OF THE UNION. i'HIRD CONGRESS OF THE UK) TEfi STATES, AT r:4E FIRST SESSION, <Be*un ami hehl at the City of Philmlel-, pbia, in the Slate of Pennfylvn:>.ia, mi Monday the ftmnd of Dt ■ietnber, one thoufa i/i J'e -I>ai hundred and ninety-three. An ACT in addition to the aft for the Punishment of certain Crimes againfl the 'United States. Sec. 1. "E it eriafled and J declared by the 'Senate and House of Representa tives of the United States of Ame rica, in Congress a(fenibled, That 'ir any 'citizen of the United States shall within the territory or jurisdiction of the fame ac cept and exercise a cornmiffion to serve a foreign prince or state in war by land or sea the person so offending shall be -deemed guilty of a high mis demeanor and shall be fined not more than two thousand dollars and shall be imprisoned not exceeding three years. Sec. 2. And be it further e nacled and declared, That if any person shall within the ter ritory or jurifdiftion of the U nited States enlist orenteir him felf, or hire or retain another person to enlist or enter him , l'elf, or to go beyond the limits ! or jurifdidion of the United ' States with intent to be enlilted 6r entered in the service of anv foreign prince or state as a sol dier, or as a marine or seaman ' On board df a,ny vessel of war, letter of marque or privateer, every person so offending'fhall bfe deemed guilty of i high mifdemednor and shall be fined not -exceeding .one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not exceeding three years; Provi ded, That this shall not be con strued to extend to any fubjedt or citizen of a foreign prince or state who lhall trarifienfly be within the United States and shall on board of any ves sel of war} letter of marque or privateer, which at the time of its arrival within the United States was fitted and equipped as such, enlist or enter-himfelf 6r hire or retain another fub jedt or citizen of the fame so- ■ reign prince or state, who is j tranfiemly within the United , States, to enlist or enter him- j i'elf to serve such prince or , state 011 board such vessel of ( war, letter of marque, or pri- , vateer, if the United States shall then be at peace with such c princfe or state. And provided , further, That if any person so ] enlilted shall within thirty days < after iuch enliltment volunta- » rily discover upon oath to some j juitice of the peace or other ci- ( vil magistrate, the person or f persons by whom he was so { enlisted, lo as that he or they T may be apprehended and con- j vidted of the said offence ; such e person so discovering the of- { fender or offenders shall be in- ; demnified from the penalty r prescribed by this aft. Sec. 3. And be it further 0 enacled and declared, That if v any person shall within any of si the poits, harbors, bays, ri- t vers or other waters of the o nited States, fit out and arm tl tterapt to fit out and arm or 'ire to be fitted out and a or shall knowingly be' d ned in the furnifhing, z Nit or arming of any ft -ffel with intent that c; 4 5! fu'ch ship -ir vessel (lull be em- J. ployed "in the ferric cos any so- reign prjric£>Jr;'ftate to cruile ' or commit ; hci£ilities upon the. fubje&s, citizens "br property , r/ of another -foreign prince or Hate with v/hom the United ; States are at peace, or mail ilfue or deliver a cornmiffion • within the -territory or ju-rif-; dittion of the United States \ > for any {hip or vessel to the ; i i n intent that lhe may be employ- [ cc l ed As aforefaid, every inch per- i fcin so offending shall upon r convidtion "be adjudged guilty ,a of a high misdemeanor and j; 36 shall be fined and imprisoned 11 a ~ at the dilcretion of the court j; ' e ~ in which the conviction shall j < a! j be had, so us the fine to be im- j i posed lhall in no cafe be more r )' than five thousand dollars and ;l c " the term of imprisonment shall ; m not exceed thfree years and j 31 every such /hip or vessel with j le her tackle, apparel and furni- • ture together wich all materi- ; 1 " ats, arms, ammunition and j stores which may have'been j ,c * procured for the building and < ;cl equipment thereof Khali be for- i feited one half. to the use ps ( f" any person who shall give in- { formation of the offence and 1 T ~ the other half to the use of the j United States. j Sec. 4. And be it further en- t " r aft-ed and declared, That if any t person shall within the territo- £ ry or jurisdiction of the United \ •'J j States encreafe or augment or a procure to be encreafed or aug- j i y mented or shall be knowingly t concerned inencreafing or aug- t n menting the force of any ship a r ' of war, cruiser or other armed c vessel which at the time of her r arrivalwithintheUnitedStates, j 'j was a ship of war, cruiser or t armed vessel in the service of a c foreign prince or state or be- t longing to the fubjedts or citi- t zens of such prince or state the t feme being at war with another f :t foreign prince or state with v e whom the United States are at p y peace* by adding to the num s ber qr fize'of the guns of such a vessel prepared for use, or by b the .addition thereto of any ti 'j equipment solely applicable to p war,. every such person so of- e j. fending lhall upon conviction p be adjudged guilty of a mifde- n " meanor and lhall be fined and S imprisoned at the discretion of a: ® the court hi which the convic- ai 1 tion shall be had, so as that d' such fine shall not exceed one c; j" thousand dollars nor ther term n; ' of imprisonment be more than U " one year. tc Sec. 5. And be it further en- Si * ailed and declared, That if any * person shall within the territo- ac > ry or jurifdidtion of the United 5 States begin or set on f<?ot or j provide or prepare the means ' > r -i- r ... !ni - tor any military expedition or rg enterprize to be carried on from thence against the terri * tory or dominions of any fo reign prince or state with whom \ the United States are at peace^ 1 1 every such person so offending j shall upon conviction be ad- ; judged guilty of a high mifde- ar meanor and shall fuffer fine and imprisonment at the discretion * of the court" in which the con viction shall be had, so as that such fine shall not exceed three thousand dollars nor the term of imprisonment be more than three years. Sec. 6. And be it further en abled and declared, That the diftridt courts shall take cogni- , zance of complaints by whom soever instituted, in cases of j captures made within the wa- f cri 4 - tefa of the United States, or - within a marine league of the. e coafls or ihores thereof. e. Sec. 7 And be it further en- V adled. and declared, That in eve r ry cafe in which a vessel shall I 1 be fitted out and armed, or at -1 tempted so to be fitted out or 1 j armed, or ill which the force - ] of any vessel of war, cruiser or s j armed vessel, shall be en e j creased or augmented, or in - i which any military expedition - 1 or enterprise fnall be begun or a . set on foot contrary to the pro y hibitiqns and provisions of this d 'ad ; and in every cafe of the i i capture of a ship or vessel with 't j in the. jurifdidion or protection 1 j of the United States as above -1 defined, and in every cafe in j e which any process issuing out i ;of any court of the United 1 States, shall be disobeyed or i refilled by any person or per t sons having the cultody of any - vessel of war, cruiser or other - armed vessel of any foreign; 1 prince or state or of the fub -1 jeqts or citizens of such prince i or state—in every such cafe it - shall be lawful for the Prefi i dent of the United States, or - such other person as he shall 1 have empowered for that pur i pose to employ such part of the land or naval forces of the Uni • ted States or of' the militia ' thereof as shall be judged ne ■ ceffary for the purpose of tak-- 1 ing poffeflion of, and detaining ' any such ship or vessel, with her ■ prize or prizes if any, in order r ; to the execution of the prohibi • tions and penalties of this a£t, > and to the restoring such prize I or prizes, in the cases in which restoration shall have been ad > judged, and alio for the purpose of preventing the carrying on 1 of any such expedition or en ■ terprize from the territories of the United States against the territories or dominions of a foreign prince or state, with whom the United States are at, peace. Sec. 8. And be it further en- ■ acled and declared, That it shall be lawful for the President of 1 the United States or such other | person as he shall have empow- 1 ered for that purpose, to em- 1 ploy such part of the land or 1 naval forces of the United ' J States or of the militia thereof, j 1 as shall be necessary to compel' < any foreign ship, or vessel, to ? 1 depart the United States, in all, ( cases in which by the laws of j nations or the treaties of the i United States they ought not ' to remain within the United : States, Sec. 9. And be it further en- f • aded, That nothing in the fore-1' going aft shall be construed to ;' prevent the prosecution or pur,; nifhment of treason or any pi racy defined by a treaty or o ther law of the United States. \ Sec. 10. And be it further emitted, That this ad shall con j tinue and be in force for and j during the term of two years, ' and from thence to the end of the next fefiion oi Congress, J and no longer. \ a Frederick A. Muhlsnberc, Speaker of the Houle of Representatives, Ralph Izard, Piefiden't of tha Senate, pro tempore. Approved—June the sth, 1794. a G°. Washington, Pref.dent of the United Statet. j . CONGRESS. IN SENATE, Turfdaj-, June xd, 1794. ( Continued. J Ameflagefrom the House of Repre- p fentatives by Mr. Beckley their Clerk ; C rv ,r " Mr. Prefident—Tlie Houf« of Re e prefentativcs agree to the amendments of the Spnatte to tlie bill, entitled, " An aft laying certaift dirties -upon fnulTanj refined sugar"—-And he withdrew. ;- The bill, sent from the House of Re |J prefentatives for concurrence, entitled, " An aft providingfor the payment of i a oertain sum of money due to - the ; r , French Republic," was read tlie fecand ; £ tinje. i ,f' Ordered, That this bill be referred ' to Mr. King, Mr. Guivn, and Mr. Ells- 1 worth, to coniider and report thereof) ( n to the Senate. CI The bill, sent from the House of Re- i r prefentatives for concurrence, entitled, . "An aft to extend the term of credit 1 for teas imported in the (hip Argonaut, 8 and to permit the export of goods la- ] e ved out of the wreck of the snow Free- j [- love," was read the second time. i II On motioip, i e It was agreed that the rule bd difpenf- < ed with, and that this bill be now read ; 11 the third time. t t Resolved, That this bill pass. r J Ordered, That the Secretary acquaint t j. the House of Representatives with the c concurrence of the Senate in tftis bill. c Mr, Folter reported from the com-' j 7 mittee on enrolled bills, that they did v r this day lay the following enrolled bills c before the President of the United States, to wit. The bill, entitled, "An j aft to authoiife the settlement of the r - account of Lewis Dubois for his fervi- e t ces in the late army of the United t . States the bill, entitled, "An aft to i r authoril'e the President of the United c . States to lay, regulate and revoke em h bargoesthe bill, entitled, " An aft - providing sty the payment of the second x I inllalment due on a loan made of the e „ B:u;k of the United States," and the c bill, entitled, "An aft for extending d the benefit of a drawback and terms of b ■ credit in certain cases, and for other t purposes. r The Senate proceeded to consider ' the amendments of the House of 1 Representatives to the bill, entitled, " An aft in addition tp the aft for • the puiriihmcnt of certain crimes againlt ( the United States " Resolved, that they concur in the P am. ndinents ,io this bill, e: 1 Ordered, that the Secretary acquaint ■ the House of Reprefeatatives there- 1 I with. n ' , After the conlideration of the exe- '' cutive buhnefs, , P' - The Senate adjourned to jo o'clock to morrow morning. a ' Wednefclay, June 4th, 1794, Mr. Vining reported from the com a ' mittee for enrolled bills, that they had examined the following bills, to wit 1 i he bill, entitled, " An aft laying certain duties upon fnuff and refined ■ fugai ; tlie bill, entitled, " AB aft ma king further provilion for securing and f colli'fting the duties on foreign and do mestic diltilled fpii its, stills, wines, ai\d . teas ;" Hie bill, entitled, «An aft to . ; extend the term of credit for teas im ported in the ship Argonaut, and to pemit the export of goods saved out .of the wreck of the snow Freelove I , the bill, entitled, " An aft foj the re- A S lief of John Robbe and the bill en ' tilled, "An aft in addition to the aft A I for the punifhmeot of certain climes a gain ft the United States," and that they were duly enrolled, 'ilie bill, sent from the House of Re- Bi prefentives for concurrence, entitled, " An aft laying duties upon carriages •or the conveyance of persons," was S} read the third time. I3t On motion to strike out from the ! firft feftion, all that follows the word j " Coachee," line 9th, and in lieu there- B1 t of, iniert and other four wheeled car ; riages which hang or reft upon steel or : iron springs, fix dollars." Be It paired in the negative, Cc 011 motion to postpone the further CI copliderarion of the bill until the next Ca fefiion of Congress, It pal Ted in the negative ; and, On the question shall this bill pass ! It pasTed in the affirmative—Yeas 12 Cc —Nays 8. Cc The veag and nays being required by Cr one fifth of the Senators ptefent, Ca Those who voted in the affirmative, Cc are, Messrs, Bradford, Cabot, EHfwoith, F<>fter, Gtmn, Hawkins, King, JLi ; vermore, Martin, Morris, Rofs and i Vining. Co Those who voted in the negative, ; are, I MelTrj, Brown, Burr, fcn, Henry, Jaekfon, Potts, Robio »n and Rutherford. Ca So it was, Co Resolved, that this bill pass. W Oidered, that the secretary acquaint W the House of Representatives with the Cc concurrence of the Senate in thi* bill. Di A meflage from the House of Re. Dj prcfriitative* by Mr. Beckky their Clerk,; Sa] leu Mr. President—-The Speaker of its the House of Representatives having \rt signed several enrolled bills, lam direc, nd ted to bring them to the Senate for thj signature of the President. Le- " The President of the United States ;d, hath notified the House of Reprefenta, of ilves that he this day approved and* he signed the following acts, to wit. An nd aft to authorize the President of the United States to lay, legislate and r e ed vdke ■embargoes," "An aft providing If- forth*.-payment of the second lnllalment dD due oil a loan made of the Bank of the United States," and " An act to autho, -e- nze the settlement of the account of d, Lewis Dubois, for his 'services in the lit late army of the- United States." it, « The house of Reprcfentatives hay? a- palled, a bill, entitled, "An aft sup. x- plementary to the aft, entitulcd, "An aft to promote the progress of nfefoj arts," a bill, entitled, "An aft con if- cerning invalids," a bill, entitled, «An id aft to make further compensation for the services of the- lata Robert Forfyth marshal of Georgia," and a bill, cnti! Nt tied, "An aft making certain alterati, ie ons in the aft for establishing the Judi, cial Courts, and altering the time and j»-'« place of holding certain courts;" id which several bills they tiefire the coo, lis currence of the Senate. ' ■d " The House of Representatives a, ■n gree to some and disagree to other 3, »e mendments of the Senate to the bill i- entitled, "An aft laying additional du! 'd ties on goods, wares and merchandize <> imported into the United States, and d on the tonnage of (hips or vessels," And 1 he withdrew, :t The President of the Senate signed 4 the five bills mentioned to have beerj ie examined and they were delivered to ths e committee to be laid before tha Prefil g dent of the United States for hi? appro. >f bation. ■ r (To be Continued.) x I ——- 1 1. if Treofury Department, June 2, 1794, ' Sir, •r 1 have the honor to transmit herewith, for the information of the House of Rf» c prefentatives, a general abllrfidt of thg exports of the United States, for one t ycai, ending on the 30th of September, 1 793- —Annexed thereto, are two fiiro» mery ftatemems, for the lame period, the tirft exhibiting the value of the ex. ports from each state, and the second t presenting a view of the exportations to all the foreign dominions, with whom the United States maintain u commerci al intercourse, i With perfect refpeft, I have the honor to be, Sir, 1 Your most obedient servant, A. Hamilton, ' The Honorable Speaker of the ; Houle of Representatives, AbHraft of Goods, Wares, and Mer# chandize, exported from the Unittd States, jtom the jftQftober, 179?, to the 30th September, 1793, A/hes, pot tons 4,359 5 . pearl 1,897 g Apples bis. 8*994 Bark of oak hhds, 3,103 cords 444 eflence of, gallons 208 Bricks number 683,079 Boats 73 Boots pairs 1,167 Shoes 15,10.3 Beer, porter & cyder* gallons 137,63 j bottled dozens 776 Blacking or lamp-black pound* 70 hhds, log Bellow6's Smuh's pairs I Cotton bags 2,4|3 Chalk tons J§ Candles wax boxes 48 myitle ig Spermaceti 5,874 tallow 9>^57 Cordage tons 469 Coal bushels '4,7*9 Cranberries j 66 Cards, wool Si cotton dpzens 34 Coffee hhds. 3,8.95 tierce* 1,91,4 barrels fO,»7£ bags 8,7.8.9 ponnds 19,764,549 Cocoa hhds, 11 tierces 55 barrels 180 bags 336 pounds >33.675 Carriages Coaches, phaifes & chairs num, 54 .> Waggous, carts and drays 4$ Wheel-bamws, &c, 44 Copper packages g| 146 Duck pjeers 2,630 Drugs it. mr&kliiee pound* 51,720 iff*'" packages iSI Saflafra# torn 6j i>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers