Collom. TO-fail diretftly. A few barrels will be taken on freight, if speedy application is made. Apply to PETER BLIGHT, Or JOHN CRAIG. The Owner of the Catharine begs to in" &m the gentlemen, importers, from Ma deira, the Catharine returns dire&ly to, this port, and will take freight on mode rate terms. June 19 dzw T ' HE BRIG Noah's Ark, New-Orleans, HAS begun to take in her cargo at Clif ford's wharf. Gentlemen who will favor the Subscriber with some freight for what room her cargo may leave, are requefted to fend down their goods as shortly as pos sible. LOUIS OS MONT, No. 117, north Second street. June 27 ' d rX^v.F°rSal e or Charter, remarlable fa/l fail- PORTSMOUTH, N O W lying at Cuthbert's whar<", bu •- then about 3070 barrels, and in compleat order to receive a caigo- For terms apply to John Craig, No. 12, Dock jireet, WHO HAS FOR SALE, HIGH PROOF Antigua & Grenada Rum, Hyion and Souchong Tea?, Roll Brimftorte, Bristol crown Window Glass cf diffe rent sizes Almonds in bags, Lampblack in hogflieads, Cotton in bales, Rich Port Wine in pipes, hhds. and quarter caiks, and A few BOXES of Sugars, fnuff, chocalate, & ConfeElionary, Lately received from the Havannab July 3 ___ d Louis Ofmont, No. 117, north Second Jireet. Has now an hand frit- faie A few Packages remaining of his !impo«a tions this Spring, co fitting of Irifb Dowlas, Baftas, Sattins, Feathers and Flowers, Black Lace Looking GTalles, famed. ALSO A few Chests of Hyfoji Tea, Burgundy Wine and Claiet in cases, Madei fai wine, Sper.uacet Candles June 16 d Choice St. Croix Sugar, JU-ST IMPORTED, And for Sale, By JAMES YARD. Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matts. June 24th. dif. Wanted on Rent, A House, In a Central part of thfc City, to be hired from the beginning of September next. Enquire of, the Printer. Tulv <? d To the Electors of the city and county of Philadelphia. Gentlemen, THIS being the last year of the pre sent Sheriff's time in office. I take the liberty to offer ntyfelf a Candidate, and solicit vour votes and intereffs in my favour, to place me on the return at the next general Election, as his successor for fa Id office •, in dainwhichi you will confer an obligation that will be gratefully re membered, by Your mod obedieht, and humble servant, JOHN BAKER. May 3. estf. Stock Brokers Office, No. t6, Wall-street, New-York. THE Subscriber intending to confinchim felf entirely to the PURCHASE and SALE Of STOCKS on COMMISSION,b<g» leave to o.T r hisfervices to his friend* and others, in the line of a Stock Broker. Those whomay please to favor him with their bufi. ness, may depend upon having it tranfa&ed with the utmofl fidelity ar,d difpaich. Orders from Philadelphia, Boston, or any other part of the United States, will be flrlftly attended to. LEONARD BLEECKFR. M&tbtf FOR SALE, At the STORES of JefTe & Robert Wain, PORT WtNE in pipes, hhds. and quar ter casks LISBON do. in pipes and quaner calks Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter c hefts A quantity of Lisbon and Cadiz SALT Soft shelled ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORKS, in do. Raffia MATTS. June 9 d" The Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs OF PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM ACTUAL SURVEY, IT is with pleafiue that the publilher has to in.form his fubferibers and the public in general', that the plate is now under the hands of the engraver, and in greater for wardnfs than was at firft contemplated. At thefanre time he begs leave to remind rhein, th t subscription papers areftill o peu at moftof the jioted boolc-ftores in the city; and that he hopes from the whole of them to be enabled to si» m such a ref pestable catalogue of ante ~ as will do a cre/ftt to the wefrk, as v eil as afford a reasonable encouragement to the under take! . 'Th/>fe w.ho are tkfirons of further infor mation are icqiiefted to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Mark.* ilrtet. April 14. m&thtf ADVERTISEMENT, LETTERS on the fubjeaofthe Wash ington Lottery, being by mistake repeat edly addrefleti to the Commissioners for the City of Washington. Persons concerned are bereby informed, that ajl such should be addrefied either to W. Deakins jun. of Wafliington, or to the Subscriber. The cOmmifiioners never lfav ing contemplated any further concerh in this business, than in their assent to receive the bonds and approve the names of the managers. The prizes have been paid and are paying on demand by W. Dentins, Washington, Peter Oilman, Boston, and by the Subscriber. For the Lottery No. .2, the securities al ready given will be retained by the com- 1 miffioners, or transferred by them at their option to the bank of Columbia ; and the commissioners will be consulted relpeiling a judicious and equitable disposition of the houses to be built thereby ; their treafufy or thi bank of Columbia will receive the money intended for the National Univer sity, and they will be consulted in the no mination of the 24 managers ; but all the responsibility refpedting the general dispo sition of the tickets, and payment of pri zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on , the persons whose names are and may he hereafterpubliihed as assistants to forward this business with S. BLODGET. N. B. Mr. Blodget wilt be particularly obliged if those persons who polfefs prizes yet unpaid, will apply for their money as early as poflible. June 7th. d. JUST PUBLISHED, THOMAS DOBS ON, Bcckfeller, at the Stone Houje in Second Jireet, Philadelphia, VOLUME XI OF ENCYCLOPAEDIA, OR A DiSioaary of Arts, Sciences, and Mis cellaneous Literature, ON a plan entirely new; by which the different fcienees and arts are digested in to the form of diftinft treatises or fyltems. Tnis volume contains the articles, medals, medicine, metallurgy, m£taphvfics,metho difts, Mexico, microscope, midwifry, and a great variety of biographical and miscel laneous articles, illustrated with nineteen copperplates. (f3T The tables of logarithms, &c. which were deficient in the tenth volume, are subjoined to this. Eleven volumes of this work a-"e now published, and the Xllth is 111 some for wardnefs. On the firft of September, 1792, the price offubfeript ion was incicafed TEN dollars on all setts not taken before that t me.— The fubfeription i'sllill open on tliefe terms, and it aoy copies remain bythe firft of July next,the price will be railed I'KN dollars more, on any copies which may befubferib ed for after that period. *,* As many of the fubferibers have ta ken only two, three or four, &c. volumes, they are earnestly requested to take tip and pay for the remaining volumes, as it be comes difficult to complete the setts, and the publillier does not holdhimfelf bound to make up any setts a-ftcrthe firft dayot July next. April 22. n»&:th6w. [Whole No. 571.] Excellent CLARET, Tn hogftieads and in cases of 50 bottles each a 1. so, A few cases Champaigne wine ; MADEIRA, In pipes, hCßfhcads and quarter calks, FOR SALE BY, JOHN VAUGHAN, No. 111 1 Soulii Froot Itreeu ] rn. 2. 17Q4. Htf ~ JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above the Drawbridge, out of the Ihip Bacchus Cept. Vanneman, from Jamaica, FOR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT. May 16. ci Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR STONES, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May 14. 4 Medical Books. JUST PUBLISHED, By Tfomas Do!fori, at the Stone Hottfr, No. 41, fovib Seco dJlreet, VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries OB S E RVA TIONS. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. Protefl'or of the InftiLutes of Medicine, and of Clinical Pto&ice in the Umver fityof Peon fy Ivan ia. CONTA INING 1. An inquiry into the influence of phyfioal causes upon the hioral faculty. 2. An inquiry iuto the tffe&s of fpiritous IU npon the human body, and their in* fluence upon the haopinefs of society. 3 An inquiry causes and cure of the pulmonaiy c<>nfumption. 4. o\>le>various on the fymptums and cure dF dropfifs. 5. An Inquiry inio ihe causes and the cure of internal droply qf the brain. 6. An account of the measles, as they ap peared rn Philadelphia, in the vear'l7B9. 7. An account of 'he influenza, as it appear ed in Philadelphia m the years 1789,1796, and i 79». 8. An inquiry into the causes ot tjib increase of bilious and lemitting feVers, in Penn sylvania. 9. An inquiry into the causes and cujreof fore lfgs. 10. An account of the state of the body and mind in old age, with observations upon irs and their remedies. Price one dollai and a quarter unbound, or one dollar and a half neatly bound. Medical Tranfafrions - OF THE College of Physicians of Philadelphia. V O L. I.—P A R T I. one dollar in boards. A Treatise on the Diseases of Children. With general directions for of Infants from the birth, adapied for theulgol physicians and private famiiies* By Michael Underwood, M* D. Licentiate cf Midwifery in the Royal Col lege of Physicians in London, and Phvfician of the British Lying-in-Hospital. Price one Dollar. This is acknowledged to be the heft bool which has been publiihed on the fubjeft, ana is calculated for the use of partn's, nurses, and private families, as well as for physicians —The two volumes handsomely printed' in one, ( and the price only about one third of what the imported copies fell for. The Edinburgh New Dispensatory,. dollars. System of Surgery, exJra&ed from* the works of Benjamin BcJl, by Dr. Waters, 2 dote. 50 cents. * %.] System of Anatomy, extra&ed from <he Encyclopaedia, wiih l 2 Copperplates, 2 dols. System of Chemistry, extracted from the Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of the pro gress of the fciencee, and the different systems which have been publilhedj 2 dols. 50 cents. Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols. 67 cents. T. Dobfon has in the Pr'efs, An edition of the Medical and Pbilofophi caTCommentaries of Edinburgh. Two V4ij | umcs are printed in one at 2 dollars and ra cr-nts per volume; he has nearly finiftied the fiv- firil volumes, whidh contain the firft ten volumes of the European editiorT, which fell for two dojlars each. Nine volumes will in clude eighteen European volumes, which * ill bricjg the publication up to the present time. Like wife for sale a conf.derable number of Medical Books, 'viz.. Cullen's Bra£licr, Materia Mediea, Phyfj*. ology, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols, or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Donuftic Medicine, Ledum's Surgery, Chcfelden's A netomy, Ilunter on the Venereal, Swedeea ver on do. Rollo on Weft India Diseases; Rigby 011 Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's onthr.es of the theoiy and pra£iice of M d wiferv, with or without plates; do. on the management of Female couplaitiis. MeaiC on Hydtophobia, &c. &c.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers