r'n'hdi'JnWa, March, 1 1794. just puaj. ished, E/ MA THE W CAREY, No. 11"8, Maria Jlreet 4 IFIRST OF A NEW SYSTEM OF iViodern Geography : Geographical, Hijlorical, and Commercial Grammar; And present (tare of the Ove-al NJTIONS OF THE WO&LD. CONTAIMNG, 1. Tli* figures, motions, und distances of . + ?ie planets,according to the Newtonian fyf t ill and the latest ob(erv r ations. 2. A general vew of,the ear th,conlideretf .as a planet; withfeverai ufeful - definitions and problems. 3 The g and 3ivifioos of the g?obe into' land and 'varen, continents and inlands. 4• Tne sit v aatian and extent of* empires,\ -kingdom?,{fates, provinces and colonies. 5 Their climates, air, foil, vegetables, •productions, metals, minerals, natural curi- Oiitie*,feas, rivers,bays,capes,promontones, stllU lakes. 6. The birds and beasts peculiar to each, country. ~J. Observations on the changes that have been any where observed upon the face o'' nature fitice the molt early periods of his tory. 8. The hifl.-or'y and origin of nations;. tl>ei% forms of government, religion, laws,-' revenues,taxes,naval aiul military strength ' 9 Tie genius', manners, cuftoirn, and habits of the people. 13. Their language, learning,arts, faien ces, manufa&ures, and commerce. 11. The chief cities, flru&ures, ruins., and artificial cunofities. 12. t lie longitude, latitude, bearings, and di(bailees of principal places from Phila- To which ar C added, 1. A Gsograpical Indexj with the names and places alphabetically arranged. 2. A Table ot the Coins of all nations and their value in dollars and tents, 3* A Chronological Table of remarka ble events,horn the creation to the prelerit time. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Esq. The Astronomical, Part corre&ed .by Or. RITTENHOUS£. To which have been added, The late Discoveries of Dr. Herschel'l, ntlie> eminent Astronomies. The FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, Corrected, Impioved, and greatly E'nlar . S ed - Tie fir ft volume contains twenty-one end Charts,befides two Altronomical Plates, viz. i. Map of the world. 2. Chart Of =the • worle 3. Europe. 4. Alia. 5. Africa. 6. v.utli America. 7. Cook's diicoveries. o. Countries ronnd the north Pole. '9. Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. «o. Sel t e " United Provinces. 4, Anftrian, French and Dutch Netherlands. >2. Ger many, i 3. Scat of war in France. 14. •France divided into departments. 15. Switzerland. :6. Italy, Sicily, and Sar dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal: 18. I ip key in Europe and Hungary. 19. v lre- W. *X Welt-Indie,. 21 . Vermont. 22. Ar imllary sphere. 23. Copernican system. With tire second volume, which is now m • Wlll b "' g ' Ven the foltawin £ 1. Russia in Europe and Asia. 2. Scotland. 3- England and Wales. 4. Poland. 5. China. 6. Hindoftan. / 7- United States. 8. Britifli America. 9. State of New-Hampshire. 1 3. State of Maflachufetts. 11. State ot Conne&icut. 12. State of Rhode Island. 13- State of New-York. 14- State of New Jerley. 15- State of Pennsylvania. ■6- State of Delaware. 17. State of Maryland. i?. State of Virginia. 19- State of Kentucky. State of North-Carolina: 21. Tenneflee Government. 22. State of South-Carolina. ' 23. State of Georgia. terms. ! - k wia be i. two «• SuWcriberj pay for the present volume' ondel'very flx do n arS) and the prke of hinduig, (56 cents for boards.) : 3- They may receive the succeeding vo-' 1 liirne ~j twenty-fbur weekly numbers, at , 2'", 'J cach > or else, when si- A -rh r' uV ' ame P rice as the firft. C r ,ption wi Jbe 'aifed on the firftday of June 17 94, to fourteen dol lars, exclusive of binding. 5. Should aiiy copies remain for sale afters the c ompl et, ° n of the work , thej wi „ d ° lla "' aud P"« of 4, n T ''' '"f" the subscribers will be publilHed as patrons of American l.tera tuie, arts, and sciences. It i, whoHy unnecessary to expatiate on the advantage, to American readers that «h« edition poffefie,, overevery impose] edition „t any fy(l em of Geography extant >e addit tion of maps of thefeveral testa the best a V6ry - grCat eX P Cnfe - and f the United States, to spue nether p3iii> nor expe .fe to 'ender the prtfent edition of Guthrie's Geography improved, deferv ingof their patronage. \yaitf Jofepli Clark, ARCHITECT AT ANNAPOLIS, Proposes to publijb> by fubfeription, POLYMATH.Y ; O R The American Builder. A Work, calculated equally to edify and en teit-nu the Gentleman, Farmer, Su rveyor, Builder & Mechanic. THIS work will contain various pn icus of the bed writers on Arcbitefture, Aris, a nd Science; together with experiments, and accurate Dotes ol obfeivation, hi the juilioi ; i being the result of thirty yiau Budy and ex-' peiience in bis profrflion. It will aifo contain an alphabetical account of the,quality and value of the various kinds of materials, and numerous species of iabor,! exp< nded on building. Exemplifications, toafceitain the quanti ties of materials and labor nccefTary to com-: I plcte, almost, every part in a building, off whatever dimensions. An account and explanation of all the tcims and phrases, u sed in ancient and mo dem architecture and building. Io persons inclined to build, it. will afford? I an opportunity of regulating their plans with-, Imi he compals of their finances, a ,nd prepaid them to prevent impofnions from irickin» venders of materials, and extortionate Wor,k-f rnen—To Mechanics, who cannot, (or want: ot cxpenence, calculate the value of tlici. 1 refpeftive labour, and materials expended in; their particular branches of building, this work will afford an opoortunity to eilimate with facility and accutacy, any done or in tended to be done, either in tne aggregate ot the rr,inutile. fi;> 6 ~ ' Ic will conta.n many edriolis and valuable ecipes to make fine and coarse varnifhes.for .relervingroolj of |,oufc s , hams, paling, roughs, pipes, &C. ftecipes"to make va,i. 'US glues and cement* ; recipes to make com. loGtlofu for elegant, or minute ornaments, »d enrichments for oui.de or inside com ■artmems: recipes to make compofuion lor igurcs and mcniftations—to r nditfje th feather in any alprfti recipes Mm ke |( uc o compofit.ons, lorfloo.s, malt.houses, dif. Merles, heaitlis, linings for rill ins anl.sto afcertam t"e f, filing of din pecies or timber necetfary tu prrforin ,h. „ efpeftlve funihons, in p,oportioa lhril •m-.ou. fufpenlnm. : Tables to afcenain th ifflienfions ol the vanous apemons intro,i„. ' ,rl a iffereni ed ifices, and doors, window, "imnies, iky-lights, fta.r-cafrs, &c. m pro.' ion to their different ulc, ,„d intention Vj' 7 r b «utv or utility : A nj.de to take, and r q ,, are kinds of aitifi<: rr « s wolk belong.„ g to • uildings, and to afcer.ain the cubic'l ~r f , h ' jC'l comc '" s 'hereof: Obfeivaiions „f he doflr.ne oi echo and found : A differta- V" f p l h .' ,Hfo P h y> doflrine, and c „". ■ ruff,on 0. chtmmes, 10 void or emit ,| le moke. PropW, on, and recipes to c n.oky chin,Mies : Obfcrv,lions on the infl li.y of the edifices heretofore, generally u,t ■ : Su «S e,li "«sof modes to j 1 Ue ln , b «'Wlr.gs here, that w.ll, without dd.t.onal expence, tend mo, e to the.. dura lie ', D "" ptlnns and proportions of he general and particular members of var , W ron'ie r rch "f' arr ' viz - lhe Tu, «". Vr . lonic, Corinthian, Composite, Chi . e ' Attic, Cargatic, Arabesque Morefaue .ro.efque, Saracenic, R u st, C) Antique Ann' |uo-Mod,rn, Gothic, a „ d Britannic Ma n urious hiftotica! amount, ot van lerTul buildings ,n p , r „ ot ,£ •'oild : Many cur. ou „ nd OTlglnal ' eulogiums on Free itafonry Tins work Will be printed m tWo octavo flumes, each to contain upwards ol 40c Mgr., on fine paper of letter press ■ The puce to fubfenbers, m- boards, f 'v t b011a,,; two and a half dollar st c ae paid on the delivery of the lift, an(l , ■ rid a half Dot lars on the dt|i VCI , ■ recond volume. Mr. Clark adureVthe publir that he will literacy per'orm all tl a[ |„ hal[ set forth in these propnfalj. Gentlemen inclined to promote th„ WOIU by fubfertbing thereto, are rcquefled rewrite post paid, to Mr. Joseph Clark, a, AnnL],, authotiflng him to annex their names to th fubfcnption lift. The Printers i n the United States, are so. ■C.ted to g,vc these prcpofais, occasionally, a placr in ,he,r papeis. Morris Academy. THIS inftiiuiion is now open for lie re ception of students under the immediate care of Mr. Caleb Ru.Tell, whofeTbUities 'J L an4 * ttachmentto the b "- filiefs have long been known and app.oved. e e dk" K h,m the best si 4 branc hes—The scholars are taught tht Eilglifh, French, La, in, and Greek languages, Public-Speaking, Wti.ing the aT ,C ' ? e Aftro,fo,ny, afj The heahh the Ma,|iematict healthy situation of this place is such .0 r ecommend j( to (h P «ch the 'r in the country. Bca.d ing, wafting, mending, &c. will be ptovid. rd i" good families, a „ d the ,f , I scholars carefully aitended ,0. The price including tuition, firewood &c exclulive of the French language) will "ey per e a ed ''"V 7 proclamation mo. " y per annum) an addition ol three dollars Per quarter will be made to such scholars who are taught the French language. The : ,°o rs ,r ed T rm ' ned <° pay ruc g h a ,r;: rlfn flu l! mftitution, as will render it refpeftable and ufeful Gabriel h'. ford, -> Morriftown, Mayi s , , 794 J PHILADELPHIA :-P RINTED By JQHn F£ 3, SOOT,. Fourth S T aE ST ._p RICE - ~ CE bIK Dollarj P £K AKSVM. IN TWO VOI.UM£S. By Mrs. KOWSON, of the New Theatre, Plilade.'phia, Author ol Viflm-ia, ii.eln- cjuiliioi , the Fille dr Ciamb'e, Of Charlotte, the Reviewers havt given the following char after. IT mav be a TaJe oi Truth, tor it is not unnatural, and it is a talc of real dH trefs. Charlotte, by the artifice of a teach- ei, recommended to a fchooi, from hnin i nlty rather than a conviction of her inte grity, or the regularity of* her former con duct, is enticed from her goveri ess, and a Companies a young officer 16 America.— The marriage ceremony, it" not forgotten, rs postponed, and Charlotte dies a marty* o the oi tl.e jver, treach ery ot his ti icnd—-Tlie filiations are art | ief s and affeCti; g—the descriptions natu ral and pathetic.; we ihnuid feel r or Char lotte it such a per toil ever existed, who for one error Scarcely, perhaps, cLelervcd lb severe a punifhinent. If it is a fic tion, poetic jnftice is not, we think, pro. perly d ft jbut< d. Said Carey has jufl publi/hed, A 2 fheec map of Kentucky compiled by Elihu Barker, price ore aul lar and two third;. War Aria?, containing maps of France, Germany, Spa n . Italy, the United Pioviri cey the Nettie-lands, a; d the Weft Indies. Price two dollars. Map of New Jersey—Hals a d*ollar. Mip of Vermont, Cijnneflicut, Dela ware, Georgia Price three eighths of a-dollai each. April 29. GUTHRIE's GEOGRAPHY THE subscription tor this worjc on tile original tcrm s of iwelye dollars and the tond'nfc, will be closed this day—and on Monday the fubfcripnn n will open at fou teen dollars, exclusive of of bind mg. The new maps added to this edition are twenty one; anion; ,|,i c h are those o> Nfw-Hampfli're, MaflVchufem, Connefti cut, Ithode-Ifland, Vermont, N'ew Yoil, New Jersey, Pei)»»>lv a „ ia , Delaw aie , Ma ryland, Vl.gmra, Kentucky No.th Caro lina, toe Genetfc, Government, South Ca rol.na, and Georgia. Thele maps have „ e ver been given i„ any former lyftem of Geography, and. it i s | ioped) wouI(1 he fufficient to entitle this work to a p. e fer-nce to any other edi'ion of Guthrie. B. The map of' the United States which is compiling by Mr. S.mue) Lewis from the refpeftiveftafc maps wi .j , )e f >' ct Publiflird, and be printed on two | arge sheet., of paper, neatly the size 0 f the iaie Mr. Mur ray's map. ? Ju it Published, By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at his Bookjlore, No. 147, MarketJreet, The Life of Dr. Franklin, with a (hiking likeness, executed in a mat terly nianner by Thackara and Vallancr price fiveftillmgs. ' GuT£ Traps' The rh"ir B(K>k kee PP'" s AffiOant, 6/3 forri, 2/4 n ' a P ° em ' b ' Charl « Crat 3 Efop's Fables, 4 _/« Swan's BritUh /» lc tfitr&, 27ft Paine's ditto w , 2 J°- antl Country Builder's Affiflant. Intheprefs, and will bepiiblijhedin a few j. d "y s > "rid fold as aboi", ana Maxims, by den' ( /B Pe " n ' ' I,S itdvite "> >>" chrl- J 6 ,m -*, 1?94 Congreji 0 f thc Unhed Maj lyh ' '794- O J ™'ck\ P «<™, Ma. Robert Oliver and " t,15r ' to an Aft emiilrd " An'^"' P ' , ' sna '' t the gfant and conveyance ftf authonz "'S to the Ohio Company' of ' not *e declared void, »•" ""■» «nth and be f„ fficier , t fat| rf y V ,te , r «. ere of thc French settlers a' r.ir > alms Ordered, thar Yh .j, * It,O P°X«- of the above order to Rnf*VP * C ° pV -Tab Cutler, Rohrrtfe, Ut r n <^- * and the publication one .nonih, in one of the r '"'his City, (hall bc d a: 'r.^' pn:Hed ' tice thereof. "seined "ifficienl rio. Extoa Of Senate. May i4 SAM - A " OTIS ' Secretary. till. diw, W2m Bank United States, J une iyh, 1794. PROPOSALS will be received at the Bank of the United States until the firft day of" July next, for the Masons and Carpenters work of the Banking House, to be built in Third-street It is not expected, that more than the foundation will be cojnpleated The plan may be seen by applying to JOHN KEAN, Cajhier. dtij. A New Novel. To the LAUIES of Philadelphia. This Day is Publtfltcd by MATHEW CAREY, 118, Market hrtet, Price, bound, live-ei;hihs ( f' a dollar, sew ed in marble paper, hsl <| .11 ar . Charlotte, a tale of Truth, Improved. The Partnership of JONES, HOFF, anci DKRKICK, of thi city, Printers, having diifolved o | equeft,that all out-standing Debts may be piid immediately, either to tbemfejvrs or to Gill & Hrnfliaw who are duly authorized to receiv tiie fame. And all persons t whom the said Firm are indebted, are re quelted to deliver in their accounts imme diately for payment. WILLrAM WOOD, EDWARD WALKER, JOSEPH HAYES. Philadelphia, June 17, 1794. GILL & HENSHAW r v\ ood, Walker, & Hayes, Have for fait, at their BOTTLING STORE, No. 244, South Second-Jireet« oppojite the New-Market, IV" I N E S, viz. Madeira, Sherry, C P'P es > Claret, and Port C a "d bottles. Teneiitfe, Liflxn , / in bottles or qu. Malaga, A-c. C calks. SPIRITOUS LIQUORS, viz. Brandie , Jamaica Spir*t*, Weft India and Country Rum, Gill, in Pipes and Cases, &rc. ALSO . Londoh £3* Philadelphia Bottle# Porter, Beer, and Cyder ; Common andl^iftilled'VlNEGAß, in hl forEMPTY June 1.7 ti: thAs3«» MADEIRA, 1 SHERRY, J | WINES of the firftquality TENERIFFE j Old Jam.iicaSpirit, Antigua and Weft In dia Rum. Comae, French and Peach Brandies [ t.laret and Port Wine of a superior qua lity in cases. Wine Cyder and Vuiegar, in pipes and hhds. Corks in Bale",Havannah Segars in Boxes. Philadelphia Porter, i n C a sks and Bottles L nrloti do. in do. do. Philadelphia Ale and Beer in do. do. London do. in do. do. and Cyder :n barrels and bottles, prepared fqr exportation or irrmediatf life FOR SALE BY I Benjamin W- Morris, The corner of Dock and Pear flreets, Where he has provi ed suitable itores and vaults, for the reception of WINES, &c. Which he propose? to (lore or dispose of on comnriflion Caprains ofveflels and others fupplicd w.th anyol the above LIQUOKS bottled, and .ealtores in geneal put up. May 9 Just Published, In one handiome volyme.nmo. Price 5s AND FOR SALE BY JOHN ORMROD, At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Cbefuut St re */, an essay on the Natural Equality of Men, On the Rights that result from it, and on e •L'uties which it imposes. T ° £ K * h a MEDAL wa, adjudged, by the 1 Eylenan Society at Haarlem. ' wtt t Enlarged, by WILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN, Pr Lai r °o f xt f M ° ral Phi, ° r °P ll y, and the Hiftorv !"!'• a " d of EccteGalfical H fto.v; and Mtmfter of the Enghih Church at Utrecht. " Ai l!^ sd commu,Km American Edition. S principle 'of Equality, if on whi S H y U "' !er ' lou,l > >* only b a fi, order I rcteM freedom, can be firmty buflr ■™d permanently Cccured. The vew „f tW it? "V"'" e ' r: ' y ' at tl:e ti ,n e t|>e t-vr S t,ie i "' o)e nc« of office the tyranny „f p , ,rfe an(j the outfaces of •Wrcfhon; confirm, i„ the mnftttr c |,li manner, the nerefiitv nf r„ , i 21T/I ti „ ■ ri , " ct C! - ir y 01 lubordmation. So fir "1 '' en \ amls authority '»'« Joofenire the band's niamtaiiis inviolate e every civil in I h e,y ev "y f< * ial tie, unite! tyiTw j " ft ' y P' °P or tioned H d af"T T" tOߣt! ' e '' "" the man na re Q ? r h ®'" l, ", en t ngl,ts oi ' of aeomw reciprocal obligation, ,„j March ,g re *"i»'i to the community. ' tuts m&wmi mw&cff. Nucceflprs to mw&stf tu&f2m >f The Public are cautioned to • TtZ t c ™ nte /f e ' ted F 've Dollar Bills r ! ° f the Uniud Slates, a„J twenty Do lor Bill, of the Bank ofbZt V f™ r,ca M eVe >al of which have apLa r % ;r. m circulation within a few days /aft ft I •&,* *■' *«*' b marks. . «w „, iv | United Slates, ALL that have appeared havs the Jetrer . ■ • jor their Alphabetical Mark "" the- genuine paper mMt *">/ than'rL^'and^Jh o ' d Con, P? 1 7 '» faster * «» a e Kt e " V' e ' S f Ww *» - o,'to tech the s<,;t-I^^v?5 <, ; t - I^^v?r si ' confide.ably above tV', ' ' * tp "d word. ' the ,an S e «» Ite Wlwlg In the word Un ted the letters , r » rbil. a " dtlorer to K etl:er than the reft P h r ° mife an?M * than the /, 7 "" 3 n ' ucl "nore 101l OI W4i j "* tbe device mthemarsin nart.V 1 *"d cpap fcr and appears darker i •'* " mue h bills. SomeofthTcounterV r,"' ■ 7 9 I—Whereas th o BanL * rm "" r l„wi? at i h l Vt ' a PP e " ,e(l have the 'ette, B. tor the.r alph abttlta|mark <«t« Notes above d /' C r,bed ,h" C "" Sf ) Iter executed ard 1 " « U to the appearance ft? aPPr ° dCh m *<« T ,„ yearan.ee 1 f the genuine hills, fine ruled lines through ,L« WOfl j ■*prr,„%K,r i " The word Company is much like the fame word in the Five Dollar B.ils as deftrifefd Their is 110 stroke to jfhe t imhe « r ,| -VeMdefi n a e 7' hegenn,neb,l6the,t, ' ka down to the line, but are so cut as to B>v#8> v# ail irregular appearance to the word, t hs Jw ai d :he_y going below tl cm. The fignarure | Nixon, has ihe jpprjf. •ince of being wntien wiih Jamb-bUsk a»4 01, and ditteis Irom oihe. inks ~fed printing the and the cashier's %i )a . 'tl6t It is supposed these fotgciir* were cofnmil. ted mlonie of the Sout hern States, *!| ,/, e counieffciij thai have appealed, h.'VC cpme rom thence, an< J two perfoni have bcr.i ap icbcnded in Vuginia.on suspicion ol l,,i • who Hull difcovcr and piolicule In ccnvic « tion the leveial offenders of ihe loUo»ine» de Tiptiont or any of them, viz, J * r he 1 person or pcrfom, who rnanuf fm Ed the paper on which ihr'«iiif»re pnfllid, platt« pef\ * f 1 that countries air rich, powerful 3fd \ tpm'f ! r» p'oportton as the laboring people fty-y 'he fruits of their own labor; 2fld bfttft*, the nccfflaiy cordufioii,that flavciy 15 i.wMt* ticift well a* unjujl. P* 1 p E Cent«;, February 1 5. A\( rHE offi-ce of the President <•''£ «f the Insurance Company xit* Ame&tca, is removed to fsjo, <07. Front ttrccr, being the fc-uth eajjt F tout antl Walnut streets.