Gazette of the United States and daily evening advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1794-1795, June 26, 1794, Image 1
DA I L Y EVEN IN G AD VE RTISER. [No. 15 of Vol. Vl.] Thursday, Jure 26, 175/4. [Whole No. 565.] JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, ahnve ;Jk Dra w l >r| dg e > out °f the (hip Bacchus -j "cnt. Vannsman, fiom Jamaica, C " ' FOR SALE Br * P( PETER BLIGHT. / d LI IVTayjO. 4 —— So ; Two or three Toung Ladies may be Boarded in an airy phafant fituanon Sc in » genteel family—For pa, titulars apply v ~ the Printtr hereof K June 2 5 . d ' FOR SALE, Excellent old full bodied I man CLARET con In hoelhcadt and cases. Apply to F co pp ING ER, w No. 16J, S. Second-street. Tune 25. eodtt '' 1'" " ' Cincinnati of Pennfyhania. J TH2 Annua! Meeting of the Pennfyl- an , vania State Society of Cincinnati, will be SalT j.eld on the fourth of July next, at the State-House, the Members are 'desired to ]\ meet precisely at 9 o'clock in thr morning, t -vtul iilace oJ_ . thr different State Societies ss are iTrW CUv will be pleased to give their attend- 1 * tori The Society will dineat Mr. Ricbardet's Ut< Tenth-Street —Difi'ner on table at 4 o'clotk. ave June 25. "Louis Ofmotit, ( No. IX 7> north Second flreet. — Has now on hand for laje, G Afew packages remaining of b» importa tion* this Spring, confiding of _ f £ Irifti Dowlas, Baftas, Sattins, Feathers and Flowers, Black Lace Looking Glalfc*, si allied. ALSO Afew Cheits of Hyson Tea, Burgundy Wine and Claret in cases, Madei ra Wine, Spernaceti Candles. J»"f 16 -— I The Partnerlhip of Wood, WALtCEk, & HAYES. Bottlers andpe .il- J ers in Wme, Sp'iritous L'quoi s, &c. is.'iis N , ( lm y dissolved by mutual content : Thev pe their grateful acknowledgments to in| %(ttr' cnfiomers for their part favor?, the Kl continuance of which t'ley solicit for their, R ; Succ. ffor , G"LL & HEpISHAW, whose Ct attention and exertions they have not the Tl lead doubt, will g've fa'isfaftion. Thev C< requeft,that all out-Handing Debts may be PI paid immediately, either to themfelvei or ell 10 Gill & Henthaw who are duly authorized to to receiv the fame- And all persons to I - whom the laid Firm are indebted, a>e re- M quelled to deliver in their accounts imrae J 3 diately for payment. ■' WILLIAM WOOll, th EDWARD WALKER j c ' JOSEPH HAYES. [° Philadelphia, June 17, 1794. g mwS;stf. r TUITI c "j WILLIAM FINCH of the New Thea tre, begs leave to inform his Friends and the Public, that he has removed from the corner of Eighth and Arch streets to No. 68, north Eighth between Arch and Race ftreeis, and chat he continues 10 give ln ftruftions in the French and EngliOi Lan guages as usual, as also the Classics. He takes this opportunity of expreiling his ac knowledgements for the very liberal en couragement he has experienced, a conti nuation of which he begs leave to solicit. N. B. Translations from either languages correctly executed. d To be Let, ; For Merchants Compting Houfcs or Public Offices, Two brick 3 story Houses, ; HAVING 6 looms in each,wii h tire places j beside garrets,fituate on the fouih wetter ly fide t of Dock street, between Pear and Walnut streets. Enquire of BENJAMIN W. MORRIS. April 17- tuth&stf TnsuranciTcompany OF NORTH AMERICA» THE Stockholders are hereby reminded that an inltalment of two dollars on each share of the stock is to be paid on the second Monday, (being the fourteenth day) of Ju ly next 5 and that according to the charter of Incoi poration, any person or perfons,co partneries* or bodies politic neglecting or refuting to pay the fame at the time pre ferred for payment thereof, (hall reflec tively forfeit to the use of the Company all the monies previously paid on account of \ he (hare and fhar*s refpe&ively, ih pay mer.t whereof, such default iliall be made es aforefaid, together with all right, ti tle, interest, emolument, profit, claim | and demand, of, into and out of the funds of ihefaid company, and the profits ariiing therefrom. By nrd er 0 f the President &: D'ueftors, Ebenezer Hazard, Sec'y. Office of the Insurance Company of North Americai June 18. W&SU4J FOR SALE, For At the STORES of jefle &c Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and quar ter calks ly", ap LISBON do. in pipes and quarter cklks Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter chests A qnantitv of Lisbon and Cadiz SALT Soft shelled ALMONDS in bales , ur Velvet CORKS, in do. Russia MATTS. ]une 9 l-.j All persons <who have any de mands upon the New Theatre, are request ed to fend in their accounts to No. 204, in Arch street, near Eighth street, as soon as convenient. WIGNELL Si REIN \GLE. May 3-. dt 1 dS It is Requeued, wuh, THAT no person will supply any articles I e for the use of the New Theatre, without I an order in writing, ligned by ourselves, or | J Samuel Anderfon, for us. WIGNELL & REINAGI.E. May 3d. rib'- —• I "*- THE itelations <i( Mr Thomas Curtis, j formerly of Ellicott's Upper Mills, and 1 lately of the C'ty of Washington, deceafcd, I • are desired to apply and have his affairs set I tied. I City of Washington, April «2, 1764. j 1< M 5 m<Scth4w I tlirct For . Scheme of a Lottery, "rj T0 raise 39,900 Dollars, on 266,000 J , Dollars, deJtcß'tng 15 per Cent, from I • the Prizes'—this Lottery mnp.Jls of I JL 38,000 Tickets, in which there are I ns 14,539 P rrzes an( l 23,461 Blanks, I being about one and an half Blanks to I oSfe ' a Prize. |, 1 I take THE Dire6tors of the Society for eftabliih- j mac j ing Ufclul having refolv- i ed to erect LOTTERIES for railing One I ' Hu ndr.ed Thousand Doll ars, agreeably I . to an A& of the Legislature of the State of | ,s New-]erfey, have appointed the following I T v persons to superintend and direst the diaw- I f orn to ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufus I jjgj,. ,e King, Herman Lc Roy, jtmts Watfoti, I " ' Richard Harrifon, Abijah Hammond, and | fe Cornelius Ray, of th? city ot —I t, ie Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M'- J v Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of I " 3e Philadelphia—-His Excellency Richard How- J r>r ell, Efq Elias Boudinot, General ELasJDay I -g 2d ton, James Parker, John Bayard, Do&or I to Lewis Donharu, Samuel W. Stockton, Jofhna I e- M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Elifha J e Boudinot, of N\ w-Jerfey, offer the! following Scheme ol a Lottery, and pledge | themselves to the publ'C, that they will take 1 firft every assurance and precaution in their power I froi lo have the Monies paid by the Managers, j tool from time to time, as received, into the j 1 Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to Ja li _ J remain for the purpose of paying Pria s, j for I which (hall be immediately discharged by a I I check npon one of the Banks. nd I SCHEME: \J | i Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000 I I°. I 1 10,000 10,000 j l ict I 2 si'ooo 10,000 I me In- j 5 2,000 10,000 I j- re in I 10 i,coo 10,000 I He | 2r) 500 I— l ac- I ico lop 10,000 I in- I 300 50' 15,000 1 iti- I 1000 20 *o,oco I j. I 2000 15 30,000 I ges I 3°°° 12 36,000 j 8100 10 81,000 I I 1 4>539 162,000 I , 123,461 Blanks. First drawn rtbmber, 2,000 I. bite I Last drawn number, 2,000 lin I • j ta 1 38,000 at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 I to ' I The drawing will commence, under the I JCCS j infpeftion of a Committee of the Superin- I I tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, ot I - ' nut I which timely notice will bfe given. I The Superintendants have appointed John I. • J N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R. War- | tf I denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan I \ V" I ea * Trenton, as immediate Managers I — * I thereof, who have given ample security for I [ difchavging the trust reposed ih them. I E I In order to secure the pun&ual pay I w I ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants of I f a uded I the Lottery have diretted thai the Managers I each j (hall each enter into bonds in 4Cjooo dollars, I cond I with four fufticient fecurities,to perform their I f Ju- I inftt unions, the fuV»ftance of which is I - irter I I. That whenever either of the Managers I s,co- I shall receive the sum of Three Hundred Dole I sting I ' ars > immdiately place the fame in I pre- I onc c^e an^s New-York or Philadel- I spec- I Ph> a » 10 cteditOf the Governor of the I * ly all I S° c iety, and such of the Superintendants as I it of Ivc * n c ' w^cre l^c mon ' es are placed, I j 1 Ito remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn, I•. f°r the paymnt of the Prizes. mace I Xhc Managers to take fufficient fe- I . tl ~ I entity tor any Tickets they may trust, ot4ier- 1 1 to refponnble for them. funds J jjj ee p -regular books of Tickets 1 riling I Monies received and paid into the 1 I Bank, abftra&s of which shall be sent, I ,rs * I monthly, to the Governor of the Society. V. I Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of the above gen- 1 Jilemen, information will be given where! I.IT I l^c^ets raav a<^» ' I February 24. tujeftf. I For Fort Dolphin & St. Marc,"j The very fafl failing Brig I A TWO sisters, U- For a few paflages, on- 1 j U i ly, apply to I MCH. PARIZET, Or, LOUIS OSMONT, I and f No. 117, north Second ftreet'. | No. £ June 20. djt I and t I An 1 ° n Thursday, lONSI ONS 26 th in(l. at 7 o'ciock in I -- th( Evening. | JH Will h-fold by Public I Vendic, AT THE CoFrtE HOUSE, THE SHIP Harmony. m I With all her mat rials, fails, iggiugj & c I Phyi: I is (he came from sea, now lying at Mr. | y-eon I Willing's wharf. I Mifi She is 334 tons burflien, four years old, I Repi I built of live oak and cedar, and fails re- I Ju I :narkably fact. The .nventoryto be feei J I at the place of sale. Footman & Co. Auciion'trs. I It' „ I It Jvir 2! 5t j , q I ft t^bUrgh ' I ' John Mafl r. I | TO fsil with all convenient I'peed, havinp I I three fonrthsof her ear{o afreidy engaged I I For freight or paifage a>ply to the matter J C I on b< ai d, or THOMAS tf JOW ZETLAND. J ]uns 3- £30l- For M&taRA, J C ATIARINE, 10 . I Capt. /I'Collom I 1 I TO i<ni direilly. Aew barrels will be | [ [ taken on freight, if fpedy application is I I made. Apply to I<- . . peler bught, ] | Or I nt | l( JOIN CRAIG. l«.h T?ie Owner ps the Gtharine begs to in- j | form the gentlenien, inporters fropn Ma- I 1 I deira, the Catharine ft urns diredlly to ol[) ' I this port, and will take freight on mode- q., „ | rate terms. - L Jnhe 19 dlVv ' I For New Orleans, I r NOAH'S'ARK, | In 3 J Edward Jacocks, Master. I A ej WILL fail with all pdfiible IpeeH, (fay I t | firft July) is now difehacjing a cargo of Tar I r | from N. Carolina, will tike in * cargo as | 1, I soon as unloaded. e I The chief part of her <argo being ready, I o | a little may be received tn freight. Apply I '1 | for it and for palTage to a I LOUIS DSMONT, I — No. 117. noith Second street. I N. B. No ic but Ameican property will I I be received on board, either out or home, I 10 | —She is intended to retirn immediately, I 10 j L. Olmont will thank hii friends (o recnm- I | mending h«r to their coriefpoudciils for I >0 | freight home | '° | June 20 -d" 1 I 301 For Sale or Charter, j 3° j or the Wejl Indies, I INDUSTRY, • I OF about 550 or 600 barrels burthen ; I _ c I a fine strong vefiel, and now ready to take Ij, 00 lin a cargo. For terms ipply to the Cip- je, | tain on board at Walnut street wharf, or j £ 00 I to he THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. Iti n - I June 17 d I ° I , the brigantine I ? an I Captain Knox, j 1 for I BOUND to St. Croix, will touch at St. I 3 I Euftatius, to accommodate any paflengers I 1 'y I who may wilh to be landed there. She will 11 °f | fail on Saturday morning next. Apply to 1 "I WHARTON & GREEVES; 1 ieir I June 19. | ; Wanted to Charter, lc '- I .jfflgfiWTHATwiW carry 600 or | 1 t ' lc | 1000 barrels for Madeira, J 5 | "* load here immediately. I c > I Also a vefiel of ° to 10,000 load | wn ' I in'the Chesapeake. Apply to fe . I PETER BLIGHT, her. I J une x 7 diot I kets j Carolina Rice arid Indigo, I LI I BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH y- \B UR R sTO N E S,\ gen-I SALE BY htre Gnrney and Smith. tF. I May 14. 4 Found, I J A pair of GOl-D EAR-BOBS—The I owner by applying to the Printer, may be I informed where to g«t them. I By T June 24 d. yujl Publijhed, I ]\ and fir Sale by t'ie Printer, M. PARENT> I No. 85, Vine-Street, corner us Third-fti eet' I p. -r and bv M. CAREY,No. 11 ?, Market-ftrcet, j s - Ari ENQUIRY into, and OBSERVATI I By ONS ufo.i THE CAUSES and EFFECTS I Protd O F TH E 1 o Epidemic Disease, I Which rag din Philadelphia from Il' the month of August till towards 18. Ai die middle of December, 1793. I quc By JEAN DEVEZEy 1 Le Mtfter in Surgery,from Cape Fr nc<sis 1 3. A 1 Physician of the Hofpi'tal at Bush-Hill, Sur-1 p U ] veon-Major and piincipa Physician ot the I 4. Ol Military Hospital established by the French I drc Republic at Philadelphia. I 5• .Ai tune 24 d4t. I i" 1 I 6. Ai LANDING 7 a I ed Out of the Brig NANCY, I an( apt in Shapley, at Race-Street Wharf, I g 1 GARS in H g(h.*ad? and Barrels, I 0 f COFFEE in Barrels and Bags, I fy 1 f' ntitled to 'drawback. I 9» A For Sale, I 1« g By JAMES CRaWFORD, or j to. 1 WHARTON & LEWIS. j m> Jtne 24th. d. I i's _ 1 | Price , • j on Choice St. Croix Sugar, jn ,r JUST IMPORTED, ] 11 And for Sale y I P 11 By JAMES YARD. I OAI Also a quantity of RUSSIA Matts. I June dtf. I Stock Brokers Office, No. 16, Wall-ftrest, New-York. I Witl TH E Subscriber intending to confiViehim- I lei* entirely to the PURCHASE and I SALE of STOCKS on COMMISSION,b(gs J t leave to offer hisfervices to his friends and | others, in the line ol a Stock. Broker. Those I Who may pleafc to favor him with their bufi. I ness, rf»ay cfepcnd upon having it tranfatted I with the uimofl fidelity and dispatch. Orders from Philadelphia, Bolton, or any I C) ->ther part of the United States, will be I 1 ftri&ly attended to. I ™hi LEONARD BLEECKER. I <=; m&thtf I an< | I I one Excellent CLARET, Jwh I In hoglheads and in cases of 50 bottles each. | A L S O, 1 d ll I A few cases Champaigne wine j j °j A MADEIRA, b° ls I In pipes, hop,the?ds and quarter cafksj I < FOR SALE BY 1 En y, JOHN VAUGHAN, i ly I No. 111, South Front ltrect. 1 Jan. 2, J794. dtf | S rc I — | v. t 140 BARRELS 1 i» Best Boston BEEF, 67 &.1 18 HOGSHEADS ii-l New-England Rum; |" n I Received by the fchoojier Belinda, from J cr Boston, and for sale by [ I I vo Nalbro' & John Frazier. li<> in-1 No. 81, Walnut ftrcel. I cll To I W es, I June ■ ... « jhw&» 3 w I■ - ADVERTISEMENT. L n; I LETTERS on the fubjedl of the Wafh-1 o , | ington Lottery, being by mistake repeat- I 01 a P" | edly addrefledto the Commissioners for the j or I City of Wafhiiigton. j n , 1 Persons concerned arebereby informed, Iv< I that all such should be addrefled either to j R | W. Deakins juh. of Walhingtbn, or to the j 01 , | Subscriber. The comrtiiflioners never hav- I I ing contemplated any further concern in I " I this btifinefs, than in their a (Tent to receive I 1,1 | the bonds and approve the names of the j - ~ | managers. The prizes have been paid and | • St. I are paying on demand by W. Deakins, I ?ers j Wifhirigton, Peter Oilman, Boston, and I will I by the Subscriber. yto I For the Lottery No. 2, the fecyrities al- I 5; | ready given will be retained by the com- I I miflioners, or transferred by them at their I > I option to the bank of Columbia ; and the I I commiftioners will be consulted refpeiting I | a judicious and equitable disposition of the j , 1 houses to be built thereby ; their treasury J t 10 or 1 or the bank of Columbia will receive the I g eira, | money intemied for the National Univer- j h elv. I hty, and they will be consulted in the no- I load J mination of the 24 managers ; but all the j I refpcmfibility refpetfling the general difpo- j I". | fition of the tickets, and payment of pri- j ot | ies, will reft as in the Hotel Lottery, on j I the persons whose names are and may be j 0 I hereafter publiihed as assistants to for ward J ' I thisbufmefs with 1 CH S. BLODGfcT. I ' j N. B. Mr. Blodpct will be particularly I I obliged if those persons who poflefs prizes | -. I yet unpaid, will apply far thtir money as | I early as poffiblt. 1 June 7th. 4. j Medical Books. ■ I JUST PUBLIBHED, I By Thomas Dob/on, at the Stone Houjt, No. 41, foutb Seco JJ! red, I VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries OBSER V A TIONS. ' By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D. i I Proftffor of the Inltnuics ot Mcdicine, and of Cflinical Practice in the Umver- I fnyof Pcnnfy lvania.. containing I I. An inquiry into the influence of physical catties upon the moral faculty. I g. An inqui'y iuto the c'flFefts of fpiritous li- I quois npon the human body, and their in- I fluence upon the happiness of society. I 3. A n inquiry into the caufcs and cure of the - 1 pulmonaiy conlumption. 1 e I 4. Obfei visions on the fyYnptumsand cure of li I dropsies. I 5. An Inquiry into the fcaufes and the cure or 1 internal dropsy of the brain. 16. An account of the nieafies, as they ap- I pt-artd in Philadelphia, in the year 1789. I 7. An account ot the influenza, as it appear- I ' ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,1790, I and 1791. . J 8. An inquiry into the causes ot the ir.create I of bilious and lemitting fevers, in Pemi» I fylvania. I 9, An inquiry into the causes and cure of fore I I<£ S * I to. An account of the slate of the body and I mind in old age, w>th obfeivations upon I its diseases ant; their remedies. J Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or I one dollar and a halt neatly bound. 1 Medical Tranfaftions OF TH E I College of Pbyfici&ns of Philadelphia. VOL. I.—P A R T I. Price one dellar in boards. IA Treatise on the Diseases of '5 Children. I With general dire&ions for the management n " I of Infants from the birth, adapted for I the iHe-of physicians and private families. I By Michael Underwood, M. D. } j- e 1 Licentiate o{ Midwifery in the Royal Col lege ,of Physicians in London, and c( j I Physician of the Biitifh I Lying-in-Hospital. N y I Price one Dollar. be 1 This Is acknowledged to 4>e the befl boo)' I which has been published on the fubjeft, ahOi I is calculated for the use of parents, nurses, p I and private families, as well as for physicians I —The two volumes handsomely printed in I one, and the price only about one third of I what ihe imported copies fell for. I The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, two j dollars. 6j I Syftcm of Surgery, extrsfted from the I works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waters, 2 I dols. 50 cents. > I Syftcm of Anatomy, extrafled from th» I Encyclopaedia, wiih I 2 coppei plate?, 2 dols. [ I Syfiem of Chemistry, extra&ed fiom the I Encyclopaedia, exhibiting a view of thepro- F I B re^s lhe fc> en cee, and the different fyftcms . j which have beep published, 2 dpls. 50 ccnts. j Brown's Elements of Medicine, 2 dols. I 67 cents. T. Dobfon has in the Press, I An edition ot the Medical and Philofophi I cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. TwovwJ- I umes arc printed *u one at 2 dollars and i*om j cents per volume; he has nearly finifhed the | five firft volumes, which contain the firft ten I volumes of tije European edition, which fell I for twodollarscach. Nine volumes will 111- f I elude eighteen European volumes, which I w ill briog the publication up to the prefenc _ I time. I Like<wife fir sale a considerable number of Medical Books, viz*, 7fl I Cullen's Practice, Materia Medica, Phyfi " | ology, and Synopsis. Bell'sSuigery, 6 vols. ? e • .1 or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buchan's Domestic rthe j Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, Chefelden's A -1 netomv, Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea- Tied, I ver on do. Rollo On Weft India Diseases; ;i* to I Rigby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilion's othe j outlines of the theory and pio&ice of Mid hav- I with or without plates ; do. on th* n in I " ana gemerit of Female cbtnplaints. Meale ceive I on Hyd'ophpbia, &c. &c. f the _ Ua,chs : Lint Ground Plan ' j OF, THE City and Suburbs com- I 1 • 1 OF d the I PHILADELPHIA. I TAKEN FROM ACTUAL SVRrF.r. if the j j-j- j, wjfh pleafute ihat the publiftier !ias afury j to inform his fubicHbert ancl the public j r j : the ! general, that the plate is now under the liver- I hands ot'the engraver, and in greater for leno- I wardnfs than was at firft contemplated At 11 the j the fame time lie begs leave to r.mind lifpo- J them; fubfciiption paper* areftill o f pri- | pen at moftof the noted book-stores in the y, 011 j cit >' ; and 'bat he hopes from the whole av be jol rhenl t() be enabled tofo-m luch a ief rward j P eftable taialogue of names, as will do » I ciedit *0 the work, as well as affoid 3 | reasonable encouragement to the under- I Uker. ularly I who are desirous of further infor. prizes I matl °" re requested to call on ne y as j Benjamin D'avies, No. 63, Marktlflreit. j A P ril IH&tiltf