I : PMladelphla, March, i 1794- r< JUST PUBLISHED, a, < B/ MATHEW CAREY, j 1 No. 118, Market Jireet, lj ru : FIRST VOLUME OF A NEW SYSTEM OF „ Modem Geography : » t ' OR. A fl geographical, Hiflorical, ana. <• Joramercial Grammar; 0 And prefeut ftateof'the several i A".' I'fOA'S OF THE WORLD. ~ CONTAINING, I T!'lp figure. , motions, and distances ot tl) p. i diti:' to the Newtonian fyf len nd the la toil ibfervations. 2. A general view of the earth,con{iJeied * j : pla.ijtjwith feverai uteful geographical rii.^s a nd problems. i rlie g and divisions of the globe into latul aijdjtvarei", continents and ifiands. 4. Tiie liluatioli .atid extent of empires, kingdoms,(iates, provinces and colonies. Their climates, air, foil, vegetables, unions, metals, plinerals, natural ctiri- Mit es,feas,rivers, bays,capes,promontories, ■t; lafces. t> The birds and beasts peculiar to «ach ■y 17- • t r y. 3/ (ibfervations on the changes that hdve any where observed upon the face ot ure (ince the inoft early pericids of hif .l'v. ? The history and origin of nations; h.rti forms of government, religion, laws, . venues,tax.'s,nival and military strength 9 The genius, manners, customs, and hsbits of the people. '3. Their language, learning,arts, fcien ce~., raanufatlares, and commerce. The chief citres, ftruiflures, ruins, e artificial curiofrties '2. The longitude, latitude, bearings, k diftauces of principal places frotnPhila :e,,"hia. To which are added, A Gjsographi cal Index, with the ".a.' es antl places alphabetically arranged. 2. A Table of tire Coins of all nations, ami their value in dollars and cents. " A CHRONOLOGICAL Ty.si.Eof relnarka- I b!e events,from the creation to the prefeiit i me. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Esq. The Astronomical Part correifled by Dr. litttenhouse. |To which have t»een added, " ' le late Discoveries of Dr. HERscHELi., and otbei eminent Ast'ronOmers. * The FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, Corrected, Improved, and greatly Enlar ged. The firft volume contains twenty-one Maps end Charts,befldes two Aftronomtcal elates, viz. | Map of the world. 2. Chart of the C' 3i le 3- Europe. 4. Afta. 5. Africa. 6. ■South America. 7- Cook's discoveries. 8. Countries round she north Pole. 9 Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. :o. Se ven United Provinces. ti. Aulb ian, French Dutch Netherlands. 12. Ger many. 13. Seat of war in France. i 4' France divided into departments. t5- Switzerland. 16. Italy, Sicily, and Sar dinia. 17- Spain and Portugal. '?l Turkey in Europe and Hungary. 19. Ire land. 26. Weft-Indies. 2t. Vermont. 22. Ar miliary sphere. 23. Copternican fvftem- With the second volume, which is now in the press, will be given the following Maps: - 1. Ruflia in Europe and Asia. 2. Scotland. 3 England and Wales. 4. Poland. 5. China. . 6. H'tndoftan. 7. United States. Britilh America. 9. State of New-Hampshire. 10. State of Malfachufetts. 11. State of Connefticutt j2. State of Rhode Iftand. 13. State of New-York. 14. State of New-Jersey. »5. State of Penufylvania. «6. State of Delaware. State of Maryland. 18. State of Virginia. 19. State of Kentucky. 23. State of North-Carolina. 21. Tenneflee Government. 22. State of SoutiuCarnlina. 23. State of Georgia. TERMS. ~ This svork will be coirtpriltd in two volumes. Subscribers pay for the prelent volume mdelivery, fix dollars, and the price of rinding, (56 cents for boards.) They may rtceire the fucteeding vo ■ umein twenty-four weekly numbers, at 1 quartet dollar each, or else, when fi iiilhed, at the fame price as the fn ft. -phe fubfeription will be railed on the firftday of June 1794. to fourteen dol lars, exclusive of binding. 5. Should any copies remain for sale after the completion of the work, they will be fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of binding. t. The names of the fubferibers wilt be publiftied as patrons ol American litera ture, arts, and sciences. It is whdlly unnecessary to expatiate on the advantage,to American readers, that this edition poffelTes, over imported edition of any system of Geog-aphy extant. The addit tion of maps of the several tefta>, procured a very great expense, and from the bell materials that are attainable, speaks such full conviction on this fubjeft, that it would be difrefpea to the read er's understanding to suppose it requisite to enter into a detail of arguments to prove its superiority. In no litnilar work have fucU mapsbsenever introduced. The emendationsand additions which are made in this work,are innumerable,and occur in every page. The public are re ferred to the preface for a (light (ketch ©f a few of them. The publiftier takes the present oppor tunity of returning his mod (incere thanks to those relpeftable characters who have favored him with do ■ ■ jog the niap3 of & oi tlu He < requefti a continuance of their kiiidnefs; /"•, and hopes that such public spirited citizcns, ' as are poticjlt'd of jimilar documents, will bcr' favor him with theii alfiftance in pert'eft- HO ing his undertaking. two The extraordinary encouragement with -j-]}, which he has been favored, has excited Q in hisbreaft the warmest sentiments ot gra- wa , titude—fentiments which time will not el face. He pledges himfelf to the citizens of the United States, to spare neither pains . nor expense to render the pnfent edition of Guthrie's Geography imprt/ved, deserv ing of their patronage. wafti Joseph Clark, ARCHITECT AT ANNAPOI.IS, Proposes to publijb, by fubfcrip lion, POLYMATHY; OR _ Pr The 'American Builder. A Wurk calculated equally to edily and en- ( tertain the Gentleman, Farmer, Su rveyor, Builder & Mechanic.' THIS wofk. will contain various pn iens of the belt writeis on Architc&ure, Arts, and Science ; togetherwithexperiments, and [I accurate notes of observation, by the author; being the retail of thirty years study and ex perience in his profeflion. no It will also contain an alphabetical account of the*quality and value of the various kinds of materials, and numerous species of labor, ~j] expended on building. Exemplifications, to ascertain the quanti ties df materials and labor necessary to com-, plete, almost, every part in a building, Of whatever dimensions. An account and explanation of all the terms and phrases, used in ancient and mo- v ° dern archite&ure and building. To persons inclined to build, it will afford 'e an opportunity of regulating tlieu pisnswith- ia ' in the'eompafs of their finance*, and prepare thetn to prevent impositions from tricking f°' venders of materials, and extortionate work- to men—To Mechanics, who cannot, for want tic of experience, calculate the value of their pe refpeftive labour, and materials expended in ' their particular branches oi budding, this X work will afford an opportunity to estimate ** with facility and accuracy, any done or in- co tended to be done, either in tne aggregate or lai the mimitise. It will contain many eurious and valuable Ge recipes to make fine and coarse varnifhes,for C e preserving roofs of houft-s, barns, palings, p r troughs, pipes, See. Recipes to make vari ous glues and cemcnty; recipes tft make coin i portions for elegant, or minute ornaments, w; and enrichments for oufide or inside com- a ( partments : recipes to make conipofition for figures and inci"uftations—to endure the weather in any afpeft ; recipes to make ftuc - co compositions, for floors, malt-houses, dif- (j 1 tilleries, hearths, linings for ciftcrns, See. Tablesfo ascertain the scantling of different ; species of timber neceflary to perform their, refpe£tive fun&ions, in proportion to their various fufpenlions : Tables to ascertain the or dimensions of the various apertions introdu- b>: ced in different edifices, and doors, windows,' M chimnies, flky-lights, stair-caseS, See- in pro- te ' tion to their different ufeg and intentions— whether for beauty or utility : A concise mode to take, and square the dimensions of f V all kinds of artificer's work belonging to buildings, and to ascertain the cubical or fu- Cll ~ perfictal cqat«>H thwol r -^>fawalion» of aj the do&rine of echo and found: A difTerta " tion onthe philosophy, do&rine, end con- j-j ftruclio'n of chimnies, to void or emit the v 'molcc. Pfopofitiors and recipes to cure y£ t. smoky chimnies : Observations on the infta- bility of the edifices heretofore, generally, eretted in America : Suggestions of modes to . puifuc in buildings here, that will, without additional expence, tend more to their dura bility than .those heretofore, commonly, con- w , ftru&ed : Descriptions and proportions of tr the general and particular members of vari- rn ous orders in Archite&ure, viz. the Tuscan, ar Doric, lonic, Composite, Chi- P= nefc, Attic, Cargatic, Arabesque, Mqrefque, r* Grotesque, Saracenic, Ruitic, An'ique, Anti quo-Mod< rn, Gothic, and Britannic : Many — curious hiflorical accounts of various won derful buildings in different parts ot the world : Many curious and original accounts B and eulogiums on Free Masonry. This work will be printed in two octavo volumes, each to contain upwards of 400 > f pages, on fine paper of elegant letter pre fa : The price to fubferibers, in boards, five dollars; and a halfdollarslo w be paid on the delivery of the fiift, and two t< and a half doi lars on the delivery of the P' ■-freoftd-vTHwrnc-."M tl OhirftrjrfforesTfrc ptiE>TiC,~ that he will literally perform all that he hath G set forth in these proposals. 0 Gentlemen inclined to promote this work, by fuofcribing thereto, are requested 10 write, f< e poll paid, to Mr. Joseph Clark, at Annapolis, authorising him to annex their names to the fubfcripiion lift. t The Printers in the United States, are so- 2 licited to give these prbpofals occasionally, j a place in their papeis.; e 7 I Morris Academy. x , r THIS inftiiuiion is now open for the re- d ception of (Indents under the immediate care of Mr. Caleb RulTell, whose abilities - as aiv inftruftor, and attachmentto the bu- / finefs Itave long been known and approved. He has under him thg heft assistants in * the different branches—The scholars are taught the English, French, Latin', and | lt Greek languages, Public-Speaking, Writing, j Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, and the various b. anches of the Mathematics, The healthy firuation of this place is 111 ' as to recommend it to those, who wifti to p have their children in the country. Boatd { j' ing, walhing, mending, &c. will be provld- ■ ' ed in good families, and the morals ot the ftholars iarefully attended to. e The price including tuition, firewood, " tcc. exclusive of the French language) will v not exceed thirty poußds proclamation mo- 0 ney per annum) an addition of three dollars :h per quarter will be made to such fcbolars 0 d who are taught the French language. The " J- Dircftori at edetrrmined to pay iiich atteiu h tion to this institution, as will render it 0 refpe&able and tifefu). ' r- GABRIEL H. FORD, ~) TIMOTHY.JOHNS, jun. V Dued's. e NATHAN FORD, | t/Uy-j' *V) 4 i« | ~i«' w2is. — , Came to the subscri ber's stable, on Friday the 27th inft. a bay HORSE, with a star in his forehead, lus ' two hind feet white, about 15 hands high. The owner is desired to come and property, pay charges, and take him a way. Apply to WILLIAM BUCK, Pine near Fifth street. June 30 d A New Novel. To the LADIES of Philadelphia. This Day is Published by MATHEW CAREY, 118, Market street, Price, bound, five eighths of a dollar, sew ed in n arble paper, halt • Charlotte, a tale of Truth, IN TWO VOLUMES. By Mrs. ROWSON, of the New Theatre, Phladelphia, Author of Victoria, the In. quifitor, the Fille de Chambre, &c. ,Of the Reviewers have given the following character, IT ma) be a Tale of Truth, tor it is not unnatural, and it is a talc of real dis tress. Charlotte, by the artifice of a teach er, recommended to a school, from huma nity rather than a convittion of her inte grity, or the regularity of her former con duct, is enticed from her governed, and a ccompames a young officer to America. — The marriage ceremony, if not forgotten, is postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr to the inconstancy of the over, and treach ery ol htf frieftd.—The lituations are art less and affecting—the descriptions natu ral and pathetic ; we (hould feel for Char lotte if such a peifon ever existed, who for one error scarcely, perhaps, deserved To fevce a punishment. If rt is fic tion, poetic justice is not, we think, pro perly diftnbuted. Said Carey has jtijl published, A 2 sheet map of Kentucky compiled by Elihu Barker, pric6 one dol lar and two thirds. War Atlas, containing maps of France, Germany, Spa n, Italy, the United Provin ces, the Netherlands, and the Weft Indies. Price two dollars. Map yf New Jerfey —Half a dollar. of Vermont, CoTineflicut, Dela ware, Georgia——Price three eighths of a dollai each. April 29. tuth&sjw GUTHRIE's GEOGRAPHY Improved. THE fubferrption for this work on the original terms, of twelve dollars and the binding, will be doled this day—a d on Monday the fubfcriptioa will open at four teen dollars, 'excitative of the price of bind ing- The new maps aridsd to this edition are twenty one ; anion? which are those o' Nc w-Hampftfire, Maffachufett*, Connecti cut, Rhode-Ifiaad, Vermont, New York, New- Jei ley, l'ennfylvania, "DelaWaie, Ma ryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Caro lina, the Geneltee Government, South Ca rolina, and Georgia. These maps have ne ver been given in any former system of Geography, and, it is hoped, Wotifd alone be fufficient to entitle this work to a pre ference to any other edition of Guthrie. N B. lTlie map of the United States, which is compiling by Mr. S nruel Lewis, from the refpe&ive state maps, will be far more Complete than any one yet published, and be printed on two large iheets oi paper, nearly the size of the late Mr* Mur ray's map. May 31 d Just Published, By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at bis BookJlore, No. 147, Ma)het Jlrect, ' The Life of Dr. Franklin, \ with a striking likeness, executed in a mas , terly manner by Tliackara and Vallance, . price fivelhilltngs. j The Ready Retkonerj or Traders' Sure 1 Guide, 3 9 The Young Book keeper's Afliflant, 6/3 , The Chriltian, a poem, by Charles Craw , ford, 2/4 1 Efop's Fables, 4JB e Swan's British Architect, 37/6 Fame's ditto 3 °J Town and Country Builder's Affidavit. " 22 / 6 '• In the press, and quill be published in a few days, and fold as above, Refle&ions and Maxims, by William Penn, with his advice to his cnil - den, 4/8. e 16 mo. 2, 1794* tn&wim Congress of the United States, " In Senate, Tuefaay May 13th, 1794. j /"\RDERED, that Rufus Putnam, Ma. [ naf fah Cutler, Robert Oliver and jj Griffin Green, do, upon the third Monday of December next, ihew cause to the Senate, why so much of the grants of land,to them the fa id Rufus Putnam, Manatfah Cutler, 0 Robert Oliver and Griffin Green, pursuant to an A& entitled " An aft authorizing c the grant and of certain lands to the Ohio Company of afTociates," {hall , not b? declared void, as may interfere lj with and be fufficier.t to fatisfy the claims ( of the French fettlets at Galliopolis. , s Ordered, that the delivery of a copy s of the above order to Rufus Putnam., Ma e ualTa'h Cutler, iiohctt Oliver, or tiriffin _ Green, anci the publication of tlie fame, t one month, in one of the Gafcette* printed/ m this City, fliall be deemed fufficient no tice thereof. Exintfl from the Journals bf Setiitei Attcft, 9AM. A, OTIS, ffcretarv. May *4- iik NANKEEKS. Nankeens of Superior Quality, FOR SALE AT No. 40, north Fifth Street. April si. mw&ftf The Partnership of JONES, HOFF, and DERRICK, of this | city, Printer?, having dilfolveJ 011 the 29th day of May last, a.l persons having' any demands on the said fi aiKi perfect treedom, can be firmly built, 3 and ucrrman/ti*,mc fa£U and calculations aic otiered to prove the labor oi freemen to be much moic'produtlive than that of /laves \ that countries air rich, powerful and happyj in propoaion as the laboring people enjoy ihe fruits of their own labor; and hmce the in ceifaiy coo clufion, thai flavcry , s Uc*i wcjl as unjujl, Prxjce 25 Cents. February 15. d(f rHE office of the Pre/ident and Dire&ors t)f the Jnsurance Comp any #f Nor th ; America, is rtfjjbyed to No, >07, South ! Front greet, being the south east corner of I ? r.ont.o.r»<' Wslrtut ftree-ts-