DAILY EVENING [Mo. 19 of Vol. Vl.] FOR SALE By the SUBSCRIBER, No. if], north Second Jlrect, Imported in the Brig Betsey, from Dub lin —a few Crates of GLASS, And a few GROCE BOTTLES, .< , ; Also en Hand, . , Spermaceti Candlps. Louts Ofmont. June 27 Allperfons "who have any de ln-mcH iijinn rhe New Theatre,are requeu ed fend in t'leir accounts to No. '2C4, in Arch (}re&r, near Eighth street, as f<\u!i ai convenient. WIGNELL & REIN \GLE. dtf". May It is Requeued, THAT no po. Con wiil f'iipplv any articfe* for the lite of the New Theatre, Without an order in writins, figncd by ourselves, or Samuel AnHerfon,' f<»r us.. WIGNI'.LL Sc REINAGLE. dii*. May 33. WANTED A Maid lervant, Or a Girt of about 12 years old, to be bound. Enquire of the Printer. June 28 4t landing . - Out of the Brig NANCIir, " CAptain ShaplEY, at Wharf, "SVGARS in H glbeads mwi Barrels, COJiffiß itt Hogsheads, Barrelsand Bags, Infilled to drawback. For Sale, By JAMES CRAWFORD, rfr WHARTON & LEWIS. June 24th. Cincinnati vf Pennsylvania. THE Annua! Meeting of the Pennsyl vania State Society of Cincinnati, will be held on the fourth of July next, at the State-House, the Me brs are dtfir'ed to meet precisely at 9 o'clock in the morning; at which time and place such Members oi th? d'-iFerent State Societies as are in the City, will be pieafed to give their attend ance. The Society \vill dine at Mr. Richardet's Tenth-Street—Dinneron table at 4 o'clotk. June 25. TUITION. WILLIAM FINCH of the New Thea trr, begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has removed from the corner of Eighth and Arch streets to No. 68, north Eighth between Arch and Race streets, and that he continues to give In fti uttions in the French and English Lan guages as usual, as also the Claflics. He takes this opportunity of exp'relfing his ac knowledgements for the very liberal en couragement he has experienced, a conti nuation of which he begs leave to solicit. N. B. Translations from either languages corre&ly executed. d STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA In the Houft of RcprefentatlvcS, L)ECLMB£R 2111,1793. WHEREAS the Commiflioners ot pub lic Accounts,hove reported, that they cannot proceed to the mvefligation ot the Treasury Accounts, refpe£ting, fpapitl In dents, without knowing the outftandtng a mount thereof in circulation Therefore, Refolvtd, That ail holders of fpeoal In dents be dire&ed, and requireo, on or before I he fiift day of November ru xt, to deliver the special Indents in "their pofTeflion 10 one or other ot the Commiflioners of the Treasury, who are to give receipts for the fame, and to report to the Commiflioners on public ac«i counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov ember next, the amount by thei* refpettive 1y received, and also to the Legiflatute, at their meeting in November next, and that all special Indents not rendered into the 1 Treasury as above, on or before the firft day I ot November next, lhall be, and the fame are heieby barred. Rejolved, That public notice of this resolu tion be given in the fevetal Gazettes in this State, once every three weeks, until the firft day ot November next. Antl that the Dele gates ofthisState m theCongrcfs of the Uni ted Sates, be rcquefted to cause this rclolu tion to be publiftied in one or more papers in the cities ot Philadelphia arid New-York, and that provision will be made for the ex pences attending* such publication. Ordered, That the refoluMon be sent to the .Senate for their concurrence. By order of the House, JOHN SANFORD DART, C.H.R. In the SENATE, December 21(1,1793. Refolvcd, That this House do cpflcur with tht House of Reprefcatatives in the forego ing resolutions. Ordered, That tb< resolutions be sent to the House of Representatives. by order of the Sena FELIX WARLEY Clerk. CwtN'o*. Tivo or three Young Ladies may be Boaideti in an airy pi.aTant fuuaiion in a genteel laniily—For particulars apply tp the printer hereof. *■' June d- JUST RECEI VED, ' And Jor Sale at Mathew Carey's Store, N'o. 118, Mai kct ilreet, LETTERS from France ; CONTAINING a gri;ai variet) ot ori ginal information concerning the mnft Sin port'ant-events that ti.ive occurred in that country in the years 1790, 179'» 1 79 2 > al,d '7gJ. By Helen Maria Williams. Price b-iuod, 13/1 i-2—(iwed in blue pa- per, 10/io. Said Carej has in thej>refs, and will spee dily fubli/h, I. An impartial history of'the French Revo lution,from its tommenccnieii't, to the death of ihe Queen, and the execution of the Gi roride party. , 11. Plovden's hiftoty >f the Britifli Empire, rom May 1792 to December 17g3- Moore's Journal, >. aiiflated imF'cncb. Seattle's Elements of Moral Science, volume 11. Gibfon's Pocket Atlas. VI. Adventures of Roil, ric Random. VII. Edward's treatifc 911 the Religious affec :ins June ao, Scheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,9 00 Dollars, on 266,000 Dollars, deducting 15 per Cent, from the Prizes—this Lottery cavjijls of 38,000 Tickets, in which there arc 14,539 P'i' zes an d 23,461 Blanks; being about one and tin half Blanks to a Prize. THE Directors of the Society for eflablifh ing Ufeful Manufactures, having resolv ed to erect LOTTERIES for raising One Hundred Thousand Dollars, agreeably to an Aft of the Legislature of the State ol New-]erfey, have appointed the following petfons to superintend and direst, the draw ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Ruins King, Herman Le Roy, J«»mes Watson, Richard Harrifon, Abijah. Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city ol New-Yoik— Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M' Connel and Andrew Bayard, ot the city of Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General Elias Day ton, James Parker, John Bayard, Doctor Lewis Donham, Samurl W. Stockton, Joshua M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Elifha Boudinot, of Nrw-Jerfey, who offer the following Scheme ol'a Lottery* and pledge themfclves to the public, that they will take every aflurance and precaution in then pown 10 have the Monies paid b) the Managers, from time to time, as received, into the Batiks at New-Yoik and Philadelphia, to remain for the puipofe ol paying Prizis, which shall be immediately discharged by a check npon one of the Banks. SCHEME: i Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20.000 IC,OOO 10,000 5,000 10,000 1 a S 10 1,000 IIPOO fioo 100 50 io . '5 12 ti 20 ICO 3°° 1000 2000 3000 8100 14,539 Pr'zes. 262,000 23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000 Lalldrawta number) 2,000 38,000 fTickcts at 7 Dollars each is 266.0c0 The drawing will commence, under the infpeftion of a Committee ot the Superin tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, ot which timely notice will be giveri. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Cumraing, of Newark, Jacob R. Har deitbeig, ot New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample security toi discharging the trust vepofed in them. £3" In order to secure the pun£lual pay ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants o! the Lottery have dirctted that the Managers ftiall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fufficicnt forariti s, to perform their inftiudtons, the substance of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dole lars, he (hall immdiately plgce the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Philadel phia, to the ciedit of tire Governor of the Society» and such of the Superintendants as live in the city where the monies are placed, to remain there until the Lottery is drawn, for the paymnt of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficicnt se curity for any Tickets they may trust, other wise to be refponnble for th-em, 111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid into the Bank, abftra&s of which shall be sent, monthly, to theGoveinor of the Society. Pateffon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of the above gen tlemen, information will be given where tickets may be had. February 44. Thursday, July 5, 175,4. For Sale, -SSfcSsdL N AN C Y, 1 (As she came from. Sea.) IS a good double decked velTel, and will csrry 900 barrels. Inventory to be leen on boaid at Race ftieet wharf, and the terms made known by Wharton & Lewis, Who have for sale, WEST INDIA AND New-England Rum, OLD BILL Madeira "Wine, Coffee, &c. June 27 For MADEIRA, CATHARINE, Capt. M'Collom TO fail diredtly. A few barrels will be taken on freight, if speedy application is made. Apply to ' The Owner of the Catharine begs to in" form the gentlemen, importers' from Ma* deira, the Catharine returns diredlly to this port, and will take freight 011 mode rate terms. June 19 JSygh. THE BRIG Noah's Ark, tuth&i2w New-Orleans, HAS begun to take in her cargo at Clif ford's wharf. Gentlemen who will favor the Subscriber with some freight for what room her cargo may leave, are requested to fend down their goods as shortly as pos sible. Na. 117, north Second street. d June Wanted to Charter, here immediately. Alfoa veflel of ®to bufhels ? to load in the Chesapeake. Apply "to PETER BLIGHT. diot June 17 For Frederickfburg and Rappahunock River, The Schooner Columbia, Francis Tupman, Mnjler. Now lying at Sweetman & Rudolph's Wharf, and will fail on Saturday next. — For freight or paflage, apply to Captain Tupman on board, or to Emanuel Walker. July z 10,000 10,000 Rundle &Murgatroyd 10,000 io,coo 15,000 20,000 30,000 36,000 81,000 At No. 11, Walnut Jlreet, A CARGO OF LIVERPOOL SALT, On board the snow Mercury, which they will fell either together, or in smaller quantities. July 1 i Nicholas Attorney at Law, INFORMS his friends and the Public, that he has opened an OFFICE for the sale and purchase of Real Estates at No. 19 foiith Fourth street, where he will thank fully Teceive their commands.* He also draws Deeds, Mortgages, and other Writ ings. June Io All Persons indebted to the Estate of John Cottringer deceased, are a gain requested to make payment, & those who have any demands on said Estate, to present them duly authenticated to GARRETT COTTRINGER. Acting Executor. June 16 Louis Ofmont, No. 117, north Second Jlreet. Has now on hand for sale A few Packages remaining of his importa tion* this Spring, confiding of lrifh Dowlas, Baftas, Sattins, Feathers and Flowers, Black Lace Looking Glalfes, framed. ALSO A few Chests of Hyson -Tea, Burgundy Wine and Claret in afes, Madei ra Wine, Sptr.nacet Candles June 16 tl ta&flf AND ADVERTISER. PETER BLIGHT, JOHN CRAIG Louis osmont, FOR SALE, B Y D.iehl, jun. tuth&stf FOR SALE, At the STORES of JefTe Sc Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, lihds. and quar ter casks LISBON do. in pipes and quarter ca/ks Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter c hefts A quantity of Lisbon and, Cadiz SALT Soft ihelJed ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORKS, in do. Ruifia MATTS. 9 d i Choice St. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, And for &i/u> By JAMES YARD. A!fo a quantity of RUSSIA Matts. June i4th. dff. Bank of North America, July i, 1794. , AT a meetihg of the Directors this day a dividend of fix per cent was declared for the last half year, which will be paid tb the Stockholders, or their representatives, at any time after the 10th inft. By order of the board, JOHN NIXON, President: dt 10 July I 140 BARRELS Best Boston BEEF, ' 18 HOGSHEADS New-England Rum, daw Received by the schooner Belinda, from Boston, and for sale by Nalbrd' & John Frazier. No. 81, IValnut Jlreet. June 20 ADVERTISEMENT. LETTERS on the fubje<s> of the Wash ington Lottery, being by mistake repeat edly addrelfed to the Commiflioners for the City of Washington. Persons concerned are bereby informed, that all fnch should be addrefTed either to V\ r . Deakins jub. of Washington, or to the Subscriber. The commissioners never hav ing Contemplated any further concern in this business, than in their aflent to receive the bonds and approve the names of the managers. The prizes have been paid and are paying on demand by W. Deakins, Washington, Peter Oilman, Boston, and For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al ready givtn will be retained by the com-' miffioners, or transferred by them at their option to the bank of Columbia ; and the commissioners will be consulted refpe&ing a judicious and equitable disposition of the houses tri be built thereby ; their treasury or the bank of Columbia will receive the money intended for the National Univer sity, and they will be consulted in the no mination of the 24 managers ; but all the responsibility refpefting the general dispo sition of the tickets, and payment of pri zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on the persons whose names are and may be hereafter publifted as afTjflants to forward this bufmefs with N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particularly obliged if those persons who poflefs prizes yet unpaid, will apply for their money as early as possible. June 7th. d. JUST PUBLISHED, THOMAS DOBSON, Beckfeller, at the Stone Haufe in Second Jlreet, Philadelphia, VOLUME XI OF ENCYCLOPAEDIA, diw Dißionary of Arts, Sciences, aud Mtf- cellaneaus Literature, ON a plan entirely new ; by which the different sciences and arts are digested in to the form of diftinA treatises or systems. This volume contains the articles, medals, medicine, metallurgy, m£taphyfics,metho difts, Mexico, microlcope, midwifry, and a great variety of biographical and miscel laneous articles, illustrated with nineteen copperplates. ( jdT The tables of logarithms &c. which were dificient in the tenth volume, are subjoined to this. Eleven volumes of this work are now publilhed, and the Xllth is in fonje for | wardnefs. On the firft of September, 1792, the price of lubfeript ion was incriafefl TiN dollars on all setts not taken before that time.— The subscription isftillopcnon these terms, and it any copies remain by the firft of July next,the price will be railed TEN dollars more, 011 any copies which may belubfci ib ed for after that period. diw. \* As many of the fubferibers have ta ken only two, three or four, &c. volume s, they are earnestly requested to take up and pay for the remaining volumes, as it be comes difficult to complete the setts, anil the publillier not holdhimfelf bouud to make up any setts after ibe firft day of July next. April 22, feite mw&s3\v , S. BLODGET. by or A m&:tl.6w. [Whole No. 569.] Excellent CLARET, In hogfhcads and in cases of bottles cacli ALSO. A few cases Champaigne wine ; MADEIRA, In £>ipcs, hogftieads and quaitcr calks, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. in. South Iro«t ilrcet ]?n. 2, 1794 JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above the Drawbridge, out of the ship Bacchu* Cept. Vanneman, from Jamaica, FOR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT. May 16, Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR S TON ESj FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May 14. d Medical Books. JUST PUBLIBHF.D, By Thcmas Dob/on, at the Stone Hcufe, No. 41, south Seco dJireet, VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries AND OBSERVATIO N S. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M.. D. trolcffor of the Inltnules ot Medicine, antl of Clinical Praiiice in the Univci liiyot Piniifylvania. CON(TAININC I. An inquiry into the influence! of phyfic-tl causes upon the moral faculty. 2. An inquiry into the effctts of fpiritous li quors upon the human body, and their in* flnence upon the happiness of society. 3 An inquiry into the causes and cure of the pulmonaiy consumption. 4. Obfe» vyfions oA the iViuptums and cure of dropfles. 5. An Inquiry inio the caufesand the cure 0f internal diopfy of thcbrain. 6. An account of the measles, as they ap pealed in Philadelphia, iu the vear 1789. 7. An account of the influenza, as it appear ed in Philadelphia the years 1789,17901 8. An inquiry into the causes ot the in ere af# of bilious and lemming fevers, in Penn sylvania. 9, An inquiry into the caufesand cure of fore legs. 10. An account of the state of the body and mind in old age, with observations upon its diseases and (heir f medics. Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or one dollar and a half neatly bound. Medical Tranfa£tions g OF THE College of Physicians of Philadelphia. V OL. I.—P A RT I. Pi ice one dellar in boards. A Treatise on the Diseases of Children. Wilh general direflions for the management of Infants from the-birth, adapted for physicians and private families* By Michael Underwood, M. D. Licentiate ol Midwifery in the Royal Col lege of Physicians in London, and Physician of the British Lying-in-Hospital. Price one Dollar. This is acknowledged to be the best bool which has been published on the fubjefl, an& is calculated for the use of parims, nurses, and private families, well as for physicians —The two volumes handsomely printed in one, and the pi ice only about one third of what ihe "imported copies fell for. The Edinburgh New Dispensatory,' two dollars. System of Surgery* extra&ed frorp the works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2 dols. 50 cents. System of Anatomy, extrafktd from the Encyclopa:dia, with 12 copperplates, 2 dols. System of Chemistry, extra&ed from the Encyclopasdia, exhibiting a view of tbe pro gress of the fciencee, and the differed fyftcms which have been published, 2 dols. 50 cents. brown's Elements of Mcdicine, 2 dols. 67 cents. T. Dob/on has in the Prefi, An edition or the Medical and Philofophi cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two vol umes are printed x\ one at 2 dollars and 50 rents Der volume j he has nearly finilhed the fiv firft volumes, which contain the firil ten volumes of the European edition, which fell' lor iwodollarseach. Nine volumes will in clude eighteen European volumes, whicJi time. Like-wise for sale a considerable number of J -A* I- _» E> / — Medical Booh, -viz. CuHen's Practice, Materia Medica, Phyli olo.v, and Synopiis. Bell'iSurgery, 6 vols, or 4'vols, do. 01. Ulcers, BucWs Doracfttc Medicine, Ledrau's Surgery, Clie(elden'» A nelomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea ver on do. Rollo an Weft India Dileafaj Kigby 011, Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's outlines of the theory and praflice of Mid wifery, with or without plates; do. °» the management ol Female couiplaiDU. Mcali on ilydiophobia, &c. &c.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers