Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, July 02, 1794, Image 3

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    os'i-'ry or Nice, and are making a
o,:d by the sea fide for the transport of
their artillery, at the fame time that
they are preparing gun boats at -Tou
Gen. Clairfayt wrote to Capt. Ro
binson, of the Brilliant frigate, off Of
tend ; and also to Gen. Stewart, the
governor, acquainting them that the
French, to the number of 60,000 men,
had attacked hijn in his position to co
ver Odend, which was the objedi of the
enemy ; that lie had repull'ed them se
veral times before they made any impres
sion : On the eighth attack they pene
trated his lines, and forced him to re
treat, with die lofsof about 23 pieces
of cannon. Jlis Ipfs in men had not
bee;, so great as Ue at
Gen. Clairfayt adds, that he had only
three brigades, (not 10,000 men) and
that his defeat wis not of a nature to
endanger Oitend ; that by Thursday lad
his reinforcements would be all arrived;
and that if moßlieur Pichegru did not
piv him a second visit', he, Gen. Cla'ir
fnyt, would march in search of him.
Thirty waggons loaded with the plun
< der of Courtrav, had been reu.ken from
the enemy.
Aprii 23.
Eillaud Varenaes, pref.'nted in 'the
Dame of the committee of public fafety,"
the following decree, which was adopt
ed unanimously': —
V That, fupportsd by the virtues of the
people of France, the National Con
vention will cltabhih DeniOcrucy, and,
pur.i'h all the enemies of that IJcmo
cracj. ,
, April 30.
Barrere informed, that eight prizes
had been bnViigrit into Brell, L'Oiient,
and Rochefort :—" One ot our (hipsof
the line, has taken an Englilh frigate,
and an Englilh (hip of the line has been
burnt in the Mediterranean. Seven.pri
zes has been lent into t"he poitsof Bred
and St. Mali). One 01*0111' frigates has
funk two (hips laden with iron and
brandy, the flaps''cksv# were, however,
CORK, May 17.
Last night arrived in the Cove, the
French'friyvte of 36 guns,-captured by
his majelly's Ihip Swiftfisre of 74 guns,
Capt. Movies. [This frigate Icept up
. a running fight,of some hours vjith the
man of war, and loft feveralmen killed.-]
The Marquis Cornwaßis is appointed
to command the Pruffiatt troops in the
■4»« y of Grßat Britain. J
It was vefterday currently 'reported
• in the city, that Gen. Pichegru, find
ing his retreat cut off by the duke of
York, had begun to entrench hfrtil'elf, 1
and that the allies were preparing to at
tack him, with the mod confident hopes ,
'of success. There is great probability ;
in tiiis rumour; but at a late hour lall ,
wight, no Wd arrived from |
his royal highness, polterior to those ,
contained in the Gazette. .
OSTEND, May S : i
The Bth regiment of light horse, '
commanded by Colonel Lafcelles, lately
dtfembarked ?t this place, is composed 1
entirely of Iriffi and f» very desirous *
are they to be in action, and take pri- c
fmers, that when their panics are 011 the '
look out, they take Hanoverians, Hef- 1
fians, and every person they meet who t
cannot speak Fiiglidi. A Very laughable '
circumdance of this kind occurred vef- 1
terdav morning in the neighbourhood 1
of Odend : <
A picquet belonging t6 the Itifh ,egi
ment was in motion about fix rt.iles from
the town, and the officer who ciim
, ma'nded ordered one man to advance a
bout a mile on the road, and to fire if
Tie saw an enemy. The man fired ani
returned to the j.icquct in full gallop,
swearing mod vehemently that lie had
discharged his piftojat 15,000 French
men, who were advancing with the
tit mod expedition to Oftend. Two .
I lanoverians came up at this moment ■
who belonged to thk detachment ejn
ployed to convoy three pieces of artil
lery, taken that morning from the ,
French at Roufilliere. The Irilh im
mediately took them prisoners. They
expodulated, but could not make them
selves underftelod. The Hibernians
swore, that as they could not speak
Englilh, they mud be French, and ao- ,
iblutely proceeded with thetfi to Oftend, ,
as prisoners of war.
LONDON, April 28. ,
We learn by a Gazette of the 26th; 1
that on the 17th, the rich banker, La t
Borde, formerly banker to the cofirt,
was taken up, and cotalnitted to the ■
Conciergerie, where, after undergoing :
a fecict examin ion, be wis imprison- 1
a ed till tiie i 9th, and on that day guii
>f lotined. .
t JoQnefle the banker, has fuffered the
i- fame fate.
The Countefles de Montmorin and
de la Luzerne are arretted.
The Paris papers mention, that the
firft division of the Bred fleet has fail
[. Ed, unfler the command of Admiral
c 1 de Nifles; but neither the number of
e j fliips, nor its probable dedination, are
! ! mentioned. Lord "Howe failed from
! St. Helen's on Saturday.
e j 1 The total amount of the army under '
j the command of his'lmpcrial Majesty is
I edimated at 187,000; namely, 15,000
.. J Dutch, and 15,000 Auilriaiss,< under
| the command of the Prince of Orange
s ! and General Latour, by whom the liege
t sos Lanarecies is formed; and 15,000
i British, and 15,1300 Audrians, conl
y j rnande'd by the Duke of York and
j ] General Otto, encamped on the fide of
0 J Cainbray, to watch the motions of the
1 great French army. The Emperor,
. and the Prince of Saxe Coboutg are at
, the head of 6c,000 Auilrians, in the
.. vicinity of Guile-; J 2,000 Heiliaiis and
Audrians, under the command of Gen.
Worms, are (tationed near Douay and
j Eouchain, Count Kaunitz, with ; 5,000
Audrians defends the Sarr.bre, and the
• quarter of Maubeuge. - And, lastly,
Gen. Clairfayt with 40,000 Audrians
• -and Planovcrians, protects Flanders,
from Tournay to the fea-lide.
The nitmber of Britidi (hips of war
now in commission exceeds all former
exertions in the naval line. The lid
made made up to the 20th includes the
following now in actual service ; of the
the line, <j 3 ; of 50 guns, ten '; frigates '
from 40 to 24 guns each, 119; (loops,,
tuners, &c. 9 j ; revenue cutters, 37;
' arm'ed fliipt, tenders '(which iatt
are employed chiefly on the iiiiprcfs
service at different ports of Great" Bri
tain and Ireland) 24.
Relal i-vi to ihe recent irdubks in Poland.,
WE Francis If. ty the Grace of
God, Empc-ior, King of the Romans,
Emperor th'r mghout Germany, King
of Jerufalehv, &c.
We have, already admonished our
Gallician fubjeds, 011 the 14th of Feb.
last year, in a paternal manner, to re
frain entirely frttm all partivipation in
the plans and endeavors of that time,
to accafion fre(h changes and ferments
in Poland.—We have affo .perceived, j'
with the greatest pleasure, the obedience
of Our Gallician fubjefts, Snd their love
of order and tranquility, founded ityon
true principles.
Whereas we flow learn with rlvij.lea
fure, that fredi and violent troubles ex
ist in the ncigiiboring kingdom of Po- ,
land", Which are contrary to the cda'-
blilhed order, and di'lh'nb it the fame '
time our Gallician frontiers; and where- !
as the interruption of the public trail- '
qurhty is to be fullered ui no country—- • *
and whereas the tranqri?.:!' -,nd -.xjfpe-.l x
rity of our fubjeils i.vy happen to be '
prejtrdiced, We ad.monifh with parternal | \
care in a ferioul manner our Gallician j
and other fti!>jccts who reside in oUr 1
territories, to take no part, directly or j
indiredfly, in the troubles of Poland,
and to * void all communication'.
In this refpeft we also command all '
Polifli subjects, who reside in our tern- '
tories, to observe a lifnilar quiet cdn- r "
dust, and declare hereby that, fliould *
they be found participating in the.trou- 1
bles, our officers of judice are charged 1
to refilfe them a further residence in our '
dominioUs ; a id they are also charged
to take care, that our present declara
tion for the maintenance of publiclrin- 1
quility be every where obeyed. 1
Done at Vienna, April <j. 1
Prochim'Ation 'of Thaddec Kofriujko, com- t
mander in chiej of the arthics of (he ]
halion, to'the XJi.'izens of Poland.
" Dear fellow-Cit /ens, j ]
" Having been often called to afiift in f
the Salvation of our common country, £
behold I obey the call— but I cairhot <
Ibe uielitl v> yuu, ot break the chains of {
.Livery, if y m dp not give me speedy 1
succour . Suj>^j r t me with your whole t
force, and fly to>J le flandard of your
counir). In this common cause, the c
fame zeal oUght to a/,tiiate Us all. c
" Make voluntary Orifices of your t
wealth, which bithertij, inft ca <i of be- ■,
ing at your own dffpofal, was at the t
will of a despot! Furnish racn capable 1
of bearing artns. Do-not refute, the t
necessary provisions of bread, bifenit, 1
&c. Send horses, boots, cloth ard can- t
vas for tents. The generous facrlfices (
made to liberty and your country, will J
receive their recompence in the "rati- 1
tilde of the nation. I
" The last moment is arrived, in t
which despair, in the midst of fliame 1
and reproach, puts arms in your hands. 1
Our hope is in tie cjntempt of death, j
r which can alon; enable us to ameliorate
o.r fate, and that of our pi.fterift,.
e Far bs'frwn us tnat terror which the
enemies, cpofpired againit us, endeavoi
-1 to infufe into our minds.
" The fir ft ltep to throw ofFthe yoke
e is to dare to believe ourselves free and
- the fir ft step to ,riflory is a confidence
1 in our ftreng'th.
f " Citizens, the Palatinate of Ciacow
: affords you a figiutl example of pa'rio
-1 tifm. It offers the flower of its youth,
having already' granted pecuniary and
r' other affi ft arise—their example is wor
i thy of imitation-—do not hejitate to
> place credit in your country, which will
■ reward -you well—the ordinance ilTued
: by the Generals of the Palatinate, and
: the commanders of the troops, to fur
-1 111 1 1 " the neceflary provisions, will be pla
ced to the account of imports, and will
be paid for. in the fequei.
It is unneceflary to encourage you
before hand, because that would
appear to doubt your civifm ; the con
t imied opprellion pradfifed by. the Ruf
fian soldiers, ought fufScicntly to con
vince you, that Jt is better; to inake vo
luntary facrifices to yonocountry, than
to make facrifices by force of an ene
my. Whoever in thele circumstances
dare be insensible to the urgent necef--
fities of 'his co'tmtry, 'mult rfraw upon
hinifelf eternal infamy.
" Dear fellow citizens, I eipeft every'
thmg from your 'tot—yoifr tiearts will
join that sacred union which is lieither
the ttork of foreign intrigue, nor of a'
delire of domifiation, but i's solely the 1
• effect of a love for liberty.
" Who does not declare for i' a
gain ft us : He \vho Yefufes to a'Toeiate'
, withthofe who have sworn t6 filed their
last drop of' blood lor their country, is
j either an efiemy or ortewho is nciil'er,''
and in filch a cafe neutrality is a crime
against civifm. 1 have sworn to the na-'
tion that the powers 'entrußed. to me
shall -applied to the ojiprefTion of.
the peoplei At the fat?ie time, I de
claie, that whoever acts agamft our
confederacy-, shall fuffer the punishment
eftabliftied in the National ait, of a trai
tor and enemy to his country.
" We heve already finned' by conni
vance, which has rained Poland. Scarce
"has an offence against the people ever
been punilhed. L-.t us Ltw. adopt a
| different mode of c-onduft; and let us
j re commtroce virtus and ci'.ifm Ly pur- J
i filing and punishing traitors.
j '(Signed.J " Thaddee Kofciufl:o. ' J
| Head-qu.irteri at C.atti.v, March 24. j
'E'xirtiS of theilCt of accufatlon of Ariii'Ur
X-yhiCii.r.ii., JikL 1
Phat Clitfumette was an accomplice
with the other conlpiratirs, is proved
irorti his conduct in the eiferafe of his
liffici of attO: rivy for the commune of
Paris, from his to b 1 avc and
difavovv the authority and the laws of
the National Convention ; from his e-
Teiting himfelf, by the mo ft criminal
and audacious usurpation, into a legis
lature, by ftlftigatiug, by his requisiti
onS', 'ordinances hofule to liberty, tlie
tibjif£t of which was to annihilate the
laws to which they were contrary. But
his being an Accomplice u ft ill further
proved by his exertion, with Clo'ots, ■
Gobel, Hebert and their partisans, to -
efface all idea of tile Deity, and Found ■
the French government on Atheism, -
thereby to fubjeit the public mind, in
order to give fo'lnepTaulibility to the in
famous calumnies of the despots com
bined against the French nation.
It is proved to demonstration that
the conduit of Chaumette and his ac- j
complices V;as one of the mod effectual
means ps executing that plan (if confpi
rcicy which has ju(t been detected and
defeated. The design of Chaumette
and Gobel was, with Rdiifiii Cilomwel,
to destroy all iJnd-. of morality, to ob
literate every principle of virtue, and to
persuade neigli'ootiilg nations that the {
French people were arrival at the last ,
flage of diffoliitenefs and depravity ; j
even to the exploding of the very idea J
of the supreme being, nmWr whose au
spices they hnd proclamed the indefeali- '
ble Rights of man, and the Natural li
berty of all kinds of divine Vvorfhip.
It was in those orgies, in thole ban
quets at a hundred ecus a head, which
did not break up till iate at night, that x
those liberiicide measures were concerted
which Chaumette, extended even to : c
the department of - NieVie, where a po- |
pular society, thrioitgii his inffigatiori', i '
prefiiffled to disavow k he national autho- ! c
rity, and toTet it at defiance in refiifing i J
to obey the law on the libeity of wbr- .
ship. Ihe gold.of Pitt requited the t
base treafor. of Chaumette ; according- c
ly he wrote to his father, in feiltfiiig '
him 30,000 livres, to purchase neither a
I the national domains nor the property .
of the Emigrants, because, laid he, j
matters will nut !ong eontinuc in their ;
prefer; t state.
- i
e j Lettere from the We ft-in dies Inform
• • that Mr. Higginfort, who Was scut ou
e 1 on -public h, ; ilinef* bythi E ccutive o r
" I the United States, arrived at Baibadoer
after 25 days passage.
' Arrivals at Kew-Tijri.
Ship Flora, Briggs, Jamaica
Brig Succefe, Gardner, Salem
" VV alhingfon, Geach, returned hav
" T . i"g fjTung a leak
) oioop Democrat, Leak, St. Bartholomews
i Pol! y> Elliot, St.Crcix
".a 1?? bl ''S 9 eo '' gc am! Pc ggy, arrived a s
3 Madeira, 16th Aprß, 49 days paflage.
1 Capt. Briggs from Jamaica, in 28 days,
j lliiormj, that it was supposed there, that
j America had gone to war with England
that provisions were scarce and dear, par
ticularly flour, which fold for 161. perbar
• rel, that it was very sickly at Jamaica—
1 and tnat the inhabitants died fall. No Ves
sels had araived there from America which
1 after the embargo, the 2d June, the
| «ay he failed.
. The Letter Sag of the Ship Star,
Captain I annenian, far Hamburgh, will
_ be taken from the Pujl-Office on Saturday
t evtyi/ig, next.
'• For Frederickfbtirg and
- Falmouth,
R a PP a h ar '°ch River,
The Schoosu
brands Tupman, Mafler.
Mow lying at Sweetman & Rudolph's
whirs, and will fail on Saturday next. —
_ For jr. vhj or palfage, apply to Captain'
Tupman cab 1. or to
Shi -.. •' w/, Walker.
' jrjly y 4t
Mr. &c \1 ;•<?. Cleveland's >
Ibis Evenings
July 2. {
WiH be Presented,
A TRAGEDY, called the
W ulow of Malabar
Raymond-, Mr. Moieion
■ • Mr. Harwood'
Chief Bramito, Mr. Fennell
I Second Bramm, Mr. Warrell
| Voimg Bramiu, Mr. Cleveland
Mr. Green'
liVia.nora, the Widow, Mrs. Whitlock (
Fatim'a, Mrs. Cleveland
1 itliihcccic.iiofl.y "of ijjfi j ktiiii 1of1; 1
Iniii n woman, 011 the 1-imeral Pile of -
Cl * ( |^ cea '" £ d hulba 111*1.—the vocal parts
by Meflrs. Marihall, Darley, Darley
Jun. Warrell, Lee, Mrs. Mar/hall, Mrs.
Warrell jMifs Broadhurft, Miss Willems
rnd M.s. Oldmixon, &c.
End of '.he Play, a whimflcal, pantomi C
mical Addr.els, supposed to be writteh v
by Somebody, addrefl'ed to to c
be heard by Everybody, and to be'dehv- (
ei-pd in the character of Nobody, bv "
Mr. Bates. ' " i.
After Which will be performed a Farr'e, tn '
die French language, called c
U Amcricain s k
Jaques Splin, Mrs. Cleveland ''
Jjquot, Mr. Finch °
L Huifler, Miss Rowfon
I-oyer, Mr. Bologna
Therefaj Madame Gardie p
Ah entire new D'afic'e, composed Vjr Mr- f
Francis, called t
Tht Scheming Milk tiers ;
By Mr. Francis,, Mr. Bologna, Mr. Rlif- a
l'ctt, Mrs, De Marque, and Mrs. Cleve- l\
hind. w
1 0 'which •WiH be added', j
Selhna and Azof %
Azor, Mr. Mirlhill
Scand'er, Mr. Dirley ll(
vli, Mr. Bates
Fatiina, , Mrs. Oldmixon 0 ,
Leibia, whli " Bird'' Miss
Broadhurft pi
' Seliina, . Mi b. Marihall
Tickets to be had of Mr. Cleveland,No
61, Cherry Alley.
Mr. Blijfet and Mrs. De Marque's
night w ill be 01V Friday. . ' J
The tragedy of ROMEO and JULIET _
w'ith entertainments'. ; ..
Mrs. Oldnuxon's hight will be 011 MOll-
day ' 1 . ; i
As intonvenienws to the public
have arisen from the Box book lieing open
011 the days of performance only, in future r
attend a net: will be giv 11 at the office m j
rtie Theatre every day from ten 'till one, t |
and on the days of performance from ten a i
tillthree o'clock inthe afternoon. Appli
cations for Bo.\es, it is tefpedtfully requef ni
ted, may be addrefled, to Mr. Trailhli 11 la
at the Box-Office. , ai
Places in the Bcofes to he taken St the m
Box-Oflice of the Theatre, at aiiy hour
from nine in the morning till three o'clock
in the after-noon* en the day of perform
. ...
1 ( 'u
>t Extraa of a letter from an o.iJWr
:r ° oaid of his Majesty's ;;,j Cs
s the mouth of Calais harbai r , 'Jaud
April 30th, 2 o'clock, P. M.
1 c° Ur T^l uat3ron » confining of ;hti
> Serpent King's Fisher, an«f Lnv-S
, Hoops of war, with the Dolphin CU 'ter.
E\ 7 W ' tZ
s blocked up a fl e « of guu boats and
t rd ' antm ™ «» this harbour, which i Sj
1 bou i " d dow » the channel to apW 0 i
rendezvous, supposed' to be Breft
t ,r A fquadro s 1 ' in number of «eff«l s
- f," £ U " S ptecifely equal to oik cwn, *
- thls , d »y ca . me ow- of Calais, :
. qued an atiion, with a view of orwi>.~
. us from our Itation. In thi», •, , vtv ..';
- they were completely foiled. A link 1
1 after twelve the engagement be g9n , ai .4 !
- in one hour they Were obliged, iu a fe, /.'
ciippled Itate, to take Ihelter under
guns of their batteries on fhoi e. '-'sk-
Ij ' Ur ? l 'P* s ' lave isceivaU but litfe
, ma f e / a "d have loft very few me %
, loss of the enemy mutt,* I tlii/.#
be con.iderable, as our guns were ver
ably ierved, and told well. '
" The French force conlitted of
aild a lugger, all very si«.
Brfg Polly, Letteilier, New-Or- $
Sch'r. Elizabeth* , North-' *?f
: Slo '°P kkek Me, Titelue? W-!'L 8 ,
V.- ; iugtvu 4 ;
Diant, ■ 1 Alexandria -
• Ship. Paragon, Marshall, Wbrl* '
Bug Mercury, King, Jamaica
ct, r>' r ,i n^ rlcan ' Nafll » Jamawa \
Sch r. Polly, Butler, • Norfolk
Jtiduitry, Coppinger, Antigua
Pink, Bell, Swanlbtirgh
_ Catherine, Olden, , Portknd
Sloop Harmony, Ellwood, Alexandria ;
Rui u!]'e &Murgatr oy4
At i\(?h ii, Walnut Jlrcel, * j
Liverpool salt, .
On board the stow Mercury, which tttfc <1
will ft II either together, or in -
fmafler quantities. ' i
. Christiana Mills , 1
_v • .. jpor Sale. '•. A
■ ON Monday the hrit day of Srptembe*
nfxt at 8 '/clock in the evening, at th#
Coffee Hi'ufc city of Philadelphia,
will be fold by pnblTc vendue, two i
or pieces of land foliated in White -i
( iec;k !"uniij,cd,New coin.t\ and ftat#. - **
of D,il»ware; one of which contains 'about,
lixty acres ot highly improved land, oil ff '
area large two llory brick >»*'
convenient britfc bain : , with ftabling»nd-k ■
carriifge h lull? undei neath, ail excelleot
Jciin tbr crying corn } and ihe well knowii »
nii;is called Christiana Mitls (late Patier
™n'i) which being at the hi ad of th'e tide ?
on ChriUiana riv'er, and but about half
mile from the liu-ding, is conveniently situ*/ ' '
atcd lo.r carrying the articles manufactured
at the wills iiy watei to Philadelphia—TWj
property being clofejjp the road leading
fromlilkton to an<faf
'the head tfi ;he tide, wiih many dther au r -*"•
tendant alvanrages, render itt lituation Fbtf i .
t he milllugJuiflneft so ve«y valuable, as to "
be equal ed by few and. Jtcelled t-y- n»ne.
The latter tiift containing 175 acie'J i*. '
about one lftife trom the Mills and, is >
ly which be.contiguous M
water carriage to the cIQ of "9
rauft be of increafin'g value, rfpecialiy, ay
there is a quamiiy oi ja'rjjc timber in *
t traCt fbitable for the purposes of ttltf
: 111 iJi s. ■*"
I•1' ' ' I '
The terms upon Which the above meti- ,
tioned elates will be fold are—o|i* tbou< *
sand pounds to be paid on executing tfee 14 1 1
deeo.'J a/:d seven Hundred and fifty pound* ' *
per annum, with intcreit for (iitt remainder '
orpi oportionably (or each.part.
liidil'putabie titles will be made for the
proj.eitv, by
John NikoN,
Ai px. FOSTER, 1
. ... v GEO. LATIMER. ,
At fame tirte an<j pl«ce will i>e fold a
large BOAT,
Julv 2 mwSms v
' 'T ' " 111 '—n —; —r . . ■
Tu the Electors of the city and
tounty of Philadelphia.
Gentlem.ess'' "
THlS.bping the Jail y**r, of , the pr«
fei;t-9nferjff's time 1 in office.' I take
the liberty to offer Divfelf a Can^idi<re,
aiwl solicit vowr votes and.mterefts in my.
favoUrj to place me on rtw return at the '*
next general Eleftiop, a» his luccefTor for .
flit* offi e ; ii! doinwhich you will comer
an obligation that will be gratefully r«<
membered, by
' Vour trxrQ obedlen', '
a .ii hum I< fervanf,
JOHH uakejC
May 3. «»jl>