Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, July 05, 1794, Image 4

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    (felph . t i~94. '•
jrusr Pujn,TSHEi)\
S _ iVj. 118, Market Jlreet,,
SPJtii PHtST voi.iJMt: of a new
system of
i'lodern Geography :
OR.. A
Geographical, Hijlorical, •ana
Commercial Grammar;
\ v :(l pcelent :t ite of the feve. al
"CON T'A ItN 1 N G,
1. lim figures motions, and distances of
planets,according to the Newtonian I'yf-*
te:n a.d latest ohiervations
2. A general view of*the ea-th,confidered
| S r with leyerai ufef^i,geographical
den,hitit»ns anil problems.
3 ihe grand divilions of tl«e globe into
land and watev ? continents and islands.
_ 4• The situation and extent of
kingdoms,{tktes, provinces and colojiies.
Tiieir climates, air, foil, vegetables,
pi dubious, metals, minerals, natural curi
01 tier.,feas, rivers,bays, capes,promontories,
and hikes.
6. Plje birdscind beasts peculiar to each"
7- Observations on the changes that have
been any where/(»bferved upon the face ot
nature lince the liioft early periods of liif
to »*y.
8. The history and origin of nations;
tneii forms of government, religion, laws,
reve sues,taxes,naval anil military strength
9 "1 l»e genius, iiianners, cultoms, and
habtts tSf the people.
10. Their language, learning,arts, fcien
tes, manufactures, an 3 commerce.
11 ■ The chief cities, flruftures, ruins,
and artificial ctiriofities
12. Tlie longitude, latitude, bearings,
and distances of principal places from Phila
To which arc addedi
1. A GEOGRAfkiCAL Index, with th 6
names and places alphabetically arranged.
2. A Table of the Coins of all nations ?
and their value in dollars and cents.
3- A Chronological Tabl£ of remarka
ble events,from the creation to the present
i me.
The Astronomical Part corre<sted by
D'-. Ri rrENHousE.
{To which have been added,
*The late Discoveries of Dr. Herschell,
and other eminent Astronomers.
Corrcfted, Improved,, and greatly Enlar
, . ged.
'he nrft volume contains twenty-one
Maps End Charts,beiides tw v o Ailronomical
Plates, viz.
i. Map of the world, i. Chart of the
worlte 3. Europe. 4. Alia. Africa. 6.
South America. 7. Cook's discoveries.
8. Countries round the north Pole. 9.
Sweden, Denmark, and Nor<vay. io. Se
ven United Provinces. n. Auflrian,
French and.Dutch Netherlands. 12. Ger- :
many. 13. Seat of war in France. 14.
France divided into departments. 15.
Switzerland. :6. Italy, Sicily, mid Sar
dinia. 17. tjJairi and. Portugal. 18. I
Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19. Ire-,
land. 20. Weft-Indies. 21. Vermont. 22.
Ar miliary sphere. 23. Copcrilican fy-ftem.
With the second volume, whirh is now
in. the press, wdl be given the following
Maps :
i. Russia in Europe and Alia.
I. Scotland.
g. England and Wales.
4. Poland.
5. China.
6. Hindoftan.
7. United States.
8. British Americd.
9. State of Ne-v-HampHiire.
10. State of MafTachufetts.
11. State of Connetflicut.
12. State of Rhode-Island.
I*3. State of New-York.
i 4» State of New-Jersey.
15. State of Pennsylvania.
1 6. State of Delaware.
17. State of Maryland.
18. State of Virginia.
19. State of Kentucky.
20/ State 'of North-Carolina.
2\. Tenneflee Government.
22. State of South-Carolina.
23- State of Georgia.
1. This work will be comprised in two-
i. Subscribers pay for the present volume f
fix dollars, and the price of 3
binding, (56 cents for boards.) '
3.* They may receive the fucteeding vo
lume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at
a quarter dollar each, or when fi
nilhed, at the fame price as the firft. 3
4. The subscription wi'l be raised 011 the
fir ft day of June 1794* to fourteen dol
lars, excluhve of binding.
5. Should any copies remain for sale after
the completion 0+ the work, they will be c
fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of c
binding; a
6. The names of the fubferibers will be
published as patrons of American liteiji-
ture, arts, and sciences. *
It is wholly unneceftary to expatiate on t '
the advantage,to American readers, that
•s edition poffefTes, over every imported
tion of any system of Geography extant.
Th addi t tion of maps of the several
procured a very great expense, and from a
ti-e best materials that are attainable,
speaks such- full conviction on this fubjeft, ,n
that i.t would be difrefpetft to the read- eC
ci understanding to liippofe it requisite ic
> enter into a detail of arguments to
prove its superiority. In nonmilarwork
h ■ such maps beenever introduced. IK
The emendationsand additions which pc
are made in this work,are innumerable,and w]
occur in every page. The public ay re- Dj
ferred to tlie preface for a flight (ketch tit
of a few of them. re;
The publilher taki's the present oppor
tunity of returning his molt sincere thanks
to those refpciflable characters who have
favored him with documents for improv- ]
ing the m3ps of several of the states He
a cort-.nuanee rif their kirdnefs;
and hopes that i'uch public spirited citizens,
as are po (Tel led of limjlar documents, will
favor him with theirafllftance in perfe<&-
T ing his undertaking.
The extraordinary encouragement with*
which he has been favored, Whs excited
• in his bread the war me ft sentiments of gra
titude—sentiments whicli time will not ef
face. He pledges himfelf to the citizens
Cl of the United States, to fpaie neithecpains*
nor expense to fender the prrfent edition
of Guthrie's Geography improved, deijervv
iug of their patronage. waftf
:,r Jofepli Clark,
, c l Propofts to publijb, by subscription,
to ° R
The [American Builder.
$, AWm k calculated equally to edify and en
teitain the Gentleman, Farmer,Sur
s, veyor, Builder & Mechanic.
s TFtIS work will contain various pniens
' oi the best writeis on Arcbiteifure, Arts,
a nd Science ; together with experiments, and
accurate notes of obfetvatiort, by the author
being the : efult of thirty years iludy and ex
perience m his profeffion.
I' will also contain an alphabetical account"
of the quality and value of the various kinds,
of materials, and numerous species of labor,
j expended on buildfrig.
s ) Exemplifications, toafcertain the quanti
h ties of materials and labor necessary to cbm
id plete, almost, every part in a building, of
whatever di mentions.
l- An account and explanation of all the
terms and phrases, used in andetn and too
s, dern archite&ure and building.
To persons inclined tobuil", J t w j|j afford '
s, f. n Opportunity of regulating then plan's With
l- ,r * 'he coltlpafs of their finances, and prepare
them to prevent impactions trom tricking,
venders of materials, and extortionate work-
men—To Mechanic?, who cannot, for Want
of experience, calculate the value ot their
, -refpe&ive labour, and materials expended in ,
-their jart«V TTifs :
t _ work will afford an opportunity to eftimatc '
with facintv and accuracy, any done or in
tended to be done, either in tne aggregate or
v the mi nut ice.
It will contain many curious and valuable *
recipcs to make fine and coarle varnifhes,fo> |
prcfeiving roofs of houses, barns, palings. {
troughs, pipes, &c. Recipcs to make van- I
ous glues and cements ; recipes to make com
po fit ions for elegant, or minute ornaments,
and enrichments for ouficle or inside com
partments: recipes to make coinpofition for
figures and incruftauons—to endure the
weather in any alpefl ; recipes to make ftuc
e co compositions, for floors, malt-houses, dif- *
11 ricries, hearths, linings for cisterns, See.
1 aides to ascertain the Icantling of different
d 'ptcies o£ timber necessary to perform their
refpe&ive fun6fions, in proportion to their
. various fufpenlions : Tables toafcertain the c
dimensions of the various apertions introdu- I
. red in aifFerent edifices,and doors, windows, I
, chunnies, iky-lights, stair-cases, &C. in pro- t
tion to their different uses and intentions— ,
. whether for beautv or utility : A conqife
mode to take, and square the dimensions of »
all kinds of artificer's work belonging to '
buildings, and to ascertain the cubical or f u - 1
oerficial contents thereof: Obfervatxons of *
' the do&rine of echo and found : A difTerta
tio-n on the philosophy, dottrine, and con- j
itrudion of chimnies, to void or emit the
'moke. Proportions and recipes to cure '
> smoky chimnies : Dbfervattons on the i„ft&- 1
bility of the edifices heretofore, generally,
erected in America : of modes to
pnrfue in buildings'here, that will, without *'
additional expence, tend more to their dura
bility than thofc heretofore, commonly, con- v
ftrufted ; Descriptions and proportions of i!
the general and particular members of vari- n
ous orders in Architecture, vir. the Tgfcan, a
Doric, lonic, Corinthian, Composite, Chip
nefe, Attic, Cargatic, Arabesque, Moresque, r
Saracenic, Rustic, Antique, Anti
quo-Modc rn, Gothic, and Britannic : Many -
curious biftorical accounts of various won
derful buildings in different p»Yts of the
world : Many curious and original accounts 1
and culogiums on Free Masonry.
This Hvork will be printed in two o&avo
each to comain upwards of 400
pages, on fine paper of elegant letter press :
The price to fubferibers, in boards, five
dollars; two and a haif dollars to w
be paid on the deHvery of the fiift, and two t<
and a half doi lArs on the delivery of the p
fecoijd volume. Mr. Clark aflures tlie public,
that he Will literally perform all that he hath C
set forth in these proposals.
- - Gentleroefv Wciin«d to promo**? this work,
by fubferibing thereto, are requeued to write, f<
poll paid, to Mr. Joseph Clark, at Arinapolis,
authorising him to annex their names to the
lubfciiption lift.
The Printers in the United State?, ai*e (o- a
-licited to give these propofaU ocoeflonally, j.
a placr in their papers.
1 : 1 1
Morris Academy.
TH IS inftinition is now open for tfie re- tl*
ception of students under the immediate
carfe of Mr. Caleb whose abilities —
as an inftru&or, and attachmentto the bu- /-
finely have long be6n kntiwn and approved.
He has under Uim the best affillants in
the different branphes—Xhe scholars arc ,
taught the Englilh, French, La'in, and (
Greek languages, Public-Speaking, Writing, V
Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, and
the various branches of the Maihematics.
The healthy firuation of this place is flic w
as to recommend it to those, who wilh to
have their children in the country. Bcai d
ing, washing, mending, &c. will be provid- to
cd in good families, and the morals of the
scholars carefully attended to.
The price including tuition; firewood,
I &c. exclusive of the French language) will
not exceed thirty pounds proclamation mo
ney per annum) an addition dt three dollars
per quarter will be marie to fticli scholars " f
who are taught the French language. The na
Direaort ar eiletcrmined to pay such atten- ( ' r
tion to this institution, as will render it
lefpeflable ahd nftful. -ii»i
TrMOTHY JOHNS, jun. f j
Nathan ford, C
Morriflowii, May 15, 179^
diw. w2na.— b
794- :|
PHILADELPHIA:—Printed BY JOHN FENNO No ?c ~ ' — "'
'I Came to the iubfcri
jN bcr s liable, or Friday the 27th inft. a bay
HORSE, witl a liar in his forehead, his
; two hind feet vhite, about 15 hands high.
, ( j she ownec is desired to come and pro v e
a property, pay charges, and take hhrTa
r_ way. Apply o
ni • Ivillia'm buck,
us- Pine near Fifth ftrcet.
>n June 30 U
v- . —
~ A New Novel.
Fothe JA&IF.S of Philadelphia.
' This Day is Published by
118, Market street,
Price, bound, hue-eighths of a do)«ar, sew
ed «n war bit paper, half a dollar,
n. Charlotte, a tale of Truth,
B* Mrs. ROwSON, of the New Theatre,
1S ■ Phladelphid, Author of Victoria, the In-
Sf quifitor, the Fille de Chambre,*&c.
id Of Charlotte, the Reviewers hate
given the following character.-
c " IT may be a Tale of Truth, for it i
. not Unnatural, and it is a tale of real di<- |
7 tress. Charlotte, by the artifice of a teach
ei, recohimeuded to a school, from hmna
J nity rather than a convidlion of her inte
grity, or the regularity of her former con
duct, is enticed fromhdr governed, and a-
ccompanies a yfiiing officer to America.—
The marriage ceremony, if not forgotten,
i* poll oned, and dies a martyr
to the inconstancy of Ate over, and treach
ery of his friend —The situations are art
i lers and affe<sting—-the descriptions natu
ral anci pathetic f we fliould feel for Cliar
c lotte if luch a person ever existed, who;
4 , for one error scarcely, perhaps, deferyed
- fa severe a punishment. If it is a fic
t lion, poetic ju(tice Is not, we think, pro
perly diftiibuted.
1 ; Said Carey .las jufl jmblifheJ*
•A 2 Iheet map of Kentucky
con-, pi led by Elihu Barker, price one dol
r lar and two tlftrds.
War Atla*, containing map-? of France,
Germany, Spa n, Italy, the United Provinces,
'ces, the Netherlands, and the Weft Incites.
Trice two dollars.
Map of New Jersey—Hals a dollar.
Map-, of Vermont, Connecticut, i)ela
• ware, Georgia Price three eighths of
a dollai each.
April 29. tuth&s£w
THE fubfeription tor this worjc on the
original terns, of twelve dollars and the
binding, will be closed this day—a d on
Monday the fubfeription will open at four
teen dollars, exclusive of the price of bind,
The new maps a'dded to this edition are
twenty one ; among which are those of
Nrw-Hampfcire, MiffachufettsjCoiinefti
cur, Rhode-Island', Vermont, New York,
New-Jersey, PenijJylvania, Delawaie, Ma
ryland, Kentucky, North C aro- j
lina, the GenelTce Government, South Ca
rolina, and Georgia. Thele maps have ne
ver been given in any former fyflem of
and, it is hoped, would alone
be fufficient to entitle this work to a pre
ference to any other edition of Guthrie.
N B. The map of the United States,
which is compiling b.y Mr. S.muel Lewis,
Ironi the refpefti/e state maps, will be fa
more complete than any one yet publiihcd,
and be printed on two large (beets of
paper, nearly the fifcc of the late Mr.' Mur
ray's map.
May 31 ,>
Jufl Published,
By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at his
Book/lore, Ni. 147, Marketfired, <
The Life of Dr. Franklin, I
with a ftrikmg likeness, executed in a mas
terly lnanner by Thackara and Vallartcc, "
price fivefliillings.
The Keadv Reckoner, or Traders' Sure I
Guide, 39
The Young Book keeper's Afliftant, 6/3
The Hn iftian, a poem, by Charles Craw,
ford, 2/4
El'op's Fables, 4JB
Swan's Britilh Architcft, 37'fb
Paine's ditto 3c>/
Town and Country Builder's Adiftant.
22/6 J
lsi the press, and 1 Oil! bepublijhedin a fcu> '
days, and fold as abo-ve,
Reflections and Maxims, by '
William Penn, with his advice to his chil
den, 4/8.
16 mo. 2, 1794- . m&wim
Congress of the United States, 1
In Senate-, Tuefaay May \yh, I 794.
ORDERED, that Rufus Putnam, Ma. »
naf fall Cutler, Robert Oliver and
Griffin Green, do, upon tile third Monday of
Decembei next, (hew ca 11 (e to the Senate*
why so mucl: of the grants of land tn them
the said Rufus Putnam, Manaffab Cutler'
Robert Oliver and Griffin Green, pursuant °
to an Aft entitled " An acS authorizing *
tlie grant and conveyance of certain lands 3
to the Ohio Company of affotiates." shall '5
" otbe glared void, as may interfere , and be fuffitlent to fatisfy the claims "
of the French. Jettlers at Galliopoli*.
Ordered, that the delivery of a copy
of the above order to I(ufus Putnam, Ma f,'
naflah Cutler, Robert Oliver, ur Griffin
(.reenrt and the publitatioo of the fame '
"ne monih.inoneof the Gazettes printed V
lit this City, (hall be deemed fuffiaent do.
tice thereof. in
Extraa from the Journals of Senate fy
M SAM.A.b TlS>ftt r t ,„, «
I Nankeens of Superior S!uality
"e No. 40, north Fifth Street.
a " April al. mw&ftf
The Partnerfliip of
JONES, HOFF, and DERRICK, of this
- city, having diifolveJ on the 29th
day of May last, a.l persons having any
demands on the said si m are hereby < quel"- :
ted to prcfeut their claims for I'citlement,
and all thole who are indebted, to inatve
payment to theSubfcriber, at No. 8, north
Fi'th llree, who is duly autliorifed to ad
jull the concerns of the partnerfliip.
v. June rfy *d6t
Richard Johns In the Chancery Court
<v ( of the
John IVells and C State of Maryland,
t, Mordecai Cole. J May i(tb 1794.
v The Complainant hath fil
ed his bill, for t e purpose of obtaining a
decree, to velt in him a complete legal title
j. to two tracts of land, lying in Baltimore
, county, one called Pailiters-Levd, con
taining 100 acres, the other called Profpeft
contai igS3 acres.He dates,that the said
, John "Wells ou the 16th day of March 1
contrasted to reII t+ie -ftmi laud to the said '
J MordecaiCole,&executed to him a bond for
_ conveyance,that the said Cole, 011 tbe Tame
i day, executed to tile said Wells a bond for
i) ' the pavm -nt of the purchase money amoun
j tingto£67s Pertniylvania currency, that,
t '_ the said Cole hajh since discharged the whole
of the purchase money, and hath adignea
r to the complafiiant the said bond for con
veyance; tliftt the laid We'ls hath never
executed a deed, agrweably to his co.itraift
but hath removed out of the state of Mary
i land, and now rcfides in the state of Ken
ft is thereupon, and at the reaueft of the
cornpiftJ,t, i:i:^ccij ;nid (H tic 1(, lliat
V he procure a copy of this order to be inferi
, tdat least fix weeks fucceflively, before
he fir It day of August next,' in tiie United
Spates Gazette at Philadelphia, to thu in r
J tent, that the John Wells may Irave no
; tice of the complainant's application to
this court, apd may be warned to appear
heie, on orhefo e the firft TuVfday in Oc
. tober next, to Ihew cause wherefore this
|( - court ihijtiid not proceed to decree, agree
ably t.i the prayer of the complainant, and
to ilie aft of alfembly, for fuel) cases made
and provided.
Samuel Harvey Howard.
Reg. Cur. Can.
J une '3 mw&f'6w
IJORT,l J ORT, f WlNESofthe firftquality
LISBON, & | 17
- Old Jamaica Spirit, Antigua and Weft In
' dia Rum.
Coniac, French and Peach Brandies
» Claret and Port Wine of a «ua- ,
lity in cases.
Winr GydeT and Vinegar, in pipes and <
Corks in Bales,Havannah Segars in Boxes, r
Philadelphia Ported iVi Callcs and Bottles
London do. in do. do. ,
Philadelphia A!e and Iseer in do. do. i
London <10. in do. do. and i
Cyder :n barrels and bottle 3, prepared for
exportation or immediate use,
Benjamin W- Morris, c
The comer of Dock and Pear flreets-, *
Where he has provided fuita'ole itores and r
vauhs, f„r the reception of
Whi hhe proposes to store or dispose of I:
on com m illion
Captainq of and others fnpplied 11
with any of the above LIQUORS bottled, 1
and feaitores in geneal put up. n
Ma y 9 tu&fam (
Just ~ si
In one handionie volume,isxno. Price 58 ft
At Franklin's Head), No. 41, Che [nut
SireH, ! r
Natural h.cjuahty f TVTen m
On the Rights that result from it, and on e;
the Duties, which it imposes.
To which a MEDAL, was adjudged, by &
the 1 eylerian Society at Haarlem. al
CorrcH. i and Enlarged, by as
D. JO.
I'rofeflbr of Moral Philofophv and the
Laa of Nature, and of Ectlefiaflical
Hiftoiy; and Mmdter of the Knglilh
Church at Utrceht. j
A)i quid I'eiiiper ad communem utilitatem I —
atferrnriuni; (: rCERO . |
1 l irfl American Edition; B
T HEgrand principle of Equality if
rightly underlWd, is the only basis *
oiljvhtch ti,„ver(:.i juitice, I acred order, r.
perfea freedom, can be firmly built,
andpermanemf, (ecured. The view cf vi«
it exhibited this ellay, at the- fame time be.
tnat it rcprelles the inlblence of office, a.<
ie tyranny o( pride, and the outrages of mi
oppreffioji; cosfinm, in the mod forcible 'hi
i.ianneu necertity of subordination,, "
.nd the just demands of lawful authority. , lh<
»o tar indeed, from loolening the bands ,h(
" °eiety, that it niaiAtaians inviolate, e- ''
Very natural and every Civil diftinttion,
every social tie, unites
11 one harmbnmns and iuifly proportioned
yllem, and. brings men together on the T
even gi'ouncl of (hp inherent rights of hu
man name, of reciprocal obligation, and Afl
Ot a common relation to the community. Fr,
March ,8. ? Fl
; The r üblic are cautioned to
i beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Lhis
P, of the Bank of the United States, and
Twenty Dollar Bills of tlie Bank of North
America, several Sf which have appeared
in circulation within a few days pajl; th:-v
are good general imitation of the genuine
~ Bills, but may be dijlinguifhed by the fiU
)£ lowing
lis MARKS.
Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of t
(_ United States.
it, ALL that hare appeared havs the letter
i»e F. for their Alphabetical Mark.'
th The Texture of the Paper y thicker and
d- whiter and it takes the ink more freely
than the genuine paper.
The O. in tlie word Company is
t than the M. and other letters of
— so that a line extended from ihe top of the
:r/ O, to touch the top of the M. would extend
considerably above tlie range of the whole
word. ■
In the word-United the letters are nar.
. rower and closer together than the reft of
the bill. 1
a ie * aild /in the word promise £re not
] e paialleli theyinclining much nioretoi ward
re than the I.
1- a 1 ' 1C engrav ' n S ' 5 badly executed, the
Iti okes of all the Letters are ftrongei anfl
id the devu ein themargin pai ticularly lsn ,uch
coa.fcr and appears darker than in the true
( j hills. the counterfeits bear date in
)r 1 79' —whereas the ißank was not in opei ;i.
Ie tton till December, and no five dolla. bills
were iiiued in jliat year.
. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North
xi ■ America.
I e ALL that have appeared have the letter
a B. 'or tbeir alphabetical mark.
y They are printed on a paper nearly Dipi
;r ' 'ar to that of t.'.e counterfeit Five Dollar
Notes above defer i bed; the engraving is
better executed, and .they approach nearer
to the appearance of the genuine bills.
The fine ruled Jines through the word
ie Twenty, i-mthe body of the bill, are in nunl
it ber in the genuine bills, and but
twelve in :he counterfoils.
c The word Comf any is much like tlie fame
c j word in tl.e Five Dollar Bills *s described
< above, the 0 being iefs than the w, and o
thers following.
0 1 here is no stroke to the t inthe word
ir Aorth whereas in the genuine bills the stroke
»s well defined.
is ( The letiers ent in the word Twenty, to
>. tfie left haml at the bottom, do not come
d down tQ the line, but are so cut as to give
e an irregular appearance to the word, the
Tw and -hey going belo\v them.
The signature Nixoil, has the appear
j Mnce of being written with lamb-black and
• °il, and difiers <rom other inks used in
printing the bills and the caihiti's iigna
tin e.
It is supposed these forgeries were commit.
ted in fonn » ihe Southern Sijjct,, as all the
counterfeits thai ha v 6 appeared, have come
from thence, and two persons have been ap
' f'lehended in Virginia, on lufpicion of being
the author of them.
The reward of ONE THOUSAND DOL
LARS wiij be paid to any PeHmi or Person*
who shall discover and prosecute. to convic
tipn tie leveial offenders of ihe following
de>r r jpti ons or aU y theni, v j z
The person or pcrfona, who manufa£}ur»
ed the paper on which ihe Bills are printed.
The person or persons, who engraved the
; The printer or printers, of the bi11«.
* very person who Iras atfed as a principal
m any other way, in the counterfeiting and
uttering th'c (aid bills.
Philadelphia, March 28, '794
ril 22 ' 1794.
Other counterfeit bills
of the Bank ot the- United States have an
pearcd in circulation.
Jhe denomination is of TWFNTV
b.etentrß a ' phabetical IHa 'k is
They may be diflinguiflied.from the ce
nuine by the following MAKKS :
The paper ot tlie counterfeits is of a
more tender texture ami gloflev furface
than the genuine, and there is no water
mark in them.
The letter C. in the word Cafliier, in
e true bills is strongly marked, whereas
in the counterfeits, t) le whr , le ]etter is a
fine hair llroke, evidently in an unfinifhed
Afrfi j helettera ' n the wo id demand,
y orihed and the whole word ill done
and there is no comma at theend of it, as
theie IS Iri the genuine bills.
.•,'ir a ' ei , nal f ßvice > is >' ludl daiker
;t . f than in the genuine bills ow
" tue fliade tt rokes beiiig coarser much
neaier together, and conlennently much
more numerous. This difference ft. ikes .he
eve atfirft view:
Th ! fame reward of ONE THOUSAND
UOJ.LARS, win be Pilid for apprehending,
& profecutirFg to eonviftion the several
above described Offenders in refnea to this,
as to the last described bills.
o) I'nued Slans.
JOHN fIXON, P.efidentof the
Bank oi North Anieitca.
By order of the* of the Ref
petlive Boards.
Mai ket-Strtct,
An EfTay on Slavery,
Dcfigned to exhibit in a new pmm „t
view its cneftt on morals. indujn, \,u\ i!,»
/.Mte of Jucicty. S..n,e iai6H and calcolati,-,,,
a.e ofle.ed u, prove the labor ol /retmrn 10 1.-
much more projuflwc than that nr //<„ . ,
that countriit. aie rich, powe.l'ul and inu •
!r. proportion a? tlie laboriii K n . »
.he fruits of their own labor; and >~, ,!,
.he n'C<fr.ny condufion,that llavcrv is t,„i •;
lie as well ai» lutijitjl. v
P kice 2£ Cents.
Fet.ruai y, 5 .
'"pHE office of the Pieffdent and Direc'to.s
1 «f the Insurance Com panv of No«™
America, is removed to No. 107, South
Front ftieeij being the east Cornei oj
F.out and Walnutftieets.