Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 28, 1794, Image 4

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    r'-..!adelphla, March, t i? 94-
No. 118, M.irLa Jlreel,
Til J rills t VOLUME OF A NEW
Modern Geography:
Geographical, Historical, ana
Commercial Grammar-,
And present f'tate of the It veral
CO NT A 1 .VI N G,
1. Th*'figures, motion", and diftancfrs ot
the pi mets, according to the Newtonian fyf
in atid t;he lAtest observations
2. A general view ofthe earth,confidered
X", a jihtiet; w-itli leverai/uietuJ geographical
definitions and problems.
3. The grand divisions ofthe globe into
land and water, continents and islands.
4- T iedhiation and extent ot*
provinces and colonies.
Their climates, air, foil, vegetables,
productions, metals, minerals, natural curi
o!ilies,fcas,rivers,bays,capes > promontoiies,
aud lakes.
6. The birds and bealh peculiar to each
7. Observations on the chan&e* that have
been any where observed upon the face of
nature since the moil earfy periods of hif
8. The history and orrgin of nations;
then forms of government, religion, laws,
rev?nu2i,taxes,naval and military ftre'ngth
9 The genius, manners, enftoms, and
habits of the people.
10. Their language,learning,ftrtt, scien
ces, manufactures, and commerce.
it. The chief cities, Itruftures, ruins,
and artificial euriofities
!2 The longitude, latitude, bearings,
and distances of principal places from Phila
To which arc added,
1. A Geographical Index, With the
names and places alphabetically arranged. |
2. A Tablbol the Coins of all nations,
endtheir value in dollars and cents.
3- A Chronological Table of remarka
ble events,from the creation to the prelent •
*ti me. 1
By William Guthrie, Efa
Tlie Astronomical Parr cor reified by
D-. Hittenhouse.
(To wiiich have been added,
"The late Discoveries of Dr. Heßscheli,,
and >the'-eminent Astronomers.
Imptoved, and greatly Enlar-.
'The firft volume contains twenty-one
Tiflaps Bnd Charts,belides two Agronomical
Plates, viz.
1. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the
worle 3. Kurope. 4. Afra. 5. Africa, fe.
South America. 7. Cook s difcovenes.
8. Countries round the north Pole. 9.
Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. «o. Se
ven United Provides. 11. Austrian,
French anci Dutch Netherlands. ia. Ger
many. 13. Seat of war in France. 14.
France divided into departments. 15.
Switzerland, j'6. Italy, Sicily, aud Sar
dinia. 17. Spain aitd Fortugal. «8.
' u'key in Europe and Hungary. 19. Ire-'
land. 20, Weft-Indies. 2i. VerniOnt. 22.
At miliary sphere. 23. Copernican fyftcm.
With the second volume, which is now
in the press, w;Il be given the following
Maps :
1. Rutfia in Europe and Asia.
2. Scotland.
3-, Engl-And and Wales.
4- Pohird.
5. China.
6. Hindoftan.
7. United States. .
8. Britilh America.
9. S:ate of New-Hampshire.
16. State of MalTachufetts.
11. State ol Conoe<sticut.
12. State of Rhode Island.
i - State of NeVv-Ynrk.
'4* State of New-Jerlty.
1 5* State of Pennsylvania.
J 6. State of Delaware.
17. State of Maryland.
18. State of Virginia.
19. State of Kentucky.
2D. State of North-Carolina.
21. Tenneflee Government.
22. State of South-Carolina.
23* State of Georgia.
1. This work will be compriied in two
l. Subfcribcrs pay for the prelent volume
ondelivery, fix dollars, and the price of
binding, (j6 cents for boards.)
3- They may receive the succeeding vo
lume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at
a quarter doHar each, or else, when si. 1
nilhed, at the fame price as the.firft.
4- The fubfeription wi Ibe raised on the
•fuftday of June i 794, to fourteen'doi
lars, exciufive of biifding.
J. Should any copies remain for sale afters
the completion ot the work, they will be 1
fold at sixteen dollars, and the price of 1
binding. ;
*• The names of the fuhferibers will be 1
publilhed as patrons of American litera- 1
ture, arts, and sciences. t
It is wholly unneceOary to expatiate on '
the American readers, that
this edition poffefTes, over every imported '
edition ol any system of Geography extant. *
The addit tion of maps ofthe several testa ,
procured a very great expense, and from '
the belt materials that are attainable, 1
speaks such full conviaftion on this fubjeft '
that it would be difreipedt to the read! c
er s undcrffandin o " to suppose it requisite '
to enter into a detail of arguments to
prove its superiority. In no similar work
liave fucli mapsb»euever introduced.
The emendation";and additions wfiich
are made in this worlc,areinnumerable,and ,
ocrur in every page. The public are re- t
ferred to the preface for a flight (ketch t
of a few of them.
The publilher takes the present oppor. '
tunity of returning his most sincere thanks
»o thofc refpefta.ble characters who have
fivored him witb documents for in\prov
i"g the maps of several of the dates He
requefts'a continuance of their kindneft;
and that such public spirited citizens,
as are poireiTed of similar documents, will
favor him. with theirafliftance in pcrleCt
ing his undertaking.
The extraordinary encouragement with
which he has been favored, has excited
in his breast the warnieft sentiments of gra
titude— sentiments which time will not ef
face. He pledges himfelf to the citizens
' of Plie United States, to fp'ive nether pains
nor expense to render the prfent edition
of Guthrie's Geography improved, deserv
ing of their patronage. \Vjiftf
Joleph Clark,
Propo/es to publijb, by fubfcript'ion,
The [American Builder.
A Work calculated equally to edify <*nd en
tertain the Gentleman, Farmer, Su
rf veyor, Builder & Mechanic.
THIS work will contain various ions
' of the best writes on Architecture, Arts,
a nil Science ; together i#ith experiments, and
1 accurate no res of observation, by the . uthor;
being the refujt of thirty years study and ex
\ pedcnce in his proftifion.
' Tt will also contain an alphabetical account
of the quality and value of the various kinds
of materials, and numerous species of labor,
I exp'nded on building.
, Exemplifications, toafcertaTft ifte quanti
i tics of materials and labor necessary to com
-1 plcte, almost, every" part in a building, ol
whatever dirnenlions.
An account and explanation of all the
terms and f.hrafes, used in ancieni and mo.
t dern architecture and building.
To persons inclined to build, it w>ll afford
t an opportunity Of regulating theii plans with
it! the compass of their finances, and p»epare
them to prevent impoiitions Ircgn trickingsj
vejnderS oi materials, a«d extortionate woik
men—To Mechanics, who cannot, lor want
6f experience, calculate the value of their,
refptfflivelabour, and materials expended l'n '
' their particular branches of this
work will afford an opportunity to ettimate
' with facii:ty and accuracy, any done or in
tended to be done, either in tne aggregate or
the miiiuiiie.
Ii wtH-cOntain m?rty curious and valuable
recipes to irfakc fine and coarse vanishes,fm
prefeiving roof* of {louses, barns, palings,-
troughs, pipes, See. Recipes to make vari
ous glues and cements; recipes to m»kecom
pofitions for elegant, or minute o»-*iaments,
and enrichments for oufidc or ihfrde com- |
payments: recipes to make compoiitton for
. figures and incru(!*jions —to cnduie the
weather in any afpett; recipes to (luc
co com p®fiwons, for flodrs, malt-Koufcs, dif
nlleries, hearths, linings for ciftirns, See.
fablesto ascertain the Icantling of 'difieretj;
fpccies of timber necessary to perform their
refpeftive fun&ions, in proportiori to their
various suspensions ; Tables to afcertairf the
dimensionS of the various apertionr, introdu
ced in oiflerent edifices, and doors, v/m'dows,
c(urnnics, fky-lmhts," flair-cafes, Sec. m pro-'
tion to their different uses and intentions—
whether for beauty or utility : A concifc
mode to ttfke, *nd fq.mrc the dimcnfions of
all kinds of artificer's work belonging to >
buildings, and to ascertain rhe cubic?! f u _
. perficial content thereof: GbfervanoAs () f
the do&r-rne of echo and found : A dona
tion -on the plritefophy, doarine, a.,d Con
ftro&ion of chim'mcs, to void or e nit the
<moke. Propofirions and recipes to Cure
Ifnoky chfimnies : Obfervariofcs on the
y oT edifices heretofore, p/jif*ra!J\
in America : Suggestions of r.macs to
pnrfuc in "buildings here,-that will, without
3dditi ona l txpertCe,\cnd more to their dura
bility than thofc heretofore, commonly, con
"•lifted : Descriptions a-nd proportions of
,he general and particular hiembers.of vari
ous orders in Archtteaure, viz. the Tuscan '
Doric, lonic, Corinthian, Composite, Chi- '
nefe, Attic, Cargalic, Arabetque, Moresque 1
C,rotefq.ue-, Saracenic, Ruitic, Antique, Anti- 1
quo-Modirn, -Gothic, and Biitannic : Many
curious historical accounts of various won
derful buildings hi different parts of the
world-: Many curjous and origm a | accounts -
and eulogiuins'on Free Masonry.
This work will b£ printed in i wo ofbvo
volu'mrs, each to contain upwards at 400
pages, on fine paper of elegant letter press •
price to fuhfciibers, in boards, five
be paid on the aefivcry of the, an d two 1
and aha 1 f dollars on the delivery of the I
second volunur. Mr. Clark allures the public
that he will literally perforin all that he hath >
set forth in thefr proposals.
Gentlemen inclined to promote this work,
by fubftriblng thereto, are rcqurfted to write' 1
poll paid, 10 Mr. Joseph Claik, a, Annapolis,
authorising him toannix then names 10 the
lubfciiption lift.
Tlw Printers in the United States, are so.
licited to give these proposals, occifional v.
a olace m their pa^eis.
Morris Academy.
THIS inftiiution is now open fftr il.e ie- t
ception of fttfttents under the immediate
[ «are of Mr.Caleb Russell, whose abilirie? f •
as an inftrnftor, and attachmentto tlie bu- j
finefs have long been known and aopioved
He has under him the, heft affirtants
the different branches—'The scholar, are
taught the English, French, an H |
Or.ek languages, PuhlitsSpeaking, Writing
Arithmetic, Geography,, Aftrontvny, and f
the various branches of the Mathematics '
The healihy situation of this place is such '
as to recommend it to those, who with *
have their tfeildrc-n in the country. Bcaid-
ing* washing, mending, &c. will be provid. '
cd in good families, and the morals of the '
Icholars carefully attended to. f
The price including tuition, firewood, n
ecc. exclusive nf the French lannuigej will "
not exceed thirty pounds proclamation mn ■"
ney per annum) an addition of three dollars
per quarter will he made to such scholars 0
who are taoght the French language. The n
D,reftors a , cdetermined to pav such at ten- 1
tion to this institution, as will render it 0
refpe&able aod tifeful. »i
Nathan ford, C
Morriftown, Ma^i s , 17 9 4 J
diw - W2m
3- r »»«TH Sl> Doli „ s p „ A „ v „.
Bank United States,
"ill >«* l V h > '794-
tt- PROPOSALS will be received at the
Bank of the United States until the firft
irh day of July next, for the Masons and
ted Carpenters work of the Banking House,
r »- to be built in Third-street
ef- It is not expeiSted, that more than the
; ns foundation will be compleated this season.
1!IS • , The plan may be seen by applying to
JOHN KEAN, Cajhier.
f .dtij.
A New Novel.
To the LAkJIES of Philadelphia.
This Day is Publi/hed by
118, Market street,
Price, bound, of a dollar, sew
ed in H arble paper, hal s dollar,
Charlotte, a tale of Truth,
' By Mrs. ROWSON, of* the New Theatre,
ts -Phlattelphia, Author of Victoria, the In
quisitor, the Fille de Chambre, &c.
)tj .Of Charlotte, the Reviewers have
x- given 'the following character.
IT may be a Tale of T.ruth, lor ir is
In! not "unnatural, and it is a talc of real dis
tress. Charlotte, by the artifice of a teach
)r» ei, recommended to a school, from huma
nity rather (ban a conviction of her inte
g' ity, or the regularity of her former con«
( diitt, js enticed from her governtfs, and a
•" ccompanies a young sliicer to America.—
he T * e marriage' ceremony, if not forgotten,
is postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr
: "o the inconltancy of the over, and treach
rcj ery oi his friend.—The filiations are art
less and affetting—ihe descriptions natu
rf>. ral and pathetic ;we (hould feel for •Char-
TgV' lotte if such a person ever existed, who
k. for one error "fcarcdy, perhaps, deserved
nl so Tevere a punifliment. If it is « he
ir. tion, poetic juitice is not, we think, pio
in perly d (tributed.
Is Said Carey has juj} pulli/led,
'I A 2 ih-eet map of 'Kentucky
>r compiled by Elihu Barker, price ore doi -
'lar and two tliifds.
It V.'ar Atlas, containing maps of France,
). Germany, Spa n, Italy, the Untied Pi ovin
ia , ees, the Netherlands, and the fyeft Indies,
i- Price two dollars.
Map of New Jerfev —Half adoliar.
s ) Maps Ct Vi inont, Conrie£l,iciir, Dela
-1 waie, Georgia—■— Price three eighths of
" a dollar eacji.
[' April 29. tutli&s3w
i- Improved.
- . THE fubfeription lor this -work on the.
h original t< mii, of ttvelve dollars and the
1( bind "g, will be cioled (his day—ai:d on
J Monday the fubfeription will open ,at four
_i itet n dollats, exclusive of thepiicc of bind
. '.ng. t ;
.1 T « "ew ms PS ad >e lto this editbn nre
twenty Ine ; among vhich are those o'
Nrw-H v Ji e, MafTichufetts, Connedi
( cat, R'tode-liland, Venn-int, New y >r'k,
. New-Jerfev, J'eniiiYvania, Delawae, Ma
- ryland, Virginia, Kentucky,
e lina, ririe G.nejTei Government, South Ca
e rolin?, and Gtor.;;i. Tliele mkps have :
- ver been gi\en in any former fyften:'fci
' Geography, and, it is hoped, would alone
"> be fufficient to entitle this work to a pre
' fer-nce to aiy other edition of .Guthrie. !
N B. Tlie map of the United States,
• which is compiling by Mr. Silnuel Lewis,
trom thfe state maps, will be 1
more complete than any one yet publiflii d,
; a,,d be printed on two large ilieets oi -
paper, nearly the size of the Ue Mr. Mur
fav'a map.
' May 3 l d
Just Published,
1 By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at his
Book/lore, No. 147, Market Jlreet, o
The Life of Dr. Franklin, I
, with a striking likeness, executed in a mas
, terly nunner by Thackara and Vallance
; price fivelhilWigs. '
, The Ready Ketkoner, Or Traders' Sure I
1 Guide, 3/9
-Tw Bo,k kee P er 's Afliftant, 6/3
' <- j S ftl3n ' a P oem » b>'Ctiar|esCraiv
-1 lord, 2y4
Bfop's Fablei, 4 _/8
■ Swan's Bririd, Architrft, 37f6
Paire's ditto 30/
and Country Builder's Affiltant. J
• tbe press, and mill he publijhed in a feiv C
> daySy and fold as above,
Reflexions and Maxims, by 1
den'^4/8 Pen "' " itb his adv,ce :o his chil.
[ j "'Q' 1 794■ m&rwim
; Congre/s of the United States, P
! In Senate -> Tucfaay May lyh, 1704.
that ilufin Ma a
W na! fah Cutler, Rnbc rt OliveJ ~d *
De«n? reen ' rin \ Up,m l!,e thir,! Monday „f
December next, Ihew cause to the s-na'r
the faWR"? ,0f ,hf S'antsof "and to
Lt ™ Putnam. Manaffah Cntlet
ert^ Vera ' 1 " G, ' it!fn Green p ,,rf(ia ""
oa„ Aft e , uitKd An a ;,P U o ; i U a,
grant and Conveyance of certain la ai
to the Ohio Company V alTocia 1 " I n "
ordered, that the , r ni
"> tlm City, (hall be deemed ! rf '
Itice theieof. "alhc.enl no- , n
Extratft from the Journals of Senate. ' V
Attest, e\
, May 14 . ' 1S ' o(
Ie Nankeens of Superior Quality,
d No. 40, north Fifth Street.
April 21. mw&ftf
ie j
The Partnerfliip of
° JONES, HOFF, and DEIIRJ CK, of this
city, Pr ters, having diiiolved on the 29th
day of May Jaft, all persons having any
- demands on the laid si m are hereby reques
ted to paftnt their claims for fcjtlement,
and ail thole who are indebted, to make
payment to th: Subfcribti, at No. 8, north
Ff>h ft e:, who is du'y authorised to ad
just the concerns of the partnership.
June *d6t
Richard Johns In the Chancery Court
•v ( of the
John Wells and £ State of Maryland,
Mordecai C.ole. J May 16tb 1794.
The Complainant hath fil
ed his bill, for t e purpose of obtaining a
decree, 10 veil in him a complete legal title
to two tracts of land, lying in Baltimore
cbulity, one called Painters.Level, con
s tainingioo acris, the other called Profpeft
c.<ntai a' S3 acres.He ftates,that the laid
John Wells ou the |6th day of March 1774
c.mtrafted to f»l, the laid land to the laid
Mordecai C le,&rexecuted to him a bond for
con veyance,that the laid Cole, en the fame
day, executed to the said Wells a bond for
the payment of the purchal'e money amoun
> ting to / 67j Pennlylvania currency, that .
r the faidCole hath since discharged the whole
• of the purchase money, and hath assigned
to Ihe complainant the said bond for con
veyance'; that the laid Wells hath never
executed a deed, agreeably to his contract
' but hath removed out'of the state of Mary
land, and now re fides in the state of Ken
It is thereupon, and at the request of the
complainant, adjudged, and ordered, that
he procure a copy of this order to be insert- '
. tdat lcaft fix weeks fucceifively, before
h? firft tlay of Augufl: next, in the United '
States Gaz. t eat Philadelphia, to the in- '
tent, that the said John Weils may have no. 1
' ticc ot the complainant's application tc
tnis court, and may be wai i;ed to appear | !
here, on orbefo e the firft Tuesday in Oc- I 1
tobcr next, to (hew cause wherefore this I
cout t flinuid not proceed to decree, agree- I '
. ably t.. the prayer of the complainant, and 1
to the a6l «1' aifembiy, for frch cases made I !
and provided. I -
Samuel Harvey Howard. |.
. 1 Reg. Cur. Cain I 1
J uile '3 inw&fiSw t
' MADEIRA, "1 }'
SHE f(y, j I '
<■ vk,lN k So< 'the firft quality 1
LISBON', & | J
Old Jamaica Spirit, Antigua and Weft In- I /
dia Hum.
101 iac, I- rench and Peach Brandies I t
Claret and Port Wine of a superior qua- I d
Jity in cases.
Willi Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes and I t,
v.oiks in Bales,Havannah Segars in Boxes. I p
Phi4adc!p;.ia , Porter, in Calks and Bottles I
London do. in do, do.
P liladelp iia Ale and Beer in do. do. I "
London do. in d; 5. do. and I til
Cyder :n barrels and botttes, prepared for I
exportarion or i r.mediatc -life,
Benjamin \V. Morris, J
The corner of Dock and Pear flreets, P<
Wheie he has provided luitablc ltores and I D
vaulis, the reception of I f j,
wIN E S, &c.
Whi h he proposes to store or dispose of I m
on com m illion I
Captains of velTels and others fupnlied I "?
v i ll any of the above LIQUORS bottled, J
feaftores in geueal put up. I 111
Ma H . tt,&f 2m .
—— I
Just Published, £
In one lwndfome volume, 1 2mo. Price 5 s I
and for sale by I is
At Frani tin's Head, No. 41, Chefuut I -
Stre't, I | 11
Natural Equality of Men j""
On the Rights that result from it, and on e) ''
the Duties which it imposes. 1-^
To which a MEDAL was adjudged, by &
„ Pierian Society at Haarlem. lab
iirrr r '"d T.nlnr<red. by !as
illiam lawrenck BROWN
D. IK '
, I'rofefTor of Moral Philosophy, and the
J-aw of N;itore, and of Ecclesiastical I
rt, ,?!! ' . a T, Mlnifter "f the Englilh |
I Chili ch Utre< h«--.
Aliqind fern per ad commttirm utilitatem j
* ff "-""!nni. Cictßo. I
"[fl American Edition. I
I HEgrand pVinetple of Equality, if I
tSt only 'balls A
atld sacred "rder, A
and.M ' e c<? oni » eari be firmly built, j 1
itexfrrT" y -'" UreCl - Th,i v;e " 'C 1 vie
that i '"rr' T atthf fame \P ta
the tvl rC l >rcfies . ' h? infolenee of office, are
onw 1™ "'"'P ar >d the outrages of Imu
ppr.&„„ ; confirm*, in tin- most forcible I ">a
a dThe'- f, ""' e,, ty of rnbordinntion, "> I
a d the just demands of ! aw f u ] authority. I ihc
Of focietv rh •'° m the bands ' he
v,-r» . ma '«ains inviolate, e- I"™
drawsm " ra V" UJ Cl ' e ' y c!til diftinflion, I t
m El ° °' cly ev, " ry ,ocial ,ie - unites I 1
i'vileu. TUT 0 "' Portioned
p _ brings men together on the! T
n a 1 roun d of the inherent "ghts of hu f J '-
man naure, of reciprocal cbli.ation, E r. d lAm
March"i r" reiat ''°" the F™
Maneh ,8. tuts Fro
I The Public are cautioned to
I beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Riff
'V, los the Bank of the United State, j
| Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of No"!
I America,,federal of which have „pp ar . j
• lin circulation within a few days p a st. th
I are good general imitation of tberLu'Z
— Bills, but may be distinguished by the f o \
.J- I lowing J i ~
his MARKS.
'nr I F '"" e D ° llar B ' lh °f the Ba »* of the
2 United States. J
, t) [ ALL that have appeared have the letter
k e IF. I'or their Alphabetical Mark,
•th J he Texture of the i>ap«r i, thicker and
id- I whiter and it takes the ink mu.e fr«|,
I than the genuine paper. '
The O. in the word Company is frnaller
I than the M. and other letters ot that word
_ jib that a line extended from the top 0 f ,lie
[rt I °> to Couch th e top bf the M would extend
conhderably above the ranj>e of the wimle
I word.
I In the word United the letters are n ar
rower and closer together than ths.tft „f
[- I the bill.
a T n C J 3 " d J } n V l6 WOrd P r * n '>'"e are not
I parallel, the much more forward
I than the I.
Z . T , he i, badly executed, the
strokes ot all the Letters are itrongc,! ini
the clevue in themargm particularly? smuch
4 and a PP e ?' s darker than in thet.oe
f I bills. Some el the counterfeits bear daie ~,
)r '79—Whereas thd Bank was not in opera-
Cio.. till December, and no five dollar bill,
lc I were ilTueo in ihat year.
I'' I Twenty Dollar Bills »f the Bank of North
lt I America.
eI „ LL , tl,at , have appeared have the letter
d I B. lor their alphabetical mark.
I They are pri„ te d on a paper realty firoi
r I lar to that ot the counterfeit Five Dollar
C t I Note, above defenbed; the enpraving. „
, I «Mtei executed, and they approach nearer
1 to the appearance of the genuine bills.
I The fine ri,,ed ImCs through ihe word
ie I ! 1,1 t,le of lhe bill, are in num.
t I ber th " teen in the genuine bills, and but
I twelve in the counterfeits.
> j The word Company is much like the fame
j j word in the Five Dollar B.Hs as defcribtd
_ I above, the being less than the m, and o-
I tliers following.
0 J There is no stroke to the / inthe word
r ! North whereas in ibe genuine bilis theflu ke
I is well defined.
s j The letters ent in the wordTTwent y to
_ I the left hand at the bottom, do noi come
j I down to the line, but are so cut as to give
e I an irregular Appearance to the word, the
I Tw and :he y going beloXv tfcem. <
The signature | Nixon, has the appcar-
I arjee of being written with lamb-black and
• I oil, and differs from oiher inks used in
I printing the bills and the cashier's figna-
I ture.
It is supposed thefr forgeries were commit
| ted in forneof the Southern Stales, as all the
J counterfeits that have appeared, have come
I Irom thence, and two persons have been ap
-7 I prehended in Virginia, on suspicion ol being
I the author of them.
| The reward of ONE THOUSAND 1)0 L* *
I L ARS will be paid to any Peifon or Pofona ■
J who thai I pi oiect>tc-<Q.-^cu^g
I tion the feyeral offenders of the following
1 descriptions or any of them, viz.
The person or persons, who manuf?£tur-
I ed the paper on which the Bills are piinted.
I The perf 0 n or pei sons, who engraved the
I plates.
The printer or printers, of the bill?.
I . Evcr y pt rfon who has acted as a principal
I »n any other way, in the counterfeiting and'
I uttering the said bills.
I Philadelphia, March 28, 1794
I dpril 22, 1794,
Other counterfeit bills
J of the Bank of the United States have ap-
I pearcdin circulation.
The denomination is ol TWENTY
j DOLLARS, and the alphabetical mark is
| the letter £.
They may b- diflinguifhed from the ge*
I nuine by the following MARKS :
I The paper of rhe counterfeits is cf a
I more tender texture and glofley furface
I than the genuine, and there is no water
I mark in them.
I The letter C. in the word Cashier, in
I he true bills is strongly marked, whereas
lin the counterfeit:-, the Xviiole letter a
I fine hair stroke, evidently in an unfklifhed
I state. Th e ' ette inthe word dennud,
I is badly loruled'and the whole word ill done
j and there is no comma at tbeend of it) as
j there is in the genuine bills.
I The marginal is much daiker
I in the falfe, than in the genuine bills ow-
I to the shade flrokes being coarfei, much
I irearer together, and consequently mr.rh
j mare numerous. This difference ft' ikes tire
j eye atfirft view.
The fame reward cf ONE THOUSAND
I DOLLARS, will be paid for apprehetfdirp,
I 6cf profecutii% to convi&ion the several
above described Offenders in refpeft to this,
as to the last described bills.
of the Rank United Si<*tts.
JOHM NIXON, President of the
Bank of North America.
Bv order o r the Committees of the Rcf
peftivp Boards.
Mai ket-Strect,
An EfTay on Slavery,
Designed to exhibit in a new point of
view its t-flcfts on morals, ivdujiry, and the i
t peace of jociety. Son e fefts and calculations
are oftcied to prove tlie labor of Jreetnev 10 )»e
much more produftivc than that ot fares $
that countries are rich, powerful and happy*
in proportion as the laboring people enjoy
ihe fruits of theJr own labor ; and hent6
ihe mccflary com lufion, slavery is impoli»
tic as well as unjvji.
Pk j c e 25 Cents.
February i£. dtr
THE office of the Ptelident and Directors
«fthe Insurance Com paw of No* T J
America, is removed to No. 107, South
Front ftreetj being the south eall corner ol
Front and Walnut Greets.