' DAILY [No. 17 of Vol. Vl.] landing Out of the Brig NAKCY, C*fT»B SHapley, at Race-Street Wharf, UGARS iu H"gfbead- and Barrels, ■COFFEE in HoglheadsjißSrreljsand Bags, Entitled to drawViacfc, For Sale, By lAMES CRAWFORD, or WHARTON & LEWIS. d. June 54th. WANTED A Compting House & Stores, On or near a wharf. Apply to F. COPPINGER. No. 165, south Second street. Jane 28 FOR SALE By the SUBSCRIBER, No it?, north Second jlreet, Imported in the Brig Bf.tsey, frorr Dub- Lin —a few Crates of GLA SS, Arid a few GROCE BOTTLES, jllfo on Hand, Spermaceti Candles. Louis OJmorit-. "•June i' 7 WANTED A Maid Servant, Or a Girl of about 12 years old, to-be bound. Enquire of the Printer. June 18 '4t Two or three ¥oicng Ladies may be Boarded in an airy plrafant firuation in a genteel faniily——For particulars apply 'tothe Printer hereof. June 2ft. d. ■ Cincinnati of Pcnnfylvania. THE Annual Meeting of" the Pennsyl vania State Society of Cincinnati will "be held on the fourth of July next, at the State-House, the Me . b rs are dc fired to meet precisely at 9 o'clock in th morning; at which time and place fitch Members of the different State Societies as are in the City, will be pleased to giye their attend- ance. The Society will dine at Mr. R cbsrdet's •jenth-Street—Dinner on table at 4 o'clock. June 25. tuition. WILLIAM FINCIi of the New Tliea tr<, bigs l*3ve to inform his Friends unci the Pshlio, that he has removed f rom the comer of Eighth and Arch streets to No. '68, north Eighth between Arch and Racr ftreers, and he continues to give In ftru&ions in the errch a?rd English Lan guages as nfiia?, as also the Claflits. He >akcs this opportunity of expressing his ac knowledgements for the very liberal en coxuagement lie has ixpetienced, a conti nuation of which he begs leave tofohcit. N. B. Transitions from either languages mrrcftly executed. d STATE of SOUTrt-C-AROLINA In the House of Reprcjentatives, Dixlmbeh 2lit, 1753. WHEREAS the Cqmmiffipners ot pub lie Accounts,have reported, that they cannot proceed to the invefligation ol the Treafory Accounts, refpe&ing special In den fs, without kitowtag ihe outftandiug a rnoont thereof in circulation :-—-Therefore, Rcfolved f That all holders of special In denrs be drre&ed, and required, on or before f be firft day of November next, to deliver thr fpreial Indents in their pofleflion to one -o< other ot the CommifTioners of the Trcalury, who are lo give receipts for lb*' fame, and to scpon to tfce Coinmifliooers. on public ac count*, on or befoie the tenth day of Nov ember next, nc amount by thena rcfpc£tive- W reee 1 anfl also to the Legislature, at' iWc»' - meeting in November next, and that ■*11 fpecra! Indents not rendered into rhe Treafiny as above, on or before the fit ft el av ir> November nexf, shall be, and the fame ire Ceiebv barred. Rejdved, That public notice of tHis refolu- Iron be given tn the several Gazettes tn fhi.« State, once every three weeks, until the full day of November next. And'hat the Dele gat r, of rhis State in the Congress of ihe Uni te*! Sfate#, be reonrfted to cause this rclolu fron (o be pubbfbed in one or mnf papers 10 the cities of Philadelphia and New-York, and that pwvifion will be made for the ex- J>er»crs attending such publication. Ordered, That the .refolu»ion be sent to kbe senafr for their concurrence. Bv order of the House, JOHN S.ANFORD DART, C.H.R. In the SENATE, December 21ft, 1793. Ptfo'red t That this House do concur with i?K House of Reprcfcatative* in*the forego !»j5 refelbftons. Ordered, That the resolutions be lent to |H< Hou.col Representatives. by order of the Sena FtLIX WARLEY Clerk. tfttXor* EVENING ADVERTISER. FOR SALE, At the STORES of Jeffe & Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, bhds. and quar ter calks LISBON do. in pipes and quarter casks Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter chests A quantity of Lilbon and Cad'z SALT Soft ihe-lled ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORf, in do. Ruflia MATTS. June 9 Allperfons who have any dc niands upon the Ne* Theatre, are requeu ed to fend in their accounts to No. 204, in ! Arch rtreet, near Eighth street, as Toon a", convenient. WIGNELL Si REIN \GLE. dtf. May ?->. It is Requested, THAT no pe: son will luppl)' any articles for the ule of the New Theatre, without an drder in writing, frgned byourfelves, or Samuel Anderfon, for us. WIGNELL & REINAGLE. dtf. May 30. FOR S^LE, Excellent old full bodied CLARET In hogsheads and cases. Apply to F. COPPINGER, No. 165, S. Second-(treet. eodtf. Juite 2.5. Scheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,0cJ0 Dollars, de'diiSing 15 per Cent, from the Prizes—this Lottery conjijls of 38,000 Tickets, in Hvhich 'theft arc 14,539 Prices and 23,461 Blanks, being about one and an half Blanks to a Prize. THE Dire&ors of the Society for etflaftliflv mg'UTeful Manufa&ures, having tefolvv ed to ere£l LOTTERIES for railing One Hundred Thousand Dol l a r s, agreeably to a'n A'6t 6f the'Lrgifiarure of the State of Nfw-jerTey, have appointed the fofloNving pe'rfomio fuperi-ntend and dire® the draw ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rnhis King, Herman Le Hr>y> James Watson. "Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-York— Thomas Willing, joseph Ball, Matthew M 4 Co'nncl and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia—-His Excellency Rifchard How ell, ETq. Elias Boudmot, General E'lias D«y ton, James Parker, John Bayard', Doftov ; Lewis £)onham, Samtirl W. Stockton, Joftuia M. Wallace, }ofeph Bloomfield, and Elifha Bdudmot, of Ntw-Jerfey. who offer the following Scheme ct a Lottery, and pledge themTelves to the puhlitf, that they will take , every aflorance and precaution in their power to have the Monies paid by the Managers, Irofri tin?e to time, as received, into the Kanks at New-York and Philadelphia, to remain for the purp'ofe of paying l?riz*s, which fball be immediately discharged by a check npon one of 1 h»* Banks. S C Ii E M E: 1 Prize of 20.000 Dollars is 20,000 1 10,000 10,000 2 '10,000 5 2,000 i 0,600 10 1,000 to,ooo 20 500 10,000 ico 100 \ 10,000 300 50 15,000 1000 20 20,000 2000 * 15 30,000 3000 12 36,000 8100 10 81,000 14,539 Pr'* r ®- 262,000 23,461 Blanks. First d'rVwn i>ember, 2*,000 number, 2,000 38,000 {Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266.000 The drawing will commence, undeT the infpc&ion of a Com/nittee of the Superin tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, o! which timely notice will be given. The Superintendanrs baVe appointed John N. Cumming; of Newark, Jacob R. Har denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample security for discharging the trull reposed iStt them. fcT In order to secure the pur.ttual jaay ment of the Pritts, the Superintendents of liie Lottery have dire&cd that the Managers (hall each enter into bonds in qc,ono dollars, wuh four fufficient fecuriti's, to perform their uiftru&ions, the substance of which is T. That whenever either oT the Managers fKall receive the sum lot Three Hundred lars, he (hall immdUtely pJace the fame in one of the Banks of New-Yoik or Philadel phia, to the ciedtt 'of the &ov<irnor of the Society, and.such of the Supennrendants as live in the city where the monies are placed, to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn, for the paymnt of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficicm fe enrity for any Tickets they may trust, other wise to be refponiible fbr them. 111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid into the Bank, abft'a&s of which (hall be sent, monthly, to the Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of.the above gen tlemen, information will be given where tickets roav be had. February A N ,D Tuesday, July i, 17514. rgLn For MADEIRA, tf||§Ji CATHARINE, - : v 7 Capt. M'Coi lom TO fail diredtly. A few barrels will be taken on freight, if Ipeedy application is made. Apply to The Owfier of the Catharine begs to in form the gentlemen, importers from Ma deira, the Catharine returns diredUy to this port, and will take freight on mode rate terms. June 19 Jeremie, hEtAKDA, Captain Stetson. S'HE is a remarkable fact failing vefl*el ; will fail very ihortly. A little freight will be received, and a few pafiengers well ac commodated. Apply to Nc>. 117, nofth Second street dtij f Jtine i-j N A'N'G Y, •( As Jhe came from Sea.) IS a good double decked vclfel, afid will carry £co barrels. Inventory to be seen on hoard at Race street frh&rf, and the terms made krtoxvn bv What'ton & Lewis, Who have for frile, WEST INDIA AND New-England Rum, 01!) bill Madeira Wine, Coffee, 4 &c. June 27 d THE BRIG Noah's Ark, New-Orleans, HAS begun to take in her cargo at Clif ford's wharf. Gentlemen u v ho will favor the Subfcribtfr -with lom'e freight for what room 1 her cargo may leave, are .requested to fertd down their goods as fliortl'y as pos sible. LOUIS OSMONT, No. 117, north Second street. June 27 d Wanted to Charter, will carry6ooor | rqoo barrels for Madeira, V™> f load here immediately. lAlfo a vefiel of 8 to 10,006 bufhels,to load Sin the Che&peake. Apply to June 17 Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR STONES, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May 14. d Nicholas Diehl, Attorney •at Law, INFORMS his friends and the Public, that he has opened an OFFICE for the sale nd purchafi; of Real Estates at No. 19 foqth Fourth street, where lie will thank fully receive their commands. He also draws Deeds} Mortgages, and other Writ ings. June 16 All Perfbiis indebted to the Eftateof John Cottringer deceased, area gain requested to make payment, & those who have any demands on said Estate, to them duly authenticated to GARRETT COTTRINGER. Ailing Executor. June 26 Louis Ofmont, No. 117, north Second Jireet. Has now 011 hand for fa,e A few Packages remaining of his imports- tions this Spring, confiding of Irish Dowlas, Baftas, SattinS, Feathers and Flowers, B'ack Lace Looking GlaflTes. framed. ALSO A few Chests of Hyson Tea^ Burgundy Wine and Claret in cases, Madei ra Wine, Sper 31 ace t Candles June 16 d JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above the Drawbridge, out of the fliip Bacchus Cept. Vannema.v, from Jamaica, FOR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT. May i*. U&fif > PETER BLIGHT, Or JOHN CRAIG. daw LOUIS OS MONT-, PETER BLIGHT. diot jun. tnth&stjt diw fate Choice St. Croix Sugar, JUST IMPORTED, And for Sale, By JAMES YARD. Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matt?. June 24th. dtf. Found, A pair of GOLD EAR-BOBS—Tiie owner by applying to the Printer, may be informed where to g«?t them.' June 24 JuJl Publijhed, and'f r Sale by the Printer, M. PARENT' No. 85, Vine-Street, corner of Third-ftreett ami by M. fcAREY,No. 11 ?, Markef-ftrcet, An ENQUIRY into, and OBfiERVATI ON> upon THE CAUSES and EFFECTS O F Ta E J Epidemic Dif^&fe, Which raged in Philadelphia from the month of August till towards ;he middle of December, i 793* By JEAN DEVEZE, Mafler in Surgery, *frcm Cape Francois Pbycuin? of the Ho/pi tal at Bush-Hill, Sur geon -tyajor an pnncip; Physician of the Military Hospital eftablilhed by the French epublic ii r Philadelphia. •June 24 Excellent CLARET, n hog (heads arid in cases of 50 bottles each. ALSO, A few cases "Champaigne wine; MADEIRA, 'In pipes, hop v lheads and quarter caflks, FOR SALE BY JOHN VAtJGHAN, No. in, South Front Itreet Jan. 1. 1794. JUST RECEIVED, Arid for Sale at Mathew Carey's Store, No. 118, Market street, LETTERS from France ; CONTAINING a great variet) of ori ginal infornt&tion concerning the most im portant events that have occurred in that country in the years i 79 D , *79 r > i 79 2 > an( l 1 793* . , / ' By Helen Maria Williartis-. Price bound, 13/' '-2—sewed in blue pa per, io/io. Said Carey has in the press, arid tvill/fee dily publi/h, I. An impartial history ps the French ReVo- r<iill its commencement, to the death of ibe Queen, and the execution of the Gi ronde party. 11. Plowdaji's hiftotyof the Britilh Empire, from May i/9 2 to December t7g3- 111. Moore's Journal, 1 rarfiated iniF'ercli IV. Beattie's Elements of Moral Science, volume 11. V Gibfon's Pocket Atlas. Adventures of Roderic Kandotn, VII. Edward's treatif;oll the Religions affe'c tin 1 ! June 30. JUST PUBLISHED, THOMAS DOBSON, Bczkfeller, at the Stone House in Second Jireet, Philadelphia, VOLUME XI OE ENCYCLOPEDIA) OK A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, aud Mis- cellaneous Literature, ON a plan cntr.ely new; by which the different sciences and arts are digested in to the forth of diftinft treat i'fes or (yftenis. This volume contains the medals, medicine, metallurgy* ni£taphyfics,metbo difts, Mexico, microJcope, midwifry, and a great variety of biographical and miscel laneous articles* illustrated with nineteen copperplates. $3* The table?: of logarithms, &rc. which were d< ficicnt in the tenth volume, are subjoined to this. Eleven volumes of this work are now ; published, and th'e XHth is in foine for wartinefs. On the firft of September, 1792, the pritc tf fbbfeript lon was iifcrraled TfcN dollars on all ferts not taken before that t me.— The fubfcrijJtion isftill open on these tenuis, and it any copies remain by the fir ft of July next, the price will be raited TEN dollars more, on any copies which may belubfcrib ed for after ffcat period. * 9 * As many of the fuhferibers have ta ken only two, three or four, &C. volume?, they are earneftlv requested to take up and pay for the remaining volumes, as it be comes difficult to complete the u rts, and the publiflier not holdhirrrfelf bound make up any setts after the ftrfl dayof July I next. April 22, [Whole No. 567.] Medical Books. JUST PCBLIBHF.D, By Thomas Dobfoti, at the Stone Hotife, No. 41, fouih Seco d Jlreet, VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries OBSERVATIONS. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. Proteffor of the Institutes of MedirW, and of Clinical Prattice in the Fityof Perfnfylvania. containing 1. An inquiry into the influence of phyfiqal causes upon the moral faculty. 2. An inquiry iuto the efFc&s of fpiritous li quors npon the human body, and their in fluence upon the happiness of society. 3 An inquiry into the causes and cure of the pulmonaiv consumption. 4. Obfervafions oxl the fymptum»and cure of dropsies. An Inquiry into the causes arid the cure of internal dropsy of the brain. 6. An account of the measles, as they ap peared in Philadelphia, In the vear 1789. 7. An account of the influenza, appear ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790, and 1791. 8. An inquiry into the causes of the in,creafe of bilious arid remitting fevers, in Penn sylvania. 9, An inquiry into the caufesand cure of fore It gs. 10. An account of the state of the body and mind in olti age, with observations upon its diseases and their remedies. Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or one dollar and a half neatly bound. Medical Tranfa&ions OF College of Phyfrcians of Philadelphia. v o l I—p art 1 Price one dollar in bqards. A Treatise on the Diseases of Children. With general directions for the management of Infants from 'he birth, adap:ed for theu(#of physicians and private families* By Michael Underwood, M. D. Licentiate of Midwifery in the Royal Col lege of Physicians in London, and Physician of the Britifti Lying-in-Hospital. Price one Dollar. This Js acknowledged to be the best booi whicli has been published on the fubjeft, anft is calculated for ttie use of parents, nurses', and private families, as well as for physicians —The two volumes handsomely printed in one, and the price only about one third of What the imported copies fell for. The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two dollars^ System of Surgery, 7 extra&ed from the works of Benjamin Belt, by Dr. Waters, 2 dols. s*o cents. System of Anatomy, extracted from the Encyclopaedia, 'with I 2 copperplates, « dols. Syflem of Ch'emiftry, extracted Mom the Encyclopedia, exhibiting a view of the pro gress of the fcienccc, and the different fvftems whichfcaye been published* 2 dols. 50 cen s. Brown's Elements of Mcdicinc, 2 dols. $7 cents. , . <A mtffon litis in the Prefe, An edition ot the Medical and Philofophi carCommcutariei of Edinburgh. Two vol umes are printed one at 2 dollars and $0 cents per volume; he'has nearly finiflicd the five fitft volumes, which contain the firft ten volumes oV the Etiropean edition, which fell for dollars each. Nine volumes will in- v elude eighteen European volumes, w ill briog the publication up to the prclent ! time. tuth&(2w Likewise for sale a cotifiderable m.mber of Cuilen's Prattice, Materia Medica, Physi ology, and Sytiopfis. Bell's Surgery, 6 vols, or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Domi ftic Medicine, JLedran's 'Ch?felden* A~ netomv, Hunter on th,e Venereal, Swedeca ver on do. Rollo on Weft India Diseases t Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's omlir.es of the ihcory and practice of Mid wiferv* with or without plates; do. on the management of Female complaints. Mease on Hydrophobia, See. See. Match 5. , Tibe Ground Plan City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM jttUAl SURFf-t. XT is with pleafute that the publilher has to inform his fubferibers and the public in ircnrral; that the plate is now under tbe hands of the engraver, and in greater for wardnfs than was at tuft contemplated. At the fame time he begs leave to remind them, th. t subscription papers areftill o pen at mntt of the noted book-stores in the citv ; and that he hopes from the whole of them to lie enabled to so m luch a rel peftable catalogue of names, as will do a credit to the work, as well as affor.d 1 reasonable encouragement to the under taker. 'I hose who are (fy*fVtous of further infor mation rfcqueftetl to call on Benjamin Davies, No. to, Market flreet. m&.-th6w. April 14. AND Medical Books, *vh:» OF THE Difcthtf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers