' -.V7BS$ 6 1 ~ « Tar art He the of cer cr.-td agtu...: ti«e L...icd ftjtlcs.'' Oidtrcd, thdt t 'isC Secretary tcxjuc -it the ILcmL: of Repretei«tai:vc» taeie wita. A mr?2ge from tbe Houfr of Re n. prefeniatiT£4 "ay Mr. iiet&iry t....; Clerk: .j " Mr. Pr<&ic.>t—The HjJ': o; Rt prcfr..iat:Tts ha.e piiTed luc icul - (.oa the Sn e for cu u -rai u_ to ur? pn .ap.ii Cjc- ss is [j. tbe drparttDCßt cf Stztc, aad the . .ca fury a..d War departments, for the |, e tbe year one :;. ariand feres and ninety four." L) f " Tne pj -. nde.it of the Uoi.ed States T . hath sotined the Huulr ot Rey: eleii " tati*es that he this day appnov. _ acd Sgned " An zA making turtber j rijOQ for fecunag azid tite -j djties on foreign and domcli«: dillidl spirits, 4 Las, wines and tea»." 4e ""i ne Speaker of the rf Rx |p_ pre£catat -ci tariag an enro.- e . led fe J, lam directed u> L .-it.-g It lo pj berate tor the ftgnatare t-; j Prcbdent." Arid be Kitairew. Tar Pre£ieat o: the tlte cßi-ufied 112, ettitlrc, "An act to tn»kc piorinon far tar w;_ow to orp.jij cinjdrca of Rotcrt r jctyzr," a.vi k wzi delivered to t:.r comtti:iiec to be laid betore the Preficeat tt tt>e -J L*.~:ed sutu lor Lit at prjai-.at. £. On nw^n, 2 . Retaured, thtT tie reL-latioo of tie 3d i . taat, aathoiititg the c-iirt 01 the Senate and the o: toe Hjir or Repreieatattvcs to ci.4e .... j, r.rat lcinj.i, by t.-.rir re- ipccDvc Hotacs ob tba day ae i..•.-u ---e d; - an? tif trie t>:2, as caae frj.r. tie | Ik Hauie td ?o.precitatives, be z. - ft • B * Jto . it: S_r. it. 3e it eroded br the S;tare i -tt t rot Rep". ;.lUt:i;> .i _ Be United a, S- I —Q Caro.irt, \ .iri h Cafi -alia, ■d Vii|j...i, or tlie Ttr jiory loc;n of T *)- -"i 1" Objik, not esceec.ag, in «. -. .' f * [a r taoaiLid, as nay at any time be, fc r.£cefT..-y to carry on er - "'r ..2 the C"rck r- aTIC liatious or tribss of lo- B ciara ; provided tii tlic rr.a-Tra C 1 -'d out be r.ot continued .b ter -7: tor a iaager tnn tbaa fix months IT 1 *-• J Sec. a. And be k fetter «naca< | a tne P"=id£Et of the United 1 be to eftatd. i fach anLiarr ' I-- • ? D ~' 25 M eist deem crcrfia— for trie i jc-manent ircurr- of the ».._ h Wef ( tem rro.itjers } End irm the tv.ds 10 to be caabl.;: K -d, iaU cuarted br - 5 nt ares trorr. the hae us tiwaj. ' c . .»• W fe I _ , the fcses said *emiory ajortiid. a$ tbtf ' j Preadent mar it esp.-cicnt; i Anc rctwrm cm j two of 1 , « ; be krpt up a «: 4: ! • - at 1 ? ' t * c * ?• Atk! he it r Tnat the mfitia t< be emiJovcc rr U, n wt«r if tb s a d, fnali, whle 'in frr- ' j " vloe ' "titled to -eccktr the r ?oie -a- 1 , scons, pay and Aahing, or nonr, n | -|fc»A«^ 0 f» ! he i4tfc - fr-vic Oi the L States arr enti- t It :a." £it tbr Efßtaaetivt—Ycy -- " * - 5- • T> ' ] bv J -v u,r h:m*« pH o, ' Thate who voted sn & aSnr*i». j 'ar , 5-adfcrd, Brawn, Ba-, Ca- c Hot, tarvro-tb. Tr,frr. Ftx:.- ,; ; v-n®.;" rc:: * K jjWr i, the I: ! J Me£-1. G j"»> Jatkfo*, a»J Ma-tia. >•' Oj motion, . £.;d[ the li fciicii of the isO pat* ■ C reported bj ; v. oocri'.n 'tteeaadzgrecC to, be is Seaate, to w« : ice. j. Be it nrjeted by the Senate ~- 1 ari iiouU of '• of tbe LLuifd SulCiC' Aatesisz • Cosydi iSauHial, that;-.- i>:e6jcM of the U -it cd Stitct fr*.'. .ri zrd he beitb* i» autborifcd to taii* for «: -« yejus, unlet* "" tjoncr dif a»"!-««» lifts .Georgia, Soato-2ar->. J a, c -*" ''na, tbe Ternary fiwah ot tie Obio, zad Virginia, aaarfdhiocal rcgaaetj «' • infantrr eur.iiaig of * 1,140 noa-cn saii3L»acJ ofScersz-d f -:• -tes, aad iJc- j * — It apptlrtf tie cjr: a :~>ued officers tbmrtti, i~i tbe iasae sccmd- ' j to ttii -jrt£u.'. e£ti:.'cianrwt, Pro " Wird, that if lb- P.-jiir-t of the Uai-. -,e ted States tkail b; of opi-wos taat asr ; part of the IcgKja sow in icrnce, whe ther cftLm or prorates, caa without " *e Jfsi i-x iar= — J*, ami .r is tz if TJlf.Bg wztier /T ' ■ I ••■ s»- Ofijrz/x --- tz:mi fur .X f*tan gramzmrta — : r.?.- ww* ef a r«i«» <£r . -or *- ™jr my ewv* vyr rea ;J iri ; it ii_ —- —J it rr -r 1 Zt. tis — Frotn tbe W>il? of April : i. F. ISO J!. Aad tbe j ret' pof. ,l "*- to the mart .. :*_» W 1.. re quzrui of za Ljot ar; -/ - nice c tit. J" 7*" B—Fii. a; ... v. w_ s r ; . ra, i * Vrtweea tbe Inr, I™s w n*r, ™ after Mm, aj 1 ■egptfc. t-.tL to tep kar q - ckjents. Je j i Jti ben— frai, 2 oadawd cuteray the cart; bat, loth r ? -eat adawJ to tbe - ~ w ;v t w-a. c.xmec "o car, - a. " r '~ --Kacr ir^aL-Tiv, t u. the -irje g-or, us the fifty or -J w .10 «.-c- th -T - "ba.i»t ;* *{, rfcja w : tb; ate v .cfc nr - t- KCO c.; it. oat r ; -- tW Mi-let.—He ad- 5 x trom the Mioifler, N t w bert« of , v> *—• tnnd v tTown, ,» - . -- ITli * <: I f !« Lwdftr? jK-acwi-i :• to it. v a tew u — - - - penpit! io tifc tr ': I T^ : "T , For p e J And «tbe cad of bk ' • r* =; t aiaa ' 1 fta ? Setb® " ~~ U 'f" a br tk M:; fe-- r *m : - =,B!&rTTl T. -ii piara vw as follow ; i ° t.. Au?mc :ia e M£r Vo - " \ -- " ® .Ct -M. t *"T Jpeero at aS ;it-, u, , IK i ar „ cafiot, the leaf jV, ( - _ , ." , *^ s He » a r°Tf C^ s;c ---,T v I? Mr. TVaaaasl-,. '-"4 that .iKrMeetb.->- "• . ; - t to U. ,T k-pes; , c .. '?*; others r I«* .« c,s=&ii LJk, | K - - 9 * i. .ei szj bowed. Wt did sot pacri»s r Bl - A ir*c 'i s.te jjiri'. st>r a. - reed . '-- tt'i.t, 3 Lw*: 'as;?/ Ltrlz, c It'*'. i Lord fi3k = «! is fewer word:- r. .. —juxi a Uttie isia oT tie or bepta to t aiicate, aery wiArJr, Lord O J - at a FSaee- T " au aad a Pes ■ or«er, an*. >.ji*g (onao i>ru , tbiig, £.4.1 £j rr-pctifdjT it froff. fid. J 4' : a %otx *OBsg Gr , k®at. o*,/:w - 901, "Aw- rr body tappawr rrmt foeb ' :. .x-p*josi wene ever paid f Or rrutj ; ?r * if p-id, that there u a ran ?• -t trji bad bern to a irrr of defbe "J~ "Etc fontinr, a might hare had its : "T' weight. Bttt to Lord Otia» it wa, " • :-rrteft, how k cwJd not apply. For » pJart 'a Lord ' tbe l>«t£ of tWi Stewart s a: - **fow^rrt>jsfit)ie**JaL,s e brings j I ran ia Scd. a year. And bendes ij »-kJrf-2 ij» fc«fr is WUi ;tr Jj -UIUt-jJ J J^UiUIUUIJ 1 . T* T < pet;, *, . prr-Imt, ?. •' •' wcß as r.K Lorditip, fci p': -'.ilk- a _ ■' «; tbe -ronrr, and caged Sir L Zdawber 5 •a. U. orde.. * . Sir «ery naaUßf Sftraei to I ' ; the caiL, ard tbrz to d the «e£ known ; i ■ r tc-T dT Foo'e and Sir F. DcfcraL ta- IX ~Tal, a was a Mmber • z the L.J of S. ; -- ti—i-ci rrf~7~- ->* pat his inr.. WLa : baW «a 0 Su 1 icr&edr™ skid Foote.— ? ** lei!*"—* Ana ttjexaCT fmi r" ibid Fouta " * rtclaval renJii " I Ibzsc." ,r' Um « E £a d,' »aded Todte, - tbat = ri- ? tber t"o car: naaa the fa r^..rnc J J - _ " B - 3 *gbt yoc ha? kaowa dvoagb of lie * r t: r. .ae bees ps*r cx 4fern J** | a be S.r jdtji coteiaiiag this clertr " W. be was i"-cceede_ by Mr. Tar- ° t jn, a yon»g «hc ltd 1* v - i: i ~ and ie ertoak t» rc.-ne ttst r ,T was ao where fcrinadea br *' the Book, a the tsini a "* ter a-'.c ibo' tbas weak 2s to ha "- Ir. be load njaaajv ana, sap hk " "- Hehadfiwtofiawre. ." " eioonnendiriofis—asd be «a, icrtycr " - -ied by tbe :eie& of - - » x the _i_L cf ererr dar to nw. »f. ■ * «o re- hca otaej-s atWHaaf«fftrW 38 an.t their A£ismts i , ; m Lmd OrtLw th. , htgjcd bk fccad " -• to raj tk» - That the Gcrrti;-:- preiic, « - ~*t - • 35 to a2.-Ta-.-j ter-i] —sex .-kc of tbe that " £, Eciretf.d thcr, but of the Ckmgt aa ~ a> das atanert of abna. dba'^ - »d acnaAng to i.-y, or r-snf B - R» J-t prepxed I" CT r» " oß>i and voc scat* - T -J*tr.tE,'; * FTattoUerkihefcw*. fc Ami io tbe Sab ~im£v ntr*d,- sf • * a wbi al tbe £jrsi! cereoorr ~ *f ,G ;ar " -JttatS, ao'kfc «£hed- f » Mu - ? Th:r.*e.—." »f a format Inlm_ <*eeeeat at - " tpoE i ~ J - Tiat ntering it KSacAaa had iw •f * F-. '- —- 7TVTr "becj the Ccwury crtnbers. L«d Dc£ ! : ■ Mr. JWs, i£r. Bas. Ac. — - - J " T " a; Epioa aa_ _s f " - ?—astA £ro , that ' 2: : : — -ksc OrJow, i - fi Mr On .xr, M Srwel « ' & J- Bets Ewivr, Mt. ! „ Mr. Fstrd. « ; E*e» f , r tV faertieas GertWtnrwbo 1 : * bcrriric, btR •v --v r ~ --=«r tbe criUMbas t— "°" f; • 1 -R'.'r.. Jl ,c :JS ,,, w y kp br: - W the Z~*r f is, . 3 ; _ * - r i-*e!^ »» a cfd-t jm j» =« • J . Furr ' Mr. *v»- — I fc- iafcokirw't i-, r " B«wp . | s*™. — r 5: K r-ice itO toe trar rf-- -;® .-,IS. t: « tae the < 53 sen 13c; -n tie V' r . a*W t brridjr, &rwe£ b* k- lie be £-, c •» »L Wed be '--fat •c,bt a P^Tv So £ - He '--- -v boon *-rated to the b-*f— ;,f ' Hoc Iks ii-pemrrr nab Mt Bsrie vhetier ar i - : prefcned ar copki « Jitsc acrx* :i , rtcii. 3" **, &mb "bit ibina* 5* dm u tie ac=»uot tiai'iET-rc to Mr. JW Tzyaa ia r^l r»iw k* A- Haftbg. x, facfc ed to tie qntiij?-, a* kac J - c . bat, "P™ *® a ~ : -- 'a cia-gjr, ■ bad bees fi-ifrr 1 jjset t tir_ T fin k v; . k ir g e 'in T'-T' vrcrr atst- be ;. ;. ; _ v _- to 1T..5 aZUufik CT G£3ES2lin. For £=*e dskd tbst tbe aaaagrn : *' rrr boaod a ikk taSance In Eii ewieaoe. T icr-c kr» ■ *=^■- * «±t2jios^i bat,!**"* 4 .* :'ec Mr. : -*■ lV- r' — ►- iTr-,^-- i "i etti T -= r - Tie &~r :.- terV JfaKL-De : j farlr air ior bcr tlc= » 2-' :z -' 2 J-ar--.: .irr »q«. — '-*aa4 : T n-i; ot -j>iaiar.€Wtv. »U> • ewbeam* ■cjDtfijr f ti*c2i „ B ;ci fni ..,ee ijirc. in rof 1 4x1 ; fob. *ob. dif fraafeai. nad. . a " 2rp-'s=Soi' cni -1 * ' End *j<4 peari. TW cocaK fj >L-. Hatk.; iar ■ '- "*■ - oner i Dalit o:mn kai L rnaajo,, b liar tplr, eodi ■ »ii jcr ciidant; at to A. " piae »ijKrr fc»i "rem diipiasd, or ! a j »faa ;ad bfx-n ife "\ =:^ :t plat coid „: 3ii of ir dii prein: 'J ( « r ■ cridcaac of _-ir. Lsriras iqi a& k* 'oj. at it now tcei to b_, tLrr B a ~ .r-bt ecier but laoted id v.-rg the -i«3 ire w .T, «r tie - v, rve far Oit a ccacsji i« I az i wihdllfcirfilm jf f-AA-*.., , T Uu4 at as car&r pr rL»_ i Tier ;®r* oa jniice anicaader £.: tLesr ik< l-'-TtiefciJ 2»Vei*jt««eß c«tle j. : Em «. sc bet new cridence Bac! W-?, »faici wii p-.iaugkj iu aa — laAtrt—■ele^gA.—Tky^Mojk r® {'ii £ "ringTiifi ■).—all ab-u -in tie evrrrme. T n sk *•" iJeae- at ::c bar bn: r is p : - n He bad ad & If * -ss=o: of 3sra=&i >» Lad tj - r cazc-r:--- --.» a- 1; a*i.T» acraaaajf; tfe cr t tktTO. bty arc r-bcee S=: :r at: tiae t. fcc,d l O be brt aad al prjcc. Hf « Met Mr tb . -^<*7, oj . j and 5: tick r~j~- __ J** be iic osibr -replied. f Mr. j. 1-*"WTS *ar p-i ii n. Ii < wiiiil «u»iii <1 tksw lie H--na^ra K c edtc ft liii jratier ti tie bcr- 3, - to P ' j" "-* :.ie t-ica.-vrx-, *6ucr aefcsdi" io^iine. —— ~ aJ ca to 0 - : 4 »ie ?" 'inner vr=a t<« ma, «> i -•■~-" T- S *-' « W t -aX V«* fesn-. hrjmw;,., As .nioTC, ane ji : 1 ,'Vu-, 1 fe««Tinjinoeiiee, iiE ii* if fvii»t - bt UK-regies «cr»o:; JO i»«e" r tbecurr-J an;-. *K it t-- it Larkjf&v It :"«* . iaa&bba a> Wit »kß>.i dat £ --act :• -.:sj: it attained. TV- r; r ! 3-i t.i '=• »- waa - - ~ c adr.cr.--- tar e~- . ; dtrcr it ?(t. Ar "* "" : »- ' t-r-1 r-fflnt-Sr*. t§err 6J :» c : _ - i t.--Tn; crji; ir'-sK. "??7-«U • jj. cr~-t=c t- --TT iir;:: -Sa3»JErb=r- cTi.Tg»rt. w