I) AILY EVENING ADVER T I S E R. [No. 18 of Vol. Vl.] Wednesday, July 2, 1 75)4. [Whole No. 568.' FOR SALE. By the SUBSCRIBER, No. 117, ™ north Second Jircet, t; , Imported in the Brig Betsey, from Dub lin —a few Crates oj' GLASS, And a few GROCE BOTTLES, Also on Hand, * Sp' rmaceti Candles. g i Louis Ofmont. c< Jur ,7 d All y, -rfons who have any de- p fiuuttfs ' pon the New Theatre, are requefl- & ed to 1 din their accounts to No. so 4? in Arch '.Vrefet, near Eighth street, as Toon a: con vet; <?nt. WIGNELL & REIN , u May ' atf. Q j ro It is Requested, THAT no perfoti will supply any article; frc for the use of tl'e New Theatre, wiMlf'tit an order in writing, signed by ourfefves, or ? Ssnioel Anderfon, for 115. WIGNiLL & REINAGLE. May 30. dt}. vo ] WANTED A Maid iervant, Or a Girl of about 12 years old, to'be bound. Enquire of the Printer. tin June 28 4t LANDING S Out of the Brig NANCY, f< Captain Skapley. at Race-Street Wharf, SUCARS in H glheads and Barrels, COfl'EE in HogJheads, Barrels Slid Bags, f ntitied to drawback. For Sale, By JAMES CRAWFORD, or WHARTON & LEWIS. June "4th. d. _ Cincinnati of Pennsylvania. E d T*IIE Annual Meeting of the Pennsyl vania State Society of Cincinnati, will be Meld on the fourth of July next, at the ' Statc-Houle, the Me brs are desired to nv meet preciJely at 9 o'clock in tin morning j at which time and place such Members of p>; (lie diferent Srate S'»c*re''es as are in the Q t tJify, will be pieafed to give their attend- xi anct. Ct The Society will dine at Mr. Rcbardet's pi •jenth-Street—Dinner on table at ell ]une 25. to — L< T U I T I O N, b, WILLIAM FINCH of the New Thea- f 0 trt, begs leave to mtorin his Friends and th tiie Public, that he has removed from the ev corner of Eighth ar.d Arch streets to No. to 68, north Eighth between Arch and Race lr Itreets, and that he continues to give In- Hs ftru&ions in the French and English Lan »*c guages as ufttal, as also the Clailics. He w rakes this opportunity of excelling his ac knowledgements for the very liberal en couragement he has experienced, a conti nuation of which he begs leave to i'olicit. N. B. Tranflatious from either languages ,corredly executed d STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA In the Hou/e of Representatives, Declmbek 2ittfi793. WHEREAS the Commissioners ot pub lic Accounu,hc.ve reported, that they caonot proceed to tfte investigation ot the Treasury Accounts, relpe&ing fpecval In- - dents, without knowing the outftandmg a- 1 mount thereof in circulation :—Tberefoie, 2 R/Jolvedy That all holders oi fpccial In dents be dire&ed, and required, on or b6foie - the firft day ol November next, to deliver the 3 special Indents io their pofltflion toone or other of the Commissioners of the Tr£»tury, who are to give receipts for the fame, and to 1 repoti to the Commiflioners on public ac- v counts, on or before the tenth day of Nov. rmbei next, the amount by them tefpe&ivc- I ly received, and also to the Legislature, at r their meeting in November next, and that all special Indents not rendered into the 1 Treasury as above, on or before the firft day ' of November next, /hall be, and the fame are hcieby barred. Rcjolved, That public notice of this refolu t'on be given'in the several Gazettes in this State, once every three weeks, uniil the firft day of Movemter next. And that the Dele gate* of this State in theCongrefs of the Uni ted States, be requested to cause this rclolu tionto be published in one or more papers in the cities ol Philadelphia and New-York, and that provision will be made for the ex- attending' such publication. Ordered, That the resolution be sent to the 6cnate for their concurrence. Bv order of the House, JOHN SANFORD DART, C.H.R. In the SENATE, Dicembi* 21(1,1793. tfffolr d. That this House do concur with I tht Hnufe of Reprcfeatativcs in the forego ing resolutions. Crutred, Tliat tbe refokitions be lent to Ibe Houfc of Reprefentativ^s. by order of the Sena FELIX WARLEY Clerk. Two or three Toting Ladies may be Boarded in an airy pi' al'ant iltualion in a genreel tamily—For particulars apply * to the Printer hereof. il June 25. d- J UST RECEIVEP, And for Su'e at ■ ca Mathew Carey's Store, be No. 118, Maiicrftrcet, >" LETTERS from France ; ' CONTAINING a great variety o. o.i ginftl information concerning the raoit im portant events that hatfe occurred in that country iu the years I ?93, i 79'> *79 3 » and 1 793' ... T By Helen Maria Williams. Price bound, 1-2—sewed in blue pa per, iq/io. Said Carey Jaj in the press, and iuillfpe& ■ dily publijh, £ An impartial hiftoiy ofthe French feevo- ® lutio/,'rom its comm nccment, to the death 1= ot tse Queen, and the execution of the Gi r&"de party. 11. ' m Plowden's hiflotyof the Britillr Empire, from May t79 2 to Oecetnber r793' 111. Moore's Journal, <rr. 1 slated ii tFiei.ch. IV " so Beattie's Elements of Moral Science, . volume 11. V th Gibfon's Pocket Atlat. ra VI. _ Adventures of Roderic Random. VII. Edward's treatill 011 the R.eligidus affee- # tins ' June 20. tuih&l2w Scheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 so Dollars, deducing 15 per Cent, from th the Prizes—this Lottery coti/ijls of to 38,000 Tickets, in which there are to 14,539 Prizes and 23,461 Blanks, !lt being about one and an half Blanks to a Prize. r 1 "'HE Direttdrsof the Society for eftabliflv — J. mg Ufef;ul Manufatlures, having refplv- ; ed to erect LOTTCRIES for raising One llundr ed Thousand Dollars, agreeably to an Aft of the Legislature ol ,the State of New-jersey, have appointed the following perf»)nG to superintend and direst the d/aw- V ing of the fan-re, viz. Nicholas Low, R'ufus ■ King, Herman Le Roy, J.'mes Watson, Richard HaYrifon y Abijah Hammond, and m Cornelius Ray, of the city ot New.York — Thomas Willing, jAtepn bati, M Connel and, Andrew Bayard, of the city of ~~ Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How ell, Esq. Eli&s General EliasDay j ton, James barker, John Bayard, Doctor Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Jolhua M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomdeid, and Elifha Boudinot, of N« w-Jerfey 1 , offer the following Sclieme of a Lottery, and pledge theinfelves to the public, that th' v w!l tak, every aflurance and precaution in then powej to have the Monies paid by the Mjuagei«», from time to time, as received, into the _ Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to remain for the purpole of paying Priz s, which (hall be immediately discharged by a check npon one of the Banks. SCII E M E< » 1 Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000 1 io,obo 10,000 , ui 2 5»ooo 10,000 5 2,000 k 10,000 1,1 io 11,000 10,000 20 560 i<Sooo - ic6 iOO 10,000 t 300 50 15,000 £ lOQO 20 20,000 ?ood 15 30,000 3000 12 36,000 8100 10 81,000 P 14,539 Pri res. 262,000 23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000 Last drawn number, 2,000 ~~ 38.000 fTkkets at 7 Dollars each is 266.000 The drawing will commence, under the , of a Committee of the Superin ) tenoants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, ot . which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. Har -1 f Unbergj of New-BrunTwick, and Jonathan it Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers e thereof, who have given ample security for y the trull reposed in them. c Iri order to secure pay si ment of the prizes, the Superintendants of the Lottery htve dire&ed that the Managers (hall each entci into bbnds in 4c,000 dollars, with four fufficientfccurui's, to perform their nftruftions, the substance of which is f. That whenever either of the Managers 1 fT.all receive the fnm ol Three Hundred DoU t lars, he (hall inimdiaiely place the fame in < ,s one of Banks of New-York or Philadel phia, to the ctedit ot the Governor of the c " Society; and such of the Superintendants as live in the city where the monies arc placed, 0 to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn, lor the paymnt of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficient se curity for any Tickets they may trust, other wise to be refponnble for them. 111. To keep regular books oi Tickets h fold, Monies received and paid into the 5; Bank, abftra&s of which (hall be sent, monthly, to theQpvernor of the Society. 10 Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either ofthe above gen tlemen, information will be given where tickets may be had. February 24. ■ For Sale, U ANC Y, (Asjhe can,' j\g' Sea.) IS .1 good.d.iubjc ui,., etiiv<siTel, and wtli carry 900 ftarreh Inventory to be seen on board at Race street whaif, and the terms made known by Whartoh Lewis, Who ba-ve for [ale, WEST INDIA AND New-England Rum, OLD BILL Madeira Wine, Coffee, &c, June 27 d raa For MADEIRA, The Ship , pEll CATHARINE, Capt. M'Collom . 'i O latl directly. A few barrels will be taken on freight, if speedy application is made. Apply to 3 "PETER BLIGHT, * Or 1 JOHN CRAIG. a The Owner of the Catharine begs to in" form the gentlemen, importers from Ma deira, the Catharine returns diredlly to this port, and will take freight on mode rate terms. June 19 dzw ~~the brig Noah's Ark, i New-Orleans, HAS begun to take iri her cargo, at Clif ford's wharf. Gentlemen wio will favor the Subscriber with some freight for what room her cargo may leave, ire requested to fend down their goods as fiortly as pof- 1 fible. e louis osMont, < No. 117, north S;icond street. Jtine i") d \ Wanted to Charter, A vessel, " .THAT will carry 6'oo or t v Prctj" i 000 barrels for Madeira, 1 - load here immediately. a Also a veflel of Bto 10,000 bufhels,'to load in the Chesapeake. Apply tA PETER BLIGHT. -_JpauE "CGtii.. „ r : r Carolina Rice and Indigo, c BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH ] BURR STONES, i FOR SALE BY ( Gurney and Smith. I May 14. d 1 — — j Nicholas Diehl-, jun. 1 Attorney at Law, 1 INFORMS his friends and the Public", that he has opened an OFFICE for the sale ' and purchafc of Keal Estates at No. 19 Couth Fourth street, \Vhere he will thank fully receive their commands. He also 1 draws Deeds, Mortgages, and other Writ ings. fjune 10 tuthzf?stf All Persons indebted to the Estate of John Cottringer deceased, are a gain requested to make payment, & those who have any demands on said Estate, to present them duly authenticated to GARRETT COTTRINGER. Ailing Executor. June 26 diw Louis Ofmont, No. 117, north Second Jlreet.' \ Has now on hand forfaie A few Packages remaining of his impona tions this Spring, confiding of Irish Dowlas, Baftas, Sattins, Feathers a*d Flowers, Black Lace Looking dalles, fiamed. ALSO A few Chests of Hyson Tea, Burgundy Wine and Claret in cases, Madei ra Wine, Spernacet Candles June 16 d JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above the Drawbridge, out of the Ihip Bacchus Cept. Vanneman, from Jamaica, FOR SALE BT PETER BLIGHT. May 16. d Excellent CLARET, In hogftieads and in cases of 50 bottles each* . a, L so, ' A few Cases Champaigne wine; madeira, In pipes, hogsheads and quarter casks, 1- FOR SALE BY JOHN VAUGHAN, No. 111 1 South Frout street. Jan. 2,1794. dtf FOR SALE, At the STORES of JefTe & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, hhdb\and quar ter calks I.ISBON do. in pipes and qnarier calks I Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter chests A quantity of Lilbon and Cadiz SALT Soft Ihellcd ALMONDS in bales ( Velvet CORKS, in do. Ktiflia MATTS. _ J""e ') d 1 Choice St. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, 1 And for Sale, By JAMES YARD. 2 Also a quantity of RUSSIA 'Matts. June 24th. dtf. Bank of North America, July I, 1794. 4 AT a meeting of the Directors this day a dividend of fix per cent was declared for the last half year, which will be paid to 6 the Stockholders, br their representatives, at any time after the 10th inft. 7 By order of the board, JOHN NIXON, President. g July I rl L l °_ " 140 r.AP iTkls Bpft Bcfton REEF, s 18 HOGSHEADS 1 New-Engianu Ruoi, Received by the irhooi r Belinda, from j Boston, and for sale by Nalbro',& John Frazier. • No. 81, Walnut Jlreet. June 20 mw&sjw ADVERTISEMENT. LETTERS on the fubjefl ofthe Walh ington Lottery, being by mistake repeat edly addrefted to the Commissioners for the J City of Walhingto'n. Persons concerned arebereby informed, 1 that all such Ihould be addrefted cither to W. Deakins jun. of Wafnington, or to the Su'bfcribcr. The commissioners never hav ing contemplated any further concern in ] this business, than in their aflent to receive the bonds and approve the names of the manager*. The prizes have been paid and are paying on demand by W. Deakins, Washington, Peter Gilman, Boston, and by the Subscriber. For the Lottery No. 2, the securities al- ' ready rriven will be retained Kv the coin- ' millioners,"or~fransterredTjy thein at tKOT ( option to the bank of Columbia ; and the , commissioners will be consulted refpecfting a judicious and equitable disposition of the houses obe built thereby ,- their treasury , or the bank of Columbia will receive the money intended for the National Univer sity, and they will be consulted in the no mination of the 24 managers ; but all the refponfibi'ity refpedting the general difpo- 1 fition of the tickets, and payment of pri zes, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on the persons whose names are and may be hereafter publilhed as assistants to forward this business with S. BLODGET. N. B. Mr. Blodget will be particularly obliged if those persons who, poflefs prizes yet unpaid, will apply for their money as early as possible. June 7th. d. JUST THOMAS DOBSON, at the Stone tTonfe tn secomt- Jlreet, Philadelphia, VOLUME XI OF ENCYCLOPEDIA, or A DiSionary of Arts, Sciences, aud M'tf cellaneous Literature, ON a plan entirely new; by which the different sciences and arts are digested in to the form of diltinft tteatifes orfyftems.. This volume contains the articksj medals, medicine, metallurgy, metaphyfics,metho difts, Mexico, microlcope, midwifry, and a great variety of biographical and miscel laneous articles, illustrated with nineteen copperplates. (f3T The tables of logarithm;, &c. which were dtficient in the tenth volume, are subjoined to this. Eleven' volumes of this work are now publilhed, and the Xllth is Infonefor wardnefs. On the firft of September, 1792, the price <£fubftription wa.s inertafed TEN dollars, on all setts not taken before that t me.— The fublcription isftill open on these terms, and it any copies remain bytlie firft of July next, the price will be railed TEN dollars more, 011 any copies whichmay belubfci ib ed for after that period. *,* As many of the fubferibers have ta | ken only two, three or four, &,c. volumes, they are earnestly requested to take up and fay for the remauung volumes, as It be comes difficult to complete the setts, and the publiflier Joes nar+ioldhimfelf bouud to make up any setts af»r thefirft dayof July next. April 22. mJ.-tl.6w. Medical Books. I—L1— L - - 3 JUST PUBLIBHED, By Tbtimas Dob/on, at the Stone lie. |||| A/0.41, south Seco d Medical Inquiries 0 b s erVatio ns.l By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. i). Profeffor of the Inflitutes ot Medtcine, ) of Clinical Prattice in the Uni ver ity of Pcnnfylvania. CONTAINING 1. An inquiry into the influence of phy 1 causes upon the moral faculty. 2. An inquiry iuto the effe£b of fpiritour li quors npon the human body, and their Sis* fluence upon the happiness of society, 3 An inquiry into the caufts and cure cf ; pulmonary consumption. 4. the fyinptumsand cure of dropsies. 5. An Inquiry into the caufesand the cure of internal dropsy of the brain. 6. An account of the measles, as they ap peared in Philadelphia, in the year 1789. 7. An account of the influenza, as it'appear ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1 and 1791. 8. An inquiry into the causes oi the iritr -ufa of bilious and remitting fevers, in 1 - nn fylvania. 9,, An inquiry Into the caufc»aod cure tare 10. An account of the state of the body and mind in old age, with observations upon its dileafes and their remedies. Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, one dollar and a half neatly bound. Medical Tranfadticcs OF THE College of Phyfickns of Philadelphia- V O L. I.—P AR. T I. Price one dollar in boards. A Treatise on the Diseases of Children. With genrral d'regions for the management of Infants tiom birth, adapied for thf use of pl'yfrcians and piivate families* By Michael Underwood, M. D. Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Coi . lege of Physicians in London, and Ph\fician ot the ftritifti Lyiug-m-Hotpval. Price one Dollar. This is acknowledged to be the bed bOoi which has been pubbibed on the fubjefl, an 6 is calculatcd tor the u(e of parents, nurfc,<j and private families, as well as for physicians ToirrmT-s -p 1 inti one, and the price only about one third oi what the imported copies fell for. Ifhe Edinburgh New Dispensatory, twt> dollars. System of Surgery, extrafled from the worksx>f Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2 dote. 50 cents. System of Anatomy, extradled from tic Encyclopaedia, with 1 2 cppperplates, 2 doU Syltcm of Chemistry, extra&ed from tha Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of the pro gress of the fcienccc, and the different fyfierti. c which have been puhliflied,. 2 dols. 50 cents. Brown's Elements of Mcdicine, ? dols 67 cents. T. Dobfon has in the Press, An edition of the Medical and Philofophi cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two viU umes are "printed one at 2 dollars and cents per volume ; he hafc nearly finifhed t five firft volumes, which contain the firlt t> volumes of the European which f< for two dollars each. Nine volumes will ii elude eighteen European volumes, whic w ill briog the publication up to the prefer, time. Likewfe for sale a considerable number oj — JRnoJLs. H-'iz,. Gulden's Pradlice, Materia JVledica, Phvf)- ology, and Synopsis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols., or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Domestic Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A netomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea ver on do. Rollo on Weft India Diseases ; Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage•, Hamihon's outlines of the theory and pra&ice of Mid wifery, with or without plates; dp. on the management ot Female complaints. Mease on Hydrophobia, &c. &c. March 5. # The Ground Plan OF THE City and Suburbs * OF PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM ACtVJL SURl r ET. IT is with pleafyre that the publilher has to inform his fubferiber* and th£ public in pencra!, that the plate is now under tbe hands of the engraver, and in greater for. wardnfs than was at fifft contemplated. At the fame time he begs leave t» remind them, th.t fubfeript'on paper* are (till it pen at moftof the noted book-stores in the 1 city ; and that he hopes from the whole of them to be enabled to foi m Inch a ref peftable catalogue of names, as will do a credit to the work, as well as afford a J reasonable encouragement to the under- C Those who are ckfirous oi* further infor mation are requested to call on Benjamin Davies, No. 6SS, Mark«ilreer. -r April M-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers